BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-01-08 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1883333

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
annamariehope - 2009-01-02 8:00 PM

Thanks for all the advice and encouragement! I have decided to place an ad on Craigslist for now and see if God will bless me with a free bike! Thanks for posting your pic, helps to know that a bike is a bike when you just want to concentrate on finishing the race and not winning it your first time! lol

With the 5k plan, i won't actually be needing to cycle for a good couple of weeks so i'm hoping i'd either have found one for free that needs minimal fixing-up or had the time to save to buy one by early march.

I hit the scales for the first time in a year and discovered i'm actually 247 lbs, size 20/22 @ 5' 8!! Heavier than i thought, so I have my work cut out for me but i'm not discouraged.

I finished my first mile of the new year yesterday - took me 12 minutes of walk/run  - it's a start Embarassed. Great thing is that i'm not too sore and can't wait to get out there tomorrow. So far, so good.

How's the bike hunting going?  A 12 min mile is a great start to the new year. When is your 5k?

2009-01-08 4:55 PM
in reply to: #1859975

New user

Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hey Cuz, Do i really have to watch your breasts bouncing as i focus on my training!!



I have been a contractor for 21 years and that has kept me in relatively good shape. I gained #50 a few years into my marriage. Now divorced (2004) i have been losing weight because i am head cook. Fall of 2007 I watched a film on TLC "Crazy Sexy Cancer" and was so moved at this gals story that i immediately began to change my life. I started eating primarily RAW foods and exercising. I began walking, then started running, and in the process have lost over #40 in one year!!



Single parent of 9 yr old daughter and 11 yr old. Another reason to change my life. What better way to teach your children healthy living habits.


Current Training:


I am beginning to run again after the holiday break.

I am following Hal Higdon/Galloway plans of running twice during the week with a long run on the weekend.

I also am doing some HIIT workouts to build my strength and endurance. 


2009 Races: 

Im am signed up for my first mini marathon in May. Hey, we all have to start somewhere!

I also signed up for the 5k, 10k, & 15k training runs leading up to the mini. 

I am also looking at an adventure race or sprint tri later this year.




Im here because my cousin has inspired me that if she can do it i can do it. And she says i need to harden up and get on with it!


Heres to a great 2009! 

2009-01-08 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1894508

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi Jenn, thanks!  I wasn't sure how good a 12 min mile was in terms of fitness?? I managed a 10 min mile on Tuesday. Today, i was tired so i took my time and did a 14 min mile.

At the moment, I'm training 3 days a week on Tuesday's, Thursday's and Saturday's.

I've been doing a walk/run combination. I'm hoping that next week i can try to either;

- do a faster mile OR

- run one and a half miles

what would you recommend - go for a faster time or for a longer length?

The bike search is still going on...and i still need to find a race!!Any ideas for races in the Fontana/Inland Empire region??

2009-01-08 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1895943

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

"Hey Cuz, Do i really have to watch your breasts bouncing as i focus on my training!! "

LOL...i was gonna ask you the same thing! My mother came in when i was reading your post and i could see her watching the pic out of the corner of her eye, but withstanding the desire to ask WHAT THE HECK??? Lol. I was too chicken to ask you to change it..but maybe now....

2009-01-08 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1895943

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
mdd - 2009-01-08 5:55 PM

Hey Cuz, Do i really have to watch your breasts bouncing as i focus on my training!!



I have been a contractor for 21 years and that has kept me in relatively good shape. I gained #50 a few years into my marriage. Now divorced (2004) i have been losing weight because i am head cook. Fall of 2007 I watched a film on TLC "Crazy Sexy Cancer" and was so moved at this gals story that i immediately began to change my life. I started eating primarily RAW foods and exercising. I began walking, then started running, and in the process have lost over #40 in one year!!



Single parent of 9 yr old daughter and 11 yr old. Another reason to change my life. What better way to teach your children healthy living habits.


Current Training:


I am beginning to run again after the holiday break.

I am following Hal Higdon/Galloway plans of running twice during the week with a long run on the weekend.

I also am doing some HIIT workouts to build my strength and endurance. 


2009 Races: 

Im am signed up for my first mini marathon in May. Hey, we all have to start somewhere!

I also signed up for the 5k, 10k, & 15k training runs leading up to the mini. 

I am also looking at an adventure race or sprint tri later this year.




Im here because my cousin has inspired me that if she can do it i can do it. And she says i need to harden up and get on with it!


Heres to a great 2009! 

Good to see ya Marc!

Everyone this is my cousin Marc and he is gonna be an additional member to our group.  Im really excited because the week after my 60K he is doing his first 15k and I am hoping to be able to move enough and do it with him!  


2009-01-08 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1895971

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
annamariehope - 2009-01-08 6:04 PM

"Hey Cuz, Do i really have to watch your breasts bouncing as i focus on my training!! "

LOL...i was gonna ask you the same thing! My mother came in when i was reading your post and i could see her watching the pic out of the corner of her eye, but withstanding the desire to ask WHAT THE HECK??? Lol. I was too chicken to ask you to change it..but maybe now....

If you hit your escape button they do stop bouncing  

With your running always remember to take it slow just coming back into things.  Listen to your body-this is a trick statement because our minds can really control our body.  The mind can tell you its tired when its not and it can tell you its not tired and you push yourself too far.  A couple years ago I had shoulder surgery in November so wasnt able to run for awhile.  I did the efx and tried some pool running and once I was able to run I went out there like I wasnt off.  Thought ok...I can go 5 miles or 9 miles and did this daily and within 4-5 weeks I ended up with a stress fracture and then lost the rest of my season.  
Currently I am trying to prepared for a marathon in Feb and then the 60K in March.  I'm stuggling because my season started early last year and ended late so I was training for almost 11 months last year.  After Ironman I have kinda kicked back and taken it easy...put on some pounds and now I have realized how close these races are coming up and am finally get it in gear.  Although I am competitive its never about trying to win for me...its always about having fun and finishing.  I tend to agree with the run/walk type of training.  Jeff Galloway has a great program and I know lots of folks that use his method.  Its a run/walk method and he breaks it down depending on what your average pace is.  If you google him I think he has some info on his webpage also.

2009-01-08 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
So does the esc key work during races too?
2009-01-08 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1896187

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Big_D - 2009-01-08 7:39 PM So does the esc key work during races too?

better sports bar

2009-01-09 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Whats everyone weekend plans?  We're gonna be all rain tomorrow but Sunday should be sunny skies...still could but dry.  I am hoping to get outside for my long run.  I want spring already
2009-01-09 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Of course yesterday and today it is in the 70's, but had to try out my new trainer with my work hours, and this weekend will be cold again.  So....sounds like a swim, trainer, and maybe some indoor volleyball weekend to me....oh yeah, going to be putting down 2000 sq ft of flooring, fun fun fun

Edited by Big_D 2009-01-09 8:55 AM
2009-01-09 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1859975

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Big welcome to the group, Marc!  You're right:  you do have to start somewhere.  Big congrats for deciding to take the plunge.  I actually tried eating raw foods last year.  I did the program by Natalia Rose.  I really liked it because I could still eat meat.  I kept it up for a month but just stopped.  Do you do another plan?  I'm curious to see how other raw foodists theorize.

Hmm.  Plans for the weekend.  Right now I'm scheduled to spin Saturday morning, but we're supposed to get a bad wintry mix overnight tonight, so I may have to cancel that.  Sunday's supposed to a rest day for me, but I may have to do my spinning then.  I was planning on running 4 miles today, but it ended up getting broken down into two separate 1 mile runs, so I still need 2 more.  While I would have liked to have done 4 at the same time, I may move those 2 miles to Sunday after spinning and make it a brick.

Anna Marie:  Check out for races.  Scroll down to the third box on the right called the Directory and click on Triathlon.  Enter your city and state and the radius - nothing else.  Then hit Search and it'll pull up some races for you.  You're in California right now, right?  You should have tons to choose from.  Good luck. 

2009-01-09 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1859975

Bayside, NY
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

I heard this weekend is supposed to be a cold and snowy one. So that means my workouts will be inside, I am still too chicken to run in the cold!

I have my long 2hr swim practice tomorrow, and my leg strength workout. I was going to try to get in 45 min of spinning if I am really motivated. Sunday will be my long run day, which I dread so much I wish I could find something in it that I really like, like my swimming workouts. 

So I bought the ironman tanita scale which measures your bodyfat segmentally and does all this other cool stuff...I am almost sorry I bought it because now I know how much harder I have to work. In the last couple of months I have been eating about the same excluding Christmas and New Years. Training has been even better than in the summer, yet I gained almost 10 pounds, and believe me it's not muscle! I don't know whats going on.

A friend of mine is a dietician so I am going to go see her on Sunday to hopefully get some help with the diet... Any other suggestions?

2009-01-09 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1897127

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Big_D - 2009-01-09 9:48 AM Of course yesterday and today it is in the 70's, but had to try out my new trainer with my work hours, and this weekend will be cold again.  So....sounds like a swim, trainer, and maybe some indoor volleyball weekend to me....oh yeah, going to be putting down 2000 sq ft of flooring, fun fun fun

Which trainer did you decide on?  OMG what I wouldnt give for 70's right now and be able to get outside.  Tomorrow its suppose to warm up to mid 30's but next week Ive heard very cold.

2009-01-09 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1897379

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
woj143 - 2009-01-09 11:33 AM

I heard this weekend is supposed to be a cold and snowy one. So that means my workouts will be inside, I am still too chicken to run in the cold!

I have my long 2hr swim practice tomorrow, and my leg strength workout. I was going to try to get in 45 min of spinning if I am really motivated. Sunday will be my long run day, which I dread so much I wish I could find something in it that I really like, like my swimming workouts. 

So I bought the ironman tanita scale which measures your bodyfat segmentally and does all this other cool stuff...I am almost sorry I bought it because now I know how much harder I have to work. In the last couple of months I have been eating about the same excluding Christmas and New Years. Training has been even better than in the summer, yet I gained almost 10 pounds, and believe me it's not muscle! I don't know whats going on.

A friend of mine is a dietician so I am going to go see her on Sunday to hopefully get some help with the diet... Any other suggestions?

Dont get discourage by the body fat percent on the scale.  If you are muscular it will read you much higher then normal....use it as a tool to see if it changes.  You can go to a gym and get a skin fold test which is much more accurate or if someone has the Hydrostatic Tank they say is the most.  I once went to a doctor and they put me on the scale with the impedement and it showed me at 37% body fat which skin folds showed me as 21%  the day before. 
Going to see your friend is wonderful!  My dream is to have a private chef that cooks each meal for me so that I stay on track.  I am on day 5 with no sugar this week so Im feeling better.  I still can smell and taste Cafe Mocha each morning but I havent given in.

2009-01-09 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1897385

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Jungle Jenn - 2009-01-09 10:36 AM

Big_D - 2009-01-09 9:48 AM Of course yesterday and today it is in the 70's, but had to try out my new trainer with my work hours, and this weekend will be cold again.  So....sounds like a swim, trainer, and maybe some indoor volleyball weekend to me....oh yeah, going to be putting down 2000 sq ft of flooring, fun fun fun

Which trainer did you decide on?  OMG what I wouldnt give for 70's right now and be able to get outside.  Tomorrow its suppose to warm up to mid 30's but next week Ive heard very cold.

Ended up getting the cycleops fluid2.  First trainer ever for me, so nothing to compare too, but seems like a good one.  Didnt want to spend that much money, but didnt want to be buying another one in a few months if I went too cheap.  DVR'd the Dallas Mavericks game yesterday and watched it while I rode for over an hour, seems like a great tool for when I cant get out on the road.

 Yeah, we get spoiled in winter in Texas with some warm days, but the 100+ in summers are a bia (especially if the low of 100 is at midnight!!!!).  Oh yeah, can hate me even more, cold days are like 40 or 50 lol.  We will touch the 30's and sometime 20's but not for any extended time usually.  But if you ever want to hear stories about winds, winds we have!!

Edited by Big_D 2009-01-09 12:04 PM
2009-01-09 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

3 day countdown to Monday's start of P90X.

2009-01-10 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1859975

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Yeah, I gotta say I'd rather deal with cold weather for a few months than high winds all year round.
2009-01-10 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1899553

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

lkagop - 2009-01-10 11:39 AM Yeah, I gotta say I'd rather deal with cold weather for a few months than high winds all year round.

 And it comes out of nowhere.  Went on a ride over the summer, no wind heading out, felt great.  Middle of the ride, I was moving.  Thinking, wow, I found a groove and I am getting better.  Went out farther than normal, turned about hitting a wall.  Pace dropped off and had problems keeping it above 10mph.  Wasn't fun, but probably a good workout I guess.

2009-01-11 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1900283

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Big_D - 2009-01-10 10:38 PM

lkagop - 2009-01-10 11:39 AM Yeah, I gotta say I'd rather deal with cold weather for a few months than high winds all year round.

 And it comes out of nowhere.  Went on a ride over the summer, no wind heading out, felt great.  Middle of the ride, I was moving.  Thinking, wow, I found a groove and I am getting better.  Went out farther than normal, turned about hitting a wall.  Pace dropped off and had problems keeping it above 10mph.  Wasn't fun, but probably a good workout I guess.

Ugh!  What a nightmare, especially the "out of nowhere" part.  If you were going 10 mph, that must've been a beast!

My last tri was the morning of Hurricane Ike and its outer reaches were paying Ohio a visit.  I'm on the bike just trying to feel like I'm not pedaling through mud.  I'm guessing the wind was 20-30 mph.  It was just miserable.  I was so glad to be done with that portion.  Of course the winds picked up even more a couple hours later so the HIM people really got the brunt of it.  Later that night, pretty much the whole state of Ohio's electricity went out because of 70-80 mph winds.  Nice day for a triathlon.

2009-01-11 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Whats on the schedule for this week?
Im gonna try to get a long run in there one day.  I have a hard time getting motivated with this cold weather.
2009-01-12 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1901111

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Mine looks a lot like last week.  3 swims, 3 strength trainings and 2 spins.  I've just got one run on there, though.  I'm just not even going to kid myself that I'll be able to get in more.  If I get in more than 2, though, it'll just be a bonus instead of a disappointment in not meeting it.

I, too, can't wait for warmer weather.  When that happens, my running mileage will increase significantly.

2009-01-12 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1901111

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Jungle Jenn - 2009-01-11 5:54 PM Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Whats on the schedule for this week?
Im gonna try to get a long run in there one day.  I have a hard time getting motivated with this cold weather.

 Not sure what this week will bring.  I strained my MCL last night and wont be running for a while, probably no biking either to play it safe.  Wont stop me from trying to swim though, even if I have to dust off a leg bouey. 

2009-01-12 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1902056

Bayside, NY
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Sorry to hear about your MCL Big D...How did it happen? Be careful swimming this week, you should give it a few good days of rest... At least it wasn't your ACL! For somereason in the last week most of my patients have been knee strains...I guess it's the season. If I can do anything to help let me  know.

THis week is freezing here! no outside workout for me! I ran yesterday on the dreaded treadmill. Got an hour in but a lot of intervals towards the end. I was able to do a continuous 20 min though on flat ground which I was having trouble with! I plan on getting a lot more biking in this week I have been lacking on that! 
2009-01-12 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1902513

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
woj143 - 2009-01-12 12:38 PM

Sorry to hear about your MCL Big D...How did it happen? Be careful swimming this week, you should give it a few good days of rest... At least it wasn't your ACL! For somereason in the last week most of my patients have been knee strains...I guess it's the season. If I can do anything to help let me  know.

THis week is freezing here! no outside workout for me! I ran yesterday on the dreaded treadmill. Got an hour in but a lot of intervals towards the end. I was able to do a continuous 20 min though on flat ground which I was having trouble with! I plan on getting a lot more biking in this week I have been lacking on that! 

Thanks.  Yeah, as the day progresses, I am leaning towards a couple days off without the swim.  Not sure if it is tightening up or what, but I am getting increased pain.  I was laying flooring down all day Saturday (12 hours) and most of the day Sunday (9 hours).  Went out for a run and was probably a little tight from working on the ground all day.  Was feeling great until i felt that pop.  First time for anything like this to happen to me.

2009-01-12 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Sorry to read about the MCL Big D.  Nice work on focusin on the swim to keep at it.

Today was Day 1 of P90X, Chest & Back and Ab Ripper.  Haven't done strength training in a long time so all pushup were done off the knees.  Believe me I'll let ya'll know when the knees are no longer needed.  Ab Ripper is just as it sounds.  It's a 15 minute routine and if you do all the reps required it's something like 349 reps.

Will get before pictures taken tomorrow night, assuming the roads are good enough for my wife to come home tomorrow.

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