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2009-01-09 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1897859

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)
carteroak - 2009-01-09 1:01 PM

 How is everyone's training going?

Amy, can you please describe a little bit more about how the mentoring group will work?  I signed up, but I wasn't really sure what to do.  I am definitely interested in getting some input and feedback, but I am not sure how to get started.

 Thanks, Karla

No training for me today.  I woke up with a horrible migraine.  Went to the doc and he gave me some kind of medication but it hasn't kicked in yet

2009-01-09 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1858909

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)
Hey all..... Ok so ive joined this group and now I have no idea what I need to do haha! sorry. Do I need to blog all my training???

Im racing tomorrow arrghhh...... a tad nervous
2009-01-09 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1858909

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)
It must be the weather change. I had headaches this week. Thank God they didn't turn into the migraines this time. But now the vertigo has flared up. it is supposed to snow tonight. So I will kick back and relax tonight. I even went and got a massage. So off to the gym tomorrow morning.

2009-01-09 9:33 PM
in reply to: #1858909

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)

What are you racing tomorrow?

2009-01-10 9:44 AM
in reply to: #1899028


Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)

Yeah to be honest I am not sure what to do either....I have been logging in my training but other than that I am not sure what to do :/ sorry I am new to all of this.  Just a mom who is trying to feel like herself again.  and trying to make a commitment to spend a little time each day on herself.  I have issues with guilt when I am at the gym and my husband is at home with the kid.  So I thought that I could put reilly in the kids club at the gym, but then I am nervous about security issues.  If something happened to him because I wanted a workout I could never forgive myself.   Alright people there are my issues/hangups in a nutshell.  Any words of wisdom??!!! As I am still not happy with my workout schedule.  Oh yeah, I have also lost my training partner, she is just no longer motivated, and never wants to go anymore.  I am thinking I am going to have to press on without her.  Very depressing because working out with her always made it more fun!

2009-01-10 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1899426

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)


I just got married last spring.  My husband and I are in our thirties and won't wait too long to have kids, but I am SO not ready right now.  One of the reasons is exactly what you described.  I know I will feel the same way and I am not ready to give up the chance to pursue some personal goals first (and with less guilt).  I plan to spend this year doing as much as I can in the way of triathlons and then after that, we'll see.  But I hope that I will always be able to find time for some training and racing.  I need a competitive outlet!  Please share what you learn as you go!  Maybe you will give me peace of mind!

I am always in awe of moms who manage careers, families, and their own pursuits.  How is it possible?


2009-01-12 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1858909

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)

Yes guys, just an ask if you need any help, need suggestions on equipment, training, races, etc... Whatever you need. I just try to be supportive (and at times, a little pushy )

its YOUR group!

2009-01-12 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1858909

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)
Lori - how was your race? What kind of race was it? Let us know when you post a race report.

JMC - did you run your half marathon or the 3.25?

Katie - my daughter is 8 years old and I remember so well the internal conflict of doing something for myself and feeling as though I was neglecting her. I even packed my stuff to shower at the gym so that I wasn't leaving her in the kids club, then 'leaving' her when we got home so I could shower. I learned from some wise, more experienced mothers that it was important for me to teach her it's not all about her and in a family we all take care of each other. Including taking care of myself. I must refuel myself to be able to continue to give to others. I've been slow in applying this lesson and it continues to need to be reinforced because I find myself organizing my world around her's.

Invest in yourself and enjoy that, then play with your little one and love every minute. Guilt stinks up everything that should be good.

What is everyone else doing?

2009-01-12 6:25 PM
in reply to: #1858909

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)

So, I've had a migraine for 4 days now.  The doc has me on some meds but they don't seem to be working.  I'm afraid to go work out because the last thing I need is for these things to get worse.

Any advice??

2009-01-13 3:11 AM
in reply to: #1899038

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)
I am in Australia....its summer here!!!! Trust me im not THAT keen to race that I would do it in minus temps! Unfortunately it a lovely 40 degrees celcius here today!!!!!

race was ok..... went a little bit faster
2009-01-13 3:12 AM
in reply to: #1858909

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)
sorry it was a 400, 15, 3 triathlon in Melbourne- which is where I am from in melbs

2009-01-13 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1903241

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)
tricupcake - 2009-01-12 6:25 PM

So, I've had a migraine for 4 days now.  The doc has me on some meds but they don't seem to be working.  I'm afraid to go work out because the last thing I need is for these things to get worse.

Any advice??


oh my gosh. I can't imagine.  I have a script for imitrex which I don't use unless its a LAST resort...He/she hasn't had you get a cat scan yet? any chance its a sinus infection?

Don't work out.  Those things are no joke. I'm just worried that you need something more. Whats your trigger? For me, its usually dehydration (after a race in terrible heat) or chewing gum.

2009-01-13 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1904176

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)
turtlegirl - 2009-01-13 9:04 AM

oh my gosh. I can't imagine.  I have a script for imitrex which I don't use unless its a LAST resort...He/she hasn't had you get a cat scan yet? any chance its a sinus infection?

Don't work out.  Those things are no joke. I'm just worried that you need something more. Whats your trigger? For me, its usually dehydration (after a race in terrible heat) or chewing gum.

No idea what the trigger was.  I actually had to stay home from work today, so I'm glad I haven't been working out.  He's got me on Fiorinol right now.  I tried to call today to get him to prescribe something different and the office isn't open   All he did was an in-office exam.  He's a very thorough doctor though, so I'm sure an MRI or CAT scan is on the way.

2009-01-13 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1858909


Subject: First Triathlon--HELP!

I am finally starting with full force after totally losing discipline during the Xmas break.  I am training for my first triathlon and am REALLY scared.  I don't care if I place, I just want to walk the finish line and NOT walk to the aid station.  I am planning to train 9 sessions a week with 1 rest day (Sunday).  My race is in 10 weeks so I intend on being completely focused.

Here are my questions to anyone and everyone...all of the plans that I have looked have swim and run on the same day and bike on another

Is there a reason why I can't run/bike on the same day?

I don't have a road bike, yet, and have been using a stationary bike.  What kind of interval training on the gym bike should I use to adequately prepare me for the road?

Given that I am a beginner, should I also include weight training 3 times a week in addition to the other 9 sessions of swim/bike/run or should I forego weight training?

Any more helpful hints or training ideas I would really appreciate:-)!

Malama Pono (Take Care!)

2009-01-13 7:12 PM
in reply to: #1903862

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)
So How was it? You are possibly the first in our group to do one this year.
As long as you crossed the finish line you did great!

lots of people don't even do that.

2009-01-15 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1905417

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Subject: RE: First Triathlon--HELP!

 Writing in red to answer questions...

msmkaydee - 2009-01-13 4:38 PM

Is there a reason why I can't run/bike on the same day?

I don't have a road bike, yet, and have been using a stationary bike.  What kind of interval training on the gym bike should I use to adequately prepare me for the road? you need to do lots of volume (read, spend lots of time on the bike. Try to do "long" rides of at least an hour).  And spinning is a great exercise to get force workouts (hills) in.

Given that I am a beginner, should I also include weight training 3 times a week in addition to the other 9 sessions of swim/bike/run or should I forego weight training? don't worry about weights.  You need to concentrate on the workouts. But also, you need to focus on maintaining your core during biking.  A LOT of people slouch, so really work on holding yourself up. That does take lots of practice.  And with all the training, you'll put on muscle. I don't ever usually weight train from May till Sept, and I still look like a linebacker.

Any more helpful hints or training ideas I would really appreciate:-)!

Malama Pono (Take Care!)

2009-01-15 2:00 PM
in reply to: #1909143


Subject: RE: First Triathlon--HELP!

Thank You SOOOOO much....I get bored so I will need to more discipline to remain on the bike for that length of time.

I have tried to do interval training to "spice" up my workout but I will adhere to your advice!

Hope you are feeling better! 


2009-01-15 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1910246

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Subject: RE: First Triathlon--HELP!

The trainer can definitely be boring for sure!  I watched the BT video on indoor trainer workouts - it includes two 90 min. interval workouts.  I've been doing the one that involves 5' on the big ring, heavy w/ low rpms, and 5' spinning.  I have not done the one that alternates between 1' sprints and 1' recovery because it sounded more like a threshold workout.  I didn't think that was appropriate for base training.  Is my thinking correct?

On other days, I shift every 2 or 3 minutes until my HR reaches 145 or so (what I perceive to be my approximate AT threshold on the bike?).  Then I shift down until I hit a HR of about 120, keeping my rpms around 90 the whole time.  I can keep this up for 60-90 minutes.  I just made this one up.  I've also tried some one-leg drills and short standing sprints, but can't keep any of that up for long.  Any suggestions for improvement?  Any other suggestions?

 I am currently borrowing a fluid trainer from a friend, but I want to buy my own.  Any suggestions on what to get?  Are the computrainers worth the extra $?


2009-01-15 9:43 PM
in reply to: #1910246

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Subject: RE: First Triathlon--HELP!
definitely do intervals too! thats why spinning is a good option!  try to find some classes that are an hour in length (I'm lucky that I belong to a chain so I seek these out)
2009-01-15 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1910950

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Subject: RE: First Triathlon--HELP!
carteroak - 2009-01-15 7:56 PM

The trainer can definitely be boring for sure!  I watched the BT video on indoor trainer workouts - it includes two 90 min. interval workouts.  I've been doing the one that involves 5' on the big ring, heavy w/ low rpms, and 5' spinning.  I have not done the one that alternates between 1' sprints and 1' recovery because it sounded more like a threshold workout.  I didn't think that was appropriate for base training.  Is my thinking correct?

On other days, I shift every 2 or 3 minutes until my HR reaches 145 or so (what I perceive to be my approximate AT threshold on the bike?).  Then I shift down until I hit a HR of about 120, keeping my rpms around 90 the whole time.  I can keep this up for 60-90 minutes.  I just made this one up.  I've also tried some one-leg drills and short standing sprints, but can't keep any of that up for long.  Any suggestions for improvement?  Any other suggestions?

 I am currently borrowing a fluid trainer from a friend, but I want to buy my own.  Any suggestions on what to get?  Are the computrainers worth the extra $?


 Computrainers are AWESOME!  I'm doing a weekly computrainer class for Jan and Feb once a week....I'm dying to get my own but I can't afford it. If you can, they are incredible.   You can ride any course, you can check out your spin scan (to learn where your stroke is weak).  But they are pricey.

2009-01-19 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1858909

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)
I finally got back to the gym this morning as my allergies and migraines have subsided.  20 min swim and 20 min wog.  Although, I did run for 3 minutes this morning.  It may not sound like a lot, but for this cupcake it is   I'm hurting like crazy now.  Everything hurts...joints, lower back, arms

2009-01-21 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1916356

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)
hurt as in pain? or hurt as in sore?    thats the kind of hurt I love!  From 4 days in a row of trail running, my calves are sore!
2009-01-21 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1919909

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)

turtlegirl - 2009-01-21 9:23 AM hurt as in pain? or hurt as in sore?    thats the kind of hurt I love!  From 4 days in a row of trail running, my calves are sore!


I'd have to go with more of a soreness.  Although my knee is a little painful this morning.  I rode 6 miles this morning.  And dropped 2.5 lbs from last week

2009-01-21 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1920302

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)

whooo hoooo!!!!


I'm just thrilled I dropped 5 pounds, but I had to give up chocolate for a month just to do that!  

Keep up the good work!  Soreness as in "I worked out hard!" is the best feeling in the world, its the first step to getting stronger.

2009-01-25 9:13 PM
in reply to: #1858909

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Subject: RE: Turtlegirl's group -for the slow and steady!--FULL! :)

Well, i went skiing this weekend (first time ever), fell forward on my shoulder, and injured myself.  No fractures, but I think I damaged either some cartilage or ligament between the collar bone and the breast bone.  it hurts to lift, reach, breathe, or stretch. I am in a sling and headed to the ortopod ASAP.  I have been training hard and seeing good improvement, soI really don't want to lose ground.  And most of all, I don't want to have to cx 1/2 marathon plans on Feb 15th.  We'll see what the dr says.



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