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2008-04-25 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1362762

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Okay Bryan.  You're in if no one objects (hopefully the more the merrier).  Since you've recently done your first HIM, you probably have some lessons you can share with others who are looking to do their first this year or beyond.


We've got an awesome and diverse mentoring group.  Everyone has a lot of exciting races and I know we'll do a great job supporting one another.

Here's our revised group list:

Enginerd's Mentoring Group
dorkboy - Scot
chikopiakomak - Karen
gettinfitnow - Tanya
LJR - Jim
abake - Anne
amyro1234 - Amy
rowdypaint - Pattie
wanna race - Mace
Roadie gal - Syndi
froglegs - Robin
poweredbyfear - Bryan
enginerd - Donato

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.  Train hard and train safe.

2008-04-25 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1362787

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
froglegs - 2008-04-25 3:03 PM

The good news:

Today I took the time to learn how to use my chain tool.

The bad news:

This happened on the side of the road, about 3 miles from home.  So much for my ride today.  At least I was able to fix it well enough to hold up to a few miles of very careful pedaling in a low gear.  By the time I got home just now it was already separating again and I could feel it sticking.

Oh well!!  Off to buy a new chain (and some new handlebar tape, because mine is now covered in grease).

Yikes, Robin.  I don't think I even have a chain tool or know how to use one.  Nothing like trial by fire.  Hope your LBS gets ya all fixed up okay.

2008-04-25 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Welcome, man of fear!! One day you and Donato have to take me to the aquatic park for a swim. The mere entertainment value of me trying to get into and out of a wetsuit will be worth the price of admission, I assure you.

Froglegs, I've never fixed a chain, so you're way ahead of me. Kudos for making it home.

Enjoy the weekend everyone. Big shouts out to those racing this weekend. Go forth and kick thyself some arse!
2008-04-25 6:15 PM
in reply to: #1362820

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Thanks LJR. You'll definitely have to join us at Aquatic Park. Believe me, getting in and out of the wetsuit is nothing. I want to see you jump into the 55+ degree water then try to stick your face into the water... *that* will be priceless to see.
2008-04-25 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1362869

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I'm gonna attempt my first OWS this weekend in Lake Berryessa. Rumor has it the water temp is 60-61... ouch!

2008-04-25 6:42 PM
in reply to: #1362889

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
LJR - 2008-04-25 4:28 PM

I'm gonna attempt my first OWS this weekend in Lake Berryessa. Rumor has it the water temp is 60-61... ouch!

Don't forget the Body Glide! The good news with Aquatic Park is, after you get used to that coldness then 60 won't feel so bad. At Oceanside it was 60 and wow it felt nice. Not bath water nice, but comfortable. Good luck! OWS is more fun than pool time IMO.

2008-04-25 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Thanks... looking forward to it.

2008-04-25 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1362889

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

LJR - 2008-04-25 4:28 PM I'm gonna attempt my first OWS this weekend in Lake Berryessa. Rumor has it the water temp is 60-61... ouch!

You'll be fine, your hands, feet, and face might be a little cold, but you'll get used to it. 

2008-04-25 10:23 PM
in reply to: #1362817

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
enginerd - 2008-04-25 3:26 PM
froglegs - 2008-04-25 3:03 PM

The good news:

Today I took the time to learn how to use my chain tool.

The bad news:

This happened on the side of the road, about 3 miles from home.  So much for my ride today.  At least I was able to fix it well enough to hold up to a few miles of very careful pedaling in a low gear.  By the time I got home just now it was already separating again and I could feel it sticking.

Oh well!!  Off to buy a new chain (and some new handlebar tape, because mine is now covered in grease).

Yikes, Robin.  I don't think I even have a chain tool or know how to use one.  Nothing like trial by fire.  Hope your LBS gets ya all fixed up okay.

I carry this with me:

It has some extra stuff that I don't need, but it's nice to have the allens, screwdrivers, spoke wrench, tire levers, and chain tool all in one place so I can't forget anything.  I've added latex gloves, extra chain links and pins to the list of things i'm never leaving home without again.

A couple good things came out of this:  I now feel confident that if my chain breaks again in the future, I will be prepared to fix it and continue with my ride.  Also, I took advantage of having a chainless bike and I cleaned my whole bike and gave it a tune-up.  I'm usually very lazy about this, so I'm glad I got it done before Wildflower next week.


2008-04-25 11:17 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
If my chain broke I would be done! I am the worst when it comes to mechanics! My husband is out now cleaning and lubing my chain for me! I can change a tire, but that is about my limitations. Biking is not my best event! I think because there are too many things that can go wrong, and I don't have a clue how to fix them.

Tommorow I have an 80 mile ride. This will be my longest distance yet so I am anxious to see how it goes. I don't think the courseis near as bad as last weekends!

2008-04-26 7:20 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Sorry. I'm a little late on this:
My goals for May:
1. Have a good time doing the OSU sprint triathlon
2. Keep my training volume steady at around 500 minutes a week
3. Get ready to do an olympic distamce triathlon this summer (I can already do the swimming and running needed to finish one, but I need to work on my bicycling.)
4. Work towards being able to ride my bike 25 miles to get ready for the Olympic distance triathlon.

2008-04-26 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Warning... big  rant ahead...

I woke up this morning to 31* tremps, 25mph winds and about  a half inch of SNOW.  Yes, it 'effin snowed last night.  Someone please tell me why we moved to Minnesota.  Seriously, snow?  At the end of April?  We have the first race of the year tomorrow, a short duathlon.  The forscast shows chance of snow again tongiht.  This is insane.  I've heard that the 4th discipline of triathlon is nutrition, but I swear around here it seems to be wardrobe.  I'm so bummed.  We are supposed to go over and help the race director set up the transition area today.  That's not going  to be much fun either.   Will warm weather ever get here?  <sigh>

2008-04-26 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1363316

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Ouch Pattie, that stinks.  Winter has been hanging on this year.  Sending warm vibes your way, not that it's much warmer here in central Illinois...
2008-04-26 11:38 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
After spending 9 years in the UP of Michigan, I can sympathize Pattie. Perhaps the longest, coldest 9 years of my life... and I'm from Vermont!

Perhaps they should revamp the duathlon to x-country skiing and ice fishing. Hang in there... the sun and warmth will come soon enough, as will the black flies. Oops, sorry.
2008-04-26 12:29 PM
in reply to: #1363316

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Tucson, Arizona
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Sorry to hear about the weather, but it makes you tougher right?

After about 8 years in SLC, UT my wife and I said enough and moved to warmer climes.  My blood is so thinned out now I can't take anything under 75! 

2008-04-26 2:54 PM
in reply to: #1363316

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
rowdypaint - 2008-04-26 6:33 AM

Warning... big  rant ahead...

I woke up this morning to 31* tremps, 25mph winds and about  a half inch of SNOW.  Yes, it 'effin snowed last night.  Someone please tell me why we moved to Minnesota.  Seriously, snow?  At the end of April?  We have the first race of the year tomorrow, a short duathlon.  The forscast shows chance of snow again tongiht.  This is insane.  I've heard that the 4th discipline of triathlon is nutrition, but I swear around here it seems to be wardrobe.  I'm so bummed.  We are supposed to go over and help the race director set up the transition area today.  That's not going  to be much fun either.   Will warm weather ever get here? 

I'm right there with you. I got the bikes tuned lst week and it snowed for the next 2 days.

The good news is that it's going to be about 60 today. You should be getting this weather in the next day or so.

2008-04-26 6:32 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

So I went down to the Y today to do some swimming and to my surprise, was told that the pool was closed for an hour. I didn't want to wait around and decided to come back on Sunday.  I later learned that it was closed because someone had POOPED in the pool.

Gross, just gross...

2008-04-26 6:47 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I think I would give up the IM dream if I had to deal with snow- but then thats probably why I live in the heat! Which has issues of it's own!
Today I had my first 80 mile ride. Thats a long ways! At least for the first time! This was the first time I really started wondering if I was getting ahead of myself with the IM. Well, its paid for and so I guess thats what the next 2 months are for. I am probably going to be asking alot of questions, not only do I need to figure out how to go faster, but I need to be more comfortable doing it too!
I am looking to get a new saddle. Mine is the stock one, and I think I could do alot better. I have been looking at reviews and the Adamo Road Saddle seems to get good reviews. I was just wondering if anyone had one and what they thought?
Another problem I am having is numbness in my hand, especially the Right. I am sure its from some kind of bad positioning, but I was wondering if someone new the cause so I can try to fix the problem. Usually it goes away when I get off the biek, but I quit riding over 3 hrs ago, and it is still numb.
I think thats enough for now. I am going to go rest.
2008-04-26 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I have the Adamo road saddle and absolutely love it. With the original saddle I used to get a bit of numbness, but no more. It takes a few rides to get used to how it places you directly on your sitzbones. After that initial period (a couple of rides at most for me) it's been wonderful. I highly recommend it to anyone who asks. Of course, we're all different, but 95% of those who try this saddle seem to fall in love with it... I'm in that group, obviously.

Edited by LJR 2008-04-26 8:45 PM
2008-04-26 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1363825

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
abake - 2008-04-26 4:32 PM

So I went down to the Y today to do some swimming and to my surprise, was told that the pool was closed for an hour. I didn't want to wait around and decided to come back on Sunday.  I later learned that it was closed because someone had POOPED in the pool.

Gross, just gross...

Sorry, when you gotta go, you gotta go. 

Seriously though, that is gross!!! 

2008-04-26 8:43 PM
in reply to: #1363847

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Just wanted to say great job on the 80-mile ride! Hope your hand is back to normal.

2008-04-26 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Because the chain thing wasn't bad enough, today during my race I rode through a huge swarm of bees!!  I posted about it in TT.

My race went well, I bailed shortly after finishing and the results won't be posted until Monday, but I believe I finished in about 1:40 or so.  That means I may have actually swam the 450yds in less than 2:00 per 100.  My bike time was about 58min for 18 miles, and I felt slow during the run but was probably doing 10 minute miles, which is fast for me.  All in all, a successful day. 

2008-04-26 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Great job, Robin! Congrats on your performance.
2008-04-27 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1364045

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

LJR - 2008-04-26 6:47 PM Great job, Robin! Congrats on your performance.


More bees today!!!  They were more spread out though and none of them hit me.  It was warm out, I was tired and felt nauseous a few times during the ride.  After yesterday I probably should have taken today off, but I can't just squander a sunny weekend day.

2008-04-27 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1364040

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
froglegs - 2008-04-26 6:44 PM

Because the chain thing wasn't bad enough, today during my race I rode through a huge swarm of bees!!  I posted about it in TT.

My race went well, I bailed shortly after finishing and the results won't be posted until Monday, but I believe I finished in about 1:40 or so.  That means I may have actually swam the 450yds in less than 2:00 per 100.  My bike time was about 58min for 18 miles, and I felt slow during the run but was probably doing 10 minute miles, which is fast for me.  All in all, a successful day. 

Good going!

I did my first outside ride today. I don't know what happened to all of that time I put in on the trainer over the winter because the 12 miles I did this morning just about kicked my behind. Tomorrow I'm supposed to do a much longer ride. I think I'll find a less hilly route.
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