BT Development Mentor Program Archives » LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2008-04-23 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1357472

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Well, my pool was closed AGAIN today, so I have time to give a brief bio of me!


  • Real name:  Jim
  • Engineer in Las Vegas - land development
  • Married last Oct 7 to Tala, dancer/model in Vegas (we met in Denver)

Been doing tri and been on BT for about, hmmm, just short of 18 months.  I have ALWAYS loved triathlon since I first saw the Kona IM on TV. plus I lived in one of the triathlon Mecca’s, Boulder/Denver, for a long time.  I guess I have been "training" for triathlon for over 10 years by swimming, running and mtn biking, but never signed up for a race untill last year.  Always been super "outdoors-y" and athletic and have tried just about everything once.  What do they say?  Jack of all trades, master of none?  That's me in a nutshell!  (except for maybe MA training) Did my first race last April and it was an Olympic dist, and was hooked!.  Did a couple more oly's, a sprint, and finished 2007 with the Silverman HIM.  Decided to use that as a jumping off point and started to get more focused and consistent with training - something I lacked a little last year.  Just knocked out a HIM (my first "A" race), with my second "A" race being the Silverman FULL IM this fall.  (however, I have been having some doubts about that).  I will be throwing in a couple more events as well to break up the training with some races!

My ULTIMATE goal starting tri was to do an IM - just so I can say I did one.  But I have come to enjoy so many of the other aspects of the sport, that the IM goal is not my only focus anymore - getting faster at some of the shorter distances has become a fun goal to shoot for as well!  Along with getting fit and losing some extra weight.  Got to look good for all the Vegas pool parties, huh?!?!?!?!

In general, I'm "size impaired".  Very tall and used to be a little heavy.  Lost about 35 lbs and 8% of my BF.  So I know enough to be dangerous about nutrition and weight loss.  I'm into the science and technical side of the sport as well - kind of a fall-out passion of triathlon. In general, seems my swim is a strength (how that happened, I don't know!) but my bike is/was a liability - but getting better (just painfully slowly though!).  Average runner I guess.  I always caveat my performances are decent for a "bug guy" but I want to stop using that as an excuse/crutch....

Anyway - hope to get inspired and inspire in Lauren's group!  I'm here every day when at the office and I have it going on in the back ground.  I love to talk/type, so I will warn you now, I can get quite verbose!  (ahhh, this post is an example and I had to edit it down!

Let's have a good summer!



Edited by Aikidoman 2008-04-23 3:10 PM

2008-04-23 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1357472

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
lisazapato - 2008-04-23 3:07 PM

yay, glad to be in! i'll post my bio now.

NAME: lisazapato/Lisa

STORY: I did my first tri in July 2004, and I had no clue what I was doing. I don't know what I was thinking, but I went and did it having never done an open water swim, having swum about 5000 yards to train, having ridden my bike only 85 miles, and I could barely ride at all because I hadn't had a bike in YEARS, and with like, no run training. The day was comedically sad. I walked across the timing mat before the race started and had an official yell at me that I would have no swim split. I almost wanted to cry after that. I broke the rule of "nothing new on race day" and took a salt tab that came in my race goodie bag before the bike. 5 minutes later, I was puking on the side of the road. the med van followed me the rest of the bike leg, through my wrong turns and everything. my 5K took i think 42 minutes. I came in 2nd to last . But 16 people DNF'ed, so i don't feel so bad, at least i finished!

come a long way since then!  i've done 4 sprints and 3 half marathons, and know a lot more now about what NOT to do on race day!

FAMILY STATUS: Married almost 10 months to an IRONMAN! but he hasn't been doing much stuff lately, mostly resting on his ironlaurels. in fact, he just sold his beloved cervelo, just shipped it today .

CURRENT TRAINING: as mentioned, i've been way more consistent in teh last few months than i've ever been, April has been a banner month for me. i just want to be badazz.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: only 1, a half marathon i was totally unprepared for, 2:35 (boo!). other than that, i was preparing to get married and move to connecticut to be with the hubby.

2008 RACES:

Danbury Half Marathon: completed!

June 1 - Tri Ridgefield, Sprint

June 21 - Ride to Montauk, my first century

July 27 - NJ State Tri (CGI Events), Olympic. This is my A race

Sept - something I haven't decided. Depending on how the season goes I'm tempted to try for the Pumpkinman HIM in Maine but I don't want to do it if I think I'll take more than 6:30. So, we'll see.

Oct 11 - Hartford Half Marathon. Hoping for <2:00, but we'll see. I need to be better about hills and speedwork for that to happen.

WEIGHTLOSS: eh. I just want to look like I am fit. I don't especially care what I weigh, but I think if I keep working out I can hit 125 and look like one tough chick. mostly i just want legs that make people think, "them's an athlete's legs!"

I'm excited about this group! Thanks Lauren!

Hey Lisa, welcome to the group! You and I have similar tri lives.

That was a funny story about your first tri. Haha. Yep, the old adage -- nothing new on race day. Also, salt tabs are a little overrated in my opinion anyway .

It looks like you have a great season ahead of you. I MIGHT do the NJ State Tri. I am trying to figure out any pre-IMLP races and there are two that weekend my coach suggested. I know the people who own/run CGI racing -- they're really great and the race is very well run.

Congrats on the recent wedding, and good luck pursuing your PhD -- wow !

2008-04-23 3:11 PM
in reply to: #1357708

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

So, what's the final role call?  Want to add them to the friends list. he he! 

2008-04-23 3:12 PM
in reply to: #1357701

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Hey Aikidoman, I finally know your real name - haha .

It's nice to have a little background on you since I've been following your logs for a few months now. Later, we have to address those IM doubts .

2008-04-23 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1354013

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

It looks like the final group is:

owl girl

Oh geez, I really hope I didn't miss any posts as I haven't been around for a few hours .

Welcome everyone, it sounds like this is going to be a lot of fun !

2008-04-23 3:18 PM
in reply to: #1357352

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

boston beginner,

Welcome to the group!! It sounds like you are well on the right path to a great first season -- you really have the consistency thing down.

How is your back feeling now? Do you still do PT?

Your race season looks great. When you decide on your Oly, let us know so we can help you plan your training around the sprints and your Oly build.

Congrats on the weight loss to date !

2008-04-23 3:28 PM
in reply to: #1357747

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

For whomever it was with the flat feet (dlswimmer?), have you been doing anything to help with the PF? Are you currently dealing with any other aches and pains (I think I read you had shin splint issues, etc.)?

I think you just got custom orthotics? How is the adjustment period going? Does the doc have you in a neutral sneaker with them?

2008-04-23 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1357675

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
LaurenSU02 - 2008-04-23 4:01 PM
shiggy - 2008-04-23 12:48 PM

Hi Claire, welcome to the group !

Which HIM are you doing in July? I haven't been to your log yet (so short on time today -- sorry!); are you using a training plan, a coach, or developing your own plan? As you know, more is not always better, but let me know if you have any questions about periodization, recovery days, approaching other races during your HIM build, etc. Once I get to your log, I might be able to provide you with some pointers.

Is the bike fit situation worked out? How is the knee feeling these days? How much time did you take off?

Thanks for having meSmile

I was originally following a 6 month training plan to get to a HIM in June, this was about 10-13hrs/week of training. This went great from Dec-Mid March when I started to have major knee issues on the bike. So I cut way back for about 6 weeks, not totally off, but maybe half the amount of training per week. I got re-fitted, and changed out the pedals, and have worked with a PT. Things are going much better now, the knee stress was  inflammation and some tendon issues(from the old pedals that locked my feet in a position they didn't want to be in) and the new set up that has more float feels much better.

Now I have switched the target HIM race to a later one on 7/12 (Muncie) to have more time to build up, but I'm sort of making my own training plan with a goal of just finishing this race.

2008-04-23 3:34 PM
in reply to: #1357690

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
LaurenSU02 - 2008-04-23 1:04 PM

Welcome to the group!

And, before I forget -- get your butt in the pool!!

It sounds like you are well on the right path to having a sucessful season this year. What kind of tri bike did you end up getting? Which plan are you following for your HIM?

It sounds like dlswimmer has lots of advice to provide about swimming, so I'll defer to him on that. I also know a BTer who lurks around here who's a fantastic swimmer, so hopefully he'll stop by from time to time.

WOOT! Welcome aboard !

Thanks Lauren.

I've been trying to follow the BT Beginner HIM plan, however, it is tough for me since the workouts in each discipline vary so much during the week.  What I'm trying to say is that I need to have a plan in which I am doing the same discipline on the same day of the week every week.  An occasional tweak is fine but every week just isn't working.  Any suggestions?

As for the tri bike.....I got a Felt B2!!!  I love her!  We get along so well!

Have a great day!  Cheers!

2008-04-23 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1357798

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

shiggy - 2008-04-23 1:29 PM
LaurenSU02 - 2008-04-23 4:01 PM

Hi Claire, welcome to the group !

Which HIM are you doing in July? I haven't been to your log yet (so short on time today -- sorry!); are you using a training plan, a coach, or developing your own plan? As you know, more is not always better, but let me know if you have any questions about periodization, recovery days, approaching other races during your HIM build, etc. Once I get to your log, I might be able to provide you with some pointers.

Is the bike fit situation worked out? How is the knee feeling these days? How much time did you take off?

Thanks for having meSmile

I was originally following a 6 month training plan to get to a HIM in June, this was about 10-13hrs/week of training. This went great from Dec-Mid March when I started to have major knee issues on the bike. So I cut way back for about 6 weeks, not totally off, but maybe half the amount of training per week. I got re-fitted, and changed out the pedals, and have worked with a PT. Things are going much better now, the knee stress was  inflammation and some tendon issues(from the old pedals that locked my feet in a position they didn't want to be in) and the new set up that has more float feels much better.

Now I have switched the target HIM race to a later one on 7/12 (Muncie) to have more time to build up, but I'm sort of making my own training plan with a goal of just finishing this race.

That seems to be the case so many times....  My right knee still bugs me once in a while.  Much better after I made a couple degree change in my right cleat.  So glad you made the adjustments!

ETA:  fixed the "quote" problem

Edited by Aikidoman 2008-04-23 3:38 PM
2008-04-23 3:43 PM
in reply to: #1357815

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
owl_girl - 2008-04-23 1:34 PM

Thanks Lauren.

I've been trying to follow the BT Beginner HIM plan, however, it is tough for me since the workouts in each discipline vary so much during the week.  What I'm trying to say is that I need to have a plan in which I am doing the same discipline on the same day of the week every week.  An occasional tweak is fine but every week just isn't working.  Any suggestions?

As for the tri bike.....I got a Felt B2!!!  I love her!  We get along so well!

Have a great day!  Cheers!

If I may interject.....  I like the BT plans, but I also have a whole BOOK of plans.  It's called "Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide." by Matt Fitzgerald (current writer for triathlete magazine)  It has 12 plans for Spints, 12 for Oly, etc, all the way to IM.

I used it for my last few races.  It is consistant with workouts (ie, swim and bike every tues, run every weds, etc....)

Great if you are looking for an "over the counter" plan.  I love just looking at them.  I may get a coach next season - but I like to dabble in "self" coaching too.

Edited by Aikidoman 2008-04-23 3:45 PM

2008-04-23 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1357866

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
Aikidoman - 2008-04-23 1:43 PM
owl_girl - 2008-04-23 1:34 PM

Thanks Lauren.

I've been trying to follow the BT Beginner HIM plan, however, it is tough for me since the workouts in each discipline vary so much during the week.  What I'm trying to say is that I need to have a plan in which I am doing the same discipline on the same day of the week every week.  An occasional tweak is fine but every week just isn't working.  Any suggestions?

As for the tri bike.....I got a Felt B2!!!  I love her!  We get along so well!

Have a great day!  Cheers!

If I may interject.....  I like the BT plans, but I also have a whole BOOK of plans.  It's called "Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide." by Matt Fitzgerald (current writer for triathlete magazine)  It has 12 plans for Spints, 12 for Oly, etc, all the way to IM.

I used it for my last few races.  It is consistant with workouts (ie, swim and bike every tues, run every weds, etc....)

Great if you are looking for an "over the counter" plan.  I love just looking at them.  I may get a coach next season - but I like to dabble in "self" coaching too.

Thanks for the book idea.  I'll pick it up.

How do you find a coach?  How much do they cost?

2008-04-23 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1357944

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
owl_girl - 2008-04-23 1:56 PM
Aikidoman - 2008-04-23 1:43 PM
owl_girl - 2008-04-23 1:34 PM

Thanks Lauren.

I've been trying to follow the BT Beginner HIM plan, however, it is tough for me since the workouts in each discipline vary so much during the week.  What I'm trying to say is that I need to have a plan in which I am doing the same discipline on the same day of the week every week.  An occasional tweak is fine but every week just isn't working.  Any suggestions?

As for the tri bike.....I got a Felt B2!!!  I love her!  We get along so well!

Have a great day!  Cheers!

If I may interject.....  I like the BT plans, but I also have a whole BOOK of plans.  It's called "Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide." by Matt Fitzgerald (current writer for triathlete magazine)  It has 12 plans for Spints, 12 for Oly, etc, all the way to IM.

I used it for my last few races.  It is consistant with workouts (ie, swim and bike every tues, run every weds, etc....)

Great if you are looking for an "over the counter" plan.  I love just looking at them.  I may get a coach next season - but I like to dabble in "self" coaching too.

Thanks for the book idea.  I'll pick it up.

How do you find a coach?  How much do they cost?

Good questions!  I'm not really sure.  Lauren has one, she may know.  I know they have some on-line here and other sites.  I would guess if you look into your local tri club, they might have some ideas for one that's local....

2008-04-23 4:01 PM
in reply to: #1357958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
Aikidoman - 2008-04-23 1:59 PM
owl_girl - 2008-04-23 1:56 PM
Aikidoman - 2008-04-23 1:43 PM
owl_girl - 2008-04-23 1:34 PM

Thanks Lauren.

I've been trying to follow the BT Beginner HIM plan, however, it is tough for me since the workouts in each discipline vary so much during the week.  What I'm trying to say is that I need to have a plan in which I am doing the same discipline on the same day of the week every week.  An occasional tweak is fine but every week just isn't working.  Any suggestions?

As for the tri bike.....I got a Felt B2!!!  I love her!  We get along so well!

Have a great day!  Cheers!

If I may interject.....  I like the BT plans, but I also have a whole BOOK of plans.  It's called "Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide." by Matt Fitzgerald (current writer for triathlete magazine)  It has 12 plans for Spints, 12 for Oly, etc, all the way to IM.

I used it for my last few races.  It is consistant with workouts (ie, swim and bike every tues, run every weds, etc....)

Great if you are looking for an "over the counter" plan.  I love just looking at them.  I may get a coach next season - but I like to dabble in "self" coaching too.

Thanks for the book idea.  I'll pick it up.

How do you find a coach?  How much do they cost?

Good questions!  I'm not really sure.  Lauren has one, she may know.  I know they have some on-line here and other sites.  I would guess if you look into your local tri club, they might have some ideas for one that's local....

I wish I had a tri club around here.  I live in a pretty isolated area.  My running buddies don't do tris.

2008-04-23 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1354013

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

I have friends now on my blog.  That's pretty cool.  Today was a scheduled day off, but I feel like I am slacking here.  I also took off from work.  80 degrees in Boston today.  First time in 8 months.  Had to get some stuff done around the house, did some yard work, took the motorcycle out for a spin.  Good stuff.  

 Who knows about bikes here?  I have no clue.  I am foreseeing a lot of questions around that.

 Lauren, is SU for Syracuse?

2008-04-23 4:35 PM
in reply to: #1357968

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
Hey everyone! Great first day, like to see a lot of activity on the board. I'm heading home.
Got a 6 mile run scheduled for tomorrow. Wish me luck. Anyone else got big plans?

btw, itunes has some nike+ workouts that have tips from "coaches" during your workout/run/treadmill. I just found them today. I'll give them a try and report back.

Great to be a part of Team Lauren. Thanks Lauren for giving your time to mentor us!

2008-04-23 4:54 PM
in reply to: #1358039

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Boston Beginner - 2008-04-23 2:30 PM

I have friends now on my blog.  That's pretty cool.  Today was a scheduled day off, but I feel like I am slacking here.  I also took off from work.  80 degrees in Boston today.  First time in 8 months.  Had to get some stuff done around the house, did some yard work, took the motorcycle out for a spin.  Good stuff.  

 Who knows about bikes here?  I have no clue.  I am foreseeing a lot of questions around that.

 Lauren, is SU for Syracuse?

I know enough about bikes to be pretty dangerous.  There is tons more info in the general forum too.

What kind of motorcycle you ride?

I ride a suzuki Katana 750 which I rejeted, yoshi exhaust and K&N air filter.  All to get a couple more HP.

I would have LOVED to get a true rocket like a CBR 1000 or Yamaha R1 - too much to insure.  Maybe a harley some day too.

2008-04-23 5:58 PM
in reply to: #1357824

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
Aikidoman - 2008-04-23 4:36 PM

shiggy - 2008-04-23 1:29 PM
LaurenSU02 - 2008-04-23 4:01 PM

Hi Claire, welcome to the group !

Which HIM are you doing in July? I haven't been to your log yet (so short on time today -- sorry!); are you using a training plan, a coach, or developing your own plan? As you know, more is not always better, but let me know if you have any questions about periodization, recovery days, approaching other races during your HIM build, etc. Once I get to your log, I might be able to provide you with some pointers.

Is the bike fit situation worked out? How is the knee feeling these days? How much time did you take off?

Thanks for having meSmile

I was originally following a 6 month training plan to get to a HIM in June, this was about 10-13hrs/week of training. This went great from Dec-Mid March when I started to have major knee issues on the bike. So I cut way back for about 6 weeks, not totally off, but maybe half the amount of training per week. I got re-fitted, and changed out the pedals, and have worked with a PT. Things are going much better now, the knee stress was  inflammation and some tendon issues(from the old pedals that locked my feet in a position they didn't want to be in) and the new set up that has more float feels much better.

Now I have switched the target HIM race to a later one on 7/12 (Muncie) to have more time to build up, but I'm sort of making my own training plan with a goal of just finishing this race.

That seems to be the case so many times....  My right knee still bugs me once in a while.  Much better after I made a couple degree change in my right cleat.  So glad you made the adjustments!

ETA:  fixed the "quote" problem

oops... I'm still learning how to do the whole quote-thingEmbarassed

I used to have this silly idea that I could only get running injuries, not injuries from biking. I guess once the biking milage creeps up, everything must be set up perfectly otherwise some part of the body will be very unhappy. I have speedplays now, and there are tons of adjustments I can do so it may take some time to get it right (although I have found lots of improvement already). Anyone else using this type of pedal?


2008-04-23 5:59 PM
in reply to: #1358068

User image

Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Aikidoman - 2008-04-23 5:54 PM
Boston Beginner - 2008-04-23 2:30 PM

I have friends now on my blog.  That's pretty cool.  Today was a scheduled day off, but I feel like I am slacking here.  I also took off from work.  80 degrees in Boston today.  First time in 8 months.  Had to get some stuff done around the house, did some yard work, took the motorcycle out for a spin.  Good stuff.  

 Who knows about bikes here?  I have no clue.  I am foreseeing a lot of questions around that.

 Lauren, is SU for Syracuse?

I know enough about bikes to be pretty dangerous.  There is tons more info in the general forum too.

What kind of motorcycle you ride?

I ride a suzuki Katana 750 which I rejeted, yoshi exhaust and K&N air filter.  All to get a couple more HP.

I would have LOVED to get a true rocket like a CBR 1000 or Yamaha R1 - too much to insure.  Maybe a harley some day too.

 I have a Honda Shadow Aero.  Got it last May but only have 350ish miles on it.  It's hard to ride with 2 kids at home and now training 6 days a week.  

2008-04-23 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1358183

User image

Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Boston Beginner - 2008-04-23 3:59 PM
Aikidoman - 2008-04-23 5:54 PM
Boston Beginner - 2008-04-23 2:30 PM

I have friends now on my blog.  That's pretty cool.  Today was a scheduled day off, but I feel like I am slacking here.  I also took off from work.  80 degrees in Boston today.  First time in 8 months.  Had to get some stuff done around the house, did some yard work, took the motorcycle out for a spin.  Good stuff.  

 Who knows about bikes here?  I have no clue.  I am foreseeing a lot of questions around that.

 Lauren, is SU for Syracuse?

I know enough about bikes to be pretty dangerous.  There is tons more info in the general forum too.

What kind of motorcycle you ride?

I ride a suzuki Katana 750 which I rejeted, yoshi exhaust and K&N air filter.  All to get a couple more HP.

I would have LOVED to get a true rocket like a CBR 1000 or Yamaha R1 - too much to insure.  Maybe a harley some day too.

 I have a Honda Shadow Aero.  Got it last May but only have 350ish miles on it.  It's hard to ride with 2 kids at home and now training 6 days a week.  


I have no rugrats, but 12-13 hours a week training and a job, leaves no daylight to ride - except on weekends, but then I have to work on the house or GET to go on dates with my wife....

2008-04-23 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1358182

User image

Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
shiggy - 2008-04-23 3:58 PM

oops... I'm still learning how to do the whole quote-thingEmbarassed

I used to have this silly idea that I could only get running injuries, not injuries from biking. I guess once the biking milage creeps up, everything must be set up perfectly otherwise some part of the body will be very unhappy. I have speedplays now, and there are tons of adjustments I can do so it may take some time to get it right (although I have found lots of improvement already). Anyone else using this type of pedal?

But you know how to do the smiley faces!  I still can't do that.....

2008-04-23 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1358205

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
I know a little about bikes, but not really depends on what you're asking. Don't hesitate to ask. If none of us know the answer, I'll find someone who does. Also, using the search function in the forums is a huge help. Let me know if you don't know how to do it.
2008-04-23 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1358282

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN


Yep, there are a lot of cycling injuries to be had. And, you really need to be careful when switching to a new bike (or fit) as things can pop up very quickly. Fortunately, though, the quicker the pop up, the easier they are to resolve. Also, problems with a bike fit can show up in running before they show up in cycling. It's a work in progress, and changes will have to be made along the way. I've had my new bike for almost 6 moz now, and I am still making little adjustments here and there. The ones most recently are because I can finally get outside to ride midweek (more daylight), and so now I am doing 90-100% of my riding outdoors, rather than just 50%. I sit on the seat a little different outdoors vs on my trainer, and so I am making adjustments to accomodate that (it wasn't as noticeable when I was doing less outdoor riding).

2008-04-23 6:58 PM
in reply to: #1358043

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN

GomesBolt - 2008-04-23 5:35 PM Hey everyone! Great first day, like to see a lot of activity on the board. I'm heading home. Got a 6 mile run scheduled for tomorrow. Wish me luck. Anyone else got big plans? btw, itunes has some nike+ workouts that have tips from "coaches" during your workout/run/treadmill. I just found them today. I'll give them a try and report back. Great to be a part of Team Lauren. Thanks Lauren for giving your time to mentor us!

I hope you had a great run !

2008-04-24 6:06 AM
in reply to: #1358293

User image

Columbus , OH
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - OPEN
Alright, I'm still not feeling great, but I definitely need to get on the ball and work out today.  If it stays nice I will ride my bike to swim practice and then home.  Otherwise I'll just go to swim practice and make sure to get two huge rides in this weekend.  I am meeting with the podiatrist tomorrow afternoon so I'll let you all know how that goes.
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