BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!! Rss Feed  
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2008-12-27 11:00 PM
in reply to: #1868463

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!
hows everyone doing?

2008-12-28 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL

Hey David, I hope you are havinga good holiday. I actually took 2 days off. Mainly due to computer issues...I have a messed up modem. It is still messed up somewhat so I may be off and on for a few days. I have a 2 hr trainer today that I did not do yesterday. So I will be doing that. Well take care.


2008-12-28 10:04 AM
in reply to: #1874325

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
yikes, there is no way i could stay on a trainer that long, an hour or so is my max.

I am enjoying the warm weather down here a lot and taking advantage of the pool and ocean being within about 100 feet from my back door.

lots of swimming this week and then back on the bike once i get home.
2008-12-28 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL

Well, have fun and enjoy the warmth and the ocean. I know the long trainer rides are tough. I actually have had some last winter that were 4+ hours. That is what I get for picking an "A" race at the end of May.

Off to workout.


2008-12-28 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1874369

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
lot o credit to you, i could not do that
2008-12-29 3:44 AM
in reply to: #1874369

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Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
chrisrunzs26 - 2008-12-28 10:10 AM

Well, have fun and enjoy the warmth and the ocean. I know the long trainer rides are tough. I actually have had some last winter that were 4+ hours. That is what I get for picking an "A" race at the end of May.

Off to workout.


I am not sure whether to be inspired by this or have you checked by a psychiatrist.  How did you keep from getting bored and still stay focused enough to gain from the work?

2008-12-29 7:25 AM
in reply to: #1858045

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL

Ok So Yesterday (Sunday) I got in the pool. See swimming has been my strong point and I was not nervous about swimming. more about the running. Now I am begginning to worry about the swimming. Can you maybe give me some pointers to what I should be doing as far as workouts? Cause all I am doing is 50m swims. Like quite a bit of them.... with about a 10 second rest. I am racing in the OSU tri in may and I am beginning to wonder if I will be ready or not... My problem is I workout at the YMCA and it is now swim season so the pool is jam packed with high school teams practicing. There are like 15 min windows when I can get in. The only "open swim" is when I am at work. Any advice? 

 What my problem is I feel strong on the first 25m then about half way though my second 25 my arms die on me....

2008-12-29 8:06 AM
in reply to: #1875456

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
you come from a swimming background right?
is so, and you actually get in for the 15 min window (you will have to do this as often as you can, but it will work).

get in and swim. if it first its only 50m, do it, do that for a week, then up it. it will come back.

for what its worth i am not a swimmer at all (really learned how 3 years ago), and anytime i get back in the pool after time off, it takes a bit to just get the sport specific fitness back. (as an example after about 2 months off, it takes me about a week or so to get comfortable swimming futher than 150 or so at a time). so with a longer break, its gonna take a bit, do it slow and steady, dont push it at first. save that for a month down the road once you have been swimming.

because you know how to do it, dont try and go hard now, you will gain a LOT more from getting back into it smoothly. take a week or two, or 4, whatever you need, then start to push it out.

2008-12-29 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1858045

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL

Yea I do come from a swimming background and it is frustrating because I dont remember it being this hard.... But then again it has been awhile.... I have been focusing on my biking and my running the past few weeks I think I need to start focusing on the swimming.... I just felt like a waste in there I swam 50m and was gassed out.....

 How much do you think is enough in a week to be in the pool?

2008-12-29 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1875391

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
jdwright56 - 2008-12-29 4:44 AM
chrisrunzs26 - 2008-12-28 10:10 AM

Well, have fun and enjoy the warmth and the ocean. I know the long trainer rides are tough. I actually have had some last winter that were 4+ hours. That is what I get for picking an "A" race at the end of May.

Off to workout.


I am not sure whether to be inspired by this or have you checked by a psychiatrist.  How did you keep from getting bored and still stay focused enough to gain from the work?


It is not easy and yes maybe I need a good psychiatrist. LOL But to stay focused I watch DVD of the Tour DeFrance and other bike races. I tried watching movies but I would not stay focused on the bike but on the movie. With the races I can gear them to what ever I am doing hills for hills, sprints for sprints and the like. That way I kindof feel ike I am riding with someone. Also I train alot, like 98%of my time alone so staying focused is not all that difficult.  I hope this helps.


2008-12-29 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1875550

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
i wish i had that type of focus. i too train alone a lot, but when it comes to the trainer i would rather not ride than be on it (see: WIMP, the story of david's winter).

on the swimming front, it really depends on your goals. i got through my first season of racing, about 1 races total including a half iron on about 3-5k a week or less, not really much at all. this past season that went up to about 15-20k a week, and my times dropped A LOT.

if yuo can get back into the point where ou feel comfortable (depending on how much you swam before, and how long you took off this will vary some), you would probable be able to get by with a little less than some people assuming the tech part comes back.

just try and get back into it, as soon as yo ucan add a 75m in, then a 100. doesnt have to be all of them, just throw a few in there. dont try to go fast now, just work on making it and doing it right.

if you are simply running out of gas, grab a pull bouy and use that to lengthen things out a bit.

2008-12-29 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1858045

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
Yea I swam since I was 6 and once I graduated HS in 2000 I have not been active... I got lazy.... So I am looking at about 8 years.... When I am in the pool the technical aspect of swimming came right back it is the endurance portion.... I will use your advice and just gradually step it up, I need to be in the pool more and just do it.... 
2008-12-29 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1875697

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
that is good news though, if the tech part if there you just need to swim.

i wish i were in your shoes and not mine in that respect. i am sure even with the swimming i am doing i am not gdoing a lot of things right, but have really had no coaching there:-(

it will come back quicker than you think. the first few times in are hard, but it gets better FAST.
not sure what your work schedule looks like but i am going to head out to denison once a week or so to swim and workout with friends there, so if you are off work when i do you are welcome to come swim over there (you can walk in for free)
2008-12-29 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
I hear you on the swimming thing.  Everything I know about swimming is basically self taught.  My speed and technique is horrible, but I have come a long ways in the last year or so.  I am toying with the idea of hiring a swimming coach, but that takes money I would rather use on things like a new bike or running shoes.
2008-12-29 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1858045

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
You can walk in and swim at Denison for free? Really. Let me know sometimes and I might try and make it out. I work 8-5 m-f..... I would love to get in with a group and train.....  I need some sort of direction.... Not so much with swimming but with running biking and Nutrition.....
2008-12-29 3:17 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL

Hey David,

How is FL doing? I don't know if you know but that is where I am from...Daytona Beach/Ormond Beach area. I didn't come up here to the frozen states until about 15 yrs ago. Love the Ocean. Did you say you are going to CO also with the GF? How lucky you are. Any way, I did a 10K TT today on the trainer. I was wondering if you get the chance see what you think. I will be getting back serious with my TTT training the week of the 5th...that means I have to swim. LOL Well everyone take care and have a good week. Off to shower.


2008-12-29 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1876321

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
its not hard to go in there, they dont check at all (swim there once and you'll see what i mean).

the hours are not great (check the athletic page site), and jsut head over sometime, monday and wed nights and sun midday and night are the times you could hit).

chris: i did my first one of the year last week as well, 20 min at TT pace. yak.

those are great workouts that will do a ton for your riding.
2008-12-29 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1858045

New user

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL

Glad to hear everyone is still grinding away, despite the temptation to just "chill" during the off season.

 Two quick questions David.

 First, I'm thinking about getting together with a swim coach for just a session or two just to make sure my stroke is efficient and so we can work out a training plan for later in the season(February 1 or so). Obviously this is a good idea, but is it worth the money, or would I be better off spending time doing research myself and looking at video.

 -I want to be able to swim 15 minutes (freestyle) straight by January 27th, my first indoor tri, and my stroke just isn't cutting it right now.

 Also, my first sprint will be the Galena Sprint in mid May. No course is very hilly, and I'm wondering what kind of training I should be doing to prepare. Is hill training on the bike and run enough?

 Thanks for the help, hope everyone has a Happy New Year, try not to black out.


2008-12-29 10:57 PM
in reply to: #1876777

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
i'll give a bit more in detail info on a training plan in a bit or tomorrow.

as far as the swimming goes, as long as it is not going to hurt cash wise too much, i would absolutly do it. you could spend at the min hundreds to pick up 30 sec to a min or two on the bike, or spend a good amount on nice racing shoes, but for the swim, one or two lessons now, and maybe on day a few months down the road will do amazing things for your swim.

it is ALL about tech, a very week swimmer with good form will destroy someone with poor form, and this only gets worse as the distance gets longer.

now if you are a very visual learner (i am this way), at least have a friend come in and shoot some video, and talk to a good swimmer and see what is going on. getting this down will allow you to start putting in the work and assuring that you are doing it right so you get the most out of it.
2008-12-30 12:18 AM
in reply to: #1876777

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
chris: FL is amazing right now, weather is great, and i am enjoying being about 150 feet from both the ocean and a 25m outdoor pool.


this is going to be very dependent on a few things: where you are now, your goals for race day, and how much time you have to train. that said, i would look at a few things.

first and foremost what are your goal for the race in may, do you simply want to finish, do well in your age group, overall?

i would look to some individual goals leading up to the race. be it a 24 min 5k, a 6 min 400m swim, etc, something like that. it is a lot easier to track progress that way, and know where you stand rather than setting a goal for the tri, as so many more things come into play when you add the three together.

on the training load, i would shoot for a min of 3 day in each of the three sports, ie 3 swims, 3 runs, 3 bikes. if you simply want to finish, drop out a workout you are ok doing, and add it where needed.

you can get by on less, and do a lot more as well. that is where i would put a normal middle ground. say 8 - 12 hours per week.

distance wise i would look to around 20 miles per week running (give or take a bit depending on how you take to running/running history), 3-4 hours on a bike, and as much swimming as you have time for.

again you c an do less and be ok, or if you have the time/desire, much more. once you get into the swing of things bit you will start to find out what works and what doesnt in regards to training load (and hopefully we can help speed up that learning curve a bit).

my first season i did not train NEARLY enough to hit my goals. i was ave 15-18 miles a week of running (most of it WAY too hard), swimming 2-4k a week, and biking about 3-4 hours. i was doing well in my age group, but not placing well overall (a goal at the time).

the next season i upped those to 25-35 miles a week running, 10k a week in the pool, 7-8 hours riding, times dropped a lot and i saw two overall wins, and 8 top 5 finishes.

this season, despite two stupid injuries, i manged 4 overall wins, and a lot more good placings (only in short course, i have had terrible luck/races with longer stuff)
training this season looked more like this:
25-35 miles runinng (should have been higher)
15-20k a week swimming
12-16 hours riding

now these numbers wont work for everyone, and i have no life outside of training for the most part during the summer so i understand how these are higher than a lot of people, but the increase works the same for everyone. you can get by with very little, and some people can go very fast on not a lot. its a matter of how much you can throw into it, and how much you want to see out of it.
2008-12-30 9:43 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL

Going to see the surgeon today to get the remainder of the staples removed from my belly.  I am hoping that he will green light me for running today and maybe biking in a week or so.  I think he will hold back the swimming until he is sure I can rotate my trunk with power without tearing it up inside. 

'It sure would be nice to start training again since I haven't trained since the end of October. 

2008-12-30 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1877639

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
good luck
2008-12-31 8:34 AM
in reply to: #1877668

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL
chris, FL is great, we are just outside of FT myers, and it is amazingly warm! cant wait to get back to ohio (note sarcasm)
2008-12-31 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL

Have a Happy New Year everyone.  I suspect that we'll all pick up our training in January.


2008-12-31 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Pasadena, TX
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL

Happy new year everyone!!


...couple of questions...

Swam today 25 min, I read some articles on here talking about bilateral breathing and things like that, and I pretty much get the idea that breathing every stroke is pretty bad. Every time my L hand goes into the water I seem to have to take a breath. I can breath every two strokes for awhile, tried to do it as often as possible today, but only for about one lap before I lose my breath entirely. Should I just keep doing that to work on this? Also I have discovered that looking straight down toward the bottom of the pool seems to make everything a little easier/faster. I have read that during a tri you shouldn't do this though for sighting reasons. Should I stop doing this then? How long should I be swimming if I want to do well in my 1st tri (sprint, March 1)? I get really winded during swimming and lose my breath easily but once I stand for just a few seconds I realize I'm not that tired, I think it's all breathing. Also all beginning training programs I have found seem to be based on time, not distance, so when I go out to run, I would say "I'm gonna run for 45 min," rather than "I'm gonna run 5 miles." Should this be the approach I take? Thanks!!

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