BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-01-07 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Okay folks! I think this works! For those of us who have our logs public, the link will take you directly to your long. I believe two of us have our logs set to private, so the link goes to your respective profile.

TeeCris’ Rockin’ Mentor Group

Todd - TeeCris

AJ – artford333

Barb – Running Jayhawk

Katherine – kitkat1

Kevin – kevind92

Rachel - tricrazy

Rebecca - katiemacsmom

Tom – tommyp2602

Our Group Thread!

2009-01-07 8:30 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
...and here's the code!!

To put it in your training log, follow these steps:

1. Click Control Panel
2. Edit your training settings
3. Goals
4. Drop the entire section of code into your long term OR short term goals. Take your pick!
5. Click Apply.

Then, whenever you go to your training log, our team table will show up for easy access to all our logs and the team thread.


[See Updated Code Below]

Edited by RunningJayhawk 2009-01-08 8:30 AM
2009-01-08 5:02 AM
in reply to: #1893678

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

I didn't know my training log wasn't public, so I made it public for sure. I think I updated the code below correctly to reflect this.

  <p> <table width="300" border="3" bgcolor="#000066" background="" style="height: 250"><tbody><tr><td><strong> 

<center><font color="#151B54"><u>TeeCris’ Rockin’ Mentor Group</u><br /> 
<a xhref=""><FONT color="#7D0541">Todd - TeeCris</FONT></a><br /> 
<a xhref=""><FONT color="#7D0541">AJ – artford333</FONT></a><br /> 
<a xhref=" "><FONT color="#7D0541">Barb – Running Jayhawk</FONT></a><br /> 
<a xhref=""><FONT color="#7D0541">Katherine – kitkat1</FONT></a><br /> 
<a xhref=" "><FONT color="#7D0541">Kevin – kevind92</FONT></a><br /> 
<a xhref=" "><FONT color="#7D0541">Rachel - tricrazy</FONT></a><br /> 
<a xhref=""><FONT color="#7D0541">Rebecca - katiemacsmom</FONT></a><br /> 
<a xhref=""><FONT color="#7D0541">Tom – tommyp2602</FONT></a><br /> 
<a xhref=""><font color="#151B54">Our Group Thread!</a></center></font></strong></td></tr></tbody></table></p> 




Edited by tommyp2602 2009-01-08 5:03 AM
2009-01-08 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Thanks for making your logs public, Tom!

If anyone has any issues with the code Tom posted, try this one...(for some reason when I dropped it in mine all of the hyperlinks idea why)...

<p> <table width="300" border="3" bgcolor="#000066" background="" style="height: 250"><tbody><tr><td><strong>
<center><font color="#151B54"><u>TeeCris’ Rockin’ Mentor Group</u><br />
<a href=""><FONT color="#7D0541">Todd - TeeCris</FONT></a><br />
<a href=""><FONT color="#7D0541">AJ – artford333</FONT></a><br />
<a href=" "><FONT color="#7D0541">Barb – Running Jayhawk</FONT></a><br />
<a href=""><FONT color="#7D0541">Katherine – kitkat1</FONT></a><br />
<a href=" "><FONT color="#7D0541">Kevin – kevind92</FONT></a><br />
<a href=" "><FONT color="#7D0541">Rachel - tricrazy</FONT></a><br />
<a href=""><FONT color="#7D0541">Rebecca - katiemacsmom</FONT></a><br />
<a href=""><FONT color="#7D0541">Tom – tommyp2602</FONT></a><br />
<a href=""><font color="#151B54">Our Group Thread!</a></center></font></strong></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
2009-01-08 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1894437

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the help Barb.
2009-01-08 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Thanks guys!  That is very cool!

2009-01-08 11:58 AM
in reply to: #1893581

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
tommyp2602 - 2009-01-07 7:46 PM

RunningJayhawk - 2009-01-07 10:23 AM Okay... All of you morning workout people. Tell me... HOW DO YOU DO IT!? I was going to get up this morning for a run on the treadmill, and just couldn't do it. I'm not sure if yesterday's 4:40 wake up call just did me in or what. But I was dead tired, even with laying down at 10:30 last night. :sigh: This is going to be such a battle for me this season...I just know it.

 You just have to jump up and get moving. I go in spurts. I can get up no problem for a few months, then all of a sudden it's very hard. I'm trying to swing back ot getting up early. Tough so far, but I'm close. I can feel it. Keep at it. I really tried this morning. Honest!

Alarm set for 5 with the intent of going to our building's workout room to do an hour or so of easy spinning on the stationary bike (I don't have my trainer set up yet since space in our condo is limited with the christmas tree STILL up...but that's a whole different problem in and of itself).

I hit the snooze for 30 minutes before resetting the alarm.

I got way too involved reading Twilight last night...didn't put the book down until almost 1 o'clock (and I laid down by 11). I'm kind of annoyed with myself...but what can ya do?

We're out of town this coming weekend for the Kansas/Michigan State basketball game, so I don't know if I'll be able to get a run in on Saturday considering I'd be running in a new, freezing cold place that's probably going to have a few inches of snow on the ground. Not sure if the gal we're staying with has a treadmill. Worst case scenario, I'll get a run in late Sunday night when we get back.

My muscles are STILL aching from my Tuesday morning "yoga on crack" class. I'll definitely be back and I have full faith that it'll get me nice and toned!
2009-01-08 12:21 PM
in reply to: #1895092

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

So you're headed to East Lansing this weekend? You're going to be about 30 miles from me. And yes, there is snow on the ground. We just got 2 more inches last night. 

 I think I'm going to start doing a post in the morning when I get up to workout. That accountability always gets me going.

2009-01-08 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1895171

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
tommyp2602 - 2009-01-08 12:21 PM

So you're headed to East Lansing this weekend? You're going to be about 30 miles from me. And yes, there is snow on the ground. We just got 2 more inches last night. 

 I think I'm going to start doing a post in the morning when I get up to workout. That accountability always gets me going.

My friend sent me an article from the local paper saying 3-5 inches tomorrow.

I may just leave my running stuff at home since I lost my YakTrax.

If anything, I'll pack my bands and do some basic arm work or something in the morning.
2009-01-08 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1895171

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
tommyp2602 - 2009-01-08 12:21 PM

So you're headed to East Lansing this weekend? You're going to be about 30 miles from me. And yes, there is snow on the ground. We just got 2 more inches last night. 

 I think I'm going to start doing a post in the morning when I get up to workout. That accountability always gets me going.

I had good intentions today but kids were up off and on thru the night and that always kills my early morning.  I actually was wide awake at 4am thinking I should just head out and run since I couldn't sleep.  45 mintues later there I was with the same thought.  Next thing I know it's 6:15 and another little one is waking me up and I'm so groggy I can barely stand up.  Next time I'm running at 4 and I'm posting before I go...maybe

Thanks for the table Barb - that is way overachieving!!


2009-01-08 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1896303

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Workout today - 40 min of Crossfit. A fun combo of weights/cardio/core.

 I'm hoping to get up and either run or swim. I haven't gone swimming since Sept. I think it's time to get in the pool.

 Goodnight all!



2009-01-09 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Since the group has my name attached maybe it was guilt.  I didn't set any records with early rising but I was in the pool by 6:15 this morning.  I planned for it last night and it actually happened. 

My schedule is a mess for the next 2 weeks so I don't know if a habit will form but it's a start. 

2009-01-09 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1896330

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
tommyp2602 - 2009-01-08 7:50 PM

Workout today - 40 min of Crossfit. A fun combo of weights/cardio/core.

 I'm hoping to get up and either run or swim. I haven't gone swimming since Sept. I think it's time to get in the pool.

 Goodnight all!



 Tom - I'm intrigued by Crossfit but have never taken the first step.  Do you do it at home or at a crossfit gym?


2009-01-09 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Great job this morning, Todd!

  • . .I woke up to run. And found a Blizzard!! Sooo...I went back to bed since both treadmills and the bike in our building's workout room were taken and home girl was not in the mood to lift. Watch out Tom, it's coming for you.

  • In other fun news. If you have some time today, you should really, really, really check this out.

    1. Go to iTunes.
    2. Search for the Podcast "Stay Tuned Report" (there's also a direct link from my blog)
    3. Download Episode 22, and while you're there subscribe to the podcast for free!
    4. Listen.
    5. If you don't have time to listen to all 53 minutes of it today, listen around timestamps 17:30 and 35:25.

    Happy Friday, everyone!!

    Edited by RunningJayhawk 2009-01-09 8:24 AM
    2009-01-09 9:06 AM
    in reply to: #1862005

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    West Chester, PA
    Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm back amongst the living - the plague is finally departing our house - unfortunately things got worse before they got better, but we're all on the mend now.

    Some updates on accomplishments since X-Mas:
    - Started my 16 week Sprint Swim Focused plan (keep those Inspirations coming!!!)
    - Bought a new-to-me bike (I could use some advice on pedals/shoes)
    - Re-read Joe Friel's "Your First Triathlon" - great read and very informational

    Barb, in Friel's book the best advice in there re: working out in the morning - tell yourself you will only do it for five minutes and then stop - this will get you out the door, and once into it you'll probably finish the workout, but if you still don't feel up to it after five minutes, call it quits and head home - it just wasn't your day.  Easier said than done, but it has helped me the past few weeks.

    My personal advice on getting up, and take note, I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON, is to have kids - that way you have no choice but to do workouts before they get up (just like Todd yesterday)Smile.



    2009-01-09 12:53 PM
    in reply to: #1897182

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    Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
    kevind92 - 2009-01-09 9:06 AM

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm back amongst the living - the plague is finally departing our house - unfortunately things got worse before they got better, but we're all on the mend now.

    Some updates on accomplishments since X-Mas:
    - Started my 16 week Sprint Swim Focused plan (keep those Inspirations coming!!!)
    - Bought a new-to-me bike (I could use some advice on pedals/shoes)
    - Re-read Joe Friel's "Your First Triathlon" - great read and very informational

    Barb, in Friel's book the best advice in there re: working out in the morning - tell yourself you will only do it for five minutes and then stop - this will get you out the door, and once into it you'll probably finish the workout, but if you still don't feel up to it after five minutes, call it quits and head home - it just wasn't your day.  Easier said than done, but it has helped me the past few weeks.

    My personal advice on getting up, and take note, I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON, is to have kids - that way you have no choice but to do workouts before they get up (just like Todd yesterday)Smile.




    My thought is if I'm already workout out for 5 minutes, I may as well finish it up.

    I just need to change my bedtime habits. Lately it's been all about staying up late reading. Which I don't do very often...but I'm really just sucked into Twilight. Thankfully for my sleep, I'm almost done with it.

    I'll be back up and at 'em early on Tuesday morning.

    2009-01-12 10:00 AM
    in reply to: #1862005

    User image

    Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
    Okay folks...what's on tap for this week?

    I'm back from Michigan in one piece. It was freezing. Snowy. And I wasn't having any of it. Plus my Jayhawks lost and that just wasn't much fun for me.

    Tonight I am going to be setting up my bike trainer and trying to get my new saddle (Adamo Racing Saddle!! Woo!!) up and going. I think I'm going to try and spin for 20-30 minutes every day this week just to get used to being back in the saddle. Apparently the Adamo will make my bum hurt for a bit since it provides a totally different experience.

    I've also got my morning yoga class tomorrow and we're hoping to get a swim or two in despite the arctic blast we're going to be pelted with.


    It needs to be spring.

    2009-01-12 7:12 PM
    in reply to: #1862005

    Charlotte, NC
    Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
    I agree about it needing to be spring!!!
    2009-01-12 8:13 PM
    in reply to: #1862005

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    Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

    Hey guys, I'm buried with all day work meetings followed by work dinners this week so I won't be leading by example!  Trying to get some early runs in but it will be light.  Next week won't be much better but it should be back to somewhat normal after that.  I'll check in and cheer you on as I can. 

    Someone pick up my slack this week!

    2009-01-13 7:11 PM
    in reply to: #1862005

    Charlotte, NC
    Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
    We are not a very talkative group.  We keep getting booted to the second page!
    2009-01-14 9:41 PM
    in reply to: #1897022

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    Ann Arbor,MI
    Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
    TeeCris - 2009-01-09 9:03 AM
    tommyp2602 - 2009-01-08 7:50 PM

    Workout today - 40 min of Crossfit. A fun combo of weights/cardio/core.

     I'm hoping to get up and either run or swim. I haven't gone swimming since Sept. I think it's time to get in the pool.

     Goodnight all!



     Tom - I'm intrigued by Crossfit but have never taken the first step.  Do you do it at home or at a crossfit gym?



    I do it at home. A great mix of a few different workouts. Plyo/strength/core(abs). Some of it may not be total crossfit - but to me, if it's a mix of all of those, in crazy fast repetitions with hardly a break - then that counts.

    There is a place nearby that I'm probably going to try for a few workouts a month. They post videos of their classes. It looks crazy and fun.



    2009-01-14 9:50 PM
    in reply to: #1862005

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    Ann Arbor,MI
    Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED


    I have been out of it for a few days. I woke up with a huge swollen face - even made my wife scream. Turned out to be an abscess. No fun. Went to the dentist and now I have some antibiotics, some painkillers and a fancy new root canal. Joy! I am going to try to hit the pool Friday morning. That should not be too bad. 

     I also noticed that we have been a quiet bunch so far. I am guilty of contributing to that. I will try to post something everyday. Are any of you on Facebook or twitter? My email for Facebook is [email protected], and on twitter I'm tomphillips3.


    2009-01-15 1:06 PM
    in reply to: #1862005

    Charlotte, NC
    Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
    I had my second matser'ss wim class today and it is going to kick my butt.  I am also embarassingly slow but hopefully as I get stronger I will get a little faster.  I just don't want to be pulled off the HIM course before I even get started b/c I can't swim fast enough.  I would be so crushed!
    2009-01-16 12:00 PM
    in reply to: #1862005

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    West Chester, PA
    Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

    Well, I hit the pool again today, and I was able to go about 50m before nearly drowning!!!  Good thing my goggles keep fogging up so that I can't see everyone laughing at me!!!



    2009-01-16 7:44 PM
    in reply to: #1862005

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    Ann Arbor,MI
    Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

    I'm feeling better now. I'm really hoping to run tomorrow. I will be going sking with my two oldest boys in the afternoon(as long as it's above 0 degrees). Then later I'm going to try to run. Have a good weekend everyone!


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