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2008-12-23 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

that IS cold for florida! i've been to orlando a few times, but always in the dead of summer. HOT AND MUGGY!!
i think the key to running in cold is pretty much what you're already doing, grit your teeth through the first mile, then you're good. other than that-i know a lot of people layer then strip off layers as they warm up, but i've never figured out what to DO with the stripped off layer! i tried tying it around my waist, only to spend 3 miles WRESTLING with the stupid thing, once i hung my sweatshirt on a sign not even a mile from my house, figuring it to drive back and get it after my run, but by then, someone else had helped themselves, thankfully it was just a scrappy old sweatshirt, but STILL, i can't lose a shirt everytime i go out! even *I* don't have THAT many old scrappy sweatshirts!!

2008-12-23 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
ooh toppage ^^^^^^^^^
2008-12-23 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

Hi Julee,

I would love to join your group if you'll have me. If flattery helps, I've always thought "Girl Passing on Left" was one of the coolest names on BT.

NAME: Scot

STORY: I've been doing triathlons for 3 years. I've done a total of 4 sprint, 1 olympic and 1 Half Ironman. I really need some external motivation during the winter months in Minnesota. Since Thanksgiving, I've averaged about 1 workout a week. I need some motivation. I joined BT last January and was in a mentor group and it helped immensely.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 kids. We have a 9 yr old boy and a 6 yr old girl. They occupy most of my time, so I tend to do most of my training in the morning before work.

CURRENT TRAINING: Not much. After Christmas week I'm going to start back up.

2008 RACES: Buffalo Olympic, Chaska Sprint, Square Lake HIM

2009 RACES: I want to focus on the shorter triathlons and work on some speed. I may do an olympic and 1 or 2 sprints. I also want to sign up for an early season 1/2 marathon.

WEIGHT LOSS: I need to lose 20 lbs to get down to a good racing weight for me.

Merry Christmas!

2008-12-23 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
quebec's belly button
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

please please please can i join the fun?

My name is Isabelle, I am reaching the 40-44 age group this year. I am  from Quebec Canada ( so my english is a bit confused some times and my humor...well, a bit twisted). Already knee deep in snow and training for my second half marathon due in april. I am in the tri game since 2004, started as a swimmer for a team and did my first solo tri in 2006. I've done 7 sprint tri's so far and focus is on doing an Oly. My main weekness is running. My strenght is knowing i'm in it for the long run ( i will really kick a$$ when i'm 75...wich a$$, i have no idea, but i'll be kicking!!!). I am a mom of 2 (10 and 7) and a full time occupational therapist in pediatrics. I'm a back of the packer: the only hardware i've got was because we were 3 in my AG..and i got bronze. But i am a finisher and in it for the thrill of the whole ride. Never in my wackiest dreams i imagined running, i am not running material (4'10" and 155lbs is not the usual body type for that sport). Still, i will be crossing the line and claiming my right to be called a triathlete this year again.

hope to be part of your great group!



2008-12-23 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1868925

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
Sledge - 2008-12-23 3:58 AM

Good morning everyone!  Seems like this is a late night group -- lots of posts after I'm already in bed!  I'm an early riser, and head out the door nearly every morning by 6 to go for a run.  Today I plan to run twice, so keep your fingers crossed for me.  Every Tuesday evening I try to run with my "coach", but I always run in the morning just in case real life ends up interfering with my evening run (darned work expects me to stay sometimes -- something about expecting a paycheck???).  It's cold here this morning -- 35 -- and that is rather cold for NW Florida.  Does anyone have any tips for running in the cold?  I actually like it when it's a little cold, but 35 is a bit much.  I do find that I warm up after the first mile or so, but getting through that first mile is a struggle!  It's all part of that mental game...

I'm heading for Cleveland, OH (talk about COLD!) early tomorrow morning, and may not be able to check in for a few days.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

Morning Cheri....dang...that is cold for you guys...I find running with layers and then I strip a few when I get going. But I would love to hear from the rest of the team.

good for you for the two-fer for Tuesday run I am going out now...we actually have sunshine today...and this is not going to last...if the streets dry out I am going for a bike ride this afternoon....

Merry Christmas girl! thanks for all your inspires!

2008-12-23 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1869464

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
chipit muffin - 2008-12-23 9:25 AM

please please please can i join the fun?

My name is Isabelle, I am reaching the 40-44 age group this year. I am  from Quebec Canada ( so my english is a bit confused some times and my humor...well, a bit twisted). Already knee deep in snow and training for my second half marathon due in april. I am in the tri game since 2004, started as a swimmer for a team and did my first solo tri in 2006. I've done 7 sprint tri's so far and focus is on doing an Oly. My main weekness is running. My strenght is knowing i'm in it for the long run ( i will really kick a$$ when i'm 75...wich a$$, i have no idea, but i'll be kicking!!!). I am a mom of 2 (10 and 7) and a full time occupational therapist in pediatrics. I'm a back of the packer: the only hardware i've got was because we were 3 in my AG..and i got bronze. But i am a finisher and in it for the thrill of the whole ride. Never in my wackiest dreams i imagined running, i am not running material (4'10" and 155lbs is not the usual body type for that sport). Still, i will be crossing the line and claiming my right to be called a triathlete this year again.

hope to be part of your great group!



are you kidding...I am thrilled Isabelle! You have been such a great inspiration to me since I have joined glad that you will be around to keep kicking me to do better! so it is my arse that you are kicking! and I like it! (was that my outside voice!?!?)

I promise to get you to become a runner if you continue to get me to be that swimmer that I doubt I am!? deal!!!

So glad that you will be part of this are going to love the rest of the gals...I will add you to the chart.

Ok time to get those snoe shoes out and go for a run.... and I will get my swim parka out! I swim outdoors and I'z a wimp when it comes to cold! When I lived in Alaska...I looked like the michelin man...cuz of all my layers....or was that fat?

glad you are with us! I am thrilled! you always bring sunshine to my day!

2008-12-23 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1869198

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
lyssa-gator - 2008-12-23 7:29 AM

that IS cold for florida! i've been to orlando a few times, but always in the dead of summer. HOT AND MUGGY!!
i think the key to running in cold is pretty much what you're already doing, grit your teeth through the first mile, then you're good. other than that-i know a lot of people layer then strip off layers as they warm up, but i've never figured out what to DO with the stripped off layer! i tried tying it around my waist, only to spend 3 miles WRESTLING with the stupid thing, once i hung my sweatshirt on a sign not even a mile from my house, figuring it to drive back and get it after my run, but by then, someone else had helped themselves, thankfully it was just a scrappy old sweatshirt, but STILL, i can't lose a shirt everytime i go out! even *I* don't have THAT many old scrappy sweatshirts!!

that was your sweatshirt? Im sorry...I thought someone left it for me!

I will try your grit your teeth run tomorrow! I have always started warm...but heck you got me to love to run in the I bet I will do better then wrestling with tieing shirts around my waist!! 

so what happen last night...I waited for you to come back after you put the kiddos to bed...and since you said you were going to get some wine...I opened a bottle and before long no Lyssa...but I was having more glasses and then I looked at the clock and it was 1am....that is the latest I have been up in some time...hope you will join me tonight for the other half of bottle!

hey I missed what kinda bike you got...I remember you were looking and asking questions...what did you end up getting? pictures? pictures of you styling on it?

2008-12-23 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1869287

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
ScotInMinnesota - 2008-12-23 8:10 AM

Hi Julee,

I would love to join your group if you'll have me. If flattery helps, I've always thought "Girl Passing on Left" was one of the coolest names on BT.

NAME: Scot

STORY: I've been doing triathlons for 3 years. I've done a total of 4 sprint, 1 olympic and 1 Half Ironman. I really need some external motivation during the winter months in Minnesota. Since Thanksgiving, I've averaged about 1 workout a week. I need some motivation. I joined BT last January and was in a mentor group and it helped immensely.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 kids. We have a 9 yr old boy and a 6 yr old girl. They occupy most of my time, so I tend to do most of my training in the morning before work.

CURRENT TRAINING: Not much. After Christmas week I'm going to start back up.

2008 RACES: Buffalo Olympic, Chaska Sprint, Square Lake HIM

2009 RACES: I want to focus on the shorter triathlons and work on some speed. I may do an olympic and 1 or 2 sprints. I also want to sign up for an early season 1/2 marathon.

WEIGHT LOSS: I need to lose 20 lbs to get down to a good racing weight for me.

Merry Christmas!

Absolutely could I refuse with your coolest name comment! you will totally compliment the group...and if you are looking for motivation...I believe our group will give you just that! so WELCOME do realize you have a harem...all girls on this team...will be nice to have a man around to keep us in order!....or is that possible!?!?

Merry Christmas....

I will make a new chart this evening....make sure to dump it into your remind you to leave inspires for each other....I know inspires really help me to stay on with that said...go take care of those kids and will hopefully  hear from you after your morning workouts..or will join Lyssa and I for a glass of wine this evening or a hot-toddy if you are like my dh and not much of a wine drinker.


2008-12-23 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1868734

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Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

Girl Passing on Left - 2008-12-22 5:22 PM

NoSit - 2008-12-22 4:33 PM I'll chime in on number - I agree more is better, to a point. In the first mentor group I participated in a couple of years ago, we started with about 10, but 2-3 dropped out and the 5-6 active members who were left ran out of things to talk about. So, I'd say somewhere around 15 is a good number to aim for. I know no one wants to think it'll happen, but life will interfere for some of us, and we'll have to put off our goals. It's a fact of life, and I hope that those to whom it happens don't beat themselves up about it! Delays happen! (So say the airlines, anyway!) How'd did the week start for everyone? I managed to run yesterday and rode my bike to work today. I'll try to do a short yoga workout this evening, but I try most evenings and don't usually get it done. Then, we'll see what tomorrow brings! My strength is swimming and consistency. Right now, I'm on hiatus from swimming until February 1 (partly financial and partly mental). I don't really care for swimming much, although it's my strongest sport, so I've taken a 3 month break this year. We'll see how it works out for me later in the season, I guess. Once I get started with training, I'm like a robot with getting the workouts in. If it's on the schedule, I don't even think about it, I just do it, somehow. If I don't have a schedule, however, I'm a couch potato! So, I'll be working on my training schedule this week and next and get it posted for myself. My weakness is nutrition. I frequently just forget to eat, or don't bother. When I'm in the thick of training, I get hungry and that helps me, but then I get picky. I need to work on keeping a variety of snacks on hand and getting them into my body. I also need to work on race-day nutrition, because I don't think I can finish a HIM without some serious intake. Have a great week everyone! Trish

Thanks Trish...that was the number I was thinking...15. What about the rest of you!?

I love your robot comment...I need  you to rub off on me. I will say I am going swimming and instead go biking and running and vice versa.

Nutrition is soo very important..especially when working out....we will find the right nutrition for you...I am a huge GU lover when I packs away easily and sure seems to give me an instant is hard for me even when I race longer races to choke down some of the power bars, cliff bars....etc although I know I need, we definitely want to get you on the right nutritions and some nice healthy snacks....I actually swam today. I got in and it was gorgeous blue sky and all of a sudden I kept thinking who is splashing up a storm next to me...and instead it was a storm...rained really hard for a good 20 or so minutes...and when I got out....brrrrrrrrrr it had gotten colder! I hate swimming outside..and I think that is why I have been having such issues getting to the is just so darn convenient and I am not too fond of a few of the gyms pools and times they have open lap swimming...DILEMMA DILEMMAS! I am off to go have a bite to eat...WAY LATE, but starving since I have been shopping this entire afternoon...hope you all have a great evening...remember to log. I will be checking your logs in the morning....and I hope to see lots of activity....exercise logging that is! can you believe it is almost Christmas...I hate to say it but BAHUMBUG! nite yall!

Me too!  And GU is having a great sale right now on their nutrition stuff and accessories (  You get 30% off and free ground shipping if you enter in the code: GUHOLIDAY08 at checkout. It expires on 12/29.  The chocolate mint is amazing!  Picture eating a thin mint girl scout cookie.

Edited by naners 2008-12-23 1:00 PM
2008-12-23 12:57 PM
in reply to: #1869656

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Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
My first double post!!

Edited by naners 2008-12-23 12:57 PM
2008-12-23 12:57 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

Oh wow !  I was not around the house much yesterday and look at this wonderful group !!  I am so excited !

Now I am computer challenged, so adding friends and doing the training log will be a process for me!  I'll get there, just slower than most.....huh sounds kinda like my 5k ! lol

I'm so happy to see there is another Indiana girl !! 

2008-12-23 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1869529

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
Girl Passing on Left - 2008-12-23 9:48 AM
lyssa-gator - 2008-12-23 7:29 AM

that IS cold for florida! i've been to orlando a few times, but always in the dead of summer. HOT AND MUGGY!!
i think the key to running in cold is pretty much what you're already doing, grit your teeth through the first mile, then you're good. other than that-i know a lot of people layer then strip off layers as they warm up, but i've never figured out what to DO with the stripped off layer! i tried tying it around my waist, only to spend 3 miles WRESTLING with the stupid thing, once i hung my sweatshirt on a sign not even a mile from my house, figuring it to drive back and get it after my run, but by then, someone else had helped themselves, thankfully it was just a scrappy old sweatshirt, but STILL, i can't lose a shirt everytime i go out! even *I* don't have THAT many old scrappy sweatshirts!!

that was your sweatshirt? Im sorry...I thought someone left it for me!

I will try your grit your teeth run tomorrow! I have always started warm...but heck you got me to love to run in the I bet I will do better then wrestling with tieing shirts around my waist!! 

so what happen last night...I waited for you to come back after you put the kiddos to bed...and since you said you were going to get some wine...I opened a bottle and before long no Lyssa...but I was having more glasses and then I looked at the clock and it was 1am....that is the latest I have been up in some time...hope you will join me tonight for the other half of bottle!

hey I missed what kinda bike you got...I remember you were looking and asking questions...what did you end up getting? pictures? pictures of you styling on it?

i didn't make it back last night because by the time i FINALLY got the little *darling* to bed, dh came home from work, and we went to bed-SANS wine. BUT i'm on for tonight if you can handle another bottle? LOL
i got a bike in august JUST in time for danskin, it's a windsor wellington (read:cheap-but a HECK of a lot better than what i WAS riding) it's white, and i call her pepper. why? well, cuz that's how i roll, and i like it spicy! i might have a pic or two around here of me on her last fall, but most likely it's a pic my 8 year old took, i'll see what i can find though. MAYBE i'll have to go get her out of the garage for some NEW pics. (in the knee deep snow LOL)

ooh, my favorite thing about the new bike? at danskin i got to do something i've NEVER done before, and i got to say something i've NEVER said before "ON YOUR LEFT!!" "PASSING" ooh, those are some FUN FUN phrases to throw out there!! i LOVE to pass!!

2008-12-23 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1868848

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Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
Girl Passing on Left - 2008-12-22 7:01 PM
naners - 2008-12-22 3:31 PM

I promise to get back on my bike soon!  Before the week is over, I'll get on that thing.  Anyone else have some small or large goal that they can accomplish by the end of the week?

I usually make a September trip your way...and tris in September on your island? which Island do you live on?

Oahu.  We have an all women's race in the beginning of September.  You game for that?

sounds like a great race to shoot for!!!! the only problem is I will be heading to IMCozumel in November and I am not sure I can do both....but lets keep talking!!! you never know...any other time...I would totally take you up...maybe we will have to wait til 2010. Is it an Oly?

Nope, it's a sprint.  But, there's an Olympic distance here in May.

2008-12-23 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
oh yeah, and the sweatshirt!! if you REALLY needed one that bad, i PROBABLY could have done better than the XL idaho track sweatshirt from a guy i used to know, who's now a marine.
2008-12-23 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
Wow this group is really shaping up to be exciting... I am going to be catching up with everyones information today because we have ice storms here and we can't even walk out on our patio, so it is inside in the lazy boy surfing/blogging today.


ocean.jpg (4KB - 21 downloads)
2008-12-23 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1869707

User image

Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

amy mutz - 2008-12-23 8:22 AM Wow this group is really shaping up to be exciting... I am going to be catching up with everyones information today because we have ice storms here and we can't even walk out on our patio, so it is inside in the lazy boy surfing/blogging today.

I'm sending everyone warm thoughts.  I did think about everyone who runs in the cold during my morning run today.  I couldn't imagine battling the cold! 

2008-12-23 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1869656

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
naners - 2008-12-23 10:56 AM

Girl Passing on Left - 2008-12-22 5:22 PM

NoSit - 2008-12-22 4:33 PM I'll chime in on number - I agree more is better, to a point. In the first mentor group I participated in a couple of years ago, we started with about 10, but 2-3 dropped out and the 5-6 active members who were left ran out of things to talk about. So, I'd say somewhere around 15 is a good number to aim for. I know no one wants to think it'll happen, but life will interfere for some of us, and we'll have to put off our goals. It's a fact of life, and I hope that those to whom it happens don't beat themselves up about it! Delays happen! (So say the airlines, anyway!) How'd did the week start for everyone? I managed to run yesterday and rode my bike to work today. I'll try to do a short yoga workout this evening, but I try most evenings and don't usually get it done. Then, we'll see what tomorrow brings! My strength is swimming and consistency. Right now, I'm on hiatus from swimming until February 1 (partly financial and partly mental). I don't really care for swimming much, although it's my strongest sport, so I've taken a 3 month break this year. We'll see how it works out for me later in the season, I guess. Once I get started with training, I'm like a robot with getting the workouts in. If it's on the schedule, I don't even think about it, I just do it, somehow. If I don't have a schedule, however, I'm a couch potato! So, I'll be working on my training schedule this week and next and get it posted for myself. My weakness is nutrition. I frequently just forget to eat, or don't bother. When I'm in the thick of training, I get hungry and that helps me, but then I get picky. I need to work on keeping a variety of snacks on hand and getting them into my body. I also need to work on race-day nutrition, because I don't think I can finish a HIM without some serious intake. Have a great week everyone! Trish

Thanks Trish...that was the number I was thinking...15. What about the rest of you!?

I love your robot comment...I need  you to rub off on me. I will say I am going swimming and instead go biking and running and vice versa.

Nutrition is soo very important..especially when working out....we will find the right nutrition for you...I am a huge GU lover when I packs away easily and sure seems to give me an instant is hard for me even when I race longer races to choke down some of the power bars, cliff bars....etc although I know I need, we definitely want to get you on the right nutritions and some nice healthy snacks....I actually swam today. I got in and it was gorgeous blue sky and all of a sudden I kept thinking who is splashing up a storm next to me...and instead it was a storm...rained really hard for a good 20 or so minutes...and when I got out....brrrrrrrrrr it had gotten colder! I hate swimming outside..and I think that is why I have been having such issues getting to the is just so darn convenient and I am not too fond of a few of the gyms pools and times they have open lap swimming...DILEMMA DILEMMAS! I am off to go have a bite to eat...WAY LATE, but starving since I have been shopping this entire afternoon...hope you all have a great evening...remember to log. I will be checking your logs in the morning....and I hope to see lots of activity....exercise logging that is! can you believe it is almost Christmas...I hate to say it but BAHUMBUG! nite yall!

Me too!  And GU is having a great sale right now on their nutrition stuff and accessories (  You get 30% off and free ground shipping if you enter in the code: GUHOLIDAY08 at checkout. It expires on 12/29.  The chocolate mint is amazing!  Picture eating a thin mint girl scout cookie.

suuuuuuweeeeeeeeeeeeet! I am going to that site as soon as I get finish reading the rest of the posts... thanks Nalani

2008-12-23 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1869659

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
maxmansmom - 2008-12-23 10:57 AM

Oh wow !  I was not around the house much yesterday and look at this wonderful group !!  I am so excited !

Now I am computer challenged, so adding friends and doing the training log will be a process for me!  I'll get there, just slower than most.....huh sounds kinda like my 5k ! lol

I'm so happy to see there is another Indiana girl !! 

Hi Julie...I left you a PM on how to do go girl!

2008-12-23 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1869673

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

lyssa-gator - 2008-12-23 11:02 AM oh yeah, and the sweatshirt!! if you REALLY needed one that bad, i PROBABLY could have done better than the XL idaho track sweatshirt from a guy i used to know, who's now a marine.

wow you remember which one...that is impressive! Wish it was I could give it back..sounds rather sentimental! ;( I will watch for it being sold on ebay!

what are your training plans today? hoping you get something in...want you ready for your race....

2008-12-23 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1869707

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

amy mutz - 2008-12-23 11:22 AM Wow this group is really shaping up to be exciting... I am going to be catching up with everyones information today because we have ice storms here and we can't even walk out on our patio, so it is inside in the lazy boy surfing/blogging today.

Hi Amy...I love that had me gazing into it for some time...I want to be there!!

be careful if you go outside...make sure you wear iceskates if you do venture out...

what is your first race?

2008-12-23 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1869762

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
naners - 2008-12-23 11:46 AM

amy mutz - 2008-12-23 8:22 AM Wow this group is really shaping up to be exciting... I am going to be catching up with everyones information today because we have ice storms here and we can't even walk out on our patio, so it is inside in the lazy boy surfing/blogging today.

I'm sending everyone warm thoughts.  I did think about everyone who runs in the cold during my morning run today.  I couldn't imagine battling the cold! 

thanks we can always use warm thoughts...especially Lyssa and Amy M who seem to be right in the middle of snowstorms....good job on your run - I will head out soon for mine...too many people dropping by with holiday cheers...we were not going to get a tree this year but my dh just brought one home! it is already lit...not sure where he got it...hoping noone round here is missing thier is beautiful - I will take a picture l8tr.

TRAIN WELL EVERYONE...make sure to copy the nice big red chart I made and dump it in your goals area if you do not know how...make sure to contact me and I will help. I will update with our two new teammates this afternoon...looks like we have just a few more spots before we will close the team...I am hoping to hear from everyone so that we know you are committed.

2008-12-23 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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2008-12-23 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

Wow, you leave for 24 hours and there is a whole new page! 

Can someone remind me how to get that nifty red list in my blog?

My name is Andria and this is in fact what my arms look only if my butt and legs could tone up half as nicely   (I was a martial artist for many years and these are my "punching muscles"  )

I look forward to getting to know you all better!

Edited by AndriaLL 2008-12-23 4:49 PM
2008-12-23 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1870101

Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
Kurls26 - 2008-12-23 3:25 PM

UGH it is so hard to workout while on vacation!  I was able to get some pool time today, but instantly had to stop due to all the people in the pool. (community pool+holiday vacation=tons of children doing cannonballs!)  I came home and jumped on to catch up on all I missed. 

 I do have a question. Julie mentioned getting a bike trainer so I can ride indoors during the winter. Is there any preferred brand or style you all use? Anything I should specifically look for before purchasing? I noticed that they can run around 80 bucks and go as high as 300.  Thanks!

I have a Cycle Ops and I think it is fluid?  I tried some at the store and it was the quietest one.  I'm rather sensitive to noise...BUT, after using it maybe a dozen times have found that spin classes motivate me to work harder than I can make myself work on the trainer...

2008-12-23 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1870101

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
Kurls26 - 2008-12-23 2:25 PM

UGH it is so hard to workout while on vacation!  I was able to get some pool time today, but instantly had to stop due to all the people in the pool. (community pool+holiday vacation=tons of children doing cannonballs!)  I came home and jumped on to catch up on all I missed. 

 I do have a question. Julie mentioned getting a bike trainer so I can ride indoors during the winter. Is there any preferred brand or style you all use? Anything I should specifically look for before purchasing? I noticed that they can run around 80 bucks and go as high as 300.  Thanks!

Since I do not own one...I am not one to say! here is a link to the BT forum...THE BEST OF THE BEST TRIATHLON POLL:

and this was from the consumer report web:

hope this is helpful....


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