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2009-01-13 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Tampa, Florida
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Where is everyone today? Feeling pretty good about my run today, hardly any walking at all the first 3 miles, yay me! The weather has been absolutely beautiful lately, hope it stays this way. It's so much easier for me to get motivated to go run outside when it's nice. I also noticed since my Ipod died about a mile in, that I seem to run faster without it. Any of you notice this? I really enjoy having my music, but I think I work harder without it. Think I'm going to try a spin class tomorrow if they have one at my gym. That sounds like a reasonable alternative for me at this point. Thanks for the tips about cycling. When the days get longer, I will try driving out to where traffic is not as bad, but with my work schedule right now, I'm going in before daylight and not getting off early enough to make it feasible to drive somewhere to ride.

2009-01-13 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1905566

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

jessicacrouchrt - 2009-01-13 6:03 PM Where is everyone today? Feeling pretty good about my run today, hardly any walking at all the first 3 miles, yay me! The weather has been absolutely beautiful lately, hope it stays this way. It's so much easier for me to get motivated to go run outside when it's nice. I also noticed since my Ipod died about a mile in, that I seem to run faster without it. Any of you notice this? I really enjoy having my music, but I think I work harder without it. Think I'm going to try a spin class tomorrow if they have one at my gym. That sounds like a reasonable alternative for me at this point. Thanks for the tips about cycling. When the days get longer, I will try driving out to where traffic is not as bad, but with my work schedule right now, I'm going in before daylight and not getting off early enough to make it feasible to drive somewhere to ride.[/QUOTE



You running faster without your IPOD is great news especially since you can't wear them in the race.  Maybe you were just running to your comfort level and not the beat of the music.   I love my music too for training.  I actually set a goal and try to meet that goal THEN put my headphones on as I reward.    You know  - all the games we play to mentally get through it.   Hopefully the days will start getting longer soon -  so we can all stretch out that riding time!


Edited by Tri-Z 2009-01-13 10:02 PM
2009-01-13 10:28 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Hi everybody - this is how I see that our mentor group will work and wanted to get your feedback too!

1- Stay involved - Check out the thread at least weekly and log your workouts so we can keep track of you: motivate, encourage, and even keep you on track for meeting your goals.  I know that we all get busy and have the daily battles of life...just do your best to check in to let us know what is going on!

2- Feel free to BRAG/VENT - If you had an awesome workout and feel very proud of your achievement, then we want to hear about it!  This is your place to BRAG and pat yourself on the back.  That also goes the other way, if you have a terrible day or workout and need to let out some steam, then let it out on this thread!  We have all been through bad workouts and maybe someone has a tip that might help.  There is no judging here - we all are just trying to meet our individual goals since we are all at different levels.

3- Encouragement - This is why we are here!  Try to encourage other group members on the thread and by checking out their logs and inspiring them.  

4- Tips of the Week!  Thanks to Hilde who gave us the swimming tips for this week.  What are other topics that you are interested in?  Run/walk program?  Increasing your run miles?  Bike fits? Transitions?   Tri Gear?  Let me know!

If I can't answer your question, I will try to find the answer for you!   I am excited about this group and can't wait until the season begins!

Have a great rest of the week!





Edited by Tri-Z 2009-01-13 10:29 PM
2009-01-14 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1906247

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

I am so glad to be part of this group.  I am enjoying reading all of your logs to get some ideas for my training, and I have to say, I know I work a good bit harder knowing you all are reading mine!

I am taking the week off from running, this pain is not improving.  Funny thing is, it feels better right after I swim or bike?!  I am frustrated because my running was just getting to the point where I could worry about speed instead of just trying to finish without puking.  I think I'm going to finish up this week with swimming and doing the gym bike since it got cold here, and then take off the 3-day weekend completely.  I'm not doing weights either since I do not want to aggravate the leg thing anymore than it already is.  I looked on the internet and I think I know what it is, don't remember, but it's some kind of groin related injury, you feel it when you raise your knee, and I feel it when I stand up.  It really got aggravated after my Mexican breakfast run on the treadmill on Saturday.

 Another swim tip:  Bilateral breathing!  Although I've read that a lot of tri swimmers only breathe on one side, it really helps to be comfortable breathing on both sides.  It will help even out your stroke, and from what I hear of OWS, you may have sun in your eyes or waves in your mouth on your comfortable side and it sure would be nice to be able to comfortably breathe on the other side.  Once you get used to it, it's second nature.  Normal bilateral breathing is every 3 strokes, L R L R etc.

 Question for Jenny:  How does one go about getting Open Water swim experience?  My idea now is to go to the lake and have my husband kayak beside me.  (When it warms up!)

Gotta go, kindergarten class is on  the way....


2009-01-14 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1906567

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
hildekq - 2009-01-14 8:12 AM

I am so glad to be part of this group.  I am enjoying reading all of your logs to get some ideas for my training, and I have to say, I know I work a good bit harder knowing you all are reading mine!

I am taking the week off from running, this pain is not improving.  Funny thing is, it feels better right after I swim or bike?!  I am frustrated because my running was just getting to the point where I could worry about speed instead of just trying to finish without puking.  I think I'm going to finish up this week with swimming and doing the gym bike since it got cold here, and then take off the 3-day weekend completely.  I'm not doing weights either since I do not want to aggravate the leg thing anymore than it already is.  I looked on the internet and I think I know what it is, don't remember, but it's some kind of groin related injury, you feel it when you raise your knee, and I feel it when I stand up.  It really got aggravated after my Mexican breakfast run on the treadmill on Saturday.

 Another swim tip:  Bilateral breathing!  Although I've read that a lot of tri swimmers only breathe on one side, it really helps to be comfortable breathing on both sides.  It will help even out your stroke, and from what I hear of OWS, you may have sun in your eyes or waves in your mouth on your comfortable side and it sure would be nice to be able to comfortably breathe on the other side.  Once you get used to it, it's second nature.  Normal bilateral breathing is every 3 strokes, L R L R etc.

 Question for Jenny:  How does one go about getting Open Water swim experience?  My idea now is to go to the lake and have my husband kayak beside me.  (When it warms up!)

Gotta go, kindergarten class is on  the way....



Hilde- I am sorry about that pain.  But I am so glad that you are going to be smart about it and take the week off from running.  I am doing that as well this week - no bike or run for me!  It stinks when you have momentum with your training but hopefully this is just what your body needs to get back on track! 

I agree- I am motivated by the group as well!  I thought about you in the pool today and your tips are very useful for the group!   

As for the open water swim, there are many tri clubs in my area that do the open water swims and even have clinics.  I contacted Brittany (she lives near you) to see if there are any that she knows of that I can pass on to you!  I highly recommend getting a few open water swims in before a race.  As you said - there is water splashing, waves, lots of people, can't see, etc...that is very different than the pool!  BTW -this is all for when it warms up!

I bet you are a great kindergartin teacher!  After your morning swim, I am sure you have tons of energy for those sweet kiddos!  They are like a sponge, absorbing everything at that age!   - I used to teach 4th grade and loved it!  So rewarding - I have a 5 year old girl who will be going to k next year!

2009-01-14 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Hillsboro, OR
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

As I mentioned in my intro, I am very new to this whole training thing.  Anytime I've been at the gym before, it's always been for a class, aerobics or yoga, etc, and I've never been able to really develop a solid habit.

Well it's happened.  I'm addicted.  I had to miss yesterday (for a kindergarten parent meeting - there's a kg theme here) and I am PISSED.  And can't wait to get there tonight.  Wish I could go right now.  I have never felt that way before.  I'm sure it will fade some.  Right now I'm in a bit of a honeymoon period, everything's so new, but I am loving it.

I am so grateful to have this group to share with.  I have not been telling everyone I'm starting to train for a tri, just my gym buddy.  I know that it's supposed to be motivating to tell your friends so you have people to be accountable to, but this is something so special to me, and I am really just doing it for me that I don't really want to share yet.  Soon I'll have to, but for now, y'all are my outlet for my newbie excitement.


2009-01-14 5:05 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Extreme Veteran
Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now


question on bi-lateral breathing. i am pretty good at keeping one goggle slightly in the water when i breathe to my right side (strong side) but when i try breathing to my left, i notice i pull my head way up and almost point my chin toward the ceiling b/c i'm trying to get a big breath in. is this just b/c i'm not used to it and i will get better in time/practice or should i not even bother? just curious.

also...shoulder update...went to ortho today and found out i have a sprained tendon. they told me 6 weeks, but when they saw my facial expression, he said he'd be happy with 3. ha. i'm taking it easy this week and playing it by ear next. argh.

keep up the good work guys...

2009-01-14 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1908188

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Jen,  Let me answer your breathing question tomorrow after I go to the pool... one of those things I kind have to experience, y'know?  It is so automatic to me, I'm not even sure how I do it!

 And very glad to hear nothing is broken!  Take it easy, just lay off the bon bons!


Edited by hildekq 2009-01-14 7:49 PM
2009-01-14 9:15 PM
in reply to: #1907489

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
PeakDogs - 2009-01-14 1:35 PM

As I mentioned in my intro, I am very new to this whole training thing.  Anytime I've been at the gym before, it's always been for a class, aerobics or yoga, etc, and I've never been able to really develop a solid habit.

Well it's happened.  I'm addicted.  I had to miss yesterday (for a kindergarten parent meeting - there's a kg theme here) and I am PISSED.  And can't wait to get there tonight.  Wish I could go right now.  I have never felt that way before.  I'm sure it will fade some.  Right now I'm in a bit of a honeymoon period, everything's so new, but I am loving it.

I am so grateful to have this group to share with.  I have not been telling everyone I'm starting to train for a tri, just my gym buddy.  I know that it's supposed to be motivating to tell your friends so you have people to be accountable to, but this is something so special to me, and I am really just doing it for me that I don't really want to share yet.  Soon I'll have to, but for now, y'all are my outlet for my newbie excitement.


Hey Jenn - I am so glad that this is your outlet.   Having to logs your workouts also helps with that accountablilty too.   We all love those pink squares. 

Being new I remember I had tons of questions....please feel free to ask, the group is very supportive!!!  No question is silly. 

Have a great night!

2009-01-14 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1872726


Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

running tip--i had prior IT band issues this past season and love my "magic" pants.  i have several brands of compression pants that really seem to protect and avoid injuries.  keep in mind---i run maybe 6 miles per week and don't stress my body too much.

core strength---take a pilates class.  i teach them daily and help keep my core strong to transfer to all your sports in the tris.  also, pilates helps flexibility and avoiding injuries.

2009-01-14 10:18 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Questions about the board? I'm not sure this is the place to ask but I don't know where else to ask. I found a link for the races I want to do and it shows people who are also scheduled for those races. Is there a way to find out their e-mails or a way on the board to link with them and chat? I have seen a post on here about knowing where people are from. How do you see a profile to know where people are from and is there a way to look up people in my area? I probably have more questions but that is probably enough for now.

I love this group, thanks Jenny for all of the support. I will be praying for health and energy for all of us to reach our potential and goals. Thanks everyone, Nadine.

2009-01-14 11:45 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Another question..... If I am able to finish this tri in Feb but I will be really slow is that okay? My only goal is to finish but I don't know if going and being slow is considered acceptable?
2009-01-15 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1908806

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Tampa, Florida
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Questions about the board? I'm not sure this is the place to ask but I don't know where else to ask. I found a link for the races I want to do and it shows people who are also scheduled for those races. Is there a way to find out their e-mails or a way on the board to link with them and chat? I have seen a post on here about knowing where people are from. How do you see a profile to know where people are from and is there a way to look up people in my area? I probably have more questions but that is probably enough for now.

You can always ask questions and don't worry about sounding silly. Odds are good that at least one of us is wondering the same thing AND one of us knows the answer. On the race links, if you scroll down, you'll see lists of BT'ers who are signed up, ones who did it last year, and other races the ones' currently signed up are planning to do. If you click on the user name, it takes you straight to their info where you can send them a private message, get some basic info on them, and click on their logs if they aren't private. I'm not exactly sure how to find members in our respective areas, but I'm curious about that too. Once you make "friends", you can add them to your friends list on the control panel of your training log page. There is a tab there for friends where you just type in their user name and save them, then they are always right there on your training log page. I hope this helps. Anyone who can explain it better, please feel free to chime in......

As far as finishing your first and being slow, of course its okay!!! I think I was dead last in my age group and pretty close to last overall in my first tri. Just crossing the finish line was one of the best feelings I've ever had and my overall time didn't matter at all. There will be people there to cheer you on, no matter how long it takes. People in tri community are very supportive and everyone wants to see you succeed and meet your goal, even if your only goal at this point is to finish. My advice to you is to train to finish for your first time. Don't put the extra pressure on yourself to make certain times until you finish one and see what's it like. Plan to enjoy yourself! For my first one, I only focused on training to be absolutely sure that I felt comfortable that I could finish, so that I could enjoy the race without checking the clock. Just my 2 cents.

Glad to have you with us, I'm enjoying being part of this group and I really look forward to checking this page everyday!
2009-01-15 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1908713

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
nursenadine - 2009-01-14 10:18 PM

Questions about the board? I'm not sure this is the place to ask but I don't know where else to ask. I found a link for the races I want to do and it shows people who are also scheduled for those races. Is there a way to find out their e-mails or a way on the board to link with them and chat? I have seen a post on here about knowing where people are from. How do you see a profile to know where people are from and is there a way to look up people in my area? I probably have more questions but that is probably enough for now.

I love this group, thanks Jenny for all of the support. I will be praying for health and energy for all of us to reach our potential and goals. Thanks everyone, Nadine.


Ok Nadine - I know what you are talking about - I clicked on one of your races, then went to racelink (click on that), and that shows the peoples names that are doing the same race.  I think there are 5 other users that are doing the race on Feb 14.  Click on their names and it will bring it to their blog.  Alot of people do NOT attach their city location for some reason.  But if you go on their log under their races is their name, click on that and it does say location and email address.  If there is no location, I would just check out their blogs and if you want to contact them then give them an inspire.  That is how a lot of people have met on this site!

2009-01-15 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1908806

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

nursenadine - 2009-01-14 11:45 PM Another question..... If I am able to finish this tri in Feb but I will be really slow is that okay? My only goal is to finish but I don't know if going and being slow is considered acceptable?


AND  it does not matter your time - it matters that you get out their and do it!  

2009-01-15 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

oh no! not another question! Surprised

I was looking for advice for this weekend because it seems like I am having a hard time deciding what to do. My choices are I could do a brick this sat or I could do a 5k in one of my faviort cities St. Petersburg. I did one 5k before and enjoyed it and running is something I struggle with. Or I could do all three events on my own in the distances of the tri I want to do.

2009-01-15 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1909144

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

I know for me there are not a lot of 5K races coming up, so I would probably opt for the 5K because you can always do the other training whenever.  And since running is a weak spot for you, the more exerience you have the better!  I just did my very first (and only) one in Dec.  My 2 goals were to finish in under :45, and not to walk and I did both.  AND I wasn't last!  I felt elated just to actually do it!  It was great!

Just my opinion...


2009-01-15 10:49 AM
in reply to: #1909144

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
I agree with Hilde - I think you should go for it and do the 5k!  If it is your weakness, it is good to focus on it.  Also, you might see a difference in how your body reacts to a race setting than just you training alone.  (it might even make you more confident too)  It is a lot easier to keep going when you have other people around you trying to reach a similar goal.   Let us know what you decide!
2009-01-15 12:55 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Hilde- I asked Brittany about some swim groups close to where you love.  She lives in Kileen and here is her response!  Hope this helps!

There is a group of ladies that train for the Danskin Women's Tri every year and go out to Lake Belton to swim. The coach is Kristi Allison (I worked with her last year for swimming) and her contact info is at She isn't doing individual training right now as she had to take a job with a local high school, but the Danskin group is going to be training. There may be another group that a friend of mine swims with at the same location, so I'll ask her about it. I intend to go there a lot once it's warm enough.

I did the OWS race (more like practice and it wasn't that pretty!!) at Mansfield Dam in Austin through the Austin Triathletes. I checked their site and they haven't updated it in awhile, probably due to the off season, but if she keeps her eye on that site, they have several chip timed OWS at the 800/1.2/2.4 distances.

2009-01-15 2:56 PM
in reply to: #1910002

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Thanks Jenny,

 I had pulled up Kristi Allison's website... she must be in another school district because I couldn't access her email through mine.  I'll check out the other stuff too.

I am taking 5 days off completely (including today)... leg is still hurting, thought I was seeing improvement, but now I don't think so.  Rather than risk biking or swimming hurting it more, I will see how it feels after 5 days and if it's the same, might be time to go see a doc.  From what I've checked on the internet it sounds like an inflammation of the psoara muscle?  Something about the tendon that connects to the top of the femur. 

So everyone, work out for me!!!  I'll be following you!

2009-01-16 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Hope everybody has a great weekend!  Anybody got any good plans???

2009-01-19 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1872726

New user
Farmington Hills, MI
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Hi all.  Okay, It looks like I need motivation bad.  I did nothing last week.  My kids keep me extraordinarily busy when they're at my house.  I will change this!

I have today off, and my kids are at their dad's, so here goes.  I'm starting today.  I'm making this week's schedule and will be fitting in the first week of the "Agressive Couch to 5K Program" workout.   I'm going to write this right into my schedule so I'll feel like I've got to do it.

Has anyone done this program?  Today I'll be walking 25 minutes, and I'll fit some strength training in.  Wednesday the walking increases to 30 minutes, and that's repeated on the weekend.  I need to figure out some weight exercises to do.  It's been soooo long!

After a few weeks I'll add swimming in.  I'll try to follow the beginner swim program month I.  In month 4 of this particular program biking is added in.  I'm okay with the running/biking, but the swimming I'm anxious about.  So, I'll need some psyching up for that.

I've found a couple of indoor tri's in the spring, I may do one of those just for fun.  We'll see.

I know I'm way behind you all, but this is a big deal for me.  I can use all the guidance and support I can get, and I'll cheer you on, too.  If you have any hints for me, I'm totally open.  I'll commit to checking into the group on a daily basis.

Thanks everyone, and good luck with your goals!



2009-01-19 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1915919

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Yea Dawn!!

 Glad to hear you are going to just DO it... one small step at a time and before you know it you will be amazed at how you've improved.  DON'T GIVE UP, we are all here for you.  My advice is to take it slow, especially with the running.  Better to be super slow than risk an injury that will keep you out of things for awhile.

I did a Couch to 5K plan I found on the internet... actually I'm still doing it.  It is 9 weeks long and it started with something like 90 seconds of running/jogging, 3 minutes of walking, repeat for 20 minutes.  I think it was through the Cool Running website.  I am still stuck on Week 8 which is a warm up and 28 continuous minutes of running... got an injury which I am still nursing but am anxious to get back into it.  And I'll have to back down a bit to make sure I am truly injury free and not aggravating it again. 

Keep us posted on how it's going and questions, I know all of us want you to succeed!  Oh and keep your training log up to date!!


Edited by hildekq 2009-01-19 9:33 AM
2009-01-19 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1872726

New user
Farmington Hills, MI
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Thanks, Hilde!  I'm happy to report that I got to the Y, walked on the treadmill for about 35 or 40 minutes, and got reoriented on the weight machines.  Yay!  I put that into my training log.

So, thanks for the encouragement and support.  Hope you had (or have) a great workout today!


2009-01-19 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1915919

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Hillsboro, OR
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Hey Dawn,

I've been wondering where all the other newbies are.  I've been getting a little intimidated myself with all the talk of entering 5Ks and bricks (whatever those are) already.   But I just keep getting myself to the gym.  For me I know that developing the habit will be my biggest initial obstacle.  Scheduling my gym time and writing it in on the calendar has helped a lot.  I'm still just walking on the treadmill, no running, and spinning on the bike.  So you're not behind, we're not behind, we're right where we're supposed to be.

I would love to hear what training plans the other beginners are going with.

I had been thinking that I would use the 12 wk couch-to-sprint from this website.  I like that it starts with all three sports from the beginning.  But as I've doing more research, I came across the Total Immersion and the Chi Running programs.  I am really drawn to those.  (I've never been more fit or healthier than when I had a very active tai chi & yoga practice.)  Has anyone here done either one?  So now I am looking at creating my own training plan based on those programs.  I know they're popular with triathletes as that's where I kept coming across them, but I haven't found an existing plan that incorporates them.  Hope I'm not reinventing the wheel.


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