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2009-05-22 6:47 AM
in reply to: #2167304

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Is knee and leg pain contagious?
This morning my left knee and right calf are bothering me.  Probably will, and some would say SHOULD, keep me from running later today.  Just after-effects of running a 4 mile race on Monday after my Tri on Sunday -- or so I hope.
Looks like I might take it easy for a few days to let my body completely heal.  So sad...

Bummer, since my running has been coming along.  Last year, it was a struggle to get under 8 min mile pace for 2-3 miles.  Now, I can cruise at about a 7:50 pace for that distance, and can push to 7:40 for up to 4 miles.
Some probably look at that and think "slow...." and others look and think "what's he complaining about?"  Well, neither.  More just the feeling of success that my run times have been improving with more exercise, more walks/jogs/runs, and simply more repititions.

Then again, I probably will try to at least jog later today at lunch - such a nice day, can't let it go to waste!

2009-05-22 7:36 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
I"m trapped at home today!  My husband took my minivan in for maintenance which will take a few hours and then he is going to make some repairs on our rental property.  No going to the gym for me today  
I think I'll wait until #1 gets home around 2:45 and go for a bike ride.  Unfortunately, I am going to miss my long Saturday bike ride because my neighborhood is having a garage sale and there are some things we really need to get rid of.  I'll try to work in a jog after.
I have an OWS with some other BTers planned for Sunday morning.  The neck/shoulder is better today, bothered me less last night, I am hoping it will feel even better with a couple more days of rest.
I went to my chiropractor the day after I pulled it and got a great massage right after my tri but I just might have to find someone to help me massage it out.
2009-05-22 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2166004

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Keri - Great job on the run.  If your first mile was 12, that means you avg'd 10:40 for the last 3.  That is solid and the right way to approach your long runs...ease into the pace and finish strong.  Well done!

2009-05-22 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2167560

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Keri's 4 mile run
Keri -
Way to go on a 4 mile run.  That looks liek one of your longer runs.
Before you know it, you will be thinking "half marathon"!!!

Have a fun weekend.
2009-05-22 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2165310

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Updated list.

konichiwa - Tim
gymnutt03 - Laura
kerikadi - Keri
mrtimbo - Tim
Cubacheski - Bryan
joeyg - Joey
URGuilty - Charlie
fontaic - Charlie
wkwl2714 - Andrew


Edited by konichiwa 2009-06-02 9:23 PM
2009-05-22 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2167504

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Is knee and leg pain contagious?

Hey Joey -

A 4mi race the day after a that's tough.  I would definitely take it easy for a day or two.  Remember that your body is actually weaker after your workout/race.  You do not realize the benefits of your training until your rest and recover.  You can still run but don't feel the need to go out at sub 8s.  Run a cpl miles easy and then once you feel back to normal you can add back the intensity.

I typically plan 4-week training blocks.  3-weeks on, and then 1 recovery week, but even within those first 3wks, I try to have 2 easier days per week (sometimes a complete rest day, sometimes a swim and easy bike, etc).  Now what constitutes easy vs. hard is highly individual and also dependent on your current fitness level.  The workouts I am doing now would have destroyed me in Feb.  It's all about having a consistent plan/process.

2009-05-22 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Grrr I am being forced to take a day off and I'm not happy about it.
The boys had plans to go camping and left earlier that I anticipated and the van is just now ready!  My hopes for an afternoon bike ride have been dashed.  I guess tomorrow I'll have to pull a brick.

Do you guys take days off??  When I do I feel like such a slug!

Plans for the long weekend?

2009-05-22 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2168851

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
I usually take 1 day off during the week, I will have 2 this week due to the race.  I am going to get in an early brick workout, and then finish getting the house ready for a party in the evening.

Sunday, I will probably run for about 45 minutes. 

Have a good weekend everybody

2009-05-24 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Hey folks!  Is everybody BBQing this weekend?
Yesterday I went for a long(ish) ride for me - 20 miles, it was windy but went well.
Today I met up with several other BTers for an OWS.  A few of us met in our area and carpooled down.  OW still geeks me out and I didn't want to aggrivate my shoulder so I just did a couple of 200s.  It was great weather and water temp, this was my first time at this lake and the water was pretty clear, I will definitely do it again.  It was great to meet a lot of new folks today.  I am hoping to go for a run later this afternoon.
2009-05-24 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2151526

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Weekend not going as planned.  I overslept and missed my early morning brick, and then while trying to hurry and get a run in before our dinner party, I burned my hand with 500 degree oil from a deep frier.  After running cold water on my hand I went for a short run and felt the pain in my then blistered hand.  So, I will take Sunday off this week from training and get to it on Monday.
2009-05-24 3:59 PM
in reply to: #2170782

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
mrtimbro - 2009-05-24 2:51 PM Weekend not going as planned.  I overslept and missed my early morning brick, and then while trying to hurry and get a run in before our dinner party, I burned my hand with 500 degree oil from a deep frier.  After running cold water on my hand I went for a short run and felt the pain in my then blistered hand.  So, I will take Sunday off this week from training and get to it on Monday.

Tim, I'm sorry things aren't going as planned.  I hope your hand is ok, burns can be very painful.

2009-05-25 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2170814

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Happy Memorial day everyone.  I was invited on a bike ride thru our church.  I borrowed a 10 speed and road for about 32 miles.  We stopped frequently to let another fellow catch up.  Finished in 3 hours and 20 minutes.  Had a blast can't wait to do it again!  Gotta get me a bike ...
2009-05-25 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2171692

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Memorial Day Weekend
Hope everyone has had a good weekend.  I have just relaxed all weekend; went camping with the family.  It was good to be away from computer (work and everything else), and my training.  Figured that I deserved a weekend of 'down' time, to re-charge and recover.

Plan to run my weekly 3.9 mile fun-run tonight.  Still not sure if I will run as an easy run, or a hard run. 

Tim, too bad about the hand.  Is it feeling better yet?
2009-05-25 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Charlie - that sounds like a nice ride.

Joey - Camping sounds great.  Always good to get away from the electronic boxes that seem to steal so much of our lives.  My boys went camping at enchanted rock this weekend and really enjoyed themselves.

I did my long run today on the treadmill.  I don't like running on the treadmill but I'll be running outside tomorrow and it was hot by the time I got to the gym.  The run is in my log if you're interested - I wrote a novel about it Smile


2009-05-25 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Nice 5 mile run Keri
It is such a great feeling to set a goal, and then HIT IT!
Way to go. 

Do I hear six miles next?
2009-05-25 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2151526

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Hey guys, the hands is less painfull today, but is starting to blister.  I still got in a 15.4 mile ride with a short run after.  The only good thing that came from the burn is that I got to give my daughter a real life lesson on why not to touch hot things. 

2009-05-25 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Tim's brick
Hi Tim.
Well, I guess a lesson learned there somewhere (on the hand).

Looked like a pretty good bike ride into run today.  What I have tried to do to help me transition bike to run is:
a) not to push hard to end on bike
b) try to loosen up thru maybe last mile of bike
c) pick a couple times, maybe 10 secends each, to get up on the pedals (standing), and do some leg stretching.  Little bits of what you would do prior to just running.
d) start off the run at more jog pace to slowly shake out the legs

For me, I can usually shake the feeling somewhere between 0.3 and 0.5 miles.  I know I am losing a little bike time by stretching and not "pushing to the very end", but this works for me.  In my Tri, and when I have done my own Tri or brick training.  Each time I do this, I seem to get a little better, and recover to my running stride sooner.

What do you - and others - try to ready yourself for Transition 2?
2009-05-26 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2151526

New user

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Hey I've been out of town the past 4 days so it's good to be back and on the forum.  I'm starting up training in a week and a half. Is anyone aware of any good training plans I can have easy access to on-line for olympic tri's?
2009-05-26 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

hey gang.  Sorry I was MIA over the wknd.  Looks like the forum was alive and well and eveyrone had an enjoyable holiday wknd.

Laura and I met up with two of our best friends (also triathletes) and did a training wknd in Gettysburg, PA.  We got in solid rides on Sat and Sun and then a run on Monday.  Of course there was a lot of eating out and ice-cream in between.

Keri - Congrats on the 5 mile run.  Well done.

Tim - Sorry to hear about the hand.  Ouch!

Andrew - Check out this link for training plans;  I think you need to be a paying member to link the training plan into your logs but they do have some free basic plans that should help you to get started.  If you have any specific questions, let me know.


2009-05-26 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2172187

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Thanks Keri,
the bike was too small but I was able to finish without getting flattened by any vehicles.  Almost got run over by a deer too!  On the plus side, I bought a nifty bike helmet at Walmart with a cool light in the back.  On the negative side, I neglected to buy bike pants.  I now know their importance (ouch!).

I enjoyed your novel on the treadmill run.  Way to go! 
2009-05-26 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2173150

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
konichiwa - 2009-05-26 10:55 AM

Andrew - Check out this link for training plans;  I think you need to be a paying member to link the training plan into your logs but they do have some free basic plans that should help you to get started.  If you have any specific questions, let me know.


Tim, I am thinking of going bronze for this feature.  I really need a plan.  Have you found it helpful?

2009-05-27 7:39 AM
in reply to: #2174198

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Keri -

I have never used any of the stock BT plans as they were not available when I first joined BT, but upon reviewing the 16 Week Sprint - 3x Balanced plan it does appear to be a very good plan for beginners.  It follows a nice structure - a 3 weeks on, 1 week cutback model.  Also, each week only adds ~10% from the previous week.  This is a smart approach, esp for those newer to the sport.

It's also nice that the plans import directly.  Just be sure to read the plan description and follow their recommendations there about adjusting the schedule etc.  It'd be easy to train for triathlons if we didn't have any other responsibilities, but the reality is this isn't the case.  We have to find a balance b/t family/work/triathlons and this is paramount.

Bottom line, I think whichever plan you choose you'll find helpful.

BTW, I'm also a bronze if you have any questions about a bronze plan, just let me know and I can take a look at it over here.


2009-05-27 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2172306

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Tim's brick

Joey -

I like your suggestions.  Here are a couple other things I do to get ready for T2 and the run.

- For the last mile or so, I'll put the bike in one gear easier and spin a higher cadence

- I do stand and stretch like you suggested.  I may also sit, stop pedaling, coast and with my feet at 3 & 9 o'clock and move my knees in and out to shake out the legs.  It looks funny, but feels good.

- Take in nutrition at the end of the bike (maybe 5min before T2) as oppose to in T2 or during the beginning of the run. 

- Not so much a strategy to get ride of the brick feeling, but more of a general "good idea" for racing tri's - pace the run.  If you ran your local 5k road race at a 10min/mi pace, don't go out in mile 1 of your tri and bust out 9:30.  Keep in mind your open running race time will be faster than your tri run time.  So maybe 10min/mi road race is 10:15-10:30/mi in a tri.  Try to start at that pace and then if you feel good, pick it up as you near the end.

For me, the timing and the length of the above really depends on the length of the race and how I am feeling.


2009-05-27 3:25 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

What are you guys doing today?  What is on your training plan???
I know we are a little group but we need to get our post count up Wink  Obviously I'm chatty Kathy here but help a Mama out guys Smile

I swam today.  My plan was to get an idea of what my 300 is so I can register for my pool swim tri at the end of June.  It seems like my swim is getting worse cardio wise.  Is that possible???  Is my brain getting in the way? (rhetorical)  Of course it is.  WHY on earth do I start to panic in water I can stand in????

Long story well..... not really short...... I swam the 300 in 8:17.  Not pretty but the good news is I swam 12 lengths and 10 of them were freestyle.  A friend was there, I asked her to watch and she gave me some tips which is always good.  I wish I could swing a swim coach...... and a maid..... and a cook.Kiss

Currently trying to convince myself to get on the bike for a short ride.

2009-05-27 4:40 PM
in reply to: #2173150

New user

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
konichiwa - 2009-05-25 11:55 PM

Andrew - Check out this link for training plans;  I think you need to be a paying member to link the training plan into your logs but they do have some free basic plans that should help you to get started.  If you have any specific questions, let me know.

I checked out the 16 week 3x Balanced plan for Olympic and it looks good. If I become a Bronze member would it give me a more specific training plan other than just times i.e. 40 min run, 80 min bike, etc? If some of you who are experienced at tri's don't mind looking at it and let me know if it is a good program to go with I'd greatly appreciate it. The link is .....

Thanks for the help.

Edited by wkwl2714 2009-05-27 4:43 PM
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