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2009-12-18 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed

Morning gang hope you are all well, a fair bit of snow around here, its amazing just how the UK grinds to a halt with the first drop of snow! Good news is my back feels pretty good after the run yesterday, cant believe how stiff my legs are after 4 miles, I'm out of shape! Weather permitting I'll be out again in the morning and stick another mile on and see how it feels, keep your fingers crossed.

Pattie you've inspired me and I've found a local 10k on New Years Day which I'll jog round, great way to start the new year and indeed decade! I'm in the process of finailsing my schedule for racing next year and will share it once done. Lets all do that and I'll put them in some sort of table so we can see who's racing etc and give it eachother support.

Great to see that we are helping eachother out already that's what this is all about, well done peeps!

Not sure how many of you belong a club, if you can do so its a real help. I belong this one, we are only a year or so old and I have met some great people. I'm a coach with them and also manage the junior academy, wow we have some fast kids, this old man struggles to keep up!

Have a crazy day folks, I'm out with the family for the first Christmas dinner of the week tonight, sure I'll be fed up of them this time next week.


2009-12-18 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Look what I found on my Twitter feed today!

"Pattie Ekman has won today's Flowin Fridays drawing. She will get a pair of Somnio Running shoes and some awesome swag. Follow us to win!"

I'm so excited!
2009-12-18 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2566740

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
rowdypaint - 2009-12-18 4:09 PM Look what I found on my Twitter feed today!

"Pattie Ekman has won today's Flowin Fridays drawing. She will get a pair of Somnio Running shoes and some awesome swag. Follow us to win!"

I'm so excited!
Wey hey go girl, 3 days into our little team and we have a competition winner - full respect!! x
2009-12-18 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Ha!  In the spirit of full disclosure, I must mention that I won a tri bike last year.  Yep.  A bike.  It's a Trek Equinox 7 and it rocks!

2009-12-18 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2566895

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
rowdypaint - 2009-12-18 5:02 PM Ha!  In the spirit of full disclosure, I must mention that I won a tri bike last year.  Yep.  A bike.  It's a Trek Equinox 7 and it rocks!

You are our lucky talisman, I'll be doing our national lottery tomorrow, let me know which numbers to choose and I'll send you a million dollars when I win!! x
2009-12-18 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2562549

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Open
Hi Cav, 

Thanks for replying, and for the welcome!  I don't really have a verdict on the back yet, I'm waiting for an appointment with a Neurosurgeon (we all know how long this takes on the NHS!!), so at the moment I'm looking at really concentrating on swimming, and working in some steep hill walks on the dreadmill until i'm given the all clear by the Neuro.  I never realised how much I would miss the exercise, until I was told I wasn't allowed to do it, it's like having choc gateau in the fridge and not being allowed to have any - torture!  The doctor (my work doctor, i think he's trying to cover his a$$) told me NO EXERCISE whatsoever, whereas the consensus of opinion in this day and age is that gentle exercise is good.  Since I took his advice - about 3 weeks ago, i find that my back is so weak, i can't even bend to pick up a mug off the floor, so i have decided to ignore him and listen to my body instead, as the muscles supporting my back have obviously atrophied with his advice. 

I have come to the opinion that I will prob carry on with triathlon regardless of whether it will worsen what I have by a year or two, as up until now, (with the exception of horseriding which isn't good for backs anyway!), I have never found a sport that 'fit'.  Tri does, and I am hooked. 

I am pleased with the achievement with the sprint, originally my objective when i signed up was just to finish, but when my training got better i wanted sub 2h, at one point it was going far better than i anticipated and i wanted sub 1h30.  I was shocked (and very pleased) when i was told that I got near my 2h marker by my boyfriend, as with the injuries and the problems i encountered (and total lack of food) it was nothing short of a miracle!!  lol

Anyway, your input will be greatly appreciated.  Due to the injury my fitness level is non existent, but if you told me to swim 2 miles a day i would do it, regardless how long it took.  It's just nice to have someone pay an interest, and help motivate you.  So thanks for signing up to be a mentork, and I look forward to torturous swim drills lol only joking

2009-12-18 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2566277

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed

Good Evening Everyone!

     Since the mac truck (AKA a swimming pool at 72 degrees F) I took the day off to rest my body. I have a 6 mile and a swim planned for first thing tomorrow morning.

Thanks to everyone for their words of wisdom and encouragment. I am going to try to get to an open body of water before the May/June timeframe when I plan on racing my first Tri. Pattie, I don't mind the contact of other people normally. love contact sports usually - just not in the water.LOL  I will definately be a "back of the pack" kind of gal until I get the hang of it and then there will be NO STOPPING me. Cool

As requested, here are the races I plan on participating in 2010 at this point. I imagine that the list will get longer should I develop the racing BUG. I believe that I will also do a full Tri in the Fall next year, but we shall see.

Cowtown half Marathon 2/27/10 in Fort Worth Texas

Champions Tri -- Women’s Only Super Sprint Triathlon (Triathlon)
3/27/2010 in Spicewood , Texas

Capital of Texas Triathlon - Sprint Distance (Triathlon)
5/31/2010 in Austin , Texas


2009-12-18 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2568033

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Tammy- That looks like a good spring schedule.  My second race was a women's only race.  It was kind of neat to be racing with that many women.  Just keep working at that swim; it will happen.  And know that you will not be the only one who is a bit worried about the swim.  You'll be in good company. 
2009-12-19 7:12 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Good morning group!  At least it's morning here in the US.  Any weekend plans?  Parties?  Training?  Shopping?  We have a few people coming over to watch the NBC broadcast of IM Hawaii this afternoon.  Yep, that's how triathletes party.  Ha!  Until then I have to clean and cook some tasty munchies.  Today's menu is nachos and empanadas with cookies for dessert.  And Corona beer.  Have a great weekend everyone!
2009-12-19 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2568346

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
rowdypaint - 2009-12-19 8:12 AM Good morning group!  At least it's morning here in the US.  Any weekend plans?  Parties?  Training?  Shopping?  We have a few people coming over to watch the NBC broadcast of IM Hawaii this afternoon.  Yep, that's how triathletes party.  Ha!  Until then I have to clean and cook some tasty munchies.  Today's menu is nachos and empanadas with cookies for dessert.  And Corona beer.  Have a great weekend everyone!

We're having a small Xmas this morning as part of out Fam will be in Maine...then after, we're watching the Hawaii IM as well!  Training?  Hopefully digging out at least a foot of snow and some hill repeats (uh, running up and sledding down...), some pull up bar work, push-ups and stretching (lots and lots of stretching) to help get into that aero position.  I bought a set of carbon t2+ aeros with money I made selling some photos a few weeks ago (it's nice to have one hobby that can support another).  Food?  I'm going to stick with fruit, carrots, hummus and coffee along with some nuts today...maybe some pasta...I plan on getting to a real running store and getting set up with a well fit pair of running sneakers in the next couple weeks (it's not high on my priority list) and also to get back into the pool once a week for January and February, then step up to 2x a week.  I'll be catching up on the swimming pointers above over the next couple weeks as well
2009-12-19 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2568346

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
rowdypaint - 2009-12-19 1:12 PM Good morning group!  At least it's morning here in the US.  Any weekend plans?  Parties?  Training?  Shopping?  We have a few people coming over to watch the NBC broadcast of IM Hawaii this afternoon.  Yep, that's how triathletes party.  Ha!  Until then I have to clean and cook some tasty munchies.  Today's menu is nachos and empanadas with cookies for dessert.  And Corona beer.  Have a great weekend everyone!
Mid afternoon here Pattie, just back from the gym after an hour on the spin bike, felt pretty good, getting back into the groove! IM Hawaii - all hail the new Queen of Kona the incredible Chrissie Wellington, what an athlete and having met her what a wonderful lady, so modest, so friendly, I love her! Your palce sounds the place to be today, I'll be there in spirit! Christmas shopping done, presents wrapped, sat in front of the fire in a very cold and icy Hull, glass of shiraz in my hand, dont get much better than this!

2009-12-19 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed

Good afternoon.  Can you explain what the mentor program is and how we should look at utilizing this group moving forward?

Many thanks.

2009-12-19 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2568646

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
jamesj7373 - 2009-12-19 5:54 PM Cav,

Good afternoon.  Can you explain what the mentor program is and how we should look at utilizing this group moving forward?

Many thanks.

James give this a read, gives background

For me its a place to share thoughts, experience, ideas, advice and tips etc and to encourage and support eachother through the season
2009-12-19 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Bad cough, shin splints I am thinking miss a day from the schedule???Cry
2009-12-19 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2568738

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Wax_On - 2009-12-19 7:34 PM Bad cough, shin splints I am thinking miss a day from the schedule???Cry
Chris, spot on, there's a good chance by ignoring this and training through you'll make things worse and lose more training time. Golden rule, listen to your body and act accordingly.
2009-12-19 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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New user
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed

Ok folks we are up and running here’s the roster:

RogerWillco - Burak

Sicone - Stav

Wax On  - Chris

Jamesj7373- James

FeakingPuertoRican - Oscar

Aphrodite225 - Daniele

MoodyMatt- Matt

Neuronet- Eric

Rowdypaint - Pattie.

ferretracer - Erik

TTucker- Tammy

Welcome to everyone, this is going to be such a fun journey for all of us as we have many different levels and experiences in this group. Ok rule number one remember that none of us are professional athletes, this forum should be fun and a really open place to answer questions, generate ideas and create discussions as much as possible. Every question is valid, no question is silly or basic and if you are thinking about something there’s a good chance somebody else is too or somebody can help. I’m not a professional or veteran, I love the sport, am still learning and want to grow to. I have enthusiasm, energy, love to help people and have already qualified as a tri coach with the British Triathlon Federation to do so. I’m coaching youngsters and remember what I say may be different than 1000 other triathletes. I can tell you my experience, my preferences and opinions, but honestly, triathlon is an individual sport and my perspective comes from what works for me. Consider everyone's input, but in the end, go with what works for you.

We are here to support, encourage and question each other, don't be too sensitive if I or someone else questions something you are doing. This is where you will learn the most. The main thing is to have fun, learn, meet our goals and encourage each other to do so. Use the inspire section in each other's training logs to give feedback and constructive comments.

Ok the first set of goals for the group in the next day or two are as follows:

1. Lets add each other to your BT friends list. This is done as follows: in the bottom left of your training blog you will have a friends box. In the right coroner of that box is a + sign. If you click on that + sign it should take you directly to the friends section. From there click on the "..." box and input each person's user name and it will search for them and you can add them one at a time (a pain I know). From there at the bottom of the screen click the update friends. When you go back to your blog you should have everyone in your friends section. To view other people's training logs, just click on their link from the friends section of your blog. I hope that helps and makes sense. To inspire someone just go to their log and click on inspire and type in your message. If someone else has left you a message and you want to reply, hit the blog button on their message it will take you to their blog with the initial message. Don't hit reply as it will just reply in your own blog.

2. Start logging your training time on the log, I think most are already. The logs are really important and will help give personal guidance, and they are look impressive when you start building them over weeks, months and years, month to month and year to year. The logs will also help us with inspires and for those of you interested in weight loss, start recording your weight (if you want) in your logs.

3. Start to think about your goals for the season, what you would like to achieve, could be completing a certain distance, a time target etc and also think about the things you need to do to hit these goals. For example I’m thinking mine maybe to duck under 1hr 20m for sprint and 3 hours for Olympic, for me to do this may main focus will be on swimming as this is my weakness and where I can save most time. To improve my swim time I’ve hired a swim coach and start work with him on 29/12.  Once you’ve set them share them with the group and we’ll have a discussion how we can achieve them.

Really excited about our journey next year,  we are going to have a great season and accomplished our goals together.

Edited by Cav1965 2009-12-19 1:56 PM

2009-12-19 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2567970

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New user
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Open
aphrodite_225 - 2009-12-19 12:42 AM Hi Cav, 

Thanks for replying, and for the welcome!  I don't really have a verdict on the back yet, I'm waiting for an appointment with a Neurosurgeon (we all know how long this takes on the NHS!!), so at the moment I'm looking at really concentrating on swimming, and working in some steep hill walks on the dreadmill until i'm given the all clear by the Neuro.  I never realised how much I would miss the exercise, until I was told I wasn't allowed to do it, it's like having choc gateau in the fridge and not being allowed to have any - torture!  The doctor (my work doctor, i think he's trying to cover his a$$) told me NO EXERCISE whatsoever, whereas the consensus of opinion in this day and age is that gentle exercise is good.  Since I took his advice - about 3 weeks ago, i find that my back is so weak, i can't even bend to pick up a mug off the floor, so i have decided to ignore him and listen to my body instead, as the muscles supporting my back have obviously atrophied with his advice. 

I have come to the opinion that I will prob carry on with triathlon regardless of whether it will worsen what I have by a year or two, as up until now, (with the exception of horseriding which isn't good for backs anyway!), I have never found a sport that 'fit'.  Tri does, and I am hooked. 

I am pleased with the achievement with the sprint, originally my objective when i signed up was just to finish, but when my training got better i wanted sub 2h, at one point it was going far better than i anticipated and i wanted sub 1h30.  I was shocked (and very pleased) when i was told that I got near my 2h marker by my boyfriend, as with the injuries and the problems i encountered (and total lack of food) it was nothing short of a miracle!!  lol

Anyway, your input will be greatly appreciated.  Due to the injury my fitness level is non existent, but if you told me to swim 2 miles a day i would do it, regardless how long it took.  It's just nice to have someone pay an interest, and help motivate you.  So thanks for signing up to be a mentork, and I look forward to torturous swim drills lol only joking

Hey Daniele, you want torturous swim drills, step in my office, lol, ;-) The back is a situation is a tricky one for sure, I’m in your camp re a little gentle exercise, don’t be like me though and train through the pain, listen to what your body is telling you and act accordingly. I know what you mean re the chocolate gateaux, mines more a decent bottle of red in the cupboard! I think the beauty of tri is that its not just focussed on a certain set of muscles or body parts (hmm not sure that sounds politically correct!!) and in the case of a sprint its means that focus is spread over the 3 disciplines.

Yep the sprint was a great success, hmmm lack of food eh, do we need a session on nutrition here me thinks. Having said that after my last Olympic this year 3 of us ended up in Burger King, so maybe I’m not the role model here!

Ok get on with your 2 mile swim each day (open water if course) and let me know how it goes! Seriously are you just plodding up and down the pool or swimming drills etc, its the perfect time to get some advice and help on your stroke and make those adjustments.

2009-12-19 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2568346

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Subject: RE: Weekend Plans
No weekend plans specifically, except to get the house cleaned up and ready for festivities on Friday. I will have all SEVEN of my kiddos at home for Christmas for the first time. There will be 10 people in my house for 3 days....I will a bottle of that Red that someone else spoke of by Friday night!! Tongue out
Cav spoke of goals for the year, here are a few of mine:

* Get run time under 7min/mile by Tri time at end of May
* Purchase my own bike specifically for competing
* Compete in as many events as possible while maintaining family   
   responsibilities and do so injury free
* Listen to my body, and BT peers/mentor group to get better at   
* Have orthopedically correct running shoes made ASAP (toes and balls of feet are KILLING me after 5 miles in my ASICS)
2009-12-20 5:50 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Hi All, my goals for the year:
Have some fun whilst training and competing!
5k in under 30mins.
Try and learn the front crawl. (shoulder permitting). I have some lessons booked in the new year.
Become more confident cycling on the road.
Complete the Southampton Sprint Tri.
Raise a lot of money, all the events I take part in this year will be sponsored and all funds going to "Help For Hero's" a charity I feel very passionate about.

I feel all these targets are reachable with hard work, and feel really pleased about about being a member of this group, I like training on my own, but I will be helpful to have the backing/help/support of a group of like minded people
2009-12-20 7:00 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
I like the goals so far!
Tammy: I've been going to a chiro for my back.  She's going to do a scan for me on my feet to help get a good pair of inserts and to help with running shoe choice- this may be an option, too

Chris: That's awesome about the charity fundraising!

Dreams for me...
Originally it was:
2 or 3 sprints and 1 Olympic distance.  But...
On the way to work Friday I was thinking about dreams and about finishing an Ironman, eventually...then I thought about doing a HIM and I just smiled all day!  I told my wife about it and wanting to train as if I am going to do one this year.  I can do the bike part, it's the swim (need to build endurance) and the run (endurance and knees/back) that worry me.  But, I figure if I can build the swim and get to about 10 miles on the run, I can do it.  I am a teacher and I do not work inthe summer (full time house dad) so I have the time...once June ends...It'd be huge in terms of time and commitment and I don't know if I have that this year (I am going to build a photography studio for my wife in our garage)
2009-12-20 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
My goals are listed in my training log, but to sum up they are:
  • To be able to run 5k without stopping or walking (preferably in under 30mins)
  • At least complete the 3 sprint tri's I am going to enter next year
  • Go up 1 distance level a year so that I will enter (and hopefully finish) an Ironman in 2014
Went for my first run in the snow today and I'm not sure whether it was lack of food the night before or the shock of the cold but I was totally out of breath after 15mins (legs seemed fine). Tried again about 30mins ago and seemed much better.

2009-12-20 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed

Good morning, group!  I guess it's time for me to put down some goals too. 

* Get my 1500m swim back under 30 min.  It's been there before, but I've been neglecting swimming lately.
* Average 18-21mph on the bike in all of my races.  On some of the hillier courses around here I still can't hold 18mph.  I've never broken 21 in a race. 
* Drop my run back below 10min/mile.  Keep that pace for distances over 10k.
* Complete my first HIM in July!!!
* Lose 15 pounds. 

That's 5 reasonable goals. 

2009-12-20 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed

On the subject of correct running shoes, I bought some properly fitted shoes for the first time a few weeks ago. Having just picked trainers by brand and style before it was a very different procedure. The guy in the running shop examined my feet and then took a computer video of my legs/feet on a treadmill which was then examined. He popped into the store room, came out with a couple of different shoes, videoed me running on the treadmill wearing them and told me which I should buy. I took his advice and have a very,very comfortable pair of running shoes that cost less than a pair of trendy new design Nike.
   I would certainly recommend going to a specialist running shop.

2009-12-20 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
I'm happy to hear about well fitting running shoes!  There's a running store I'm heading to based on it's recommendation from a local running club.  I usually just stuck with Asics that were around $70 no matter the style!  It usually worked, but now I am more fragile and delicate Tongue out
2009-12-20 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2569558

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
That was a good idea I hope it works out for you.  I just did the same thing the other day.  I have flat feet so it has been hard for me to find a shoe that fits well.  But she spent about an hour with me trying different shoes until we found the right ones.  Well worth the time.
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