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2009-12-17 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2565816

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Lumber Dad - 2009-12-17 6:08 PM Welcome again DJLooks like you have the biking down. How is your swimming, do you already know how to swim or are you looking into lessons?Looks like you are building your running up slowly, if you never ran before this is a good idea. I see the IronGirl is 3.1 miles so you should be able to build up to that by May. Some people have more trouble with the swim so you might need to work on that more.Are you still able to bike outside? I think I will be stuck on the trainer for the next few months.Let us know if you have questions.Lenny

Swimming - I can swim, I can float, and I can do handstands. :-)  I've taken Swim class in College for a PE class. We learned a lot about strokes and how to swim better. I do a lot better at backstrokes than freestyle. Mainly because I still have an issue with water getting into my nose (and I've always had this issue, even as a kid for camp), so I use nose clips. I know it's stupid, but I just hate hacking and feeling like my nose is flooded.

     I will start swimming training when I get back from NJ. That's the FIRST thing I'm gonna do!  I do have a backyard pool, but waaaaay too short (although I've worked on water aerobics, water running). I have a group of people that does triathlons and they're more than willing to help me with anything I need. If I feel like my stroke is totally off, I'll ask for Masters class or something, but I think I can do it.

    Bike - Yes, I can still go outside, and I was SO disappointed that I couldn't go out today - it was 67 degrees! I'm still sick, sneezing fits, and finals week. :-( Boo.
     Although I'm pretty confident on the road, I would like to focus on intervals in hopes to get a bit faster and stronger than just an leisurely pace.

     Run - Yes, I'm smart to take it really slow, although with a slight setback with the cold, but no biggie. It's starting to grow on me.

    Questions - I'm actually starting to feel a little overwhelmed on what training schedule to do. Because I'm already strong on the bike, and good on the swim, and "ok" on the run.   So, my focus during Christmas break is to create my own custom training schedule, once that's done, I'll run it by you and see if there's anything that I need to adjust or whatever.  I am not worried about the bike too much because there will be a lot of long rides (Cake Rides for every month), and training rides for BLV Team for ADA in April. So, heading out to do 30-40 miles is good for me, but with the training schedule that's on BT is not the same. I would like to get some intervals between the long rides to see if I notice any difference on the road.

    Oh, I do have question though before I jump into it...should I do 2-3-2? Or 2-2-3? Or 3-3-3 type of schedule?  Since I go to school, my schedule is pretty flexible, so I have more training time available.

2009-12-17 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2565754

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Open
abake - 2009-12-17 5:25 PM

CyborgQueen - 2009-12-17 6:20 PM
abake - 2009-12-17 10:5I don't have Cyclops Mag Trainer (I have the Fluid one, but it's pretty much the same).  I can see exactly what you mean. My "gasket" is on there pretty tight with no way to budge.  I would NOT use superglue because you may spill some on the metal bar that moves, then you're SOL! Or, it won't work on metal/smooth materials. So, to be honest, I really recommend you to call Cyclops and see what they can do.  From what I've heard and read, they have a pretty good customer service. See if your warranty is still okay. Maybe they can send you a new gasket, or they can somehow repair it.

Probably why it comes off when you do intervals or heavy use, is because you're bouncing a little, and it jiggles it loose.  I would get it fixed right away, but I wouldn't use superglue.

You are probably onto something about bouncing and jiggling the trainer, it's hard for me to pedal smoothly when standing up. I'll see if I can get a new gasket.  It's about two years old but maybe I'll get lucky  Thanks for your insight!

You know what the silly thing is?  After I checked it out, I realized that you SHOULD be able to unscrew the knob from the metal tube, and you may actually be able to glue it together, without having any of the glue accidentally drip on your metal bar. But first find out if you can get a new gasket. If not, I would recommend using epoxy glue...much better than superglue. Let it dry for a couple days, then put the metal bar with knob back on.  However - Please find out EXACTLY what type of glue to use...I would think there's something better than superglue, like Epoxy, but i'm not sure how it will react to metal/gasket/plastic.
2009-12-17 9:33 PM
in reply to: #2565900

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
 jgerbodegrant -

And - there's no such thing as stupid questions, only stupid answers. You can ask me anything about deafness, Deaf Culture...and you'll gain knowledge about something you never knew about...and *that* my dear, tickles me.

Edited by CyborgQueen 2009-12-17 9:34 PM
2009-12-18 6:28 AM
in reply to: #2565920

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
CyborgQueen - 2009-12-17 9:24 PM
    Questions - I'm actually starting to feel a little overwhelmed on what training schedule to do. Because I'm already strong on the bike, and good on the swim, and "ok" on the run.   So, my focus during Christmas break is to create my own custom training schedule, once that's done, I'll run it by you and see if there's anything that I need to adjust or whatever.  I am not worried about the bike too much because there will be a lot of long rides (Cake Rides for every month), and training rides for BLV Team for ADA in April. So, heading out to do 30-40 miles is good for me, but with the training schedule that's on BT is not the same. I would like to get some intervals between the long rides to see if I notice any difference on the road.

    Oh, I do have question though before I jump into it...should I do 2-3-2? Or 2-2-3? Or 3-3-3 type of schedule?  Since I go to school, my schedule is pretty flexible, so I have more training time available.

Being new to sports you might not want to start out with 3-3-3. Since you have already been doing some biking and have some longer rides coming up you should be ok doing 3 bike rides. Until you have built a running base I wouldn't try running 3x week. Since you have the time and if you like swimming you could work up to 3x there. You might start having shoulder trouble if you try to swim too much.Hope this helps, looking forward to seeing your training plan
2009-12-18 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2565930

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Open

CyborgQueen - 2009-12-17 9:32 PM
abake - 2009-12-17 5:25 PM SHOULD be able to unscrew the knob from the metal tube, and you may actually be able to glue it together, without having any of the glue accidentally drip on your metal bar..

Thanks DJ, I am going to contact Cyclops today and see about getting a replacement gasket. In the interim, my BF the engineer agreed about super glue not being a solution but tried putting some of that white plumbing tape around the gasket and then tapped it back into the metal tube pretty tightly. Maybe that will hold it!

2009-12-18 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

OK Lenny (or any of you strong swimmers who want to chime in) --- here is my question of the day.

How do you train for rough/choppy water conditions when you are limited to pool swimming most of the season? I was fortunate last summer to have access to a lake for OWS practice, which helped immensely, but still felt unprepared for water conditions at a late summer tri.  The wind had picked up and the lake water was very choppy, with some small whitecaps.  A number of people panicked and had to be pulled out of the water, which was scary to be around.  I ended up breaststroking quite a bit on the way back and felt exhausted.  A wetsuit would have been nice, but water temps were close to 80.


2009-12-18 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2566931

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
abake - 2009-12-18 11:16 AM

OK Lenny (or any of you strong swimmers who want to chime in) --- here is my question of the day.

How do you train for rough/choppy water conditions when you are limited to pool swimming most of the season? I was fortunate last summer to have access to a lake for OWS practice, which helped immensely, but still felt unprepared for water conditions at a late summer tri.  The wind had picked up and the lake water was very choppy, with some small whitecaps.  A number of people panicked and had to be pulled out of the water, which was scary to be around.  I ended up breaststroking quite a bit on the way back and felt exhausted.  A wetsuit would have been nice, but water temps were close to 80.


Living in central Wis there isn't any place close to help prepare me for a rough OWS. So, when I did my first 1/2 IM it was in Lake MI with rough water, so I ended up swimming the whole thing with my head up.

By the time I did IM Wis, which was in rough water, although not as rough I was able to  keep my head down.

So I think with time and being a more relaxed in the water you shouldn't have as much trouble.

If you have access to OWS practice would help a lot though.

Better swimmer please chime in.

Last summer we stayed down town Chicago for a few days and I got to run along the lake shore. There were a ton of people swimming from Navy Pier.


Edited by Lumber Dad 2009-12-18 11:40 AM
2009-12-18 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Kimberly, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

My info...

Name: Andy, age 36, Kimberly, WI

Story: Married 14 years w/two kids (a girl - 9, and a boy - 6). I've always been athletic. I played basketball in HS and college. I started running a few years ago because I wasn't happy with my weight. I'm 6'7" and at the time, I was 265-270#. Running has been great. Not only has it helped me lose 40#, I've also discovered it's other "benefits." I love the competitive side of running. At 6'7", I'll never compete against the elite runners (unless of course I'm allowed to tackle them at the starting line). But setting PRs for distances and times is an amazing feeling. Also running is great for just zoning out after a stressful day.

Current Training: "Wisconsin winter program." Some weight training and some easy running (I refuse to use a treadmill). Got a road bike and a CycleOps magnetic bike trainer in the basement. Need to find ways to get more productive use out of it. Looks like this group has some experience!

Past races: Some 5k and 10ks. Fox Cities Half Marathon.

2010 Races: I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to run my first marathon in 2010 so I've got the Green Bay Marathon circled on my calendar and a training program that'll start up in January. I plan to use swimming and biking for cross training. Looks like this group has some good marathon experience.

2009-12-18 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2567023

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Hi Andy,

Welcome to the group.

I have done the Fox Cities a few times. I think I might have even done the 1st Fox Cities marathon.
I usually do the 1/2 in Green Bay, one of my favorites.

Have you looked at Jorge's bike training? It is a good winter indoor training plan.

Green Bay has a Tri in June, but the water was freezing this year.

Let us know if you have any question.

2009-12-18 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2567023

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
HammerOZZ - 2009-12-18 11:40 AM

My info...

Name: Andy, age 36, Kimberly, WI

Story: Married 14 years w/two kids (a girl - 9, and a boy - 6). I've always been athletic. I played basketball in HS and college. I started running a few years ago because I wasn't happy with my weight. I'm 6'7" and at the time, I was 265-270#. Running has been great. Not only has it helped me lose 40#, I've also discovered it's other "benefits." I love the competitive side of running. At 6'7", I'll never compete against the elite runners (unless of course I'm allowed to tackle them at the starting line). But setting PRs for distances and times is an amazing feeling. Also running is great for just zoning out after a stressful day.

Current Training: "Wisconsin winter program." Some weight training and some easy running (I refuse to use a treadmill). Got a road bike and a CycleOps magnetic bike trainer in the basement. Need to find ways to get more productive use out of it. Looks like this group has some experience!

Past races: Some 5k and 10ks. Fox Cities Half Marathon.

2010 Races: I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to run my first marathon in 2010 so I've got the Green Bay Marathon circled on my calendar and a training program that'll start up in January. I plan to use swimming and biking for cross training. Looks like this group has some good marathon experience.

Hi Andy,

Where is Kimberly?  I live in Waukesha.  My first marathong es this year so I know how you feel.  If you have any questions feel free to ask.

And as for the biking I am all ears for suggestions. I have mine on the cyclops in the basement as well!
2009-12-18 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2567096

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Here is a short cut to a bike training program:

Let me know it you need more info on how this works, this is my second year using this.

2009-12-18 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2566931

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
abake - 2009-12-18 9:16 AM

OK Lenny (or any of you strong swimmers who want to chime in) --- here is my question of the day.

How do you train for rough/choppy water conditions when you are limited to pool swimming most of the season? I was fortunate last summer to have access to a lake for OWS practice, which helped immensely, but still felt unprepared for water conditions at a late summer tri.  The wind had picked up and the lake water was very choppy, with some small whitecaps.  A number of people panicked and had to be pulled out of the water, which was scary to be around.  I ended up breaststroking quite a bit on the way back and felt exhausted.  A wetsuit would have been nice, but water temps were close to 80.


When you're in the pool, ask a couple big guys be near you and have them "roughen" up the waters by moving around a lot, cannonballs, and just basically make the water rough!  JK jk jk....
2009-12-18 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2567167

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
CyborgQueen - 2009-12-18 12:38 PM
abake - 2009-12-18 9:16 AM

OK Lenny (or any of you strong swimmers who want to chime in) --- here is my question of the day.

How do you train for rough/choppy water conditions when you are limited to pool swimming most of the season? I was fortunate last summer to have access to a lake for OWS practice, which helped immensely, but still felt unprepared for water conditions at a late summer tri.  The wind had picked up and the lake water was very choppy, with some small whitecaps.  A number of people panicked and had to be pulled out of the water, which was scary to be around.  I ended up breaststroking quite a bit on the way back and felt exhausted.  A wetsuit would have been nice, but water temps were close to 80.


When you're in the pool, ask a couple big guys be near you and have them "roughen" up the waters by moving around a lot, cannonballs, and just basically make the water rough!  JK jk jk....

Or swim in the lane by the wall when the other lanes are taken up by aqua aerobics class! No joke it makes it really rough.
2009-12-18 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2567167

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

CyborgQueen - 2009-12-18 12:38 PM
abake - 2009-12-18 9:16 AM

When you're in the pool, ask a couple big guys be near you and have them "roughen" up the waters by moving around a lot, cannonballs, and just basically make the water rough!  JK jk jk....

Actually that would be a good simulation!

2009-12-18 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2567179

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

lrunfit - 2009-12-18 12:41 PM
CyborgQueen - 2009-12-18 12:38 PM
Or swim in the lane by the wall when the other lanes are taken up by aqua aerobics class! No joke it makes it really rough.

LOL!!!  I will have to check the schedule at the Y and see if they keep a lap lane open during the AA class!

In the summer, our tri club gets access to a really nice outdoor 50 meter pool for a couple of mornings in June and July. At one end is one of those big water slides and they leave the water running on it, which creates a sort of current in two lanes.  No one ever wants to swim in those lanes because it's like swimming in whitewater rapids, but something like that would be just about perfect. 

2009-12-18 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2567096

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Kimberly, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

I grew up in Greendale so I'm a little familiar w/Waukesha. Lots of basketball camps at Carroll College back in the day. Also, home of the BoDeans! 

Kimberly is near Appleton. Close to High Cliff State Park (HIM in June) and the Fox Cities Marathon.

Lenny - thanks for the link to the bike training program. Trying to find something/anything that'll "spark" my enthusiasm.  Hmmm...Winter, bike trainer, basement = FUN?

2009-12-18 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2567320

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
HammerOZZ - 2009-12-18 1:34 PM

Kimberly is near Appleton. Close to High Cliff State Park (HIM in June) and the Fox Cities Marathon.

I did the High Cliff (not the HIM) one of the first year. They had to shorten the swim because the water was so rough. I think there where trees floating out there.

After you got past the first hill on the bike the rest of the course wasn't too bad, from what I remember.

June just seems too early for a HIM for me.

2009-12-18 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Anybody here have "hard" orthodics?  I got mine a couple weeks ago and have been walking with them in my shoes all day for a couple days now with no real pain or soreness.  How long should I give it before I can try to run in them?  They are pretty agressive with a lot of arch support.
2009-12-18 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2567458

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

jgerbodegrant - 2009-12-18 2:38 PM Anybody here have "hard" orthodics? 

I have a pair that I earned after a bout with plantar fasciitis (sp?) a while back. Seems like it took about three weeks to gradually work into a running program with them.  If you are not having any discomfort walking, it will probably be an easy step to run in them.


2009-12-18 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
So is anyone in this group on Facebook?  There are a lot of BTer's on it. If you are send me a friend request.  You can search under my full name (long I know)  Lisa Michelle Nickerson Christensen.
2009-12-18 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2567504

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
abake - 2009-12-18 3:58 PM

jgerbodegrant - 2009-12-18 2:38 PM Anybody here have "hard" orthodics? 

I have a pair that I earned after a bout with plantar fasciitis (sp?) a while back. Seems like it took about three weeks to gradually work into a running program with them.  If you are not having any discomfort walking, it will probably be an easy step to run in them.


Right now my run workouts are anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes...should I use them the whole time you think?

2009-12-18 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
I'm sure this is beating a dead horse....but, just wanted to make sure everyone has their TIVO/DVR set for 4:30 on NBC tomorrow for Kona!!
2009-12-18 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2567511

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
lrunfit - 2009-12-18 4:01 PM So is anyone in this group on Facebook?  There are a lot of BTer's on it. If you are send me a friend request.  You can search under my full name (long I know)  Lisa Michelle Nickerson Christensen.

Whoa...that's almost as bad as mine!  Jonathan Edward Gerbode-Grant...haha  writing that all out makes it even more ridiculous.
2009-12-18 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2567525

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

jgerbodegrant - 2009-12-18 3:06 PM
lrunfit - 2009-12-18 4:01 PM So is anyone in this group on Facebook?  There are a lot of BTer's on it. If you are send me a friend request.  You can search under my full name (long I know)  Lisa Michelle Nickerson Christensen.

Whoa...that's almost as bad as mine!  Jonathan Edward Gerbode-Grant...haha  writing that all out makes it even more ridiculous.

Lisa, i found you and sent a friend request!  Jon, there's a Jonathan Gerbode-Grant from Rhode Island holding what appear to be that you?

Also, on the orthotics question, maybe try just 20-30 minutes the first couple of runs and see how your foot feels.  If no muscle soreness, then slowly ramp up time/distance.

2009-12-18 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2567521

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

jgerbodegrant - 2009-12-18 3:05 PM I'm sure this is beating a dead horse....but, just wanted to make sure everyone has their TIVO/DVR set for 4:30 on NBC tomorrow for Kona!!

Should be fun.  One of the local bike shops is showing this on their big screen during their holiday party.

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