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2010-01-05 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2596566

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
jstdoit - Considering my schedule and not wanting to throw away money too early are there specific exercises I can do to prepare myself for the swim training? Is this just wishfull thinking? As you may notice from my question, Ive never really been a swimmer. Thanks, Tommy

Work is creeping up on me too.  They say it is all about balance but I always have a hard time finding a balance.

I wasn't able to train a lot in water for my first tri as I was on the road.  I tried to swim whenever I was home and at the hotel if there was a pool.  A friend gave me some exercises to do in a weight room while on the road.  I thought that they helped a lot to strengthen my swimming muscles.  Did you try a google search?  I will look for the exercises and see if I can find them for you.  I'm not sure what your swim background is but I have always been a steady swimmer so I didn't need to work on stroke or form as much as a newer swimmer might need to. 

Another thought is to look into a swim leash or tubes of some sort.  You can "tie" yourself to a ladder or something and swim in place in a small pool (like a pool treadmill).  There are a bunch of products out there.  Here is a link to one:

2010-01-05 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2596691

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I will look for the exercises and see if I can find them for you.  I'm not sure what your swim background is but I have always been a steady swimmer so I didn't need to work on stroke or form as much as a newer swimmer might need to. 

This might help some:
2010-01-05 10:11 PM
in reply to: #2596566


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

jstdoit - 2010-01-05 8:32 PM Wow, with all the time off around the holidays I forgot how busy work is. Anybody else feel like that. I am stuck in a hotel the rest of the week in Dallas. Doing employee evaluations as we speak wanting to go get on the treadmill instead. Oh well, I feel like I need to give my legs a day off anyway. Anybody got some sure fire stress relievers other than a workout? On to a question. I have a backyard pool but really no good for swimming laps(not to mention its freezing outside) due to size. At some point I am going to have to join a center that has a pool to train in. Considering my schedule and not wanting to throw away money too early are there specific exercises I can do to prepare myself for the swim training? Is this just wishfull thinking? As you may notice from my question, Ive never really been a swimmer. Thanks, Tommy

It was definitely more difficult to talk myself into a workout this evening.  I pretty much have to change into workout clothes immediately after I get home or it's going to be too easy to just take an unplanned rest day. While those are fine when needed, I want to wait for a better reason than just feeling lazy. Embarassed

I'm struggling with staying as hydrated for the day as I need to be.  I get busy at work and forget to drink my water even though it's right there with me.

2010-01-06 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2595399

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

HIRLR17 - 2010-01-05 1:40 PM Thanks Rob, I still have not figured out  the site yet and the whole training log.  That was my bike time LOL.

Yeah, I assumed so - would be nice if we could run that fast though .

2010-01-06 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2596298

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Swimfreak17 - 2010-01-05 7:00 PM Rob,

I am open to dropping the easier swims to help the schedule out.  I just like them because they don't feel like work, they just relax me.  Looking at my week is kinda scary tho so if they have to go, they have to go.  It gets worse too because in about 6 weeks or so, horse show season starts and some weekends will be totally taken up with that and then I guess I have to try to fit my saturday activities in somewhere else.  Is is really bad to skip a run or bike so early on?  I don't want to get in the habit of that tho.  I'm hoping that by aiming for December I can not only be prepared, but maybe even be a little over-prepared.  Less to worry about that way.  I will be nervous enough already.

In regards to the 5k only, I was hoping that maybe I could be ready to do one in June or July.  It seems like soooo far right now as I huff and puff and in 30 minutes barely go 1.5 miles. 


Early on it's ok to miss some workouts, as long as in the big picture you remain fairly consistent.

A 5k in June or July is very attainable for you, and will likely help you stay consistent.

2010-01-06 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Yeah, work and real life can be a pain - I ended up doing no training yesterday as I was in a meeting from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.  I used to feel some guilt if I  missed a workout, but now I've gotten to the point that I just roll with it,  pick things up the next day, and keep moving. 

Cris made a good point about motivation and getting workouts done - sometimes you just need to not think about it and just go through the motions to get started. Put on your workout clothes and get to it - the more you think about it, the worse it gets.  Usually you'll be glad you did it once you get moving.

There was a question about small pools and/or dryland training. Becky gave a good link for some dryland exercises, which will help some, but are not a substitute in the long term.  I have used a stretch cord to "swim" in my kids' 12 foot pool in the summer. I've even done it with my wetsuit on (the water gets cold in Maine ). Fortunately, our backyard is very private and no one could see me.

Edited by Maine Rob 2010-01-06 8:26 AM

2010-01-07 2:44 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Hi everyone.
I am liking the discussion on missing workouts and getting on with it and stuff. As you may notice from my training logs, I haven't actually done anything yet. My major problem at the moment here is the weather. We have had snow on the ground for the last 3 weeks, more yesterday and freezinf temperatures and ice. Now to you in some parts of america this may not be a problem but in the uk,we aren't used to it at all. Only big roads are gritted so driving from your house to anywhere is really scary. I fully intneded to go to the gym this morning but looking out the window I thought I should save my death defying driving for attempting to get to work. 
SO, I was very interested in the ex for swimming at home. I also have an exercise ball and a couple of (very light) free weights - what could I do with them?
I have thought about running in the great outdoors but our pavements are even more trechourous (sorry - spelling not too good) than the roads.
Still doing my stretching ex for my leg/back which do seem to be helping.
I will catch up with you all very soon.

2010-01-07 2:50 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Also, how do I make the people in this group my friend? Or doing the inspires thing? Sorry for being so thick.
2010-01-07 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2599587

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

You can do some inside workouts with the weights and the ball, such as some good core workouts like these.

Run when you can, but if it doesn't feel safe you can always do some brisk walking for now. Everything you can do to move and be active now will provide some benefit to more structured training come spring.

As far as adding friends - click on the "Settings" link at the top of the page (there is a picture of a wrench). Then click on "Training blog customization", and then on the "Friends" tab. You can then enter usernames on a list of friends. After you are done, click on "Update friends", and when you return to your training log there should be a list of your friends on the left side of your log. You can then click on any of those friends to visit their logs, and then click on the "inspire me" link for that day on their log to leave them a note.  If someone leaves you an inspire on your log, you can reply in their blog by clicking the reply button.

2010-01-07 4:40 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Thanks for that rob. I shall do the first pat tomorrow morning. I don't suppose i'll be going out again (except to work later) as they are expecting the coldest night for a fair few years here tonight - down to -9c - and its even colder in scotland.  We love talking about the weather over hereLaughing. And i have managed to add some friends - so I am achieving.Smile

2010-01-08 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

So here we are one week into the new year. How is everyone doing with training, nutrition, etc.? 

Keep at it, no matter how this first week went. It's easy to drop into the "all or nothing" mindset, where you miss a few days of workouts, or eat some junk, and think to yourself, "oh well, I've blown it, I guess I'm done with the whole triathlon training thing" (or whatever goal you had in mind).  Every day is a new start, and another chance to move closer to your goals.

For me, I'm finding it pretty challenging trying to juggle the P90X program with my triathlon training.  The strength work in the P90X program is pretty new to me, and is working me over pretty well.  The nutrition part is definitely different for me, and has been requiring some discipline to keep from the snacking and grazing on sugary stuff (like feeling a little hungry and popping a few handfuls of lucky charms ).

At the same time, I'm excited to see some changes in myself already (down a few pounds and some reductions in body fat percentage), and the fact that the program is broken into week-long segments helps, as I can feel good about completing each week. 

This can work well for motivation - try to find some goal each week, or something that you can accomplish and be proud of each week.  Often, when people are following a long term plan (like training for a race 4, 5, 6, or more months away), it's easy to lose motivation as it seems so far out there. Finding some goal or some accomplishment in each week, or even every workout, can make a big difference in keeping us going.

Happy training all!



2010-01-09 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Ok, is there a way I can link this discussion thread to my blog or something so I dont have to search for it everytime I want to read it? Im pretty lazy if you want to know the truth :P.
2010-01-09 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2589783


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I feel like things are going great so far.  Trying to settle back into my work routine after being off for 3 weeks.  Time will tell I'm sure.
2010-01-10 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2604993

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

jstdoit - 2010-01-09 3:06 PM Ok, is there a way I can link this discussion thread to my blog or something so I dont have to search for it everytime I want to read it? Im pretty lazy if you want to know the truth :P.

You can put the link at the top of your training log in the "goals" section. If you click on the "edit" button, then you can insert a link.

2010-01-10 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2605329

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Cris577 - 2010-01-09 7:54 PM I feel like things are going great so far.  Trying to settle back into my work routine after being off for 3 weeks.  Time will tell I'm sure.

Good to hear! Keep it up!

How's everyone else doing?


2010-01-10 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Well, i have done some stuff for the last week. For this upcoming week I intend to keep up with my  Leg/back stretches, do the core ex again at least once, do at least one actual triathlon sport (its starting to thaw a little here, and look at my nutrition -it could have less fat and more veg in my diet for a start.

And keep reading about what everyone else is doing. I am finding it pretty motivating. Laughing

2010-01-10 6:28 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Week one went pretty well,  I have to take it day by day to keep that overwhelming feeling of "I have to train or I will fail" feeling. I do great during the week, but when the weekends come I get pretty lazy.

I found myself moving some of the workouts around in order to get at least something in everyday. Winter is a real obstacle since I hate the indoor training, but think about how prepared we will be once those nice days arrive and we can go outside. I was reading the description of the race I did last year and this years race is going to start by shooting down a water  That should be a hoot! I can't wait.

I agree with setting a weekly or short term goal. Once you hit that goal, step back, readjust as needed and attack.

2010-01-10 9:56 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
So I have a question about gear. Should I get tri shorts to train in? I have been looking at bike and right now I am thinking of a Felt S32. I don't want to spend a ton of money since I am gone half the year but I want a bike that will support my goal of running a full ironman in the next 18 months. Thanks for any helped
2010-01-10 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2606766

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

I can't speak for that specific bike, but being new to this sport and purchasing a new road bike recently, I had many questions as well. The questions I got from most experienced (recreational) rides was if I was going to use the bike for anything besides triathlons? I tri-bike may not be the best option if you plan on doing any bike only events where the packs are tight. Also, if you plan on doing weekend rides where you may be required to use your brakes alot. 

Just a tip I picked up before I bought my bike. I plan on strapping some aerobars on my bike and in the future I might spring for a tri-bike if this year turns out to be a good year.  Either way I saved myself about $500 to $1000. 

I woud say yes on the shorts, but not a necessity unless you are jumping from the pool to the bike. Good padded bike shorts are good for the bike rides, but it all comes down to your own comfort.

Hope some others can give you some advice.

2010-01-10 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Thanks for the info. I have a hybrid bike that I am riding now and planning on doing my first sprint with.
2010-01-10 11:28 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
The week went well.  Dare I say, the running wasn't too bad.  Still slow and turtle like, but forward is forward right?  Swimming is ok, I basically did an easy week with lighter than average yardage for me.

Bad news on the bike end.  I had planned on just borrowing my husband's kinda a mountain bike but with road tires bike but its sooooo tall.  I didn't realize how tall it was.  My feet barely touch the pedals when they are all the way down.  So, I don't think thats going to work.  Hopefully I can find something cheap on craigslist or ebay or maybe even target.  I'll prolly have to buy a mtn bike as those road/tri bikes are pretty pricey and since I have never done this, I hate to spend alot of money (that I don't have anyways).  Any suggestions would be great.


2010-01-11 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2606766

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
sneddie7 - 2010-01-10 9:56 PM So I have a question about gear. Should I get tri shorts to train in?

I usually train in both bike and tri shorts, depending on the workout.  If it is going to be a long bike then I wear the bike shorts.  If it is a shorter bike and maybe a run right after (aka a brick) then I wear the tri shorts.

It's a tough call because you don't want your bottom to get used to the extra padding in bike shorts only to be surprised on race day.  On the flip side I find that tri shorts are a little pricier and wear out faster than bike shorts.  So I like to mix it up so that my shorts don't wear out and my bottom is acclimated to the reduced padding in tri shorts.
2010-01-11 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2606145

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
jennifer65 - 2010-01-10 3:01 PM Well, i have done some stuff for the last week. For this upcoming week I intend to keep up with my  Leg/back stretches, do the core ex again at least once, do at least one actual triathlon sport (its starting to thaw a little here, and look at my nutrition -it could have less fat and more veg in my diet for a start.

It's funny that you mention looking at your nutrition.  I did that over the weekend and made a plan to add more protein and vegetables.  Oh, and try to cut out the garbage I usually eat! 
2010-01-11 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2606822

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Swimfreak17 - 2010-01-10 11:28 PM The week went well.  Dare I say, the running wasn't too bad.  Still slow and turtle like, but forward is forward right?  Swimming is ok, I basically did an easy week with lighter than average yardage for me.

Bad news on the bike end.  I had planned on just borrowing my husband's kinda a mountain bike but with road tires bike but its sooooo tall.  I didn't realize how tall it was.  My feet barely touch the pedals when they are all the way down.  So, I don't think thats going to work.  Hopefully I can find something cheap on craigslist or ebay or maybe even target.  I'll prolly have to buy a mtn bike as those road/tri bikes are pretty pricey and since I have never done this, I hate to spend alot of money (that I don't have anyways).  Any suggestions would be great.


GREAT job on the running!!  I get bored pretty easily on the treadmill so I am impressed that you got on and met your target workout goals.  Don't worry about your pace.  It will come.  We all think we're slow.  It is the doing part that matters and you're doing it.

Sorry about the bike.  Is there a friend or a neighbor you could borrow from?  Maybe just send out a group email to some people in your area and see what comes back.  You never know what people have in their garages.  Checking Craig's list is a good idea too.  Maybe since it is the off-season people will be putting their bikes up for sale.  Don't give up hope.  You can ride the stationary bike till you find something. 
2010-01-11 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
As for me, I have been doing okay on the goal front.  I have made it to 3/3 morning spin workouts since the beginning of the year.  I am counting today even though the class was full when I arrived because a) I got up and went and b) I rode a spin bike on my own.

I am also at day 12 without soda which is pretty nice.  I don't crave it as much as I thought I would.

I had a "bad" run this weekend.  Went out to do 6 miles with a group and fell way behind after the first 3.  My legs felt like bricks.  I don't know why but I feel like I didn't have a productive weekend.  I look at the logs of my friends who are also training for an IM and I am doing less than almost all of them and at a slower pace too.  Even though I know we're starting at different fitness levels I still feel like I am not cutting it.  I think another part of it is that I keep thinking of myself as the athlete that I was in high school and even college and not the person I am today (overweight, bad knees, working fulltime, etc) and so I expect more than what I am currently able to deliver.  Or maybe I cut myself too much slack and settle for so-so workouts when I should be pushing myself harder.  (Did I mention that I am the most indecisive person you'll ever know?)  Hopefully a few more weeks of consistent training will make those feelings go away.

Edited by aureua 2010-01-11 8:56 AM
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