BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2010-04-10 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2781939

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
Kman2011 - 2010-04-10 8:36 AM Hey All,  forgot to charge the Garmin last night, so while I'm charging it before my ride I thought I'd introduce myself


STORY: This wll be my third season of Triathlon however, I have only done three sprints. This year I decided to stop thinking about doing longer distances and to start doing them.  My wife is graduating from UW law in a few weeks so she'll be around a little more this summer.  Last year she was in Chicago all summer so I was single and was sneaking training in around work and duties on the homestead.  So I'm pretty excited to have some help.  Of course, we are in the process of selling our home to move to Chicago, in the fall, but I've reached a point where training is the stress relief instead of a stressor, so that's nice. 
FAMILY STATUS:  32 Married, one Dog that even at 9 yrs old thinks he is a puppy, but is definitely the pack leader

CURRENT TRAINING: Similar to Carrie, Racine 70.3 is my A race, so I have been building my distances.  Unfortunately, I didn't build my run slowly in the fall/winter and now have not run for 6 weeks due to tendonitis in my foot.  I see the Dr. on Tuesday so I'm hoping he'll okay me to start slowly.  Meanwhile I have focused more on the bike.

2009 RACES:
Pewaukee Sprint and Devils Lake Sprint

2010 RACES: Green Bay 1/2 Marathon(doubtful now, but already signed up), Verona Triterium Olympic, Pewaukee Sprint, Racine 70.3, Green Lake Olympic, Devil's Lake Sprint, Haunted Hustle Marathon

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I don't have any real number in mind.  I'm 185lbs, 5'10", so I would like to lose some weight to get lighter on the bike and take some of the pounding off my feet runningwise, maybe 170 sounds nice.  Yeah 170 will be the goal.

Welcome to the group!  Hope the doc gives you the green light to start running soon!

2010-04-10 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2781968

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
Brooklyngirl - 2010-04-10 9:05 AM Hey there, I know the group is getting big, but if possible, I'd like to join.  I'm doing my first HIM this year, like a lot of people here.

Name:  Brooklyngirl (Lia)

Age: 34

Story:  I came to triathlons because I tore my achilles tendon.  Sounds strange, but that's what happened. I'd always been a runner, and had been an athlete throughout my life - played tennis, basketball, and soccer in high school, and a little basketball in college.  After college, I started running to stay in shape, and ran the New York City Marathon in 2003.  In 2007, I tore my achilles tendon playing dodgeball, of all things. It's all fun and games until somebody ruptures their achilles tendon!  After the surgery and looooong recovery, I still couldn't run very well, so I bought my first road bike (the one I still use) and became hooked on biking during the summer of 2008.   I did a sprint tri in June 2009, and an oly in July 2008 (NYC Tri).  This year I am doing the Musselman HIM on July 11.  Nothing else planned yet!

Family: Partnered.  We don't have kids yet, but we do have two very vocal, needy cats named Josie and Fred.

Current Training:    Swim 2x, Bike 2x, Run 3x, except I've been laid up for 7 days with a terrible tropical infection I brought back from a recent trip to Grenada.  Sitting here in bed (still) desperate to go outside and ride my bike when I know I can't.  It's frustrating and I'm nervous about how the illness and the full week off from any training will affect my fitness.

Looking forward to hanging with you all!

Hi Lia!  Nice to have you with us.  Take care of that infection.  That sounds like no fun at all!

With a week off you really won't lose any fitness, although it can be hard to convince yourself of that.  I know I'm just as guilty as the next person.  Hopefully you can get back to training soon!
2010-04-10 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2782137

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
michwea - 2010-04-10 11:42 AM Hi Neal--a little late to the party but thanks for letting me re-up.  Enjoyed the last mentor group immensely.

Name: michwea / Michelle

Story:  Started running in 2008 to lose about 15 lbs and reduce work-related stress.  Like so many others, I was hooked in short order.  Signed up for my first half in November 2009.  Followed the FIRST training program that called for three days of running plus two days of cross training each week.  Decided to ride my bike.  Hmmm.  I want to get better on the bike.  Tripped over Beginner Triathlete.  Hmmm.  Two of the three sports.  What would it take to add swimming to that mix and do a sprint tri?  Here I am.

Family Status:  Married 18 years.  No kids.  Two cats--one cranky old man and one Fatboy.  Big--like 240 gallon big--coral reef tank.

Current Training:  Still run three times a week--one session of speedwork or hills, one tempo run, and one long run.  Just finished BT's beginner cycling plan.  Still struggling to start from the beginning on the swim.  Soon though, I promise Carrie, soon.

2009 Races:  A couple of local 5ks, 10ks, and the Two Cities Half last November

2010 Races:  A local 4 miler.  Always open to a local event.  Have a half mary coming up in June.  Keeping my fingers crossed my tri club is selected for the Nike Womens in San Francisco in October.  Will run the Two Cities again in November.  Looking for a late season sprint tri to take the plunge.

Weight Loss Goals:  Been maintaining my weight since 2008 through a lot of activity.  Want to continue, of course.

What Would Make Me a Good Mentee:  Like I said the last go round, I'm coachable.  As an adult onset athlete, I need all the help and advice I can get, so bring it on!

Hey Michelle!  It's good to have you back!
2010-04-10 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2782215

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
alexenafi - 2010-04-10 12:55 PM Saw the Chiro today and managed a warm up on the recombinant bike (mind numbing) and some machine weights. Acupunture again today, did wonders on Wed so looking fwd to Tues when Chiro will hopefully let me back in the game.

How's everyone else doing?


Still digesting donuts Laughing
2010-04-10 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2782354

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
yogachic - 2010-04-10 3:14 PM
disturbed275 - 2010-04-10 8:00 AM So I have my first "race" this morning.  It's a 5k donut run where you get time subtracted for each donut you eat along the course.  Initially I was thinking about not eating any and trying to set a 5k PR, but I think I'd rather have a little fun and eat some donuts along the way.  It should be a hoot!

Inquiring minds want to know. . . How was the race?  And more importantly, how many donuts did you eat?? 

Here's the low down on the race.

Donuts + running = BAD IDEA!

I ate 10 donuts during the race, but it took me longer to eat them than the time bonuses that I gained from them.  I had the goal of downing 10 and I stuck to it.  Apparently I'm just a slow eater.  I had the auto pause feature on my Garmin so I could see what my actual run time was

Run time: 18:43
Finish time: ~31:00
Donut Adjusted time: ~21:00

Would've be much better off not eating a single donut.  From what I heard they were much bigger than last years.  I was expecting little Krispy Kreme's but we got big honking glazed donuts
2010-04-10 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2782528

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
dixrp - 2010-04-10 5:56 PM NAME: dixrp/Rob STORY: 43 yrs young male. It all started about 4 years ago I was 39 fat and out of shape (6'5" and 300 lb)so I decided to lose some weight. I started running and watching what I ate in Jan 06 and by that fall I lost 75 lb and ran a half- mary. I was really getting bored with running all the time so I decided to do some tris. Bought a bike Aug 06 did my 1st sprint that fall, then 4 sprints 08, 2 sprints and aquabike in 09. I am not that competitive (a BOPer)I just like setting a goals and completing them. Unfortunately somewhere in 08 I got lazy and stopped watching what I ate so I have put almost all my weight back on. 285 at present. So I am rededicating myself and going to get fit again. I have taken the winter off and literally have not trained since last tri in Oct 09. FAMILY STATUS: Divorced dad of three kids, two boys and girl, 15, 13, 11. CURRENT TRAINING: It has been 7 months since I have done any formal training. At moment just building a base. Goal of 3xrun, 2xbike and 2xswim for the next month. 2009 RACES: Sharks Sprint Tri, Lake Degray AquaBike , Heber Springs Tri, 2010 RACES: July, Sharks Sprint Tri, Sprint. Aug, Tri Ark, Oly. Sept, Toad Suck 66 or 33, Half or Oly. Oct, Heber Spring Tri, Sprint. WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: Lose 50 lb by end of year!

Glad to have you, Rob!  Great getting some races on the schedule to give you some goals to go after.  I hope that getting some structured training in will aid in the weight loss!

2010-04-10 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2782665

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
disturbed275 - 2010-04-10 7:35 PM

yogachic - 2010-04-10 3:14 PM
disturbed275 - 2010-04-10 8:00 AM So I have my first "race" this morning.  It's a 5k donut run where you get time subtracted for each donut you eat along the course.  Initially I was thinking about not eating any and trying to set a 5k PR, but I think I'd rather have a little fun and eat some donuts along the way.  It should be a hoot!

Inquiring minds want to know. . . How was the race?  And more importantly, how many donuts did you eat?? 

Here's the low down on the race.

Donuts + running = BAD IDEA!

I ate 10 donuts during the race, but it took me longer to eat them than the time bonuses that I gained from them.  I had the goal of downing 10 and I stuck to it.  Apparently I'm just a slow eater.  I had the auto pause feature on my Garmin so I could see what my actual run time was

Run time: 18:43
Finish time: ~31:00
Donut Adjusted time: ~21:00

Would've be much better off not eating a single donut.  From what I heard they were much bigger than last years.  I was expecting little Krispy Kreme's but we got big honking glazed donuts

I think I would have puked if I ate that many donuts, especially while running! I have a 10k in the morning, but it's going to be in the 60s and very humid - not great race conditions. May turn into a training run.
2010-04-10 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2782665

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
That is one of the funniest races I have ever heard of.  Hope you training tomorrow doesn't suffer from it
2010-04-10 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Ironman Hawaii's are on again on US (Universal Sports).  I love watching them, but they are such tear jerkers.  They are so inspiring to work out to, but hard to work out when you are choked up.
2010-04-10 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Race results for 2nd Lifetime Fitness Indoor Tri (first was end of February)

Again, just using this as practice, but improved alot (I think since a month ago)

Swim - 19 lengths, 475 yards in 10 minutes (18 lengths last month). Really pushed swim. There was someone in the lane next to me that was stroke for stroke with me the whole time. Mentally that pushes me. She started out freesytle, then did breastroke for 25 (I would pass her) then switch back to freestyle for the next 25 (she would catch up).  My pushes off the wall were better than hers too.

Bike - 15.3 miles in 30 minutes (13.5 miles last month, but didn't know rules last month and the trick is to spin the flywheel as fast as possible for miles.  I had tension set higher a month ago)

Run - 1.63 miles in 20 minutes (1.57 miles last month).  Started at 4.2 mph and ramped up every minute or two to 5.5 mph at the end.

Have a wicked headached that started not to long after the race. So I was not hydrating enough or didn't eat quick enough after the race.  Both?  Thoughts?

Whole race I felt pretty good and shin splints didn't bother me one bit and didn't even wear shin socks.  It is as if the swimming and biking prior warm them up really good.  Thoughts?

Met a lady that was doing the tri with her Mom (65-70 years old).  Mom had always wanted to do a tri.  Mom walked the swim, rode the bike at her pace and walked the run, but who cares, she did it and now she is a triathlete!!!  It is awesome to see people like that.

2010-04-10 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2782812

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Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
carrie639 - 2010-04-10 7:03 PM

Race results for 2nd Lifetime Fitness Indoor Tri (first was end of February)

Again, just using this as practice, but improved alot (I think since a month ago)

Swim - 19 lengths, 475 yards in 10 minutes (18 lengths last month). Really pushed swim. There was someone in the lane next to me that was stroke for stroke with me the whole time. Mentally that pushes me. She started out freesytle, then did breastroke for 25 (I would pass her) then switch back to freestyle for the next 25 (she would catch up).  My pushes off the wall were better than hers too.

Bike - 15.3 miles in 30 minutes (13.5 miles last month, but didn't know rules last month and the trick is to spin the flywheel as fast as possible for miles.  I had tension set higher a month ago)

Run - 1.63 miles in 20 minutes (1.57 miles last month).  Started at 4.2 mph and ramped up every minute or two to 5.5 mph at the end.

Have a wicked headached that started not to long after the race. So I was not hydrating enough or didn't eat quick enough after the race.  Both?  Thoughts?

Whole race I felt pretty good and shin splints didn't bother me one bit and didn't even wear shin socks.  It is as if the swimming and biking prior warm them up really good.  Thoughts?

Met a lady that was doing the tri with her Mom (65-70 years old).  Mom had always wanted to do a tri.  Mom walked the swim, rode the bike at her pace and walked the run, but who cares, she did it and now she is a triathlete!!!  It is awesome to see people like that.

Hey Carrie:

Congrats on your latest success at the indoor tri.  Nice improvement in all three disciplines--even if some of it was as a result of better race tactics.  It's great when we see improvements in our time as a result of increased fitness, but we shouldn't discount the experience gained from past races and applied accordingly.  Also nice to see to no flare ups on the shin splints.  Here's hoping you're well past that.

2010-04-10 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2782812

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
carrie639 - 2010-04-10 9:03 PM

Race results for 2nd Lifetime Fitness Indoor Tri (first was end of February)

Again, just using this as practice, but improved alot (I think since a month ago)

Swim - 19 lengths, 475 yards in 10 minutes (18 lengths last month). Really pushed swim. There was someone in the lane next to me that was stroke for stroke with me the whole time. Mentally that pushes me. She started out freesytle, then did breastroke for 25 (I would pass her) then switch back to freestyle for the next 25 (she would catch up).  My pushes off the wall were better than hers too.

Bike - 15.3 miles in 30 minutes (13.5 miles last month, but didn't know rules last month and the trick is to spin the flywheel as fast as possible for miles.  I had tension set higher a month ago)

Run - 1.63 miles in 20 minutes (1.57 miles last month).  Started at 4.2 mph and ramped up every minute or two to 5.5 mph at the end.

Have a wicked headached that started not to long after the race. So I was not hydrating enough or didn't eat quick enough after the race.  Both?  Thoughts?

Whole race I felt pretty good and shin splints didn't bother me one bit and didn't even wear shin socks.  It is as if the swimming and biking prior warm them up really good.  Thoughts?

Met a lady that was doing the tri with her Mom (65-70 years old).  Mom had always wanted to do a tri.  Mom walked the swim, rode the bike at her pace and walked the run, but who cares, she did it and now she is a triathlete!!!  It is awesome to see people like that.

Superb indoor Tri!!! You managed to increase in all three areas which only shows how hard your training has paid off. I did one of the indoor lifetime tri's in march at warrenville.
2010-04-11 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!


That was great improvement on the race from last month!

2010-04-11 7:31 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

What is on tap today, peeps?  I'm supposed to be tapering for my oly next week so I can only ride my bike 30 miles....

did I mention that I hate to taper?

2010-04-11 8:31 AM
in reply to: #2783069

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Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-04-11 5:31 AM

What is on tap today, peeps?  I'm supposed to be tapering for my oly next week so I can only ride my bike 30 miles....

did I mention that I hate to taper?

Meeting some gals from the tri club at a local park to run, and then off to my regular Sunday yoga class. 
2010-04-11 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Hi everyone. Backs feeling better. Will get out and enjoy the great weather here in Toronto. Wish it was on my bike.



2010-04-11 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2783069

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-04-11 7:31 AM

What is on tap today, peeps?  I'm supposed to be tapering for my oly next week so I can only ride my bike 30 miles....

did I mention that I hate to taper?

Just finished a solid brick performance. 1hr 5 min bike, then a 30 min run.

 My first outdoor sprint is exactly one week away!!! Too bad my I am planning on training through this one. I will go easy the day before though. I can't seem to sit still during taper time and end up trying to complete little odds n' ends.

I actually love tapering personally!! The only thing I hate about it is the energy boost you seem to receive.

Edited by scotty930 2010-04-11 9:14 AM
2010-04-11 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2782729

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
bar92 - 2010-04-10 8:13 PM
disturbed275 - 2010-04-10 7:35 PM
yogachic - 2010-04-10 3:14 PM
disturbed275 - 2010-04-10 8:00 AM So I have my first "race" this morning.  It's a 5k donut run where you get time subtracted for each donut you eat along the course.  Initially I was thinking about not eating any and trying to set a 5k PR, but I think I'd rather have a little fun and eat some donuts along the way.  It should be a hoot!

Inquiring minds want to know. . . How was the race?  And more importantly, how many donuts did you eat?? 

Here's the low down on the race.

Donuts + running = BAD IDEA!

I ate 10 donuts during the race, but it took me longer to eat them than the time bonuses that I gained from them.  I had the goal of downing 10 and I stuck to it.  Apparently I'm just a slow eater.  I had the auto pause feature on my Garmin so I could see what my actual run time was

Run time: 18:43
Finish time: ~31:00
Donut Adjusted time: ~21:00

Would've be much better off not eating a single donut.  From what I heard they were much bigger than last years.  I was expecting little Krispy Kreme's but we got big honking glazed donuts
I think I would have puked if I ate that many donuts, especially while running! I have a 10k in the morning, but it's going to be in the 60s and very humid - not great race conditions. May turn into a training run.

You are probably already done, but good luck.  Hope the humidity isn't (wasn't) too bad!
2010-04-11 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2782792

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
carrie639 - 2010-04-10 8:50 PM That is one of the funniest races I have ever heard of.  Hope you training tomorrow doesn't suffer from it

Thanks!  I think I have all of the sugar worked out of my system now
2010-04-11 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2783069

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-04-11 7:31 AM

What is on tap today, peeps?  I'm supposed to be tapering for my oly next week so I can only ride my bike 30 miles....

did I mention that I hate to taper?

I'm supposed to be tapering for my marathon, too, so I'm having a hard time deciding what's "allowed"!  Yesterday I was contemplating riding my bike since it was so nice in the afternoon, but I did 2 extra miles on my long run so I decided maybe I should "rest" in the afternoon.  I might be tempted to ride today, though.  We'll see!

I'm definitely going to get a 6-mile run in sometime today, though. 
2010-04-11 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2782812

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
carrie639 - 2010-04-10 9:03 PM

Race results for 2nd Lifetime Fitness Indoor Tri (first was end of February)

Again, just using this as practice, but improved alot (I think since a month ago)

Swim - 19 lengths, 475 yards in 10 minutes (18 lengths last month). Really pushed swim. There was someone in the lane next to me that was stroke for stroke with me the whole time. Mentally that pushes me. She started out freesytle, then did breastroke for 25 (I would pass her) then switch back to freestyle for the next 25 (she would catch up).  My pushes off the wall were better than hers too.

Bike - 15.3 miles in 30 minutes (13.5 miles last month, but didn't know rules last month and the trick is to spin the flywheel as fast as possible for miles.  I had tension set higher a month ago)

Run - 1.63 miles in 20 minutes (1.57 miles last month).  Started at 4.2 mph and ramped up every minute or two to 5.5 mph at the end.

Have a wicked headached that started not to long after the race. So I was not hydrating enough or didn't eat quick enough after the race.  Both?  Thoughts?

Whole race I felt pretty good and shin splints didn't bother me one bit and didn't even wear shin socks.  It is as if the swimming and biking prior warm them up really good.  Thoughts?

Met a lady that was doing the tri with her Mom (65-70 years old).  Mom had always wanted to do a tri.  Mom walked the swim, rode the bike at her pace and walked the run, but who cares, she did it and now she is a triathlete!!!  It is awesome to see people like that.

Great job, Carrie!  Improvement in all 3 areas is quite an accomplishment from one month to the next.

As far as the headache goes I guess it's possible that it could be a hydration or nutritional issue.  Make sure to get those fluids in right away and eat, especially if the food is free

And the shin splints, I'd be willing to bet being good and warmed up did wonders for you.

2010-04-11 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2783069

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-04-11 7:31 AM

What is on tap today, peeps?  I'm supposed to be tapering for my oly next week so I can only ride my bike 30 miles....

did I mention that I hate to taper?

I swam and ran this morning already.

My tri group is doing a nutritional presentation (which I should probably pay close attention to after eating all those donuts yesterday) today followed by a group ride.

Usually on Sundays we run and swim, but we couldn't get into the pool today so we decided to mix it up a little.
2010-04-11 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2782665

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
disturbed275 - 2010-04-10 7:35 PM
yogachic - 2010-04-10 3:14 PM
disturbed275 - 2010-04-10 8:00 AM So I have my first "race" this morning.  It's a 5k donut run where you get time subtracted for each donut you eat along the course.  Initially I was thinking about not eating any and trying to set a 5k PR, but I think I'd rather have a little fun and eat some donuts along the way.  It should be a hoot!

Inquiring minds want to know. . . How was the race?  And more importantly, how many donuts did you eat?? 

Here's the low down on the race.

Donuts + running = BAD IDEA!

I ate 10 donuts during the race, but it took me longer to eat them than the time bonuses that I gained from them.  I had the goal of downing 10 and I stuck to it.  Apparently I'm just a slow eater.  I had the auto pause feature on my Garmin so I could see what my actual run time was

Run time: 18:43
Finish time: ~31:00
Donut Adjusted time: ~21:00

Would've be much better off not eating a single donut.  From what I heard they were much bigger than last years.  I was expecting little Krispy Kreme's but we got big honking glazed donuts

Wow!  I guess it's a trade-off between how long it takes you to eat a donut, and the time bonus they give you!  That's hilarious, though!
2010-04-11 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2770190

Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Got out on a pretty decent ride yesterday, Had a plan to ride 2:15 ended up at 2:30,  forgot to start my garmin, then once I did the battery died halfway through so I had to mapmyride this morning.  I picked a ride that I thought would put me into the wind on the way out and have the wind at my back on the back in, but the wind seemed to be in my face the whole way.  I don't mind because the HIM in Racine is right off Lake Michigan, so I'm guessing the wind will be an issue there as well, but I don't know for sure until I get a ride through on it in a few weeks. 

Scott, we haven't picked a spot yet, over the summer we'll be taking a few trips to Chicago to get a feel for more neighborhoods.  We are leaning towards lincoln park area to get some green space but be close to my wife's office downtown,  but if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Its a beautiful day here, hope you all can get out and have some fun, training related or not.

2010-04-11 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2783247

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
yogachic - 2010-04-11 11:02 AM
QueenZipp - 2010-04-11 7:31 AM

What is on tap today, peeps?  I'm supposed to be tapering for my oly next week so I can only ride my bike 30 miles....

did I mention that I hate to taper?

I'm supposed to be tapering for my marathon, too, so I'm having a hard time deciding what's "allowed"!  Yesterday I was contemplating riding my bike since it was so nice in the afternoon, but I did 2 extra miles on my long run so I decided maybe I should "rest" in the afternoon.  I might be tempted to ride today, though.  We'll see!

I'm definitely going to get a 6-mile run in sometime today, though. 

The last marathon I ran I did an Oly the weekend before so I probably shouldn't be giving out proper taper advice

At this point you don't want to be putting in any workouts that are really going to be stressing your body.  The taper period is all about recovering from stress of the previous weeks so that you arrive at race day rested, recovered, and ready to go.

That said a nice easy ride is not a bad thing.  Go out, enjoy yourself, but make sure the intensity isn't too high.
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