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2010-04-20 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2805842

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White House, TN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
swayerm - 2010-04-20 8:26 PM Also for the swimming stuff, you can get pretty awesome plans from, which is what I used before I found this site.

Sometimes I cheat a bit and use that for idea when people ask me for a plan as well, lol, swear by that website, as it can give you different lengths ets as well.
And printable, just slip them in a plastic pocket and stick them on pool deck. Voila

I have so much to learn about bikes... most of those posts were gibberish, lol. I know how to change gears on mine, and that the carbon fibre rim on the back is considered cool... but I have no idea why! Lol.

Jess, I wouldn't sweat too much about the bike issue until you get way more comfortable about riding.  I learned everything I know about them by simply hanging out at the bike shop and asking questions.  As for the aerodynamic Wheels.  They are light and are meant for going fast (20 mph average and faster).  Any slower and they really aren't doing much for you other than let you go faster quicker if you really get on it.  Feel free to ask anything about bikes.


2010-04-20 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hey Jess, good on the negative, but boo on the IBS. I certainly hope you get it figured out soon.

bballcalgirl - For my first tri, it was the first time I swam 300 yds w/o stopping (which turned into a breakthrough swim). Except for 4-5 rides on a bike trail, all of my biking was on a stationary bike (mostly ~45 min), and my "long" run was about 5 miles (at 11:30 min/mi).

Awesome that you ride to work. I just did today for the first time this year. I try to start around when DLS kicks in.

Edited by camy 2010-04-20 9:48 PM
2010-04-20 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Old bikes rule!
My bike storys is that I got a '80s Schwinn, which actually turned out to be one or two models below the Paramount bikes, from a co-worker for $50. I rode that bike for about a year, then I was hooked. I found a used '95 Klein tri-bike with 600 (later renamed to Ultegra) for $400 and rode that for a while. I absolutely loved that bike, Al fork and all. But I was enticed by a new Javelin bike w/ Campy 10 speed at an incredible deal ($550), so I reluctantly sold the Klein. Turns out I didn't like the Javelin much at all, so I sold it a year later and found a '99 Litespeed Tachyon for $700 and I'm happy again In this process, I learned alot about what I like in fit and such for a tri-bike and I didn't spend much money.

Ken, you are my hero putting down that kind of MPH (BTW, did you see Megan's bike speed in races Surprised)

John, I do a double-take everytime I read your sig. I'm from Lafayette .... Louisiana

PS I'll get my friends list setup and look through all of y'alls logs & inspire soon. I'm trying to be a morning person, which means less computer time at night.
2010-04-21 1:43 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I am trying to be more of a night person, lol.

I can easily get up at 4am to get to work, but I can't really concentrate past 8pm to actually get my assignments done!!

Oh, also, guys, I have a blog too if you get the chance to have a read,
It's not just triathlon stuff, it's everything. So yeah
2010-04-21 2:22 AM
in reply to: #2787624


Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Thank you all so much for the help!  I think I am just going to have to wait until race day to actually see what goes on....I'm sure it will be fine.  And thanks for the swimplan idea....I will definitely start using those.  Just swimming laps gets a little boringLaughing  I have another question though.  I think I am the queen of questiosn...thank you all for humoring me.  i was wondering if there is an average speed that I should be able to ride at for the tri.....does anyone know how fast people usually bike in tri?  I just don't want to get there and be totally unprepared and be left in the dust.  Although I'm sure I will just be happy to finish! 

good luck staying up!  I have to stay up all night for work and it sucks.  At least this website keeps me somewhat occupied  

goodnight all!!

2010-04-21 2:32 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
That depends on SO many different things!!
Like your bike, your weight, everything!!

When I did my first tri, I did it on a mountain bike and averaged like 16kph.

When I did my next one on a road bike, I averaged 26kph.
When I do my next one, I want 30+kph. (remember I am aussie and in kilometres, no idea what miles that is!! Divide by 1.6 I think )

Just do the best you can Then you have a goal for next time.

2010-04-21 2:49 AM
in reply to: #2787624


Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
oK, well that helps to give me an idea   you threw me off with those kilometers!  Thank you for that helps a lot  
2010-04-21 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2806232

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
As far as bike speed in a tri, there is no speed requirement
There will be people of all speeds. Generally, admire the ones passing you, encourage the ones going slower, and have fun.
You most probably will not be the slowest.
2010-04-21 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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White House, TN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
16kph is 10mph
26kph is 16mph
30kph is 18mph

I am primarily a biker.  I have been doing it for quite some time now on a racing level.  Though I am new to tri bikes I still understand everything about the bike racing side of it.  Just for me to be competitive in the bike segment I need to make sure the bike is set up right for my fat belly that I'm toting around with me.  Normal Joes like us average around 14-18mph in a tri.  Your faster guys average somewhere between 20-26mph.  I'm hoping once I get my bike and get it set up right I'll be avg around 24-26.  Shouldn't be a problem for me at a Sprint distance.  Now IronMan distance is another story.  I am not conditioned for that type of mileage.  However I am depending on my strong bike skills to help me make up for my weak running.. Should be interesting.. 

If you want to get faster on you bike just run intervals (hard for 1 minute, moderate for 5 minutes, easy for 10), and use the hills as your friend.  When climbing hill, just get up on the nose of the saddle (Frankly, put the nose of the saddle right under your  Butthole) and aggressively crank up the hill.  (remember, seconds are gained going downhill, minutes are gained going uphill).  Keep your cadence in the 90's to 110.  That is a cadence to most efficiently use your energy.  When your cadence is low on the flats and up hills, you burn your energy up way too fast.
2010-04-21 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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White House, TN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Can anyone tell me how to set up my friends list?  I just can't figure it out... Maybe it's because I'm still sore from running...Money mouth
2010-04-21 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
To add a friend.

Go to the "Setting" feature at the top of your screen.  It looks like a wrench. 
Click on it. 

Click on "Training Blog Customization"

Then click on "Friends" 

This will bring up a screen that you will need to type in the friends user's name. 

Then hit submit at the bottom. 

Good Luck

2010-04-21 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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White House, TN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Ok so I ran today 2 miles.  Intervals were 60s run, 60s walk.  It felt way better today.  I may bump that up to 30 minutes tomorrow.
2010-04-21 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2805469

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
bballcalgirl - 2010-04-20 5:56 PM

Ok, so I have a couple questions for Megan or for anyone who has done a tri before.  How long should I be able to  ride/bike/swim before the triathalon in comparison the the race length.  The race I am doing is 1/2mi swim, 6 mi bike, and 2 mile run.  Also, is there a way to practice for the transitions or maybe a website that says what to expect? I am totally clueless about this and a little nervous.  Thanks everyone!  It is raining here there goes my bike ride.  I might have to ride in the gym but I"m not very fond of we will see.

This site has a ton of resources for you on these questions. Search programs and look at the Couch to Sprint Tri training programs to give you an idea of how to train - I know your first race is a bit shorter...but if you do most of the training on the sprint plan you should be more than prepared.

As for transitions - search the articles section of the site - I think there are some video tutorials that explain them really well. Once you have read up, practice them - set up a transition are in your backyard, garage, living room and go through the motions (including putting on and taking off your wetsuit).
2010-04-21 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2805658

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
kenpoforlife - 2010-04-20 8:08 PM

Yall don't know about my bike so I'll make it as short as possible.  2 weeks ago my road bike had a mechanical failure and damaged the Frame.  It's a carbon frame which make it worthless now.  The manufacture won't warranty anything and it's going to cost over 1k to fix it.  Thankfully my wife has agreed to go ahead and let me get a Tri bike, and fix the road bike later and use it as a social/off season secondary bike.  All that to say that today the local bike/triathlon shop let me take out a bike to keep my riding going until my bike comes in.  I rode a Cervelo P3, all I can say is WOW that thing is fast.  I didn't have time to do my normal 35-40 miles, but I did do 12 miles in about 30 minutes.  It was really alot faster than that but I took it me the first 5 miles trying to just get used to the bike.. It's my first time riding a tri bike so it took me awhile getting used to it.  I can't wait til my new bike comes in.  I hope once I get used to it I can get around 25mph average..  I have ordered a Quintana Roo CD 01 if your interested, but I am stoked... It's an awesome bike!!!!

Bummer about your road bike. I insure my bikes in case they get stolen or broken.
Glad to hear you like the P3 - that is what I ride The QR is an awesome bike - congrats!

Edited by jellyfish 2010-04-22 8:42 AM
2010-04-21 5:44 PM
in reply to: #2806989

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
jslacker - 2010-04-22 1:33 AM 
  It looks like a wrench. 

Lol @ wrench...

Called a spanner in Australia.

I think the word wrench is hilarious.
2010-04-21 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I have a few questions about the swim - during an ows, how often do you sight? My one and only ows was a disaster for many reasons, one of which was sighting way too often b/c I sort of freaked out when I realized I wasn't swimming straight.  Based on that experience, I can definitely rule out sighting every stroke Smile.  So, what do you find is a good number to keep you on course without totally messing up your stroke?

Speaking of strokes, I understand that technique is king in the swim and have been working on mine every time I swim.  I am getting better, but wonder if there is something(s) I should be thinking of as , e.g,  my hand enters the water, during the catch and pull?  If these questions are too broad, sorry, that just shows my lack of swim experience.

Thanks,  Ann-Marie 

2010-04-21 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

It depends for me on how long between the buoys.

If it's a 300m swim (100m out, 100m across, 100m back) I will sight maybe twice. I count all the time, being mildly obsessive compulsive, I count to 20 then take a quick look.

As for things to concentrate on, I think the biggest thing for a lot of the non-swimmers I have taught was the roll... if you have the part right with your arms, then there's not much else you can do there, you sound like it's all good.

Just making sure you let your body roll into the stroke is a good start. I notice that's a big difference between my stroke and other people I swim with.

2010-04-21 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2808684

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Thanks.  I've been trying to work on the whole roll thing, but find as I get tired I tend to get away from it and tend to shorten my stroke.  That's also true when I sprint, my turn over increases, but the roll and and stroke length start to decrease.  There's so much to think about, I can't always keep it all straight.  One of these days I'm hoping it will all be second nature to me.
2010-04-21 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
All that kind of stuff will come in time.
Just concentrate on one thing at a time till it becomes a habit. Then move on to the next part.

It will all come together eventually!

(Like my running hopefully, lol)
2010-04-22 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2808643

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
amd723 - 2010-04-21 8:11 PM

I have a few questions about the swim - during an ows, how often do you sight? My one and only ows was a disaster for many reasons, one of which was sighting way too often b/c I sort of freaked out when I realized I wasn't swimming straight.  Based on that experience, I can definitely rule out sighting every stroke Smile.  So, what do you find is a good number to keep you on course without totally messing up your stroke?

Speaking of strokes, I understand that technique is king in the swim and have been working on mine every time I swim.  I am getting better, but wonder if there is something(s) I should be thinking of as , e.g,  my hand enters the water, during the catch and pull?  If these questions are too broad, sorry, that just shows my lack of swim experience.

Thanks,  Ann-Marie 

Sighting: I tend to sight every 10-15 strokes depending on the conditions (on the low side if there is a lot of chop or strong currents, on the high side if it's a lake swim with calm conditions). When I sight I integrate the sighting into my stroke by lifting my head so that my eyes are above the surface of the water as I begin to pull down at the top of my stroke (press down with hand/arm) then as you continue your pull breath to the side as you naturally would. Do this until you can spot the buoy or marker (usually 1-4 times) then do your next 10 to 15 strokes.
Sara Mclarty, one of best swimmers in triathlon explains open water sighting in more detail here.
2010-04-22 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Happy Friday everyone. Even though I know it might not be Friday there yet...

Struggling with sore legs this morning, done a lot more riding that I would normally do on my mountain bike... hoping all it's going to do is make me stronger!!
The ride to work this morning was work in itself, took me an extra ten minutes, and my legs are killing me now!

I bit the bullet and wore my "proper" bike shorts (the kind with the padding) and didn't feel like too much of a dick when I got to work, which is good...
20kg ago it might have been an issue though!!

What are we all up to for the weekend? I hope to get another ride in, and then that's about it apart from dog walking.
Public Holiday for us here on Monday, so long weekend, whoo!!

2010-04-22 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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White House, TN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Unfortunately the Tri shop here is all closed up and working the Country Music Marathon, so that means I can't bum a bike til Monday.  Had a good workout sparring at Karate tonight.  I have a big tournament this weekend in Louisville so we turned it up into overdrive tonight.  After a good run yesterday my legs feel pretty good tonight.  Hope yall had a great day training.
2010-04-23 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Sighting for me is mostly done on other people. I breathe on my right and swim on the left side of the group. This lets me keep the forward sighting to the minimum, but puts alot of faith in the others. So far, all of the races I've done have been clockwise swims, so I see the intermediate buoys while breathing too which I can gauge how I'm doing. I probably sight every 200yds or so.

I'm not too sure what's on tap this weekend for me. I'm sure it will be light on exercise as I've done enough already this week
I'll try to get a short ride in and may go to an OWS, but I'm not sure it's warm enough to go w/o wetsuit (which I don't own) yet.
Un-tri related, we have a pretty lax weekend and hopefully I'll be able to reduce my honey-do list.
2010-04-23 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I, too, tend to sight every 10-15, depending on conditions. It has been helpful for me to breathe on both sides as that helps me swim straight. However, if the water's too choppy and killing me from one direction, I'll usually breathe on the opposite side which means sighting more.
2010-04-23 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Thanks for all the siting tips.  I breath on the left, so I may try out keeping everybody on that side when I do my ows tomorrow.  The only other ows I've done proved to me that I don't swim straight, so anything I can do to keep the zig-zagging to a minimum will be tried.

As far as the weekend goes, it will be pretty busy as I will get  8-9 miles in before the ows and then on Sunday will either do a stand alone bike or a bike-run.  I will then pass out. 
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