Other Resources Challenge Me! » Team Guiness - August Challenge Rss Feed  
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2005-08-14 2:33 PM
in reply to: #212937

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Schenectady, NY
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
Back from a great vacation spent in Themiddleofnowhere, Vermont. I was able to get in a bunch of good workouts (you don't realize how much that work thing interferes with workouts!). Her are my month to date totals: Bike:3hours; Run 4.25hrs; Swim 2.25hrs plus 4 CORE sessions. This week is my taper for the Timberman next week. Anyone from Team Guinness doing the timberman race?

2005-08-14 3:17 PM
in reply to: #212937

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Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
Just had to say "Hi." I'm at Panera right now using their free wireless internet. Hopefully we'll get internet at my new house in a few weeks!
2005-08-15 7:41 AM
in reply to: #212937

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Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
Oh Help -- this team captain business is a nightmare. I think I bit off more than I can chew . . . IM training and finishing up summerschool course and editing a book and trying to have a garage sale in one week is NOT fun! I can't seem to get Mark's excel sheet to work either, so I'm going to try to do it on my own. If anyone wants to take over, I'm more than willing to give up!

2005-08-15 8:38 AM
in reply to: #212937

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Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
OK-- I'm done whining and I have it all figured out. I've attached the spreadsheet here so you can go look and see how we are doing. Let's start encourgaging each other big time. I know that was the only factor in me meeting my swim goal last month. We can do this . . . some of us have some catching up to do, but we still have 16 days left this month. SWIM! BIKE! RUN!


teamgunninessaugust.xls (17KB - 20 downloads)
2005-08-15 2:06 PM
in reply to: #212937

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Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
OK TEAM -- time for me to open up a can of "whoop-ass" . . . we are in 7th place (out of only 8 teams). Let's move our bodies folks. I don't mind coming in at the BOP for my races because that's the body I've been given . . . but I don't like that position here! WE CAN DO THIS! Swim, Bike, Run, and encourage the heck out of each other!!

I am going for a 2:15 hour run this evening, followed by a 1 hour swim. If I, mother of 4, grad student, teacher, book editor, supporter of doctors, dentists and chiropractors (4+ appointments this week alone), new-tire getter (60 minutes in a small tire store lobby with 4 children should really count as a workout), and holder of an enormous garage sale this week, can do it, so you can you!

In order to meet my goals I am subjecting myself to at least an hour on the treadmill before my hubby gets home (on this beautiful sunny 70 degree day).

Hopefully now I have shamed all of you into doing something today.

Smiles all around,

2005-08-15 6:00 PM
in reply to: #212937

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Woodridge, IL (Chicago)
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
Numbers Through August 15th

Swim 4000
Bike 42.5 Miles
Run 23 Miles

Keep Up the Good work Everyone.

2005-08-15 11:49 PM
in reply to: #224057

NC Illinois
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
MY POOL IS CLOSED!!!! I knew it was supposed to be closed Mon - Wed this week for annual maintenance, but I'ts been closed for a week due to "maintenance concerns." So, now I'm down 2 planned swims to make goal. Can we count my pool as injured?

Yeah ... I just saw a sign posted at my Y that said the pool's closed from 8/20 to 8/31. Great. Only pool in town.

[1] I may have to drive out of town to swim (possibly at a nother Y), [2] might have to find someone that owns a lake/pond.

2005-08-16 7:25 AM
in reply to: #226081

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Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
TripleThreat - 2005-08-15 10:49 PM

MY POOL IS CLOSED!!!! I knew it was supposed to be closed Mon - Wed this week for annual maintenance, but I'ts been closed for a week due to "maintenance concerns." So, now I'm down 2 planned swims to make goal. Can we count my pool as injured?

Yeah ... I just saw a sign posted at my Y that said the pool's closed from 8/20 to 8/31. Great. Only pool in town.

[1] I may have to drive out of town to swim (possibly at a nother Y), [2] might have to find someone that owns a lake/pond.

That's too bad . . . yeah, I'd say your pool qualifies as "injured". What is it about this time of year that makes people think it is time for annual maintenance. Don't they know that I have an ironman to do in 25 days and that I need to swim now more than ever as I begin my taper? Sigh. I've with you, looking for a new place to swim for about a week or so.
2005-08-16 9:37 AM
in reply to: #212937

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Woodridge, IL (Chicago)
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
My pool works just fine. I find that if you swim next to an old lady aqua aerobics class is almost like swimming with a current or waves. Got in 2000 this morning in about 40 - 45 minutes. Good luck with finding pools. We need that yardage now more than ever.


2005-08-16 10:15 AM
in reply to: #212937

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St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge

I know, I am totally slacking on my goals. Don't fear...I'll get there. I called and they told me the pool is back open, so I am headed there today.  Also, weather permitting, I'll hit the bike this evening! This week is catch up week! 

We have not earned a beer yet...let's go!


2005-08-16 1:19 PM
in reply to: #226346

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Woodridge, IL (Chicago)
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
slovegreen - 2005-08-16 9:15 AM

We have not earned a beer yet...let's go!


Tell me about it. I quit drinking alcohol the last week of July so I could shed more weight before my Last Triathlon of the season at the end of August. Trust me. Once that race is over I can't wait for a tall Cold beer. Or a chilled GUINNESS.

Now get out there and train hard.

2005-08-16 2:18 PM
in reply to: #226526

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Extreme Veteran
Home port
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge

 my totals so far

Bike:   45.5 mile

run     19.5 miles

swim    1950 yds

I know my totals are far behind, but now that I have done my last sprint tri, I can concentrate on long, slow distance for my 1/2 IM on Sept 11th.




2005-08-16 2:29 PM
in reply to: #212937

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Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
Let's go!
2005-08-16 8:51 PM
in reply to: #212937

Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge

I apologize to all of my fellow teammates...after a solid month of training last month, life has inserted itself this month.  The combination of family obligations, high school sports, Boy Scouts, Little League, and of course work will prevent me from properly participating in the challenge.

Until today I thought I could still pull it off, but now I realize that I will not.


2005-08-16 9:08 PM
in reply to: #226904

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St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
trimossy - 2005-08-16 7:51 PM

I apologize to all of my fellow teammates...after a solid month of training last month, life has inserted itself this month.  The combination of family obligations, high school sports, Boy Scouts, Little League, and of course work will prevent me from properly participating in the challenge.

Until today I thought I could still pull it off, but now I realize that I will not.


Hey, don't neccessarily call it a wash!  Do the best you can to chip away at your goals. Would 90% be realistic?  Mabye 80%...anything is better than totally giving up! 

2005-08-17 8:41 AM
in reply to: #212937

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Woodridge, IL (Chicago)
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
Funny thing about life....Its always popping its head in at the wrong times. Actually not really. Now get to the gym and do what you can do. You're still a part of TEAM GUINNESS. I'll try to help out by overshooting my goals.

By the way do we have an update through week 2 of where everyone is at?


2005-08-17 9:52 AM
in reply to: #226914

NC Illinois
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
Hey, don't neccessarily call it a wash! Do the best you can to chip away at your goals.

I agree. We're dealing with two ear infection right now. My 16mo daughter, and my 4yo son ... BOTH! So, I have some restless nights, and (tomorrow) two doctor appointments ... but training can still be done.

Even if you are unable to do your "exact" planned workout, you can always dosomething. I know I always feel better when I do something as oppossed to when I miss. Maybe I am more obcessive than I care to admit.

Just keep it in perspective that exercise is suppossed to relieve stress, not contribute to its increase. Enjoy your training.

As slovegreen pointed out, the higher your percentage is, the better th team's score will be. So, if you can get 60%, instead of 40%, that's still a significant contribution. With each workout your percent completed goes up. Just take pride in what you can accopmplish given the current circumstances.
2005-08-18 7:55 AM
in reply to: #212937

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Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
Alright, team, here's my notes so far. Since I didn't even get in until the end of the second week of the month I probably set the bar a little too hight...but I'm still shooting for it. I wasn't using a log until now so I can only give a best approximation of my times for the first couple weeks of the month. I can honestly say that I've got between 3.5 and 4 hours of running in the first two weeks. Should I go back and post this info in my training log or just leave it up here?
2005-08-18 9:04 AM
in reply to: #212937

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Woodridge, IL (Chicago)
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
Put it in your training log. Thats what they told me. Its easier for our captain to find and calculate..
2005-08-20 4:53 PM
in reply to: #212937

Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge

Decided last night at 10:00P - I am going to do the triathlon I signed up for today.  So got my stuff together and out the door at 5A this morning.  Actually a pretty good tri (beat my last sprint time by 6 minutes) - for me - despite the total lack of training for three weeks.

This week looks much better schedule and obligation wise, so I'll do my best to finish with a flourish - and the pool opens again on the 24th, so I can put some serious time in for seven days.

Will have to see if the time off screwed up my training for the last tri of the season - my "A" Olympic distance...

2005-08-21 12:23 AM
in reply to: #229605

NC Illinois
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
despite the total lack of training for three weeks.

Hey, if that works ... I've got a great idea on how I can get REALLY FAST! =)


Totals through 8/20 ...

Bike: 13h 13m 37s - 197.71 Mi
Run: 7h 36m - 40.2 Mi
Swim: 4h 4m 44s - 9550 Yd

My pool is now officially closed. I asked about the YMCA 20 miles away ... their pool is also closed till 9/1.

I am seriously contemplating walking up to the house of a stranger, introducing myself (I teach in that town, so if they have kids they may have heard of me), and asking, "Can I use your dock?" ... and swim in the river.

Edited by TripleThreat 2005-08-21 12:25 AM

2005-08-22 10:07 AM
in reply to: #229799

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St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
Hey all!  Hope everyone had a good weekend.  I managed to get on my bike (that goal is the one I'm worried about, what was  I thinking!).  I'm swimming and running today.  I've got 5 more days planned in the pool - minimum 2100 yds each to get me to goal. I've got 6 runs of 2.5-3 miles to get me to goal there and on the bike, I'm going to do the best I can...  OH, and don't forget about core goals:  I'm at 5 sessions...I think with 4 to go? I'll make that no problemo.  Time to get the ab video back out now that class is over.

2005-08-22 12:01 PM
in reply to: #212937

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Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
I've finished the goal chart for this week. We're looking pretty good. Great job this week . . . except for me :0( -- I'm facing major motivational issues. I did an 80 minute ride and got in a total of 12 miles!! Rode to the video store, walked around a bit, rode to a friends house and looked at her new paint job, etc. I just can't get into training mode again. I can't wait until this IM race is here and over, I want to sit in front of the TV and eat Doritos for a month! Whoa! Looks like I can't do that . . . I just signed up for the Houston Marathon. Well, one maybe I'll do it for a week after IM Moo.

teamgunninessaugust.xls (17KB - 46 downloads)
2005-08-22 12:39 PM
in reply to: #212937

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Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
Okay, I feel the need to jump in here after seeing the updated sheet. I've been away from the computer for a couple of days and wasn't able to update my log until just now. Here's where I'm standing as of Saturday, 8/20:

Run: 4hr 15mn 16s
Bike: 1hr 25mn
Swim: 26mn

I'm really struggling with my swims lately...they're wearing me out faster than anything. I'm still plugging away though.
2005-08-23 11:21 AM
in reply to: #212937

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Schenectady, NY
Subject: RE: Team Guiness - August Challenge
OK team, I'm back from a successful Timberman Half IM. Very excited about my performance - everything I have been training for over the past 10 months resulted in a great day. I was overwhelmed by the organization of the race, the fans, the cheering, the excitement! If you are ever looking for a race to do, this is the one! With that said - here are my totals for the month:

Swim: 3.5hrs
Bike: 7.5hrs
Run: 7.25hrs
Core: 7 workouts

Next races - 'just' a 10K in September and a duathlon in October.
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Other Resources Challenge Me! » Team Guiness - August Challenge Rss Feed  
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