BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mav's mentor group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-01-08 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Morning Group!!!
Make sure you are all drinking your water....that said...I am sucking down a large cup of coffeeLaughing...which doesnt count at all!!!

Michelle, good luck with your race today. Make sure you post how it went....we need a full race report.

I will ask that each of you write a  race report after any race that you do. A lot can be learned by the triumphs and mistakes of others. There is a thread on BT called Race  Reports. You can go to this thread and "research" a race by reading others race reports. Often you will find technical info about the course that can be helpful on race day.

I will be checking in today from time to time but I am working this evening.

2011-01-08 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Hi Mav and Group,
Would love to join. I have been debating joining a group as some didn't seem to have much chatter but this seems like a dedicated group with many great stories behind the triathletes.

I am 36 years old and this will be my second full season of tri's. I did my first back in Sept 2009- a try a tri and fell in love with it. Last year a did 2 try a tris and 3 sprints last year. I am best motivated if I have a race planned so I am planning to add a few 10km races during these chilly months to keep me on track.

I will continue with the Sprint distance this year with about 5 races (still to be determined). I am very weak on the bike so that will be my big challenge to improve this year. I will be starting spinning classes in a couple weeks which I hope will be a good kick start. I live in Ontario so I have to the snow and cold weather to deal with until March. For the rest of January my focus will continue to be on strength training 3-4 times a week with at least one swim and run workout. Will change it up in February to add in spinning.

I have 3 children 7, 4, 2 and have a fairly stressful job. Getting out in the evenings to train is my stress release!
I look forward to getting to know everyone a bit more and learning more of the ins and outs of triathlons.
2011-01-08 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3285827

New user

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Oh my - I better get drinking! Great challenge. This has been a weak area for me lately - always easier to drink more water in the summer!

Thanks for the suggestion to check out the Iron Girl website - I found a free traning plan there. Today was my first "official" training day (although I think I'm ahead of most of the 12 and 16 week schedules I found out there.) 45 minutes in the pool followed by strength training. I'm trying to build endurance on my freestyle, improve my breaststroke (my kick is terrible -I worry about injuring my knees) and learn the side-stroke as an alternative to doggie style in case I have a panic attack out in the open water! I had never heard of the side-stroke before recently.

Question: do you have any "tricks" for counting laps as you swim - or do you count laps? I focus so much on the swim itself that I have a hard time keeping track of how many laps I've done. I tried using my watch to count laps (as if I was running intevals), but that tends to interrupts my flow.
2011-01-08 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3286604

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Lobster74 - 2011-01-08 1:01 PM Hi Mav and Group,
Would love to join. I have been debating joining a group as some didn't seem to have much chatter but this seems like a dedicated group with many great stories behind the triathletes.

I am 36 years old and this will be my second full season of tri's. I did my first back in Sept 2009- a try a tri and fell in love with it. Last year a did 2 try a tris and 3 sprints last year. I am best motivated if I have a race planned so I am planning to add a few 10km races during these chilly months to keep me on track.

I will continue with the Sprint distance this year with about 5 races (still to be determined). I am very weak on the bike so that will be my big challenge to improve this year. I will be starting spinning classes in a couple weeks which I hope will be a good kick start. I live in Ontario so I have to the snow and cold weather to deal with until March. For the rest of January my focus will continue to be on strength training 3-4 times a week with at least one swim and run workout. Will change it up in February to add in spinning.

I have 3 children 7, 4, 2 and have a fairly stressful job. Getting out in the evenings to train is my stress release!
I look forward to getting to know everyone a bit more and learning more of the ins and outs of triathlons.

Welcome to the group!!!!!

Congrats on training with 3 little kids and a job...that is an accomplishment in itself. Its a great idea to do road races in the off season. I do it too to keep me motivated.

I have a few comments about spinning. It is a great workout. You get good cardio and burn some calories...but you will NOT find much improvement in your biking come spring ( sorry)  It just doesnt work the same muscles that you do when you ride. I would highly suggest a trainer ( fluid trainer). It is the next best thing to cyclyng. The cost about $250 but you can cycle infront of the TV with your kids next to you!!!!! ( You will sweat like crazy...a fan is highly suggested)

That being said...there is nothing wrong with spin classes if you dont own a trainer or cant afford one. As soon as you can get out on the road...get on the road tho!!!

Please join us in the drink 64 ounces of water a day challenge!!!!
2011-01-08 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3286827

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
SusanOC - 2011-01-08 3:34 PM Oh my - I better get drinking! Great challenge. This has been a weak area for me lately - always easier to drink more water in the summer!

Thanks for the suggestion to check out the Iron Girl website - I found a free traning plan there. Today was my first "official" training day (although I think I'm ahead of most of the 12 and 16 week schedules I found out there.) 45 minutes in the pool followed by strength training. I'm trying to build endurance on my freestyle, improve my breaststroke (my kick is terrible -I worry about injuring my knees) and learn the side-stroke as an alternative to doggie style in case I have a panic attack out in the open water! I had never heard of the side-stroke before recently.

Question: do you have any "tricks" for counting laps as you swim - or do you count laps? I focus so much on the swim itself that I have a hard time keeping track of how many laps I've done. I tried using my watch to count laps (as if I was running intevals), but that tends to interrupts my flow.

I dont know what kind of watch you have. The Timex Ironman watch has a lap counter...which I use at times. I am pretty consistent with my times. I almost always count my laps. I will push start on my timer... 1000yds generally takes me 20 mins...if I am off by 2 mins...I know I forgot a lap, or added a lap. I hope that makes sense to you.

Where is everyone today??? I am sure you are all training your butts off
2011-01-08 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN

Today I had a frustrating time at the pool. Rather than have any of you people off at the pool I thought I would give a mini lesson in pool ettiquete.

-If every lane is full.... look at the swimmers and pick the lane that best matches your ability. You can swim up to 4-5 people in a lane ( Its not fun...but it can be done)

- Put your arm in the water as the swimmer approaches the wall and tell them you are entering( dont ask). I always give the person the option to split the lane or circle swim.  "Do you mind if I split the lane?"

   Splitting is simply person swims on one side the other person does the other side
   Circle swimming swim in a circle in the lane. Up one side down the other. To pass, you gently tap the other persons foot. This is generally done when there are more than 2 people/ lane. ALthough I prefer to circle swim with people who are my speed in narrow lanes.

- If people tell you to wait, they only have a short distance left...its OK...but it needs to be short!!!!

These are simple rules and are pretty standard to be followed at every pool. DO check with your pool to see what thier rules are for lap swimming. I find that most pools have them posted on the wall near the pool. If not... and you are not sure...ask the lifeguard. They will thank you for being a good sport/lap swimmer!!!!

2011-01-08 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Lap counting- Susan, I use a water bottle and move it across the tiles. At my pool it is real easy to start at a specific tile and then just move it one tile per lap. I lose count all the time and try to think of other stuff anyway.
2011-01-08 11:47 PM
in reply to: #3261680

User image

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN

May I join your group?

About me: This is my 4th year doing triathlons. So far I have only done sprints, mainly because I've been slowed down by some injuries, but this year I plan to do an olympic in late June. The biggest challenge for me is finding the right balance between training and the rest of life. I am a single mom of a 7 year old girl. I do work full time and I am in part-time grad school. I am currently working with a coach on improving my swim stroke and I'm in a indoor compu-trainer class once per week. I've been hanging out around BT for a few years and have enjoyed mentor groups. This one looks like another great one!

2011-01-09 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3287054

New user

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
great suggestions Mav and Left-right-repeat! Thanks!

I'm so impressed by those of you in this group who are balancing much more than I have to and still getting in your training. I really have no excuses!
2011-01-09 7:19 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Morning all!!! Hope you all drank your water...I did

Welcome Marcy!!!!

Still waiting to hear how your race went Michelle

Mavs Mentor group
Fit4Infinity- Mark
heatherb555- heather
ktaho -katie
Happychick -michelle
jgibs -julie
SusanOC -susan

I put together this table  so that we could all have a list of folks in the group. You can cut and paste this into your logs and use it to inspire eachother ( send messages on eachothers training logs) The more encouragement you give eachother the easier this is!!!

2011-01-09 7:19 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
I snuck in some hill intervals while sledding with the kids yesterday. I would race them up the hill each time. Thankfully, I am still faster than them!
I will be joining the water challenge. I used to be able to drink 4 litres a day but now I'm lucky if I do 1.

2011-01-09 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3261680

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
I'll take the water challange.
A funny thing about thirst.  The body sometimes gets confused and sends the 'I'm hungry' signal when the body has plenty of energy, but is looking for water.  This makes sense, as food is also a source water.  If you're trying to lose weight and your body says it's hungry, try having a cool refreshing glass of water.

Keeping your body hydrated is also important for metabolizing fat.  The liver is active in the oxidizing of triglycerides to produce energy.  As the body become dehydrated the liver becomes less efficient at the conversion of fat into energy.  As an endurance athlete this is very important.  The supplies of glycogen are limited but if we could convert all the fat in our body's to energy we could run forever.

2011-01-09 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3261680


Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Hello Marianne,

I would like to join the group if you still have openings.  Having just started Michael Pates Couch to Sprint program, my goal is to get fit after a few years of neglect and complete at least one Sprint in 2011.   I'm 49 and determined to find a fun fitness solution without excellerating the wear and tear on the joints.

2011-01-09 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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New user
Subject: RE: Water challenge
Day 1, success.  4 pints of water. 

heading over to the gym for today's workout:
1 mile run, followed by 2 mile bike.

I wanted to do an indoor tri for my first race, but I couldn't find any near me, so I signed up for this one:

Tune Up Tri

Start: Sunday, March 27, 2011 @ 7:30 AM
The Freedom Center
10900 University Blvd. Manassas, VA

76 days!  w00t!
2011-01-09 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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New user

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN

Great workout today: 45min bike = 14.3 miles and a 20 min run right after the bike = 2.3 miles

Today I'm making a training calendar to hang on my mirror in the bathroom. Getting to the computer everyday is unrealistic for me so I believe this will remind me of that days training. I'm fighting a headache so off to baby myself and refuel.

Happy Training -Julie

2011-01-09 5:13 PM
in reply to: #3261680

User image

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
I'm 54 years old, have been in fair shape until this year. I do ski, snowboard, hike. I have thought long and hard and decided to do a Sprint marathon here in Boulder. I"m not a great swimmer but have decided to join a local gym to use the pool, I like to bike and have done some in the summer months here. As for running that can be a challenge, I ran when I was younger for a while until an ankle injury stopped me, now it just seems like the most difficult exercise for me. I'm hoping that joining this mentor program will give me the added motivation to meet my goals. I tend to be goal oriented and need the extra accountablilty to push me to complete. I have recently lost 30+ lbs and feel that I need to be more fit. Looking forward to my first Sprint.


I am also a RN and work full time 12 hour shifts in the PACU.

Edited by tkr2770 2011-01-09 5:14 PM

2011-01-09 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3261680


Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Hi Mav, I am new to this sport and would love to join your group. 
Bio:  I am a 45 yo anesthesiologist who has never run more than 3 miles at any one time.  I decided to enter the DC Tri Sprint Triathlon as a challenge to myself, and as a way to keep up with a very athletic 7 yo daughter.  She will be doing her first kid triathlon in May and is probably more excited than I am.  I have never really considered myself athletic, but did take swimming during college.  I have tons of questions such as what type of clothing should I wear, do I have to use a road bike or will my hybrid bike suffice?  

Goals:  Complete the race, lose 35 pounds as I currently weigh 155.  I did get down to 130 pounds using Jenny Craig, but gained 25 pounds back.  I am currently back on Jenny Craig as it is a very simple way for me to diet given my work schedule, however, I can't eat their food forever and it is rather expensive.

Training:  I am following one of the 3x swimming plans I downloaded from this website, and so far I've been able to stick to the schedule.  My biggest challenge will be the swimming.  I have never swum in open water for distance and we will be swimming in the Potomac River.  
2011-01-09 6:32 PM
in reply to: #3261680

New user

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Day 1 of the water challenge was a success...I'm a little behind so far on day 2.   I started attending spinning classes at our local 'Y'.  They're usually about 45-55 minutes and the distance ranges from 20-25 miles.  Do you guys think this will fulfill my training needs until the snow melts in three months?  Or should I also use the stationary bikes and follow another plan? 
2011-01-09 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3288697

User image

Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
ktaho - 2011-01-09 4:32 PM Day 1 of the water challenge was a success...I'm a little behind so far on day 2.   I started attending spinning classes at our local 'Y'.  They're usually about 45-55 minutes and the distance ranges from 20-25 miles.  Do you guys think this will fulfill my training needs until the snow melts in three months?  Or should I also use the stationary bikes and follow another plan? 

I'm a big fan of spin, but it's not quite the same as cycling.  You can get some goodness from the class, but you'll want to get out on the road when the weather gets better.  The biggest difference is in the duration of work.  The sets are relatively short around 3-5 minutes.  Use the mirrors in the room to practice good form and visualize yourself in a long paceline, in compact relaxed position, out on the queenK highway.  After your first race you'll have your own memories on the bike to replay. 

When you get out on the road you'll want to have sets of longer duration.
2011-01-09 10:41 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
I have closed our group after our new members of 1/9/11. Will touch base on todays post...tomorrow. I worked tonite.
Good job on the water intake
2011-01-10 7:09 AM
in reply to: #3288041

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Lori20 - 2011-01-09 12:59 PM Hello Marianne,

I would like to join the group if you still have openings.  Having just started Michael Pates Couch to Sprint program, my goal is to get fit after a few years of neglect and complete at least one Sprint in 2011.   I'm 49 and determined to find a fun fitness solution without excellerating the wear and tear on the joints.

Welcome to the group!  Couch to sprint programs are great! I would also suggest that you sign up for a race in your area. Making that commitment is a big step but very motivating. Im not familiar with Michael Pates plan but try to time the race with the end of the plan...if you cant find one with the exact timing, you can repeat the last three weeks of the plan

2011-01-10 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
One Faller, CONGRATS on signing up!!!!! Does this race have an open water swim?
2011-01-10 7:12 AM
in reply to: #3288305

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
jgibs - 2011-01-09 3:48 PM

Great workout today: 45min bike = 14.3 miles and a 20 min run right after the bike = 2.3 miles

Today I'm making a training calendar to hang on my mirror in the bathroom. Getting to the computer everyday is unrealistic for me so I believe this will remind me of that days training. I'm fighting a headache so off to baby myself and refuel.

Happy Training -Julie

Great job Julie!!!! I keep my training calendar on my fridg...reminds me to curb my eating
2011-01-10 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3288563

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
tkr2770 - 2011-01-09 6:13 PM I'm 54 years old, have been in fair shape until this year. I do ski, snowboard, hike. I have thought long and hard and decided to do a Sprint marathon here in Boulder. I"m not a great swimmer but have decided to join a local gym to use the pool, I like to bike and have done some in the summer months here. As for running that can be a challenge, I ran when I was younger for a while until an ankle injury stopped me, now it just seems like the most difficult exercise for me. I'm hoping that joining this mentor program will give me the added motivation to meet my goals. I tend to be goal oriented and need the extra accountablilty to push me to complete. I have recently lost 30+ lbs and feel that I need to be more fit. Looking forward to my first Sprint.


I am also a RN and work full time 12 hour shifts in the PACU.

Welcome Terry!!!!
Again..I suggest you register for the race!!! Nothing like a registration fee to keep you motivated.
I hear you on running being a challenge. When I first started it took me well over a month before I could run a mile. I still struggle with running, and I am not very fast...but I get it done. You can run, it will take time, you just have to go slowly and consistently

Start with downloading a Couch to sprint program. These are great programs and build your fitness gradually giving your body time to adapt, thus preventing injury.

Working 12 hour shifts creates its own challenge. BE SURE to schedule your rest days on days you are working. It will make it much easier on your body. As health care professionals we do a lot of physical work/walking and adding a long workout on these days will tax your body. SO when you have  two twelves together...make one of them a rest day, and the other a swim workout. Hope this makes sense.
2011-01-10 7:38 AM
in reply to: #3288668

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
anesthesiadoc - 2011-01-09 7:12 PM Hi Mav, I am new to this sport and would love to join your group. 
Bio:  I am a 45 yo anesthesiologist who has never run more than 3 miles at any one time.  I decided to enter the DC Tri Sprint Triathlon as a challenge to myself, and as a way to keep up with a very athletic 7 yo daughter.  She will be doing her first kid triathlon in May and is probably more excited than I am.  I have never really considered myself athletic, but did take swimming during college.  I have tons of questions such as what type of clothing should I wear, do I have to use a road bike or will my hybrid bike suffice?  

Goals:  Complete the race, lose 35 pounds as I currently weigh 155.  I did get down to 130 pounds using Jenny Craig, but gained 25 pounds back.  I am currently back on Jenny Craig as it is a very simple way for me to diet given my work schedule, however, I can't eat their food forever and it is rather expensive.

Training:  I am following one of the 3x swimming plans I downloaded from this website, and so far I've been able to stick to the schedule.  My biggest challenge will be the swimming.  I have never swum in open water for distance and we will be swimming in the Potomac River.  

Welcome to the Group!!!! Congrats on signing up for your first race. So exciting!!!

You can use your hybrid, NO problem! Many sprint races will have hybrids, mountainbikes, road bikes and tri bikes. If you like the sport, you may want to buy a road bike or tri bike in the future. If your bike has been sitting in a garage I would encourage you to take it to your local bike shop (LBS) and have it checked out. They will check the chain, tires and gears. Its important to have a bike that is safe and well maintained.

Open Water Swimming(OWS) is very different than swimming in a pool. Once you have mastered the distance in the pool ( and the temps get warmer) you will want to try to practice OWS. You can post in the state forums here on BT and see if anyone wants to join you!!! Often there are local triathletes/clubs that have OWS, and dont mind if new people come to group swims.

Clothing for tris can vary greatly and can get pricey. Keep it simple. You can purchase a pair of tri shorts and a top. I like to train in what I race in...I never use anything new on race day. You wear the tri top and shorts through the entire race. It is made if spandex that dries easily. The crotch of the tri shorts has a chamois that makes biking comfortable but is not as bulky as bike shorts.  There are one piece and two piece tri suits. I perfer the two piece because it makes "pit stops" much easier. This time of year there are a lot of good deals on tri clothing. Tri is my favorite website, but Sierra Trading Post has great deals too. Local tri stores often will carry some clothing but the selection is usually not as good as the on line  stores. Shopping is the fourth sport of triathlon!!!!
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