BT Development Mentor Program Archives » QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL Rss Feed  
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2011-01-18 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3306400

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
QueenZipp - 2011-01-18 9:07 AM
jezzieswims - 2011-01-18 12:51 AM
papson14 - 2011-01-17 7:30 PM Welcome Jessica.  Isn't grad school just great!  I spent the weekend trying to find time to train, hang with the family, and write a loooong paper as my first assingment for the new semester.  Fabulous!  Do I really need 10 references?  Really? 10? 

Wow ... this was my whole first semester in a nutshell. Yes ... the reference lists got a little crazy.

I'm glad to be part of the group and look forward to supporting and training together even if it's in the virtual world.

I see that Judi is playing good cop in this mentor group. She was my mentor in 2009 while I trained for Ironman and I thought I'd hop on board again.

I told him I was the good cop!  He didn't believe me!  Thanks, Jess!!

I might need two bad cops to keep me on track sometimes.

2011-01-18 12:36 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Hi Jessica!  Welcome!

I've had a rough weekend but recovered with a nice bike ride yesterday.  My husband and I run a small farm when we aren't working and weekends tend to get out of hand.  We spend a vast majority of our time outside doing hard physical labor (we use very little mechanical help) and then when it comes time for 'training', I'm just too pooped.  My logs are empty for Sat and Sun even though I was sore as hell yesterday!

Does anyone here own a Finis Tempo Trainer for swimming (or running or cycling)?  I got one last month, but it's acting kind of weird.  Right now, it's set to the longer intervals where it beeps three times for anything between 10 seconds and 10 minutes.  How do I get it back to the shorter interval setting where I can set it to say one beep every 1.5 seconds (or whatever)?  I've tried down-loading the info from Finis and it says how to get it up to the big intervals, but not how to get it back down!  I'm going to try contacting Finis next, but I thought I'd throw it out here first....  Anyone??
2011-01-18 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3306537

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
jezzieswims - 2011-01-18 1:00 PM
QueenZipp - 2011-01-18 9:07 AM
jezzieswims - 2011-01-18 12:51 AM
papson14 - 2011-01-17 7:30 PM Welcome Jessica.  Isn't grad school just great!  I spent the weekend trying to find time to train, hang with the family, and write a loooong paper as my first assingment for the new semester.  Fabulous!  Do I really need 10 references?  Really? 10? 

Wow ... this was my whole first semester in a nutshell. Yes ... the reference lists got a little crazy.

I'm glad to be part of the group and look forward to supporting and training together even if it's in the virtual world.

I see that Judi is playing good cop in this mentor group. She was my mentor in 2009 while I trained for Ironman and I thought I'd hop on board again.

I told him I was the good cop!  He didn't believe me!  Thanks, Jess!!

I might need two bad cops to keep me on track sometimes.

Today Judi will tell you I have enough grumpiness to be two bad cops to her one good. 
Welcome aboard Jess.  Today's flick was Route 60.  Kinda a sappy thing with a screwy plot. 
Sunday was the Weather Girl.  I know I should be watching Full Metal Jacket or Die Hard. 
2011-01-18 5:44 PM
in reply to: #3303530

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Wetsuit sale at Xterra if you're still shopping
2011-01-18 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
My awesome and wonderful PT may  release me next week.

His associate is seriously considering this.....he said he would talk about with her.
2011-01-18 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Wow, go to work for a day and I miss so much!

First, Jess, welcome!

Re: Need 2 bad cops: Ha ha ha! Right there with you!

Xterra sale... woo hoo!

Lee - nice picture, it makes me looooong for sun and warmth :''(

Queen Zipp - Yay, you'll be a PT graduate!

Rest day for me today, partly because I had to be in early to work and partly because the skies here just won't stop spitting ice and snow and rain all at once! Argh! I hate winter now. I really need to take up snowboarding or something so there's something to look forward to in this mess.

2011-01-18 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3307535

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
katieduffy - 2011-01-19 9:14 AM Rest day for me today, partly because I had to be in early to work and partly because the skies here just won't stop spitting ice and snow and rain all at once! Argh! I hate winter now. I really need to take up snowboarding or something so there's something to look forward to in this mess.

You'd miss all that crazy weather if it was gone!  It's already climbing back into the mid 60's and low 70's here.  Great for training but we miss the seasons.  Enjoy your rest day.
2011-01-18 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN

I'd like to join if it's not too late.  I'm a 34 year old engineer, married with a young son.  I spent my 20's focused on my career and didn't balance my health/exercise well.  I started doing triathlons  in 2009 and have been hooked every sense.  I have a long term goal of reaching the IM distance but am not in a big hurry.  I have a demanding job and young family so balance is much more important at this point in my life.  I trained hard for my HIM last year and my IT band acted up a couple of weeks before the race.  I was able to race but took some time off afterwards.  I need a push to get going for the 2011 season.

2011 Season Goals: Continue on the tri journey....Broome County Sprint Tri, Cayuga Lake OLY, and possibly the a HIM late in the season.  Debating on a marathon in the fall.  

Weight Loss: In January of 2009 I weighed 195#.  Through the peak of last season I was down to 172#.  During this offseason I have put about 10# back on.  I would like to get to my goal weigh of 165# this year.  This was also my goal last year, I think I had sufficient training to meet the goal but lacked the nutrition discipline to get there.

Experience: One sprint tri in 2009, 3 sprints, 1 oly and 1 HIM in 2010

2011-01-18 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN



Cayuga Lake is my favorite race!!  I have to drive over 10 hours to do that race but ITC does such a great job with the whole day.

2011-01-18 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3307628

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Hey JH1, welcome aboard.  Love the Cayuga tri.   Class act.  Are part of Bob's crew??
2011-01-18 10:43 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Nice to meet everyone !

2011-01-19 12:47 AM
in reply to: #3307887

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Nassau, Bahamas
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
great to see more people joining and this thread picking up!  can't say i'm not drunk in Key West looking at BT...but, we haven't been doing great but we're still sailing!  3 more days to go until I get an actual chance to write race reports etc...

but here's a new one I just saw tonight!  This is about 2 miles from the finish, when I'm using small goals to catchup what I can, and obviously this was no small feat!

 go slow bend
2011-01-19 6:19 AM
in reply to: #3261875

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Good morning everybody and welcome JH1!

Papson - maybe I should try living somewhere where it's 60' in January and see if I miss this, ha ha!

Freezing rain (STILL!) + no car/gym access = no run but a good home strength workout. Still might try to get a swim in when I come home.

Cayuga Lakes isn't too far from me - it's a drive but still in state - what distances are available?
2011-01-19 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3261875

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Katie, They do a sprint and an Oly same day along with a kids race at Cayuga.  I have done both the sprint and Oly.  Great course and siperb race organization!  Seriously, it is my favorite race of all.
2011-01-20 5:18 AM
in reply to: #3261875

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Hi guys! I hope I am not too late to join the party .. here is a quick run down of my story.

NAME: Adam

STORY: I caught the triathlon bug back in 2004/2005, where I joined a couple of workmates who had a crazy idea that we could do our first tri and lose 12 kilos (26 pounds) in the space of 4 months. We trained hard (my training was all logged here back then, check my training logs for Nov 2004 - Mar 2005) and achieved both of our goals and I thought all was up from there (the old race report:

However, in 2007, at age 30, I was diagnosed with cancer, and was 2 weeks from never doing a tri (or anything) again. 6 months in hospital for intensive chemotherapy and now 4 years later, I have squashed the cancer bug, and am ready to get back on the tri trail again and reclaim my life back.

This time I have a bigger aim, after watching a recent WA iron man triathlon here in Australia, that is something I want to achieve. Not in 3 months this time ... but long term. I figure an iron man can't be as hard as 6 months of 5 days a week chemo

CURRENT TRAINING: Not much, I played decent level football (soccer) last year which has left me with a little residual fitness, but I need to start again .... again. My strength is the run, it is something that comes natural, but my ride is average at best, and to see me swim is like watching a frog in a blender at times.

I am a good 10 kg (22 pounds) above fighting weight, which is terrible for the health considering my history, let alone a triathlon, but I am sure with a training program that will go in no time.

2011 RACES: Would like to do a couple of sprints with the main goal for 2011 to be an Olympic (or two), building up to that iron man perhaps very late 2011, or early 2012.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Determination, and now I am not only racing for fun, but also to keep the body in optimal cancer fighting condition. Besides that, the tri I did was just so damn fun!
2011-01-20 6:03 AM
in reply to: #3310375

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Akuma - 2011-01-20 7:18 PM Hi guys! I hope I am not too late to join the party .. here is a quick run down of my story. NAME: Adam STORY: I caught the triathlon bug back in 2004/2005, where I joined a couple of workmates who had a crazy idea that we could do our first tri and lose 12 kilos (26 pounds) in the space of 4 months. We trained hard (my training was all logged here back then, check my training logs for Nov 2004 - Mar 2005) and achieved both of our goals and I thought all was up from there (the old race report: However, in 2007, at age 30, I was diagnosed with cancer, and was 2 weeks from never doing a tri (or anything) again. 6 months in hospital for intensive chemotherapy and now 4 years later, I have squashed the cancer bug, and am ready to get back on the tri trail again and reclaim my life back. This time I have a bigger aim, after watching a recent WA iron man triathlon here in Australia, that is something I want to achieve. Not in 3 months this time ... but long term. I figure an iron man can't be as hard as 6 months of 5 days a week chemo CURRENT TRAINING: Not much, I played decent level football (soccer) last year which has left me with a little residual fitness, but I need to start again .... again. My strength is the run, it is something that comes natural, but my ride is average at best, and to see me swim is like watching a frog in a blender at times. I am a good 10 kg (22 pounds) above fighting weight, which is terrible for the health considering my history, let alone a triathlon, but I am sure with a training program that will go in no time. 2011 RACES: Would like to do a couple of sprints with the main goal for 2011 to be an Olympic (or two), building up to that iron man perhaps very late 2011, or early 2012. WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Determination, and now I am not only racing for fun, but also to keep the body in optimal cancer fighting condition. Besides that, the tri I did was just so damn fun!

Hey Adam, welcome!  That's one heck of a story you've got going.  Awesome work beating that cancer crap down.  Whatever you do after that should be a walk in the park.  I look forward to hearing more about your road to the ironman.  I'll be heading out your way for IM austrailia so I may need a place to sleep afterwards....just kidding.  But I'll bug you for things to do as the family and I will be visiting Sydney after the race.


2011-01-20 6:14 AM
in reply to: #3261875

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2011-01-20 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Adam,   Welcome to the group!  Looking forward to seeing your training this season!  Beating cancer is fantastic!!

Rob, I have used 1% elevation on the tready in the past, not a whole lot more.  I know there aer a lot of thoughts on that subject.  From what I recall 1% elevation on the tready = level surface because the 0 setting actually goes down hill a bit.
2011-01-20 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3261875


Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Hello everyone!  2011 will be my first attempt at a triathalon.  I plan to do a sprint in June and then possibly an oly in August.

About me:  I've never been an elite athlete, but I was always in pretty good shape... untill a few years ago when I found myself becoming fatter and lazier than anyone should be.  I've lost quite a bit of weight and still have some to go, but I'm tired of making weight loss goals.  Now I want to focus on fitness.

I'm a strong swimmer, and I'm ok on the bike.  Running has been mostly on the Eliptical this winter.  I've been trying to ease the shock to my joints until I feel comfortable.

Hopefully, I can fit in with the rest of you professionals...

2011-01-20 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3261875

New user
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN

I hope it's not too late to join.  Its seems like the groups opened and closed in a blink of an eye.  A little about myself...

Name: James (you can call me J)

2011 season goals:  Goal number one is to do my first triathlon.  I volunteered at the NYC Triathlon last year to check out the sport, and after seeing the race thought I would really enjoy it.  So I signed up for the 2011 race (Olympic distance), which is in August.  I would like to do one or possibly two smaller sprint tris before that race.  I also am trying to get a guaranteed entry into the 2012 NYC marathon.  In order to do that, I have to complete 9 races through New York Road Runners (the guys that put on the marathon).  These can range from 5K's to half marathons.  I am hoping I can use these to build up my running stamina throughout the year.  So to sum it up, 2-3 Tris, and 9 running races.

Weight loss:  Not really looking for weight loss.  I am 29 years old, 5' 8", 145lbs.  Getting in shape is more of a goal than anything else.  Thankfully weight has never been a problem, but eating healthy is.  I am on the road staying in hotels M-F so a quick and easy fast food meal is always a temptation.

Experience:  My last race was a 5K about 3 years ago.  I was born in Florida so you would think I am a great swimmer, but no.  I also wore glasses and hated not being able to see underwater, so I never really learned to swim very well.  Biking is the most comfortable discipline for me, and I do have a tri and road bike.  Running is fun at times, and as long as my knee (possibly runners knee) doesn't act up, I should be fine there.  I am not fast by any means, but I don't mind putting in many slow miles.  

Why I would make a good mentee:  I am online everyday, so checking in on a daily basis is quite easy.  I am eager to learn, and supportive to others.  

Biggest difficulty:  As I said earlier, I am on the road for work Monday through Friday.  Currently in snowy Rhode Island, this means a lot of hotel tread mills and stationary bikes.  Hopefully a pool depending on the hotel I get.  Back home in New York City I have a trainer I can use for the bike on the weekends when the weather does not permit riding.  I am also going to join the YMCA soon to get some pool time at home, and hopefully while I am on the road.

Edited by Liquidsilver 2011-01-20 9:53 AM
2011-01-20 11:12 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN

Welcome J and Joel!  Yes, we are still open for more!  Glad to have a good mixture of folks new to the sport with some seasoned athletes here. 

How is everyon doing today?  I am glad it's what I refer to as Friday-eve Wink


2011-01-20 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3310581

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2011-01-20 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3307628

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2011-01-20 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3261875

New user

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
A total newbie to the sport here, looking to join if you all still have the room

I've got a bit of a cycling background, but my swimming would best be described as anti drowning.

2011-01-20 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3311529

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
soccer35 - 2011-01-20 1:04 PM A total newbie to the sport here, looking to join if you all still have the room I've got a bit of a cycling background, but my swimming would best be described as anti drowning. George

Haha, that STILL describes my swimming!

Yes, there's room!  Welcome, George!!
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