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2011-04-15 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3282396

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
I have my first sprint this weekend, today in fact.  It's a weird early season sprint with the swim in the pool tonight and the bike/run tomorrow.  Since it is spread out I'm thinking of it more as training.  Any tips on the pool and swimming?  The swim is the hardest event for me, I have been swimming 3 times a week and improving my endurance but I am SLOW! I was thinking of trying to blast through the last 2 laps.  It will most likely be raining so I am a bit worried about the bike which has a good size hill on the final section. Guess its just jitters.

2011-04-15 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open

Just a quick note to all. I will be traveling early in the morning to New Orleans for my race on Sunday. I will be out of pocket for a great part of that time.  Looks like great weather to race in. I hope the weekend allows you all to get out and train as well.

Welcome to all the new folks joining in the last day or so. I will reply more specifically to each of you when I have time.  In the meantime talk amongst yourselves.

Since it is April 15th and traditionally the filing deadline for Uncle Sam to empty our wallets (this year it's actually April 18th - go figure), I thought I would issue a challenge to each of you to put out your expected totals for this month as to what you will S/B/R. Then we can all see what we are shooting for by month end. Be sure to log your workouts in the Training Log section, so we can cheer each other on.

With all that have joined the group in the last day, I am going to close the group to new members. By my count we have 14 people plus me.

2011-04-15 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3448553

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open

carolh - 2011-04-15 10:41 AM I have my first sprint this weekend, today in fact.  It's a weird early season sprint with the swim in the pool tonight and the bike/run tomorrow.  Since it is spread out I'm thinking of it more as training.  Any tips on the pool and swimming?  The swim is the hardest event for me, I have been swimming 3 times a week and improving my endurance but I am SLOW! I was thinking of trying to blast through the last 2 laps.  It will most likely be raining so I am a bit worried about the bike which has a good size hill on the final section. Guess its just jitters.

Carol, where is your race? Just IMHO - I would just go easy through the swim, you'll wind up faster with "race time" than you think! And you won't want to be coming out of the water heaving, cause you've got to run to your bike and get your legs moving. The best advice I had for my race was just to enjoy the process, go easy, don't try to kill yourself, or you'll never want to do it again!! Happy racing to you, have a BLAST!!! Really wishing I was competing this weekend.

2011-04-15 2:36 PM
in reply to: #3448913

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open

Chris, good luck this weekend and have fun!

Here are my goals for this month (almost 1/2 way there):

S = 6,100 M

B = 61.5 miles

R = 7.6 miles

On top of about 40 hours of tennis!  Oh, and need to get some weight training and stretching in there too!Surprised

2011-04-15 3:17 PM
in reply to: #3448971

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
Thanks, Sounds like good advice.  The race is in Lewiston, ID and is put on every year by the high school track team as their major fund raiser.  Although I have not competed in it, friends have told me it is a lot of fun.  Seems like a great way to start the season and see if all that gym time is working!Wink
2011-04-15 6:08 PM
in reply to: #3448913

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Newport News
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open


Good luck and may the wind  be always at your back.Wink

Looks like I'm on target for this month. Look  for about 60 miles of bike  currently at 38, 35 miles of run/walk at 17, and  about  10K of swim  at 5.8. 

I'm thinking about adding a  local sprint with an OWS the beginning of June, would have to modify  my training  to peek then 5 weeks later  for  a sprint in North Carolina  in front of my granddaughter.

2011-04-15 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

My planned goals for this month:

Swim: 4 1/2 hrs.

Bike: 6 1/2 hrs.

Run: 34.75 miles

This kind of scares me, looking at it this way!  I usually take things one day at a time, looking at my training calendar for my daily task and not getting too ahead of myself!!  But at the same time, it would be really cool if I do all this!! 

2011-04-15 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
good luck at your races this weekend, carol and chris!!
2011-04-16 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3282396


Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Good luck with the races this weekend.

Monthly totals:
S:  20400.00 Yd - 9h 05m 
B:  0.00 Mi - 11h 45m 
R:  0.00 Mi - 5h 20m 

2011-04-18 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Monthly totals:

Swim - 3500m

Bike- 50m

Run 30m

(I do a spin tri class 2x a week, but there is no way to figure out how far we bike, so this # is low, but I am biking more that this shows.....)

2011-04-18 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3448913

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Newport News
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open

?Well just about made up my mind to add a sprint in June, that will have me complete in two races  within a 5 week period before a 9 week break durring the heat of the  summer and finishing up with my "A" event on Septemper 11.  I Have some concerns  and questions  on my next two races:

1-Potential water temperatures  below 70F in  Hampton Roads in early Jume, race info for the Breezy point Sprint gives arange of 65-72F, NOAA data  for the last two years i more like the lower to mid 70s. My own rule  when sailing  is not  to go ut when the water temperature is below 70F,  I don't have or plan to use a wet suit, what is you opinion  on swimming 1000m OW in  water temperature between 65-70F?

2-Race distances are slightly different for the two races.  The June race is S-1000M, B-12.4Mi, R-5K with the July race S-750m, B-17.5Mi, R-5K. Don't have a problem with the 1000m swim in June other that the water temperature, but the bike for the July spring  is 5Mi longer that most and I expect the air temperature  to be HOT in Nort Carolina, any special  traing I should do  for  the added bike distance and  and for a and a race  with possible temperatures in the 90s?

2011-04-18 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3452034

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
Tsvi, thats great you added another race. Good luck with training and I understand the heat issue, I am in Vegas. It was already 90 degrees yesterday.
2011-04-18 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3452034

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
tkatzhyman - 2011-04-18 9:12 AM

?Well just about made up my mind to add a sprint in June, that will have me complete in two races  within a 5 week period before a 9 week break durring the heat of the  summer and finishing up with my "A" event on Septemper 11.  I Have some concerns  and questions  on my next two races:

1-Potential water temperatures  below 70F in  Hampton Roads in early Jume, race info for the Breezy point Sprint gives arange of 65-72F, NOAA data  for the last two years i more like the lower to mid 70s. My own rule  when sailing  is not  to go ut when the water temperature is below 70F,  I don't have or plan to use a wet suit, what is you opinion  on swimming 1000m OW in  water temperature between 65-70F?

2-Race distances are slightly different for the two races.  The June race is S-1000M, B-12.4Mi, R-5K with the July race S-750m, B-17.5Mi, R-5K. Don't have a problem with the 1000m swim in June other that the water temperature, but the bike for the July spring  is 5Mi longer that most and I expect the air temperature  to be HOT in Nort Carolina, any special  traing I should do  for  the added bike distance and  and for a and a race  with possible temperatures in the 90s?



1-Although you don’t have to wear a suit I think you probably want to. I will preface this by saying I have never raced in a suit, but I am new at this whole triathlon thing. I did grow up in New England and thus grew up swimming in cold water. It really saps you.  The higher your BMI the better off you will be, but it uses up a lot of energy to stay warm.  Questions I would ask yourself are: How long do you think the swim portions will take? (More than 15 min and you will probably really feel  it) What is the temp of the water you normal swim in? Have you ever done any distance in that temp?. There are places the rent suits for people just like you  ( or

 2-As for the bike, with it just being 5 mi longer and you averaging 14 mph that is only a max of like 20 more min, and your race temp should be no way near 90 degrees unless the weather gets freaky on you.  To train for this I might add in a bit more mileage on your longer bikes rides, or try and do a few long bike rides during the hottest part of your day on a weekend or so. As for race day just try to stock up on your fluids about 2 days out and just keep at high hydration level (pee clear) they should have plenty of water stations and also make sure you have at least 2 water bottles on your bike, if not more.  Since the races starts at 7:30 it still should be quite cool even by biking/running time.  With a cut time of 2:30 you are looking at finishing by 11am at the latest even with wave starts and a slow gun.

 Just my thoughts….


2011-04-18 10:27 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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New user
Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Does anyone use body glide/lube while training? Why or why not?
2011-04-19 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Curious about the body glide too.

I'm also wondering about tracking minutes vs. distance for the training log and why you do one vs. the other.  I've been tracking distance only at this point.

2011-04-19 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3454694

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Thanks for all the good karma on race day! My race this weekend went pretty well.  I had set a goal of 12' for the 500m swim and came in at 11:40.  The other two event split times are not yet posted but my overall time was 1:16:03. (2nd in my age group!)   I learned a few things to work on but was moderately happy.  It seemed to take my legs forever to get into the swing of the run and my running felt super slow.  Any good tips out there on how to speed up the muscle transition? 

2011-04-19 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3455247

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

carolh - 2011-04-19 4:21 PM Thanks for all the good karma on race day! My race this weekend went pretty well.  I had set a goal of 12' for the 500m swim and came in at 11:40.  The other two event split times are not yet posted but my overall time was 1:16:03. (2nd in my age group!)   I learned a few things to work on but was moderately happy.  It seemed to take my legs forever to get into the swing of the run and my running felt super slow.  Any good tips out there on how to speed up the muscle transition? 

Congratulations, that is awesome!! 

2011-04-20 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Hey everyone. I am back and ready to talk. I will be only be able to talk for a couple of weeks, since I can't train. I had a little mishap in my tri this weekend in NOLA. I'll tell everyone about it soon (long and expensive story). Needless to say, I am ready for some good vibes and to talk shop.

I want to hear how everyone's weekend training and races went. Are you on pace for your monthly numbers?

Thanks for everyone that posted and kept the conversation going in my absence.

2011-04-20 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3447823

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open

Vegasadam - 2011-04-14 9:47 PM Does anybody know a good calorie counter app for an iPad or iPhone? I would like to be able to choose foods from a list as well as add calories on their own. has a pretty good program.  I don't hhacve the iPhone , but i know it is available for Blackberry, so I would assume it is for iPhone too. BT's calorie counter is not bad either, but I don't think it is set up as an iPhone app yet (again I could be wrong, since I don't own one).

2011-04-20 11:24 AM
in reply to: #3453952

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Vegasadam - 2011-04-18 10:27 PM Does anyone use body glide/lube while training? Why or why not?


Body Glide is excellent.

I only use it for certain circumstances (which is a lot), but I am all for it if you have hot spots, chafing areas, or highly likely areas that will have friction.

I use it in my shoes and on my feet for longer than 10k runs or rainy day runs, since I don't wear socks. I  use it on my waist line around my running shorts and tri shorts for long runs and rides. I use it for long rides in the sensitive areas (you all know where those are for you). I have used it under my Heart Rate monitor strap. My wife uses it under her sport bra too. I use it around my neckline for a wetsuit to not get friction burns. I will also use it on my ankles and wrists to make it easier to get the wetsuit off during a race.

There are other products for the chamois area, I am sure they are fine, but this is a multi purpose thing for me.

2011-04-20 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3456667

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New user
Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Thanks for the replies Chris and welcome back. Hope you are ok and looking forward to your story.

2011-04-20 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3454694

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
erinhenke - 2011-04-19 10:50 AM

Curious about the body glide too.

I'm also wondering about tracking minutes vs. distance for the training log and why you do one vs. the other.  I've been tracking distance only at this point.

In a way I think it necessary to track both. In my logs I use both to see how far I have gone and how much I've done. That way I can compare similar efforts with equal times or distances to see if I am getting faster or if I can accomplish more in the same time frame.  For a training plan, I typically rely on making sure I get my minutes in on the bike and run, because my pace may be different than what the training plan calls for (unless it is a prescribed distance or time trial).  In the swim I typically go for distance over time.

2011-04-20 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3456839

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Thanks for the replies Chris and sorry to hear about your mishap!! Hope you are ok!

Edited by erinhenke 2011-04-20 12:44 PM
2011-04-20 1:02 PM
in reply to: #3456644

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
chrisbowers - 2011-04-20 12:17 PM

Vegasadam - 2011-04-14 9:47 PM Does anybody know a good calorie counter app for an iPad or iPhone? I would like to be able to choose foods from a list as well as add calories on their own. has a pretty good program.  I don't hhacve the iPhone , but i know it is available for Blackberry, so I would assume it is for iPhone too. BT's calorie counter is not bad either, but I don't think it is set up as an iPhone app yet (again I could be wrong, since I don't own one).

You might want to check out  I don't think they have an iPhone app either, but their website is great.  I've used their book for years!  They also have foods listed by national chain restaurants/fast food joints. 

2011-04-20 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3456634

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
chrisbowers - 2011-04-20 12:14 PM

Hey everyone. I am back and ready to talk. I will be only be able to talk for a couple of weeks, since I can't train. I had a little mishap in my tri this weekend in NOLA. I'll tell everyone about it soon (long and expensive story). Needless to say, I am ready for some good vibes and to talk shop.

I want to hear how everyone's weekend training and races went. Are you on pace for your monthly numbers?

Thanks for everyone that posted and kept the conversation going in my absence.

Oh no, hope you're okay!! The last 2 weeks of my training have not been very consistent.  We were on vacation in Florida 2 weeks ago and then had family visiting this past weekend.  I've been trying to get as many workouts in as I could manage time-wise, but it has been tough.  I should be back to my "normal" routine now.  Hope to avoid any injuries/illnesses so I can stay on track!

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