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2006-01-21 7:18 PM
in reply to: #328177

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
And I understand your position and respect that I'm not going to convince you otherwise.

Thanks for the discourse. 

We now return you to your regularly scheduled burrito and shaved head discussion.

2006-01-21 10:29 PM
in reply to: #328177

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
And I did mean for this to be done, but stumbled on the following story, being reported today:


2006-01-23 3:13 PM
in reply to: #328714

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Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
cerveloP3 - 2006-01-20 6:20 PM
Renee - 2006-01-20 4:40 PM

All we know is that there was a group in place whose job it was to eyeball all-things-al-Qaeda and this group's efficacy was greatly compromised when Bush took power. Oh, and our civil liberties were not being diminished or eliminated in the process.


So 8 months into power, Bush completely dismantled entire governmental agencies and frameworks? Give me a break. He can't even get judges approved, undersecretaries approved, and you think in 8 months this guy single handedly took it all apart and made us vulnerable to terrorist attack? This guy is either a dumba** or a diabolical genius, but only how it fits your argument. 

Nope. Almost immediately after taking power, Bush greatly minimized an Executive Branch counterterrorism group that eyeballed all-things-al-Qaeda.

Your examples are irrelevant - the positions you cited require Congressional blessings/approvals. The group he dismantled operated in the Executive Branch and did not require Congressional approval.

I agree with you - he is a dumbass.

"On January 24, 2001 I requested in writing an urgent meeting of the NSC Principals committee to address the al Qida threat. That meeting took place on September 4, 2001. "

2006-01-23 6:42 PM
in reply to: #329251

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Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
coredump - 2006-01-21 10:29 PM

And I did mean for this to be done, but stumbled on the following story, being reported today:



Very interseting article. Thanks for the link.
2006-01-23 6:57 PM
in reply to: #330175

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Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
Renee - 2006-01-23 3:13 PM

cerveloP3 - 2006-01-20 6:20 PM
Renee - 2006-01-20 4:40 PM

All we know is that there was a group in place whose job it was to eyeball all-things-al-Qaeda and this group's efficacy was greatly compromised when Bush took power. Oh, and our civil liberties were not being diminished or eliminated in the process.


So 8 months into power, Bush completely dismantled entire governmental agencies and frameworks? Give me a break. He can't even get judges approved, undersecretaries approved, and you think in 8 months this guy single handedly took it all apart and made us vulnerable to terrorist attack? This guy is either a dumba** or a diabolical genius, but only how it fits your argument. 

Nope. Almost immediately after taking power, Bush greatly minimized an Executive Branch counterterrorism group that eyeballed all-things-al-Qaeda.

Your examples are irrelevant - the positions you cited require Congressional blessings/approvals. The group he dismantled operated in the Executive Branch and did not require Congressional approval.

I agree with you - he is a dumbass.

"On January 24, 2001 I requested in writing an urgent meeting of the NSC Principals committee to address the al Qida threat. That meeting took place on September 4, 2001. "

Renee you are one that is always harping on accuracy in facts when asserting something. You have even specifically told people to get their facts straight. Are you actually suggesting that the plan for 9/11, the execution of that plan, and the accomplishment of that plan occurred entirely within the Bush administration? Certainly, that wouldn't be supported by any actual facts that I have heard. My understanding is that it took over 2 years to plan the attack. Additionally, there were also serious break downs in the intelligence community under the Clinton administration which specifically hindered the ability of the various intelligence communities, domestic (FBI and state agencies), NSA, Military, and CIA, to share information. Additionally, there was a culture of croanyism, and a good old boy networking that was established and in existance far before the Bush administration. There is absolutely no way that you can blame the 9/11 attacks solely on the Bush administration. An honest assessment of the actual meriad of facts and factors, leads to the conclusion that all previous administrations starting in the Reagan administration fell short in it's investigation of both domestic and international terrorism. And a break down of the intelligence community in general.

To believe or even argue that the Bush administration is somehow solely responsible for 9/11 is to totally ignore facts and history. You are certainly entitled to your opinion that the president is a "dumba$#" , but to assert that the planning of the world trade center attacks, (The second of such attacks, rememebr the first world trade center attack) the numerous flight training of the terrorists which took place years previously, the practice plane flights, the financial backing, and the actual carrying our of the attack took place solely within the Bush administrations reign is a total fabrication. (what's up with my spacing? Why am I shifted so far to the left?)

Edited by ASA22 2006-01-23 6:58 PM
2006-01-23 7:36 PM
in reply to: #330175

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Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
Oh and Renee you might actually want to take a look at Clinton's history in the itelligence field. During the Clinton administration: It is clear that the intelligence gathering sources that were in place to watch the Iranian nuclear programs was stopped during the Clinton administration. In a 2002 NY Post article of the Clinton administration it was said "Everything was more important than fighting terrorism" Clinton was at the very least "soft" on the Iranian issue. Vetoing specific legislation aimed at Iran and refusing to impose harsher economic sanctions on Iran. UNder the CLinton administration the previously required background checks to work at certain nuclear labratories was done away with. Clinton signed an executive order mandating the requirements for CIA spies. Requirments that effectiveloy made it impossible for the CIA to recruit spies to work in the needed areas. Senior CIA officials called it the worst impediment to spying ever. There's much more.

I'm not doing this to get into a debate about Clinton vs. Bush. What I'm trying to point out is that in a number of your posts and statements regarding intelligence, national security and 9/11 specifically, you have selectively deleted certain facts regarding prior administrations culpabilities. And by prior administrations I believe that all post Reagan administrations share some culpability. We can debate at another time to what degree that culpability is shared.

My point, it's disengenuous to blame solely the current administration for intelligence short comings that lead to 9/11. It flies in the face of facts, history and logic.

2006-01-24 1:00 PM
in reply to: #330286

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Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?

This from CNN today:

(CNN) -- Attorney General Alberto Gonzales dismissed criticism of the National Security Agency's domestic spying program Tuesday, saying Congress was aware of its scope and approved it "under the authorization to use military force" against terrorism.

So now we know what the administration meant by their statements that congress had "full knowledge" of the domestic spying program. Congress gave the OK to use military force, and they say listening in on citizens' phone conversation constitutes "military force." So they had full knowledge. OK...I get it now. Whew...glad they cleared that up. 

2006-01-24 1:19 PM
in reply to: #328649

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Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?


I'll repost what I said because it seems that my position is being changed on my behalf.

Is Bush to blame for the tragedies of September 11? I didn't say that and I don't believe that. I think that's a specious argument for anyone to make. However, it seems to me that if one takes credit for lack of attacks, one should be prepared to take blame for attacks. If one campaigns on the idea that a vote for one's opponent is a vote for being attacked, then one surely mustn't protest when called to account for any attacks. But that's Bush's cross to bear. Let's hope he never has to pickup the cross.

I said there existed a counterterrorism group that eye-balled all things al Qaeda and this group was minimized once Bush took power. This is a simple statement of fact.

As for what Clinton did or didn't do, feel free to post your opinions and facts. It doesn't change the fact that the Bush Administration minimized the counterterrorism group but if it makes you feel better to say the administrations of other POTUS' failed also, knock yourself out.

Renee - 2006-01-20 4:40 PM

Hmmmm... my "civil liberties crap"... I don't think we're ever going to have a meeting of the minds about that crap.

With respect to preventing the tragedies of September 11, the Bush Administration more or less dismantled the terror watch group that they had inherited from the Clinton Administration. They ignored the warnings and drastically de-prioritized terrorism. Anything Clinton did, they didn't want to do. It was stupid and arrogant.

Would they have prevented the Twin Towers from coming down or from the Pentagon from being plane-bombed or the plane from going down in the Pennsylvania field? We will never know.

All we know is that there was a group in place whose job it was to eyeball all-things-al-Qaeda and this group's efficacy was greatly compromised when Bush took power. Oh, and our civil liberties were not being diminished or eliminated in the process.

Edited by Renee 2006-01-24 1:26 PM
2006-01-24 2:07 PM
in reply to: #328177

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Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
For your reading pleasure:From the officer entrusted with our nation's nuclear codes: proof that Bill Clinton cared little for national security and put every American in mortal dangerDereliction of Dutyby Lt. Col. Robert Patterson How Slick Willie lost a crucial chance to strike strategic targets in Iraq because he wouldn't let his golf game be interrupted long enough to examine the situation and give the necessary orders.Osama bin Laden: how he came close to being caught on Clinton's watch -- except that the President hesitated too long in deciding to give the orderWhy Clinton policy in Somalia was a clear recipe for disasterClinton's response to terrorist attacks throughout his administration: lots of talk and little actionJust something to read while we are pointing fingers

Edited by Rocket Man 2006-01-24 2:08 PM
2006-01-24 2:11 PM
in reply to: #330765

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Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
Renee: I'm sorry if I misunderstood your position. It seemed to me that you were attempting to infere that the Bush administration was solely responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Sorry if I over stated your assertion and made an improper implication from it.

As far as this statement : "but if it makes you feel better to say the administrations of other POTUS' failed also, knock yourself out. " Not really sure what to make of it. I'm not sure if this is a personal attack, not sure if this is some backhand comment about the truth of the assertions regarding other presidents. It seems to me to be an off hand dismissive comment meant to minimize any arguement regarding the culpability of other administrations and the 9/11 attacks. Which I find odd and contrary to your assertion: "Is Bush to blame for the tragedies of September 11? I didn't say that and I don't believe that. I think that's a specious argument for anyone to make."

I'm really not sure what to make of such a comment. I'm not sure what it adds, and I'm really not sure what it means. At first blush I don't really care for the tone of the comment, it seems dismissive and patronizing. I will say this in justification with my assertion regarding the short falls of All prior administrations in conjunction with the intelligence community. I believe it is the truth. I believe this issue is far more complex than pointing to one individual, or one act, or one administration. I believe, that it is rooted in historical, cultural, and economic factors. I believe to get a true and accurate view of U.S. policies and shortcomings that lead to the attacks of 9/11 it is imparative to look at the total picture. I am also in favor of placing blame where ever that blames lies. However, I am unwilling to take the easy way out and say that it was one act, one factor, one person, one agency, or one administration that was the root cause of what happened. That is overly simplistic and inaccurate.

So yes, Looking at the historical facts, the social and economic factors that lead to 9/11 does make me "feel better." It makes me feel better to do more than a sound bite analysis of a complex issue that dates back to the British colonization of the Arabian peninsula. It does make me "feel better" to attempt to actually understand the intracacies of an historical event rather than sifting facts and factors through my own private ideological sieve in order to support some pre-conceived notion.

So I guess I will actually continue to "knock" myself "out" trying to look at the actual things that lead to this break down in the intelligence community without regard of which administration, which political party, which agency, or which individual had a hand in it.
But thanks for the advice..

So in responce to your last comment here's mine "if it makes you feel better to ignore the short comings and failures of previous administrations, which short comings had a hand in the events of 9/11, knock yourself out."

2006-01-24 2:25 PM
in reply to: #328177

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?

Yep, still a tense thread.

Has anyone seen Tuesday Funnies???

2006-01-24 2:38 PM
in reply to: #330800

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Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?

Was there supposed to be a link in there somewhere, or did you just cut and paste the Fox News crawl? 


Rocket Man - 2006-01-24 3:07 PM For your reading pleasure:From the officer entrusted with our nation's nuclear codes: proof that Bill Clinton cared little for national security and put every American in mortal dangerDereliction of Dutyby Lt. Col. Robert Patterson How Slick Willie lost a crucial chance to strike strategic targets in Iraq because he wouldn't let his golf game be interrupted long enough to examine the situation and give the necessary orders.Osama bin Laden: how he came close to being caught on Clinton's watch -- except that the President hesitated too long in deciding to give the orderWhy Clinton policy in Somalia was a clear recipe for disasterClinton's response to terrorist attacks throughout his administration: lots of talk and little actionJust something to read while we are pointing fingers

2006-01-24 3:10 PM
in reply to: #328177

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Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
For whatever reason I can't post things in bullet form when I am at work, so it all ran together. Those are actually points discussed in the cited book written by Lt Col Patterson (who just happens to live here in Marietta, so next time you are up this way Jim we can go visit him and he can tell you personally what a slimeball your "Saint Slick Willy the First" is in person). All I can say is if you are going to sling mud don't expect to stay clean for long.
2006-01-24 9:28 PM
in reply to: #330864

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
Rocket Man - 2006-01-24 2:10 PMFor whatever reason I can't post things in bullet form when I am at work, so it all ran together. Those are actually points discussed in the cited book written by Lt Col Patterson (who just happens to live here in Marietta, so next time you are up this way Jim we can go visit him and he can tell you personally what a slimeball your "Saint Slick Willy the First" is in person). All I can say is if you are going to sling mud don't expect to stay clean for long.

So all you can do is point at Clinton to distract from the current situation?  So what if Clinton was bad, that doesn't make Bush good.

How do you feel about the topics regarding Bush that were raised in this thread ( note that's spelled B-U-S-H, not C-L-I-N-T-O-N )?

2006-01-24 9:38 PM
in reply to: #328177

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Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
I feel that the President did everything that was well within his power as Commander in Chief to safeguard and protect our country. IMO he is the second best President of the last 50 years (behind Reagan) and I would be ecstatic if he could run for a Third term if for no other reason than to show that the majority of Americans approve and support his actions and to piss off people like yourself.
2006-01-24 10:03 PM
in reply to: #331126

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
Rocket Man - 2006-01-24 8:38 PMI feel that the President did everything that was well within his power as Commander in Chief to safeguard and protect our country. IMO he is the second best President of the last 50 years (behind Reagan) and I would be ecstatic if he could run for a Third term if for no other reason than to show that the majority of Americans approve and support his actions and to piss off people like yourself.

Okay, I can tell that talking to you will do nothing except inflame my ulcer and raise my blood pressure.

Wiretaps outside of FISA.
Refusing to ban the use of torture.
Going to war in Iraq with faulty intelligence.  ( What's our exit strategy again? )

I'll stop there for now.  Shining examples of how the leader of the United States should act, indeed.

What's his approval rating now by the way?  Last I checked 43% wasn't exactly a majority.

And I'm really glad to see that your criteria for picking the president is based on his "ability to piss people like [me] off".  Way to go dude, that's utterly brilliant.


2006-01-24 10:46 PM
in reply to: #328177

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Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?

No less brilliant than  your distorted facts and political diatribe that you and every other liberal try to pass off as the truth.

You are correct in that we should not discuss because it will probably just make us both mad.

2006-01-25 3:20 AM
in reply to: #328177

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Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?

If a known/suspected Terrorist outside the United States is calling/contacting someone inside the U.S. I am glad that someone is listening. I think the real evil would be if they didn't  and thousands of lives were lost because of that missed opportunity.

American citizens don't have the same rights in foreighn counties when they are there physically, why should their end communication have greater privilage outside our borders than they would if actually there?

I fail to see how that differs greatly, from our country spying on foreign governments.

2006-01-25 6:56 AM
in reply to: #331126

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Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?

So if W. is the "second best President of the last 50 years", what then are his accomplishments that earn him this distinction? OK, he got rid of Saddam, but at what cost? 2200 dead American soldiers (and counting) and  $200 billion dollars of tax payer money (and counting). Was it worth it? You tell me.

But after that, what has he done? 

You bash Clinton continously (the Buzz Patterson stuff was good, but the guy has a history distorting the truth (http://mediamatters.org/items/200407210003), but at least it's easy to list a littany of truly good things the man did in his 8 years in office:

  • He left office with the strongest US economy ever.
  • He invested more in eduacation than any President in the past 30 years.
  • The US had it's lowest overall crime rate in the past 25 years.
  • He reformed welfare and saw millions of Americans go from welfare to work.
  • Increased access to helthcare
  • He grew the economy while at the same time improved the environment.
  • He actually encouraged science and research.
  • He made the government smaller by getting rid of 16000 pages of federal regulations and eliminating 375000 federal jobs (he created 21 million new private sector jobs).

Rocket Man - 2006-01-24 10:38 PM I feel that the President did everything that was well within his power as Commander in Chief to safeguard and protect our country. IMO he is the second best President of the last 50 years (behind Reagan) and I would be ecstatic if he could run for a Third term if for no other reason than to show that the majority of Americans approve and support his actions and to piss off people like yourself.

2006-01-25 8:04 AM
in reply to: #331142

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Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
>Okay, I can tell that talking to you will do nothing except inflame my ulcer and raise my blood pressure.

Wiretaps outside of FISA.
Refusing to ban the use of torture.
Going to war in Iraq with faulty intelligence.  ( What's our exit strategy again? )

I'll stop there for now.  Shining examples of how the leader of the United States should act, indeed.

What's his approval rating now by the way?  Last I checked 43% wasn't exactly a majority.

And I'm really glad to see that your criteria for picking the president is based on his "ability to piss people like [me] off".  Way to go dude, that's utterly brilliant.


"Katrina" You may think Bush is a bad president, but I'm prety confident that he had nothing to do with a Hurricane.
2006-01-25 8:09 AM
in reply to: #331163

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
Rocket Man - 2006-01-24 9:46 PM

No less brilliant than your distorted facts and political diatribe that you and every other liberal try to pass off as the truth.

You are correct in that we should not discuss because it will probably just make us both mad.

Sorry, I'm not clear which of the following you are saying is distorted?

Wiretaps outsides FISA.
Refusing to ban the use of torture.
Going to war in Iraq on faulty intelligence.

Glad to see you've got an open mind on your fellow citizens. 

Oh, and pot?  meet kettle.  You slam me for political diatribe, but what was all that bunk *you* spew about Clinton everytime politics comes up.  You're a broken record on that subject.  You can't defend Bush and you know it, so you try to distract and attack Clinton.  Weak.


2006-01-25 8:13 AM
in reply to: #331269

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
ASA22 - 2006-01-25 7:04 AM "Katrina" You may think Bush is a bad president, but I'm prety confident that he had nothing to do with a Hurricane.

Heh.  A wise-guy, eh?  Woowoowoowoo!

By Katrina I'm referring to the preparedness for and the response following.  My own fault for being too concise.

2006-01-25 8:27 AM
in reply to: #331282

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?

coredump - 2006-01-25 7:13 AM
ASA22 - 2006-01-25 7:04 AM "Katrina" You may think Bush is a bad president, but I'm prety confident that he had nothing to do with a Hurricane.

Heh.  A wise-guy, eh?  Woowoowoowoo!

By Katrina I'm referring to the preparedness for and the response following.  My own fault for being too concise.


I understand you have a firm stance against the Bush admin, but everyone is reaching on Katrina.  The big report out now is that they knew a major hurricane would devestate New Orleans.  Guess what!  Every admin in the past 30 years has known this and every one of them has ignored it as did the local New Orleans government. 

I do think everyone can agree that the FEMA response left alot to be desired.

2006-01-25 8:35 AM
in reply to: #331275

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Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
Ok I'll chime in

1) yet to be decided whether the administration acted illegally in utilizing wire taps. Unless there has ben some Court proceedings that you are privy to that the rest of us aren't. You can make all the usumptions you want, but FISA may not be the only legislation and Consitutional authority at play here. So while liberals, democrats, and the press are assuming that the president over stepped his authority until there is an actual determination of the matter your assertion is simple conjecture.
2) We've been down this road. Politically and practically I believe banning torture would have been a silly thing. But we've beaten that horse to death.
3)Katrina? I'm pretty sure Bush had nothing to do with the climatic factors that caused the hurricane. What do you want from the administration on this issue? a) Per the U.S. Constitution (remember that document) the federal government cannot send in federal troops to a State without the approval of the governor of that State first. The governor of La. has acknowledged that the governors office delayed in making such request. b) This was the largest natural desaster to ever have hit the U.S., the U.S. government was not prepared for such a scenario. Again, the current administration is culpable for that, but so too arre previous administrations. It was a systemic failure. c) If you went through Hurricane Andrew in South Florida, the same critisims were made then. Fact is, our government usually plays catch up on this type of situation. We experience a natural desaster, are ill equiped to deal with it. learn from the mistakes and improve. Then the next event happens that is more severe and we learn that we weren't as prepared as we should have been. d) I'm not excusing short comings, but as usual the situation is far more complex then: Bush=president=bad man=did bad. e) Just as a cold hearted reality check to everyone, What "right" do you have for the government to give you free food, shelter, ect.? It is great that our government does it, but you don't have a "right" to it. (And I know of what I speak because my community was hit by a cat 5 hurricane in 2004, Charley, direct hit! We still have people living in FEMA trailers and they are mad at the government for not providing more. It's unbelievable to me.)
4) The War. Not going to debate this with you as we have done so before on numerous occassions. For me, personally, it isn't the espoused reasons for going to war, but rather was the war itself justified. If the war in the end was the proper thing to do, then the justifications for it don't matter to me.

Other than Katrina, which I conceed the administration handled abissmally, (although I'm not sure if in reality if any administration could have acted properly given the magnitude of the devistation) I believe your examples are up for debate. But, I also conceed that they are genuienly debatable, and as such valid examples if you take the possition you do on each of the issues.

(Iwas goig to edit the spelling but far too many mistakes. I can't speel ether!)

Edited by ASA22 2006-01-25 8:37 AM
2006-01-25 8:35 AM
in reply to: #331292

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: doing evil to obtain good?
ghart2 - 2006-01-25 7:27 AM

coredump - 2006-01-25 7:13 AM
ASA22 - 2006-01-25 7:04 AM "Katrina" You may think Bush is a bad president, but I'm prety confident that he had nothing to do with a Hurricane.

Heh. A wise-guy, eh? Woowoowoowoo!

By Katrina I'm referring to the preparedness for and the response following. My own fault for being too concise.


I understand you have a firm stance against the Bush admin, but everyone is reaching on Katrina. The big report out now is that they knew a major hurricane would devestate New Orleans. Guess what! Every admin in the past 30 years has known this and every one of them has ignored it as did the local New Orleans government.

I do think everyone can agree that the FEMA response left alot to be desired.

"Brownie, you're doing a heckova job!"

Putting a political crony at the helm of FEMA was not the fault of past adminstrations.

And that's all I've got to say for now.

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