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2011-12-20 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN

I'd like to join so I can continue to harass Carol(squirt).  Busy at work right now but here's a quick synopsis.

Started SBRing back around March of 2011.  I have completed a couple sprints, an Olympic, an in-between (1 mile, 39, and 15k), and HIM Augusta.  My next "A" race is Ironman Texas in May.

I've been slacking on my swimming since Thanksgiving.  Long run is up to about 9 miles currently and long bike is typically 60-70 miles.  Looking to start riding a century in Jan, Feb, Mar and 2 in April ramping up for Texas.

Like I mentioned, busy at work but I will try to give a better biography and read up on everybody else tonight.  For once I actually have real work to do.

Edited by dhwebb 2011-12-20 9:57 AM

2011-12-20 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3945787

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group
Experior - 2011-12-20 9:52 AM

matthew_lt - 2011-12-20 9:32 AM
Experior - 2011-12-19 7:12 PM Welcome again, Matthew.  Congrats on the new baby!  Yes, training with a little one is a challenge, and you certainly have to be flexible.  I was a single Dad for most of the past three summers while my wife was away for job training.  With some creativity and flexibility, it can be done.  I have some strategies that I'll try to remember to share, and I bet others do as well.
I can use all the help you can give (and then some). But one huge obstacle you might not be able to help with is putting my child on a schedule too. We've looked into hiring a very strict nanny that would "force" him into a schedule but we're not sure if we could pay for the counseling and therapy later in life.

No, I can't put your baby on a schedule -- it will happen, though.  The best advice I can give from our own experience is to be as utterly consistent as possible.  Bed time the same time every night, same routine every day, etc..  Eventually it works.   It won't feel like it's working, but it will...

As for training, I cannot recommend a bike trainer enough.  Since you live in West Texas, the point for you isn't so much about winter indoor training, but rather opportunistic training.  Leave the bike on the trainer, everything ready to go.  When the baby presents you with an opportunity to hop on the bike, do it!

I personally cannot stand treadmills, and I have taken a solemn oath never to get on one again.  But some people love them for indoor training.  Good ones are not cheap, however, so that could be a deal-breaker as well.  (OTOH, a decent used trainer can be found for not too much money.)  When I cannot stray far from the house because of child care duties, I run around the block.  Yes, my neighbors think I'm crazy.  One year preparing for IMKY I ran 18 miles around the block (54 times around for those keeping score at home).  Again, the point is that if you are prepared to endure the boredom, you can start and stop a workout like that on very short notice.  You can even stop to take care of some child issues, then restart.

Swimming is the tough one, as getting to the pool, etc., inevitably takes time, and it is often a little harder to go for a swim on a moment's notice.  My advice there is twofold.  First, if there is any way you can agree with your wife to block off 2 or 3 swims per week (and of course you reciprocate by offering her a guaranteed, pre-scheduled, child-free hour or so a few times a week -- these pre-arranged child-free times were pretty important for our mutual sanity in the case of my wife and me), then I would strongly encourage you to do that.  Second, you can get some help from stretch cords.  There are some decent demonstrations of how to use them on Youtube.  If anybody is interested, I'll look them up and post later -- back to work for now.

Stay strong!  Before you know it, your baby will be 10 years old, which presents a different set of challenges...

X2 on the Trainer. I also live in Texas and keep one of my bikes on the trainer year round.
From what I can remember (20 and 18 years ago) most 3 month olds should start sleeping on a regular schedule soon
2011-12-20 11:36 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN

Here is my bio:

Name: Sylvain

STORY: I’m 43 years old and in my third year of triathlon, continuing on my long term plan of completing IM.  In my first two years I was a little too concerned with speed.  I believed I’m passed that now and just want to complete my races.  I started endurance training because I had a period in my life that came to a halt, first child, and needed to get back in shape.  I performed a half and three marathons in my first two years then jumped to tris’.  I’ve got my base now and ready to move up to the HIM distance for 2012. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 10 years, with two children, girls aged 7 and 4.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently on maintenance plan until February, then jump on HIM plan.

2011 RACES: Sprint and an Oly (first time for distance)

2012 RACES: My A race will be HIM-Welland on June 24, my first at that distance.  Not sure yet about other races.

Weightloss:  Not something I worry about, I did gain about 10lbs since my last race in July.  But I know it will melt off as I prepare for my HIM.

What will make me a good mentee: I’ll participate as much as I can and provide my experiences.

Edited by sstucker 2011-12-20 11:37 AM
2011-12-20 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN
I would like to join your group if there is still room.  Bio to follow.
2011-12-20 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3946055

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN

AV842 - 2011-12-20 12:43 PM I would like to join your group if there is still room.  Bio to follow.

Welcome Bennet!

2011-12-20 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3946037

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN
Welcome Sylvain!  (Or rather, welcome back.)  I love the HIM distance -- it just might be my favorite format for racing.  I predict you will have a great time preparing for it and racing.

2011-12-20 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN

Planning for another easy run and bike after work.  A short 2 miles on the treadmill, then 45-60 minutes of steady spinning on the exercise bike.  Legs still have some marathon gunk in them...but I think I should be closer to 100% by this weekend.

2011-12-20 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3945792

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN

NAME: Dennis

STORY: Started running in March 2011.  Took up cycling and swimming soon after for cross-training due to being injury prone on the run.  In April I set the bar for the year by registering for HIM Augusta.  Did my first sprint in early May followed by my first Oly just a few weeks after in late May.  Augusta was the highlight of my year and a great race.  I enjoyed it so much I registered for IMTX just a week after finishing Augusta.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with a pair of kids (4 and 6)

CURRENT TRAINING: Running regularly (5-6 days/wk) using BarryP's as a guideline. My short runs this week are 3 miles and long is 9.  All endurance work, no speed work.  Biking has been off and on this month.  Like running I basically try to ride at an endurance level(50-75% FTP). Almost all riding is done on the trainer but I try to ride long once on the weekend with a group for 60-70 miles.  Swimming has not happened since Thanksgiving.  No excuses except I hate swimming.  I have taken some private lessons that increased my speed a lot and am starting that back up after the first of the year.  I need to get back to it.  Strength training same as swim.  My strength training plan comes from Strength Training for Triathletes.  I don't have a training plan for my Ironman but am using Going Long to help guide me currently.  Let's face it, it's a first IM, the training is all endurance, endurance, endurance.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: mini-sprint, sprint, olympic, 11.5 run race, 3 5Ks, a 5 miler, a 10k, am intermediate tri (1 mile, 39 mile, 15k) and HIM.

2012 RACES: Ironman Texas.  Perhaps a half in the fall followed by a winter marathon.  For now it's all about the IM. 

WEIGHT LOSS: Weighed 215+ during summer of 2010, down to 165 by spring 2011.  Still at 165.  Wouldn't minde dropping to 155 before IM but doubt that will happen.  Happy with current weight.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD GROUP MEMBER: I've been through the trials of getting started in this sport.  I still have a lot of learning to do and I like to share what I learn with others.  I also post a lot.
2011-12-20 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3946203

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN
tri808 - 2011-12-20 1:53 PM

Planning for another easy run and bike after work.  A short 2 miles on the treadmill, then 45-60 minutes of steady spinning on the exercise bike.  Legs still have some marathon gunk in them...but I think I should be closer to 100% by this weekend.

It takes a while for the marathon gunk to get out.  For IM they say one day of recovery for every hour on the course, but you can throw that formula out the window for marathon.  Heck, I find that even a half marathon run hard can 'last' a couple of weeks.  Biking is definitely a good way to recover.

2011-12-20 1:10 PM
in reply to: #3946204

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN

Welcome Dennis!  I could almost have written that exact same bio a few years ago.  

I also just started back swimming after somewhat of a hiatus.  For me, the trick is to make it a habit.  After a while, I actually enjoy it.  But it takes a while to get there (and right now, I'm not there...).

2011-12-20 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Hillsborough, NJ
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN
dhwebb - 2011-12-20 9:54 AM

I'd like to join so I can continue to harass Carol(squirt). 

Me too!!  I hope there's room!

Name: Ckslowpoke/Ceril

Story: Never EVER thought about triathlons until last Feb-April when my gym hosted an "in-gym" triathlon challenge.  They had just finished a "biggest loser" challenge that I had participated in with my friend and wanted to keep the momentum going.  My friend had no interest - but I got hooked!  I didn't swim, bike, or run (and whether or not I do now is still debatable) but I wanted a challenge and working out just for the sake of working out was unappealing and non-motivating. So earlier this year was the first time in a lap pool ever, along with many other firsts.  When I started I couldn't swim 25m, I couldn't walk 1 mile without pain, and I only had an old mountain bike.  But somehow, it caught my imagination and I'm still here.  I'll be turning 40 in a few weeks and I guess knowing that big birthday was around the corner, really got me off the couch.


Family: Married for 14 years with 2 kiddos - 13 year old daughter and 10 year old son.

Current Training:  Pretty green newbie - S/B/R schedule probably is about 4 hours a week, but just getting back into it and hoping to at least fit in a 10 hrs/week.  My husband gave me an early Christmas present of my first ever road bike (woohoo!) and a cycleops trainer so I've been doing short rides nearly every morning while the kids get ready for school.  Trying to get in a swim 2 to 3 times a week and i have a masters swim class available, but after a few months off, my endurance isn't up to snuff yet to rejoin the class.   As far as a run - I don't.  I walk the run and I have to overcome some mental blocks etc.  I plan to get on the treadmill 2 to 3 times a week to keep working at it and I've been looking into Chi-running.  I have just a few weeks until the next 'in-gym' sprint and I don't really foresee being really ready, but want to have fun with it.

2011 Races: April 2011 - in-gym mini sprint and July 2011 - sprint distance New Jersey State Triathlon

2012 Races: Jan 13th - In-gym sprint  June - Belle Plain Sprint, July New Jersey State Sprint, Sept. Hightstown Sprint

Weightloss:  Definitely trying to lose, but seem to be at a steady state - keeping the same weight and gaining muscle mass.  Would love to lose 20lbs by next season.  Being fit is more important to me and hoping that the weightloss will follow.

Why I'll be a good mentee:  I think that this year around, I'm looking at triathlon as a long term lifestyle not so much as a novelty experience.  I really want to grow and learn this year as much as possible. 

2011-12-20 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN

Thank you for the swimming encouragement! Tonight is speed night, which I handled just fine last week, which makes it difficult for me to understand my asthma attack the night before. Nervous, but going to "dive" right in. The great thing about this "swim team" is that the instructor lets me go at my own pace (which isn't horribly slow during speed nights, just long swim nights). He is aware that my goal is to swim confidently for triathlons.

Looks like a warm bunch here! I like it already.

Edited by Blanda 2011-12-20 3:17 PM
2011-12-20 3:23 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN
Awesome, glad to see you Dennis & Ceril, as well as all of our new (to us) teammates!  Good times and mutual harassment are no doubt ahead .

Edited by squirt 2011-12-20 3:24 PM
2011-12-20 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3946308

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN

Welcome Ceril!  We'll have to work on running for you.  Rather than Chi, I'd strongly suggest a few simple drills that are more likely (IMHO) to point you in the right direction.  You should also consider doing walk/run, where you do your usual walking, but throw in 30 seconds of running -- however slowly doesn't matter! -- a few times each session, and build from there.  It can be done!

I'll try to remember to post those running drills soon.  Nudge me if I forget.

2011-12-20 6:33 PM
in reply to: #3946507

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-OPEN
Blanda - 2011-12-20 4:09 PM

Thank you for the swimming encouragement! Tonight is speed night, which I handled just fine last week, which makes it difficult for me to understand my asthma attack the night before. Nervous, but going to "dive" right in. The great thing about this "swim team" is that the instructor lets me go at my own pace (which isn't horribly slow during speed nights, just long swim nights). He is aware that my goal is to swim confidently for triathlons.

Looks like a warm bunch here! I like it already.

Good luck in your swimming tonight!  

2011-12-20 7:04 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Alright everyone, Randy just closed the group -- we are officially who we are.

I'm working up a table of everyone.   I'll post it in a few minutes.

2011-12-20 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Hey gang-been on the road today...nasty rainy day.  The rest of my week looks much better so hopefully I can catch up with everyone.  We have closed the group.  By my count we have 13 plus Micheal and myself.  Here's the roster as I have it:





Matthew lt-Matthew






Blanda (just one know like Madonna or Cher )





Does that look right.  Any spelling errors?

It would be great if we all added each other as friends here on the site.  Also, if at all possible please enter your training on BT in the training logs.  That allows everyone to see your training and provide an "educated" response to any training questions.  I like to periodically check in on my friends logs and see what they are up to...maybe even get a workout idea.  If you have not used the "inspire" in the training log it is a great way to send someone a quick note.  Maybe comment on a workout they have recently done or provide some encouragement.  I always enjoy it when I get an inspire and like to provide a word of support where appropriate.

Michael and I have not really discussed how we will handle to group.  Some groups find plenty to discuss and new topics pop up all the time.  If things get slow I might pose a question or topic to get everyone's input.  Try to keep things positive.  Its OK to have different opinions and viewpoints but we dont want anyone to be hesistant to post for fear of criticism.  Honestly, in all of the groups I have been in I have never seen anyone post an ill word toward anyone else in their group so I suspect that will not be a problem.  

Was able to get in a good bike workout on the rollers in the garage this evening.....thats enough for now!


2011-12-20 7:24 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

"Blanda (just one know like Madonna or Cher )"

Haha! Blanda is my SN and real name.

Thanks for letting me hang out!

2011-12-20 7:27 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

x2 to everything Randy said.  Just a fair warning:  I'm a long-winded poster.  Sometimes I like to post long musings about tri-related stuff.  Don't feel any obligation to react!

Here's a little table of everybody, with links to logs -- if I've made a mistake there, please let me know.  I like to keep this table in my log area for easy access.  If you want to do that, it should be easy enough to cut and paste (ask for help if you try but have trouble).

Experior and Slowrnow's
Winter Mentor Group


If there are specific topics folks would like to discuss, please don't be shy.

Well gosh, the table had a cool picture as a background when I posted it, but doesn't show up in the thread.  Oh well.

Edited by Experior 2011-12-20 7:28 PM
2011-12-20 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

I have to get a new albuterol prescription, and in order to do that I have to see a doctor. My husband asked me not to swim until I do this. I am not sure what triggered the asthma attack. My suspicion is that it might be something in the water. They just cleaned out and refilled the pool last week and it was my first time back in it. Anyone else with asthma have reactions to pool water?

I am going to play it safe. Cry I'll do the spin class and run after instead.

Edited by Blanda 2011-12-20 8:35 PM
2011-12-20 10:58 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Hillsborough, NJ
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Blanda - When I started swimming, I suddenly needed to use the albuterol inhaler also.  It was so bad at one point that I also needed to use a long term daily inhaler (Advair) as well.  I don't need to need it as much now for some reason, but I leave the inhaler in my bag so that I always have it with me at the gym.  Chlorine is irritating.  I also use a swim lotion that I put on before I swim.  Maybe your doc will call in a refill for you when you make your appointment?  Now is a tough time of year to schedule things in....

Michael - thanks - I realize that I just need to buckle down and tackle the good ole couch to 5K program.  I downloaded a podcast that has I think a 9 week progression and I'll try the 1st week workout tomorrow and see how it goes.

I have a workout bundle question - usually it works out best, timing wise, if I go to the gym and get two workouts in - I've been thinking of doing run/swim or bike/swim - but curious if it would be better to do swim/run or swim/bike? 

Also - on your list of the group I can't see the cool graphic on my computer, but when I look at the forum on my phone it shows up there!

2011-12-20 11:59 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Name: AV842/Bennet

Story: I have been an on again off again exerciser for a long time.  Did my first triathlon (sprint) in 2005, while I continued to have an interest in triathlon, I let work and other things get in the way. I recently changed jobs, and moved back to San Diego.  Early in 2011, I started riding consistently with a group from work.  This led to a bit of running, and then a bit of swimming, and now I have the bug again.  I live in the perfect place to train, and can literally walk out of my door and run, ride and swim.  I have no excuse not to make 2012 my year, and have decided to make a run at long course (In November I volunteered at and signed up for IMAZ).  I have a good group of friends and coworkers I will be training with, and racing with in 2012, and am really motivated to put in the time to make this a successful year.  I hired a coach five months ago, and am really enjoying our work together so far.

Current Training:  I am currently building base, and prepping for a big year in 2012.  I definitely enjoy being on my bike, and running, but really need to train toward my weakness, THE SWIM.  

2011 Races: Coronado 10K, Solvang Metric Century, Run the Bridge, San Diego Gran Fondo, San Diego Metric Century, Camp Pendleton Sprint, San Diego Classic, Bike the Coast Century.

2012 Races:  Coronado 10k,  Solvang Century, Super Seal Sprint, California 70.3, RAGNAR Socal, San Diego International Triathlon, Camp Pendleton Sprint, Super Frog Half, Ironman Arizona, and various Triathlon Club of San Diego events.

Weightloss:  I am currently 6'1" and 183 lbs.  I would like to lose a bit more, and race in 2012 between 170-175.    

Why I'll be a good mentee:  I have been a member of BT for several years now, and religiously log my workouts, and check the site.  I am stoked to see some members of BT who regularly provide excellent advice on the forums as both mentors and mentees of this group.  I love to read about the sport and am eager to share information with others in the group, as well as learn from others experiences.

2011-12-21 12:47 AM
in reply to: #3944796

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group
DiOnMaui - 2011-12-19 5:35 PM

Oh, BTW, I love to eat and cook, so happy to share cooking/nutrition stuff if anyone is interested.

I love to cook as well, and have been flirting with Paleo for a couple of months.  Paleo for Athletes is on my to read list for the holiday vacation.  I would love to share cooking and nutrition ideas.

2011-12-21 5:25 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

In the hopes of motivating folks to feel more positive toward the swim, here are my "Top 10 Reasons to be glad that the Swim is part of Triathlons"

1.  Swimming is easier on the body and joints (Michael's shoulder issues not withstanding)

2.  Having a little extra "fluff" is not a detriment to swim performance

3.  It is much safer to swim at night than run or bike (in a pool that is, OWS, not so much)

4.  You can get a really challenging swim workout in during lunch hour if you live close enough to a pool

5.  When was the last time you got a blister from swimming too much or a new swim suit?  (okay, so there is the whole wet suit thing to consider)

6.  Dogs rarely chase you during a swim workout

7.  "Gee, you smell like chlorine" is a lot better than some of the alternatives

8.  Hot tubs are often located in the vicinity of lap pools

9.  At a glance, your BT totals for the year look really impressive (100,000 yards vs. 1,000 miles)

10.  If you're a mediocre swimmer, you're still in the hunt.  If you're a mediocre biker or runner, you're MoP.

2011-12-21 5:43 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Ceril-I have been doing alot of run/swim combination workouts lately.  30 minutes on the treadmill, quick change and rinse and then into the pool.  With swimming I always seem to struggle early as my heart rate rises and I feel a bit uncomfortable.  Once I adjust and fall into a rhythm its not too bad.  I like the run/swim since the run gets my HR up and the adjustment early in the swim isn't as noticeable.  Plus, I seem much more willing to do a swim workout if it is going to be 30-40 minutes rather than a longer workout.  With swimming I do better with more frequent workouts.  Too much time away from the pool and I struggle when I return. 

Stu-lots of good points about swimming.  Spoken like a true swimmer .  I'll have to work on my list of "Top ten ways I rationalize skipping a swim workout"   

In the office today so should be checking in a little more often.  Hoping to run at lunch if the weather holds out.  Otherwise looks like the treadmill and a swim.


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