BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society Rss Feed  
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2011-12-28 7:32 PM
in reply to: #3958191

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

Pauline - I found in the past year that swims are magic on sore legs, kind of the polar opposite of running. I'm still not a particularly great swimmer, but when I started I signed up for an adult class at my Y. They told me I was advanced because I could go back and forth in the pool a few times, ha ha! I found I learned a lot from reading articles and books (like Terry Laughlin's Total Immersion) but there is no substitute for someone telling you that you're doing it wrong when you didn't have any idea before. I might sign up for a swim intensive with one of the Tri clubs here, but they want piles of $$, so we'll see. In the meantime I really want to learn to flip turn!

Edited by katieduffy 2011-12-28 7:40 PM

2011-12-29 6:15 AM
in reply to: #3957060

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
BigDH - 2011-12-28 7:53 AM
Tdotnew2tri - 2011-12-28 6:20 AMBoat 3 is my team and I'm in 2nd seat.
I can't get that link to work. I used to do some dragging boating back in the day. More DQ and beer if I recall correctly.... I do remember our coach telling us the best training for dragging boat racing was running though.Welcome aboard.
I'm not sure why it won't work maybe because i sent it through my cellphone. Big D you may be right a lot of people anticipate the opening of the beer tent than crossing the finish line lolBut my team was real competitive winning first celebration was second.
2011-12-29 6:21 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
My official day to train for my ironman was supposed to start on Tuesday but I just got back from Montreal. I did manage to put in 30mins of run while in the city before the blizzard hit. Today I am supposed to do a brick of 30min bike and 15min run but my TT bike is in the shop and my road bike is not fitted to me well because i tore it apart to make it a road type of bike. I plan to swim 1500m today and run for 45mins. Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!Ps I'll try to update my training stats here in BT.
2011-12-29 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3959154

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

Tdotnew2tri - 2011-12-29 7:21 AM My official day to train for my ironman was supposed to start on Tuesday but I just got back from Montreal. I did manage to put in 30mins of run while in the city before the blizzard hit. Today I am supposed to do a brick of 30min bike and 15min run but my TT bike is in the shop and my road bike is not fitted to me well because i tore it apart to make it a road type of bike. I plan to swim 1500m today and run for 45mins. Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!Ps I'll try to update my training stats here in BT.


Way to go, Tdot!

This morning I got in 30 frigid minutes of running. It was 20 degrees colder than yesterday morning. This global climate change thing is starting to not sound so bad... (JK!)

2011-12-29 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3959181

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Thanks everyone for the swimming tips! I'm not looking to be the fastest swimmer. I just want to swim smoothly with perfect form! I knew swimming was good cross training for the running, but I didn't know my legs will feel better after a run. Yay! Looking forward to that!
2011-12-29 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3959181

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

Goal for today: NO MOUNTAIN DEW!


2011-12-29 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

I didnt have a bio so here is a short and sweet one.


Divorced father of 2 boys i have 50 - 70 percent of the time.  I am a nurse and work 3 long days a week and on top of that I try to date here and there... which is going on the back burner because I think everyone is crazy! (guess at the point everyone else ya need to look in the mirror huh?)


I have been active for my whole life never anything crazy but a bit of running, mtn bike ect.  Trained for an Ironman 4 years ago and was in the best shape of my life... going from 213 to 164 for race day.  prior to that did countless small running races and 3 marathons.... bunch of sprints, olympics and a couple 1/2's.  Broke my ankle during the run of the IM at about mile 16... walked and hobbled my way to the finish line and completed but never happy with my time...  So 3 years later... 3 surgeries, therapy, massage, and injections i have been cleared and am going to give it another go. 

So today i have not been active for 3 years... went through a divorce, couple surgeries, gained a ton of weight... and I will do another IM in 2013 and complete it in the time i should have 4 years ago.


A month ago



cant run a mile without feeling like i am going to die


So I am off to the pool then a short run... thats my story and i am sticking to it



2011-12-29 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3959410

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
rn86314 - 2011-12-29 7:36 AM

I didnt have a bio so here is a short and sweet one.


Divorced father of 2 boys i have 50 - 70 percent of the time.  I am a nurse and work 3 long days a week and on top of that I try to date here and there... which is going on the back burner because I think everyone is crazy! (guess at the point everyone else ya need to look in the mirror huh?)


I have been active for my whole life never anything crazy but a bit of running, mtn bike ect.  Trained for an Ironman 4 years ago and was in the best shape of my life... going from 213 to 164 for race day.  prior to that did countless small running races and 3 marathons.... bunch of sprints, olympics and a couple 1/2's.  Broke my ankle during the run of the IM at about mile 16... walked and hobbled my way to the finish line and completed but never happy with my time...  So 3 years later... 3 surgeries, therapy, massage, and injections i have been cleared and am going to give it another go. 

So today i have not been active for 3 years... went through a divorce, couple surgeries, gained a ton of weight... and I will do another IM in 2013 and complete it in the time i should have 4 years ago.


A month ago



cant run a mile without feeling like i am going to die


So I am off to the pool then a short run... thats my story and i am sticking to it



Wow, that is an interesting story. You ran 10 miles with a broken ankle, how did you manage to break it. wow.

Have a great workout.
2011-12-29 8:56 AM
in reply to: #3959148

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Tdotnew2tri - 2011-12-29 5:15 AM

BigDH - 2011-12-28 7:53 AM
Tdotnew2tri - 2011-12-28 6:20 AMBoat 3 is my team and I'm in 2nd seat.
I can't get that link to work. I used to do some dragging boating back in the day. More DQ and beer if I recall correctly.... I do remember our coach telling us the best training for dragging boat racing was running though.Welcome aboard.
I'm not sure why it won't work maybe because i sent it through my cellphone. Big D you may be right a lot of people anticipate the opening of the beer tent than crossing the finish line lolBut my team was real competitive winning first celebration was second.

ha. That must have been fun. I always thought it would be something to be on a team that practiced for more than 2 hours a week and where everyone showed up. You should have seen us race, paddles everywhere.
2011-12-29 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3959242

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
pdc33 - 2011-12-29 6:25 AM

Goal for today: NO MOUNTAIN DEW!


how many do you drink a day?

I successful gave up diet pop in August, and I drank tons. Good luck!
2011-12-29 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3959492

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
I would be hard pressed to call it running lol... But I finished. My left ankle has always been "loose". The tendons were really lax and I would roll it every once in a while with no ill effect..Well during the marathon about mile 16 I stumbled over wha I still don't know.. Caused me to take a couple bad steps and I rolled my ankle worse than ever... Never thought it was broken just knew it hurt like a mofo... By the end of the race it was swollen and starting to discolor but I finished...Anout 2 months thinkin it was a bad sprain ice rest compression ect.. Nothing helping had an mri... Showed a crush injury of my talus with necrotic bone.. And multiple fragments.. Ended up a ligament pulled from the bone causing the fragments. So that was fixed and attached... Talus cleaned up and micro fractures to promote bone growthProlomged cast and non weight bearing causes 2 other procedures... Baxter nerve release and plantar faciotomy... But no ankle pain or foot pain and I am gpoing to come back stronger than ever (I hope :p)

2011-12-29 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

January Goals 2012Tongue out

  1. Follow plan (A lot of swimming on weekends; I do not have access to the pool after work)
  2. Log my food intake on BT
  3. Find a yoga class - had one but it got canceled
  4. Start the New Year off with a 5K race (actually done on New Year's eve but it will be my kick off event)
2011-12-29 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3959492

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
BigDH - 2011-12-29 8:56 AM
Tdotnew2tri - 2011-12-29 5:15 AM
BigDH - 2011-12-28 7:53 AM
Tdotnew2tri - 2011-12-28 6:20 AMBoat 3 is my team and I'm in 2nd seat.
I can't get that link to work. I used to do some dragging boating back in the day. More DQ and beer if I recall correctly.... I do remember our coach telling us the best training for dragging boat racing was running though.Welcome aboard.
I'm not sure why it won't work maybe because i sent it through my cellphone. Big D you may be right a lot of people anticipate the opening of the beer tent than crossing the finish line lolBut my team was real competitive winning first celebration was second.
ha. That must have been fun. I always thought it would be something to be on a team that practiced for more than 2 hours a week and where everyone showed up. You should have seen us race, paddles everywhere.
2011-12-29 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Accountability for today 1500m swim. 30weeks until lake placid!
2011-12-29 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3959410

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
rn86314 - 2011-12-29 9:36 AM

I didnt have a bio so here is a short and sweet one.


Divorced father of 2 boys i have 50 - 70 percent of the time.  I am a nurse and work 3 long days a week and on top of that I try to date here and there... which is going on the back burner because I think everyone is crazy! (guess at the point everyone else ya need to look in the mirror huh?)


I have been active for my whole life never anything crazy but a bit of running, mtn bike ect.  Trained for an Ironman 4 years ago and was in the best shape of my life... going from 213 to 164 for race day.  prior to that did countless small running races and 3 marathons.... bunch of sprints, olympics and a couple 1/2's.  Broke my ankle during the run of the IM at about mile 16... walked and hobbled my way to the finish line and completed but never happy with my time...  So 3 years later... 3 surgeries, therapy, massage, and injections i have been cleared and am going to give it another go. 

So today i have not been active for 3 years... went through a divorce, couple surgeries, gained a ton of weight... and I will do another IM in 2013 and complete it in the time i should have 4 years ago.


A month ago



cant run a mile without feeling like i am going to die


So I am off to the pool then a short run... thats my story and i am sticking to it




Look at all the accomplishments you had with completing THREE marathons and several tri's! AND being able to compete with a broken ankle! Wow! You really have what it takes. I definitely see you meeting your goal in 2013!


2011-12-29 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3958596

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
rn86314 - 2011-12-28 6:45 PM

the bad habits go away with time in the water.  watch youtubes on form and see how it is done.... some people are so natural in the water it is crazy.  I never swam before i started working to do a tri... found my times at the start 2:40 for 100m and after a year of SBR I did 2.4miles in 1:10 and never even thought about it... just like with anything it is time on the road, time in the saddle, and time in the pool.


Thanks! Do you know of any good ones, or do I just go to YouTube and do a search?


2011-12-29 4:50 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Hi All:My name is Dave and I'd like to join if there is still room for me. I'm actually using my wife's brand new Nook and will read up and write more once she has a chance to give it a test drive.
2011-12-29 4:50 PM
in reply to: #3959503

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
BigDH - 2011-12-29 9:59 AM
pdc33 - 2011-12-29 6:25 AM

Goal for today: NO MOUNTAIN DEW!


how many do you drink a day? I successful gave up diet pop in August, and I drank tons. Good luck!

Congrats on giving up the diet soda!

Lately, I would just drink one bottle a day. I'd stop by the store after going to the gym to get my Reeses and Dew. Sometimes I would have a second if I went over to my boyfriend's. Previously, if I had a case in my house, I would easily drink way too many.

But for today---I met my goal and did not drink any! (I know it's still early, but I have no intention of going out to get one.)



2011-12-29 6:08 PM
in reply to: #3959959

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
rn86314 - 2011-12-29 10:26 AM

I would be hard pressed to call it running lol... But I finished. My left ankle has always been "loose". The tendons were really lax and I would roll it every once in a while with no ill effect..Well during the marathon about mile 16 I stumbled over wha I still don't know.. Caused me to take a couple bad steps and I rolled my ankle worse than ever... Never thought it was broken just knew it hurt like a mofo... By the end of the race it was swollen and starting to discolor but I finished...Anout 2 months thinkin it was a bad sprain ice rest compression ect.. Nothing helping had an mri... Showed a crush injury of my talus with necrotic bone.. And multiple fragments.. Ended up a ligament pulled from the bone causing the fragments. So that was fixed and attached... Talus cleaned up and micro fractures to promote bone growthProlomged cast and non weight bearing causes 2 other procedures... Baxter nerve release and plantar faciotomy... But no ankle pain or foot pain and I am gpoing to come back stronger than ever (I hope :p)

crazy, so now you are super carefull I imagine?
2011-12-29 6:09 PM
in reply to: #3960796

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Qua17 - 2011-12-29 3:50 PM

Hi All:My name is Dave and I'd like to join if there is still room for me. I'm actually using my wife's brand new Nook and will read up and write more once she has a chance to give it a test drive.

Awesome Dave, welcome aboard. I love that quote in your sig, one of my favorite.
2011-12-29 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3960377

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
SportzVision - 2011-12-29 12:45 PM

January Goals 2012Tongue out

  1. Follow plan (A lot of swimming on weekends; I do not have access to the pool after work)
  2. Log my food intake on BT
  3. Find a yoga class - had one but it got canceled
  4. Start the New Year off with a 5K race (actually done on New Year's eve but it will be my kick off event)

Hey, nice goals.

Regarding the yoga, I would highly suggest considering suplimenting any classes with a home practice. 10-20 min a day. I do a bit of yoga, I don't have the time to make it to classes but I think it is awesome for core work and flexibility and try to get at least 10 min done a day, although it has been much more as of late.

2011-12-29 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3959242

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
pdc33 - 2011-12-29 8:25 AM

Goal for today: NO MOUNTAIN DEW!


Are you a mountain dew addict too?? I'm going to try to limit myself to one a week and then eventually not drink soda at all.
2011-12-29 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

I have been active for my whole life never anything crazy but a bit of running, mtn bike ect.  Trained for an Ironman 4 years ago and was in the best shape of my life... going from 213 to 164 for race day.  prior to that did countless small running races and 3 marathons.... bunch of sprints, olympics and a couple 1/2's.  Broke my ankle during the run of the IM at about mile 16... walked and hobbled my way to the finish line and completed but never happy with my time...  So 3 years later... 3 surgeries, therapy, massage, and injections i have been cleared and am going to give it another go. 

So today i have not been active for 3 years... went through a divorce, couple surgeries, gained a ton of weight... and I will do another IM in 2013 and complete it in the time i should have 4 years ago.

Chris - the fact that you were able to finish an IM with a broken ankle is astounding to me.  I can not even fathom doing something as hardcore as that...  Pushing the boundries of what is humanly possible is what draws me to tri's.  Just last week I went out for a ride.  It was my longest ride since September.  I really pushed it and rode 12 miles and averaged 13 mph.  Later that evening, I was reading about Kona and found out that the men's winner rode 112 miles (10x my ride) and averaged 26 mph (my average x2).  It staggers my mind that someone can ride that much further and that much faster.  I would put running the last 8 miles of a IM in that same category.  Amazing....



Edited by Qua17 2011-12-29 7:44 PM
2011-12-29 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business


Evening everyone:  Here's my story:

Name:  David

Story:  I have been so inconsistent about exercising since I ran CC and track in HS.  Since then, I've gained 110 pounds and have always struggled to keep it off and having IT and plantar troubles haven't helped.  2 years ago, my massage therapist suggested that I give triathlons a tri and I love it.  I dropped 40 pounds and finished a tri and a du that year.  Last year, signed up for two races and never trained hard enough to make them.  Last December, I decided I needed some accountability so I signed up for an MS ride and asked my older cousin to give me if I tried to weasel out.  He pushed all the right buttons and I finished the 75 mile ride strong.  Then I quit again...  (there is a pattern here). Anyway, I hit 265 in November and decided enough was enough.  Since then, I've been working out (biking, swimming, and walking) for 7 weeks and have dropped 15 lbs.  I decided on this group because I need the accountability.  So I'd like to ask the group to keep me accountable - If I slack off, please call me on it.  In return, I will be a huge cheerleader for y'll.

Family status: married for 13 years with 3 kids (11, 9, and 2)

Current Training: Been riding 3-4 times a week, swimming x2, and trying to get some good walks in (I'm going slow with the goal of avoiding plantar fascitis (sp).  Darren - I promise to start logging my workouts as well.  

This year's races:  75 mile MS ride

2012 Races: Sprint on May 13.  and Oly on July 7, a biking century in October, and a half marathon in December.  In a perfect world, I'd like to work towards a 1/2 IM in 2013 - but my only goal right now is to actually make it to the race in May. 

Weightloss:  Currently, I'm down 15 pounds and am weighing in at 250.  

I'm looking forward to working with y'all...
2011-12-29 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3960800

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
pdc33 - 2011-12-29 4:50 PM
BigDH - 2011-12-29 9:59 AM
pdc33 - 2011-12-29 6:25 AM

Goal for today: NO MOUNTAIN DEW!


how many do you drink a day? I successful gave up diet pop in August, and I drank tons. Good luck!

But for today---I met my goal and did not drink any! (I know it's still early, but I have no intention of going out to get one.)



Pauline - way to accomplish your goal!  Smile

Giving up pop is hard - it tastes soo good.  My struggle is to drink less beer.  I love beer in much the same way that you love the Dew.  My goal is to drink in moderation.  We'll see how that goes - I've got 5 gallons of homebrew on tap in the fridge.

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society Rss Feed  
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