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2012-01-03 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3946139


Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

I am supposed to go to the pool today, myself and am battling the same issue as you.  The big problem for me is the wet hair on the way home (just not enough time to dry it before heading back to work!)   A few minutes in the jacuzzi after the pool is my reward... and LAYERS of clothes after finishing! 

Here's my plan this week.  I have to admit, some work issues totally took the air out of my sails yesterday, and I just want to sit on the couch and eat chocolate.  With a blanket on my head.  And a bottle of tequila next to me. 

Monday -off - rest/recover from race

Tuesday - 20 min pool -drills

Wednesday - 30 min run at lunch

Thursday - 20 min pool - distance

Friday - 20 min bike after work

Saturday - 45 min run early am

Sunday - 20 min run/ 30 min bike early am

2012-01-03 12:09 PM
in reply to: #3967850

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

I totally hear ya about work. I had a similar day yesterday but I actually felt soo much better when I got out for my work out. I think that in theory staying home and eating chocolate seems like the best idea at the time but then later you regret it and feel worse that you just stuffed your face and missed a workout. Been thru this many times! Stay strong!

Your plan for the week sounds great! You can do it!


2012-01-03 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Hey gang.

We just made a spur of the moment decision to head to the cottage for a few days.  Only use crazy Canadians head north in the winter to where it is colder and snowier Smile.  Most sane people head to warmer climates.  I have taken along my winter running gear so hope to get at least one run in, but will definitely get walks in.  I did do 20 min bike this morning followed by a quick 10 min weight session. Will log it when I get back Thurs nite.  Have a good few days and enjoy your training!!!


2012-01-03 3:38 PM
in reply to: #3968581

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
DeputyDawg - 2012-01-03 8:01 PM

Hey gang.

We just made a spur of the moment decision to head to the cottage for a few days.  Only use crazy Canadians head north in the winter to where it is colder and snowier Smile.  Most sane people head to warmer climates.  I have taken along my winter running gear so hope to get at least one run in, but will definitely get walks in.  I did do 20 min bike this morning followed by a quick 10 min weight session. Will log it when I get back Thurs nite.  Have a good few days and enjoy your training!!!



Holidays huh? Sooo jealous - even if you do have to run in the snow.

2012-01-03 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3967794

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
kshuszar - 2012-01-03 3:11 PM

Way to go KIM! 8 miles on a treadmill sounds just plain awful!

I read in Runner's world recently a good way to conquor bordem for the winter time.
Make a playlist 30-35 minutes long,
1st Song-Warm up
Mid Songs - start every song, with a 60 second 80% max pace (can't talk), for the reminder of the song go back to a talking pace
Last Song - Cool down

I think I'm going to try that today. My weekly plan:

M 01/02 - Spin bike @ gym
TU 01/03 - Treadmill song farklets @ work
W 01/04 - Spin class @ gym
TH 01/05 - Day off
F 01/06 - Swim @ gym
S 01/07 - Spin @ Gym

In the winter months, it's so cold outside it's so hard to think about going to the gym and getting into the pool, which is heated, but overall not warm. Anyone else? What do you do to motivate yourself to get into the pool?

The tape of songs thing sounds like a great idea for the turbo trainer.

And i too find it very hard to get to the pool in the winter. My only way to do it is to get fully prepared the night befoe by packing my bag and having my clothes out as near to my bed as possible then set alarm, roll out of bed, into clothes then into car and to pool before i realise what I'm doing. Any spare momants of allowing myself to think usually result in my skipping the session. Undecided

2012-01-03 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Dee...enjoy your little snowy wonderland!

Great treadmill tips!  Love the ideas!

So, who has some little successes to report for the day?  I do I do!  A big one was getting through that 8 mile run!  A little one was getting through the day, staying on track eating well.  I stayed for a few basketball games and with that comes concessions--my youngest daughter was with me so she wanted all sorts of goodies.  Usually I cave and have her get me stuff too, but not today!  Although my training is totally spot on 99% of the time, diet is where I struggle...I have made leaps and bounds improvements, however, and waiting to eat my Paleo meal when we got home from the games was a small battle won!

Let's hear some successes...big or small!


Edited by ingleshteechur 2012-01-04 7:18 AM

2012-01-04 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Happy Hump Day Ladies!

I'm hoping to hear of some big or little successes from yesterday or today!  Get your mind set for the day and get out there and get after it!

I had a great training day: 60 mins on the trainer followed by a four mile run...feeling groovy!

2012-01-04 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Tues = Fail; I was having some tummy issues so I skipped the lunch workout, thought about pilates in the evening, but ended up at home on the couch playing squinkies with my 4 YO.

Wed = SCORE; spin class at 5:45; out of bed at 4:55 and to the gym by 5:20. Glad that was over with!!!

I can tell that I've lost cycling fitness over the winter, since I have been focusing on running, which sucks but it is what it is, and I have plenty of time to get it back before "the season" kicks into gear.

2012-01-04 2:03 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Sorry - my computer got fried in a power surge so I've been offline for a couple days....In terms of the When, Where and How you asked....

1) When - my workouts are pretty erratic - I am a nurse and I work weird shifts (In this country we don't get regular schedules, every week my shifts change from day to day). I only work 3 shifts a week, so I usually work out in the mornings when I am not working, after I have packed the kids off to preschool. The only workout I am capable of doing at night is running....swimming and cycling take too much out of me, and I am not a night person! I aim for 4-5 workouts a week (2 cycle, 2 swim, one run) and clearly I need to change that!

2) Where - swimming I do at a local gym, but the hours are weird. I think I'll be able to keep up with that with the baby, because its a small firendly pool so I can just park "it" at the end of a lane and swim for 1/2 an hour. Other women do that. Running I do in my neighborhood (and when its too hot, on a treadmill at the same gym). Cycling is another story - the area I live in is really not safe for cycling - the drivers are insane, there is often no shoulder at all, etc. The safer place to ride involves me loading on the bike rack and driving about half an hour from my home to ride. Luckily I enjoy cycling the best of the three sports, so I don't midn doing this. However, this one is going to be hard with a little baby - since my husband owns a restaurant and leaves pretty early every morning. I do have a trainer, and though its so boring, I will just have to do that until baby goes to childcare.

3) Support system - for better or for worse my husband is also a triathlete. This means that he totally understands and gets my "need" for workout time. On the other hand, he also needs the workouts, and becuase we have such small kids we can't do it can't be left alone obviously, and by the time they're at preschool one or both of us has to be at work. Luckily my husband is more of a night guy than I am, and can run/swim at night. Cycling at night doesn't work, but using the trainer does. My kids are very proud of us, and we're happy to provide them with good examples. My parents (who live relatively close) totally don't understand the need for fitness at all - which is why my mother weighs 300 lbs and can't walk! My in-laws are also very active but live in South Africa - too far to help us out with the kids! Anyway, hubby and I juggle (and sometimes duke it out) over who gets which "time slot" to work out, and he is very generous - he'll take the 05:00 - 6:00 slot, so I can do 06:00-7:00 while he gets the kids ready fr school....

I won't be posting my workouts or goals for a while - the finish line I am looking at now is birth!! Though I think dividing the labor into transitions and legs will be helpful this time...


2012-01-04 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Noa, I totally admire you for even thinking of triathlon/staying fit with so much to do and another baby on the way!! It makes all my obstacles which are huge to me look very small and puny.

My success today was running non stop for 40 mins regardless of pace as this time last year i could only run for 15 mins max before having to walk.



2012-01-04 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3971289

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
jennifer65 - 2012-01-05 1:54 PM

Noa, I totally admire you for even thinking of triathlon/staying fit with so much to do and another baby on the way!! It makes all my obstacles which are huge to me look very small and puny.

My success today was running non stop for 40 mins regardless of pace as this time last year i could only run for 15 mins max before having to walk.



Thumbs up for that! Can't wait to get to that point!

2012-01-04 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

I tend to be pretty hard on myself so I was thinking I handn't really had any successes but I guess the fact that I am half way through my week and am totally on schedule is pretty good. I also did an extra 38min walk today on top of my "regular" workout that I had planned. I'll smile to that!


2012-01-04 9:10 PM
in reply to: #3971042

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
nursenoa - 2012-01-04 2:03 PM

I won't be posting my workouts or goals for a while - the finish line I am looking at now is birth!! Though I think dividing the labor into transitions and legs will be helpful this time...


Now that is a brilliant idea!  Ha!  I agree with the others, love that fitness and health is still something important with everything else going on.  With both my girls during my 9th month the only thing I was interested in was how much more cheese I could melt onto whatever it was I was eating!

Although my husband is not a tri guy, he coaches high school softball. We had many years (and still do to an extent) where we would plan out our hours so the kids either had mom or dad.  It didn't leave a lot of 'couple' time, but heck, we figure once the girls are out of the house, we'll have all the couple time we can handle!  It worked for us well, and still does.

2012-01-04 9:11 PM
in reply to: #3971289

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
jennifer65 - 2012-01-04 3:54 PM

My success today was running non stop for 40 mins regardless of pace as this time last year i could only run for 15 mins max before having to walk.


What progress!  That is something to celebrate for sure! Well done.

2012-01-04 9:12 PM
in reply to: #3971457

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
saraR - 2012-01-04 5:27 PM

I tend to be pretty hard on myself so I was thinking I handn't really had any successes but I guess the fact that I am half way through my week and am totally on schedule is pretty good. I also did an extra 38min walk today on top of my "regular" workout that I had planned. I'll smile to that!


Well there you go...the success was right under your nose!  Here's to staying on your workout plan for the remainder of the week!

2012-01-04 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

My next check in to you lovely ladies will be post-run Thursday...I am venturing into the cold, dark, 4am morning with my running buddy Josey and a pair of headlamps.  22 degrees.  Dark.  10 miles.  And I can't wait!!! Smile 

Keep the updates coming!

2012-01-04 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
I am having a great week thus far. Mon- set out to swim 8x25 and did 38x 25 followed by a 45 min spin classtues- yoga 90minWednesday: swim 40x 25 followed by 45 min spin classI am really excited about the swimming. It's been a long time since I've done laps ins the pool. It feels great! I am excited to see how I progress. Here's to a good rest of the week! Ok, I don't know why I can't figure out how to change the look of my post. I double spaced the paragraphs and it shows up as one big paragraph. Hmmm...
2012-01-05 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3971909

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Hey Dara...if you're typing on your iPad that's does the same to me if I type on my Nook, it's annoying isn't it?!

So glad to hear how well the swimming is going!  Sounds like you have found a new training love!  You're kicking some serious butt in the pool!  Love it!

2012-01-05 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Happy Thursday gals!  It is 6:29am and I have a ten mile run done!  I am very proud of myself.  I had a few moments of screaming on the inside, but I knew they would pass and they did.  I think this marathon traning, with its longer runs, is really teaching me more about the mental push.  I forgot how much the mental game is a part of the long training sessions.

Those of you that have been checking in, keep the great week going!  Would love to hear from a few others how their week is going!

Edited by ingleshteechur 2012-01-05 7:31 AM
2012-01-05 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3972199

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
ingleshteechur - 2012-01-05 6:31 AM

Happy Thursday gals!  It is 6:29am and I have a ten mile run done!  I am very proud of myself.  I had a few moments of screaming on the inside, but I knew they would pass and they did.  I think this marathon traning, with its longer runs, is really teaching me more about the mental push.  I forgot how much the mental game is a part of the long training sessions.

Those of you that have been checking in, keep the great week going!  Would love to hear from a few others how their week is going!


Wow! Kim you rock! I am inspired. Good job on your early, early, early morning run. I think I woke up at 6:29.  :-)  Thanks for info on typing on ipad. I see the difference as I am typing this on my work computer.
2012-01-05 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3946139


Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Hey ladies... I don't mean to be a downer this week, but it's been tough.  Sara, you were right about the couch and the chocolate, so I stayed away from both, but it wasn't quite enough to get me to my workouts the last couple days.  Yesterday, a surprise dr. visit for my son threw my schedule off, even though I wanted to get back out there.

Success: my gym bag is packed, and I will be headed to the pool in 2 1/2 hours to knock out a workout.  This week, I'm taking what I can get.

Second Success: just signed up for my Feb. 5k - a Mardi Gras themed-race!  Signed hubs up as well, and we'll be pushing the kiddos in the strollers.  Signed my 3 year old up for the tot trot, too!  Trying to encourage a friend's family to come as well.  Might not be 100% focus on my best race, but will get my husband and daughter active with me, which is one of my goals for the year, so yay!

Kim, a 10 mile run sounds torturous, but awesome!  I can't imagine running that far!  I will get somewhere near there soon, though, I suppose - as I get prepared for my 10K in July!

I'm actually itching to run today, but I won't get a chance to get in the water again until Tuesday, so I need to do that workout today as planned.  If it's warmer after work, I may take the kids for a quick jog around the park. Hey, 20 minutes is better than 0, right?!

2012-01-05 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3972470

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED


I'm actually itching to run today, but I won't get a chance to get in the water again until Tuesday, so I need to do that workout today as planned.  If it's warmer after work, I may take the kids for a quick jog around the park. Hey, 20 minutes is better than 0, right?!


Totally right. Laughing

2012-01-06 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Good morning all!  TGIF!  Even though it was a short week back to school, it still sort of felt long!  Today will be a long day for me as my 8th graders are in charge of concessions for four back-to-back high school basketball games this afternoon/evening so I may not check in again until tomorrow, but you never know!

So, let's talk about the weekend!  How do you fit your training into weekend plans?  What about diet?  For me, Saturday and Sunday are still training days--I usually do my training early while the family is still sleeping, so nothing really new for me there.  Diet, on the other hand, always gets tricky for me on the weekends.  I tend to eat extremely clean during the week but tend to fall way off on the weekend, essentially negating all the positive changes during the week.  I have made huge improvements on that front, however.  I have eaten Paleo all week and love it.  My goal for the weekend is to stick to my eating plan but allow for a little treat here and there.  I am striving for a 95:5 balance.  Balance...for me that has been a tough road to embrace when it comes to diet.

Have agreat

2012-01-06 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3972470

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
thebonmama - 2012-01-05 9:08 AM

Hey ladies... I don't mean to be a downer this week, but it's been tough.  Sara, you were right about the couch and the chocolate, so I stayed away from both, but it wasn't quite enough to get me to my workouts the last couple days.  Yesterday, a surprise dr. visit for my son threw my schedule off, even though I wanted to get back out there.

Success: my gym bag is packed, and I will be headed to the pool in 2 1/2 hours to knock out a workout.  This week, I'm taking what I can get.

Second Success: just signed up for my Feb. 5k - a Mardi Gras themed-race!  Signed hubs up as well, and we'll be pushing the kiddos in the strollers.  Signed my 3 year old up for the tot trot, too!  Trying to encourage a friend's family to come as well.  Might not be 100% focus on my best race, but will get my husband and daughter active with me, which is one of my goals for the year, so yay!

Kim, a 10 mile run sounds torturous, but awesome!  I can't imagine running that far!  I will get somewhere near there soon, though, I suppose - as I get prepared for my 10K in July!

I'm actually itching to run today, but I won't get a chance to get in the water again until Tuesday, so I need to do that workout today as planned.  If it's warmer after work, I may take the kids for a quick jog around the park. Hey, 20 minutes is better than 0, right?!

How did your swim workout go?  Don't worry about being a downer...the great thing is you got right back on track when you had the opportunity.  Life happens, we adjust.

Congrats on signing up for the 5K! What day is it?  We may be running races the same day.  I love how your whole family is getting involved.  My daughters always do the kids races at my half marathons, etc.  They love it and I love the pictures at the end with all of us wearing medals and smiles.  What a great example you're setting for your children.  To me, that's what it is about--healthy living by example.

2012-01-06 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3946139


Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

TGIF indeed!  I feel great today after yesterday's swim, and a quick jog with the kids.  Even though I was so tired, I got out there and Hayden and I chased each other around the track for a few laps!

Our race is Saturday the 11th of Feb.  Can't wait!  When is yours, Kim?  It'll be nice to know that we're out there alone together!

For the weekend, I get up early while the family is in bed and find it's a good time for a long run, and hopefully this weekend, ride.  I even have a buddy who has agreed to run with me tomorrow, so BONUS!

Have a great weekend, everyone... stay motivated and keep on track!

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