BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us! Rss Feed  
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2012-01-13 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3987744

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Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Open - Room for a couple more!

jaclynembry - 2012-01-13 12:07 AM What part of your "blog" through BT do you use the most? Do you have logged goals, equipment, races, etc?

I use it for tracking exercise, I haven't really put any goals up yet. I use FitDay, when I'm trying to do a nutrition goal and I've used RunKeeper for several years.

I'd like to invest in a ForeRunner to make all the data entry easier.

2012-01-13 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Open - Room for a couple more!

I bought a used Forerunner 310xt on eBay last year, and since I have incorporated the heart rate monitor and cadence meter. They are pricy but well worth it. 

2012-01-13 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3987744

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Open - Room for a couple more!

jaclynembry - 2012-01-12 7:07 PM What part of your "blog" through BT do you use the most? Do you have logged goals, equipment, races, etc?

I'm learning a little more about the BT site everyday but I like the training log the most right now. I really like charts and data to see my progress. I also like seeing my goals to help me stay focused on what i'm doing. 

2012-01-13 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3987969

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Open - Room for a couple more!
Bishtaw - 2012-01-13 2:39 AM

Well 3 inches of snow and I still rode my bike this morning.  It was slow and lucky the snow was light and fluffy.  If there was more or if the snow was wet I don't think I could have done it.  Studded tires rock.  Big confidence booster.  Still I put my foot down more then a few times to keep it upright.

Fun morning when i was done i looked like a snowman...  Ran 24min, Love running in fresh snow

Wow! thats inspiring....I have no excuse not to train living in Hawaii...:-)

2012-01-13 10:57 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Open - Room for a couple more!

Hawaii has got to be a pretty awesome place to train, just not sure I would love the humidity.

So Cal is having a pretty warm winter so training has been great. Mid 60s - 70s everyday.

2012-01-14 10:41 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Closed
What are your "long" weekend workouts / bricks?

2012-01-15 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Closed

LA 13.1 today.....1:50:47...last year I was over 16 minutes slower.  My goal was to break 2 hours and I shattered it.  So I am a happy guy.  Not bad for a Clydesdale.


Answering some past questions.  I log everything.  I dont know why i do but i log on BT, Slowtwitch, Garmin Connect (with my 310xt and edge 500), and my personal training log.  I have a coach.  She is a very good one and I owe her everything to all my improvements.

My long weekend bricks vary, depending on what my coach gives me for the day.  My long days are Sat, Sun and Mon.  Those are my day off, i work odd hours as a civil servant.  

Hope everyone is working out and doing well!!

2012-01-15 7:00 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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New user
Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Closed

I ran 34 minutes today and then biked 30 minutes, not sure if you would honestly call that a brick or not.


I do have a couple of questions...

Today I biked 5.5 mile and my hands got numb, I was trying not to grip the handlebars tightly but never the less they went numb would changing out the stock grips help this?

I live in Florida where it's relatively flat actually 0' above sea there a best gear to ride in? I know that's a tough question to answer but, as I rode today I could feel the burn in my legs, possibly due to my legs aren't used to riding or being under a load for 30 minutes.


2012-01-15 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3991569

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Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Closed
bad91 - 2012-01-15 3:21 PM

LA 13.1 today.....1:50:47...last year I was over 16 minutes slower.  My goal was to break 2 hours and I shattered it.  So I am a happy guy.  Not bad for a Clydesdale.



Congrats! on both the race and crushing your PR. That has to be an amazing feeling!

2012-01-15 11:41 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Closed

Bad91, nice job! Did you see me in a LA tri kit at one of the crossings this morning?


SWF, as far as your cadence question. Your gear is going to depend on your overall fitness level. I would focus on 80 -90 rpms. You may want to change up the way you hold the handlebars a little. If that doesn't work, new cork tape and gloves?

2012-01-16 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3991904

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Closed
SWF - 2012-01-15 8:00 PM

I ran 34 minutes today and then biked 30 minutes, not sure if you would honestly call that a brick or not.


I do have a couple of questions...

Today I biked 5.5 mile and my hands got numb, I was trying not to grip the handlebars tightly but never the less they went numb would changing out the stock grips help this?

I live in Florida where it's relatively flat actually 0' above sea there a best gear to ride in? I know that's a tough question to answer but, as I rode today I could feel the burn in my legs, possibly due to my legs aren't used to riding or being under a load for 30 minutes.


  My hands would go numb riding any distance over 60min..I played w/ seat height and position to move my butt up closer to handle bars.  This seems to help alittle.  Then i bought those L bars and put them on my MTB so I would be in a more aero position.  This worked wonders and i can change things up as needed. 

2012-01-16 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Good weekend with a great rest day on Sunday...I feel my body being a little sore.  After 10 min of running around things always losen up and I know i made the right choice to train again.  I really like the training.  This week I've got to get to the pool.  3 times is my goal!

I've been very good about my training logs and since December I can click back week by week and see my hours and distance creeping up slowly.  Very cool...have a great Monday.

2012-01-16 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3947226

New user

Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Well I suck at keeping logs but I've been consistent in my training.  I'm into week 3 and I've added my program on top of my normal routine.  Already picked up my pace running (if you can call what i do running) from 5.5 to 6.2 - 6.5 depending on how I feel.  I'm tying to focus on swimming more efficiently.   I've read about form as far as creating as little drag as possible. But I'm open for suggestions.
2012-01-16 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Judging form on your own is fairly difficult. Are there any masters groups in your area?
2012-01-16 12:45 PM
in reply to: #3992794

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

glamartin - 2012-01-16 11:11 AM Well I suck at keeping logs but I've been consistent in my training.  I'm into week 3 and I've added my program on top of my normal routine.  Already picked up my pace running (if you can call what i do running) from 5.5 to 6.2 - 6.5 depending on how I feel.  I'm tying to focus on swimming more efficiently.   I've read about form as far as creating as little drag as possible. But I'm open for suggestions.


Don't worry about the run times or speed, your building slowly so you don't get a injury.  My training run times are silly slow, but come race day you can open a big old can of woop $$$ because you have put the time into your training.  Keep it up!


2012-01-16 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3991904

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Jac's Mentor Group - Closed
SWF - 2012-01-15 7:00 PM

I do have a couple of questions...

Today I biked 5.5 mile and my hands got numb, I was trying not to grip the handlebars tightly but never the less they went numb would changing out the stock grips help this?

I live in Florida where it's relatively flat actually 0' above sea there a best gear to ride in? I know that's a tough question to answer but, as I rode today I could feel the burn in my legs, possibly due to my legs aren't used to riding or being under a load for 30 minutes.


Play around with your seat height, your bar height and your reach.  Buy a good pair of gloves.  I run with Specialized Gels. I still have an occasional numbness, usually on super long rides/races.  You need to teach your body to sit in that position.

As for gears/RPMs.  To each his own.  I started running a easier gear/faster RPM about 7 years ago.  As long as you feel your "push point" on every stroke, that is a good place to start.  It takes time to build the strength up.

2012-01-16 9:12 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Ran my first training 5k for 2012.  Hadn't run since September. Did an hour on the cross trainer and then hopped on the treadmill.  Started out slow and continued to increase speed every 1/2 mile.  Was able to pop off a sub 26:00.  Not bad for the first one.  Will probably feel it in the A.M. at spin class.
2012-01-16 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
26 min as your first 5k in 4 months???? Way to go? I'd be happy to run a 26 min 5k by the end of the season. 
2012-01-17 2:07 AM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
The first week of training on this plan went fairly well...the run is still the big challenge. I wasn't able to do the 20min. long run yesterday, only made it to about 12 min and had to walk. While I do feel my legs and knees are getting stronger, I'm struggling to keep up with this plan because the long run minutes are increasing. I guess I have to modify the long runs to include walking when I need to? Hopefully this next week I'll do a little better.
2012-01-17 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3994241

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
TriMoTri - 2012-01-17 3:07 AM The first week of training on this plan went fairly well...the run is still the big challenge. I wasn't able to do the 20min. long run yesterday, only made it to about 12 min and had to walk. While I do feel my legs and knees are getting stronger, I'm struggling to keep up with this plan because the long run minutes are increasing. I guess I have to modify the long runs to include walking when I need to? Hopefully this next week I'll do a little better.
  Give it time on the run - going to fast to soon is a big mistake and will cause injury and then no more running.  Walking is fine...just try splitting it up more.  Run 6min walk 2min.  back in forth and you'll be there in no time.  Keep up the great work!
2012-01-17 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3994129

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

jaclynembry - 2012-01-16 11:02 PM 26 min as your first 5k in 4 months???? Way to go? I'd be happy to run a 26 min 5k by the end of the season. 

Agree - 26min 5k for me would be a PR.

2012-01-17 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Well for 2 years I've been waiting for my son to get his license, so he could drive our gear to fencing class. - So i could run there!

I did it last night!  Now it is no longer something I've always wanted to try but now it is something I can add to my weekly routine!  Should have seen me, orange vest w/ reflective strips, red flasher on my pants pocket, reflective wrist ban on rode side arm and refective stripe gloves.  What a dork!  I don't dress this reflective on paper route  there is just no traffic at 5am, last night at 6pm was a different story.  Very glad i put the extra reflective effort in.

Ran and biked stong this morning - evan had time to lift weights before going to my real job. (Everything is feeling like jello)  Love that feeling!

Have a super Tuesday!  Keep posting and training - oh ya swimming for sure tonight - Promise

2012-01-17 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3994407

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Paper Boy - 2012-01-17 7:43 AM

(Everything is feeling like jello)  Love that feeling!

Felt that way after trying TRX training.  Every muscle was quivering and weak.  AWESOME!!!!!!

2012-01-17 9:12 PM
in reply to: #3994407

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New user
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-01-17 7:43 AM

I did it last night!  Now it is no longer something I've always wanted to try but now it is something I can add to my weekly routine!  Should have seen me, orange vest w/ reflective strips, red flasher on my pants pocket, reflective wrist ban on rode side arm and refective stripe gloves.  What a dork!  I don't dress this reflective on paper route  there is just no traffic at 5am, last night at 6pm was a different story.  Very glad i put the extra reflective effort in.

The last time I rode a bike there were no helmet laws and if you were real safe you had one of those 5' fiberglass sticks with a florescent flag on it. A couple of weeks ago when I put on helmet I felt like the Mayor of Dork-ville....Ughhh.


I found what had to be the worlds smallest pool this evening...laps in under 3 seconds, Life's good.

2012-01-17 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Helmets are a must, not only to protect yourself from crashing or not unclipping at a traffic light. lol! But also from crazy motorists that have no appreciation or respect for cyclists. I also wear a Road Id as well. Better safe than sorry. 
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us! Rss Feed  
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