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2012-11-11 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4493639

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
mdg2003 - 2012-11-11 7:43 AM
abqtj - 2012-11-10 5:19 PM

I built my AR15 because it was a fun project that was interesting to me. And I came out exceptionally cheaper than buying a whole rifle.

Same with the AK I'm going to build (I've got 99% of the parts now). Again, just is an interesting/educational thing for me. Also a bit historical.

And they are fun to shoot if you enjoy shooting. 

 Would you share where you get parts from? You buy from an online source or gun shows? If I could get both for the price of one, or close, it would solve the "7.62X39 or .223" decision I'm trying to make for my first rifle purchase.

Or you could just go 7.62x54

Edited by powerman 2012-11-11 8:50 AM

2012-11-11 9:10 AM
in reply to: #4493641

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Central Mass
Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
powerman - 2012-11-11 6:45 AM

But $1500-$2000 for something that will sit in my closet for 99% of the time... pretty low on the priority list.

See, for $1500-2k, I'd much rather have one of these:

But most people would think $1975 is a little steep for a bolt action 22lr rifle...

2012-11-11 9:26 AM
in reply to: #4493653

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
scorpio516 - 2012-11-11 8:10 AM
powerman - 2012-11-11 6:45 AM

But $1500-$2000 for something that will sit in my closet for 99% of the time... pretty low on the priority list.

See, for $1500-2k, I'd much rather have one of these:

But most people would think $1975 is a little steep for a bolt action 22lr rifle...

My dad got a .243 Win for target shooting. Long range stuff is pretty cool, but  I do not want to take it up as a sole activity. If you want to shoot precision competition, then you are pretty much relegated to .22 call just for price and you do not need the balistic energy for anything other than punching holes through paper.

But ya, a competition rifle is no joke and could probably drive a pin at 200 yds.  

2012-11-11 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4493642

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
powerman - 2012-11-11 8:48 AM
mdg2003 - 2012-11-11 7:43 AM
abqtj - 2012-11-10 5:19 PM

I built my AR15 because it was a fun project that was interesting to me. And I came out exceptionally cheaper than buying a whole rifle.

Same with the AK I'm going to build (I've got 99% of the parts now). Again, just is an interesting/educational thing for me. Also a bit historical.

And they are fun to shoot if you enjoy shooting. 

 Would you share where you get parts from? You buy from an online source or gun shows? If I could get both for the price of one, or close, it would solve the "7.62X39 or .223" decision I'm trying to make for my first rifle purchase.

Or you could just go 7.62x54

 The exact same answer my co-worker gave me on Friday. Yell

2012-11-11 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4493641

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
powerman - 2012-11-11 9:45 AM

Maybe this will help Brian.... I do not want an arsenal. I would like to own one of each type so to speak. Pistol, rifle, shotgun, carry. I don't need a lot of pistols. When I bought mine, it was with the intent of only having one. So I got the only one you need, .45APC. Obviously debatelable, but that was my choice.

I won't bore you with the history of battle rifles, especially since I'm not that knowledgeble... but yes, they were made with the purpose of going into battle. Used to be it was the same as hunting rifles. M1 Garrand came out... but it had limitations. So the modern main battle rifle came out that had good balistics, light weight, smaller lighter ammo, better target aquisition, more shots, rapid fire and so forth.

Why do I want one? They are very versitile weapons with a huge parts inventory and ammo choices. I can get a bolt action, but I do not hunt, and semi-auto is just easier. That brings me to BARs, FNARs, or Springfield M1s. with that in mind, there are plenty of AR platforms to choose from as well. .223 is cheaper and there is plenty of it, but .308 is a more versitile round which is what I want. Taret practice, medium game, defense... jack of all trades.

So if I was only going to have one rifle, and I want a semi automatic, then that is where you end up. Pros and cons for each factor, but that is how I got there. I have absolutley zero problems with the color black, and I have no illusions what the intended purpose is of a fire arm. I have zero problems with their intended purpose.

But $1500-$2000 for something that will sit in my closet for 99% of the time... pretty low on the priority list.

I sold my Winchester 94 back in 1985. Pretty useless unless I still wanted to go deer hunting, which I don't see happening. The only thing I can see myself buying now is a shotgun. I used to really enjoy skeet shooting off of my dad's boat, I could see myself hunting, and if I'm not mistaken they are pretty useful for home defense. And I am pretty sure that would be the extent of my weapon collection.

2012-11-11 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4493653

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
scorpio516 - 2012-11-11 9:10 AM
powerman - 2012-11-11 6:45 AM

But $1500-$2000 for something that will sit in my closet for 99% of the time... pretty low on the priority list.

See, for $1500-2k, I'd much rather have one of these:

But most people would think $1975 is a little steep for a bolt action 22lr rifle...

That's beautiful. Speaking of steep, I'm thinking the learning curve on that unit would be mighty steep.

2012-11-11 9:43 AM
in reply to: #4493639

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
mdg2003 - 2012-11-11 7:43 AM
abqtj - 2012-11-10 5:19 PM

I built my AR15 because it was a fun project that was interesting to me. And I came out exceptionally cheaper than buying a whole rifle.

Same with the AK I'm going to build (I've got 99% of the parts now). Again, just is an interesting/educational thing for me. Also a bit historical.

And they are fun to shoot if you enjoy shooting. 

 Would you share where you get parts from? You buy from an online source or gun shows? If I could get both for the price of one, or close, it would solve the "7.62X39 or .223" decision I'm trying to make for my first rifle purchase.


Everything I've bought for those two has been online from a few different online shops. Yes, some stuff has to be shipped to an FFL and transferred that way, so there's a little cost and "hassle" in that, but very little does.

The AK will be made using a flat that I've bent, though. Thus reducing the cost quite a bit. BUT, the cut Ak kit I bought is no longer available (I kick myself for not buying a few of them instead of one. At $99 it was a steal). 

2012-11-11 9:47 AM
in reply to: #4492998

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
My husband buys guns mostly for the fascination with the mechanics and history of them. He has many WWII and Koean war rifles, most of which he obtained as projects, and he has restored them into workers of beauty. He can tell you the difference between them, where they were used and who used them. You can't watch a movie with him without a critique of the weaponry and the appropriateness of it for the period. That some are semi automatic is just part of their workings. He shoots them all regularly.
2012-11-11 12:01 PM
in reply to: #4493495

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
crusevegas - 2012-11-10 11:12 PM

BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-10 8:47 PM

Thanks guys, some surprising replies. The one that I like the best is: it's legal, it's a fun hobby, and I can afford it. That is just so damn logical. Works for bikes, works for guns. And like any good hobby, it's expensive.

I also agree that banning them will have little to no effect on crime. It's not like criminals are concerned with the law. The survivalists worries me a little, but since it doesn't really impact my life, I'm not about to tell you it's right or wrong. Am I turning into a Libertarian?

I didn't want to open multiple cans of worms in this thread, but it would be interesting to start another thread and see what people think about background checks, waiting periods, mandatory safety courses, mandatory gun locks, etc.

I'll give you my short version to the questions.

I think background checks are fine, I don't think there should be a charge for it.

Waiting periods aren't necessary with instant background checks.

I think gun safety and gun history should be taught in elementary school, with an opt out for parents who have a problem with it.

I'm for having your firearms secured, safe and making sure others especially children are unable to get access to them. I'm against a law making it mandatory generally speaking.

I'm for people wearing seat belts but I'm opposed to laws mandating use and those annoying noises the car makes if it's not on. oops, sorry got carried away

@ Gearboy, your post makes very little sense to me and sounds a bit irrational, especially the part going on about someone wanting to take my guns away.

This all sounds good to me. The only thing I would add, and I know that a lot of gun owners disagree, is mandatory safety certification (and recertification) in order to get a license. Seems like common sense, but I know it's not supported by the 2A, so it's sort of a non-starter.
2012-11-11 12:32 PM
in reply to: #4492998

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
Ya, rights do not require licenses.
2012-11-11 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4493774

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
jmk-brooklyn - 2012-11-11 12:01 PM
crusevegas - 2012-11-10 11:12 PM
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-10 8:47 PM

Thanks guys, some surprising replies. The one that I like the best is: it's legal, it's a fun hobby, and I can afford it. That is just so damn logical. Works for bikes, works for guns. And like any good hobby, it's expensive.

I also agree that banning them will have little to no effect on crime. It's not like criminals are concerned with the law. The survivalists worries me a little, but since it doesn't really impact my life, I'm not about to tell you it's right or wrong. Am I turning into a Libertarian?

I didn't want to open multiple cans of worms in this thread, but it would be interesting to start another thread and see what people think about background checks, waiting periods, mandatory safety courses, mandatory gun locks, etc.

I'll give you my short version to the questions.

I think background checks are fine, I don't think there should be a charge for it.

Waiting periods aren't necessary with instant background checks.

I think gun safety and gun history should be taught in elementary school, with an opt out for parents who have a problem with it.

I'm for having your firearms secured, safe and making sure others especially children are unable to get access to them. I'm against a law making it mandatory generally speaking.

I'm for people wearing seat belts but I'm opposed to laws mandating use and those annoying noises the car makes if it's not on. oops, sorry got carried away

@ Gearboy, your post makes very little sense to me and sounds a bit irrational, especially the part going on about someone wanting to take my guns away.

This all sounds good to me. The only thing I would add, and I know that a lot of gun owners disagree, is mandatory safety certification (and recertification) in order to get a license. Seems like common sense, but I know it's not supported by the 2A, so it's sort of a non-starter.

 I'd like to see some sort of mandatory safety training to allow people to shoot at public ranges. It wouldn't hurt anyone to attend even if it just served as a refresher. That would cover a ton of shooters and I for one would feel safer at the range. I've seen 99.999% of the people following the rules and using common sense. Those .001% did some stuff that scared me. I saw a guy shoot a round, grab his binoculars while still holding the loaded pistol and look downrange at his target; yup, the end of the barrel was at his temple, index finger inside the trigger guard. Not a government course as that would only pi** people off and complicate the process, more of a locally produced course with guidelines set by the NRA.

2012-11-11 5:05 PM
in reply to: #4492998

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Question for gun owners

I recently purchased my AR because it was 1. A good deal (I'd been shopping for awhile), 2. The election didn't go as I had hoped and I knew there would be panic buying.  Again, I had been shopping for one for awhile...now that the election is over, reports are that ALL defensive firearms (pistol, rifle, shotguns) are becoming scarce.  Given the state of the gun counter at my local Sportsmans....there is a flurry of buying going on.  I'm looking forward to have something else to shoot....AR's are fun.

Regarding safety - I'm going to steal from a friend - "Knowing how to use/handle a firearm is a skill everyone should have."  You don't have to like guns, you don't need to own one...but you should know how to safely handle one.

2012-11-11 5:16 PM
in reply to: #4493992

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
kmanus - 2012-11-11 4:05 PM

I recently purchased my AR because it was 1. A good deal (I'd been shopping for awhile), 2. The election didn't go as I had hoped and I knew there would be panic buying.  Again, I had been shopping for one for awhile...now that the election is over, reports are that ALL defensive firearms (pistol, rifle, shotguns) are becoming scarce.  Given the state of the gun counter at my local Sportsmans....there is a flurry of buying going on.  I'm looking forward to have something else to shoot....AR's are fun.

Regarding safety - I'm going to steal from a friend - "Knowing how to use/handle a firearm is a skill everyone should have."  You don't have to like guns, you don't need to own one...but you should know how to safely handle one.

I simply do not understand why. What has changed in one week from the last 4 years? Hint: nothing.

I realize it's fun to think up a bunch of scarry scenarios... gun bans at this point is a dead issue. Another AWB is a dead issue. Obama does not have the capital to spend on it right now. The Legislature is not controlled by Dems. I can't comprehend why any one would "panic" buy.

2012-11-11 5:25 PM
in reply to: #4492998

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New user

Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
I own a Bushmaster XM-15. It's similar to the military's M-4. I purchased it several years ago in-between deployments. I just wasn't happy with how often the Army let us shoot. Since I've separated, it just sits under my bed. I'm not paranoid, but it is there in case I need it. For most people, an assault weapon is probably not the best home defense weapon, but I am much more comfortable clearing a house with it than I am a pistol.

I do kind of miss my Army M-203 grenade launcher though.
2012-11-11 5:50 PM
in reply to: #4493999

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
powerman - 2012-11-11 5:16 PM
kmanus - 2012-11-11 4:05 PM

I recently purchased my AR because it was 1. A good deal (I'd been shopping for awhile), 2. The election didn't go as I had hoped and I knew there would be panic buying.  Again, I had been shopping for one for awhile...now that the election is over, reports are that ALL defensive firearms (pistol, rifle, shotguns) are becoming scarce.  Given the state of the gun counter at my local Sportsmans....there is a flurry of buying going on.  I'm looking forward to have something else to shoot....AR's are fun.

Regarding safety - I'm going to steal from a friend - "Knowing how to use/handle a firearm is a skill everyone should have."  You don't have to like guns, you don't need to own one...but you should know how to safely handle one.

I simply do not understand why. What has changed in one week from the last 4 years? Hint: nothing.

I realize it's fun to think up a bunch of scarry scenarios... gun bans at this point is a dead issue. Another AWB is a dead issue. Obama does not have the capital to spend on it right now. The Legislature is not controlled by Dems. I can't comprehend why any one would "panic" buy.

 The stuff I've heard is the UN small arms treaty. They are rumored to be trying to circumvent the 2nd through the UN. http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/untreaty.asp . Prices and demand will go off the scale for a bit and return to normal. Now if you're looking at that Mayan calendar thing... or the pending zombiepocalypse. All bets are off...

2012-11-11 6:46 PM
in reply to: #4493653

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
scorpio516 - 2012-11-10 10:10 AM
powerman - 2012-11-11 6:45 AM

But $1500-$2000 for something that will sit in my closet for 99% of the time... pretty low on the priority list.

See, for $1500-2k, I'd much rather have one of these:

But most people would think $1975 is a little steep for a bolt action 22lr rifle...

I went to a scout camp that had 8 Anschutz bolt-action 22lr for the rifle range.  BY FAR the best 22 I've ever shot.  They were absolutely fantastic.  It was like someone sitting you down in the driver's seat of a Lambo when you're 16 years old.    The difference between these and the Marlins that most camps have was palpable.

2012-11-11 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4494029

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
mdg2003 - 2012-11-11 4:50 PM
powerman - 2012-11-11 5:16 PM
kmanus - 2012-11-11 4:05 PM

I recently purchased my AR because it was 1. A good deal (I'd been shopping for awhile), 2. The election didn't go as I had hoped and I knew there would be panic buying.  Again, I had been shopping for one for awhile...now that the election is over, reports are that ALL defensive firearms (pistol, rifle, shotguns) are becoming scarce.  Given the state of the gun counter at my local Sportsmans....there is a flurry of buying going on.  I'm looking forward to have something else to shoot....AR's are fun.

Regarding safety - I'm going to steal from a friend - "Knowing how to use/handle a firearm is a skill everyone should have."  You don't have to like guns, you don't need to own one...but you should know how to safely handle one.

I simply do not understand why. What has changed in one week from the last 4 years? Hint: nothing.

I realize it's fun to think up a bunch of scarry scenarios... gun bans at this point is a dead issue. Another AWB is a dead issue. Obama does not have the capital to spend on it right now. The Legislature is not controlled by Dems. I can't comprehend why any one would "panic" buy.

 The stuff I've heard is the UN small arms treaty. They are rumored to be trying to circumvent the 2nd through the UN. http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/untreaty.asp . Prices and demand will go off the scale for a bit and return to normal. Now if you're looking at that Mayan calendar thing... or the pending zombiepocalypse. All bets are off...

That one has been around for years. I give it a solid 4.5 Tin Foil Hats.

On a side note... did you know the US signed a treaty to not give teenagers life sentences for offenses... yet US hands out more life sentences than all the other signers combined. Currently like 200 something. Another good PBS show. Just because you sign a treaty, does not make it reality.

2012-11-11 7:19 PM
in reply to: #4494029

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
mdg2003 - 2012-11-11 6:50 PM
powerman - 2012-11-11 5:16 PM
kmanus - 2012-11-11 4:05 PM

I recently purchased my AR because it was 1. A good deal (I'd been shopping for awhile), 2. The election didn't go as I had hoped and I knew there would be panic buying.  Again, I had been shopping for one for awhile...now that the election is over, reports are that ALL defensive firearms (pistol, rifle, shotguns) are becoming scarce.  Given the state of the gun counter at my local Sportsmans....there is a flurry of buying going on.  I'm looking forward to have something else to shoot....AR's are fun.

Regarding safety - I'm going to steal from a friend - "Knowing how to use/handle a firearm is a skill everyone should have."  You don't have to like guns, you don't need to own one...but you should know how to safely handle one.

I simply do not understand why. What has changed in one week from the last 4 years? Hint: nothing.

I realize it's fun to think up a bunch of scarry scenarios... gun bans at this point is a dead issue. Another AWB is a dead issue. Obama does not have the capital to spend on it right now. The Legislature is not controlled by Dems. I can't comprehend why any one would "panic" buy.

 The stuff I've heard is the UN small arms treaty. They are rumored to be trying to circumvent the 2nd through the UN. http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/untreaty.asp . Prices and demand will go off the scale for a bit and return to normal. Now if you're looking at that Mayan calendar thing... or the pending zombiepocalypse. All bets are off...

Clearly it's Brad Pitt's fault. World War Z is coming!

2012-11-11 7:21 PM
in reply to: #4492998

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
So should I get a shotgun or no? Am I going to wind up on some slippery slope where I end up with an Apache helicopter?? I mean, I did one sprint tri and a year later own two Cervelos
2012-11-11 7:42 PM
in reply to: #4494144

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners

BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-10 8:21 PM So should I get a shotgun or no? Am I going to wind up on some slippery slope where I end up with an Apache helicopter?? I mean, I did one sprint tri and a year later own two Cervelos


By all means, get a shotgun.  And take up trap/skeet.   Great fun for a weekday evening in the fall/winter! 

2012-11-11 8:34 PM
in reply to: #4494144

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Subject: RE: Question for gun owners

BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-11 5:21 PM So should I get a shotgun or no? Am I going to wind up on some slippery slope where I end up with an Apache helicopter?? I mean, I did one sprint tri and a year later own two Cervelos

A Ruger 10/22 is a good rifle for just some inexpensive target shooting.

What are you wanting a gun for? I like the Apache though, that Gatlin can clear a room pretty quick.

2012-11-11 9:03 PM
in reply to: #4492998

Behind you
Subject: RE: Question for gun owners

If this country wants my Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Father, myself and my son to carry a gun to protect freedom into foreign land, then it should be my right as the founding fathers wrote to keep my freedom here in America.


Have I ever used it besides firing practice?  No, but when the time comes, I'll know what to do.


2012-11-11 9:48 PM
in reply to: #4493999

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Question for gun owners
powerman - 2012-11-11 5:16 PM
kmanus - 2012-11-11 4:05 PM

I recently purchased my AR because it was 1. A good deal (I'd been shopping for awhile), 2. The election didn't go as I had hoped and I knew there would be panic buying.  Again, I had been shopping for one for awhile...now that the election is over, reports are that ALL defensive firearms (pistol, rifle, shotguns) are becoming scarce.  Given the state of the gun counter at my local Sportsmans....there is a flurry of buying going on.  I'm looking forward to have something else to shoot....AR's are fun.

Regarding safety - I'm going to steal from a friend - "Knowing how to use/handle a firearm is a skill everyone should have."  You don't have to like guns, you don't need to own one...but you should know how to safely handle one.

I simply do not understand why. What has changed in one week from the last 4 years? Hint: nothing.

I realize it's fun to think up a bunch of scarry scenarios... gun bans at this point is a dead issue. Another AWB is a dead issue. Obama does not have the capital to spend on it right now. The Legislature is not controlled by Dems. I can't comprehend why any one would "panic" buy.

Demand went up and supply was constant.  Therefore the prices go up.  You are correct that no new laws or anything went into effect, but the perception (true or not) is that there's a chance Obama could do "something" in the near future so a lot of people are stocking up which is driving the prices up.

Kind of like a company loses a CEO and people automatically start selling the stock because they're worried about what might happen in the future.

2012-11-11 10:01 PM
in reply to: #4492998

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Question for gun owners

Back to your original question about AR's Brian.  I don't personally own one now, but I'm saving for one in the near future.  I currently have a couple handguns for daily use and a Semi Auto 12ga. shotgun as my primary home defense weapon.  I've also got a .22 rifle with a scope for varmint hunting.

My reason for wanting an "AR" is simple.  I want to be prepared for anything that may come my way.  I know we all joke about the zombie apocalypse which of course is stupid, but it is very analogous to a situation where the rule of law breaks down.  During the days that followed hurricane Katrina society broke down and for the people that remained there was no 911 to call.  I bet there were a lot of law abiding citizens down there who wished they had firearms.  I have no idea what kind of natural or man made disasters could occur in the future, so I err on the side of caution.  Am I crazy?  Perhaps.

As for the laws discussions I'm ok with background checks for people purchasing firearms to ensure they meet the requirements.  I think regulations beyond that are well intended, but worthless.  If I'm going to commit a felony offense and go rob a grocery store I'm not worried about a misdemeanor offense of carrying a concealed weapon or brandishing a firearm.  So, as you can imagine I'm a big proponent of constitutional carry.

2012-11-12 12:55 AM
in reply to: #4494144

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Tempe, Arizona
Subject: RE: Question for gun owners

BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-11 5:21 PM So should I get a shotgun or no? Am I going to wind up on some slippery slope where I end up with an Apache helicopter?? I mean, I did one sprint tri and a year later own two Cervelos

My advice to you is - buy another Cervelo.  It's much more beautiful anyway Laughing

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