BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-01-09 2:35 PM
in reply to: #4570400

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open

For me, it is simple once I get my feet on the ground to get up and S/B/R.


As far as nutrition, I normally will not eat anything before a workout, unless it is a really long run like for a HIM or marathon. A sprint distance and Olympic distance workout is doable. I might take water/Gatorade and gels if I think I might need it, but usually I do not.

there are many good reasons for me to getting my workout in early:

  1. It doesn't involve me missing time with the family. The wife and kids are still in bed and or just getting up by the time I am finishing. 
  2. I am more open at lunchtime. Meaning I do not have to be as picky about what I eat, especially if I know I have a run later.
  3. I am more productive at work.
  4. and maybe most important to me, it shows me that I am willing to sacrifice some sleep in my warm bed, and it gauges my level of desire to do well. So if I am getting up at 5:30 to train, I know I find it important.

Once you get into a pattern of getting up early, it's not bad actually.


P.S. I do know guys that set their alarms at 3 AM so they can get up and eat, then go back to bed for awhile so they can have some nutrition in them when they go run!

2013-01-09 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4570400

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open

I am a morning person!  That is how I manage 5am workouts most of the time.  I also go to bed early (by 9 if possible).  When it comes to nutrition, I don't need much before a workout.  I can usually eat a piece of toast or a banana and be just fine for 1-2 hours of workout. 

My struggle comes in getting the afternoon workouts in.  I don't want to be bothered by all it takes to get ready and then the workout and then the clean up.  Having said that, I am getting ready to leave work and head to the gym since I didn't go this morning.  I soooooo wish I had this already done.

2013-01-09 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open

I'll be experimenting next month.  I have never been a morning person, but it is changing with the new addition to the family.  When I did workout in the morning (i.e. - Need to run before the heat sets in), it would depend on the distance.  If it was 3-4 mile run, I could go with no breakfast and eat after the run.  If it was longer than that, I would have to get up earlier to eat something and then go run.  You just have to figure out what works for you.

2013-01-09 3:03 PM
in reply to: #4570502

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
mkennedy0525 - 2013-01-09 2:43 PM


I am getting ready to leave work and head to the gym since I didn't go this morning.  I soooooo wish I had this already done.


Plus, morning workouts are hanging over your head all day long!

2013-01-09 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
I got it done!!!!!!  Now I can relax the rest of the evening (only a couple hours before I am in bed).  I will be up early tomorrow to get my workout in! 
2013-01-09 10:09 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
I was never a morning person. I still am not!

When I was at uni or my last job (part time split shifts) I had lots of time to exercise. Now with a full time job I'm discovering what the real world is all about.

I usually struggle out of bed, but once you have been doing it for a while, your body clock gets reset and it beomes normal. But don't expect to be staying up until 10 or 11 at night if you want to be up at 5.

As for nutrtion, I'll have a banana before a morning ride, or a gel before I go swimming or for a longer run. Anything less than an hour's workout and I'll go without.

For bike ride's longer than an hour I'll always have gatorade with me. Less than an hour and it is water. Swimming is always water and I don't have anything running unless it's longer than about 80-90mins. In that case I'll take fuel belt with water and gatorade. If I am really desperate and it is hot I'll stop at a tap for a drink.

2013-01-09 10:11 PM
in reply to: #4569397

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
jford2309 - 2013-01-09 10:24 PM


I missed my run this morning. I woke on time but did not feel 100%, it was raining and I was achy. I opted to have a decent breakfast, have my quiet time and enjoy the morning and I am kicking myself for not going out there.


So, I will leave work today and hit the treadmill for my 5 miler, then church, dinner and then I wil come home, put the kidos to bed and ride my trainer for an hour while watching Justified from last night.

Same. Tuesday and Wednesday morning swims were write-offs. I was still feeling very stiff and sore and tired from my Monday Kettlebell workout. I'm going to dial back my weight training now as I can't have it stopping me working out for 2 days. I think my body needed the rest, so there is no problem with taking a day off, even if it isn't scheduled, every now and then if you really need it.
2013-01-10 9:04 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open

I did get my run/ride in last night and I had a great run!!!!


Today is a 2200 yd swim at lunch, then tomorrow is a much needed rest day!!!

2013-01-10 9:34 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
Missed my swim workout yesterday afternoon.  I got to the gym after work only to reach in the backseat and realize my gym bag was still at home... oops!  If the gym weren't so far out of the way I would've gone home, grabbed it, and went back.  Just decided to go home, do a very short and focused upper body work out instead.  Guess today is pool day now, lol.
2013-01-10 1:52 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
I didn't get up again this morning!  What is wrong with me?  I use to jump out of bed before the 4:15 alarm.  Now I struggle.  All is not lost.  I have a 1150yard swim and a 50 minute bike.  I have my gym bag and will go for the swim right after work and then home to the trainer.  That is my plan anyway!  Cool 
2013-01-10 2:44 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open

2200 in the pool done!  Felt strong, although it is amazing how fast you can lose your swim fitness


Friday is a rest day, Sat is a 6 mile run and Sunday is a long ride!

2013-01-11 6:59 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
I got my bike and run in this morning!!! It is a pretty good feeling knowing I don't have to workout again today after work.  No workout until tomorrow morning then Sunday is a rest day!Smile
2013-01-11 7:57 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open

What's everyone's weekend looking like?

I have a 6 miler (I'm hoping to get through....since it's been 3 weeks since my 11 miler, I've got to cut it back)...then a TON of 'honey do's" to get done....

I'm going to do a cleaning of my bike, lubing, etc....because Tuesday I'm slated to start my trainer rides....just two days a week but that'll replace some running days (which I dislike, so this will help with the mental/physical part.)

2013-01-11 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open

Might you have room for me?

NAME:  GotTorque?  (Cara

STORY:  I started training for triathlons in 2009 as a way to recover from a knee with not much cartelige, and a recurring low-back sprain.  Last October, I completed Ironman Miami 70.3, which was my first HIM, and a fantastic experience. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 14 years

CURRENT TRAINING: I am in 'winter maintenance' status now, getting about 10 mi running, 30 miles trainer riding, and 2 miles swimming a week, along with Hot Yoga classes and one tri-specific strength training session with my husband (who is also my strength training coach). Also injury prevention is key for me, as I have difficulties with lower back injuries. 

2012 RACES: IM Miami 70.3, Vancouver Half Marathon, Caesar Creek Olympic Tri, Geneva Sprint Tri, and a few 5k races.

2013 RACES: I have a mix of races planned, but I travel often for work, so  the details have not been solidified, but I plan to compete in 2 sprints, an Olympic, and time permitting, another HIM.

WEIGHTLOSS: I think I got down pretty close to my 'racing weight' before the HIM, and added back a few pounds over the holidays.  My goals are to maintain my weight over the winter training period or attempt to lose a few pounds, and lose 8-10 pounds before my main races. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I hope to gain and share knowledge and passion.    I hope I can be an encouragement to others in their lifetime of training and dedication to fitness, in both short- and long-term goals. 

2013-01-11 8:10 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
Depends on what's going on with some family issues, but likely a 5-6 miler on Saturday and then some basketball on Sunday.  At least I got my swim in yesterday!  This afternoon will be a trainer ride while I catch up on some big bang theory Tongue out
2013-01-11 8:33 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open

Welcome to the Group Cara!

Seems that a lot of our goals are aligned and we're all in the same boat.

2013-01-11 8:49 AM
in reply to: #4573516

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
This weekend I have a 2400 yd swim and an hour on the bike trainer Saturday, and a 6-8 mile hill run planned on Sunday.
2013-01-11 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
Weekend is looking pretty easy.  I have a 20 mile bike ride today (hopefully outside if the weather holds) of not I will be borrowing the Mother-in-law's trainer.  Rest day on Sat. then another indoor Tri on Sunday.  This time I will remember not to wrestle with my two boys and get flying knee to the back the day before the race.  It is a simple 500 m Swim, 6 mile stationary Bike, and 2 mile track run.  This will be the third of the year (one a month)  starting out goal since they were my first ever tri's was to finish in under an hour which I did on the first one coming in at 58:37.  Now I want 45 min and under.
2013-01-11 9:24 AM
in reply to: #4573537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
GotTorque? - 2013-01-11 8:08 AM

Might you have room for me?

NAME:  GotTorque?  (Cara

STORY:  I started training for triathlons in 2009 as a way to recover from a knee with not much cartelige, and a recurring low-back sprain.  Last October, I completed Ironman Miami 70.3, which was my first HIM, and a fantastic experience. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 14 years

CURRENT TRAINING: I am in 'winter maintenance' status now, getting about 10 mi running, 30 miles trainer riding, and 2 miles swimming a week, along with Hot Yoga classes and one tri-specific strength training session with my husband (who is also my strength training coach). Also injury prevention is key for me, as I have difficulties with lower back injuries. 

2012 RACES: IM Miami 70.3, Vancouver Half Marathon, Caesar Creek Olympic Tri, Geneva Sprint Tri, and a few 5k races.

2013 RACES: I have a mix of races planned, but I travel often for work, so  the details have not been solidified, but I plan to compete in 2 sprints, an Olympic, and time permitting, another HIM.

WEIGHTLOSS: I think I got down pretty close to my 'racing weight' before the HIM, and added back a few pounds over the holidays.  My goals are to maintain my weight over the winter training period or attempt to lose a few pounds, and lose 8-10 pounds before my main races. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I hope to gain and share knowledge and passion.    I hope I can be an encouragement to others in their lifetime of training and dedication to fitness, in both short- and long-term goals. 

Welcome Cara! Another hot yoga follower! I really want to try this out sometime especially since I am not flexible at all!

2013-01-11 9:25 AM
in reply to: #4573686

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open

Nadamson12 - 2013-01-11 9:14 AM Weekend is looking pretty easy.  I have a 20 mile bike ride today (hopefully outside if the weather holds) of not I will be borrowing the Mother-in-law's trainer.  Rest day on Sat. then another indoor Tri on Sunday.  This time I will remember not to wrestle with my two boys and get flying knee to the back the day before the race.  It is a simple 500 m Swim, 6 mile stationary Bike, and 2 mile track run.  This will be the third of the year (one a month)  starting out goal since they were my first ever tri's was to finish in under an hour which I did on the first one coming in at 58:37.  Now I want 45 min and under.


Question: When you use the trainer, do you go by a workout or do you just spin for a set amount of time?

2013-01-11 9:45 AM
in reply to: #4573686

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open

jford2309 - 2013-01-11 10:24 AM Another hot yoga follower! I really want to try this out sometime especially since I am not flexible at all!

That's the right attitude.  And you must be willing to be quite humbled in the class.  When I started, I really was the 'worst' person in the class. 


another indoor Tri on Sunday.  This time I will remember not to wrestle with my two boys and get flying knee to the back the day before the race.  It is a simple 500 m Swim, 6 mile stationary Bike, and 2 mile track run.  This will be the third of the year (one a month)  starting out goal since they were my first ever tri's was to finish in under an hour which I did on the first one coming in at 58:37.  Now I want 45 min and under.
Awesome!  Good luck, and let us know how you do. 

2013-01-11 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open

Weekend is pretty simple for me.  Doing my regularly scheduled Insanity workout, but will not be taking my off day on Sunday.  I have a birthday party to go to on Tuesday, so I am shifting my workouts around to make that day my off day.  My wife returns to work next week from having the baby back at Thanksgiving.  With that said, I know I will have the baby by myself for a couple of hours on both days so she can take care of whatever she needs to do.  I also have a "honey-do" list that needs to be done (Pack away all the Christmas stuff, car maintenance, etc.).  Probably be non stop, but nothing I can't handle.

Thank god for in-laws!!!!  My mother in law has been with us since the baby was born helping and she's staying till mid-February to help.  No day-care yet, but it will be soon.  I can't thank her enough.  She gave up her summer this year to help.  She's from Peru and it's summer right now in Peru.  She did get to see her first snow storm though.  Laughing

How many of you would be willing to give up your summer for a St. Louis winter to help with your new grandson? 

About the time she leaves is when the tri-specific training will begin.  Everyone is doing a great job with their workouts!!  It helps me stay focused and continue the hard work.  If everyone here can do it, I know that I can.

2013-01-11 10:44 AM
in reply to: #4573708

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
jford2309 - 2013-01-11 9:25 AM

Nadamson12 - 2013-01-11 9:14 AM Weekend is looking pretty easy.  I have a 20 mile bike ride today (hopefully outside if the weather holds) of not I will be borrowing the Mother-in-law's trainer.  Rest day on Sat. then another indoor Tri on Sunday.  This time I will remember not to wrestle with my two boys and get flying knee to the back the day before the race.  It is a simple 500 m Swim, 6 mile stationary Bike, and 2 mile track run.  This will be the third of the year (one a month)  starting out goal since they were my first ever tri's was to finish in under an hour which I did on the first one coming in at 58:37.  Now I want 45 min and under.


Question: When you use the trainer, do you go by a workout or do you just spin for a set amount of time?

Normally when I use the trainer, I set up a movie or a sporting event and just spin.

I did notice last night on my Roku box (my gift to myself) that there are a few "workout channels" and one of them has spin on it....with sets and drills. I know what I'm going to be doing at least one bike session a week.

2013-01-11 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4573708

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
jford2309 - 2013-01-11 9:25 AM

Nadamson12 - 2013-01-11 9:14 AM Weekend is looking pretty easy.  I have a 20 mile bike ride today (hopefully outside if the weather holds) of not I will be borrowing the Mother-in-law's trainer.  Rest day on Sat. then another indoor Tri on Sunday.  This time I will remember not to wrestle with my two boys and get flying knee to the back the day before the race.  It is a simple 500 m Swim, 6 mile stationary Bike, and 2 mile track run.  This will be the third of the year (one a month)  starting out goal since they were my first ever tri's was to finish in under an hour which I did on the first one coming in at 58:37.  Now I want 45 min and under.


Question: When you use the trainer, do you go by a workout or do you just spin for a set amount of time?


This will be the first time I use the trainer, so I was thinking just get on and get my 20 miles out of the way.  Shooting for a little under an hour on the bike.

2013-01-11 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Open
My weekend is an easy schedule of only a 4.6 mile run and 1150 yard swim (I will probably run 6 because it works out easier on the trail).  The weather is supposed to be great tomorrow (spring during winter) so I was thinking of going for a long ride outside.  As it is right now, I will get up early and get my run and swim done.  I will decide after that if I am heading out on the bike.  I know Sunday is church and more wedding stuff with my daughter (wedding is 57 days away). 
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