BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2012-12-25 7:56 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Hi, everyone and Merry Chirstmas!!

Here's my bio:

Name: Mike/username jmhpsu93 (the psu is Penn State, still proud but humbled...)

Story: Longtime runner, picked up triathlon to mix things up and because I really like cycling.  4th season in triathlon...well, I guess technically it's my second and a half.  I successfully completed my first tri in August 2010 and fell in love with the sport, and was training for the Oly-distance in 2011 when a knee injury, and then a back injury, derailed my tri career.   Lots of doctor visits and a knee surgery later, I'm sorta back, with some limitations.  

Family status: Married to a three-time triathlete, with a one-time triathlete 10-year-old daughter who also competitively swims (and she's going to be beating me soon Foot in mouth).  I work out of the house in downtown Baltimore as a consultant for a technology company.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm training, yay!!!!  I've spent the last five months building some bike fitness, and after a couple of false starts due to jumping back into running too soon (who, me???  Innocent), I'm about halfway through the couch-to-5K program.  I also sprinkle some swims in with strength training and a little Bikram yoga here and there.

I'm a nutcase in that I like the trainer.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have 3-4 sprints scheduled but haven't signed up yet and will get that all together once I run a 5K nonstop.  Basically one a month May-September.  "A" race is September.

WEIGHTLOSS: Somehow I've managed to not gain too much weight through the injuries...about 206 now and want to race at 198.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  My unique work situation gives me free access to maintain my own schedule, so I'm pretty active on the site here.  I maintain impeccable logs and listen to feedback.  


2012-12-25 9:17 AM
in reply to: #4547448

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
speed22522 - 2012-12-25 7:47 AM

NAME: first name: Doug (speed22522)

STORY: I live in New Jersey.  I commute to
NYC everyday and that takes up a lot of my free time.  Sometimes I can run in Central Park during mylunch break.  However, work has been crazy lately and I haven’t had the opportunity. 
I have posted workouts on this site before but never kept it going.  I will definitely make regular entries.

I've never done a triathlon, but really want to get into the sport.

I love swimming and running, but have trouble biking with any consistency.  It’s not that I have trouble with the bike, but that I’m still new to it.  I love running the half marathon distance.  I have
completed one marathon, more like survived one. 
I also did a Tough Mudder this past year and am HOOKED. 

I can only imagine what it is like to complete a triathlon. (FOR NOW)

FAMILY STATUS: Married to an awesome wife and have two beautiful girls (4 & 15 months) and my crazy oversized white lab “Daisy” weighing in at a staggering 120 lbs., but fit.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am new to triathlontraining.  I run regularly.  I’m not sure about biking outside in the winter, so it’s the spin bike for now. I love swimming, but haven’t “trained” in swimming since high school (A long time ago). I’m looking forward to a fresh start in 2013.  I have been taking it easy because of a foot injury, which hasn’t sidelined me but caused me to slow down.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  I haven’t really thought about what races I will be doing this coming year.  I would like to include a spring sprint triathlon, a few half marathons, probably another tough mudder, and still debating the “end of season” goal race(s). 

WEIGHTLOSS: I need to lose some weight, about 20 pounds.


I would really like to be a part of this group, for your knowledge, advice, and abilities to help me get this thing going. 

Thank you and Happy Holidays.

You will do great here, great place for starters. Welcome to the group.
2012-12-25 9:22 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Welcome to all the new members of the group and glad to see the old members back.  Getting ready to go out on a run, but wanted to stop by to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  May you have peace, love and joy today, along with whatever material things Santa manages to drop off at your house.



2012-12-25 11:04 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Merry Christmas to all, I got a much needed medal hanger from my wife. I have tons of them just laying around drawers so it is great.

It rains hard in Dallas today, it may turn to ice later as temperatures are rapidly dropping. I might get a swim in the bag tonight if the pool's open.

What are everybody's plan today? Got any triathlon gear?

2012-12-25 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Indianapolis, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

No cool new tri toys for christmas, but that's what the bonus is for!

Name: Jordan

Story: I'm 20, Single, and very active. Junior in college, stopped playing football this year (concussions...) and i'm also Army. I've chosen tris as the thing to fill that goal-pushing, competitive gap in my life with football now out of the window. I haven't done any official tris yet, but I have done a half marathon, and plenty of Army races/ruck marches/etc. My average 2mi time (my most constant recorded value, thanks to the Army PT testing) is just around 14:00, and my 5k is 22ish. I just started swimming for real this summer, and that's definitely my weak point in the whole process. 

I chose tris as they are something that I can do for a long time, with lots of variation, and will constantly challenge me. I'm looking forward to ramping it up this summer especially and getting some real experience under my belt.

Family status: One of 3 kids in a family of 5, though i'm at school most of the year. Dad is working on tri stuff too, part of his "I turned 50 i'm not old yet" fitness push.  

CURRENT TRAINING: The majority of my training comes in the form of Army PT stuff, but in the evenings I also rotate in runs/swims/bikes. I've been doing the 0-1650 swim program (week 3 or so atm), and throwing in sprint distance run/bike workouts when I can to change things up. I don't have a real bike yet, so most of it is done indoors (it's cold and I don't have good cold weather gear) on a track/stationary bike. I'm saving most all of my money this semester to get a solid bike, and in the mean time I'm planning on doing a spinning class this upcoming semester. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Haven't signed up for any yet, as i'm not sure on my army training schedule. However, I at least want to do a handful of Sprint and Oly distances, to get more comfortable with the whole thing, especially open water swimming. Depending on how that goes, maybe a HIM, maybe not.

WEIGHTLOSS: Not really doing it for weight loss, more to stay where I am/get stronger. I try to limit portion size and such, but i'm not going with weight loss really in mind. I'm around 5'9", 175lb, so that's a pretty decent size. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I've been a competitive athlete all my life, and I love a challenge. I'm constantly working and doing things to help improve, and i'm a very coachable guy. I'm excited, motivated, and I'm very positive about what I can accomplish. This is a new challenge for me (especially swimming, I didn't hardly know how until last summer), and I like that- it's something new to work at.

Edited by flyingpenguin 2012-12-25 11:58 AM
2012-12-25 12:09 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Heads up to the new members of the group.  If you want to get a head start on this group, Ernesto recommends and most of us that have been in his group before have read this book several times:

Just sayin', in case you have time off for the holidays and need something to read




2012-12-25 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4547576

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
flyingpenguin - 2012-12-25 11:57 AM

No cool new tri toys for christmas, but that's what the bonus is for!

Name: Jordan

Story: I'm 20, Single, and very active. Junior in college, stopped playing football this year (concussions...) and i'm also Army. I've chosen tris as the thing to fill that goal-pushing, competitive gap in my life with football now out of the window. I haven't done any official tris yet, but I have done a half marathon, and plenty of Army races/ruck marches/etc. My average 2mi time (my most constant recorded value, thanks to the Army PT testing) is just around 14:00, and my 5k is 22ish. I just started swimming for real this summer, and that's definitely my weak point in the whole process. 

I chose tris as they are something that I can do for a long time, with lots of variation, and will constantly challenge me. I'm looking forward to ramping it up this summer especially and getting some real experience under my belt.

Family status: One of 3 kids in a family of 5, though i'm at school most of the year. Dad is working on tri stuff too, part of his "I turned 50 i'm not old yet" fitness push.  

CURRENT TRAINING: The majority of my training comes in the form of Army PT stuff, but in the evenings I also rotate in runs/swims/bikes. I've been doing the 0-1650 swim program (week 3 or so atm), and throwing in sprint distance run/bike workouts when I can to change things up. I don't have a real bike yet, so most of it is done indoors (it's cold and I don't have good cold weather gear) on a track/stationary bike. I'm saving most all of my money this semester to get a solid bike, and in the mean time I'm planning on doing a spinning class this upcoming semester. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Haven't signed up for any yet, as i'm not sure on my army training schedule. However, I at least want to do a handful of Sprint and Oly distances, to get more comfortable with the whole thing, especially open water swimming. Depending on how that goes, maybe a HIM, maybe not.

WEIGHTLOSS: Not really doing it for weight loss, more to stay where I am/get stronger. I try to limit portion size and such, but i'm not going with weight loss really in mind. I'm around 5'9", 175lb, so that's a pretty decent size. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I've been a competitive athlete all my life, and I love a challenge. I'm constantly working and doing things to help improve, and i'm a very coachable guy. I'm excited, motivated, and I'm very positive about what I can accomplish. This is a new challenge for me (especially swimming, I didn't hardly know how until last summer), and I like that- it's something new to work at.

Welcome to the gang, Jordan.
2012-12-25 1:03 PM
in reply to: #4547550

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
ernestov - 2012-12-25 12:04 PM

Merry Christmas to all, I got a much needed medal hanger from my wife. I have tons of them just laying around drawers so it is great.

It rains hard in Dallas today, it may turn to ice later as temperatures are rapidly dropping. I might get a swim in the bag tonight if the pool's open.

What are everybody's plan today? Got any triathlon gear?

Complete rest day - going to see a movie with my lovely wife.  Santa brought me some new DeSoto Tri shorts and jerseys.  Also a new pair of Brooks Adrenalines (over 400 miles on my current pair).

2012-12-25 1:24 PM
in reply to: #4547618

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

What are everybody's plan today? Got any triathlon gear?


Planned to go for a ride to test the new pair of Specialized bike gloves Santa brought yesterday, but Santa also brought some serious rain this morning and I decided to give it a miss. Maybe a swim later.  Hope everyone is having a great time!

Edited by markz 2012-12-25 11:32 PM
2012-12-25 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
Rain turned to snow! Frown
2012-12-25 3:04 PM
in reply to: #4547550

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New user
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Got a new bike and some stuff for race day!!! Just jogged 5 miles in the rain and waiting for the rain to clear up before taking the new bike out!

2012-12-25 4:00 PM
in reply to: #4543349


Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
Name: Caroline. Story: Mom to three kids (twins who just turned 6 and a 3.5 year old), work full time. Ran my first marathon in October (Marine Corps), love running. Getting faster and stronger and just signed up for my first sprint tri. So I'm a total tri novice! I have an awesome support system of family and friends, but none who have done a tri. 2013 races: all running... 5ks to increase speed, a few 10-milers, and a half marathon. Not worried as much about the running training. But the sprint tri is May 4. That's my main focus and where I really need advice, insight and all. Current training: Running and other things I can do at home with small weights and some core work. Ready to get in the pool and on a bike. I need to buy a bike! Am a fairly strong swimmer but the tri will be the longest I've ever swam. Weight loss: just looking for maintenance. I lost about 25 pounds between May and October and am holding at about 120-122. My diet is well balanced, but light on meat. I'm already inspired by everyone in the group and your stories and hope I can keep up!
2012-12-25 4:17 PM
in reply to: #4547667

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
tayvincent - 2012-12-25 3:04 PM

Got a new bike and some stuff for race day!!! Just jogged 5 miles in the rain and waiting for the rain to clear up before taking the new bike out!

Wow! that is a great Christmas toy! I love it.

2012-12-25 4:19 PM
in reply to: #4547703

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

NovaMom - 2012-12-25 4:00 PM Name: Caroline. Story: Mom to three kids (twins who just turned 6 and a 3.5 year old), work full time. Ran my first marathon in October (Marine Corps), love running. Getting faster and stronger and just signed up for my first sprint tri. So I'm a total tri novice! I have an awesome support system of family and friends, but none who have done a tri. 2013 races: all running... 5ks to increase speed, a few 10-milers, and a half marathon. Not worried as much about the running training. But the sprint tri is May 4. That's my main focus and where I really need advice, insight and all. Current training: Running and other things I can do at home with small weights and some core work. Ready to get in the pool and on a bike. I need to buy a bike! Am a fairly strong swimmer but the tri will be the longest I've ever swam. Weight loss: just looking for maintenance. I lost about 25 pounds between May and October and am holding at about 120-122. My diet is well balanced, but light on meat. I'm already inspired by everyone in the group and your stories and hope I can keep up!
Caroline, that is absolutely doable (getting to May 4th in great shape for your first triathlon).

We will help you get there, welcome to the group!

2012-12-25 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4547667

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
tayvincent - 2012-12-25 3:04 PM

Got a new bike and some stuff for race day!!! Just jogged 5 miles in the rain and waiting for the rain to clear up before taking the new bike out!


Is that Santa  in the bottom right hand corner ready to go back up the chimney..?

2012-12-25 4:40 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Gang, as Jackie stated, all of us have read "The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing" by Dr Philip Maffetone. It is not a requisite in this group by no means but all of the people that has tried their methods has been succesful in triathlons or single sports, including myself.

The book contains a plethora of information on dieting (don't confuse with weight loss), training (discussed in detail), race strategy and even mental approach.

I would recommend you spend the money, I believe the kindle edition is very cheap and it could be possibly the single most important thing that you buy as a triathlete. Even if you have been in endurance sports for many years you will find many new things.

On a different note, we hold a challenge that started November 2011, used to be every two months and now it is a monthly thing. Everybody can play and the good thing is that EVERYBODY is at the same level, regardless of time in the sport, experience, speed or age.

Rules are simple: you get one point per every workout you do. The person with the most workouts in a month is awarded bragging rights and group recognition. We talked about a tin foil medal but that never came to fruition due to mentor laziness (sorry past winners).

To qualify, a workout must meet the following criteria:

- 30 minutes or more.

- Only swim, bike and run activities. Core work, crossfit, yoga, etc. do not qualify.

- Only log up to three workouts a day, not more than one of a single sport (i.e.: run in the morning and evening, you get only one point). So your best day could be a swim, a ride and a run.

- If two players log the same amount of workouts in a month, total time will break the tie.

- You MUST take at least one day off a week. If you choose not to do so, you will have to pick wich day of the week you will erase from the count.

- You can take more than one day off a week, your choice. The objective is not to beat ourselves to death in order to win the mythological tin foil medal. The objective is to establish a good frequency and have fun. This challenge has proved to be very motivational to many (myself included) especially when the weather sucks or you feel lazy.

- Challenge will run starting January 1st through the 31st. Any takers? I am in.

2012-12-25 5:31 PM
in reply to: #4547724


Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
I'm in for the challenge for points! Great motivator!
2012-12-25 5:36 PM
in reply to: #4547724

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

And so it begins... I'm in.

A major focus for me in 2012 was to get consistency. From a running perspective, pretty well achieved that in 2012. Now I'm triathlon training I'm yet to really nail this consistency. My target will be 8-9 a week

2012-12-25 5:38 PM
in reply to: #4547724

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New user
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
I'm in!!
2012-12-25 5:41 PM
in reply to: #4543349

Extreme Veteran
Israel / NJ
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
I love racing and the scene but I as well suck at consistency. I'm in even though I need to go n see how to log my workouts
2012-12-25 6:04 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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New user

Dripping Springs, Texas
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
Ernesto,Greetings I hope there is still room in your mentoring program. I'm planning to do my first sprint triathlon at the end of April. I did a mini sprint triathlon at the local rec center this pas summer and I was hooked from the moment. I'm married and have a busy evening when I get home from work so all my recent training has been in the morning. A little of guidance in swimming techniques and practice is what lack in. I'm currently training for a 5k race as well and possibly a half marathon at the end of February.Regards,Jesse Vega

2012-12-25 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4547759

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
jvblkjet - 2012-12-25 6:04 PMErnesto,Greetings I hope there is still room in your mentoring program. I'm planning to do my first sprint triathlon at the end of April. I did a mini sprint triathlon at the local rec center this pas summer and I was hooked from the moment. I'm married and have a busy evening when I get home from work so all my recent training has been in the morning. A little of guidance in swimming techniques and practice is what lack in. I'm currently training for a 5k race as well and possibly a half marathon at the end of February.Regards,Jesse Vega
welcome Jesse!
2012-12-25 7:11 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
You guys know I'm in for the challenge....Started thinking about September already, any recommendations for a 70.3 plan? I am thinking of using a Matt Fitzgerald plan from his essential tri training book. Always open for input. If I can stay healthy I plan on going from an early sept 70.3 to my first full marathon in mid oct. I know from past practice you can't fully train at the same time for either so...I hope that the early season run fitness I build can be maintained while i focus on getting swimming and biking where it needs to be for the HIM. Any input from those who have done similar would be greatly appreciated.On the maffetone front...I second Jackie and Ernesto's recommendation. I was a late adopter of maffetone's training philosophy. Admittedly I haven't followed it as strictly as some have, but definitely have bought into his thoughts on running easy and building your aerobic engine. As I describe my workouts to my wife and my HR levels my wife is surprised how low I'm able to keep my hr. For similar efforts I am about 10 beats lower per minute than I was a year ago. Similar stories abound in the group.
2012-12-25 7:33 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
Ok....I'm in for the challenge and downloaded the book. Took today off from was just to cold. Just finished enough eating the last couple of days to feed several 3rd world countries. Ready to get after it. Training consistancy is not usually a problem for me. Its the eating. I am a world class eater.
2012-12-25 7:56 PM
in reply to: #4547823

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
RandyP1964 - 2012-12-25 7:33 PMOk....I'm in for the challenge and downloaded the book. Took today off from was just to cold. Just finished enough eating the last couple of days to feed several 3rd world countries. Ready to get after it. Training consistancy is not usually a problem for me. Its the eating. I am a world class eater.
Randy, I'm in the same predicament, I just like food too much. I've managed to be fat and fit, I'm about twenty pounds too heavy but I can still beat many that are much lighter, I do agree that losing those extra pounds will be free speed but I struggle with the idea of dieting. I eat good quality food, just too darn much of it.
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