BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2013-01-05 5:02 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Wow, I am really a sissy! 7 degrees! 29 degrees for a bike ride? I think is was 30 something this morning and I ran on the treadmill. Yuk! I am scared of them too since I have fallen several times on them. Well, I fall outside too, but one time I thought I could pull myself up so I held onto the handles on the treadmill while my legs scraped on the belt until a friend came and yelled let go! I went flying into the step-up where the next group of exercise machines were, banged my hip and I also almost lost my pants-my main reason for holding on so long. I still have scars.Sorry, you will find I can go on. I had a great run though and lots of core afterwards. That part can always use work. At some point, I would love to hear advice on how to swim faster, I can swim forever if I have time but so slow. Best to you all!Jan

2013-01-05 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4563571

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
swimmer04 - 2013-01-05 11:57 AM

Heather looks like you have a busy day on your hands. 7 degrees in definitely a little cold. Our ride started out 29 Degrees and windy, but all in all it turned into a great day for a ride. Saw lots of other riders out on the road today! They are calling for some snow early tomorrow morning, so will have to push my ride back till later in the afternoon....although I dont want to miss my Colts first playoff game!!!!

SPEED!!!  Ride fast!!!  And watch out for ice

2013-01-05 6:18 PM
in reply to: #4563828

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
davisjanis58 - 2013-01-05 4:02 PM Wow, I am really a sissy! 7 degrees! 29 degrees for a bike ride? I think is was 30 something this morning and I ran on the treadmill. Yuk! I am scared of them too since I have fallen several times on them. Well, I fall outside too, but one time I thought I could pull myself up so I held onto the handles on the treadmill while my legs scraped on the belt until a friend came and yelled let go! I went flying into the step-up where the next group of exercise machines were, banged my hip and I also almost lost my pants-my main reason for holding on so long. I still have scars.Sorry, you will find I can go on. I had a great run though and lots of core afterwards. That part can always use work. At some point, I would love to hear advice on how to swim faster, I can swim forever if I have time but so slow. Best to you all!Jan

So there was this time, I fell off the sidewalk... Yep... I was walking and I really did, sprained my ankle. LMAO!!

I'm good to go as long as it's sunny and above 20.  If it's snowing, it needs to be above 30.  But this below 20 we're having w/ the smog, sucks
2013-01-05 6:22 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Ya'AY!!!!  The sun is JUST going down and I got MOST everything done    (The Christmas tree is still up, but undecorated.  We figure it's best to trouble shoot the lights now before we store it.  Half of the tree is out.)

I got a short 45 min trainer ride in w/ my lone friend that showed up.  Then I made it to the Olympic Oval for some running around the track.  Unfortunately, I only made it 7 miles.  I didn't do a good job eating today, and b/t the bike ride earlier and still being a little sore from workouts on Thursday, my legs were Jell-OO!! 

As well, in 2009 I had my ACL replaced w/ a graft from my hamstring.  It REALLY seemed to be bothering my today   Dang hamstring NEVER fully recovered from the graft.

Oh welll...  tomorrow shall be a "rest" day of sorts.  Perhaps some yoga... then Monday... pool and run!!!  (gasp, WATER!!!!)
2013-01-05 6:50 PM
in reply to: #4563828

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Jan, swimming fast means practicing fast start with short sprints like 10x25s. Try speeding up your arm turnover as well. You'll have to go out of your comfort zone and learn to like it.
2013-01-05 7:30 PM
in reply to: #4563918

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED


So there was this time, I fell off the sidewalk... Yep... I was walking and I really did, sprained my ankle. LMAO!!

I'm good to go as long as it's sunny and above 20.  If it's snowing, it needs to be above 30.  But this below 20 we're having w/ the smog, sucks

Right now, my limit is 50 for running and 60 for biking.  I may go colder on shorter runs.  No upper limit though, 105 and 70% humidity is fine.

2013-01-06 8:20 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
I am with you, David, it can't be too hot or humid for me. I keep begging my husband to move to someplace where it never gets cold at the start of every winter but he just ignores me. (We can't move- his job, my mom but I can still dream!)Jason, no magic pill? Ok, I get it, I have tried and get so out of breath but that's one of those buck up and do it things. I will try the sprints and report back.Heather, your repaired ACL and hamstring make me cringe. Good job for keeping at it. Your workouts are inspiring. Every winter a member of the local tri club has what we lovingly call the basement of torture. She has a huge room in her basement and she invites members to come for trainer workouts. We all bring our trainers and set up for the winter. She leads and takes us on a journey into bike hell. We do cadence counts, hills, one-legged drills, sprints, hold at a 80%-90%-100% and back and forth with those, etc.She usually does M, W, Sat or Sunday and the weekends are 3 hours. And most times we take a run in the dark winter night down her street afterwards or in the middle with our headlamps and blinking red buttons on the back of our heads. I don't usually mind the cold then because I am so hot from the ride. She has not started this winter so I have my trainer set up in the basement with one DVD that is a criterion race you ride along with. It is getting boring. Today is a bike day so I will join my friends on the crit. course. Best workouts to all of you from blabbermouth.Jan
2013-01-06 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4564371

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Maybe its just me but I thoroughly enjoy running when it is snowing outside!!! If i waited for 60 degree weather to ride outside I would go crazy from being inside all day!!! I normally dont have a temp that is to cold for me to be outside in! Unless it is 10 degree and windy then ill typically stay in for a ride. 
2013-01-06 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Not sure what my limit is for cold weather running, but Tennessee hasn't hit it yet this year.  Last year I was a real wimp about it but this year I'm gonna see how far I can push myself.  Today I'm going to a spin class and plan to do an outside run later tonight.
2013-01-06 7:29 PM
in reply to: #4544153

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
I was hoping to get 2 workouts in today but family matters and yard work got in the way of the 2nd.  I did the "Race Day" video that came with my Cycleops Trainer and got a pretty good session in.  I think I still took it a little too easy because I wasn't sure what my limits would be and how hard to push for the various levels.
2013-01-06 8:55 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.  Can't believe tomorrow I've got to get in the pool!!!
I know it's going to be a busy day w/ lots of voicemails, e-mails, and phone calls.  Hope I make a break from the desk!!

Hope everyone has a GREAT MONDAY!!!
(you may not see me on here again until tomorrow night - in am, I will begin teaching guitar lessons before school to my kiddo's and the neighbor kid that comes over every morning - NO, I don't know how to play, but I've got this week's lesson plan laid out and am hopeful I can stay ahead of their leaning curve   WISH ME LUCK!!!  )

2013-01-07 12:19 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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, Washington
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

Pool day tomorrow... awesome!  Have fun with it Heather!  I start a new project at work tomorrow so have to bump my swimming session starts up from 5:30 to 4:30, so it's in the water for me at 4:30 tomorrow.  At 210 pounds, running is the most difficult leg for me.  That said, I averaged 9.5 minutes/mile tonight on the treadmill for 6.3 miles.  Ya, it's slow, but it's a good start for this fish out of water.

Hope you all have a great training week this week!


2013-01-07 6:17 AM
in reply to: #4565389

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Finished the weekend off go yesterday... little over 3 hours on the bike, 55 miles and 5000ft of climbing. One Cat 3 climb and three Cat 4 climbs all with an avg grade of 12-18%. Legs were screaming, but feels good. Bike block ends this week and tri training starts next Monday which means its back to the pool and putting in the running miles. 
2013-01-07 1:45 PM
in reply to: #4565462

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

swimmer04 - 2013-01-07 6:17 AM Finished the weekend off go yesterday... little over 3 hours on the bike, 55 miles and 5000ft of climbing. One Cat 3 climb and three Cat 4 climbs all with an avg grade of 12-18%. Legs were screaming, but feels good. Bike block ends this week and tri training starts next Monday which means its back to the pool and putting in the running miles. 

Thank goodness!  All that bike riding is starting to get obnoxious.Tongue out


Edited by Day-Day 2013-01-07 1:45 PM
2013-01-07 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4566446

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

HAHA I hear ya! Did a nice easy run tonight. Put the headlight on and some warm clothes. Starting to get back into the running which surprising felt pretty good. 


Also as a late Xmas present or two I purchased a new Garmin Forerunner 110 off ebay last night and got a steal on a HED3C Front Wheel off ebay today! I'll pair the HED3c with my Zipp Disc for races, so cant wait to see what the set up feels like 

2013-01-07 7:59 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Hi,I am jealous of all of you. You all are putting in some good workouts! But you all shamed me into running outside yesterday (I know, I was supposed to bike with my crit buddies-David I think I have the same video as you; it came with my trainer) but my husband wanted to run-29 degrees and windy, brrr. But it was awesome! Thank you all-love this group already! Rip 60 tonight. I just started a new job and the first time for straight days, 8-5, no weekends, holidays! I am not sure how I am going to get my workouts in. Guess I'll be up at 4 too! All the best!Jan

2013-01-08 9:32 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

Morning y'all!!!
I lapsed yesterday   But I did make it to the clinic at work to get my inhaler refilled (I need it for training, so that counts, right? lol)

Today SHOULD be better.  I've got two 9 to 10 hr days straight in a row, so hopefully that means some break time from my desk, to actually get in the pool.  (I'm SO dreading that)  As well, my favorite class (Spin and Yoga) is today at lunch, hope I can make it!!!

Jan, I'm not sure how it all comes together with a full time job and the commitments of life.  But somehow it does, and sometimes it doesn't, but we learn to roll with it and still get 'er done!   Give it a few weeks to get in the groove.

2013-01-08 10:23 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

Gah. Things have gotten away from me. Friday night I was at a motorcycle show, Saturday I had to pick up the kids from Grandma's house, Sunday I went skating but no real excuses, Monday my wife needed my help to prepare for an interview today. 4 days!

2013-01-08 11:55 AM
in reply to: #4567901

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED


Sometimes it take sacrifices you really dont want to give up. For me I sometimes give up more sleep than I should. Waking up at 4:30 to be at the pool by 5. Then spending an hour to hour and half in pool then hour of weights followed by a short run then off to work by 8:30am. Fortunately my wife lets me get in some of my workouts after dinner so I can get some extra sleep in the mornings. We don't go out a lot, which is fine by both of us as we save money and have no desire to go to bars and drink ourselves stupid. She has two horses and competes in shows so it can be nice to do both of our training on the weekends at the same time so that we can spend the rest of the time together. There will always be rough patches but eventually you will get in a groove again.

2013-01-08 1:57 PM
in reply to: #4568130

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
swimmer04 - 2013-01-08 10:55 AM


Sometimes it take sacrifices you really dont want to give up. For me I sometimes give up more sleep than I should. Waking up at 4:30 to be at the pool by 5. Then spending an hour to hour and half in pool then hour of weights followed by a short run then off to work by 8:30am.

Jason that is a psychotic work out! Would you mind giving us an example of what your swim work out entails? My biggest problem is running out of breath which really sucks the life out of me. I tried for months to breath every 3rd stroke and now every 2nd stroke and it is better. To start my swim I can still do every 3rd but after 200 m I need to go every 2nd. A typical swim for me is swim 100m catch my breath, swim 100m catch my breath etc. So after doing this for 20-25 minutes I am done. I am just getting back into the swimming now and I know it will improve. Last year August I was able to complete 550m without having to stop. I have the time to swim for an hour 2-3 times per it worth my while sticking it out in the pool even though I probably spend 1/3 of my time just catching my breath? I am going to a swim clinic this Sunday and am really looking forward to that!! Laughing

Thanks,     Howard

2013-01-08 8:56 PM
in reply to: #4567901

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
DaveL - 2013-01-08 10:23 AM

Gah. Things have gotten away from me. Friday night I was at a motorcycle show, Saturday I had to pick up the kids from Grandma's house, Sunday I went skating but no real excuses, Monday my wife needed my help to prepare for an interview today. 4 days!

I went through a string of weeks after my last sprint triathlon in mid-October in which things kept getting in the way: 3-1/2 day deer hunting trip, business trip with multiple flights to Montreal during Hurricane Sandy flight delays, son's wedding, Thanksgiving holidays including visiting in-laws, funeral of mother-in-law, Christmas travel, a little more hunting now and then...  I've just started the 20-week plan last week for my Olympic and have been able to get off to a pretty decent start without too many roadblocks.  I just have to keep focused and hope the schedule doesn't get too messed up knowing that there are always family obligations.

2013-01-09 7:37 AM
in reply to: #4568425

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
hwkirby - 2013-01-08 2:57 PM
swimmer04 - 2013-01-08 10:55 AM


Sometimes it take sacrifices you really dont want to give up. For me I sometimes give up more sleep than I should. Waking up at 4:30 to be at the pool by 5. Then spending an hour to hour and half in pool then hour of weights followed by a short run then off to work by 8:30am.

Jason that is a psychotic work out! Would you mind giving us an example of what your swim work out entails? My biggest problem is running out of breath which really sucks the life out of me. I tried for months to breath every 3rd stroke and now every 2nd stroke and it is better. To start my swim I can still do every 3rd but after 200 m I need to go every 2nd. A typical swim for me is swim 100m catch my breath, swim 100m catch my breath etc. So after doing this for 20-25 minutes I am done. I am just getting back into the swimming now and I know it will improve. Last year August I was able to complete 550m without having to stop. I have the time to swim for an hour 2-3 times per it worth my while sticking it out in the pool even though I probably spend 1/3 of my time just catching my breath? I am going to a swim clinic this Sunday and am really looking forward to that!! Laughing

Thanks,     Howard



don't worry to much about trying to breathe every 3rd or 4th stroke you need to do what is comfortable. Even the best swimmers (Michael Phelps) breathe every stroke or every two depending on what stroke they are doing. I breathe every other, but to work on my bilateral breathing I actually alternate which side I am breathing to each lap. For example the first 25 yrds I will breathe to my right side every time my right arm comes arms and the 2nd 25 yrds I will breathe to my left side. I do do specific breathing drills in some of my workouts and those are the time I will work on breathing every 3,5 or 7 strokes. Below is a copy of a typical swimming workout for me. They change every day and I usually dont do the same one twice in a year. I have a binder full of workouts I have made up from coaching or just come up with on my own...


Warm Up: 400 swim, 300 pull, 200 kick, 100 drill
5x100 swim @ 1:25 (descend 1-5)
4x200 swim @ 3:00 (No Walls)
3x300 pull @ 4:00 (3/5/7 breathing pattern by 50)
2x400 IM @ 6:30 (or 50 non-free/50 free)
9x50 swim @ :55 (5, 4, 3 breaths per 50, repeat)
200 cool down
*4700 Total*

2013-01-09 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4569083

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Day-Day - 2013-01-08 7:56 PM
DaveL - 2013-01-08 10:23 AM

Gah. Things have gotten away from me. Friday night I was at a motorcycle show, Saturday I had to pick up the kids from Grandma's house, Sunday I went skating but no real excuses, Monday my wife needed my help to prepare for an interview today. 4 days!

I went through a string of weeks after my last sprint triathlon in mid-October in which things kept getting in the way: 3-1/2 day deer hunting trip, business trip with multiple flights to Montreal during Hurricane Sandy flight delays, son's wedding, Thanksgiving holidays including visiting in-laws, funeral of mother-in-law, Christmas travel, a little more hunting now and then...  I've just started the 20-week plan last week for my Olympic and have been able to get off to a pretty decent start without too many roadblocks.  I just have to keep focused and hope the schedule doesn't get too messed up knowing that there are always family obligations.

Hey David,    Hunting is the best excuse ever for missing a training session!!!Wink Well okay maybe not the best but a real good one! LOL!


2013-01-09 10:34 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

Turns out I forgot I did a run on Sunday so not toooooo bad. I really need to get into that "training" routine again. I got my bike trainer back, I sent it in because the bearings have become really loud. Unfortunately it wasnt covered under warranty so it still has bad bearings which make it unusable past 8pm (sleeping kids) I am going to try and pull the bearings myself but am also on the look out for a cheap used replacement.


Running has always been a real issue for me so I am finding that the tread mill and lack of trainer has "made" me run more.  I think I might do a oly run based program once I am done my pre training - training.

2013-01-09 10:10 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Hi everybody,I hear a common thread here-time and training. It is hard, isn't it? I don't know how people have time to train for the longer distances. I think with working this normal shift hours I will have to do it after work. I set my alarm this morning but I just could not do it. But I went after work and still had time for my husband so I will keep trying that I think. Jason, I really like the workout you have posted for swimming. I just "go swim". I know I should have a workout but it has been all I can do to just swim continuously until the last year, when I have been able to just swim forever as long as I just go slow. I pushed it tonight and was able to swim fairly fast with the words you said"out of my comfort zone and learn to like it". And I breathe every third breath exactly. I mean exactly. So I like your suggestion of alternating sides and I would like to try that. Really, the pool experience is nothing like a race. I can be so precise and perfect with my perfect (I think?!) form of "swimming downhill, early high elbow, one side goggle in the water while breathing to the side, rotation, etc. etc." but the race, my gosh if I am trying to keep one goggle in the water I will never get air. So I am going to keep trying going out of my comfort zone and learn to like it. That is a great thing to say to somebody like me-I like my comfort zone! Heather-why do you dread the pool? I used to dread it but have learned to like it so much that it is my favorite now even though running is really my sport. What can we all do to help you not dread it so much? I think I dread the time up until I get in the water more than the swim. What is everybody doing tomorrow-Thurs.? I plan a trainer workout. Best to everyone!Jan
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