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2012-12-27 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4544229

Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - OPEN
Pick me! I need help :-)

NAME: Cheryl

STORY: I reside in the metro Atlanta area. I come from a very competitive family, My mom used to race us down the streets after our soccer game. I've used running as fitness for about 20 years, primarily at a 5k - 10k distance. My annual race was the Peachtree Road Race, a huge 10k in Atlanta. In 2011 I decided to participate in my first triathlon and learned I'm deathly afraid of open water lol. I couldn't let that stop me so I pushed through and I made up time in the bike and run. Outside of racing I lead run groups in the Atlanta area, I spend as much time as I can with my nephews, and I love entertaining friends and family.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm single but my family is so supportive so my mom and siblings will come and cheer me on at some races.

2012 RACES:  I decided to step it up a notch so I completed 7 half marathons, 1 marathon, 3 sprints and an Olympic distance triathlons

CURRENT TRAINING: I plan to participate in Augusta 70.3, so I know I need more swimming training to get comfortable. I want to incorporate a few sprints and olympic distance races into my training. I also plan to complete a few half marathons to maintain my run base and complete at least 2 marathons.

WEIGHTLOSS: I have my seasonal holiday weight on right now but I hope to lose it when training starts. :-)

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love feedback and motivation. I want to make 2013 my best year yet!

2012-12-27 2:44 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - OPEN

John welcome.  Sorry about the injuries, we are in the same boat.  Questions regarding your injury, did you build run distance too fast?  Do you have good shoes?  Are you overstriding, meaning that your heal is hitting the ground first (you are a heal striker as are 2/3 of runners) but also that your foot is hitting the ground out too far in front of the center of your body?  I think of these things when I think of heal fracture.  You may want to consider what running surface you are using also as you ease back into things.  If you can find some dirt/gravel/trails to run i that may be a bit softer.

Patrick welcome.  Looks like we have another runner, nice paces in those 5ks 7:40s.  Your type A is showing..... pick a plan and follow it.  Triathlon is a lifestyle, so to stay healthy you need to build slowly to get that base and then work on speed from there.  You will rip up your shorter tries.  My recommendation is to build your distances so that you don't lose steam towards the end of your races.  The longer the race, the more important pacing is.  Amazing weight loss.  Looks like you are going to be pretty competitive in races... but still need to train smart.

Cheryl welcome.  Looks like we have our run coach.  Seriously though nice run history, what are your PR's marathon and 5k?  We have some in here that have worked through open water discomfort, you have support there.  Another type A, this will be a seriously fast moving group.  (Type is not a bad thing ... btw).  So you will be surviving the swim, getting a coach will help with that if you have a masters swim or anything near you.  Building a strong bike will help you to land your strong run in your races.  I know you are thinking IM... but being smart about not hitting it this year until you have some more HIM's under your belt.  Hopefully we can go through another cycle and see you getting it done and taking names.

Edited by Baowolf 2012-12-27 2:57 PM
2012-12-27 2:56 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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New user

Subject: Reply... mentor needed...

Hi Steve...

I'm just getting ready to start training for my first sprint tri which is in June.  I have an athletic background as a gymnast but that was many moons ago and also before kiddos!  The sports I have played since then all encompass short bursts of speed and absolutely no endurance... (racquetball, lifting)

So, you can see I need some mentoring to figure out my new goal.  I am an author and have time for training while my kids are in school.  I found a 22 week trainng program on this site which begins at a couch potato level.  I have about 15 lbs to drop to get back to before kid weight and that is another goal along with completing my first tri.

Any help you can send my way would be greatly appreciated!!!

Kristy :-)

2012-12-27 3:03 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Kristy welcome.  You are our last member as I don't want the group so large that I can't keep up with folks.  To have the discipline to be a gymnist you will find that you will be able to do well in triathlon.  You already have a plan, so following that plan and just getting back in shape will see you through your first triathlon.  After that... when you are hooked we can talk more about if you want to go for super speed in sprints or stretch things out a bit more in an Oly.  What is your current fitness level for run/bike/swim?
2012-12-27 3:07 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Wow when I was trying to catch up on posts 5 more people signed up.  Group is closed now so we can get to know each other. 

Lets put out there how often to each of you plan to swim/bike/run per week.  I usualy do 3/4/5 with a small run brick thrown in on Saturday.  My strength is run, bike is ok, siwm not so much. 

Limitations: not sure if bruised right knee tendon is back to snuff yet, rotator cuff on right shoulder a problem ortho on 1/3. 

I took 6 weeks off to get everything healthy so am starting back up this week with the running. 

Please post your workouts on BT and let me know what your paces were on your longest races and 5k if you have one. 

2012-12-27 3:22 PM
in reply to: #4550379

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
crap...shouldn't have read through the thread before signing up.  Get to the last post and realized I was 14 minutes late.  Good luck everyone and I will try again when the group opens again.  Peace.

2012-12-27 3:28 PM
in reply to: #4550379

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Baowolf - 2012-12-27 3:07 PM

Lets put out there how often to each of you plan to swim/bike/run per week.  I usualy do 3/4/5 with a small run brick thrown in on Saturday.  My strength is run, bike is ok, siwm not so much. 

While getting ready for my upcoming Marathons, I am currently doing 3/3/4.  With a small brick thrown in on Thursday's.  I have been slacking big time on the swimming but will be back on schedule in January.  

2012-12-27 4:19 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Right now it's at 3/4/4 and with a goal of 3/5/5.

December was a tough month though. Hoping to pick it up in January. 

2012-12-27 4:31 PM
in reply to: #4550061

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - OPEN

Mike_D - 2012-12-27 1:25 PM OK, Samantha, now I'm curious about front mounted hydration bottles. You really like this one? Did you check out any others, such as TorHans? Does the bottle impact bike handling at all?  I started to look into these last spring, but ended up just doing the zip-tied bottle cage between the aerobars. Works fine, but a bit awkward when getting a drink. Anyone else have thoughts on a front mounted bottle like the one she mentioned? Recommendations?

What's a zipped tied bottle cage? Pics?

I currently use the Thermal Profile Aero bottle. It keeps the water very cold in the hot weather.

I carry another Camelbak water bottle in my frame cage. 

2012-12-27 4:50 PM
in reply to: #4550379

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Baowolf - 2012-12-27 1:07 PM

Lets put out there how often to each of you plan to swim/bike/run per week.  I usualy do 3/4/5 with a small run brick thrown in on Saturday.  My strength is run, bike is ok, siwm not so much. 


So my question is how come you don't swim more My plan generally calls for 3/3/3. In my mind if I am going to miss a workout it will be a swim. I feel most confident in the swim.

Swimming pace - Olympic was at 1:50/100. Generally I am about 1:45-1:50/100 swimmer at an easy pace where I can breath bilaterally. I have found I can drop a few seconds but then need to breath to one side and my form falls apart.

Biking - My olympic distances last year were both at about 21 mph average, but probably overdid both.

Running - First olympic(converted duathlon) was at 8:32/mile second was at 8:52/mile averages. Second one was hot and a more difficult partial trail run. Best 5k is around 24 minutes.


Kate - good to see you in this group. I probably will not post in the "early HIM" posting so I can keep up here. Looks like you are doing a lot better than me for December. I have some catching up to do!

Patrick - I did the Metro Triathlon last year.  Threshold did a good job with that event, even though they had to cancel the swim last minute.  

Brian - I went to Iowa State! Not to rub it in, but hard to train there this time of year.

Hopefully we can keep this group together for awhile. Last year I was in a group that fizzled away fairly quick into the New Year.

2012-12-27 4:58 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hey Ken, I remember you from a previous group.  Glad you're here.

And Stu, I think you're right about part of it...I was briefly in another mentor group that I think you were a part of.  Relatives in New Jersey, not that I know of.  Nice to see you too!

Still trying to catch up on all the posts, but already feeling like I'm surrounded by a great group of athletes.  Really looking forward to learning and growing together.

Hmmm...question about training frequencies makes me realize just how run obsessed focused I am right now.  It's pretty much run 5-6/bike 3/swim 0.  Bike is all super easy short spins on the trainer, so not sure it even counts.  Will mix it up more after the marathon.



2012-12-27 5:09 PM
in reply to: #4550379

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New user

San Jose
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Baowolf - 2012-12-27 1:07 PM

Lets put out there how often to each of you plan to swim/bike/run per week.  I usualy do 3/4/5 with a small run brick thrown in on Saturday.  My strength is run, bike is ok, siwm not so much. 

When I start the training schedule, I'm looking at a 3/3/3 schedule...maybe an extra run in here and there (its my favorite), or an extra bike ride when my dad wants to head out (its his favorite).  The trick will be finding a pool I have consistent access to.  Time to join a gym, it seems.  

2012-12-27 5:13 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Steve thanks for having me! I am hoping for all the things you listed. I tend to let the cart get in front of the horse at times so it will be good to have someone to rein me in and keep me focused on my goals for this year, not on the goals I have for future years.


Hello to everyone else too! I wish everyone a safe, healthy training season. I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone, and I will help do some cyber cheering to help everyone reach their goals.


Time Commitment and Breakdown:

Ideally I would like to train 12 hours a week with 3 swims 4 bikes and 5-6 runs a week. Realistically I feel I can give an honest 8 hours a week to training. At the moment traveling for work is holding me back. I am usually gone Sunday night or Monday morning through early afternoon on Fridays (this is typical of 70% of my weeks). So this is what I am thinking.

Travel weeks:

-       swim 2 times for 1.5 hours (Fri, Sun)

-       bike 3 times a week for a total of 4 hours (Fri, Sat, and Sunday)

-       run 4 times a week for a total of 2.5 (Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat)

-       during the week I would also do some lunges and some other leg exercises with just body weight to build leg strength and stamina

-       Rest day on Monday


Home weeks:

-       swim 3 times for a total of 2.5 hours

-       bike 4 times for a total of 5.5 hours

-       run 5 times for a total of 3.5 hours

-       I guess that puts me in the 11 – 12 hour range. I have lots time during these weeks so no problem there

-       Keep Monday as my day of rest


I am hoping this will all change in the near future. I want to have more time to spend with my wife, for hobbies, family and friends, and doing all the other stuff I want to do. Anyway, this is life for now. If anyone has ideas for swimming or biking during the week please let me know.


Logging Workouts:

Another goal of mine that I did not post before is logging workouts. I have not done this in the past, but I believe it will help me progress so I plan to log everything from here into the future.



5k – 22:30 (7:14 pace)

Half Marathon – 1:48:00 (8:15 pace)

2012-12-27 5:39 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

John - Welcome! Happy 50 years to you!

Anthony - And any other folks who are in the lower mileage category, please don't drop out even if you are doing lower mileage. Stick with it and with us. I started out off basically off the couch two years ago and I could not run for 30 minutes straight. This group/Steve has kept me going to finishing a HIM in September. So, yes, don't let what other people are doing discourage you. Maybe try to see it as the place you can get to with time and work. Plus, we love supporting people from all levels!

Patrick - Welcome! You are good at accomplishing things! Guess I will just wave as you rush past me on your killing spree.

Cheryl - Welcome! your 2012 season is impressive!

Kristy - Welcome! Great to have another gal. Excited to see you progress into the sport of triathlon!

I gonna go see a movie, then head to the gym for a swim and run. Happy day to all!

2012-12-27 6:55 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Ok, made a major commitment to this years training tonight - just bought a Garmin 910xt. Been thinking about it for a while and couldn't resist the pull as I walked around REI tonight. WamNt to use this to get better feedback on my workouts , make sure I'm running and cycling at the proper paces and get good data on where I've been and where I want to go. FTP test on Saturday!
2012-12-27 7:20 PM
in reply to: #4550579

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New user

San Jose
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
anthalynn - 2012-12-27 3:39 PM

Patrick - Welcome! You are good at accomplishing things! Guess I will just wave as you rush past me on your killing spree.

Thank you, I feel welcome!  Although, killing spree sounds so...violent.  I promise I'm a very nice guy in my pursuit of accomplishing new challenges!  At the very least, I'll smile and waive back as I rush by on said killing spree. :-P

2012-12-27 7:41 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

I am certainly an open canvas when it comes to my training program as I don't have anything solid to base it off of except my reading.  My initial thoughts are biking on my trainer at least 4/5 per week, running 3 days, swimming 4 days.  I think most of my biking will be done before dawn and swimming at night....I'll get the running in as I have two Mary's before the end of March.  I do have a question about using a trainer for your biking....I've read that anything over an hour is too torturous to endure on a trainer.  Is this true?  Any and all advice needed on trainers because I'm totally out of my element there.


Based on some of the marathon times I've seen posted here....I'm not nearly in your league!  My best marathon was 4:33.  It could've been better by quite a bit but I hurt my IT 6 miles into that race...I know, cry me a river Jay!  I don't have a 5K time to post...but my best HM is that should put it in some perspective.

Final question; when you use the BT Training Log (havent even looked at it yet) do you have to allow people to be able to view it?  If so, should we allow the entire group to view or just Steve.  I don't really care; I just want to get it set up correctly!

2012-12-27 7:42 PM
in reply to: #4550664

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mike_D - 2012-12-27 7:55 PM Ok, made a major commitment to this years training tonight - just bought a Garmin 910xt. Been thinking about it for a while and couldn't resist the pull as I walked around REI tonight. WamNt to use this to get better feedback on my workouts , make sure I'm running and cycling at the proper paces and get good data on where I've been and where I want to go. FTP test on Saturday!


I'm jealous of the 910!  My wife got me the Magellan Shift Up for my XMAS gift.  Its a nice upgrade from my run only Garmin but I'm not sure I asn't better off with even a 310xt....

2012-12-27 7:45 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Wow, I love the mix in this group!  Nice blend of ages, abilities, gender, etc.   And then we are led by such a great mentor!

9/3 brick tonight.  I must admit that this was one of the first times that I enjoyed the biking; maybe I will fall in love wth it too.  Hope so.  I'm still slow on the biking but I hit those hills tonight.  I compare my biking to a 16 y.o. driver ..... with standard shift ..... in a foreign country.  I have confidence in some areas - and I shouldn't.  I pause in some circumstances - and shouldn't.

As far as my training schedule - I'm cringing when I say this but it's something like swim 0, bike 3 or 4, run 4 or 5.  My pool access is to outdoor pools and I'm a major weanie about cold.  After my early Feb marathon, I was going to force myself to double up on the swim.  Is that ok to prep for a late Mar sprint?  I can swim - just not fast and backstroke as my secondary stroke.  My strategy is to survive the swim with gas in the tank, pick off some in the bike, and then finish on the run strong.  I will also bump up my biking mid Jan or by early Feb to probably 5 times a week; maybe not major mileage for each of the bike sessions but long rides of hour to 1.5 hours.


Edited by Pink Socks 2012-12-27 7:51 PM
2012-12-27 8:08 PM
in reply to: #4548440

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - OPEN
Baowolf - 2012-12-26 9:27 AM

Welcome Jim, glad to have you back.  It is the offseason so rest up get fat and then work it off for the rest of the year.  I think your IM will have lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of hills.  If I have the right area I did a HIM there and there wasn't a flat 100 yards on the entire course.  Heck it was a 7 percent grade coming out of transition.  Very beautifyl though.  It may be in a different location though.... Check out the course to adjust your training. 

Thanks Steve, it's very nice to get back to training and back to the group! I continued to follow everyone's training and progress, just didn't chime in that often! It's great to see some of our friends from last year continue this year, Samantha, Carol & Mike I look forward to another great year with you!

Mitch, get better buddy, I really need my training partner back!

For the rest of the group, I look forward to learning about you and seeing the progress that you all make! Last year was epic for most of our members, gosh one member lost over a hundred pounds right before our eyes! Larry, if you are out there I am very proud of what you accomplished!

My triathlon year got cut short due to illness, which sucks cause I never get sick but oh well! My biggest plan for this year is to stick to my training plan and nutrition plan so I can healthily finish a full distance Ironman next winter!

Steve, I have DNF'd Vineman twice now so honestly there is a big part of me that wants to go out and kick its this year but that would cut my training time down by 3 months and I do not want another DNF so Vineman may have to wait another year! I'd love to go over my plan with you and have you make adjustments if you would!!

2012-12-27 9:07 PM
in reply to: #4550282

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Wetumpka, AL
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - OPEN

As requested - the 2012 season was my first full season for tri's.  Heck, I only did 1 in 2011 and it was my first one on a borrowed bike with no clue what I was doing.  Finished it and signed up for Augusta 70.3 6 weeks later.  2012 I completed a handful of sprints and 1 Oly before Augusta.  I semi followed my plan as it was more of a year to see what I could actually do as opposed to what the plan said do.  Now please dont take that as I just did my own thing, quite the opposite.  One Saturday I had a Off Day, which was rare, so I decided to ride 60 miles of the IMFL course.  I didnt do it to spite my coach but more to see how far I had come and to just have a fun day on the road.  I did not listen to my coach about the Oly and paid for it dearly with lack of hydration on the bike which almost made me not finish the race.  I was told to take 3 bottles even though it was a short course but the temps were high and I didnt listen.  Luckily there were aid stations every mile on the run and I had to use those to rehydrate.  

Now to Augusta....I was not sure I was going to be able to race since my wife was due with "Thing 1" any day.  I was also having a freak out about not making the cutoffs.  I had done the work, knew I could do each event with in the cutoff but started second guessing my self as race day closed in.  My goal was to survive the swim, hold back on the bike to save something for the run.  Yep, I hate to run.  Made it through the swim and felt great.  Crushed the bike while still holding back and then the wheels fell off.  First half of the run was OK then the blisters started on the pads of all of my toes.  Then Mile 8 the rain started.  I had a goal time to beat and I did but the last 5 miles were awful.  Sucked it up and ran through the finish.  

Post Augusta - "Thing 1" came 10 days after Augusta so training took not a back seat but a seat on a 52' trailer headed for Alaska.  Just as I am getting back into the groove my grandmother passed away and the day after her funeral I was notified my employment would come to an end on 12-31.  Talk about a 1-2 punch.  Well this week I am easing back into the routine with a could of slow runs and a trainer ride.  Since I will be underemployed in a few days it looks like Alcatraz training will take a front seat for the next 8 weeks or until I find a new place to play to fund my Tri habit.  

Questions?  Comments?  Witty jabs?

2012-12-27 9:35 PM
in reply to: #4548089

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - OPEN

This is a list of group members. I hope I got everyone. 

anthalynn  Samantha

Baowolf  Steve

BMiller71  Brian

BigN321  Brian
bufit  Neal dchill1  Chery
fdulak  Fredironjim  Jim
jtsully41  John juneapple  Stu
KateTri1  KateKcam  Kristy
kmatt318   Kenmedeiros13  Jay
Mike_D  Mike Mitchparadise  Mitch
mph821  MelissaPink Socks   Pam
squirt  CarolTK  Tom
ZeroIndulgence  Patrick 

2012-12-27 9:44 PM
in reply to: #4550843

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - OPEN

Neal, sounds like you've had quite a year. My husband was laid off a few years ago after working in his company for more than 10 years. I have a small understanding of the stress you must be going through. 

Great job persevering in your first HIM. Running 5 miles with blisters.. you are one tough dude. 

2012-12-27 10:29 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Kate - thanks for posting the names.  It will take me a little while to get folks straight.  Chalk it up to age and please accept my apologies in advance :-)

Speaking of age, glad to see another 50ish person in here.  Welcome John.  Looks like we aren't too far away from each other.  Do you do any of the VTS races?  What did you think of B2B?  I've pondered doing that one.

Steve, thanks for the base and hill thoughts.  I'd always waited until 20 mpw, but wondered if that was sufficient.

Neal, hang in there.  I had a similar 1-2 punch, which oddly enough was what got me started on triathlons.  The training helped give me something positive to point to every day.  It does get better, but at least with me, it sucked for awhile.  Sorry to hear you're having to go through it, but congrats on Thing 1!  They grow up fast, so enjoy every moment :-)

With regard to training, I'm usually a 2 / 2 / 4, which is never quite enough.  Swim pace in season is about 26 for a 1500.  Bike is around 19-20mph on a flatish course (which is not what we have here).  Best 5K is 23+, HM is 1:50ish.  Don't ask me about run pace during a triathlon though :-)



2012-12-27 11:33 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas for a starter program for swimming. I have been swimming about three times a week for the last month, but i don't have any structure. I have about a month before i begin my training for the REV3 Knoxville Oly so i would like to just build some endurance, confidence, and technique. I looked at the beginner swimming program on the site and tried out the endurance part today.


25,50...100, 75...25 did two of these ladders on 20-25 seconds rest

another 4x25

It wasn't really difficult physically, but after about 40 yds i start getting anxious. My feet start to kick faster and i cant seem to keep my form like i could the first 40 yds. Asw a result i start to get short on breath. Anyone have any insight in this area? Is it just more time in the pool?

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