BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED Rss Feed  
Moderators: alicefoeller Reply
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2014-01-11 7:47 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

Where did you get this macrocycle plan layout?

2014-01-11 11:55 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

Hi Elena, welcome to the team! Trust me you are not as slow as you think, I would kill to have a half marathon PR of 2:07! Take care of that IT band, a few others on here have had issures with theirs as well. Good luck with your training and racing plan for 2014!

- Simone

Originally posted by EV3110

Hi! Can I join? Read through the posts and find similarities w many of you! Always excited to be part of a group. I've been w Baowolf's group for 2 seasons. And um ... I will likely check in with that group too. Hope that's ok!! Bio: NAME: EV3110/ Elena STORY: this is my 3rd season racing tris. I think I enjoy training more than race day. It seems I either have terrible races or awesome ones. They should all be awesome IMO. Right?! I've raced lots of sprints, lots of half marathons, couple duathlons/aquabike and my first Half Iron his past July- Vineman1/2. It was an awesome race. Vineman couldn't have been a better race for me. Now, that's NOT to say that it was fast! That... I am not! I'm a BOPer all the way! FAMILY STATUS: Married. 2 kids ages 7 & 9. CURRENT TRAINING: My logs are up to date. Currently I'm participating in a run challenge: 100 miles for the mo of January is the goal. ITBS issues may hinder milage & performance. Im at 22/100 so fAr. Meh, I may make it. I have a Half marathon on Superbowl Sunday. 2014 RACES: Jan- Resolution Run 10k- 65 min. - SJB 10 miler Feb- Surf City half marathon March- Duathlon -probably the sprint distance May- Wildflower mtb sprint June- I have not committed but may register for Folsom long course... Need to decide soon. .. More later in the yr. 2013 Races- Duathlon international distance, 2 sprint tri's, Half ironman, double road race (10k.. then 5k), 2 half marathons WEIGHT: currently 138. Race at 133ish. I just want it be leaner! 42 years old. Still hot. :D INJURY: I ran a half marathon in October. My training was very good. I was feeling super strong. My goal was 2- 2:05. Then.. I self-sabotaged. The 2 weeks prior to the race I just did not get the training runs in. I think I ran a total of about 10 miles the 2 wks prior. So when race day came my IT band kicked my you-know-what!! I had almost NO issues with it for about a year! I didn't make a 2 hr half marathon but still managed to PR@2:07 ...but i was hurting. I've rested, stretched and rolled to no avail. So I am currently running for milage only. If I incorporate any speed or intensity of any sort I begin to feel it. So all my current runs are about11:30 min mile. And that's just no fun.

2014-01-12 1:38 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Hi Elena and welcome to the group.I had a similiar issue with my Marathon as you where I PR'd but didn't hit my 4:00 marathon - missed it by 4 minutes. took me me a bit but finally realized a PR is a PR. Do you use the foam roller for your IT band issues?

Originally posted by EV3110

Hi! Can I join? Read through the posts and find similarities w many of you! Always excited to be part of a group. I've been w Baowolf's group for 2 seasons. And um ... I will likely check in with that group too. Hope that's ok!!
NAME: EV3110/ Elena

STORY: this is my 3rd season racing tris. I think I enjoy training more than race day. It seems I either have terrible races or awesome ones. They should all be awesome IMO. Right?! I've raced lots of sprints, lots of half marathons, couple duathlons/aquabike and my first Half Iron his past July- Vineman1/2. It was an awesome race. Vineman couldn't have been a better race for me. Now, that's NOT to say that it was fast! That... I am not! I'm a BOPer all the way!

FAMILY STATUS: Married. 2 kids ages 7 & 9.

CURRENT TRAINING: My logs are up to date. Currently I'm participating in a run challenge: 100 miles for the mo of January is the goal. ITBS issues may hinder milage & performance. Im at 22/100 so fAr. Meh, I may make it. I have a Half marathon on Superbowl Sunday.

2014 RACES:
Jan- Resolution Run 10k- 65 min.
- SJB 10 miler
Feb- Surf City half marathon
March- Duathlon -probably the sprint distance
May- Wildflower mtb sprint
June- I have not committed but may register for Folsom long course... Need to decide soon.
  • . More later in the yr.

  • 2013 Races- Duathlon international distance, 2 sprint tri's, Half ironman, double road race (10k.. then 5k), 2 half marathons

    WEIGHT: currently 138. Race at 133ish. I just want it be leaner! 42 years old. Still hot. :D

    INJURY: I ran a half marathon in October. My training was very good. I was feeling super strong. My goal was 2- 2:05. Then.. I self-sabotaged. The 2 weeks prior to the race I just did not get the training runs in. I think I ran a total of about 10 miles the 2 wks prior. So when race day came my IT band kicked my you-know-what!! I had almost NO issues with it for about a year! I didn't make a 2 hr half marathon but still managed to PR@2:07 ...but i was hurting. I've rested, stretched and rolled to no avail. So I am currently running for milage only. If I incorporate any speed or intensity of any sort I begin to feel it. So all my current runs are about11:30 min mile. And that's just no fun.
    2014-01-12 1:47 PM
    in reply to: kcgolf

    User image

    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
    Sorry to hear about your friend. Really sucks especially being so young. Really been meaning to let you know that I need to find some way to get you that book. I checked with our work carrier, FedEx and they wanted $65 to ship it to Canada haha. I figured I could by 3 more books for that. I just need to make my way to the Post Office. What plan did you end up using? Is the one you have using the Fink spreadsheet I sent you?

    Originally posted by kcgolf

    Hey Team.

    First - Welcome Murdock and welcome back Jen, and Lou.

    Tim - awesome news about the hernia surgery happening soon - I had forgot all about that. Will there be much of a scar showing when you wear the red speedo?

    Todd - thanks for the kind words.

    Simone - just an FYI - when I wear the red thong the reason is to have someone catch me

    Lou - all the best for the Disney Marathon this weekend - let us know how it goes and where do you live down there again?

    Scott - going to be great to have you with us again. I would like some more info on that product you are suggesting - the old ankle is still acting up and it is worth a shot for sure. Facebook me.

    OK - was going to whine a bit about a terrible head and chest cold I have picked up since my return from Christmas break seeing my Mom and Dad in Panama City Beach (FYI - I think I would like to do IM FLA one of these years). Anyway - I am sure I will come out of this tailspin the cold has put me in soon, but not soon enough though - I am scheduled to start my 28 week plan for Ironman Lake Placid on Monday with a short swim and run. I can't believe it - the countdown has begun lol.

    I am not going to whine about a stupid cold because I was talking to a young friend of mine who just blew his knee out playing ultimate Frisbee in early December and has just seen the surgeon last week to go over the MRI and discuss his options. Well - turns out the prognosis is bleak for him to return to any sport. He has destroyed his meniscus and the acl is torn with only a few fibres still holding together and his femur and tibia collided causing serious bone damage. He is only in his mid 20's and a very active kid. He was as student of mine at the college and took to triathlon when he found out I got into it. He completed IM Louisville 2 years ago and I was there to see him finish - along with seeing the one and only KTC finish as well.

    I feel so bad for him and he is down in the dumps - so if I forget about his bad luck and complain to much - kick me in the a$$ please. I am sure I will have my moments, like I am having right now with this cold and feeling like I am lacking motivation but, God willing I will get through the inevitable dulldrums and simply remember our name: RFP

    Have a great weekend everyone - I am going to stay inside and let this cold run its course.

    2014-01-12 1:53 PM
    in reply to: 0

    NE Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
    Hello. I would like to join the group. I have never been in a group here before- please confirm before I finish my bio.
    I have some time here's a little. I am an adult-onset athlete in a lifelong weight struggle currently 48 yrs old. I did my first half marathon 2006 at Fox Cities and have done 2 a year since then. Started tri 2008? and typically do 3 a year. Last year first Olympic. Swimming is my limiter.
    I like the name Relentless Forward Progress, and postings so far.

    Status: Married with one son age 13.

    Races: Seroogy 15K, Oshkosh 1/2, Cellcom 1/2; Aurora Baycare Tri-sprint; thinking of long distance at Ripon
    Anne Miller

    Edited by Herb Doc 2014-01-12 2:17 PM
    2014-01-12 3:21 PM
    in reply to: kruzmeister

    User image

    \Windsor, Ontario
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
    Hey Simone.

    Yes/No - I created a plan with BT but I am going to modify it and blend some with the Fink plan that Tim sent me.


    Originally posted by kruzmeister

    Hey KC, are you following a BT plan again? Hope you feel better soon!

    Originally posted by kcgolf Hey Team. Plan starts Monday - I hope - that's if I am feeling better KC

    2014-01-12 3:25 PM
    in reply to: EV3110

    User image

    \Windsor, Ontario
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
    Welcome aboard Elena - thanks for joining us.

    I know what IT band issues are all about - trust me. I finished IM NYC and with about 10 miles to go I thought I completely ruined my left knee and limped home from there - found out after a few days that is was my IT band, which had never given me problems before. I spent weeks working on it and after about 5 months of rolling and stretching and physic etc. - it was gone and I never want to deal with it again (knock wood). Just be patient with it.


    Originally posted by EV3110

    Hi! Can I join? Read through the posts and find similarities w many of you! Always excited to be part of a group. I've been w Baowolf's group for 2 seasons. And um ... I will likely check in with that group too. Hope that's ok!!
    NAME: EV3110/ Elena

    STORY: this is my 3rd season racing tris. I think I enjoy training more than race day. It seems I either have terrible races or awesome ones. They should all be awesome IMO. Right?! I've raced lots of sprints, lots of half marathons, couple duathlons/aquabike and my first Half Iron his past July- Vineman1/2. It was an awesome race. Vineman couldn't have been a better race for me. Now, that's NOT to say that it was fast! That... I am not! I'm a BOPer all the way!

    FAMILY STATUS: Married. 2 kids ages 7 & 9.

    CURRENT TRAINING: My logs are up to date. Currently I'm participating in a run challenge: 100 miles for the mo of January is the goal. ITBS issues may hinder milage & performance. Im at 22/100 so fAr. Meh, I may make it. I have a Half marathon on Superbowl Sunday.

    2014 RACES:
    Jan- Resolution Run 10k- 65 min.
    - SJB 10 miler
    Feb- Surf City half marathon
    March- Duathlon -probably the sprint distance
    May- Wildflower mtb sprint
    June- I have not committed but may register for Folsom long course... Need to decide soon.
  • . More later in the yr.

  • 2013 Races- Duathlon international distance, 2 sprint tri's, Half ironman, double road race (10k.. then 5k), 2 half marathons

    WEIGHT: currently 138. Race at 133ish. I just want it be leaner! 42 years old. Still hot. :D

    INJURY: I ran a half marathon in October. My training was very good. I was feeling super strong. My goal was 2- 2:05. Then.. I self-sabotaged. The 2 weeks prior to the race I just did not get the training runs in. I think I ran a total of about 10 miles the 2 wks prior. So when race day came my IT band kicked my you-know-what!! I had almost NO issues with it for about a year! I didn't make a 2 hr half marathon but still managed to PR@2:07 ...but i was hurting. I've rested, stretched and rolled to no avail. So I am currently running for milage only. If I incorporate any speed or intensity of any sort I begin to feel it. So all my current runs are about11:30 min mile. And that's just no fun.
    2014-01-12 3:26 PM
    in reply to: IceManScott

    User image

    \Windsor, Ontario
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
    Thanks Iceman.


    Originally posted by IceManScott

    KC. Check out It has lots of information on why this stuff works. It is a topical pain reliever with several well-known ingredients that work. The cool thing is that it goes on at the point of pain rather than like a pill that circulates through the body to places where it isn't needed and must be removed by the kidneys or liver. Less ibuprofen the better. If you have questions, email me at [email protected] or phone 309-275-7120. I wouldn't encores Real Time if it didn't work far better than anything you can get in the store.
    2014-01-12 3:27 PM
    in reply to: IceManScott

    User image

    \Windsor, Ontario
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
    I created it on BT


    Originally posted by IceManScott

    Where did you get this macrocycle plan layout?
    2014-01-12 3:29 PM
    in reply to: tmoran80

    User image

    \Windsor, Ontario
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
    Hey Tim.

    Don't worry about the book my friend. I am going to blend a BT plan with the spread sheet you sent me and tinker with it as I go along. I will send you my signature on a label to put in that book after I finish IM LP with a BP


    Originally posted by tmoran80

    Sorry to hear about your friend. Really sucks especially being so young. Really been meaning to let you know that I need to find some way to get you that book. I checked with our work carrier, FedEx and they wanted $65 to ship it to Canada haha. I figured I could by 3 more books for that. I just need to make my way to the Post Office. What plan did you end up using? Is the one you have using the Fink spreadsheet I sent you?

    Originally posted by kcgolf

    Hey Team.

    First - Welcome Murdock and welcome back Jen, and Lou.

    Tim - awesome news about the hernia surgery happening soon - I had forgot all about that. Will there be much of a scar showing when you wear the red speedo?

    Todd - thanks for the kind words.

    Simone - just an FYI - when I wear the red thong the reason is to have someone catch me

    Lou - all the best for the Disney Marathon this weekend - let us know how it goes and where do you live down there again?

    Scott - going to be great to have you with us again. I would like some more info on that product you are suggesting - the old ankle is still acting up and it is worth a shot for sure. Facebook me.

    OK - was going to whine a bit about a terrible head and chest cold I have picked up since my return from Christmas break seeing my Mom and Dad in Panama City Beach (FYI - I think I would like to do IM FLA one of these years). Anyway - I am sure I will come out of this tailspin the cold has put me in soon, but not soon enough though - I am scheduled to start my 28 week plan for Ironman Lake Placid on Monday with a short swim and run. I can't believe it - the countdown has begun lol.

    I am not going to whine about a stupid cold because I was talking to a young friend of mine who just blew his knee out playing ultimate Frisbee in early December and has just seen the surgeon last week to go over the MRI and discuss his options. Well - turns out the prognosis is bleak for him to return to any sport. He has destroyed his meniscus and the acl is torn with only a few fibres still holding together and his femur and tibia collided causing serious bone damage. He is only in his mid 20's and a very active kid. He was as student of mine at the college and took to triathlon when he found out I got into it. He completed IM Louisville 2 years ago and I was there to see him finish - along with seeing the one and only KTC finish as well.

    I feel so bad for him and he is down in the dumps - so if I forget about his bad luck and complain to much - kick me in the a$$ please. I am sure I will have my moments, like I am having right now with this cold and feeling like I am lacking motivation but, God willing I will get through the inevitable dulldrums and simply remember our name: RFP

    Have a great weekend everyone - I am going to stay inside and let this cold run its course.


    2014-01-12 3:31 PM
    in reply to: kcgolf

    User image

    \Windsor, Ontario
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
    Ok Team - 28 weeks of training starts tomorrow morning with a swim and run in the afternoon. I am feeling better but I will make the call on the workout in the morning based on how I sleep tonight and how much coughing I am doing in the morning.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

    Any words of encouragement / motivation / kicks in the A$$ / would be greatly appreciated

    Here we go again LOL.


    2014-01-12 7:36 PM
    in reply to: kcgolf

    User image

    Bendigo, Victoria
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

    You know what they say KC, third time lucky, which means IMLP should be an awesome race, with no injuries and no headaches along the way!


    Originally posted by kcgolf Ok Team - 28 weeks of training starts tomorrow morning with a swim and run in the afternoon. I am feeling better but I will make the call on the workout in the morning based on how I sleep tonight and how much coughing I am doing in the morning. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Any words of encouragement / motivation / kicks in the A$$ / would be greatly appreciated Here we go again LOL. KC

    2014-01-12 7:38 PM
    in reply to: Herb Doc

    User image

    Bendigo, Victoria
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN

    Hi Anne, welcome to the Team.

    Originally posted by Herb Doc Hello. I would like to join the group. I have never been in a group here before- please confirm before I finish my bio. I have some time here's a little. I am an adult-onset athlete in a lifelong weight struggle currently 48 yrs old. I did my first half marathon 2006 at Fox Cities and have done 2 a year since then. Started tri 2008? and typically do 3 a year. Last year first Olympic. Swimming is my limiter. I like the name Relentless Forward Progress, and postings so far. Status: Married with one son age 13. Races: Seroogy 15K, Oshkosh 1/2, Cellcom 1/2; Aurora Baycare Tri-sprint; thinking of long distance at Ripon Thanks Anne Miller

    2014-01-12 9:00 PM
    in reply to: kruzmeister

    User image

    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
    Hello Team RFP,

    It's great to see the activity within everyone. I can tell that everyone is working to get back into it. It's also great to have new members. This will enhance our experience on this site.

    As for me, I put in almost 6 hours of work this past week with one day of rest. I will carry that over to this coming week. The best thing is that I have been putting in some runs and the Achilles are holding up. So far no real pain just calf soreness.

    Has anyone had to alter their technic or style of exercising due to an injury in order to keep doing that activity? Due to my Achilles tendon injury I changed my running style. I was always a heel striker and now I'm a mid-foot striker. Staying off my heels is important to me because it makes me feel like I'm not damaging them any further. I've been experimenting with mid-foot landing this since the summer and now that I have been running with little to no pain, I feel like I'm on to something. I have also been reading up on this issue and I have been trying to talk to as many experts as possible and changing my style of striking the ground as well as other adjustments has seem to be working for now.

    Thanks everyone,


    2014-01-12 10:26 PM
    in reply to: gdelamora

    User image

    Extreme Veteran
    Normal, Ill.
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN

    Easy does it. Running form is everything but making radical changes too quickly can case issues too. Most important facets of running at proud posture (head up, shoulders back, looking about 30 to 35 feet in front), cadence (90), stride so the foot lands under us rather than in front, and arm swing, so they don't cross center line. I use supports in my shoes. I also like to massage the bottom of the foot with a tennis ball or Triggerpoint ball. Dynamic stretching before every run is really important to release the Achilles' and the calves too. I don't know if you do deep tissue massage but my guy has been a life saver. I'm working hard on my run form too to try to manage arthritis in the hip. Good luck.

    Originally posted by gdelamora

    Hello Team RFP,

    It's great to see the activity within everyone. I can tell that everyone is working to get back into it. It's also great to have new members. This will enhance our experience on this site.

    As for me, I put in almost 6 hours of work this past week with one day of rest. I will carry that over to this coming week. The best thing is that I have been putting in some runs and the Achilles are holding up. So far no real pain just calf soreness.

    Has anyone had to alter their technic or style of exercising due to an injury in order to keep doing that activity? Due to my Achilles tendon injury I changed my running style. I was always a heel striker and now I'm a mid-foot striker. Staying off my heels is important to me because it makes me feel like I'm not damaging them any further. I've been experimenting with mid-foot landing this since the summer and now that I have been running with little to no pain, I feel like I'm on to something. I have also been reading up on this issue and I have been trying to talk to as many experts as possible and changing my style of striking the ground as well as other adjustments has seem to be working for now.

    Thanks everyone,


    2014-01-12 10:28 PM
    in reply to: murdock

    User image

    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
    Welcome Murdock! Looking forward to having as part of the group!

    Looking forward,


    2014-01-12 10:29 PM
    in reply to: IceManScott

    User image

    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
    Iceman, you are an inspiration! I read some of your race reports. Simply awesome!
    2014-01-12 10:31 PM
    in reply to: kcgolf

    User image

    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
    RFP, KC, RFP! That is my words of encouragement!
    2014-01-12 10:34 PM
    in reply to: EV3110

    User image

    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
    Welcome Elena! Glad to have you!
    2014-01-13 8:17 AM
    in reply to: Herb Doc

    User image

    \Windsor, Ontario
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
    Good Morning Anne (herb doc) thanks for joining us and of course we have room. Don't worry about the swim being an issue - we all have problems there and we will help you along the way.

    Post that BIO


    Originally posted by Herb Doc

    Hello. I would like to join the group. I have never been in a group here before- please confirm before I finish my bio.
    I have some time here's a little. I am an adult-onset athlete in a lifelong weight struggle currently 48 yrs old. I did my first half marathon 2006 at Fox Cities and have done 2 a year since then. Started tri 2008? and typically do 3 a year. Last year first Olympic. Swimming is my limiter.
    I like the name Relentless Forward Progress, and postings so far.

    Status: Married with one son age 13.

    Races: Seroogy 15K, Oshkosh 1/2, Cellcom 1/2; Aurora Baycare Tri-sprint; thinking of long distance at Ripon
    Anne Miller

    2014-01-13 8:21 AM
    in reply to: kcgolf

    User image

    \Windsor, Ontario
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
    Hi Team and Good Morning.

    I did it I made it out of bed this morning and had a nice swim - no great shakes but believe it or not I managed to get in 2050 yards which was great I guess. Next up for today - short run this afternoon after work before curling tonight.

    My cold is better - not 100% yet - was doing some coughing in the pool but I am on the mend

    OK everyone - keep the chatter in here going - I need some energy :0

    Welcome to the new members - Anne, post your bio. Looking foward to getting to know all you new RFPr's and catching up with the old ones.


    2014-01-13 12:09 PM
    in reply to: kcgolf

    User image

    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
    Welcome Elena! - I've had my share of ITBand issues too! I'm the same way that once I start to add any speed my ITBand takes over and I'm done. I keep a slow pace and have to increase distance very slowly.

    Glad to have you on board Anne! You'll like this group.
    2014-01-13 5:15 PM
    in reply to: WillTriForBeer

    User image

    \Windsor, Ontario
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
    Hi Team - first day in the books - got my short slow run in on the tread mill. Been a while since I have run so I am paying attention to plan and simply easing my way back into it. My ankle is still a bit wonky - but getting better. Long way to go!!

    2014-01-13 8:43 PM
    in reply to: IceManScott

    User image

    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
    Thanks for the advice Iceman. I don't get enough massages but I do use the foam roller and do a lot of stretching. I have been real careful with my approach to my running form and have been slow to adapt to the changes. I haven't used the tennis ball but I will give it a try.


    Originally posted by IceManScott

    Easy does it. Running form is everything but making radical changes too quickly can case issues too. Most important facets of running at proud posture (head up, shoulders back, looking about 30 to 35 feet in front), cadence (90), stride so the foot lands under us rather than in front, and arm swing, so they don't cross center line. I use supports in my shoes. I also like to massage the bottom of the foot with a tennis ball or Triggerpoint ball. Dynamic stretching before every run is really important to release the Achilles' and the calves too. I don't know if you do deep tissue massage but my guy has been a life saver. I'm working hard on my run form too to try to manage arthritis in the hip. Good luck.

    Originally posted by gdelamora

    Hello Team RFP,

    It's great to see the activity within everyone. I can tell that everyone is working to get back into it. It's also great to have new members. This will enhance our experience on this site.

    As for me, I put in almost 6 hours of work this past week with one day of rest. I will carry that over to this coming week. The best thing is that I have been putting in some runs and the Achilles are holding up. So far no real pain just calve soreness.

    Has anyone had to alter their technic or style of exercising due to an injury in order to keep doing that activity? Due to my Achilles tendon injury I changed my running style. I was always a heel striker and now I'm a mid-foot striker. Staying off my heels is important to me because it makes me feel like I'm not damaging them any further. I've been experimenting with mid-foot landing this since the summer and now that I have been running with little to no pain, I feel like I'm on to something. I have also been reading up on this issue and I have been trying to talk to as many experts as possible and changing my style of striking the ground as well as other adjustments has seem to be working for now.

    Thanks everyone,


    2014-01-13 8:56 PM
    in reply to: kcgolf

    User image

    Extreme Veteran
    Hollister, CA
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
    HI Team!

    Thx everone for the warm welcome! For several of you that asked, yes I did (haven't in a while tho) foam roll and stretch the weeks following that half mary. Its currenty at bay. I don't feel pain when I run but will sometimes feel that 'tickle'. Its then that I slow down and take it easy.

    KC- First day of training! Yeah! Nice job. When is IM Lake placid again? I do like to stalk...errr.. keep tabs on those racing IM and HIM.

    Lou- That is a supurb race schedule. Impressive! Way to have it planned out! The half mary is this weekend right? How are you feeling about that?

    Anyone train with a club? I went to a meeting at a LBS. Becky Lavelle a pro triathlete is starting up a race team/club. I am very interested and am pretty sure I will participate In the group. Its been something Ive thought about doing with other local clubs but just didn't have the nerve to introduce myself to a bunch of (what seemed like) hard-core athletes (I can be a wimp like that). It seems like a good time for me and Id love to see how a pro would train me.

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    2014-05-16 3:19 PM jackiep
    date : August 7, 2009
    author : FitWerx
    comments : 1
    Would it be a simple and advisable to swap back and forth between the road seat post with no aero bars and the tri seat post with aero bars?
    date : August 5, 2008
    author : FitWerx
    comments : 0
    I have a Specialized Allez Elite road bike with aero bars. It has the stock seatpost. I am interested in changing the seat post to one that is more forward. What would I look for?
    date : October 2, 2007
    author : docgill
    comments : 0
    Is it possible for loners to work in a small group and still have plenty of time on their own? Training in small groups can give many benefits.
    date : July 3, 2006
    author : ChiRunning
    comments : 0
    Discussion on many aspects of ChiRunning such as falling forward, posture, hamstring tightness, stride length, leaning, stretching
    date : June 5, 2006
    author : AMSSM
    comments : 1
    How can gluteus medius weakness/problems be involved in iliotibial band syndrome? What specific exercises should be used in building gluteus medius strength in post-ITB syndrome treatment?
    date : January 24, 2005
    author : Team BT
    comments : 0
    Shanna Armstrong’s Journal Entry January 21, 2005 - The Race Across America
    date : January 10, 2005
    author : trithis
    comments : 0
    Club or group workouts are very motivating and soon you’ll start feeling like a triathlete, making you less likely to flake out.
    date : September 5, 2004
    author : Team BT
    comments : 0
    Her IM time of 13 hours and 44 minutes at the Great Floridan allowed her to compete for the USA Triathlon Team in Ibiza, Spain in 2003.