BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-05-17 3:30 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Originally posted by slornow

Anxious to hear how things are going for Jason at American TTT.

I had a good result at the Pensacola Beach Sprint finishing 3rd overall. Don't be too impressed. It's a small 200 person race. Never felt good on the bike or run...swim always sucks but came away with an acceptable result. Only about 45 seconds faster than last year but that's a decent amount in a short race. Emailed my Coach and told him "3rd overall". His response was "weak field?"   I'm a little overwhelmed by the praise and support .  


My Philosophy -- Hardware is Hardware --- even in a small race -- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!


2014-05-17 4:12 PM
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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Hi, to the vets and new additions to the group! I need to go find my old bio and CP here.

Yesterday's 6 hour endurance race was fun! I did lose a battle with a root. My front tire got jammed under it and I flipped right over. Have to say, I did shed a tear on that one. Hurt like heck! Decided I didn't want to have issues with my right arm swimming the Oly today, so not doing it. I don't have full range of motion in it. Do have a soccer game today. No arms needed for that!

Here's a picture of my training buddies at me at hour 5 in our favorite part of the race. Smiling still!

Edited by Blanda 2014-05-17 4:25 PM


10375981_10201006045752738_4226370814646814871_n.jpg (57KB - 5 downloads)
2014-05-17 5:36 PM
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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Blanda-great picture. Sounds like a tough race......don't they have any nice, flat short races in Guam?

Everyone-if you havn't posted a bio, even those returning members, please try to do so when you can.

Edited by slornow 2014-05-17 5:37 PM
2014-05-17 5:38 PM
in reply to: slornow

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN seems like EVERY race you do in Guam involves some sort of craziness!!
2014-05-17 6:39 PM
in reply to: slornow

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Here is my story.  I'm Arend (pronounced like you are running an errand) - 39 years old.  Married to my wife Tabatha for almost 14 years, no kids, 3 dogs.

I grew up as a swimmer, swimming competitively from around age 11 until I was 21ish.  I was never anything special but I did alright.  I was a breastroker and a sprinter though, none of this distance freestyle stuff that we do in this sport!    Once I stopped swimming I stopped cold turkey, probably didn't get in a pool for at least 10 years.  Pretty much did no athletic activity at all.  In 2007 I saw the results of a local triathlon and noticed that two of my old swim buddies had done it and I immediately thought, "I should do that!".  I set a goal of doing the same race the following year.  That didn't happen - I spent the next 1-2 years trying to figure out why I couldn't run without trashing my knees.  I finally saw a PT and she straightened me out (literally - I was running with my feet pointed out 45 degrees).  My first tri was in 2009 and I haven't looked back.  My typical races were (and still are to some degree), get out of the water at or near the front, get passed by bunch of people on the bike, get passed by even more on the run.  Lately it's get out of the water at or near the front, hold my own on the bike and get passed by people on the run.  I did IMMT in 2012 and got out of the water 14th OA - my claim to fame  and then spent the next 10.5 hours getting passed by 700 people.  

Training: I've been working with my coach (Shane -  gsmacleod here on BT) since late 2012.  After IMMT, I realized I needed to learn how to run faster without getting hurt.  I've made great improvements working with him in all aspects.  Current focus has been on the Ottawa HM next weekend.  I tweaked my calf a few weeks ago right in the middle of a big run block and that set things back a bit but we're still looking for a good result.  I'm hoping to go under 1:30 (PB is a 1:33 in February on a hillier course)

2014 Races:  Ottawa HM next weekend.  The day after getting home from Ottawa, I fly to France for 3 weeks for work which will limit me to run training.  Then after getting home, Challenge Saint Andrews July 6th as a relay with my wife - I swim and run, she rides.  Relays start 3 mins after the pro women, I told her I'd try to get her out on the bike course with Rinny.   (not likely).  After that I will likely do some local sprints/Olys in July and August and then I'm thinking of doing the Niagara Falls HIM in September.

2013 Races:  My two A races of the year were Mont Tremblant 70.3 in June (first one I did - 4:57) and Miami 70.3 in October (4:49).  I also did a bunch of local sprints/Olys/DUs.  

Weightloss:  I could lose 5 lbs but weight has never been a major concern.  

and in the category of "it's a small world", Jason and I met (sort of, we didn't know it at the time) when he did Kona in 2011.  My wife and I were volunteering as body markers and he happened to be in our line.  I posted a Kona volunteering/spectating report and he remembered us.  I specifically remember him - most of the racers were all business and serious, Jason was the happiest and most cheerful guy we saw that morning!    We also met up in Mont Tremblant for the 70.3 last year where he destroyed me on the run after giving me a bit of a head start after the swim.  



2014-05-17 6:40 PM
in reply to: slornow

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Originally posted by slornow

Anxious to hear how things are going for Jason at American TTT.

I had a good result at the Pensacola Beach Sprint finishing 3rd overall. Don't be too impressed. It's a small 200 person race. Never felt good on the bike or run...swim always sucks but came away with an acceptable result. Only about 45 seconds faster than last year but that's a decent amount in a short race. Emailed my Coach and told him "3rd overall". His response was "weak field?"   I'm a little overwhelmed by the praise and support .  

Around here, a 200 person race is a HUGE field!  Congrats on the result!  

2014-05-17 6:46 PM
in reply to: axteraa

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Had a great race today 2nd overall and 1st AG I'm very happy with the result, PR'd it by 4:07 defiantly a confidence booster heading into my last 3 weeks before Boise. I'll put a link to my RR soon.
2014-05-17 7:35 PM
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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Originally posted by mrajkiHad a great race today 2nd overall and 1st AG I'm very happy with the result, PR'd it by 4:07 defiantly a confidence booster heading into my last 3 weeks before Boise. I'll put a link to my RR soon.

Mike-well done. Should be a confidence builder heading to Boise!


Edited by slornow 2014-05-17 7:36 PM
2014-05-17 7:42 PM
in reply to: slornow

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Arend-always nice to have a "real" swimmer on board. Have to admit I lurk occasionally in the SBR group and see your posts there. Know several of the regulars in that group from various mentor groups over the years and the discussions are always good. Glad to have you with us.  Calf problems? Seems every Winter mine pop up!  

2014-05-18 4:43 PM
in reply to: slornow

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Hey group! Hope everyone is having a good day. Quiet here in the group.

I headed out on my road bike this morning and had a good ride. No specific workout so just rode and did whatever I felt like. Beautiful morning here and a great day to ride. Now I'm home from riding and starting trimming branches. Lots of work on a ladder, overhead, with a pole saw. What I thought might take an hour ended up taking almost 3.  Exhausting.

Wish we had another day or two of weekend left...just not ready to head back to work yet.

2014-05-18 5:19 PM
in reply to: #4996375

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Got a 90 minute ride in early this a.m. I rode for the first time on Ft Gordon, the local Army base. They're very cyclist and tri friendly (hosted a sprint earlier this hear), and cyclists can ride Range Rd most days...just have to get through security, sign in, and stay on the paved roads. While it's crazy hilly, I saw one car in 24 miles of riding.

Just heard from my friends who did TTT (same races as Jason). They all said they survived, but the comment from one pretty much sums up the experience when he said, "This really hurts."

Hope to hear from Jason soon. I'm sure the drive home is going to stink.

2014-05-18 5:28 PM
in reply to: slornow

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

I had a 70 min run this morning - took forever for my legs to wake up.  Had a fairly busy day after that including mowing the lawn for the first time this year.

Fortunately for me, I DO have another day of weekend left as it's a holiday here tomorrow.  

2014-05-18 6:09 PM
in reply to: axteraa

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Texted with Jason earlier and he was finished and heading home. Looking forward to hearing the details.

2014-05-18 6:52 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Had a great weekend! Was able to get out and enjoy the nice weather we are having today with a 8.5 mile run. Dinner then get ready for the work week YUCK! 4am comes to early...Hope everyone had a great weekend also
2014-05-18 7:24 PM
in reply to: AkABuzz

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Early morning. At the Y at 6 to get a few laps in before a group ride at 7 down the street. Didn't swim as much as I wanted as it took me a few extra minutes to get out the door. Sunday alarms at 4:45 blow. Swim ended up being pretty good quality but the ride was a whole other story. It's a group of half a dozen people from work and they do a charity ride every year. 50 miles in one day. They do rides once a week and I did a few rides with them last year and it wasn't too bad. I remembered waiting a bit here and there but pretty much the pace was ok. For some this was their first ride of the year so it was a lot of getting the kinks out and finding legs again. I felt like I did a pretty good job this winter of saying on track with all things SBR and I've already raced this year so my kinks are out. Ended up being a 2hr ride for 30 miles. Not exactly what I was looking for but I did really good back to back Sufferfest rides on Thursday and Friday so I guess I'll live.

Can't wait to see what Jason has to share with us all. Glad to hear he made it out ok and at least started driving home.
2014-05-18 7:34 PM
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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
WOOHOO! Get to hang with the cool kids again! Here's the Bio, guilty of the copy and paste with some updates.

Name: Kevin

Story: 46 year old male from Southern New Hampshire. I was finally able to kick a 20+ year smoking habit in the fall of 2008. Started run/walking to get in shape through 2009 although I didn't take it too seriously. I have a few good friends who are serious runners and they talked me into running my 1st 5K on New years day 2010. I think the only reason they invited me is because I've been sober since 1997 and they wanted a designated driver. I'm good with that plenty of people drove me around when I needed it, besides I made them pay my registration fee. Ran a few 5k's that year but didn't really take my running seriously until 2011. In the fall of 2011 I ran my 1st Half Marathon and ended up with a nasty case of ITBS. During my rehab my PT said no running for awhile so I decide to take up swimming in order to keep my aerobic base. How hard could it be right? After all I had just run 13 miles. Bwahaha! I couldn't even complete more than 50 yards without hanging on the wall gasping for air! I was hooked. On New Year's day 2012 I met up with my aforementioned friends for what had become our annual race. I asked them if they were interested in trying a couple triathlons with me and they jumped at the idea.
Did I mention these people are fast? They all run Boston in the 3:00 to 3:15 range. Which in itself is great, I am really proud of them. Unfortunately, that means they kick my butt. Don't get me wrong they are wonderful people and are very supportive. I'm just secretly sick of them standing at the finish line looking all nice and fresh cheering for me to finish as I try not to vomit all over myself. My goal is to someday be the one standing there waiting for them!

Family: I've been married to the same wonderful woman for the last 23 years. She is very supportive but I think inside she thinks I'm nuts. I have a 22 year old son and a 21 year old daughter. I know those two think Dad has lost his mind, they don't mind telling me so either.

2013: Ran six 5K's, two 10K's, four sprints, a half marathon, as well as, completed my 1st 70.3. I was able to PR at every distance so I'm definitely getting faster, I just have to keep reminding myself I'm not 18 anymore and the gains will come albeit more slowly.

2014: The year started on a bit on a rocky note. Ran my 1st marathon which due to some major cramping didn't go as nearly as well as I had hoped. Even though I was disappointed with my time I was happy I gutted it out and finished. It was a very humbling experience. Since then I've rebounded and set PR's by a minute at the 5k and by 4 minutes at a half marathon distances. Right now I'm signed up for an early June sprint and my A race which is a HIM at the end of July. I'm sure there will be a bunch of other tris/road races thrown in. I'm torn between a September HIM (Pumkinman Randee) or go for a little marathon redemption in October. I don't think my body can handle the training for both.

Edited by GoldenSprocket 2014-05-18 7:52 PM

2014-05-18 7:49 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Alright, here is the promised Bio...

Story: I've always been a baseball player, but near the end of HS I got into Cycling... mostly touring and commuting, never racing. My bike got stolen in college and I never got a replacement. Last year, I was living in Germany and picked up cycling again and that turned into a crazy idea for a buddy and I to do a Tri. That never actually happened becuase he got hurt training and was my ride to the event which was over 3 hrs drive away. I did, however, complete a mock Tri at a local lake at the exact time I was suppose to be racing 3 hrs away. Needless to say, I was hooked and am now in my 2nd season. Last season was salvaged however with a Time Trial in October, so I got my taste of racing and my Training was not all lost

Family: Wife of almost 3 years and soon to be born baby girl

Races: My A race is a Sprint on June 7th. I already did a 5k in which I placed 1st in my age group (23:15). I am also looking for a late season Tri in the area but don't know if that will happen. It depends on what happens with Baby girl come July

Goals: Stay Injury free, have fun, be competitive
2014-05-18 7:50 PM
in reply to: GoldenSprocket

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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Coming off a bit of a recovery week after last weeks HM. Ran 8 last night and got on the new tri bike this a.m.. I got fit last Monday and took it for a real short spin on Wednesday. Things were pretty sketchy as far as the handling went so I was a little nervous for today's ride. I was surprised how quickly I was able to figure it out and got relatively comfortable in about 10 miles. Ended up doing close to 30. My neck was getting stiff towards the end and the stock saddle has to go but I really enjoyed riding the new steed. Still having some issues holding my line when I turn my head to look behind me and I feel like I'm playing some high speed version of Simon Says when I go from the aero bars to the brakes.
2014-05-18 7:58 PM
in reply to: GoldenSprocket

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Ummmmmm....Randy & Jason, did I miss something? New groups?? How did I not notice this was happening? Any room left?
2014-05-18 7:58 PM
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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Great day as a tri Sherpa yesterday at IMTX. My friend placed 3rd in her AG and ended up getting her Kona spot on roll down

My training is a bit lighter than I would prefer right now. Still getting in some nice work but not the longer workouts which are my favorites. I'm looking forward to August when this short course focus is over and it will be time to buckle down for IMAZ.

Edited by Catwoman 2014-05-18 7:59 PM
2014-05-18 8:08 PM
in reply to: axteraa

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Arend. Don't know if you remember but we met last year at MT 70.3. We got in the water together for a practice swim but that is the last I saw of you. I'm way too slow to stay with you in the water. Welcome to the group. I think you will find that we will pick your brain for swim tips and advice.

Well. I'm back from the American Triple-T. They describe it as an epic weekend and I don't think they are wrong. 5,250 meters of swimming (more or less), 109 miles on the bike (not official, just my addition), 27.2 miles running, done in four triathlons over three days. Bike and run done on very steep hills.

It was hard.

I feel remarkably good right now but getting out of bed tomorrow will be hard, I suspect.

I have no idea how I did. Results aren't up yet and I was more interested in survival on site so I wasn't following the results too closely. I think in the end that I did ok. No podium or anything like that but I think I represented myself ok.

I'm beat and trying to get all of the wet stuff out of the car and catch up with my family so I will wait until later to get in to all of the details. Suffice it to say, I fell like I did "something big." It was satisfying to finish.

2014-05-18 8:09 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Originally posted by WoodrowCall

Ummmmmm....Randy & Jason, did I miss something? New groups?? How did I not notice this was happening? Any room left?

Of course.
2014-05-18 8:12 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Originally posted by WoodrowCall Ummmmmm....Randy & Jason, did I miss something? New groups?? How did I not notice this was happening? Any room left?

Jamie-wouldn't be the same without you. How was Knoxville?

2014-05-18 8:32 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Originally posted by wannabefaster

Arend. Don't know if you remember but we met last year at MT 70.3. We got in the water together for a practice swim but that is the last I saw of you. I'm way too slow to stay with you in the water. Welcome to the group. I think you will find that we will pick your brain for swim tips and advice.

Well. I'm back from the American Triple-T. They describe it as an epic weekend and I don't think they are wrong. 5,250 meters of swimming (more or less), 109 miles on the bike (not official, just my addition), 27.2 miles running, done in four triathlons over three days. Bike and run done on very steep hills.

It was hard.

I feel remarkably good right now but getting out of bed tomorrow will be hard, I suspect.

I have no idea how I did. Results aren't up yet and I was more interested in survival on site so I wasn't following the results too closely. I think in the end that I did ok. No podium or anything like that but I think I represented myself ok.

I'm beat and trying to get all of the wet stuff out of the car and catch up with my family so I will wait until later to get in to all of the details. Suffice it to say, I fell like I did "something big." It was satisfying to finish.

Jason, that sounds pretty epic! Sleep well tonight!

I'll post a bio for everyone tomorrow when I get a chance, but a few in this group already know me. For those new to Randy & Jason, they're great. Both of them are experienced, fast, and very supportive. You'll love them as mentors!

Today, I did Rev3 Knoxville AG Championships. It's a weird distance-1.2m swim, 40m bike, 9.8m run. In summary, it was a competitive field and I *would* have been happy with my AG place of 9/16 had I not mysteriously incurred my first-ever penalty for being overtaken. There was an Oly at the same time as our race, and when the courses joined, it was really crowded. I must've passed 100 people, but there was one group that stuck around: they'd pass me on the downhills and I'd pass them on the way up. Well, I guess one time I passed without dropping out of the draft zone first, and I guess I got dinged. I can't believe it! There were seemingly hundreds of cyclists riding wheel to wheel, and I picked up a 4" penalty! To add insult to injury, they just added it to my swim time, which I was happy with before the extra time: 35:39 to 39:39 Overall, the race was good, very competitive and a good idea for AGer's, I think. Now I've got a couple weeks until Raleigh 70.3; it's time to get some long rides in!
2014-05-19 12:05 AM
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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Hi, I'm Blanda from Guam.

Story: Turning 42 tomorrow. Retired national team soccer player for Guam. Needed something to replace my beloved sport as my main form of physical activity. I just can't see myself playing much longer with it taking so long to recover from weekly games. Was asked to train for and compete in an Xterra race in 2011 by my teammate, who was already dipping her toes into the multi-sporting pool. I've been doing just about everything I can on the calendar since then. I enjoy the off-road activities mostly, but I mix things up with road races.

Family: Married to a great guy and we have three kids. 22 year old girl, 13 year old boy, and an 8 year old baby girl.

Training: From Jan-March was training heavily for Xterra Guam 2014 in March. Had a full marathon to run two weeks after, so switched over to mainly run training. Currently training for an Olympic distance road triathlon happening June 22. Oh, and a 2.5 mile (or was it 2?) swim on the 1st of June.

2014- I'm finally understanding training for all of this and I've been on a mission to better improve performance.

2013- Same as 2014, but still not quite understanding what needed to go into training.

Weightloss: Always working on it.

Edited by Blanda 2014-05-19 12:07 AM
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2014-12-22 1:14 PM Birkierunner

Playmobil31's Group - Open

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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : October 2, 2007
author : docgill
comments : 0
Is it possible for loners to work in a small group and still have plenty of time on their own? Training in small groups can give many benefits.
date : August 17, 2007
author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
37-year-old Bill Fults is an age-group triathlete. But by day he's an Air Flight Paramedic. He also spent the better part of a decade as an Army Ranger.
date : November 10, 2006
author : Valdora Cycles
comments : 1
Which component group is right for you? Here are some differences on weight, performance and price between the Dura-Ace, Ultegra and 105 component groups.
date : April 2, 2006
author : mikericci
comments : 0
This summer, I am planning on doing three triathlons. What should my strategy be for training, tapering and resting during, before and after each race?
date : January 29, 2006
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 2
The most valuable thing you can do for your endurance training is to schedule a weekly 2-4hr long ride from now until the end of time. Simply make this “what you do” every Saturday or Sunday morning.
date : January 1, 2006
author : acbadger
comments : 0
Individuals are just that, individuals and need individual programs. However, with a group the size of yours, it may be difficult for your coaches to do 25 individual workouts.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Ontherun
comments : 0
For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 0
Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.