BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome) Rss Feed  
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2016-01-13 7:05 PM
in reply to: nickih

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

Originally posted by nickih So this morning was very cold. Minus 22 C cold, sorry I don't know what that is in Fahrenheit. My training partner the dog and I went out for a 20 minute run. Me not the dog got cold despite running with a sweater,coat on, toque and mittens. My torso was hot almost sweaty but my fingers froze and so did the front of my legs any suggestions. I don't want to spent want to spend money on a dreadmill if I can avoid it. I live in the country and it is gorgeous but cold out lately.
No thank you, minus anything is cold!  Way to HTFU!

2016-01-13 8:25 PM
in reply to: alm52386

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

Welcome to the group and to the journey that is Triathlon! There are a lot of great folks here that can help answer your questions, so fire away!

2016-01-13 8:32 PM
in reply to: Donto

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by Donto

All, you know what hurts, this! Next weeks even harder WO will be harder than this one.  My legs are toast this morning and the dog was all frisky on this mornings walk with the cold air here in FL he wanted to run.  Yeah that made the thighs tremble a bit more!  Weird thing during the workout after the 3rd main set interval my calf's started to spasm whenever I unloaded them during the rest intervals.  I had to pause the WO and stretch them for each RI thereafter, the cooldown period was the worst, very weird physiological response happening to the stresses. 




Ouch! Those intense workouts do "burn" quite a bit, but the improved bike fitness makes it worth it, right? Sorry to hear about the calf muscles. I would keep stretching them. Several times a day even if you aren't working out. I battled with some strained calf muscles a couple of years back. They are a hassle and seem to re-injure rather easily. I know that there's some debate as to the value of stretching, but I think from a flexibility standpoint it's important, especially as I get older!
2016-01-13 8:34 PM
in reply to: 0

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

Sorry, I'm the guy running in the down jacket, mittens, hat and . . . running shorts. However, at 22c below (about -7F) I would probably stay inside!

Edited by tedjohn 2016-01-13 8:35 PM
2016-01-13 8:54 PM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

Originally posted by tedjohn
Originally posted by Donto

All, you know what hurts, this! Next weeks even harder WO will be harder than this one.  My legs are toast this morning and the dog was all frisky on this mornings walk with the cold air here in FL he wanted to run.  Yeah that made the thighs tremble a bit more!  Weird thing during the workout after the 3rd main set interval my calf's started to spasm whenever I unloaded them during the rest intervals.  I had to pause the WO and stretch them for each RI thereafter, the cooldown period was the worst, very weird physiological response happening to the stresses. 

Donto, Ouch! Those intense workouts do "burn" quite a bit, but the improved bike fitness makes it worth it, right? Sorry to hear about the calf muscles. I would keep stretching them. Several times a day even if you aren't working out. I battled with some strained calf muscles a couple of years back. They are a hassle and seem to re-injure rather easily. I know that there's some debate as to the value of stretching, but I think from a flexibility standpoint it's important, especially as I get older!

Yeah I just posted on the main forum if this workout is actually realistic as I'm not the only one having to extend the RI periods!  I suffered a lot from calf attack's when I first started out. Years ago for biking I found through trial and error that lowering my seat and moving my cleats as far back as they can go helped a lot.  More recently I found that low drop shoes also helped for the run.  Come to think of it, I should lower my seat a bit more since I'm basically coming from 0 to fully intensity bike training again.  My current seat height is based off of my last years short training / race session which is not optimized for current fitness and being on the trainer (can't coast and stretch, etc.), I usually lower it for the trainer.  Jeez, you can do this for years and still forget the nuisances.

2016-01-14 8:49 AM
in reply to: Donto

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Donato- I hope your calves start to feel better. I have used Arnica cream on sore body parts it really helps.

Nikki- I agree with Ted -7 Brr. You are so brave hardcore to run in that temperature. I have moved to South Carolina but grew up in Mass. I am done with crazy cold.
Welcome Amy

I got into the pool and feel good.

Today was my long day
I got in brought my life proof i phone to time me. Since getting my progressive glasses it is harder to see the clocks as well.
1 x 100 - 2:22.02 freestyle
1 x 300- 9 minutes ( I didn't have the stop watch on for that part) Freestyle, back and breast stroke
1 x 200- kick
1 x 150 pull
1 x 100 free and back stroke
1 x 50 kick
30 minutes and 900 yards in.
I am getting over mental blocks. Today the noise in my head was loud about stopping. I was proud because I ignored it. I was getting 21 strokes per length in the beginning.
I was noticing that my arm strokes were continuing on longer than necessary so I was working on zipping up the sides. I was also noticing my hands, wrists, and elbows.
I am a bit tired I had a protein shake with a whole peach(freezer) and my black tea and milk. Next time maybe a banana and peanut butter in the shake.

I am going to get in some yoga to stretch it all out and hopefully get in a sports massage. Tomorrow is a long ride in the trainer next to my husband,
Take care everyone stay warm.

2016-01-14 9:53 AM
in reply to: tedjohn


Middleton, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by tedjohn


Welcome to the group and to the journey that is Triathlon! There are a lot of great folks here that can help answer your questions, so fire away!


Thank you! I guess my first question would be about training. I found a 12 week program online and have started that. My race isn't until June 12th so I have way more than 12 weeks to prepare! It has been pretty easy so far (except the running!) I have been trying to go everyday. I run 3x a week, bike 2x a week and swim 2x a week. In the second week I start doing brick workouts with bike/run on Sundays. Other than that it doesn't have any days where I do more than 1 thing. After the 12 weeks I was just going to continue to increase my time/distance. Should I start doing more than 1 workout a day a few times per week once I am able to do all the sprint distances? I am also going to start running and biking outside once it gets warmer! I live in Wisconsin where it has been in the single digits!

Another question - does anyone take any supplements??
2016-01-14 12:24 PM
in reply to: #5158247

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Hi Amy,
You sound like where I was last year. I thought I would do a race in August but ended up doing one in April. I did the plan that was already done but mine was 3 days of each run, bike, swim. No was starting from scratch. I would say see how it goes but as you get stronger then you can reevaluate. The guys may have better words of wisdom for you.
I take a multivitamin, a B complex vitamin, krill oil, vitamin D, and Calcium. I was taking glucosamine but ran out. I think I will take some more of that too.
Enjoy the journey.
2016-01-16 10:33 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Good Morning everyone,

I got in my long bike ride yesterday and had hill intervals. I was really struggling to up my gears. By the end of the intervals I was standing in the pedals. Needless to say, I need to do more of these workouts. When I did a Cat. 1 hill on my last ride in October I wasn't ready and had to get off and walk to the top. Very sad.
When I was just cycling. I could do the same gear and comfortable cycle at 80-90 cadence around 16 mph. Now that I have all 3 disciplines in I am having a much harder time to work at the same gear level. I was working on my cadence and focusing on using my foot through the full motion of the pedal. I am clicked in while pedaling.
While trying to find a training schedule for me to follow it is a bit interesting.
A couple of questions:

Do I follow where I am from last year? or Do I start at where the training plan puts me at and improve each aspect?

It is kind of interesting before I started training with my older son for the 50 miles, the farthest I had ridden was 20 miles.

This year:
My first event is a sprint April 10th 300 yd pool, 20 km bike, 5 k run.
April is 20 miles Bo Bikes Bama with my boys.
July 250 meter pool, 16 mile Bike, 5 K Run
I am looking into different cycling events. When to hit my metric century ride, in the summer some time.

So many different events to do.

I missed my yoga time but I got a massage yesterday. The sport massage therapist mentioned that I needed to focus on strengthening my rhomboids to help with my shoulders especially in my swim.
Today is my rest day.

2016-01-16 12:37 PM
in reply to: alm52386

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by alm52386

Originally posted by tedjohn


Welcome to the group and to the journey that is Triathlon! There are a lot of great folks here that can help answer your questions, so fire away!


Thank you! I guess my first question would be about training. I found a 12 week program online and have started that. My race isn't until June 12th so I have way more than 12 weeks to prepare! It has been pretty easy so far (except the running!) I have been trying to go everyday. I run 3x a week, bike 2x a week and swim 2x a week. In the second week I start doing brick workouts with bike/run on Sundays. Other than that it doesn't have any days where I do more than 1 thing. After the 12 weeks I was just going to continue to increase my time/distance. Should I start doing more than 1 workout a day a few times per week once I am able to do all the sprint distances? I am also going to start running and biking outside once it gets warmer! I live in Wisconsin where it has been in the single digits!

Another question - does anyone take any supplements??


With the amount of time until your sprint, you have a lot of options.

For most of your training, you should be fine doing just one workout a day. Brick workouts are a hotly debated topic these days with some folks saying they're not worth it, and others saying the opposite. Personally, I like brick workouts and find that they can be very beneficial from a psychological perspective. It's important not to overdo these workouts. A few times before your race to get a feel is usually more than enough.

If you've trained up through 12 weeks, you have a few options that you could look at as far as training. You could increase time/ distance, but you might also decide after 12 weeks which of the three disciplines is causing you the most trouble (we call this your "limiter"). Spending a few weeks training with an emphasis on your limiter can help you to see improvements in that area. About a month out from your race, you could repeat the last four weeks of your training plan and you'd probably be good to go.

Although it's more true for longer distances, being strong on the bike is one of the best way to have a successful race. A lot of folks will overdo the bike and then suffer through the run. Building a sufficient level of bike fitness will usually set you up for a better run. You could do a "bike focus" for several weeks where you still do the other workouts but really concentrate on the bike. I'd still pick up your original plan about a month out. That way you are sure to include a taper leading into your race.

As far as supplements, I do not take them. I'm able to get my nutritional needs met through my diet.

- Ted
2016-01-17 6:29 AM
in reply to: #5161753

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Great information Ted.
I got some questions answered a bit from it too.

2016-01-17 11:39 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Traveled back to the frozen north yesterday.....

While in Alabama for the funeral I did manage 3 pretty good walks; many more hills there than here; the Monday walk was a challenge; really got the HR up speed walking the hills

My friend the master's swim coach had a ladder swim that I'll share with everyone once I dig it out. I'm planning on using it to get back into the swing of things in the pool this week.

Still need to catch up on the posts and see how all are doing; looks like a new member or two has joined. That's great!

Oh.....I do have to add a Roll Tide here!

2016-01-17 2:35 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Upstate, New York
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Is this group still open, I'd like to join in. I'm brand new to triathlon racing.
2016-01-17 5:05 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Finally picked up the spacer I needed for the new cassette I'd bought for our training tire; did a 30 minute spin this afternoon. I could definitely tell it's been months since I've been on the bike. My left knee reminded me that its ROM is much less than my right quads were pretty tight when finished. But, at least it was a "ride"......

Here's the swim ladder I'll be doing a couple times or so this week to get back into the swing of's lengths of the pool vs a distance goal; can extend the rest time if I need to between each rung; perhaps this will be helpful to some of you....

Broken Ladders....:15 second rest at each rung

#1 Ladder
1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 (lengths)
25 yards easy-rest about :30 seconds

#2 Ladder
1-2-3-4-3-2-1 (lengths)
25 yards easy-rest about :30 seconds

#3 Ladder
1-2-3-2-1 (lengths)
25 easy

This broken ladder set was a part of a 2600 yard practice session. I'm a long way away from getting back to that yardage.

Have a great training week!!!!
2016-01-18 10:11 AM
in reply to: CL001

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by CL001

Is this group still open, I'd like to join in. I'm brand new to triathlon racing.


Welcome to the group and to triathlon!
2016-01-18 10:45 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Upstate, New York
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Thanks for the welcome! I think I'm going to switch over to the Gray Guys group as it might fit me better.

2016-01-18 10:55 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

Looks like a good workout for getting into the swing of things. Most of my pool workouts so far have been technique focused so I'm concentrating more on form/ technique than time/ distance. It's been a change after a year of Ironman training. Kind of enjoying not having the pressure to get in "x" amount of yards each workout.
2016-01-18 11:27 AM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Good morning all,

I'm enjoying a three day weekend. Spent a couple of days in Denver with the family, enjoying some food and a trip to the museum. My girls are big "Sherlock Holmes" fans and they had a whole interactive exhibit on the detective.

Now that we're a couple of weeks into the new year it's a good time to reflect on our training so far and "re-commit" as it can be tempting to let our New Year's commitments slip. One way to do this is to establish a weekly goal. A shorter goal makes it easier to accomplish something and can help to keep us on track for longer range goals which may seem far away and unattainable. Weekly goals don't need to be all that dramatic and are meant more to sustain us. They can also be useful on those weeks when life/ work, etc. gets hectic. Here are a few examples of what I mean:

Week long goal:

"I'm going to get at least three workouts in this week."

"I will make it to spin class at least twice this week."

"I'm going to get at least 2 hours worth of exercise this week."

It's also not a bad idea to give yourself a treat or reward if you reach your goal for the week. I'll leave that to you to decide what it is!

Here's my goal for the week:

"I will get at least 2 swim workouts done this week."

Not a huge goal, I know, but that's the point. Posting it here will help me to get up and make my way to the pool in the morning this week. I invite anyone else that wants to post a goal for the week to do so!


2016-01-18 1:30 PM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Great idea!!!

My goal is to get in 2 more swims; a couple weight lifting sessions; and a couple easy walks/bike trainer sessions....

2016-01-18 5:45 PM
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Brooklyn, New York
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
My goodness, get too busy for a few days and the posts fill up.
I sparred a few rounds and a black eye will keep me from swimming for another week.

I didn't take note on a few names regarding some posts I read, but regarding the bike ride position, why should you change the position based on level of fitness and type of workout. A proper bike fit is based on anatomy and one's biomechanics. I wouldn't go changing again and again. Get it pro fit properly

Ted, thx for the acknowledgement regarding my experience in weight training. I have found many to neglect the true necessity of range of motion exercise for skeletal muscle for BOTH maitenance and injury prevention as well as keeping the muscles FIRM. CV exercise in the long run won't keep skeletal muscles as metabolically active as they could be and a "softness" can set in.

I would be more than happy to field questions regarding it.

Nicole, your session seems fine. Make sure you properly outline the goals of what the workouts are designed for. Don't do anything just for the sake of. Do it for purpose, in that you can fine tune.

Having come from an extensive background in weight training, then shifting to triathlon I have found some exercises to be extra beneficial to do as part of a resistance training routine that can really help with triathlon work:

>Dumbbell cross-bench Pullovers (or stiff arm pulldowns)
>All things plank (side and the such)
>An exercise called "good mornings" (Make sure you have a flexible lower back and hammies to do it) Wonders for lower back from aero position strain
>Rotator cuff work (both internal and external rotation)
>Step-ups, explosive and high rep (They Won't make you asuper cyclist, but they help for the knees, quads and proper range of motion and can be done very hard to come close to cycling climbing feel)
>1-arm dumbbell rows
>Dumbbell laterals
>Hip Abduction and Adduction

The other basics are good for general skeletal muscle balance and strength: (i.e. presses: chest and shoulder; basic curls, overhead tricep extensions, LEG CURLS---> we have to keep the hamstrings strong through a FULL knee flexion contraction. I can go on and on.

Honestly, weight training is generally shat upon in the tri community and I can understand it since extra muscle saps glycogen (trust me I know at 194lbs), but I have spent a year disproving several myths even i believed. Wise committed training !

Edited by TJHammer 2016-01-18 5:57 PM
2016-01-18 5:59 PM
in reply to: alm52386

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Brooklyn, New York
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by alm52386

Originally posted by tedjohn


Welcome to the group and to the journey that is Triathlon! There are a lot of great folks here that can help answer your questions, so fire away!


Thank you! I guess my first question would be about training. I found a 12 week program online and have started that. My race isn't until June 12th so I have way more than 12 weeks to prepare! It has been pretty easy so far (except the running!) I have been trying to go everyday. I run 3x a week, bike 2x a week and swim 2x a week. In the second week I start doing brick workouts with bike/run on Sundays. Other than that it doesn't have any days where I do more than 1 thing. After the 12 weeks I was just going to continue to increase my time/distance. Should I start doing more than 1 workout a day a few times per week once I am able to do all the sprint distances? I am also going to start running and biking outside once it gets warmer! I live in Wisconsin where it has been in the single digits!

Another question - does anyone take any supplements??

Bodybuilding and competitive sports for years. I also teach health. I have been into supplementation for 20 years. Many many staples I am sure work. There are others that are user dependent and there are others that are bunk! What are you referring to?

2016-01-18 7:41 PM
in reply to: TJHammer


Middleton, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by TJHammer

Originally posted by alm52386

Originally posted by tedjohn


Welcome to the group and to the journey that is Triathlon! There are a lot of great folks here that can help answer your questions, so fire away!


Thank you! I guess my first question would be about training. I found a 12 week program online and have started that. My race isn't until June 12th so I have way more than 12 weeks to prepare! It has been pretty easy so far (except the running!) I have been trying to go everyday. I run 3x a week, bike 2x a week and swim 2x a week. In the second week I start doing brick workouts with bike/run on Sundays. Other than that it doesn't have any days where I do more than 1 thing. After the 12 weeks I was just going to continue to increase my time/distance. Should I start doing more than 1 workout a day a few times per week once I am able to do all the sprint distances? I am also going to start running and biking outside once it gets warmer! I live in Wisconsin where it has been in the single digits!

Another question - does anyone take any supplements??

Bodybuilding and competitive sports for years. I also teach health. I have been into supplementation for 20 years. Many many staples I am sure work. There are others that are user dependent and there are others that are bunk! What are you referring to?

Currently I take fish oil, a probiotic, and a multi vitamin. I also take a pre-workout almost every time I go to the gym. I just started taking Accelerade after my workouts. It's a recovery drink with a little bit of protein. Speaking of protein, I also have a protein shake every morning for breakfast. Just wondering if anyone else takes anything!
2016-01-19 6:34 PM
in reply to: alm52386

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Brooklyn, New York
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
What's the pre workout? And the protein powder type?
2016-01-19 7:49 PM
in reply to: TJHammer


Middleton, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by TJHammer

What's the pre workout? And the protein powder type?

Right now I use C4. I use a whey protein. GNC AMP Gold 100% Whey is the protein I use.
2016-01-20 4:18 PM
in reply to: alm52386


Middleton, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Do you all still train when you're sick?? I've had a terrible cold for 2 weeks now and I was still getting to the gym most days but now that it won't go away I'm trying to rest! I work with little kids so I'm always exposed to germs. It's great.


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