BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN Rss Feed  
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2016-06-07 7:26 PM
in reply to: Meulen

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Gold member
Subject: Hitting the Wall
Does anyone "hit the wall" in training? .... As in, not feeling the love?

I'm loving the triathlons and have cut up to 20+ minutes off my time from last year for the same tris. I am happy with that.

But, GOOD LORD ... I'm dying ... and training is killing me. I'm hungry 24/7. I talked to a nutritionist and she told me to eat more (a woman's dream), which makes sense .... however, trying to get to and stay at a certain weight as in.... 3 extra pounds gets heavy when carrying them for 70.3 miles.

I feel I have lost my mojo.... but, no where near giving up....

Suggestions or perhaps feedback as in... this happens.. but.... or ... whatever.


2016-06-08 5:21 AM
in reply to: amarcon

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN

Originally posted by amarcon Oh right guys, thank you very much. Well, will stay focused and keep training hard... lets see how it goes, like I said, I'd like to get at least 1 Xterra done this year... just to feel the taste of it and the other runs that i already signed up for... Regarding the training, i'll be honest... I have some running plans and the McMillan calculator to "guide" me... but I don't have anything regarding swimming... I've been mostly swimming crawl or chest, with/without a floater, no legs at all ( i know, shame on me, I hate it lol ) If you guys have any swimming plan/workout to point me to... that would be GREAT. Thank you very much guys. Cheers, Alex

If you have access to a masters program that would be a big help, or maybe a pool with some adult swim lessons to learn some drills.  Otherwise google swim drills so you can see how they are done would be a help.  Work on getting to the pool 2 or 3 times per week starting in the 1200 - 1500 yard range and build from there.  Get in 500 - 600 of drills in while you are building so you learn good form.

2016-06-08 5:24 AM
in reply to: BlackHillsRN

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall

Originally posted by BlackHillsRN Does anyone "hit the wall" in training? .... As in, not feeling the love? I'm loving the triathlons and have cut up to 20+ minutes off my time from last year for the same tris. I am happy with that. But, GOOD LORD ... I'm dying ... and training is killing me. I'm hungry 24/7. I talked to a nutritionist and she told me to eat more (a woman's dream), which makes sense .... however, trying to get to and stay at a certain weight as in.... 3 extra pounds gets heavy when carrying them for 70.3 miles. I feel I have lost my mojo.... but, no where near giving up.... Suggestions or perhaps feedback as in... this happens.. but.... or ... whatever. Thanks!

New gear!!  LOL!  That always helps me, but can get expensive!

Seriously, mini goals help along the way.  But not going to lie, some days (like today when I should be running instead of typing this) it isn't easy to get going.  As far as the diet goes, have you tried upping the protein intake in your diet? 

2016-06-08 6:16 AM
in reply to: #5158878

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Guilty here too! New gear always keeps me going! Or try something new or something I haven't done before. Maybe a new weight training routine, or a different place to ride/run/swim outside of the regular routine. But new gear helps a ton!! Lol

As far as the diet goes. It can be really hard as an endurance athlete. I've always felt the more I train the harder it is to control my hunger. Especially if your the type of person that has an addiction to food or other bad stuff. It's easy to get into a mindset where you convince yourself consumption is ok because you trained a lot.

Concentrate on eating good, clean, healthy things. Find healthy replacements for all your bad habit foods. It's VERY difficult to over eat the right things! Eat tons of protein and compliment it with small amounts of carbs. Fuel your workouts properly so you're not so hungry when done. Then use little tricks to curb any extra desires you have. It's important though to distinguish between actual hunger and simple desires to eat stuff. When you feel tempted drink some hot tea, eat a spoonful of natural peanut butter or a handful of almonds or seeds, do something else to keep you busy, or just brush your teeth and go to bed.
2016-06-08 6:18 AM
in reply to: #5185900

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
I also have a ton of stuff about diet in my blog if you want to go check that out on my website
2016-06-08 10:45 AM
in reply to: kenj

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall
YES!!! New gear is always fun. I just bought a swim buoy for the upcoming open water swimming I will be doing. I pretty much have enough other gear for at least three I am always adding something and outfitted by bike with a few things this season as well.

I like the idea of mini goals.

Working on the increase of protein. Almost everything I eat and/or every meal has protein. The Nutritionist suggested adding milk (which I actually like) on a regular basis as I really wasn't drinking any and use almond milk in my morning coffee ... anyway, so I actually mix up a bottle of swim milk and protein powder (Isopure/no carb) and have a glass with breakfast and lunch when I remember ... it might be helping ...

2016-06-08 11:28 AM
in reply to: BlackHillsRN

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall
Originally posted by BlackHillsRN

YES!!! New gear is always fun. I just bought a swim buoy for the upcoming open water swimming I will be doing. I pretty much have enough other gear for at least three I am always adding something and outfitted by bike with a few things this season as well.

I like the idea of mini goals.

Working on the increase of protein. Almost everything I eat and/or every meal has protein. The Nutritionist suggested adding milk (which I actually like) on a regular basis as I really wasn't drinking any and use almond milk in my morning coffee ... anyway, so I actually mix up a bottle of swim milk and protein powder (Isopure/no carb) and have a glass with breakfast and lunch when I remember ... it might be helping ...

I like the almond milk! I'd stay away from regular dairy while trying to lose weight. I don't think anyone is sure what those hormones in milk these days do!!!

When you look for protein powder pay attention to the sugars. Get the lowest you possibly can. There used to be some zero sugar ones, but any of the flavored ones now have 2-5g's of sugar on the low end. Stay away from the high sugar ones!! Use casein for adding to your regular daily meals/snacks. I put some in my morning oatmeal, yum!! For after workout use whey.
2016-06-08 12:53 PM
in reply to: Meulen


Luskville, Quebec
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall
Interesting... coincidence... a friend just sent me this article regarding supplements

I take some whey, only after hard runs.... it scares me a little bit, some friends take it in the morning and after training... but, hmmm.... it concerns me...

Someone suggested me BCAA for pre/during...didnt try that yet...

"The wall..." oh good Lord, last race, full Marathon last month... around 30km til 35km... I felt an incredible "internal" cramp... didn't know if I would puke, or something worst... started walking, restarting...walking...restarting...til i finally got back... not pleasant at all... lol but it gives good overcoming histories... =D



2016-06-08 9:51 PM
in reply to: kenj

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall
New Gear!

I did just that (was thinking about this purchase for a while). I bought a Giant Stance 27.5 2 mountain bike. I won't be using it for triathlons, but my beau lives on a gravel road, a very long one that takes about 10 miles before pavement. So, it gives me the flexibility to step out the door and ride. He just purchased a mountain bike as well, so we can ride together.

I name him Jolly ... typically it takes some time before I name something, but this came to mind on my way home as my mother was born in LeSueur, MN where there is/was a large Jolly Green Giant canning factory and they had a very large cutout of the Giant and Sprout up on the hill there. I know the bike is not green, but it is a Giant ... so, Jolly works nicely :-).
2016-06-09 7:13 AM
in reply to: BlackHillsRN

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall
Originally posted by BlackHillsRN

New Gear!

I did just that (was thinking about this purchase for a while). I bought a Giant Stance 27.5 2 mountain bike. I won't be using it for triathlons, but my beau lives on a gravel road, a very long one that takes about 10 miles before pavement. So, it gives me the flexibility to step out the door and ride. He just purchased a mountain bike as well, so we can ride together.

I name him Jolly ... typically it takes some time before I name something, but this came to mind on my way home as my mother was born in LeSueur, MN where there is/was a large Jolly Green Giant canning factory and they had a very large cutout of the Giant and Sprout up on the hill there. I know the bike is not green, but it is a Giant ... so, Jolly works nicely :-).

Perfect! I wish I could MTB more!!! It's really one of my first loves of endurance sports. But, most of my clients are road people, so I'm usually out on the road with them.
2016-06-12 5:18 AM
in reply to: Meulen

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall

How is the training going this weekend?

2016-06-13 8:17 AM
in reply to: kenj

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall
Originally posted by kenj

How is the training going this weekend?

great here!! training is starting to get REAL. 9 mile run Saturday, 75mile bike and 4 mile run Sunday!!!

Anyone else got races getting close?
2016-06-13 9:25 AM
in reply to: Meulen


Luskville, Quebec
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall
Good morning guys...

Not the best training weekend this one... some HIIT on Saturday morning, MTB yesterday morning and that's about it.... not a REAL ride, but for sure a bloody good workout.... got my brakes stuck!! I was trying to fix, but at some point I was so annoyed that I decided to go anyway... oh my Good Lord, it was hard.... cold, windy, wet, raining with the stuck brakes... In the end my legs were BURNING, LOL!!!

My wife was joking me yesterday... every year, these brakes gives me headache at the beginning of the season... it needs at least a bleed... looks like the pistons are ceased... I love SRAM when it works... my previous bike, was full Deore, and NEVER HAD ANY FREAKING ISSUE?!?! NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!.... .Arghhhh drives me nuts...

Anyway, lets keep going...

Oh, races... hmm I got a ToughMudder for next weekend... a friend convinced me last year... so, it's time... lets see... LOL
2016-06-13 10:16 AM
in reply to: amarcon

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall
Originally posted by amarcon

Good morning guys...

Not the best training weekend this one... some HIIT on Saturday morning, MTB yesterday morning and that's about it.... not a REAL ride, but for sure a bloody good workout.... got my brakes stuck!! I was trying to fix, but at some point I was so annoyed that I decided to go anyway... oh my Good Lord, it was hard.... cold, windy, wet, raining with the stuck brakes... In the end my legs were BURNING, LOL!!!

My wife was joking me yesterday... every year, these brakes gives me headache at the beginning of the season... it needs at least a bleed... looks like the pistons are ceased... I love SRAM when it works... my previous bike, was full Deore, and NEVER HAD ANY FREAKING ISSUE?!?! NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!.... .Arghhhh drives me nuts...

Anyway, lets keep going...

Oh, races... hmm I got a ToughMudder for next weekend... a friend convinced me last year... so, it's time... lets see... LOL

I've gotten into the habit of checking my equipment the night before! Good job this weekend though!! Good luck at tough mudder!!!
2016-06-13 10:21 AM
in reply to: Meulen

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall
Isopure makes a protein powder with zero carbs and is flavor free, which can be added to a ton o' stuff.
2016-06-13 10:53 AM
in reply to: kenj

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall
Let's see, I ran in rural Wyoming for 60min in 90* weather (yes, that was the morning). I took a number of breaks and I think I squeaked out 4.6+ miles. We were going to do an open-water swim that evening, but it was about 95@1900, so I did not want to put my kayaking partner through that torture of being on the water with the sun beating down on him.

Sunday the weather was much cooler. Headed out around 0700 for a 40 mile bike ride. Well ... I did just buy a new mountain bike, so had to try it out. The first 5 miles were gravel, little slower obviously. A cycling lap on my Garmin is 5 miles. I could tell the gravel was a bit slower. The road portion, the laps were anywhere from 27min - 33 min.

The last 5 miles was hilly and on very loose gravel. It took me 1:07... yup ... fell twice, cried twice (just tears) and not necessarily at the same time. Oh, I only fall when I am almost at a standstill (cos I clip in), so it is more a tip-over, but still not fun. And, I managed to fall to both sides within 5 minutes of each other (hence making sleeping on my side painful either way). I was tired but determined ... lol... I had to walk the bike a stretch of about 50 feet at one point because I simply could not get traction and was in the middle of a hill. I arrived back tired, bloodied, but satisfied. Today, feeling the residual effects, but thinking of the 35 miles of fun instead of the last 5 miles of torture. Lesson learned: when I do that loop again, I am going to go in the opposite direction :-).

2016-06-13 10:58 AM
in reply to: Meulen

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall
I have done a few sprints and will do another this weekend.

I have an Oly mid July and another one mid August with a sprint in the middle. After that I won't be doing any racing until the HIM Oct 30. I have improved my times this year quite a bit, which can be expected since last year was my first year of doing tris.
2016-06-14 5:31 AM
in reply to: BlackHillsRN

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall

Big brick Sunday with 75 miles on the bike and 4.5 miles running.  But this morning I have a power test, short ride, but all out effort makes it tough!

Next race is in a couple of weeks.  An OLY that I am doing just because I am going to support a friend doing the HIM at the same site.  I have a local HIM a few weeks later so I didn't want to do both.

Good work everyone!

2016-06-16 10:02 AM
in reply to: Meulen

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Just a reminder to BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!!

I've been coaching my dad for several years now. He's approaching 70 and still an incredible athlete! He podiums about every time he races!

Last night he was on a training ride. I got a call around 8:30pm that he was in the hospital. The police had called my mom. He has no idea what happened, doesn't recall anything besides driving to the park and going for a ride, then waking up in the hospital. He has a broken clavicle and he's pretty rashed and bruised all over. He's been in the hospital overnight.
2016-06-16 10:26 AM
in reply to: amarcon

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Hitting the Wall

Originally posted by amarcon Interesting... coincidence... a friend just sent me this article regarding supplements I take some whey, only after hard runs.... it scares me a little bit, some friends take it in the morning and after training... but, hmmm.... it concerns me... Someone suggested me BCAA for pre/during...didnt try that yet... "The wall..." oh good Lord, last race, full Marathon last month... around 30km til 35km... I felt an incredible "internal" cramp... didn't know if I would puke, or something worst... started walking, restarting...walking...restarting...til i finally got back... not pleasant at all... lol but it gives good overcoming histories... =D Cheers, AM

Whats the concern with whey?  As long as you are using one with a lot of added ingredients or chemical flavors, it is just a dairy by product.  My local grocery chain has a store brand with only 1 gram of sugar. 

2016-06-16 10:28 AM
in reply to: Meulen

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN

Originally posted by Meulen Just a reminder to BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!! I've been coaching my dad for several years now. He's approaching 70 and still an incredible athlete! He podiums about every time he races! Last night he was on a training ride. I got a call around 8:30pm that he was in the hospital. The police had called my mom. He has no idea what happened, doesn't recall anything besides driving to the park and going for a ride, then waking up in the hospital. He has a broken clavicle and he's pretty rashed and bruised all over. He's been in the hospital overnight.

Sorry to hear about your Dad Brian, I hope he is alright!!  Was the memory loss caused by the crash or was it the cause of the crash? 

Your Dad is a living example of my strategy to qualify for Kona or 70.3 championships, just out last the rest of my age group!!  Great for him!!

2016-06-16 10:31 AM
in reply to: Meulen

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Sheesh! Hope he recovers quickly.
2016-06-16 10:32 AM
in reply to: kenj

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
I think that is my objective as well, outlast the rest of my age group. :-)
2016-06-16 11:36 AM
in reply to: BlackHillsRN

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
thanks guys!

that's going to be my new strategy as well, since my allergies don't want to let me train enough to do it now!!!

He should be going home today. He has a concussion as well, but at this point they don't know whether his memory loss is due to the crash or if there is something more going on. He says he was sunburn before the ride and in the sun all day, so possibly he passed out with heat stroke. It's something he's going to have to follow up with his doctor with for right now. He doesn't remember and they haven't bee able to track down the 911 caller/good Samaritan.
2016-06-16 1:29 PM
in reply to: Meulen


Luskville, Quebec
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Hey guys...

oh Brian sorry to hear, hope everything is fine and it's nothing serious...

Yeah, beat age group... i would love to be chasing that.... well, some day =D

You know, there's just a few months that I've been swimming 3x-5x week, lunch hour... 20' to 30' max...unfortunately, but, that's what i have, eh? ... I can see some "improve" but honestly, the only thing that comes to my mind is... what's going be from 1 year from now.... 2 years from now....

Well... " .. It's gonna take time
A whole lot of precious time
It's gonna take patience and time, um
To do it, to do it, to do it, to do it, to do it
To do it right child ..."
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date : October 8, 2008
author : FitWerx
comments : 0
How do you determine VO2 max for cycling? I have my HR zones from a time trial, but don't know how to get VO2 max out of that.
date : December 31, 2006
author : sportfactory
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Is there a point of diminishing returns? At some point, age catches up with us all. In general, as we age, VO2 max decreases, body fat increases, and muscular strength drops off.
date : September 3, 2005
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Can you tell me how my LT and V02 max have not decreased after 8 months of absolutely no speedwork? I did very minimal running up until February 2005.