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2017-08-17 3:02 PM
in reply to: colesdad

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Subject: RE: Charlottesville protest
Gotta love our politicans and jumping on the flavor-of-the-month bandwagon.....I see Nancy Pelosi is now saying that all confederate statues should be removed from the capital. While its fine to say this. why wait until this moment to say it? Did she feel the same way two weeks ago? Two months ago? My guess is she saw an opportunity and jumped at it.

2017-08-17 10:35 PM
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Subject: RE: Charlottesville protest

Originally posted by hessma Gotta love our politicans and jumping on the flavor-of-the-month bandwagon.....I see Nancy Pelosi is now saying that all confederate statues should be removed from the capital. While its fine to say this. why wait until this moment to say it? Did she feel the same way two weeks ago? Two months ago? My guess is she saw an opportunity and jumped at it.

You think those people are going to miss an opportunity to hold on to their voting block as the economy picks up more steam?  Meanwhile, the people in the cities of our country (THEIR VOTING BLOCK) are living in absolute poverty and being shot to hell by....................f**king statues???  As stupid as this all is, I wouldn't begin to throw my beloved smiley at it.....because there is nothing funny about taking advantage of people by supporting issues that don't help them at all......while they pretend they care and hide behind CNN and the latest poll of the unknowing and uneducated. Wake up folks, you're being gamed here.

This has nothing to do with President Trump, other than the fact that he took the office of President away from them and happens to speak like he has a ham sandwich between his ears......and I think about 60% of what he does is bat chit crazy.  These career politicians are disgusting.  Can you POSSIBLY imagine a sitting State Senator writing that she hoped President Obama was assassinated like Missouri State  Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal did today with President Trump? And not a peep about it from the liberal media.  This is madness.

My grandpa had an old saying, that always cracked me up, that he used when he heard bullchit....."don't start pizzing down my back and tell me it's raining"........every time I hear someone rail on about tearing down a hunk of metal on a horse (that most people never have given a thought to) I think of him and smile.

I know damn well it ain't raining.



Edited by Left Brain 2017-08-17 10:52 PM
2017-08-18 7:25 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Charlottesville protest
I read about the lovely Mrs. Chappelle-Nadal in the Washington Post this morning so definitely seeing it covered with all (shocking!) Missouri Pol's demanding resignation. I think she should just pull a Conway and say she never said it and/or it's the fault of those dastardly recording microwave's

The really sad part when you think about all of this is how in the world do most of these people get elected. I can almost get someone saying something out of turn in real time/heat of the moment but with the written word you have every opportunity to adjust your thoughts but somehow with all that time to censor herself she still posted. Just shows a complete lack of critical thought which should in theory disqualify you from winning office though I guess outrageous and to borrow a phrase bat chit crazy seems to be what the majority is looking for these days.
2017-08-18 9:16 AM
in reply to: colesdad

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Subject: RE: Charlottesville protest

Yeah, CNN finally put up a story about it 4 hours ago, under the tag "posts by lawmaker being investigated".

Of course it's buried under a couple dozen TRUMP IS THE DEVIL AND EATS BABIES headlines. 

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