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2007-12-17 6:57 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: Weekly Training Summary 12/10-12/16

Running: 5 workouts/ 26.82 miles   (5k race 22:12)

Biking: 2 workouts/ 33.02 miles

Yoga: 2x

This is a pretty good week for a start back to full-on training.  I need to spend more time on the bike next week for sure.   The 5k went a little better than expected considering the 8 mile trail warmup, tired legs, and the heat.  The time is still a full minute slower than I should be at this point in the training.  I was encouraged by the 6:17 first mile, though, because I was definitely floating.  I was not even breathing hard until the heat hit at about 1.25.  It made me think that holding a 6:30 might be doable under the right conditions. 

This week’s schedule and goals:

Mon: aerobic run (7 mi)/yoga
Tues: bike 1 hour/weights?
 Wed: Tempo run (6.5 mi)/yoga
Thurs: bike 1 hour/weights?
Fri: Intervals (4x800, I think) (6.5mi)
Sat:  bike or off
Sun:  Long run (10-11)


  • Get the three key running workouts in
  • Mileage up to 30mpw
  • Biking mileage up to 40mpw
  • Keep up with yoga

2007-12-17 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

My goals for the next couple of weeks will be pretty minimal -- lots of time will be committed to last minute Christmas preparation, and the kids will be home from school all week next week...

So, I guess my goals for this week & next week are basically just to try to manage to get at least 3 or 4 workouts of some variety in per week. I'll be able to get more focused after the new year.

One thing I'm kind of excited about working into my training routine is some strength training. I would like to add some "crossfit" workouts to my training regimen, and if I can, I'll start this week.
2007-12-17 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

My goals for last week were not met, I was sick and I'm still recovering from the flu and a bronchitis.

Although I'm getting better, I will take it easy once again this week so to not jeopardize or compromise my recovery. I do however expect to be at the gym three times this week to lift weights and perhaps go for one 1500m easy swim. 

I will be travelling for the holidays this coming Saturday which means time for me to do some cross-country skiing next week.

Have a happy training week everyone!

Edited by Nats 2007-12-17 1:05 PM
2007-12-17 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1105701

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Subject: RE: Weekly Training Summary 12/10-12/16

Thanks for starting this Lori.. I had a crazy day at work today and didnt' get near a computer !!

I'm happy with my training last week -
I got in 3 runs, 2 bikes, 5 core workouts, and didn't eat any ice cream so I met my Dec goals.

I'm taking today off,  I work the next 2 nights then have 7 days off work.  My only goal is to stick to my Dec goals of 3 runs, 2 bikes, 4 core / week and to do something on every day that I don't have to work.  I need to also do some planning for the first 6 months of the new year.

Now's lets here from the rest of you... how was your week?

2007-12-17 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Pretty pleased w/last week's workouts - got to ride out twice - that's pretty good especially for December, and once was with a bunch of experienced bicyclists. I need to do that more.

Still in shoulder rehab mode for swimming.

Need to increase my weekly running mileage to be about 25 miles a week. But happy enough with my long run. It sure helps to have nice weather!

Got some clarity on how to move ahead with my plans for next season.

And got with a cool group of people in my mentor group on BT!
2007-12-18 5:37 AM
in reply to: #1105964

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

jsnowash - 2007-12-17 11:23 AM  One thing I'm kind of excited about working into my training routine is some strength training. I would like to add some "crossfit" workouts to my training regimen, and if I can, I'll start this week.


Jenny, I have looked at that crossfit.  It looks like it would be really hard but really good. I will be anxious to see how you like it.  I know I need some kind of strength training, but I have been dragging my feet getting going because my legs are always so tired from the running and biking that I can't quite get myself going.  Maybe your success with crossfit will inspire us all

2007-12-18 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1106868

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Weekly Training Summary 12/10-12/16
Dang-I hardly remember WHAT I did this morning, much less last week.

I did get a great longish run in on Sunday, then bricked it with a swim where I ALMOST felt like the TI (Total Immersion) drills were paying off.

I've been incorporating some plyometric moves into my core work-outs and I LOVE those.

Converting the bike to SS has been HUGE. I can already feel more...'pop' in my legs when doing hills.
2007-12-18 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

My training goals for last week where not meet.  But I did start the process of getting back on track. 

This week I am again working on getting a schedule down for fitting in all of my training, family time with the 4 kids, a 2.5 hour round trip daily commute and working as a snowboard instructor on the weekends.  The good news is that my commute should be cut down to a 20 minute commute sometime in early January.  I will be working 10 miles from home.  I have all ready figured out a route to ride to work a few days a week. 

I am also looking at buying a light for my bike so I can ride in the dark.  Anyone have any suggestions?  

2007-12-18 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Steve, Lori and Cathy...

Since I cannot send one inspire to the three of you at the same time, I just wanted to say thank you for your get well wishes, I really appreciate it!

I would usually go back into training mode the moment I'd feel a little better but I chose not to push it this time around. It's hard for me to stay away from training but I have to give myself time to fully heal and recover.

That snowstorm... Official word is that we got 26 centimeters (1.5 inch short of a foot) of snow in 12 hours this past Sunday in Toronto. My parents report 1.5 feet in their area (45 to 50 centimeters). Crazy!!!!

2007-12-19 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: Let's talk about MOTIVATION

With the holidays coming fast there's so much to do it's hard to fit everything into your day, and sometimes your workout is easier to skip than other things.

How do you stay motivated to work out?  What tricks do you use to get out there when you really just want to curl up on the couch?  How do you fit workouts into a jam packed day?  What can the rest of us (our mentor group) do to help you stay motivated to work out every day?

2007-12-19 6:21 PM
in reply to: #1110520

Subject: RE: Let's talk about MOTIVATION
cathyd - 2007-12-19 5:36 PM

With the holidays coming fast there's so much to do...

Hey all - Last week, as I was trying to really do it all and get those packages to UPS on time, my attitude was "Merry Frickin' Christmas." I even felt like this chest pain from the stress and the hurrying.

How to deal with the hoiday stress? Workout. It helps. Also, accepting the fact that I am not a super gift giver, decorating is not my thing, my cookie baking is sub-par: Martha Stewart I ain't.

I've been forced to be a little creative in where I can fit in a workout - like going for a run at my kid's school while he plays on the playground. Next week, we will be travelling and staying with family and probably the best I'll be able to do is walk but it is also nice to have a change of pace and place.

Good luck everyone, the holidays throw us a curve ball in many ways.

2007-12-19 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1110520

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Let's talk about MOTIVATION

My motivation is that most of my peers ARE curled up on the couch.   That's the difference between someone who exercises and an ATHLETE.  

As for keeping the motivation...I try to have fun.  Sometimes this means the training log gets put on the back burner for awhile.  If you're working out simply to satisfy your 'log', you may want to put a little spice back into your regime.  Try a Step Class, spinning or yoga,  most gyms have a public climbing wall you can try.  Winter offers a whole different play book as far as fitness goes; XC skiing, snowshoe, heck, try an up-tempo run in 6' of fresh powder-then make snow angels when you're done..    Some friends of mine get together with their indoor trainers and have movie night (sprint during the commercials or until the next bad guy gets shot).   Tongue out jeff

2007-12-20 5:24 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
This has NOT been a good week for me so far on the workout front. I did really well last week, but I am waaayyyy behind where I need to be on holiday stuff (especially getting gifts out in the mail -- YIKES!). I think I'll pretty much have it all nailed down later today, and can relax and hopefully fit my workouts back into the schedule... I made so much progress last season, but I just haven't been working out as much as I need to - I don't want to loose what I worked so hard to gain! On the other hand, it's just 5 weeks after my first marathon, so I have felt a little justified in "taking it easy" for a month or so, but the month's over - so time to get back at it!!

Happy Holidays, everybody!!
2007-12-20 9:02 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
For me it helps to go out and at least do part of the work out.  If I totally skip a day it is harder for me to stay in the routine.  So instead of running and swimming the same day, I may just do the run.  Or I will do a shorter workout. 
2007-12-20 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

My motivation levels are still high but my two week old illness makes me feel frustrated these past few days. To chase the frustration away, I work on my off-season and half-ironman training programs; this gives me something to look forward to once I'm fully recovered. Reading my fellow mentorees and mentor logs also keep me motivated!

2007-12-21 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1110520

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Subject: RE: Let's talk about MOTIVATION

I should probably answer my own questions.

My #1 motivation to work out is my health.  My mom had cancer in her 40s and neither her nor my mother in law made it to their 60th birthday.  Both my parents had high blood pressure, and now myself and my brother are on BP meds.  I work in critical care and see the damage people do themselves with poor lifestyle choices - we get more and more 400+ lbs patients, lots of alcohol, drug users and smokers that cause big problems when they go into withdrawal a couple days post op.

Having a goal race planned helps me, I know that I have to get the miles in or the race will not be pleasant.

One trick that helps get me out the door is to check other people's logs, or the daily thread in the forum, seeing what other people have already done while I was still in bed.  Being part of a mentor group or a challenge team helps too, knowing others will be checking my log. 

I don't really have a 'lack of time' issue.  I do find that on work days (I work 12 hours, 7 - 7) I don't get home until 8 pm so I usually schedule my first day a rest day.  The second day I might do a workout after work if my husband is not home, if he's home I spend time with him.  On my night shifts I'll workout the day of my first shift but the in between day is a sleep day.  My work schedule is 4 on, 5 off so I have lots of days off and they are workout days.  I don't have any young kids at home so I really have lots of time for training.

What you can all do to help me is check my logs and let me know if I am slacking !!!!  I'll be doing the same for you . 

2007-12-21 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1111343

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
When you have 2 sports planned for a day, do you do them one right after the other or at separate times of the day?  I like to get it all done at once, have one shower and be finished but sometimes it's hard (I'll be tired doing the second workout) and it would be easier to have them separated. 
2007-12-21 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1112728

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

I can imagine your frustration.  I'm feeling 'phlegmmy' (not sure if that's a word) and coughy this morning - hope I'm not coming down with a cold.  

What plan are you using for the HIM?

2007-12-21 8:35 AM
in reply to: #1111167

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
It's hard when you have a lot to do with family and holidays... and you need and deserve a break after running a marathon !!  Just do what you can the rest of the month.. with the kids off school fit in some fun stuff you can do together.  If you can, do a couple short workouts each week, a 30 minute run or bike, a quick core workout, a short strength session, a relaxing yoga workout, it all helps.  The new year is only a couple weeks away and then you can really get back at it.  For now maintenace mode would be acceptable.  Family comes first!!
2007-12-21 9:03 AM
in reply to: #1110520

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: Let's talk about MOTIVATION

Sorry, I am kind of late to chime in on this.  I have two things that keep me motivated. 

One is that I hate to lose.  I don't mind getting beat by someone who I know is better or who has worked harder -- I have respect for that -- but I HATE when I lose a race because I didn't train enough or do the right things in training.  Each of my workouts are made for a purpose, and so it is hard to miss even one without feeling like I have let that one aspect of my fitness slip.  

The second way I stay motivated is more fun.  I have a motivation scrapbook. I save pictures, ads, articles, quotations, race results, and basically anything that keeps me going.   I also have a couple of running books that I love that always give me an extra shot of motivation when I need it.  They are Once a Runner by John Parker and Running with the Buffaloes by Chris Lear.  They always give me a little boost. 

2007-12-21 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1113183

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

For me it depends on what the two workouts are.  I usually like to break them up, even if it is just by a few hours, like one in the morning and the other around noon.   I am not an evening workout person.  If I have a bike and run planned, I always break them up unless I am planning a brick.  I do the more important workout first.   I will do a bike and swim or a run and a swim together sometimes, always with the swim as the second workout.  I think it helps my legs recover.  If I am doing weights with a bike or run, I will always do the weights second because I hate the dead feeling in my legs I get from doing the weights first.  Of course, the weight workout is compromised some... 

I have a luxury that many don't have, though, in that I do a lot of my work from home and so can be more flexible with my workouts.

2007-12-22 5:50 AM
in reply to: #1113221

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Let's talk about MOTIVATION
wyldrunner - 2007-12-21 9:03 AM

Each of my workouts are made for a purpose, and so it is hard to miss even one without feeling like I have let that one aspect of my fitness slip.  

So, just curious -- do you have a coach who designs your workouts for you, or do you do it yourself? If you self-coach -- do you have any pointers for the rest of us on how to structure a training program?

I think part of my problem with motivation at the moment (aside from the hectic nature of the season) is that I'm NOT really following any specific plan at the moment... I've been working on developing my training plan for the year, but that's gotten pushed to the back burner recently. When I get it more or less finished, I will try to post it for some feedback from the group.
2007-12-22 5:58 AM
in reply to: #1113193

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
cathyd - 2007-12-21 8:35 AM

It's hard when you have a lot to do with family and holidays... and you need and deserve a break after running a marathon !!  Just do what you can the rest of the month.. with the kids off school fit in some fun stuff you can do together.  If you can, do a couple short workouts each week, a 30 minute run or bike, a quick core workout, a short strength session, a relaxing yoga workout, it all helps.  The new year is only a couple weeks away and then you can really get back at it.  For now maintenace mode would be acceptable.  Family comes first!!

Thanks for that.... Sometimes I fall into this mental trap where I feel like a 30 minute workout "isn't worth it" -- although I know that something is better than nothing. I'm gonna do my best to get some workouts in between now & the New Year. I've only managed 2 so far this week -- and I feel like I'm turning to mush....

On a non-training related note, though -- I really do love the Christmas season, despite how busy it can be. My kids are just about to explode! They just can't wait for Tuesday. I love seeing how excited they are, and how much they love picking out presents for each other and other family members ("Oh, she's going to LOVE this!"). It's just all so much fun for me! They're growing up so fast -- it won't be long before they won't have the same excitement they do now, and I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts!!!
2007-12-22 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1113183

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

cathyd - 2007-12-21 9:21 AM When you have 2 sports planned for a day, do you do them one right after the other or at separate times of the day?  I like to get it all done at once, have one shower and be finished but sometimes it's hard (I'll be tired doing the second workout) and it would be easier to have them separated. 

My schedule recently changed from 12hrs rotating shifts (7 AM - 7 PM and 7 PM - 7 AM) to the somewhat steadier 9 to 5. What I plan on doing with this new work schedule is one workout early morning and one after work but I'm pretty sure I could get the shorter ones done at once; I still trying to work this out. I would keep Saturday and Sunday for my long bike and long run or bike-run bricks.


2007-12-22 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1113187

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
cathyd - 2007-12-21 9:24 AM

I can imagine your frustration.  I'm feeling 'phlegmmy' (not sure if that's a word) and coughy this morning - hope I'm not coming down with a cold.  

What plan are you using for the HIM?

My baseline is from Triathelte Magazine's "Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide" (half-ironman level 4). I complement it with Joe Friel's "The Triathlete's Training Bible" and Tom Rodgers' "The Perfect Distance".

I'm thinking on getting tested for lactate treshold and VO2 Max after the holidays.

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