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2008-01-12 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

John - There was a wind-up toy in the lane next to me the other night at the pool.  It had to be a wind-up toy, because she swam for over 40 minutes non-stop.  She wasn't doing kick-turns.  I was stretching when she walked by me, a woman about 5'3" @ 110lbs. (maybe), late 40's at least.  Get this, she was breathing every 4th stroke!  Amazing!

Timmeh! - Thanks for the kind words.  We visited the cemetary today for the first time since dad's funeral on December 8th.  It was an emotionally draining day.  I was running tonite and looked up at the stars - I wondered if he was looking down on me.  I miss the guy.

Joe Friel is an pretty good biking and multisports author.  I have his Mountain Bikers Training Bible.  He has other cycling books that go into detail on various biking training regimens and intensities.  Amazon has his books.

Dale - Awesome links you are posting! I have some new road bike tires on the way and look forward to trying the salt sticks!

Is the Total Immersion DVD worth getting?  I have "The Triathlete's Guide to Open Water Swimming" from Terry Laughlin and it has already done wonders for my stroke (or lack thereof).

2008-01-13 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1115197

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I don’t have that DVD, just his original. The main thing I got from the DVD are the drills. To me it makes more sense to see it rather than read about it. As you saw with the girl next to you, swimming is all about technique. In a triathlon, especially a sprint, you probably won’t loose a race in the swim. You goal is to finish strong with plenty of energy left for the bike and run.

You don’t have to do flip turns. I do open turns ever sense I hit the pool deck with the top of my feet. If we were together I could show you how in 5 minutes. It looks like there is a U tube video and some articles on the web. The pool sprint races around here make you go under the ropes after each lap. People who do flip turns are at a disadvantage because they are flipping blind into the next lane. Also, an open turn lets you sneak in another breath. I have had a couple of people come up to me after the race and say they thought they were going to catch me but I was able to turn quicker with an open turn and go under the ropes than they could.
2008-01-13 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1152481

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Northern NY
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Hi Terry,

Swimming faster is about how long you can maintian the perfect stroke (or as close to one as you can get). When you want to run twice as fast, you put forth twice the energy (basically). When you want to swim twice as fast, it take about 6 times the energy.

I wouldn't worry about flip-turns (kick-turns) for Tris. Most of the swimming is open water anyway. Turns do us no good in a lake.

2008-01-13 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

Oh I can do kick turns, I was telling John about the lady beside me who didn't do any.  Like Dale said, I usually touch the wall for the extra breath, which I prefer.  Our pool is only 25 yards, so doing too many kick turns gives me some motion sickness (dizzy).

Elizabeth - I hope you are proud of your Chargers!  Twice this year the slapped Indy around at Indy.  I was hoping Peyton would pull it off the 2nd time!.

Cold bikeride today.  The temp dropped like a rock this afternoon.  Wind chill was 31 when I got done.

2008-01-13 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1115197

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Hi All,
I hope you had a good week and are making progress in developing your plans. I know it’s tough to stay motivated during this time of year especially after the holidays. Remember to make time for yourself, set some mini goals and reward yourself for sticking with it!

2008-01-13 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Random question here: I made a post at Runners World about Katie Holmes getting into the Boston Marathon and got a lot of rude responses. Then this morning I made a comment about Katie Holmes to a friend of mine at the gym. I was miffed that she got a charity exemption into the Boston Marathon after taking nearly 6 hours to run the New York marathon. He said I shouldn't talk because I have never run a marathon before and it's really hard, etc. (He has only run 1 marathon btw and ran it in like 4 and a half hours or something but his mentality was exactly like the runners world crew - if you haven't run one then F you and shut up!). #1 I have respect for anyone who runs a marathon but you can't get in the Boston field (for her age) without running a 3:40 or something. #2 it was my buddy and we were shooting the shiznit. Am I being overly sensitive? can I say that 5.5 hours or 6 hours is slow for a marathon even though I haven't run one? I seem to have made some faux pas. I have enver trained for a marathon and don't really think it would be fun but even then, today, right now, if I had to run one at gun point I am 95% positive I could do it in 4.5 hours. Iam going to run 13.1 on Tuesday and see what time I come up with but the whole point of not being able to have an opinion until you've been there doesn't seem valid to me. Any ideas?

2008-01-13 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Northern NY
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Hi everyone...I hope you had a great weekend.

BT Training Log question....How do you count your minutes for the swim? Do you count continuous swimming minutes or total all the minutes from each set you swim? Or, do you just count all your time in the pool (Warm-up, Cool-Down, Kick laps, etc)?


2008-01-13 10:15 PM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I have a cheap ($50) ironman watch. it is water resistant. i actually use the chrono fucntion and stop it every time i stop. then start it back up right before i go under. that way i am just timing my actual swimming time.
2008-01-14 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

In the pool, I time my actual stroke time and not any rest time in between sets.

Got a little good news this morning!  I may have found the source of my knee pain(s); incorrect bike fit on my 'pre-owned' road bike.  It could also be that I am standing up to attack hills and "mashing."  I spoke at length with the owner of the bike shop today (he wasn't the person who fitted me on my used road bike).  I am really excited!  All of this can be fixed with a wrench!

I ran 2.5 miles Saturday nite and knees didn't hurt yesterday at all.  I biked a cold 16 miles (legs were covered) yesterday and knees are aching badly today. 

Edited by orange223 2008-01-14 5:35 PM
2008-01-14 7:03 PM
in reply to: #1115197

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Congrats on getting your knee problems fixed! Glad it was an easy fix. On your logs, the main thing is to be consistent. Some people don't include warm ups and cool downs. IMHO, if I'm moving it's all good .
2008-01-16 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1115197

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I am expecting an ice storm tonight so I might be offline for a few days. Part of the fun of living in the boonies.

Let’s talk a bit more about race day and training nutrition. Those of you have been active may already have yours locked up. For everyone else, this too is something to experiment with and find out what works for you. This weekend I caught up with a friend of mine who did ironman FL last year. He had done several ironmans in the past. This race he started having GI problems soon after he got off the bike. Somewhere around the half way turnaround he had to find someone’s bushes in their backyard. He got dehydrated and walked the last 3 miles. Point is, it happens to everyone. He was expecting hot and humid weather and got hot and dry. Rule of thumb, the longer the distance, the more important your nutrition. Most people, for a sprint can get by with an electrolyte drink and no food. I carry a gel just in case. Again, come race day you should have your plan worked out.

When swim training, don’t forget to hydrate especially if the water is warm. You will sweat in the water. The swim is a great place to try out drinks and gels. If you have a GI problem you are close to the facilities. The beats the middle of nowhere on the bike. I like to use hammer gel for long swims and cold weather runs. It’s basically a fruit spread. The bike is where you will do most of your eating and drinking. If you take on solid food, do it hear instead of the run. If you are new to bike ridding, you will need to get used to eating and drinking while riding. This take practice and you will drop your water bottle. I seem to do it while going down steep hills so I get to ride back up it and search the ditches.

On the run, stick with gels and fluids. I strongly recommend getting a fuel belt. Come summer, this will be a lifesaver on hot runs. Go ahead and get the 6 bottle model even if you don’t need it now. You can leave the holders empty if you don’t need them. You can get MP3, phone, and other pouches the you can attach to the belt. I feel like I am a camel going on a expedition when I put it on but it sure does work.

As far as electrolyte drinks, there are dozens of types and flavors. I like Cytomax tropical fruit. Some people thinks its too sweet but it works for me. Whatever you choose, mix it at full strength to get the full benefit. Most importantly make it something you like and you GI tract can tolerate in all types of weather. If you don’t like the taste, it won’t do any good sitting in your bottle cage.

Remember, you are a lab rat .

2008-01-17 6:40 AM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

I'm taking a few days off from cycling, running and swimming to give the knees a rest.  Doing some core and upper body work tho.

I found a source of great information the other day.  I stopped by a chain called "Vitamin Shoppe" that is only a few miles from the office.  Turns out the sales associate who helped me is a long distance cyclist.  The asst. manager is a triathlete.  They recommended an alternative and cheaper replacement for ZMA.  They don't sell Hammer products (wah!), but told me of several electrolyte drinks, powders which they say they have never cramped when using.  Will be a great place to experiment with different products this late winter.

Point is, that a vitamin shop (GNC, Vitamin World, etc.) could be a great source of performance information and/or advice.  Regarding their advice, possibly compare it with other sources of information and experiment with the products in the pool, weightroom, on the bike and while running.  As Dale says, this is the only way to get our nutrition plan(s) and race day routine nailed down.


2008-01-17 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Hey Everyone,

Just checking in. The bronchitis has gotten progressively worse. I actually thought I was going to cough an entire lung up the other night, so in the morning I drug myself back to the doctor. After a quick listen to my chest he ordered up some chest xrays which confirmed I have full blown pneumonia now. Well the good news is that this new round of antibiotics seems to be working and I should now be on the road to recovery. The bad news is that recovery will probably be one to two more weeks.

I can't stand not working out, but really don't have a choice about it I guess. I can however train my brain still, so I picked up the book Dale recommended on nutrition, "Sports nutrition for endurance athletes". So far it has been a wealth of knowledge and enjoyable to read. I've also been paging through the Feb issue of Triathlete magazine, which has some great beginner articles in it as well.

Dale - I hope the ice storm doesn't hammer you too hard! We got about four inches of snow last night, and now the temps are supposed to go below zero through the weekend.

Terry - Hope the knees enjoy there rest period!

2008-01-17 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1115197

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Hi All,
The ice went through quick so we only got a glaze. Ain't winter fun? Let's go visit Elizabeth! GNC and the like do have electrolyte supplies that are usually priced pretty good. I have also found some good buys on Amazon. Don't forget that vitamins and supplements are not FDA regulated and can be just as dangerous as prescription meds. Do some research before you take anything on a regular basis. I use this at work and they have some vitamin and herbal info.

Everyone that is hurting and under the weather, get some rest and take care of yourself. I like watching to help with cabin fever.
2008-01-17 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I ran pretty fast tonight for me. I got 3 miles in 23:50. (6:55, 7:45 and 9:10 in order.) I also walked 1.85 miles in 32:00, biked 6.15 miles in 22:00 and swam 300 meters in 8:00. I did not have very much time at the gym and I had already had a 2 hour Neuro training session this morning. Plus I was taking it a bit easy because, YES, my first Sprint Tri is Saturday afternoon. I am a bit nervous but it should be cool. It is ALL indoor - treadmill, stationary, & lap pool, but there will be awards and prizes, etc. so I am excited.

Edited by big john h 2008-01-17 9:53 PM
2008-01-18 7:43 AM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

Dale - Glad you all didn't get slammed with an ice storm!  I'll take snow any day over ice!  We had 1/2 inch Wed. nite and all of the neighborhood kids were out playing in it at 7:30 PM.  I speak with a software company from Raleigh, NC several times a week and they were concerned about the impending ice.

John - You go, buddy!  Knock 'em dead tomorrow!  We are all pulling for you!

You Should Be in Pictures - Wasn't there a link on BT where you can resize pictures for our BT album?  There are some more I want to post this weekend while we are in a deep freeze (weather-wise) and watching the NFL playoffs, but I can't find that link for the life of me.

 Timmeh! - Take care of yourself and get well soon!

Edited by orange223 2008-01-18 5:09 PM

2008-01-18 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Hey John, good luck tomorrow! (Although with speed like yours, you won't need any luck!)

Have fun and let us know how it goes.
2008-01-18 2:51 PM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Thanks. I appreciate all the encouragement. Exact opposite of what I get at runners world where they make fun of me and call me slow. LOL.
2008-01-19 4:34 PM
in reply to: #1163118

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Northern NY
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I know I'm late but belated good luck!
2008-01-20 12:06 AM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Who needs luck? LOL. The event was canceled due to snow. I live in Atlanta, GA and it hailed/snowed from about 10am - - 4pm. Event was supposed to start at 2pm. It is about 18 degrees here now. They decided that most people wouldn't risk the traffic (even though the roads were fine in my eyes) so they canceled it. Yes - canceled. Not postponed as far as I know. Totally bummed!
2008-01-20 1:50 PM
in reply to: #1115197

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
That's the first time that I have heard of canceling a run because of snow. But yes, when there is a snow flake here in the South, people freak.

2008-01-20 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1166434

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Let’s next look at weight loss. By now, most people who had weight loss as one of their new years resolution have already given up. You have a distinct advantage over the rest of the population. You are beginning the journey towards lifelong fitness and better health with a plan and a set of goals. Pity the rest of the world. Good nutrition should become a part fitness plan. Food is the fuel that will get you across the finish line.

As I said in my bio, I lost 70 pounds and for five years I have been able to keep it off. I did some things right and a bunch of things wrong. I am going to start out keeping this topic general and let the discussion dictate where you want this to go.

Step 1: Keep a food diary. This should include everything including your stash in your desk drawer. Yes this is one more log to have to keep, but most people don’t have any idea how many calories they consume.

Step 2: Check out the food pyramid This is where you want to be. Look at how close you are and be honest. Look at you food log and see where are the junk calories. Things like soda, fast food, candy do nothing to fuel your engine.

Step 3: Add some nutrition goals to your goals for the year. As you achieve your goal reward yourself, not with food, but one of your tri toys. For many years, I did without wool socks when I biked. Winter gear will be going on sale in the next couple of weeks. Set yourself a goal of changing something in your diet, stick with it for at least two weeks, and pick up some cold weather stuff on the cheap.

Step 4: Obsess over portion control. If you are still hungry after a meal, eat some fruit. These are not free calories but most Americans do not consume nearly enough fruit and veggies.

Don’t fret over the scale. As you workout you will be putting on muscle mass and burning fat. Let your clothes tell you when you are making progress. A general rule of thumb is that you have to burn about 3,500 calories to loose one pound of fat. This is what stuck in my head. Like you, my training time is very limited. You loose weight by burning more calories than you consume. When I look at a can of soda or a slice of pie, I think of how hard I have to work not only to burn that off plus the other calories that I am carrying around my belt. Workout time is too scarce to be spent burning off junk calories
2008-01-20 6:51 PM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Tell me about it. As I said before the whole thing was INSIDE. The sprint tri was lap pool, stationary and treadmill. LOL> But it did snow for a long time and snow is still on the ground today. Theysaid nobody showed up so theycalled it an early day.

But today I did get a bike!!!!!!!!!! My Doctor and friend gave me his old Scott Centurion Ironman Road Bike. It has Shimano components. I am buying a new seat, and new tires. Everything else is fine - no rust. It has been in a garage for what looks like 5 or 6 years. But he also gave a me a roof rack, old school wind resistance trainer, and a bike mechanic's vice grip and stand and tools. I went directly to my buddy's house afterwards and he said some of the items were old but they were all in good shape - including the bike - and that at auction or garage sale the stuff would easily have cost $500 and that brand new it was probably all total around $2,000.
2008-01-20 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Next question. I am not sure the protocol of receing a gift like this. I may offer to give this back to my friend after I fix it up (and use it for a few hundred miles) or offer to buy it if I like it (he'd probably just tell me to keep it) but I still want to know what size it is. It fits perfectly. The horizontal bar is about .5" below my balls (sorry ladies) when Istand straight over it. It fits perfectly (me and the doc are the same size) but there is no indication anywhere on the bike as to what size frame it is? I am still looking to buy a newer one and would like to know what size? How can I tell?
2008-01-20 7:26 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

John - Sorry about the cancellation.  I would take the bike to a bike shop and let them fit me to it.

Had a decent swim and bike workout yesterday.  Woke up this mornging with vertigo.  Spent a few hours at the walk in clinic.  Woozy and dizzy.  Hope it goes away soon.

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