BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-01-10 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3980740

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Tripopo - 2012-01-10 8:32 AM

Keep it up Allen that's fantastic!!


OK so stupid trainer question, how much resistance should be on the rear tire?  I have a cycle ops fluid pro 2 trainer and I set it up and did an easy 30 min spin just trying to get a handle on set up etc. I bought the unit in October (got a great deal so didn't want to pass it up) but just set it up for the first time today and it seemed alot easier than what I was expecting based on comments from BT.  For instance, and I realize speed isnt accurate, my avg speed according to my cyclecomp was in the mid 30's mph and I could get it into the 40's, which according to the speed to power chart would have me at over 800 Joules...  which as much as I 'd love to think I am that beastly, I'm not- not at all.  Thoughts?

Are you running a regular tyre on it? what's the inflation pressure? Resting solidly on the flywheel? Have you tried shifting into the big ring?

2012-01-10 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3981208

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
srichards428 - 2012-01-10 12:50 AM

Im back to more of a normal schedule this week.  

Welcome back!

2012-01-10 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3981339

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-01-10 7:42 AM
Tripopo - 2012-01-10 8:32 AM

Keep it up Allen that's fantastic!!


OK so stupid trainer question, how much resistance should be on the rear tire?  I have a cycle ops fluid pro 2 trainer and I set it up and did an easy 30 min spin just trying to get a handle on set up etc. I bought the unit in October (got a great deal so didn't want to pass it up) but just set it up for the first time today and it seemed alot easier than what I was expecting based on comments from BT.  For instance, and I realize speed isnt accurate, my avg speed according to my cyclecomp was in the mid 30's mph and I could get it into the 40's, which according to the speed to power chart would have me at over 800 Joules...  which as much as I 'd love to think I am that beastly, I'm not- not at all.  Thoughts?

Are you running a regular tyre on it? what's the inflation pressure? Resting solidly on the flywheel? Have you tried shifting into the big ring?

Make sure that your tires are inflated to their outdoor pressure (yes, you can get a pinch flat on the trainer, just ask my husband!).  The trainer should be tightened down enough that it you feel some resistance.  The fluid will heat up after five minutes or so of riding and increase the resistance a bit more.  On the trainer I am slower than riding my road bike outside but faster than riding my mountain bike outside while keeping my heart rate in the same zone. 

2012-01-10 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3981417

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jmkizer - 2012-01-10 8:32 AM
srichards428 - 2012-01-10 12:50 AM

Im back to more of a normal schedule this week.  

Welcome back!


I hate trying to figure out training while on 2nd shift, a buddy of mine would do his runs after work at 0330 or so, I just couldn't get that motivated after 2nds hope you can find some balance.


I have an older tire on it, came with the bike not sure brand but rode it for most of the last year and it held up fairly well.  I have the pressure right around 110 which is about what I normally ride on, maybe a little under.  Looking at the video on the cycleops website I think that I don't have it tight enough, I avg around 20 on the road bike normally so hitting above 40 can't be right...

2012-01-10 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3981277

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Kate_r - 2012-01-10 6:17 AM

I should have been clearer about the question of trail shoes, I have trail shoes with no specific support as far as I can tell but a sole capable of gripping and withstanding the uneven surface. The problem is that I ran in 'neutral' running shoes for 9 months after some bad advice and now have plantar faciatis that I'm trying to resolve.

The question is - do I run in my support giving running shoes that I know will help my heel pain but provide no stability for my ankles or grip


do I run in my trail shoes and hope that the fact that I'm not running on concrete means that I wont suffer as a result of the lack of support. 


Why don't manufacturers make trail shoes with support? Is it too niche or are they just not needed? 

It looks like you are in Sacouny ProGrid Stabil CS now?  Are you happy with Sauconys and want to stick with them?  Have you looked at the Saucony ProGrid Guide TR?  Other options might be the Pearl Izumi Isoseek or PI Isoshift, Mizumo Wave Cabrakan, Mizumo Wave Ascend, The North Face Ultra 105 GTX, etc.

2012-01-10 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3981208

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
srichards428 - 2012-01-10 1:50 PM

Sorry that I have been MIA the past week.  I have been having trouble sleeping when I get home from work at night.  I have been sleeping from 4:00am to 11:00 am.  It only left me with a couple of hours to deal with training and getting ready for work.  But, Im back to more of a normal schedule this week.  


Hope everybody has a great week! 

No worries at all--nobody's expected to keep up with everything and be there all the time--not even Lynn and I, that's why we always make sure we have such awesome Manatees to pick up the slack :D

2012-01-10 10:59 AM
in reply to: #3981279

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Kate_r - 2012-01-10 5:19 AM

ukweeble - 2012-01-09 8:00 PM I AM STILL STOPPED SMOKINGSmile.  

Yay - well done, this is great news!


2012-01-10 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3981151

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
kgore - 2012-01-10 12:40 PM

Claire--I have pretty nasty seasonal allergies, and during (!) last year's racing, I discovered that I also have exercise-induced asthma....I was so happy to learn that I had it though--I had done two tris, and during both of them I would have MAJOR issues breathing during the swim, leading to major chest pain (still with the inability to breathe) during the bike and run! Finally, I visited my doctor and was prescribed an inhaler--It was like a breakthrough moment--my next workout went SO well, I almost cried cause I was so happy--instead, I ran--and ran, and ran, and ran....It can still get a little tight, but nowhere near as bad as before.

Rest day today---20 miles on the bike followed by a quick run tomorrow! Good times!

Oh yeah--new first today! I got to play with a bobcat--he lives in our education dept. While I have seen him a bunch (even patrolled with him while he's on a walk), I never got to hang with him. Today I was able to sit in his 'den' and pet him and play with him--so awesome! Smile


I would love to play with a hyena. I have a thing for hyenas.

2012-01-10 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3981294

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jimmyb - 2012-01-10 8:00 PM

So this diet, weight loss thing is going pretty good so far.  Biggest struggle for me are the hunger pains.  I have been trying to combat this with drinking lots of water, carrying snacks with me throughout the day, and increasing protein (eg. Greek yogurt in the am's vs regular).  Anyone have any remedies that work well for them?  This coming from a guy who can eat a whole large supreme pizza anytime, anywhere.

May everyone reach their goals today!!!

I hear you. Lots of water (lemon squeeze? splash of juice? carbonated?), try to munch on enough low-cal (or high-nutrient) high-density snacks so the hunger doesn't set in. Lowfat cheese, nuts, big whole fruits (apples, bananas, etc.), homemade granola, beef jerky, hard boiled eggs (or egg salad made with whites and nonfat dressing or just drizzled with olive oil and seasoning), crunchy veggies ...

2012-01-10 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3982106

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Sending no tsunami zen your way Yanti!  I hope that the quake wasn't too nearby either.
2012-01-10 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3981277

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Kate_r - 2012-01-10 5:17 AM

I should have been clearer about the question of trail shoes, I have trail shoes with no specific support as far as I can tell but a sole capable of gripping and withstanding the uneven surface. The problem is that I ran in 'neutral' running shoes for 9 months after some bad advice and now have plantar faciatis that I'm trying to resolve.

The question is - do I run in my support giving running shoes that I know will help my heel pain but provide no stability for my ankles or grip


do I run in my trail shoes and hope that the fact that I'm not running on concrete means that I wont suffer as a result of the lack of support. 


Why don't manufacturers make trail shoes with support? Is it too niche or are they just not needed? 

I don't think you should have a problem finding a shoe that provides bothe. Go to a running store that has a good return policy and find something that works for you. If you really can't find something and have to choose one or the other, I say wear the shoes that don't bother your feet. I run trails in regular shoes all the time.

2012-01-10 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3982126

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

jmkizer - 2012-01-11 3:24 AM Sending no tsunami zen your way Yanti!  I hope that the quake wasn't too nearby either.

Yikes! I always find out about this stuff on BT first. Thank you for your kind wishes. Quake was way far away but unfortunately right off the same province of the infamous quake/tsunami of Dec. 2004 that killed a quarter of a million people, all over the Indian Ocean but mostly right at that province. I really hope everything will be all right there.

It is typhoon season here so we routinely have bad storms this time of year. The electricity went out in our (I'm at my folks' right now) 'hood this afternoon, and over on the island my sister and I live on, all the water pipes in her neighborhood burst so they've got no running water.

2012-01-10 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3982164

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Hi everyone, sorry I've been mia since my OMGwhathaveIgottenmyselfinto post! My group went live the night before I hauled my entire family from Chicago to Paso Robles, California for a week (and I hauled them with one arm!). Then of course it was a whirlwind of celebration and family fun (and angst) right up until we left on Sunday morning!

New Year's Day I was able to ride my uncle's trainer for close to an hour, and I have been getting some power walking in. Feels really good, and hoping I get cleared for all of this at my next appointment Innocent. My plan for IMOO starts in February and I am simply going to sub aqua jogging for swimming until I can actually start swimming. Not the same, but it gives me cardio with no impact and three distinct activities to swap between.

Riding the trainer this afternoon!!! 

Cheers! Q.

2012-01-10 1:55 PM
in reply to: #3982186

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
quincyf - 2012-01-11 3:48 AM

Hi everyone, sorry I've been mia since my OMGwhathaveIgottenmyselfinto post! My group went live the night before I hauled my entire family from Chicago to Paso Robles, California for a week (and I hauled them with one arm!). Then of course it was a whirlwind of celebration and family fun (and angst) right up until we left on Sunday morning!

New Year's Day I was able to ride my uncle's trainer for close to an hour, and I have been getting some power walking in. Feels really good, and hoping I get cleared for all of this at my next appointment Innocent. My plan for IMOO starts in February and I am simply going to sub aqua jogging for swimming until I can actually start swimming. Not the same, but it gives me cardio with no impact and three distinct activities to swap between.

Riding the trainer this afternoon!!! 

Cheers! Q.

I am of the COMPLETELY UNFOUNDED but personally STRONGLY SUSPECTED opinion that aquajogging is kind of a 3-in-1 sport. It does benefit water-feel, positioning, and kick; if your kick is a little more cycle-y, there's the bike; and then it sure is a great running simulation, too.

2012-01-10 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3980193

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Pug Palace
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
ukweeble - 2012-01-10 12:00 PM

congrats on the birthday Hollz. The big 5-0 sounds like something to look forward to if we all get the chance to party like you.

Pleased you are able to paint such an accurate image of me! I will be updating with more morsels of info as time goes by to complete the picture.

To all my fellow Manatees, you guys are really rocking with your training. It spurs me on to train hard just to make it worthwhile posting myself. As for me, my swimming isn't getting faster but my endurance is improving. Have i mentioned i hate swimming? My run seems a little better, as does my bike. I AM STILL STOPPED SMOKINGSmile.  Just about to go out for my first night jog having bought some neon/reflective gear. Desperately need to get myself a digital watch so that i can time myself more accurately.

Love the positivity of the group. Thanks Lynn and Yanti for setting the mood and keeping it there.

Am i going on a bit? it is beginning to sound a bit like an 'Oscars' acceptance speech so i will shut up.

Allen you hate swimming and I am in need of a hamster ball for my road bike.  BTW I watched for the mer-people top secret blow holes at last nights swim.  They glide so quickly and efficiently thru the water I didn't catch a glimpse of this mysterious breathing.  Then the deck coach decided to have the newbies do some timeed 50's... Surprised  First 50 = 51 seconds, second 50 = 43 seconds.  Not bad.

2012-01-10 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3982208

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
wagonnatri - 2012-01-11 3:56 AM

Allen you hate swimming and I am in need of a hamster ball for my road bike.  BTW I watched for the mer-people top secret blow holes at last nights swim.  They glide so quickly and efficiently thru the water I didn't catch a glimpse of this mysterious breathing.  Then the deck coach decided to have the newbies do some timeed 50's... Surprised  First 50 = 51 seconds, second 50 = 43 seconds.  Not bad.

Not bad? That's awesome, damn straight!!!

(the blowholes are hard to see because they're tucked into the armpit fold ... really all you see when the merpeople fly by is whoosh and water coming off all parts of them)

For a long time on the bike, I wore a Camelbak. Sure, it was a decent liquid delivery system. But mainly because with the straps tight on my shoulders, I felt like I was wearing a seat belt harness and I was safe.

2012-01-10 3:08 PM
in reply to: #3982106

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-01-10 1:14 PM
jimmyb - 2012-01-10 8:00 PM

So this diet, weight loss thing is going pretty good so far.  Biggest struggle for me are the hunger pains.  I have been trying to combat this with drinking lots of water, carrying snacks with me throughout the day, and increasing protein (eg. Greek yogurt in the am's vs regular).  Anyone have any remedies that work well for them?  This coming from a guy who can eat a whole large supreme pizza anytime, anywhere.

May everyone reach their goals today!!!

I hear you. Lots of water (lemon squeeze? splash of juice? carbonated?), try to munch on enough low-cal (or high-nutrient) high-density snacks so the hunger doesn't set in. Lowfat cheese, nuts, big whole fruits (apples, bananas, etc.), homemade granola, beef jerky, hard boiled eggs (or egg salad made with whites and nonfat dressing or just drizzled with olive oil and seasoning), crunchy veggies ...

x2 on the hunger thing.  And, I have a questions about hard boiled eggs that I can not ask anyone else for fear that they will laugh in my face...or just not have a clue.  Say I want to snack on a hard boiled egg.  But when you boil it, the yolk is in there just-a cooking right along with the white.  So my question the white still fairly cholesterol free if you take the yolk out after you cook it?  You can laugh...just don't tell me you're laughing

2012-01-10 3:17 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Yes white is still cholesterol free if you take out the yolk, there si a membrane seperating the 2 so should be good to go.
2012-01-10 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3982366

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Tripopo - 2012-01-10 3:17 PMYes white is still cholesterol free if you take out the yolk, there si a membrane seperating the 2 so should be good to go.
2012-01-10 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3982233

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-01-10 1:11 PM
wagonnatri - 2012-01-11 3:56 AM

Allen you hate swimming and I am in need of a hamster ball for my road bike.  BTW I watched for the mer-people top secret blow holes at last nights swim.  They glide so quickly and efficiently thru the water I didn't catch a glimpse of this mysterious breathing.  Then the deck coach decided to have the newbies do some timeed 50's... Surprised  First 50 = 51 seconds, second 50 = 43 seconds.  Not bad.

Not bad? That's awesome, damn straight!!!

(the blowholes are hard to see because they're tucked into the armpit fold ... really all you see when the merpeople fly by is whoosh and water coming off all parts of them)

For a long time on the bike, I wore a Camelbak. Sure, it was a decent liquid delivery system. But mainly because with the straps tight on my shoulders, I felt like I was wearing a seat belt harness and I was safe.

great swimming times on your 50s! way to go!

Yanti, you should pitch camelback with the safety harness as a marketing tool!

2012-01-10 7:10 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Itty-bitty brick today---20 mile bike ride immediately followed by a 10 minute run--the ride took an hour 23 minutes, and I made it .62 miles on the run--not too bad--I raised the seat a bit on the bike, and it felt infinitely more comfy today; it might have helped with my energy! After that  it was off to the dentist Yell...Thankfully it was only a check up and everything looked good.

I'm going to try and get started on the pictures of my bike and stuff tonight...Apart from that, I think it is time to relax.

2012-01-10 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
It's probably a little closer to my heart than some people on here but the marathon trials are being televised this weekend and I am so excited! Anyone else watching?
2012-01-10 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3982916

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Asalzwed - 2012-01-10 8:09 PM It's probably a little closer to my heart than some people on here but the marathon trials are being televised this weekend and I am so excited! Anyone else watching?


That's funny, somebody just emailed me about this.  I will be watching!



2012-01-10 10:33 PM
in reply to: #3982233

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Pug Palace
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-01-11 12:11 PM
wagonnatri - 2012-01-11 3:56 AM

Allen you hate swimming and I am in need of a hamster ball for my road bike.  BTW I watched for the mer-people top secret blow holes at last nights swim.  They glide so quickly and efficiently thru the water I didn't catch a glimpse of this mysterious breathing.  Then the deck coach decided to have the newbies do some timeed 50's... Surprised  First 50 = 51 seconds, second 50 = 43 seconds.  Not bad.

Not bad? That's awesome, damn straight!!!

(the blowholes are hard to see because they're tucked into the armpit fold ... really all you see when the merpeople fly by is whoosh and water coming off all parts of them)

For a long time on the bike, I wore a Camelbak. Sure, it was a decent liquid delivery system. But mainly because with the straps tight on my shoulders, I felt like I was wearing a seat belt harness and I was safe.

Thanks Yanti.  I was sucking major wind after I completed that 43 second 50. Whew.  All of us newbies were giddy about our times.  None of us had been timed prior to last night. Smiles all around.

I like your Camelbak idea.  A bit to cold and wet still here in WA to ride.  (secretly Chris grins knowing she can put off riding Tinkerbell for a few more months...)

Love your avatar wish my stroke looked like that.  Nice rotation.

2012-01-10 10:36 PM
in reply to: #3981294

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Pug Palace
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jimmyb - 2012-01-11 4:00 AM

So this diet, weight loss thing is going pretty good so far.  Biggest struggle for me are the hunger pains.  I have been trying to combat this with drinking lots of water, carrying snacks with me throughout the day, and increasing protein (eg. Greek yogurt in the am's vs regular).  Anyone have any remedies that work well for them?  This coming from a guy who can eat a whole large supreme pizza anytime, anywhere.

May everyone reach their goals today!!!

Save me a piece of your supreme pizza please.  I will wash it down with the milkshakes I was couldn't stop thinking about throughout my run tonight. 

Great job and my you reach your goals as well.

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