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2013-02-20 1:22 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Carol: Up your anti oxidants.  Berries, green veggies, green tea, and the standard vitamin C.

Mike: I misspoke.  The email was just Active saying I'm no longer registered.  The RD was very kind and gave me the link to start the refund.  I'm sure you all are shocked to hear that it looks like a pita!  I'm officially volunteering for the NBHM.  I'll be at the last water stop to cheer on my friends and fellow Team Owen members.  I also got all my ducks in a row to start my leave from work.  Surgery is next Thursday...time TBA....that's when I say goodbye to work for awhile.  Hopefully, I can get back in 6-8 weeks of light duty.

2013-02-20 2:24 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hi All,

Sorry to have been MIA recently.  Been pulling some long days at work(s).  Looks like I missed alot of stuff... Jay, so sorry to hear of your injury.  No two ways about it, that just s*cks.  Carol, lots of rest and liquids.  Should be good to go for the race and you'll certainly be on fresh legs!  Liked what you said about in controlling the inputs, or making the best of the inputs.  Especially as I get older, have to find more joy/meaning in the journey/training.  Samantha - some awesome training going there!! So we lost Steve, found Steve, and lost him again.  Hopefully he'll turn up again soon - that kind of stuff at a school can set a whole bunch of things in motion. 

Just finished my 1 hour swim for Feb - 3390 yards (3100 meters).  Some improvement over last month and no foot cramps at the end this time.  It is also a killer workout.  Did a better job keeping an even pace throughout... even had something left at the end (well, enough to "sprint" the last 100m at 1:50 to get to 3100 even).  Arms feel like toast now!

Next week out of town for 3 days with little chance to train, so will lose a bit there, but a week later head down to Florida where I'll start ramping up the biking and then cross my fingers that by mid-March, Spring is breaking out in Virginia.  Otherwise, generally on track.  Would love to break the 200lb barrier by the end of Feb too... probably not quite going to get there.


2013-02-20 8:40 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Carol rest.

Samantha I really wouldn't want to commit to anything after a first IM, at least not in the first 3 months or so afterwards.  After you have done a couple IMs you will have a better feel for your recovery.  Typically though you do almost nothing for 1 month and then start up slowly for the next month, like real slowly.  So at 3 months out you will be feeling a bit more solid, but probably don't want to race until 4 months out. 

Jay that totally sucks.. no more jogging up the steps to impress your wife. 

Boy tough crowd I don't post for 2 days....   Ya work is pretty flat out at the moment.  I have to finish up 8 evals in the next 2 weeks and go to probably 15 meetings.  So I may be gone for a couple days here and there 8).  Yall are on the right page with your feedback to each other though.

Mike glad you are getting back in the groove. 

Edited by Baowolf 2013-02-20 8:52 PM
2013-02-20 11:42 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hello group. I have to make one small clarification - I prefer to be called Samantha. Thank you!

So today's workouts went well. 3 mile run at 10:30/mile, which was really good considering I was feeling so tuckered out from the last two days. Then I went to swim class. Does it seems strange that my swim coach doesn't give me feedback? I tend to be slightly over-zealous in my desire to get feedback, so I'm never sure if I should get it or if I just want to get it. So far he really hasn't told me anything specific except the first day when I asked him.

Kate - thanks for your thoughts on tough mudder. Glad you got to do it, but I can see how you wouldn't want to do it again. And I definitely don't want any injuries. Glad you are recovered from your injury and GETTING READY FOR YOUR FIRST HIM!

Jay-  you will be racing soooner than you know too

Mike - enjoy your free from family for a few days and kick some training butt. I don't even know what trainer road is.

Carol - how ya doin?

Stu - Glad to hear from ya! Nice job on the swim. I am always happy when I keep an even pace over a long distance too. Cut sugar out for the next two weeks and see what happens

Steve - okay, so you can take a couple days off and we will promise to not hire a PI again. You are very well like around here. So I was kinda thinking a race that soon, especially an intense one, might not be a good idea after IM. Thanks for the confirmation. When is your next ortho appt? Hope the work pace begins to slow soooner rather than later. And tell me how it is you live 100 miles from a stop light and work for a school that has kids making threats? Maybe I have misunderstood something.

2013-02-21 6:05 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Yang Min Shan, T'ai-pei
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
A short question for the group. Should i wear a wetsuit for my race if it is optional?  The temps should be in low to mid 20's (celcius) and i am not certain of the water temps.  This is my first race and I am doing the Sprint distance (750M Swim/50K Bike/5K Run).  I am faster with the wetsuit but I don't know if I will lose what time I pick up during the swim during transition, since I have to peel the wetsuit off.  Pictures from last year show most wearing wetsuits for the short and long course but only a few for the sprint.
2013-02-21 7:46 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Tom -- if the water temp is going to be below 78 I'd wear the wet suit. It will make the swim easier, but make sure you practice swimming in it, and practice taking it off as well. Put body glide on your ankles so you can slide it off a bit easier when you are pulling it off.

2013-02-21 8:29 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hey there, still in rest and recover mode here.  It's nasty/rainy/cold too, so not even tempted to run.  Cold is progressing nicely I think...head more clear this morning, so now a matter of hoping the cough doesn't take on a life of its own.  A friend who is also trained up for a PR effort in the full just came down with the crud, but has less time to recover.  She's a few yrs younger though, so really hoping it all works out for her too.

Samantha, sorry on the name thing.  Totally unintentional.  My typing was a bit of a mess all the way around yesterday

Stu, I totally agree with you on enjoying the journey.  Weeks like this make me realize how important that is.  Great job on the 1 hour swim!  Fun to see that improvement!

Jay, I guess one silver lining to surgery is some time off work.  Though that would beg the question of whether a career change might be a good idea .  Glad you are going to volunteer.  It can be really fun and rewarding.  I did it for the first time during my ankle rehab.  Course marshalled and had a great time.

TK, OK, so 20 C to 68 F.  At that air temp, I'm betting the water temp will be such that a wetsuit would not only be faster, but feel good temp wise as well.  Personally, I would wear it.  If you are a super fast/confident swimmer anyway, and out for a spot on the podium, the answer might be different though.

Steve, maybe a good thing you're not training much right now.  Work happenings would have made it pretty tough time wise.  Thanks for letting us know that you are OK because that is the main thing!

2013-02-21 11:15 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hey all,  Haven't had a chance to catch up.  The family over here has had a terrible stomach thing.  I felt like I wasn't going to make it!  So no training yet this week...   I'll catch up on everyone when i feel a bit better..

Jay, take this time to recover and learn about your body.  I'm sure the rest of your body will appreciate the time down and you'll come back event stronger.  Listen to the Physical Therapists.  they teach you the tools for an injury free career.

Carol, seems like you're doing the right things to get through.. Good luck...



2013-02-21 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4631180

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

TK - 2013-02-21 7:05 AM A short question for the group. Should i wear a wetsuit for my race if it is optional?  The temps should be in low to mid 20's (celcius) and i am not certain of the water temps.  This is my first race and I am doing the Sprint distance (750M Swim/50K Bike/5K Run).  I am faster with the wetsuit but I don't know if I will lose what time I pick up during the swim during transition, since I have to peel the wetsuit off.  Pictures from last year show most wearing wetsuits for the short and long course but only a few for the sprint.

For a sprint, I prefer no wetsuit... Less than 10 minutes in the water... for me it's not really worth it. My first season I did once just for practice during a wetsuit optional race. 

2013-02-21 1:45 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

TK, I am cold natured, so I would swim with the wetsuit.  You will really need to consider the time as was mentioned earlier.  Getting out of a wet suit will definitely increase T1 time.  

I have been sluggish all week.  My run while time wise not a dropoff, my energy going into and coming out of the runs have been in the pits.  Just all around down this week.  I think I may be coming down with a slight cold as well.  Let's see if I can listen to my own advise and take it easy if that is truly the case.  

2013-02-21 4:15 PM
in reply to: #4630949

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Baowolf - 2013-02-20 8:40 PM

Samantha I really wouldn't want to commit to anything after a first IM, at least not in the first 3 months or so afterwards.  After you have done a couple IMs you will have a better feel for your recovery.  Typically though you do almost nothing for 1 month and then start up slowly for the next month, like real slowly.  So at 3 months out you will be feeling a bit more solid, but probably don't want to race until 4 months out. 


 Steve, this concerns me.  I scheduled to do 2 charity centuries following my first IM.  One 3 weeks later and the 4 weeks after that.  The first one has about 4500 ft of climbing and the second is at Death Valley.  Do you think I will be recovered enough to manage both?  Also I will be serving as a coach so I may end up riding more like 125 miles each time.  


2013-02-21 7:06 PM
in reply to: #4631971

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
kmatt318 - 2013-02-21 2:45 PM

I have been sluggish all week.  My run while time wise not a dropoff, my energy going into and coming out of the runs have been in the pits.  Just all around down this week.  I think I may be coming down with a slight cold as well.  Let's see if I can listen to my own advise and take it easy if that is truly the case.  

Sorry to hear about your week.

I am in recovery week after a big build. and my PF started hurting the day before yesterday. It's getting worse.. Uggh! Doing lot's of stretching. I swam today and am going to prolly do only a short bike workout tonight. I need to be healthy right now!!!

2013-02-21 8:35 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Quick checkin because I'm not sure when I'll have time in the next few days.

Samantha, sorry I shortened your name.  We do that in our family to all of our girls (and many of our guys) and I just brought it over here.  I'm sorry.

Kate, take care of that PF.  I know the stretch that seems to help me most is putting a rope around the top of my foot and gently pulling it back towards me.  And that stupid marble pickup seems to help me although it seems counter intuitive to me.  Please take care of yourself.  I was going to give you a hard time for sneaking up behind me in the 1000 mile challenge but I'd rather you fly pass me cause that would mean that you were healthy and feeling good.  Take care Sweetie.

Carol, thinking about you Doll and knowing you are going to be great Sunday.

Jay, good for you on the volunteering and getting the surgery scheduled so quickly.  Will be praying for you and please, please, please come back here and let us know how it goes.  It will also be good for you to come back here and live vicariously thru the others that are training.  I know it will hurt some but it will also help lots.

Ken, hope you feel better soon.  You nailed it when you said that you might need to cut back just a little til the pep is back.

TK, I was thinking your tri was this weekend but I see it's next weekend.  Definitely let us know what you decide on the wetsuit and how it all goes.

For some odd reasons, I developed a major pain in my neck/shoulder yesterday and it had me crying and screaming in pain this morn.  Tried stretching and rolling it out and all I can say is that drugs are a wonderful thing.  It seems to finally have eased around lunch - right when my work pain in the arse was just ruining my day.  But since the knot seemed to have loosened, I was able to get in a nice run this evening after son's baseball game (was trying to hold Kate off a little longer in the 1000 mile challenge but now I hope she kicks my butt.)  Tonight was the first time since the mary that the run felt good.  I still went ez but it was back to being fun and relaxing so I was happy about that.

Ok, I've just taken another round of Advil to hopefully insure the neck pain will relax and release while I sleep.  Have a great day everyone.

2013-02-21 11:40 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

If the water is high 60s or 70s no wetsuit for a sprint is fine.  If you get cold easily well you can wear the wetsuit.  In a sprint the wetsuit wont really save you much time.  Wetsuit strippers will balance out the time loss pretty well though if thats available.

Ken just adding in that swim and bike may be anough to bump your fatigue load into sluggish runs.  If its not a cold that is probably what it is.  Cumulative fatigue creeps up on ya.  Ken you have a much thicker base than Samantha.  If you take your time on the ceturies you should be fine.  Just don't go trying to hold a 20 mph pace.  I did crater lake ride about 3-4 weeks later and was ok but i did it tourist style, taking picutres eating food at the rest stops etc.  You should be ok.  The tough mudder is physically harder and Samantha has a thinner base, want to keep her healthy. 


Edited by Baowolf 2013-02-21 11:52 PM
2013-02-22 5:57 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Sign I'm getting older dep't ---  Out to dinner last night and a combination of small print on the menu and low lighting required that I borrow my wife's 'cheater' glasses so I could read the menu more clearly. They helped nicely, but my kid's snickering at the whole situation certainly didn't make me feel good about it. . First time I've ever had to do something like that. My visiion is normall quite good, but it seems mother nature may have other plans.  I also ate way too much, but thats a different problem.

Have caught the cold both kids have had the past few days, and my head is completely jammed up. Oh, and another snow storm heading this way again. But life goes on and I'll be getting in what I need to do. Thinking also about adding a 4th bike to my weekly program, likely a shorter spin, but getting more work in.

2013-02-22 8:23 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mitch - ugh, stomach bugs are the worst!  Hope you and your family continue to feel better.

Ken - which bike ride(s) are you coaching?  JDRF maybe?

Kate - hope the PF will settle down so you can build.  I continue to marvel at the consistency of your logs!

Pam - glad the run felt good.  Sorry about the multiple pains in the neck.  Sounds like the physical one is easier to deal with than the other one.

Mike - laughing with you re: the vision thing.  Kerry & I now have multiple pairs of reading/computer/etc. glasses spread throughout the house.  Occasionally we will get to a restaurant and both forget them, and just have to wing it.  Hope you can shake the cold and not lose too much training time.

Jay - agree with Pam very much...important for you to stay connected, but painful at the same time.  Check in when it's good for you. But please, please let us know how your surgery goes so we don't worry about you, OK?

Continuing to cough quite a bit, but overall improving.  I went to the doc last night just to make sure it would not be really stupid to start on Sunday.  Got a good report there, no fever, and lungs/heart sound OK.  That eases my mind, so worth the $20 co-pay.  Looking forward to seeing my BT friend from Austin who is coming to stay with us.  I'm really thinking she's got a great shot at a BQ. Thanks so much to you guys for your support of all my whining over the stupid cold!  


2013-02-22 2:25 PM
in reply to: #4632906

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
squirt - 2013-02-22 8:23 AM

Ken - which bike ride(s) are you coaching?  JDRF maybe?

Yes, Nashville and Death Valley.  It's the first year for Nashville.  Really excited about riding there.  This will be my third trip to Death Valley.  Always fun.  

You should join us. 

2013-02-22 8:44 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Hey Ken, that's great!  Do you know Keith Rust (JDRF coach in Dallas)??  I believe he's doing Nashville too.  I'd love to do a JDRF ride, but am kind of fund raised out right now...did fundraising for Insulindependence Carlsbad half, and ADA Tour de Cure last yr. 
2013-02-23 8:13 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Carol -- is tomorrow the big day? Glad you spent the $20 for a check up, and hopefully that cough will be gone asap! Is there any way for us to track you on-line during the  race? I know it was a blast last time when Larry was doing his HIM. Regardless, go give 'em heck tomorrow. You've done all the prep, you are ready, you are able, and you are going to crush this thing!

2013-02-23 8:20 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

So, i'm back from my run, and it clocked in just shy of 6 miles. Don't know what happened, but it just .12 short. Had mapped out 6.2, but who knows. It was an uneven run for sure. I felt good most of the time, had a bit of 'runners high' hit about mile 4 which was bizarrre. For about the next 1/2 mile everything seemed to be happening as if I was in some sort of dream, and I really couldn't feel my feet hitting the ground or legs moving. Very weird!

I did find myself taking a couple short (30 sec) walk breaks during the first couple of miles for no reason whatsoever. Maybe just needed to get warmed up. The second half of the run was waay better than the first. I think the walk break think is 99.999% mental, and I need to get better at that part of the sport. Plus I really need to get in better run shape, no doubt.

Overall its been a good week, and my cold seems to be receeding, although it is still hanging around my chest. Capping the week off with a couple hours on the trainer in the AM tomorrow. I'm hoping after this upcoming week I'll be caught up with my plan and can get back at the level I should be. Todays run was encouraging, and I feel like I'm heading in the right direction.

2013-02-23 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mike, I so LOVE the runner's high!!!!  I've only had it a few times - sometimes only for a few seconds but once it was Mile 10 of a HM.  Glad things are feeling good for you.

To borrow Mike's expression, my run today was "uneven".  I do not know where my energy was but it was terrible.  Mentally great....physically it sucked.

Carol, I hope that the mary tomorrow is the greatest!!!!  I wish you no coughing, fast feet, lots of energy, good vibes, perfect weather, great spectators, and a big honky PR!!!!  I know that you can do it.  Go out knowing that it's your day and that the PR is yours.  If we can track you, please let us know your number.  Otherwise, report back as soon as possible please.  I'll be praying for the perfect race.

Ok, if the rain holds off, I've got 5 to 6 hours at the ballfield today.  Have a great weekend everyone!

2013-02-23 12:42 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Just a quick check in.  3 mile run today.  Felt pretty good but still not 100% finished with that virus.


Carol - good luck tomorrow!

2013-02-23 2:23 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hey there, thanks so much for the well wishes!  Kerry & I did the Cowtown 5K together this morning, and had lots of fun.  Then a little expo shopping netted some deeply discounted shoes for both of us.  Chicken Cacciatore is in the crock pot, and waiting for friends to arrive later.  My bib # is 1280 and there is some sort of tracking here:, but not sure how all that works.  Here's a pick from this morning: 


Happy training to all, and catch up with you later!

2013-02-23 3:26 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Good luck tomorrow Carol!

2013-02-23 4:44 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Good luck tomorrow, Carol!!!!

Mike and Pam, sorry to hear you all have been struggling with the run, but I've had a similar issue this week.  I don't know if I just haven't been sleeping well enough, or my first intervals on Monday, or the 1 hour swim, but Thurs and Fri I just had nothing on the run.  I decided a new pair of running shoes might help... it was time... and since my usual brand/model (for 5 years) was out of stock, I even changed that because I've been struggling with my run and feet since last year sometime (when they "upgraded" the model).  Anyway, you're not alone.  Maybe we're just sucking in all of the negative run energy in the world so that Carol won't have any :-)


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