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2007-12-10 8:26 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Reston, VA
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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Cathy, I'm sending you all my positive energy! I had the same thing happening to me two weeks ago, I discovered a lump and after numerous hours of tests they pronounced it benign lymph node.  I know how nerve wrecking it is. Please do know that We are thinking about you.

2007-12-10 10:14 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Cathy, I'll say a prayer for you that everything turns out fine.  I am inspired  by you doing the IM next year, that is going to be awesome!

Jill, How did your race go on Sunday?

I finished my first 1/2 mary on Saturday.  It was a lot of fun.  I had serious pre-race jitters and felt very nauseas.  Once I started it was very exciting.  Heather volunteered and was there at the finish line which was awesome.  I'm still sore today.

Hope everyone had a good weekend! 




2007-12-10 4:24 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Zoe, I'm glad yours was just a scare. I'm hoping that Cathy's is also.

Mel, congratulations on the race.

Heather, glad you could spin today. The rest will get better, give it time.

Me, I just got a cortizone shot in the left heel. Let's hope that takes care of the PF. I'm bsy icing it now to keep it from hurting too much.

I need to go swimming. I want to go swimming. I'm going swimming tomorrow. Yahoo.
2007-12-10 4:26 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Mel & Heather. I gave your names to Dee (D001). I think she lives in Charlotte or really close to Charlotte and wants to meet some tri people in the area. I've been on a couple of challenge teams with her and she is great. Drop her a note.
2007-12-11 11:54 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Heather I want a copy!!!!

Got my biopsy results and it is OK!!!  Sclerosing adenosis and fibroadenomatous hyperplasia.  I'll take it!  thanks for all of your concern, you guys are awesome

2007-12-11 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1095189

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
COgirl - 2007-12-11 12:54 PM

Heather I want a copy!!!!

Got my biopsy results and it is OK!!! Sclerosing adenosis and fibroadenomatous hyperplasia. I'll take it! thanks for all of your concern, you guys are awesome


2007-12-12 10:40 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Heather - I want a copy! I am going to PM you my address since I guess posting it on a public website is not the best idea. Could you also PM me your address, I want to send everyone a Christmas Card!

Group - Please PM me your address as I want to send a Christmas Card to everyone!

Mel - Congrats on your half, is your race report up?

Kendra - Congrats to you to and I am going to see if I can find your race report.

Cathy - So glad to hear about the biopsy results, so scary!

My marathon on Sunday went GREAT! Here is my race report I guess that the most interesting thing about the whole race was how I had this total role reversal with my dad. I ran the whole thing with him as this was his last (or so he says) marathon and it was my first. He ran my first 10k with me when I was in high school and helped me train for it and slowed down and stayed with me the whole time. This time it was me encouraging him to keep going and I was cheerleading the whole way. When we first got to the AA center where the race was being held, I made him go inside while I went searching for the bag drop outside in the rain and cold, I didn't want him getting cold. I guess I have become protective of him and was worried about him finishing. He will be 77 in February and is definitely showing some signs of starting to slow down. The most exciting thing about the race for me is that I got a Garmin the day before (early Christmas present) and my average HR was 126! Plus I felt totally fine the whole race. I guess going slow helps.

 Hope everyone is having a nice holiday season and slowing down enough to enjoy their family and health!


2007-12-12 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1095189

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
COgirl - 2007-12-11 11:54 AM

Heather I want a copy!!!!

Got my biopsy results and it is OK!!!  Sclerosing adenosis and fibroadenomatous hyperplasia.  I'll take it!  thanks for all of your concern, you guys are awesome

Such good news.
2007-12-12 5:09 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Jill, what an experience, running the marathon with your dad. This will be a memory that you will treasure for ever. The only one to top it now will be when you run one with your kids.
2007-12-12 7:49 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL


Here is my "athletic life" update:

I ran my first 10K race last Sunday. We had two local BT teams Red vs. Green, there is a picture in my log, check it out. I had a blast, and I saw a really great improvement in my running, I ran very even splits at around 8:15 m/mile. I was fastest female on my team so my time counted toward team's total. Last June I could not hold 10m/mile pace in 5K ;-)

I'm running Cherry Blossoms 10 miler in April, can't wait!

Edited by Z 2007-12-12 8:40 PM
2007-12-12 8:38 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Cathy, Great news!  I know you must be so relieved.

Jill, Awesome job on the marathon.  That is really cool that you ran it with your Dad and that's amazing that he is running a marathon at 77. 

Kendra, I hope your heel heals quickly.

I have 5 copies of the magazine that Heather is in.  If you want a copy I can mail it to you just pm me your address. 

I haven't had a chance to do my race report yet. Hopefully I'll get a chance to do it this week.


2007-12-18 10:33 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

HI all!  Well, Z's post got me thinking.  Who has goals set up for '08?

Here's mine:

  • finish IMCdA in under 14 hours
  • Get my run times to under 9mins/mile

2 weeks to the end of 2007.  I can't believe it!

2007-12-18 4:56 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

I'm a grandmother for the third time today.  However she is my first granddaughter.

Emma Marie, born 12/18/07 @ 12:09pm california time, 6lb 9oz, 19 inches long


(Emma 12 18 07 b.jpg)

Emma 12 18 07 b.jpg (33KB - 42 downloads)
2007-12-18 5:33 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
hi girls

things are going well! It is freezing here. It was 22 degrees when I left the house for swimming this am. TOO COLD! I have been spinning too-which does not hurt. I am not too keen on swimming at this point the flip turns hurt alot.

2008 Goals:

3 sprints
1 1/2 IM (relay I am swimming!)

To place in the Athena catagory as well as I can! To run more effectively!



Edited by countregirl 2007-12-18 7:59 PM
2007-12-25 2:55 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

My goals for 2008

Swim 120K yards, Run 300 miles, bike 600 miles

3 sprints, 1 oly, 1 1/2 mary and maybe a few other road races.

Lose 40 or more pounds.

2007-12-25 3:45 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Hi all!  Merry Christmas!  I hope you are all enjoying the day off.   It's a snowy wonderland here, as we got 7 inches of snow!  And it's still snowing.  Good stuff.

Kendra, your granddaughter is gorgeous

2007-12-26 7:37 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Kendra, Your grandaughter is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

Cathy, My daughter would be excited to get snow here. She keeps on asking when is it going to snow out? We either get 1 or 2 snows or nothing at all.

Goals for 2008:

1/2 IM 5/8 White Lake

5 races mix of sprints & olys in NC (hopefully to make it into NC invitational in Oct. depending on how I place)

1/2 IM Beach to Battleship beginning of Nov.

My friend wants me to run a marathon with her in Sept. in Chicago not for sure on that one yet. She is going to be joining the Team in Training to fundraise for Leukemia. Her Mom has just been diagnosed with acute Leukemia.

Did my race report for 1/2 mary. Not sure how to post link. Just started back training today it felt so good to be back at it. Last week my mother-in-law was here and I was running around like a maniac all week and didn't even get a chance to run. I was having the heeby jeebies.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!





2007-12-27 11:50 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Mel, I got the article. Thanks for sending.

Heather, great story.

chicago marathon, I hope that they rethink how they plan it. This year they did not do very well. Go read up all the articles on it. for a first mary you may want a different one. You would do great in a mary though.
2007-12-30 8:22 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I am planning to spend some time working on next year's goals soon. I am up in Vail, Colorado right now and have pretty much been in crisis mode as I have been trying to support my brother who is dealing with issues with his wife. She has had some prescription med problems and it has gotten very tough. They have 3 young children, a 3 year old and 1 year old twins. My brother has basically been a single dad for awhile taking care of all three of them and I am flying to Portland with him on Tuesday just to help him get them all home. My mom flew out here with him. I haven't worked out since the day after Christmas and I am feeling pretty yucky. I am ready to get back to it

Kendra - your granddaughter is adorable!

Cathy - I can't believe how much snow we have gotten since we have been here. We ended up spending the day in Denver last Thursday waiting on my brother and his kids to fly in so that we could all drive up to Vail together. We drove over the pass at night and I was just gripping the steering wheel so tight as the wind blew and the snow kept coming down. BRRRRR, it is cold up here!

We had a nice Christmas in Texas and I hope that you all are enjoying a nice season. I still am waiting on getting my holiday cards, but will send them out to those of you who sent me your address. Happy New Year!

2007-12-31 6:51 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hi Girls ;0

Happy New Year! I hope 2008 is a great year for all of you! I am optomistic!

I spent the last week on Sanibel in FL it was beautiful there. I rode a few 30 mile rides and walked/ran the beach every day I was there. The weather was 60 in the morning and 80 during the day!

Today I rode with a few friends a 30 mile ride, it was challenging as they are fast and I felt like I was holding them up--but they were gracious. they were riding between 18-19 mph which is fast for me on rolling terrain.

I plan on running asap but i am still sore when I do that!

i also plan on trying to start logging my training in 2008 we will see.

Take care

2008-01-02 1:22 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a good one.

Jill, I hope everything works out with your brother.

I just signed up this morning for Beach2Battleship HIM and I'm going to be signing up for White Lake HIM tonight. A friend of mine is doing the full IM Beach2Battleship.

Cathy, Can you suggest a good tri bike that is between $1,500-$2000? I'm definitely going to need a different bike. I've been dropping hints to my dh that I'm going to need a new bike. He hasn't really said anything. Maybe a surprise bday present? Probably not.

Also have you heard of Spinervals? Are they worth it or not? I just started using my bike trainer, Christmas present from my dh. I have been watching whatever is on Noggin or PBS kids.  That's not really keeping me very motivated.




2008-01-02 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1128516

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Cathy, Can you suggest a good tri bike that is between $1,500-$2000? I'm definitely going to need a different bike. I've been dropping hints to my dh that I'm going to need a new bike. He hasn't really said anything. Maybe a surprise bday present? Probably not.

There are lots of great bikes in that price range!  Kuota K-Factor, Felt S-32, QR Tequilo to name a few.  You want the best components for the price.  BUT, my best suggestion is to get a tri bike fit first.  Any bike is only as good as it fits!  To give you more insight....I had a fit recently...I have a short torso so my reach to the handlebars is a problem, especially in aerobars.  Most bikes have a top tube that is too long for me.  So I had a fit and was told I had all of 3 bikes to choose from that would fit me.  2 of those I would never have considered before the fit!  Something to think about. has a sale on '08 Quintana Roo bikes....the Tequilo is normally $2400, now $1999 and has Dura Ace components!  If you have ANY other questions about the bike stuff, let me know!  Bike shopping is the BEST!

Also have you heard of Spinervals? Are they worth it or not? I just started using my bike trainer, Christmas present from my dh. I have been watching whatever is on Noggin or PBS kids.  That's not really keeping me very motivated.

I like Spinervals...they're hard, so I wouldn't use them all the time.  They often put you at or near LT, so they're meant to be difficult.  I have used 2 of them.  One was "mental toughness" I think.....crazy stuff.  THey have you get off the bike and do squats!!!  The other one is "Totally Time Trial" that I 've used.  HARD! 

I got a Netflix subscription to use while I'm on the trainer....gotta get through a LOT of long rides during this winter, so movies are another option to combat the boredom!  Got any neighbors with extensive movie collections?

2008-01-04 5:22 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Thanks for all the info.!  My husband asked me today,"So, do you want a bike for your birthday?" Duh, ya! I've officially started bike shopping,yeah! 

What do you think of this one I found at Sunrise Cyclery?

Which size tire is better? 650 or 700?


2008-01-04 7:33 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Mel, that's a great bike and a great deal!  The 650s are on the smaller frames....size 48 and 50.  The others have 700s.  Some people say the 700s have lower rolling resistance.  But you should get the bike that fits, no matter what the wheel size is!  Keep me posted! 

Oh and if you can test ride one, that would be ideal.

2008-01-08 5:46 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hi Girlies

Happy Tuesday! I taught my first spin class today!!!! IT WAS FUN!@@

There were four new ladies in there and it was great helping them through their first class. Everyone seemed to like the music and they were all sweating so I think it was a success.

I just had a friend call me and ask me to swim on a relay for another OLY this year. I think my husband is going to kill me LOL that is 6 tri's this year I think I may have a tri addiction....

I ran yesterday and it was slow but nothing hurt which is a blessing. I still hate it I wonder how I will get over this mental block.

I went to lunch with Mel on Friday to celebrate her DOUBLE TOP SECRET "29th" birthday! She is signed up for some big events this year.....

take care tell me about your training!

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