BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-02-25 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
at my LBS, there's a  $10 price difference between the two...
the cycle ops is $369 (down from $450)
& the kk is $379 (down from $500)

2011-02-25 11:54 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
seems like i could use a cross border shopping trip....!
Money mouth
2011-02-25 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
waited too long (AGAIN)
the $300 kk sold

but now there's this:
cycle ops 2 for $175....

how durable & long lasting are trainers like this??
2011-02-25 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3371977

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
these trainers are pretty rock solid. mine is taking some serious usage over 3 years now and keeps on ticking! you should be able to get one for 250$ USD with discounts or some smart shopping. i do have a trainer and a riser for the front wheel to sit on so i dont get backache or extra saddle sores from the angle being weird. you will NOT regret it where you live!

my thoughts on racing generally peter are if i am going to do it i have to do it right. occasionally i sneak one in and tolerate my performance either way. here, it seems to be the latter for you so rock it out and have fun, but my suggestion remains to go out with the view of hammering the bike but equal/negative splitting the two runs if at all possible. you will feel much better at the end if you save some gas in the tank to drop the hammer. hows that for mixing metaphors?

heading down the dungeon to go smash some 400 watt VO2 max intervals (25x:30sec with :30 sec rest). was hoping to bang out all 4 workouts in the morning but had to split it up to have lunch with my wife. now the brick sesh is on! If you all dont hear back from me, you were great mentees haha!
2011-02-25 2:51 PM
in reply to: #3372799

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
nicruns - 2011-02-25 3:28 PM waited too long (AGAIN)
the $300 kk sold

but now there's this:
cycle ops 2 for $175....

how durable & long lasting are trainers like this??

I doubt it will last long at that price. I have had my cycleops 2 for 4 years. It looks new in spite of excessive abuse over the last few years
2011-02-25 10:11 PM
in reply to: #3371843

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Hi, been AWOL a while. The HIM is 5 weeks out and i am feeling a bit underprepared. But I am learning a lot of things about training for it. I am happy that I am able to get regular 6 miles in and I hit the hills on the bike pretty hard. The time factor is the biggest killer of all. My wife and I talked about this and eventual goals and we both agreed that the 70.3 and 140.6 distances and dedication of time to training is probably something that should wait a few more years when the little one's bigger. But all in all I will finish, may not be pretty but I WILL.

2011-02-26 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
you'll do great-- that 70.3 doesn't stand a chance!
(can't wait to hear about how it goes & what tips you've picked up through your own training along the way)
2012 will be the year of my 1st 70.3...
(nervous/excited for that already!!)

& you were right-- the cycleops trainer sold
(i couldn't get my butt out to the west end of town in time)
ah well!
the search continues!
2011-02-27 6:43 AM
in reply to: #3373265

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
tri4fun73 given what you said, the HIM is all about pacing, if you are wanting to finish with a smile. Don't overcook the swim (hopefully the race is wetsuit legal which will conserve energy), bike in one easier gear than you feel comfortable and keep your effort manageable for the distance making sure to get in enough water (flavored water is more tasty!) and nutrition (I prefer liquid mixes of carbopro and powerbar perform). Do you run at a very reasonable easy pace and walk the aid stations only. You can do this but you have to keep that effort/pace sustainable.

Keep hunting nicruns!

Waiting for a check in from Peter on the du, LisaB on the 10k, and all y'all, injured or not. Lets keep at it! 70/3 on the books for me this morning. I want some momentum building for us all in March!
2011-02-27 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Between work, work-out delivering girl scout cookies and getting the hose ready for a trip I have been a little busy.

The duathlon was pretty informal. It was held at Furman University. The first 5k was easy. I backed off on the pace and ran pretty easy. The bike ride was a killer. There were a lot of turns and stops which makes my time look pretty bad. I actually stayed well above 20 mph for all of the flats but there weren't many. There were 3 10% climbs and 1 12% climb. I rode my TT bike with my disc and aero helmet. I would have been a lot better off with my road bike. The second 5k went pretty smooth. I was able to keep a solid pace the whole run. I would have been happier if I had a faster bike split but I will get a better idea where I'm at when I do Paris Island in 3 weeks.
2011-02-27 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Snuck in a 60 min Spinnerval (Hillacious) session with my wife. She pretends not to enjoy them but I know she does. We both worked up a good sweat.
2011-02-27 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Damn that du sounded rough but well done. Actually the trainer sesh sounded worse. Your pace was sub 8 if I recall correctly. Paris Island is going down!I got my brick done and one of my biggest weeks ever I think. 21 hours and plenty of quality. Ready or not, I have to keep going. Hope y'all are too!

2011-02-27 5:36 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Your hours are seriously mind boggling to me. I train more than anyone I know and still don't come close to your numbers. I also don't get close to your results.
2011-02-27 6:07 PM
in reply to: #3374565

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Thanks but I feel inadequate comparing myself to others. It's all relative I figure. I'd do this full time if I could afford to. It is more fulfilling than work.
2011-02-27 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Nice job on the du, Peter!

Harv, Heck of a week!

Today I attempted an OWS in 46 degree water.  Too cold for me, even with a wetsuit!  I'm going back at it next week with a neoprene cap and booties. I pretty much treaded water and splashed around. I could only get about 4 strokes in at a time before suffering from a horrific brain freeze.

So, I followed it up with a 66.57 mile bike ride.  Super cold and windy.  5000 feet of climbing.  I'd be lying if I said it was enjoyable, but I HTFU and got it done.  Serious mental strength points earned.  My legs are toast but feel really good in my compression socks.  Drinking chocolate milk and eating pizza.  So, so good!  I was so cold and tired afterward that I drove most of the way home before realizing I was still wearing my helmet Yell 
2011-02-27 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
46 is hypothermia temperature. Water here never gets below mid 50s but I am waiting for 68 or above to start my OWS. It is usually mid-March. 60+ is solid especially in the wind. Good work
2011-02-28 6:36 AM
in reply to: #3374771

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
nerdjock - 2011-02-27 8:37 PM

I'd be lying if I said it was enjoyable, but I HTFU and got it done.  Serious mental strength points earned.  My legs are toast but feel really good in my compression socks.  Drinking chocolate milk and eating pizza.  So, so good!  I was so cold and tired afterward that I drove most of the way home before realizing I was still wearing my helmet Yell 

This is what makes you a Slayer! Not only did you do the work, but you made a few people laugh too! Great story about the helmet. I told it to a couple of others and everyone smiles or laughs. Well done Nerdjock!

Oh yeah: forgot to add this link which pretty much repeats what Peter said (except the part about me being venous incompetent haha!)

Edited by phatknot 2011-02-28 6:39 AM

2011-02-28 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3374975

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
phatknot - 2011-02-28 7:36 AM
nerdjock - 2011-02-27 8:37 PM

I'd be lying if I said it was enjoyable, but I HTFU and got it done.  Serious mental strength points earned.  My legs are toast but feel really good in my compression socks.  Drinking chocolate milk and eating pizza.  So, so good!  I was so cold and tired afterward that I drove most of the way home before realizing I was still wearing my helmet Yell 

This is what makes you a Slayer! Not only did you do the work, but you made a few people laugh too! Great story about the helmet. I told it to a couple of others and everyone smiles or laughs. Well done Nerdjock!

Oh yeah: forgot to add this link which pretty much repeats what Peter said (except the part about me being venous incompetent haha!)

I think I am being misquoted. Healthy athletes won't see a performance benefit with compression but athletes with venous incompetence will. They only used healthy legs in theses studies.

Recovery and compression is a whole different topic because it is so hard to identify improvements in recovery. It is also hard to blind a test subject as to whether or not they are being compressed.

FWIW I get my compression hose for less than $10 a pair. If I could decorate them and get a Pro athlete to say they are great, I could do pretty well.

Got in a quick, high intensity spin this AM. 7x 90 sec at 350w. How you do 20 min like that is amazing. I will recheck my FTP after I recover from Paris Island. Off to the pool at lunch.
2011-02-28 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
sorry that i have been awol the lately. first my family took a few day to go to san diego and of course when we came back i was sick all week. today i am maybe 85% normal. feeling better and ready to get back to training. i am hoping to ease back into things tomorrow-beginning of the month and ready to get things done.
2011-02-28 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Rural Ontario
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I'm back from my week long vacation in Florida. I really got in a lot of excercise - I carried a 4 year-old around every Disney park and the stood in line with a 7 year old for hours to ride Space mountain for the Nth time. I carried my wife's shopping bags around outlet malls.

During the entire week I got in 1 run (11km around Key West) and 1 swim (30min OWS at Fort Zach Taylor in Key West).  It was a fun vacation, but now back to training in the frozen north.

2011-03-01 5:20 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Hey guys,

Been AWOL recently as I'd injured my arm and was off the training through Dr's orders and on havey duty antibiotics which I've now finished ... thank goodness. That was the most horrible bit.

Thanksfully I got back into the swing of things at the weekend and I feel in pain but happy (I've had a tough couple of days training after nothing) it's so good to be back.

So another month starts and I've got my first race of the season at the end of the month. TBH I'm fine about it as it's a 'marker' race where I can see where I am, what's been the effect of the training to date and to see what I need to improve on before I hit my main races.

Hope you all well and the training's going good for you. I'll try and be a bit more frequent in the coming weeks.

2011-03-01 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
6 mile run/commute to work this morning. Got in 3 x 5 minute intervals at race pace. Was supposed to be at 3 minute rest but between answering phone calls and hills, I had to adjust slightly. Still got in a decent work out and am now ready for a looong day at work.

2011-03-01 10:56 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Great to see you guys popping back in and readying yourself for a big push to the tri-season! Now is the time when Slayers are made. Hopefully everyone's travels, trials, and tribulations are ending and we can pound out some serious training load. Keep me posted if there is anything you are wondering about from a mentoring perspective.

I think it is crucial that if you have downtime, you bounce back asap but don't overdo things. In other words, be sensible, and do as Slayer says not does. Bringit!
2011-03-01 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Still waiting for a re-cap of CEE-ME. Anything new or just standing around eating and drinking waiting for the raffle to finish. Was anybody displaying the pedal based power meters?
2011-03-01 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I got a swim in today at lunch.  Kick and pull day.  Normally try to skip those, but I took yesterday off, so I needed to swim.  Kicked my azz.  Going to run later today, in between a meeting and setting up an experiment.  

I'm going to go out on a limb and post my March goals:
swim: 30,000 yards
run: 100 miles
Bike: 400 miles

I really need to start pumping up the volume.  June 26 is rapidly approaching. 
2011-03-01 4:52 PM
in reply to: #3377881

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

The feedback on the SeeMe Expo was pretty crappy. I didn't really see much new other than the Adamo Saddles I use. Nothing much on power or anything really. Just bikes and service proivders. Nice bikes though. You  didn't miss much.

I hate those kick days. Pull is fine with a buoy. Those are some big numbers. I am sure you can handle it! I posted my numbers on another Ga forum thread but will re-post here:

The danger in a volume only approach to monthly goals is it doesn't reward quality, which to me is an invaluable part of the training load equation. However, you could partial it out, but its a POA. Regardless, the volume approach was helpful last month so I am back in.

Provided Shanks and my old body allows, I'm looking to top February 2011 totals:
Bike:31h 41m 26s  - 628.77 Mi
Run:21h 20m 51s  - 160.47 Mi
Swim:9h 45m 15s  - 27900 Yd
Strength:5h 20m
Last year I threw down the following in August, which is roughly the equivalent distance from my IM as is March is to the June IM this year. Thus I will be trying to hit these numbers too:

August's totals:
Bike:40h 29m 10s  - 803.76 Mi
Run:16h 08m 04s  - 123.78 Mi
Swim:14h 31m 33s  - 32090 Yd
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