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2011-03-29 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3417730

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
bodhi_girl - 2011-03-28 11:06 AM
mbasta - 2011-03-28 5:52 AM
rnihill - 2011-03-27 1:24 PM

With the sun shining, I couldn't resist getting outside today.  It wasn't pretty...  but it did feel great to have sun shining on my face, test out my new shades and to finally see where I'm starting from this tri season.  I have a lot of work cut out for me!

I think my first goal in Apil is going to be to figure out what my plan is...  stitches come out Wednesday and I'm going to have to talk to the doc about how far and how fast I'm allowed to push the wrist.  It's going to have to include some S/B/R though because my first sprint is at the end of June.

As a wacky goal, I'm contemplating seeing if I can give up cheese for a month.  I LOVE cheese.  Any and all cheese.  I think I could lose 5 lbs a lot easier if I wasn't always stuffing my face with cheese.  I'm weird...  I can turn down potato chips but can't turn down cheese.  And I need to lose some weight to fit into my wetsuit by June.  Embarassed

Cheese... the main reason why I am trying the vegan challenge. I am a firm believer that dairy isn't good for us. I am pretty much always congested (mucus between throat and nose, inflamed/sticky throat) that I think might be due to dairy - it's apparently pretty common. I also firmly believe in pizza and various other cheese based products. Oh, and the occasional glass of milk with certain food items. I want to try going dairy free to see if this mucus/inflammation ceases. It's going to be SO hard though. I could eat pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and be quite happy. Some of the weight I carry is the result of me eating pizza (too much pizza) for lunches and dinners frequently several years ago. Sometimes two half large pizza's in one day! I doubt very much that the vegan thing will stick, or for that matter that I will even complete the full 21 days, but I'm going to try.

Yes - dairy is very mucous-forming. It's also the #1 allergen in North America. It takes 3 weeks for casein to completely leave your system, so make sure you're completely dairy-free for 3 weeks .. then if you notice a difference, well - go from there. ;-)
As an aside, wheat is also very mucous-forming and a lot of people have wheat-sensitivities (I know I do) just from pure overload ... and in this case, it takes 3 months for your system to completely clear it out.

Good luck! Any questions, send me a PM. I haven't worked as a nutritionist in about 2 years, but the knowledge is still rattling around in there somewhere, I think. ;-)

And here I was thinking I might just do a 7 or 14 days challenge... Thanks for the information! My birthday is in the middle of next month and it won't be fun to be dairy free for that. I will try my best because I'd really like to see the difference.

2011-03-29 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3418042

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge

Emmanem - 2011-03-28 1:38 PM Unfortunately, I have some bad news to share.  I got home yesterday and my roommates told me the apartment had been broken into over spring break (again!!!)  My room door was locked and I can't find anything that's missing but my 3 roommates have all discovered things have been stolen.  Harriet was the first to notice Saturday night around 7.  She got out of the shower and opened up her drawer that had all her bras and underwear in it and 2 brand new Victorias Secret bras were gone and a reward card to Victorias Secret.  She told Blair and Jaclyn and they searched their rooms.  Blair is missing a bathing suit and hoodie and Jaclyn's missing a hoodie and towel wrap with her initials on it.  Also a bottle of rum was missing from the kitchen.  A cop came and inspected everything that night.  They didn't tell me Saturday since they didnt want to ruin my excitement over getting engaged.  They bought new locks for the doors and yesterday Jaclyn and I bought an alarm for the doors and windows.  There's only 2 possible explanations since our locks were changed right before break.... it's someone who works for the apartment complex or someone realized our locks were changed and pretended they lived in our apartment and picked up a key.  I hadn't gotten my key before I left, when I went to go pick it up to see what the people working there would do, all I said was my apartment number and they gave me the key. They never asked my name or for an ID.  Anyone could have easily gotten that key.  Also, I looked at the keyring of all the keys when he was handing me my key.  There should have been 4 silver keys (a spare to each of our rooms) and a gold key (spare apartment key) but all I saw after he removed my key was silver keys (not sure how many though).  We tried to talk to a manager this morning but of course she wasnt there.  We're going back tomorrow morning.  My parents are furious.  They couldnt believe they handed me a key without checking to see who I was.  My friend John gave us his baseball bat.  He was dead serious about making sure we had something to protect ourselves with (the guy's like a big brother to me so this doesn't surprise me at all that he's being protective and worried for us).  He and James even offered to stake out the apartment to see if anyone came back.  I feel a lot better I have my "big bro" and fiance here to protect me.

I can't believe they gave them out without ID especially given the circumstances!

2011-03-29 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3376250

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge

Next month I think that I will do a 3 week dairy-free instead of completely vegan. It's already going to be VERY difficult, and I think it would improve my success if I don't have to worry about things such as honey along the way. Yanti - are you still in to do this together? You can do the completely vegan still if you like, or a specific focus depending on your needs.

I guess I should make this part of my goals for next month if we're doing it free-style again...

2011-03-29 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3376250

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge

Ooo - I went online looking for "dairy free" information and found a dairy free challenge. Day 1 - eat as usual and write down symptoms, days 2-11 dairy free and write down symptoms, days 12-14 eat as usual and write down symptoms. Use data to help determine milk sensitivity. (They give a daily checklist of common symptoms and a rating scale to help you compare.)

The bonus here is that my birthday is on the 13th... Pizza, my love. If it turns out that milk products are doing what I think they are to me I can always switch to rice cheese after the challenge. The block rice cheese is actually good!! My friend was allergic to pretty much everything and I got to try her cheese. Mmm... Not the slice rice cheese though. It was about as good as our slice cheese.


2011-03-29 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3376250

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
one more swim this month and I will have CRUSHEDS all goals (well, only lost 1.6 lb.....but mbde the rest with room to spare )
2011-03-29 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3419664

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Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge

QueenZipp - 2011-03-29 9:30 AM one more swim this month and I will have CRUSHEDS all goals (well, only lost 1.6 lb.....but mbde the rest with room to spare )


I am very pleased with my workouts (I logged 30 of a planned 32, that's pretty close and a result I can live with!) and stuck to my clean diet and my planned cheat meals ... and got 3 out of 4 yoga practices in ...
However I sucked eggs on my resume/class proposal challenge - I wonder if subconciously I don't want to teach anymore? If it were important to me, I'd have done it, right?!?

2011-03-29 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3376250

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Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge

Update on the Break-in drama:  

I went and spoke with our manager this morning.  There was another girl in there (same one Blair and Harriet talked to yesterday) and I really feel like neither one took me seriously.  I once again explained what happened.  They asked me the usual questions... did you leave a door unlocked? no. Does anyone have an ex that would do this? no.  Does anyone have a spare key? no.  They starting asking about our boyfriends.  Jaclyn and I are the only ones dating anyone so they ask about James and if he has a key.  I tell them no since he has no reason to be at my place if I'm not there.  They continued to question me about it like they didn't believe I hadn't given James a key.  They kept telling me the locks have been changed and we shouldn't have a problem again.  Well you've changed the locks once and we continued having problems so I'm not sure why you think this is going to fix anything.  Also I told them unfortunately we only have 2 explanations for this: one being our key was given out to someone claiming to live here or someone working in the office did it.  They were very adamant that no one in the office did it.  I'd like to see some proof that they didn't.  No investigation has been conducted, no surveillance camera tapes have been looked at, no one's been questioned and yet you're positive no one in the office did it.  I understand standing by your employees but everyone I've talked to has immediately said the people in the office look the most suspicious given the circumstances.  Also they blame our back door which was apparently not locking properly.  Given that theory, the door looked locked but you could apparently get it open without a key.  That explains how they got in however, the theory's major flaw is that there's no explanation to how they managed to get the door to look like it was locked again from the outside without a key.  Jaclyn went to pick up her key today.  They did check her id but only 2 people were supposed to have access to our keys now and the girl who gave her the new key was not one of them.  My mom called today too and got nowhere.  I think we're contacting the corporate office this week to discuss the issue with them.

2011-03-29 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3376250

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
Emma, that is just nucking futs. I am so very sorry you had to go through the trauma of a break-in the second time, and now all this ongoing total B.S. You know how the squeaky wheel gets the grease? SQUEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK! And as all of you are, keep squeaking!
2011-03-29 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3376250

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge

So, Kool Krusher Kidz.

I am DOing well, especially considering the various circumstances, but I FEEL ... angry, sad, desperate, confused, guilty, {blah blah blah fill in the blanks. You've been there.}

I miss my missing kitties terribly. I'm despondent. => on the other hand, I have a great new puppy named Phoebe.

Looks like I have typhoid. => While the antibiotics are making me feel almost as crappy as when I kept getting sick, there's actually a solution for this.

I'm in a lot of constant pain from what chikungunya did to my joints. => I can still swim gude and walk.

I seriously misjudged my financial ability to withstand being constantly ill and paying for medical expenses out of pocket. => really trying to move forward with my new careers, which don't depend on physical labor or constant personal output.

However, worst of all ... my dad's in CICU after a heart attack and respiratory failure. The list of what's wrong with him is very long. The list of options is very short. => My sister is handling things in Jakarta for now. And my dad and I have had a great relationship, finally.

Trying to live in the middle, count my blessings, remember all the incredibly good things that came forth from seemingly impossible situations, pray a lot ... and while it makes things bearable, how I feel physically and emotionally REALLY SUCKS.

2011-03-29 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3419996

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Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
TriAya - 2011-03-29 2:06 PM

So, Kool Krusher Kidz.

I am DOing well, especially considering the various circumstances, but I FEEL ... angry, sad, desperate, confused, guilty, {blah blah blah fill in the blanks. You've been there.}

I miss my missing kitties terribly. I'm despondent. => on the other hand, I have a great new puppy named Phoebe.

Looks like I have typhoid. => While the antibiotics are making me feel almost as crappy as when I kept getting sick, there's actually a solution for this.

I'm in a lot of constant pain from what chikungunya did to my joints. => I can still swim gude and walk.

I seriously misjudged my financial ability to withstand being constantly ill and paying for medical expenses out of pocket. => really trying to move forward with my new careers, which don't depend on physical labor or constant personal output.

However, worst of all ... my dad's in CICU after a heart attack and respiratory failure. The list of what's wrong with him is very long. The list of options is very short. => My sister is handling things in Jakarta for now. And my dad and I have had a great relationship, finally.

Trying to live in the middle, count my blessings, remember all the incredibly good things that came forth from seemingly impossible situations, pray a lot ... and while it makes things bearable, how I feel physically and emotionally REALLY SUCKS.

Sending you, your dad and your kitty lots of positive vibes.  Hope you and your dad start feeling better soon! 

2011-03-29 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3420237

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Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge

Oh Yanti - after everything you've been through with your famaily over the years, I'm so disheartened to hear your father is suffering again, after you've ALL come through so much.

I am sending HUGE cyper hugs across the ocean, just for you ...

(((     hugs!     )))  

Rest well, heal, take care of yourself, girl!

2011-03-29 3:41 PM
in reply to: #3420349

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
bodhi_girl - 2011-03-30 5:33 AM

Oh Yanti - after everything you've been through with your famaily over the years, I'm so disheartened to hear your father is suffering again, after you've ALL come through so much.

I am sending HUGE cyper hugs across the ocean, just for you ...

(((     hugs!     )))  

Rest well, heal, take care of yourself, girl!

so much thank yous, Trina-Rae You of all people know what it's like to go through everything with family over the years ...
2011-03-29 3:42 PM
in reply to: #3376250

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
Thank you too, Emma, for the positive vibes--and likewise returned that your home, belongings and person remain safe.
2011-03-29 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3419996

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
TriAya - 2011-03-29 2:06 PM

So, Kool Krusher Kidz.

I am DOing well, especially considering the various circumstances, but I FEEL ... angry, sad, desperate, confused, guilty, {blah blah blah fill in the blanks. You've been there.}

I miss my missing kitties terribly. I'm despondent. => on the other hand, I have a great new puppy named Phoebe.

Looks like I have typhoid. => While the antibiotics are making me feel almost as crappy as when I kept getting sick, there's actually a solution for this.

I'm in a lot of constant pain from what chikungunya did to my joints. => I can still swim gude and walk.

I seriously misjudged my financial ability to withstand being constantly ill and paying for medical expenses out of pocket. => really trying to move forward with my new careers, which don't depend on physical labor or constant personal output.

However, worst of all ... my dad's in CICU after a heart attack and respiratory failure. The list of what's wrong with him is very long. The list of options is very short. => My sister is handling things in Jakarta for now. And my dad and I have had a great relationship, finally.

Trying to live in the middle, count my blessings, remember all the incredibly good things that came forth from seemingly impossible situations, pray a lot ... and while it makes things bearable, how I feel physically and emotionally REALLY SUCKS.

Hopefully everything turns around soon.

2011-03-29 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3376250

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Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
More updates (this is getting ridiculous): So we're basically trying right now to get as much information as we can against our apartment complex before we contact corporate.  One of my roommates found out today our property manager is not licensed.  After a quick phone call to the SC department of labor we now know that they are required to be licensed.  Also last summer 2 maintenance people got fired and neither returned their master key.
2011-03-29 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3420506

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge

Emmanem - 2011-03-29 5:59 PM More updates (this is getting ridiculous): So we're basically trying right now to get as much information as we can against our apartment complex before we contact corporate.  One of my roommates found out today our property manager is not licensed.  After a quick phone call to the SC department of labor we now know that they are required to be licensed.  Also last summer 2 maintenance people got fired and neither returned their master key.

*Waiting for heads to roll

2011-03-29 5:55 PM
in reply to: #3376250

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge

Mmm goal setting. Here's a great article for others who love goal setting or possible converts...


2011-03-29 6:26 PM
in reply to: #3376250

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
2011-03-29 7:16 PM
in reply to: #3419968

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Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
Emmanem - 2011-03-29 1:47 PM

Update on the Break-in drama:  

I went and spoke with our manager this morning.  There was another girl in there (same one Blair and Harriet talked to yesterday) and I really feel like neither one took me seriously.  I once again explained what happened.  They asked me the usual questions... did you leave a door unlocked? no. Does anyone have an ex that would do this? no.  Does anyone have a spare key? no.  They starting asking about our boyfriends.  Jaclyn and I are the only ones dating anyone so they ask about James and if he has a key.  I tell them no since he has no reason to be at my place if I'm not there.  They continued to question me about it like they didn't believe I hadn't given James a key.  They kept telling me the locks have been changed and we shouldn't have a problem again.  Well you've changed the locks once and we continued having problems so I'm not sure why you think this is going to fix anything.  Also I told them unfortunately we only have 2 explanations for this: one being our key was given out to someone claiming to live here or someone working in the office did it.  They were very adamant that no one in the office did it.  I'd like to see some proof that they didn't.  No investigation has been conducted, no surveillance camera tapes have been looked at, no one's been questioned and yet you're positive no one in the office did it.  I understand standing by your employees but everyone I've talked to has immediately said the people in the office look the most suspicious given the circumstances.  Also they blame our back door which was apparently not locking properly.  Given that theory, the door looked locked but you could apparently get it open without a key.  That explains how they got in however, the theory's major flaw is that there's no explanation to how they managed to get the door to look like it was locked again from the outside without a key.  Jaclyn went to pick up her key today.  They did check her id but only 2 people were supposed to have access to our keys now and the girl who gave her the new key was not one of them.  My mom called today too and got nowhere.  I think we're contacting the corporate office this week to discuss the issue with them.

Have you told the cop who lives in your complex about this? Maybe he could come with you to the next 'meeting.'

2011-03-29 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3420506

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Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
Emmanem - 2011-03-29 5:59 PM

More updates (this is getting ridiculous): So we're basically trying right now to get as much information as we can against our apartment complex before we contact corporate.  One of my roommates found out today our property manager is not licensed.  After a quick phone call to the SC department of labor we now know that they are required to be licensed.  Also last summer 2 maintenance people got fired and neither returned their master key.

Another thing that you may want to share with the police officer who lives in your complex.

2011-03-29 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3420506

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge

Emmanem - 2011-03-29 4:59 PM More updates (this is getting ridiculous): So we're basically trying right now to get as much information as we can against our apartment complex before we contact corporate.  One of my roommates found out today our property manager is not licensed.  After a quick phone call to the SC department of labor we now know that they are required to be licensed.  Also last summer 2 maintenance people got fired and neither returned their master key.

Oh this plot is peas soup thick, sounds like someone is gonna get canned!!

2011-03-29 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3419968

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
Emmanem - 2011-03-29 1:47 PM

Update on the Break-in drama:  

I went and spoke with our manager this morning.  There was another girl in there (same one Blair and Harriet talked to yesterday) and I really feel like neither one took me seriously.  I once again explained what happened.  They asked me the usual questions... did you leave a door unlocked? no. Does anyone have an ex that would do this? no.  Does anyone have a spare key? no.  They starting asking about our boyfriends.  Jaclyn and I are the only ones dating anyone so they ask about James and if he has a key.  I tell them no since he has no reason to be at my place if I'm not there.  They continued to question me about it like they didn't believe I hadn't given James a key.  They kept telling me the locks have been changed and we shouldn't have a problem again.  Well you've changed the locks once and we continued having problems so I'm not sure why you think this is going to fix anything.  Also I told them unfortunately we only have 2 explanations for this: one being our key was given out to someone claiming to live here or someone working in the office did it.  They were very adamant that no one in the office did it.  I'd like to see some proof that they didn't.  No investigation has been conducted, no surveillance camera tapes have been looked at, no one's been questioned and yet you're positive no one in the office did it.  I understand standing by your employees but everyone I've talked to has immediately said the people in the office look the most suspicious given the circumstances.  Also they blame our back door which was apparently not locking properly.  Given that theory, the door looked locked but you could apparently get it open without a key.  That explains how they got in however, the theory's major flaw is that there's no explanation to how they managed to get the door to look like it was locked again from the outside without a key.  Jaclyn went to pick up her key today.  They did check her id but only 2 people were supposed to have access to our keys now and the girl who gave her the new key was not one of them.  My mom called today too and got nowhere.  I think we're contacting the corporate office this week to discuss the issue with them.

Emma, it's awful that they just don't seem willing to deal with the fact that there's a problem.  It's sad that this this is essentially the same reaction we had to my breakin problem back in college (ok, more than 10 years ago).  But it just seemed like we were easy to ignore...  we wouldn't be around to complain the next year.  Keep at it until you feel like they've dealt with the problem.  You have every right to feel safe, comfortable, and happy at home.

2011-03-29 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3420562

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
mbasta - 2011-03-29 6:53 PM

Emmanem - 2011-03-29 5:59 PM More updates (this is getting ridiculous): So we're basically trying right now to get as much information as we can against our apartment complex before we contact corporate.  One of my roommates found out today our property manager is not licensed.  After a quick phone call to the SC department of labor we now know that they are required to be licensed.  Also last summer 2 maintenance people got fired and neither returned their master key.

*Waiting for heads to roll


2011-03-29 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3419996

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge
TriAya - 2011-03-29 2:06 PM

So, Kool Krusher Kidz.

I am DOing well, especially considering the various circumstances, but I FEEL ... angry, sad, desperate, confused, guilty, {blah blah blah fill in the blanks. You've been there.}

I miss my missing kitties terribly. I'm despondent. => on the other hand, I have a great new puppy named Phoebe.

Looks like I have typhoid. => While the antibiotics are making me feel almost as crappy as when I kept getting sick, there's actually a solution for this.

I'm in a lot of constant pain from what chikungunya did to my joints. => I can still swim gude and walk.

I seriously misjudged my financial ability to withstand being constantly ill and paying for medical expenses out of pocket. => really trying to move forward with my new careers, which don't depend on physical labor or constant personal output.

However, worst of all ... my dad's in CICU after a heart attack and respiratory failure. The list of what's wrong with him is very long. The list of options is very short. => My sister is handling things in Jakarta for now. And my dad and I have had a great relationship, finally.

Trying to live in the middle, count my blessings, remember all the incredibly good things that came forth from seemingly impossible situations, pray a lot ... and while it makes things bearable, how I feel physically and emotionally REALLY SUCKS.

Oh Yanti...   {{HUGS...  REALLY BIG HUGS!!!}}  What more can I do from so far?

2011-03-29 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3376250

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: March CRUSHERS U-Pick It Challenge

My stitches come out tomorrow!  Woo hoo!!!!!!!!

I need to get back in the swing of things...  We were watching home videos with the kids tonight, from about 4 years ago.  I looked GOOD!!  Or at least a ME I can be happy with.  Must get back there...  April's a new month.  It's time to kick myself in the butt.

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