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2013-10-15 5:45 PM
in reply to: hornjs

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by hornjs

Flesh eating bacteria? Yes I would be very concerned if you get it. I think it was vibrio vulnificus. The name is scary enough. I think a few people died this summer from swimming in warm open water with open wounds? A couple others have contracted it recently. All in all 9 deaths and 27 documented infections. Here is the link.

Wetsuit should cover up all my open sores.

So just for my own knowledge what should one do if there is an open cut on hands or feet? what precautions should be taken...just curious...

2013-10-15 6:18 PM
in reply to: Jorgito22

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Originally posted by Jorgito22
Originally posted by hornjs Flesh eating bacteria? Yes I would be very concerned if you get it. I think it was vibrio vulnificus. The name is scary enough. I think a few people died this summer from swimming in warm open water with open wounds? A couple others have contracted it recently. All in all 9 deaths and 27 documented infections. Here is the link. Wetsuit should cover up all my open sores.
So just for my own knowledge what should one do if there is an open cut on hands or feet? what precautions should be taken...just curious...

Didn't read the article but I would bet this occurred in open water that is LAKES and ponds.  Its been super warm here, about 10 degrees above normal all fall.  Bacteria love heat.  There is also an aoemeba that grows in fresh water at high temps that kills kids because the growth plates in their skulls are not closed. Personally I am not concerned about swimming in the gulf of mexico

2013-10-15 6:58 PM
in reply to: thefitmitten

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Va Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by thefitmitten

Originally posted by hornjs

Flesh eating bacteria? Yes I would be very concerned if you get it. I think it was vibrio vulnificus. The name is scary enough. I think a few people died this summer from swimming in warm open water with open wounds? A couple others have contracted it recently. All in all 9 deaths and 27 documented infections. Here is the link.

Wetsuit should cover up all my open sores.

Thanks for the article. It sounds like this is almost an annual occurrence.

Well at least I will not be worrying about sharks now, Thanks!
2013-10-15 10:18 PM
in reply to: Blueraiderzone

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Thanks, I'll be back before 11 on the 1st so I can sign up for next year

Just booked a room too. Love IMFL for the abundance of cheap rooms.
2013-10-15 10:36 PM
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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Fresh water problem is naegleria fowleri. It is a parasite in warm still water that does indeed eat through the thin bone between the nasal cavity (sinus) and brain. I do believe the vibrio cases are in the gulf waters themselves - estuaries as opposed to main beach? Not much problem unless open wounds and also some level of immune compromise. Can get it in oysters too. Get some skin glue or tegaderms (occlusive dressing) to cover wounds if worried.
Those will not affect me as badly as undertraining will. Haven't been able to ramp up my run due to several itis's on both feet. Can't seem to heal no matter how much I lay off the running. Max distance was 12.5 for this build. Hopefully can get through with a grimace on race day, and without septic shock from the above evils.

Edited by hornjs 2013-10-15 10:38 PM
2013-10-16 7:33 AM
in reply to: hornjs

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by hornjsFresh water problem is naegleria fowleri. It is a parasite in warm still water that does indeed eat through the thin bone between the nasal cavity (sinus) and brain. I do believe the vibrio cases are in the gulf waters themselves - estuaries as opposed to main beach? Not much problem unless open wounds and also some level of immune compromise. Can get it in oysters too. Get some skin glue or tegaderms (occlusive dressing) to cover wounds if worried.Those will not affect me as badly as undertraining will. Haven't been able to ramp up my run due to several itis's on both feet. Can't seem to heal no matter how much I lay off the running. Max distance was 12.5 for this build. Hopefully can get through with a grimace on race day, and without septic shock from the above evils.
If its plantar fascitis and or achilles tendinits try this I dont' work for DJ but I ama fellow suffered. The night splint is passive stretching all night. The air heel works great. I think Idid IMFL in one once..................

2013-10-16 7:39 AM
in reply to: Socks

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I don't know about any of you all but I am tired cranky and feeling down right mean rght now. My tolerance for stupid is at ZERO right now and I see stupid ALL DAY LONG. Yesterday I saw a lady, (I am a doc) took her history examined her, explained what was wrong why she is having pain and I even used a plastic model to explain things. She was already on meds from her PCP that were helping her and had an MRI scheduled. I referred her to the doc who can help her and she went out to check out and refused to pay because I " Didn't treat her" Well gee I am sorry I left my magic wand at home today. WTF? And don't get me started about the cherleaders mother. I am whooped. I talked to my coach and we are going to start my taper now. I killed myself last week squeezing in all the workouts and being on call. Its just very stressful. The thought of doing another 100 mile bike ride makes me want to cry. I have done 5-6 this year. I'm good. I'm just mentally fried and tired. Here is to hoping I don't loose it on the next pt who says something really stupid to me....................Like the guy who scheduled with me for "thigh pain" But actually had a hernia from a previous abdominal surgery (HOW is this an orthopedic problem) and stated he saw...I kid you not....a VETERINARIAN for it in Wisconsin. Geez o pete.
2013-10-16 7:57 AM
in reply to: hornjs


Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I used Tegaderm this summer when I did the Music City oly tri in Nashville. I had a skinned knee and was worried about swimming in the Cumberland river with an open wound, so I put two layers of Tegaderm over my knee. Completely waterproof and was easy to take off after the swim. I removed it while I was riding because it kept pulling on the wound as I bent my knee.
2013-10-16 9:36 AM
in reply to: Socks

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Sugar Land, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by Socks

We have more fun at the BOP anyway Sorry about all the driving that sucks. Get some good audiobooks. I will not be joining you.

Hi, I have boys, 10 and 6. I've read that the nearby outdoor mall is great for trick or treat adventures. Is this the BOP that you speak of?

2013-10-16 9:49 AM
in reply to: salasman

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by salasman
Originally posted by SocksWe have more fun at the BOP anyway Sorry about all the driving that sucks. Get some good audiobooks. I will not be joining you.
Hi, I have boys, 10 and 6. I've read that the nearby outdoor mall is great for trick or treat adventures. Is this the BOP that you speak of?Thx,Loren
Back Of the Pack = BOP......he said he was going to be on the course a long time due to not getting enough training in. I dont' have kids so I don't know about the local trick or treating situation but have also seen on the thread about the mall. What my suggestion wouldbe is to 1-Buy your kids a bag of their favorit candy just in case and 2-try trick or treating on the run course. There are TONS of houses back there and its a nice neighborhood. They will ge the trick or treat thing and it will be close and easy and you will get a preview of the course. I would also suggest lookin gup PCB chamber of commerce or tsomethign to find out what day is the designated trick or treat day because as bizzarre as it sounds some places don't trick or treat on halloween and do it on some other random day. Also one year a racer had her kid dress up all day halloween with a treat bag and people gave him stuff all day
2013-10-16 9:55 AM
in reply to: Socks

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Sugar Land, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by Socks

Originally posted by hornjsHaven't been able to ramp up my run due to several itis's on both feet. Can't seem to heal no matter how much I lay off the running. Max distance was 12.5 for this build. Hopefully can get through with a grimace on race day, and without septic shock from the above evils.
If its plantar fascitis and or achilles tendinits try this I dont' work for DJ but I ama fellow suffered. The night splint is passive stretching all night. The air heel works great. I think Idid IMFL in one once..................

Hey, maybe we can combine our strengths to over the low running miles. I'm with you in a way with me fighting a little Achilles pain; I'm not sure it qualifies as tendonitis, but it is living on the edge. I think it's better to run less to avoid injury...and then fight it out on race day! ha ha! A big heart and determination can do a lot for us.

Two remedies I'm doing, which you may be doing as well...but just in case not. I've been strapping on ice packs to the Achilles area and leaving them there for about 20 minutes 3x/day. Any pain after a run session is gone, and each successive run session last longer before the Achilles pain starts talking to me. Another remedy from my personal training work is called "flossing." Take a frozen water bottle and roll out the area like you're rolling bread dough. You're breaking up the tissue/tendon, getting the "stickiness" out, and enhancing recovery.

If it's plantar fasciitis, flossing or rolling over a lacrosse ball (in bare feet) really works tendon. I've never had PF, and maybe this is why. I'm constantly rolling both feet on the hard lacrosse ball. It's like a constant foot massage as I'm working at my desk (thankfully I office at home).

Most people know about ice packs, but the flossing action takes it to a new level with it being cold source combined with the massage effect. Cheers!

2013-10-16 9:58 AM
in reply to: salasman

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Salasman and Socks are right, there are a few trick or treating areas around town. In 2008 we took our three little ones to the outdoor mall. They were young and easy to please. They loved it and I loved it because it was quick and easy. I didn't try doing the door to door thing, it was my first IM and I didn't want to walk around all night.

This year is their first year living in an area populated with all their school friends. They're so excited to trick or treat with a large group so I don't mind driving back to trick or treat. They've traveled a ton for my races, and I'm not even good at this sport so they end up waiting and waiting. Last year Mom was deployed so we went at it without her, this year they wanted us to be all together. How can I say no to that?
2013-10-16 9:58 AM
in reply to: salasman

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I sent IM these questions, but still no response, so I'm going to post them here and on fb:

I watched IMFL last year, and at one point IM switched the clock to reflect the Age Group finish time (I like that they do that).

I was wondering approximately at what point of the race will that be changed again this year?

Also, will the time reflect the last athlete across the swim start mat? I ask because it doesn’t appear it will be a true mass start (the self-seeding method took 12+ minutes at Lake Tahoe)?

Also, is the Complimentary Pancake Breakfast for anyone (including non-athletes), or is it just for athletes?
2013-10-16 10:09 AM
in reply to: kchawknut

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by kchawknut

I sent IM these questions, but still no response, so I'm going to post them here and on fb:

I watched IMFL last year, and at one point IM switched the clock to reflect the Age Group finish time (I like that they do that).

I was wondering approximately at what point of the race will that be changed again this year?

Also, will the time reflect the last athlete across the swim start mat? I ask because it doesn’t appear it will be a true mass start (the self-seeding method took 12+ minutes at Lake Tahoe)?

Also, is the Complimentary Pancake Breakfast for anyone (including non-athletes), or is it just for athletes?

I can answer only one of those questions, the swim start.

There will be no timing mat to cross, the gun goes off and that is the start time for everyone. They are calling it a self seeded mass start, basically the same but they will want you to stand in groups of projected swim time.
2013-10-16 10:10 AM
in reply to: Socks

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New user

Sugar Land, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by Socks

Back Of the Pack = BOP......he said he was going to be on the course a long time due to not getting enough training in. I dont' have kids so I don't know about the local trick or treating situation but have also seen on the thread about the mall. What my suggestion wouldbe is to 1-Buy your kids a bag of their favorit candy just in case and 2-try trick or treating on the run course. There are TONS of houses back there and its a nice neighborhood. They will ge the trick or treat thing and it will be close and easy and you will get a preview of the course. I would also suggest lookin gup PCB chamber of commerce or tsomethign to find out what day is the designated trick or treat day because as bizzarre as it sounds some places don't trick or treat on halloween and do it on some other random day. Also one year a racer had her kid dress up all day halloween with a treat bag and people gave him stuff all day

Ah, ok, thx, I should have Google'd BOP...ha ha. I'll look up some Halloween options.

It's neat to read the "last minute" thoughts about this and that. From training and nutrition to flesh-eating microbes! And here I sit gazing out of the window watching storm clouds form. Rain almost every day in Houston. When I train clients, it doesn't rain; when I'm free to IM train, it rains like crazy. I've done my share of riding in the rain, so I'm not afraid of it, but drivers become even more idiotic in the rain, and I don't wanna become road kill.

How many of you all wish you had a laser gun on your bike? These drivers who can easily move over to the inside lane will stay in the right lane and pass me within feet while I avoid debris on the shoulder. It's a battle out there!
2013-10-16 10:23 AM
in reply to: salasman

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by salasman

Originally posted by Socks

Back Of the Pack = BOP......he said he was going to be on the course a long time due to not getting enough training in. I dont' have kids so I don't know about the local trick or treating situation but have also seen on the thread about the mall. What my suggestion wouldbe is to 1-Buy your kids a bag of their favorit candy just in case and 2-try trick or treating on the run course. There are TONS of houses back there and its a nice neighborhood. They will ge the trick or treat thing and it will be close and easy and you will get a preview of the course. I would also suggest lookin gup PCB chamber of commerce or tsomethign to find out what day is the designated trick or treat day because as bizzarre as it sounds some places don't trick or treat on halloween and do it on some other random day. Also one year a racer had her kid dress up all day halloween with a treat bag and people gave him stuff all day

Ah, ok, thx, I should have Google'd BOP...ha ha. I'll look up some Halloween options.

It's neat to read the "last minute" thoughts about this and that. From training and nutrition to flesh-eating microbes! And here I sit gazing out of the window watching storm clouds form. Rain almost every day in Houston. When I train clients, it doesn't rain; when I'm free to IM train, it rains like crazy. I've done my share of riding in the rain, so I'm not afraid of it, but drivers become even more idiotic in the rain, and I don't wanna become road kill.

How many of you all wish you had a laser gun on your bike? These drivers who can easily move over to the inside lane will stay in the right lane and pass me within feet while I avoid debris on the shoulder. It's a battle out there!

Laser gun would be great but it needs to evaporate the entire target or we'd be stuck riding through muck. Raining here in Tennessee too, and my 2 year old's slot at her school didn't open up like they said it would so I'm stuck inside either way.

I'll be doing 6hrs inside on the bike this sunday. Should be a hoot. Luckily I just started season 2 of breaking bad on netflix.

Cheers to foot pain, GI distress, BOP, and flesh eating microbes.

2013-10-16 10:49 AM
in reply to: papson14

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Grand Rapids
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by papson14

Originally posted by salasman

Originally posted by Socks

Back Of the Pack = BOP......he said he was going to be on the course a long time due to not getting enough training in. I dont' have kids so I don't know about the local trick or treating situation but have also seen on the thread about the mall. What my suggestion wouldbe is to 1-Buy your kids a bag of their favorit candy just in case and 2-try trick or treating on the run course. There are TONS of houses back there and its a nice neighborhood. They will ge the trick or treat thing and it will be close and easy and you will get a preview of the course. I would also suggest lookin gup PCB chamber of commerce or tsomethign to find out what day is the designated trick or treat day because as bizzarre as it sounds some places don't trick or treat on halloween and do it on some other random day. Also one year a racer had her kid dress up all day halloween with a treat bag and people gave him stuff all day

Ah, ok, thx, I should have Google'd BOP...ha ha. I'll look up some Halloween options.

It's neat to read the "last minute" thoughts about this and that. From training and nutrition to flesh-eating microbes! And here I sit gazing out of the window watching storm clouds form. Rain almost every day in Houston. When I train clients, it doesn't rain; when I'm free to IM train, it rains like crazy. I've done my share of riding in the rain, so I'm not afraid of it, but drivers become even more idiotic in the rain, and I don't wanna become road kill.

How many of you all wish you had a laser gun on your bike? These drivers who can easily move over to the inside lane will stay in the right lane and pass me within feet while I avoid debris on the shoulder. It's a battle out there!

Laser gun would be great but it needs to evaporate the entire target or we'd be stuck riding through muck. Raining here in Tennessee too, and my 2 year old's slot at her school didn't open up like they said it would so I'm stuck inside either way.

I'll be doing 6hrs inside on the bike this sunday. Should be a hoot. Luckily I just started season 2 of breaking bad on netflix.

Cheers to foot pain, GI distress, BOP, and flesh eating microbes.

6 hrs on the trainer...ugh!
2013-10-16 11:50 AM
in reply to: kchawknut

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by kchawknut

I sent IM these questions, but still no response, so I'm going to post them here and on fb:

I watched IMFL last year, and at one point IM switched the clock to reflect the Age Group finish time (I like that they do that).

I was wondering approximately at what point of the race will that be changed again this year?

Also, will the time reflect the last athlete across the swim start mat? I ask because it doesn’t appear it will be a true mass start (the self-seeding method took 12+ minutes at Lake Tahoe)?

Also, is the Complimentary Pancake Breakfast for anyone (including non-athletes), or is it just for athletes?

I volunteered at the finish line last year. They changed the clock as the first age groupers started to come in.
2013-10-16 11:54 AM
in reply to: Rover24

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by Rover24

Originally posted by kchawknut

I sent IM these questions, but still no response, so I'm going to post them here and on fb:

I watched IMFL last year, and at one point IM switched the clock to reflect the Age Group finish time (I like that they do that).

I was wondering approximately at what point of the race will that be changed again this year?

Also, will the time reflect the last athlete across the swim start mat? I ask because it doesn’t appear it will be a true mass start (the self-seeding method took 12+ minutes at Lake Tahoe)?

Also, is the Complimentary Pancake Breakfast for anyone (including non-athletes), or is it just for athletes?

I can answer only one of those questions, the swim start.

There will be no timing mat to cross, the gun goes off and that is the start time for everyone. They are calling it a self seeded mass start, basically the same but they will want you to stand in groups of projected swim time.

For the most part I think IMFL has been roughly this way in the past years except it was not an organized effort to self seed. If you look at any video off the swim start you can see many people lingering behind the masses. For me, I tried to get a little to the right side and I did not seed myself at the very front. This year it should be more organized but it will still be a mass start.
2013-10-16 12:12 PM
in reply to: salasman

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Originally posted by salasman
Originally posted by Socks
Originally posted by hornjsHaven't been able to ramp up my run due to several itis's on both feet. Can't seem to heal no matter how much I lay off the running. Max distance was 12.5 for this build. Hopefully can get through with a grimace on race day, and without septic shock from the above evils.
If its plantar fascitis and or achilles tendinits try this I dont' work for DJ but I ama fellow suffered. The night splint is passive stretching all night. The air heel works great. I think Idid IMFL in one once..................
Hey, maybe we can combine our strengths to over the low running miles. I'm with you in a way with me fighting a little Achilles pain; I'm not sure it qualifies as tendonitis, but it is living on the edge. I think it's better to run less to avoid injury...and then fight it out on race day! ha ha! A big heart and determination can do a lot for us.Two remedies I'm doing, which you may be doing as well...but just in case not. I've been strapping on ice packs to the Achilles area and leaving them there for about 20 minutes 3x/day. Any pain after a run session is gone, and each successive run session last longer before the Achilles pain starts talking to me. Another remedy from my personal training work is called "flossing." Take a frozen water bottle and roll out the area like you're rolling bread dough. You're breaking up the tissue/tendon, getting the "stickiness" out, and enhancing recovery.If it's plantar fasciitis, flossing or rolling over a lacrosse ball (in bare feet) really works tendon. I've never had PF, and maybe this is why. I'm constantly rolling both feet on the hard lacrosse ball. It's like a constant foot massage as I'm working at my desk (thankfully I office at home).Most people know about ice packs, but the flossing action takes it to a new level with it being cold source combined with the massage effect. Cheers!
Thanks I am actually an orthopedic surgeon so I pretty much got the treatment for this down
2013-10-16 12:50 PM
in reply to: Socks

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I was feeling exactly the same last week. Started my taper this week and I am a new man! I am sure most of my change in attitude is mental as my work load this week is still pretty high. Nevertheless, just the thought of tapering has put me in a much better frame of mind, hopefully it will do the same for you.

2013-10-16 2:34 PM
in reply to: Dfw123

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I just realized in 2 weeks I will be at PCB!!! WOOHOOOO. Hopefully I will survive the next 2 weeks of work stupidity!!
2013-10-16 3:21 PM
in reply to: kchawknut

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Also, is the Complimentary Pancake Breakfast for anyone (including non-athletes), or is it just for athletes?

The pancake breakfast is sponsored by a local church and is free to all, not just athletes.

Regarding the flesh eating has mainly been centered around salt water oyster beds/reefs and thrives in warm water so you are probably fine. If you have any concerns, put some super glue (or some OTC liquid bandage ( over them to seal them .
2013-10-16 6:22 PM
in reply to: LSUfan4444

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Time to organize some BT get togethers.

Thursday and Friday morning swim meet ups, does 8am work for folks?

Thursday we could meet up for lunch as up if you want.

In past years after the race we have rented a pontoon and gone to Shell island and looked for dolphins. Anyone up to do that on Sunday after the race?

Any interest in getting a list together of BTers to share cell numbers and share only with those who participate?

Any other ideas of things we want to do as a group? Mellow Mushroom pizza is always a great choice and if we arrange it we can get a big table upstairs.

I'm willing to organize since I'm not racing.

Not sure when folks are arriving. We always invite everyone so if you have family or friends they can come as well.

2013-10-16 8:13 PM
in reply to: KathyG

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Plant City, Florida
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Kona in the books - now time for a few days recovery, a couple days of build, then the long awaited taper.... Whew.
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