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2014-05-08 1:11 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

We already know that our optimal cadence is variable. I believe that it's an interplay between your leg length and your crank length first of all.
But if we were all to have crank lengths that were in the same proportion to our leg length, we would still have variability here stemming from synaptic differences.

As a discussion launcher, look at the graphic I'm attaching here. It is a muscle force x velocity graph. It shows how muscle force changes with velocity...the faster the muscle is shortening, the less force it can generate. Eventually no force can be the case of a bike pedal, because the pedal is moving as fast as our unloaded foot can move...we are just chasing it in the air.
But notice that there is a separate line indicating power. Maximum muscle force is applied against a non-moving resistance, as the pedals begin to move there is going to be less force available to apply to them, but power output is increasing.
The true optimal cadence for us is at that point of maximum power. Since power is determined by the force being applied and how quickly it's being applied.

I drew in those supposed cadence numbers just to help to give a reference to the concept of cycling. The actual diagram comes from measuring muscle tissue in petri dishes and 'speed' here is how quickly the muscle is being allowed to contract. When a muscle is attached by a joint, the contraction speed of the muscle and the speed of the limb are related, but different.

So those numbers are bogus, but conceptually valid.

I'm kind of covering this because I'm getting at the fact that faster cadence is better, but not past that optimum point. You already know this....but maybe we can quickly increase your optimum cadence by learning to remove the resistance you create through bad technique?


Muscle_Force_Velocity_relationship.png (51KB - 9 downloads)

2014-05-08 3:49 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
hey everybody..... Just a short check in...

I've been really work busy the past week or so. I've been scanning all the messages, but haven't really been able to reply much.
It should lighten up for me for a week or so.
I have been training ok, its a recovery week for me - just booked my flight and room for the Grand Rapids HIM on June 8.
so now I'm getting rally nervous...30 days until the race - I'm projecting I need to finish around 5:05-5:35.,.. keep your prayers coming and fingers crossed.... I have some serious and focused work to do the next few weeks to get to that level.....

2014-05-08 8:19 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
I had to take Tuesday off.  I think the past few weeks of 13-14 hours of workouts finally caught up to me and I crashed Monday and Tuesday.  My legs were in horrible shape Monday morning and even Tuesday after the swim on Monday night.  I woke up Monday morning feeling like trash (this isn't untypical sometimes) but I could tell I was off a bit.  I went ahead and rode last night and didn't have any significant issues with the ride other than HOLY CRAP!! that sucked (5x5' @ 105-110%).  Today I feel alright physically, meaning I think I could pick back up with the rest of the schedule fine.
Now, the not so good news....
I went to PT tonight and had another bad visit.  I was only able to do some of the exercises I had been doing because I began to have pain again.  This time the pain was in the sweet spot.  I talked to Todd about whether the stress to my legs earlier in the week may have been a contributor.  He seemed to think it was a possibility but I didn't get a strong vibe that he thought it was big possibility.  I have no idea what set it off.  Today was the worst day I've had and it started this morning at work.  I hadn't even had a chance to do anything wrong.  I was just walking around the office and it began to send a familiar sharp pain.  Previous to today I had been having smaller pains in and out of the sweet spot.  The pains have seemed to have been associated with the larger weights I have been pushing the past week.  (Yeah, I know, I'm backing down on those.)
While this isn't exactly what I was looking to feel or have to contend with there is a bit of good news (I guess???).  Todd seemed to think that whatever has it acting up may be being exacerbated by a small amount of swelling in the joint.  The fluid is imperceptible to me but Todd seemed to be able to feel it when he was manipulating the joint some.  Other aspects of his assessment seemed to indicate that there was nothing serious other than I seem to have aggravated it somehow.
His suggestions for exercises this week were to keep from doing anything that causes rotational stress again and back off on the weight and increase the reps for workouts through the weekend.  After that I can go back to normal.  He also thought a run could be in order next week if things calm down but he thinks the run should come mid week rather than sooner.  
Mentally I am pretty unhappy right now.  I know I've been told I needed to be running by the first of May and now I won't be running until at least May 14.  I'm feeling  like I am losing all kinds of time that I don't really have to lose and I'm beginning to get an uneasy feeling.  I am wanting to look into the Ironman deferral program to see what options I have.  Should I be doing this, or I am getting a little skiddish to soon?
2014-05-09 6:26 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dear Extraterrestrial UberHuman....

Should I be doing this, or I am getting a little skiddish to soon?

Seriously? Even with one leg and crawling the last 8 miles of any distance you would most likely be ahead of me.
You could do the backstroke, keep a human-like 18mph on the bike and walk the first half of any distance and still
place ahead of the majority of the participants.

I say listen to the doctor and get back to running easy and all will fall into place. You'll do great!!

2014-05-09 7:13 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

TERRY is spot on his recommendation, DIRK and he pretty much said what I started to write out last night before the reply disappeared from my computer and I gave up.    I'm so sorry you're still dealing with pain.  Ugh - I hurt for you, my friend.   As much as I hate to say it, though, I think you should look into the deferral program - to at least see what your options are and when the last day is for making a change.   I'm totally confident you can finish but I know that's not your goal - you want to COMPETE.  You want to CRUSH it and you would/will if you're completely healed.  You need to ask yourself if just crossing the finish line, no matter the time, will bring you satisfaction.  Make that decision on the last day possible. 

Edited by bswcpa 2014-05-09 7:14 AM
2014-05-09 9:12 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Dirk I'm sorry to hear about the set back but I personally still think you have plenty of time. You know my friend Wynn went through a bad case of PF two years ago and could barely run. I think if he ran 10 miles a week that was a lot. He did a lot biking instead and he wound up having a great race at IMMT. I know I've brought it up a million times already but I just don't want you to give up the hope that your knee won't improve and that you'll be able to start running soon.

The IM run is nothing more then time on your feet. Nothing you do in training is going to make any difference in how you do with your run. It's what you do on the bike that day that will dictate whether you run or walk. That doesn't mean you don't train for the run but I think you can do it on a lot less then you think you need. I didn't put up a lot of miles in my IM training last season and I'm not going to be doing the same this year either. If anything it is more about time on your feet and less about miles. So even with less run training you can still do this if you choose to.

However I totally agree with what Brenda is saying. I think it will come down to what your goals and expectations are for this race and only you can decide that. I'm hoping for the best case scenario and that is your knee is feeling better soon, you start running soon and get to IMWI healthy so you're able to race with the expectations that you had going into this.

2014-05-11 7:11 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Thanks for the encouragement.  

I hope that I haven't sent the message that I'm ready to throw in the towel, I'm not there by any stretch.  I was certainly feeling pretty low because of the recent issues and maybe some of these pains are going to be the new norm and I've not had the time to figure that out yet.  But I'm not ready to throw up the white flag either and that's the key right now.  I just need to get some things under control and begin to find the right track.

But, as requested your thoughts, I did check into the IM deferral program and it's basically a steaming pile of rancid poo.  Okay, it's better than the old policy of here's $75 of your registration fee back and sorry about your luck but it's not much better than that.  

The way the deferral program works........

  • The pilot program is limited to 140.6 events in North America (excluding Los Cabos & Cozumel)
  • This program is limited to the year in which your original event is scheduled.
  • There is a $50 transfer fee.
  • You must pay any difference in entry fees, but do not get a refund for a negative difference.  
  • The race you transfer into must have open slots.
  • The race you transfer into must have had public registration open for 10 days.  
  • It must be at least 45 days prior to the event you are transferring out of AND into.  
  • You may only transfer an entry once.  

So, while it would seem at first glance that WTC is offering something they really aren't.  Here's how I see it.

  1. Limiting transfer to fewer races makes transfers that much less likely to happen........Loss
  2. My race is in September nearer the end of the season and most remaining races are sold out already......Loss
  3. The transfer fee is, what I feel, well in line with something like an IM transfer fee.  I also think WTC could charge a much higher transfer fee if they chose to do so and I would likely be willing to pay more to make sure (in my case) that I am healthy enough to actually race.  Also, may other races, marathons and such) allow transfers for fees making this somewhat of a norm........Good
  4. Paying the difference is acceptable to me and probably not a big deal for someone in a similar situation as I............Neutral
  5. Again, not being refunded the price difference wouldn't be a big deal because I may be ensuring a much better race experience......Neutral
  6. Most IM events sell out rather quickly leaving little real opportunity to actually transfer..........Loss
  7. Having to wait 10 days until after standard registration closes is a good idea.  It would keep people from registering for a race they don't really desire to race in order to attempt to preserve a spot in a later race, although this would be ricky at best inmost cases..........Good
  8. Having a 45 day deadline isn't bad either.  They need some time to get a few things switched around to be ready for a different athlete.  It just makes sense........Neutral
  9. Allowing one transfer, again, keep people from transferring multiple times and locking down positions that others could use.  I don't have a problem with that.......Good

So, if you're looking for a lot of benefits to this program there aren't really any true advantages to this program.  After reviewing some of the other race platforms, such as Rev3 and Challenge, WTC appears to be trying to make themselves feel better rather than providing anything beneficial to injured people such as myself.  If things get worse for me, as in unable to walk as I get very close to race day, I would probably have to at least take my $75 refund.  BUT I think I am a long way from that.

I will in all likelihood be at Wisconsin, even if I am walking a lot more than I would like.  But the thought of walking much of a marathon is NOT appealing in any form.  I did receive a little more confirming encouragement from one of the local IM athletes here yesterday.  He told me to just focus on the swim and bike and let the run fall where it may, which I viewed as similar to you all have mentioned to me in the past couple of posts.  That's what the "confirming" part of my encouragement was.  

I have also taken another step toward trying to make sure I provide my body a little bit better opportunity to stay healthy.  I bought a pair of Hoka's yesterday.  I have mixed feelings about them because I'm not sure they're anything more than a fad but for now I'll take that chance I guess.  

The good news about the Hok's was during the trial at the store I was able to get on the treadmill and run without any problems.  Obviously I was only running for about 1 minute at a time but I didn't seem to have any real issue during the 4 runs for 4 different shoes.  I am also considering having someone, likely Lis, video me occasionally to check my form while running.  I may try to work my way toward a midfoot strike.  Right now I little idea just how much of a heel striker I am but I do know that is my strike point.  I tried to convert last year but I was unable to get too far because I wasn't able to stay healthy enough (my PF and then knee re-injury).

Anyway, things are going better, and have been since Friday, and I look forward to getting my mind right and my game on.


2014-05-11 11:04 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Happy mothers day everybody

Anyway, things are going better, and have been since Friday, and I look forward to getting my mind right and my game on.

That's a great place to be Dirk....

I did a 210k (130 mile) bike ride yesterday..... felt really good until the the turn around and had 50 miles into the 15-25 mph head wind ... ugh.. no bueno.
made it through and felt good afterwards.
My moving time was 8 hours and the elapsed time was 9:27 because we stopped at the control points and a few time to check the map/cue sheet. That was good because my first 200k was a total time of 11+ hours. The average speed was 16.1 mph. It's funny, when we made the turn west (out of the headwind) for the final 9 miles, we were back up to 19-21 mph (there were several stop lights that slowed us down, but I surprised myself to know that I had that much left in the tank...

2014-05-11 12:12 PM
in reply to: tmoons

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Happy Mother's Day to all the Junkie Mom's!

2014-05-11 9:28 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
My 1st tri of the season is in the books, finished the muncie olympic in 2:58. Overall it was pretty good day, I'm disappointed in the 43 minute swim time I posted, and actually still question the results but I have no real way of verifying them. The start was a time trial start so I do not have a solid start time to go by. I expected to be down around 35 minutes, even with the long run from the water to T1. I swam strong but not hard, my navigation was spot on, to the point I was within 10ft of every buoy and felt I should of at least hit a 2:05 average. But instead show over 2:50 average, just ridiculous! Either the course was long, the timing was extremely off or......I am extremely slow. My money is on one of the 1st 2 options. As for the bike, that is a different story. Finished with a 20.3mph average which is a best for this distance. I even held back trying to save a little for the run, which turned out to be a challenge. The run was an outback on a rolling course, and one thing I realized is that going out was more of a rolling down so coming back was more of a climb. Especially from mile 4 to 4.7 which was a steady up hill. Until this point I felt strong and was holding a good pace, but once I reached the top of this hill I was toast and it was all I could do to hold pace for the last 1.5 miles. Finished with a 54m 10k and around a 8:40 pace, not terrible. Overall I had a good race and felt that even though the run was tough, I did not give everything I had. I viewed this race as more of a training day so I held a little back, probably not much but a little. I think if I wanted to I could of pushed myself a title harder in the run and knocked a few more minutes off but probably would of paid for it in a few days of training.

either way I had a fun day and need to start looking for my next race! not sure I can wait until the end of June before I get to race again.
2014-05-12 4:48 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Matt,  You're making wax nostalgic a bit.  That was the site of my first triathlon ever and the same location as the Ironman Muncie 70.3 race.  I remember the run up to T1 from the 2 races I've done there and that certainly accounted for some of the increase in your swim time.  Other than that I'm not sure what would have been the cause of the additional times for your swim.  The course would have had to have been extremely long for you to have had so much time added above your target.

That run course was a real challenge for my first triathlon.  I remember thinking about some of those hills on the way out knowing I had to run right back up them, it seemed to knock a bit of wind out of me just thinking about them.  Ha!  I just remembered how horrible my sighting was at this race venue, for my first triathlon.  I had a lifeguard chasing me in a boat trying to get me back on course.  I was way off course when I looked up and saw them coming after me.

Congrats on getting your opening race done.  It has to feel good getting the first one of the year in and it would have to fuel your desire to keep them coming and get ready for the next one.

2014-05-12 1:37 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Great Job Matt!!
2014-05-12 2:08 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Matt, Congrats on getting it done in your first Tri of the season. I'm jealous of those Bike and Run paces you are putting up. Any chance they missed the placement on the buoys and you actually swam a HIM swim leg?


An opportunity to do an Olympic race has come up for me on June 1st so I'll be doing my first ever Olympic in about 3 weeks. It falls right in the middle of my HIM training so I'm going into it as a training event only. I wont be pushing my paces too much. I just want to see where I am and experience a longer race before Vineman 70.3 in July.

Meanwhile, my training has been progressing well. I'm 9 weeks out from the HIM and my run paces seem to be coming down a bit because of the volume I've put in. Bike paces are still very slow, but I'm okay with that for now. I know I will increase my pace as my bike strength improves.

Swim training is improving. I've been doing mostly 50 yards at a time just focusing on form for 30 minutes twice a week.



2014-05-13 4:39 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

I thought the same thing about the swim leg in Matt's race Vero.  So this morning I took a look at his last HIM swim split and it seems that may have been a possibility.  His swim split at Rev3 last year was 48:46.  The times from last weekend could point to an obvious improvement over the same distance.  What do you think Matt?

I'm glad to hear you get the jump on another race.  The olympic will serve as a good primer.  

Since we're talking about your set up for a HIM, have you gotten any kind of fueling plan yet?  You should be using something to work on making sure you get the right calories and training is the place to figure it out.

2014-05-13 4:52 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

A very, very brief update on me......

My knee is doing much better but I have not been doing nearly as much strength training.  Well, actually I have been to the gym in about 5 days I guess.  I have done PT exercises but that's all.  I feel like I am going to be able to run this Friday as planned.  From there it'll be a trial and error process and hopefully things will go well enough that I can get back to some semblance of training for a run.

I also have learned in the past week that I was volun-told that I would be on a special work team as part of a LEAN initiative at work.  It will involve 16 weeks of being away from home beginning in July and ending in November.  I am not at all thrilled by this but I am not sure I will be able to avoid being involved.  My manager told me it may present opportunities in the future in the form of advancement.  Ehh!  I'm not a ladder climber, nor do I have interest in separating myself from some of the best linemen in the business.  Anyway, the good news is that I may be able to stay with my mom for many of these nights out of town,  I guess it's a wait and see how it goes process, but I'm not really thrilled to have been volun-told.

Finally, some of you have seen my post on facebook.  A friend of mine father is dying and I was over last night for a while.  He's struggling, as is to be expected, but he's wrangling with some other issues surrounding whats going on.  They have chosen to have his father stay with them under hospice care and allow his death to come in a place familiar to him, their home.  So I would continue to ask for your prayers for Darrell and his family.  I will probably be making trips over for the next few days as this works through it's various stages.

2014-05-13 10:18 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Matt, congrats on the first race of the season, I wouldn't worry too much about the swim, OWS can be way off. At a local course last year the buoys were put out early so people could swim the course. Over several days the boys drifted causing a 750m loop to be about 1000m. But you couldn't tell just from looking. I swam two laps the day before the race and mentioned it to the race director. Sure enough they were out of place and moved back. Very easy for the course to bad long so don't worry about it too much. Dirk, glad to hear the knee is doing better. I'm sure you will be back at it full force in no time. Sorry to hear about your friend and his father. All the best to them and you in this tough time. Hopefully they can take comfort in having him close by. So my HM is coming up this weekend send I'm pretty pumped about it. I've been more consistent and injury free this year then ever. I'm hoping with a taper my legs should be good to go. After some big weeks of training I can feel my legs being tired and needing some time off so this week should do them good. I'm on the road for work all week, and having to work nights which isn't making recovery and eating well all that easy but I'm doing my best. Based on my recent 10k of 45:55, I'm looking at a HM time of around 1:42:xx. I'm pretty sure this is well within reach and hoping this race gives me a good idea of my HIM run pace in early July. Still undecided about a one piece or two piece tri suit. I have a new LG one piece suit that looks fast and is really comfortable however I have a new LG two piece suit on the way. I think I will use each one in two different upcoming sprints and make the decision. I also bought a new aero helmet, the LG P-09. It wasn't cheap but it looks pretty nice do far. Light as a feather and it is supposedly the fasted helmet out there. I'll give a full review one I try it out a few times. All the best junkies in your training and upcoming races. I'll keep you posted about my race this weekend.

2014-05-13 11:17 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Originally posted by DirkP

I thought the same thing about the swim leg in Matt's race Vero.  So this morning I took a look at his last HIM swim split and it seems that may have been a possibility.  His swim split at Rev3 last year was 48:46.  The times from last weekend could point to an obvious improvement over the same distance.  What do you think Matt?

I'm glad to hear you get the jump on another race.  The olympic will serve as a good primer.  

Since we're talking about your set up for a HIM, have you gotten any kind of fueling plan yet?  You should be using something to work on making sure you get the right calories and training is the place to figure it out.


I actually don't have any plan yet for nutrition for the HIM. I have no idea the number of calories I'll need to consume for the event. At this point I don't have a goal time but I'm guessing something between 6:15 to 6:45 finish time, just based on previous long rides and runs. I'm sure I'll zero it in more as the training progresses.

 I have always favored GU energy gels and I used those during training and my half marathon last year without any issues. I haven't been taking in anything but water on any of my training rides or runs yet. Max 26 miles bike and 8 miles run. But I know I'll need to work something out soon to start getting used to it (or modify it if it doesn't work)

2014-05-13 1:32 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Howdy everyone!

WARREN - The Bonefrog is this weekend, right?  How's your shoulder?   Are you going to be able to do it?

JEFF -  Thanks for the graphs and articles on cadence and pedal stroke.  It makes sense to me - it's just putting into practice consistently which is a fail for me.  I remember you telling us a couple years ago about producing power with our hips and I know I've gotten away from that so next ride I'll be concentrating on that and also on the push down.  Glad to know you're healing fast.  I expected nothing less from you. 

DIRK -  Interesting about the IM deferral plan.  Don't see it being much of a benefit at all and I figure you'll toe the line September, pain or not.  Hope you can run on Friday - just take it easy please.  I know that's not in your vocabulary but try.  Is "Volun-told" your made up name?  16 weeks away??  That sounds brutal for the employee and their family.  Ugh.   I'm in prayer over your friend and his father.

Well, that covers our 3 fearless leaders all of which are injured.  Hmmmm......   I think I'll stay a mere mortal.

DEREK -  Good luck in your HM!  I like your very specific goal of 1:42:xx.  Go get it!

MATT -  Way to get a PR on your Oly bike!    You can always add Maumee Bay to your race schedule.  It's just the week before Mohigan, though, so that's not ideal.

JOANNE -  Yay for Amanda and Maria completing their 1st marathon!  No doubt you had a great influence in them wanting to take on that distance.  I know you missed some days with travel.  Are you back on track?  How's it going?

TERRY -  You're the poster child for endurance sports!  I expect to see you signing up for a double IM one of these days.  Good job on the 130 miler.  Your HIM in Grand Rapids should be fun.  Why'd you pick that one?  A couple of my friends have done that one and they like it although they say it's hilly and has been hot.  Your goal time is awesome. 

VERO -  Glad you found an Oly before your HIM.  It's nice you've tried GU Energy shots and that they've worked for you in the past.  A friend of mine from here is still the men's record holder of the Vineman Full.  It's the 25th year anniversary and he's planning on being there.  I don't know if they have tracking like IM, but I hope we can cheer you on when you tackle it.

JENN -  You're out there taking it by storm!  5K PR!  Congrats!  And I see your weight loss pictures on FB.  You and your girls are cuties!  Keep up the great work!

TONY -  Took a peek in your logs and it looks like you're plugging along well. Hope your travel south didn't wear you out too much.

WILL -  Took a peek at your logs, too and at least you're getting in some bike and swim.  Did I miss something as to why you're not running?


I've been discouraged the last week as I took my bike outside for a few rides for the first time this spring and I saw my pace drop DRAMATICALLY from what I was doing inside on the trainer.   I expected a drop but not that far so I'm not in a good mental place.  I think a lot of it is my lack of confidence and comfortableness being outside - wind, traffic, POTHOLES (we have a lot of bad roads after the winter), stopping/starting, and being chased by dogs (twice now).  I've got to get over this and I guess the best way is to just get out more.     I'm doubting my ability to get through the hilly IMWI course and I want to get to the start line feeling strong and confident.   I WILL get there with God's help!  OK, I'm done being a Debbie Downer and am going to go find my joy somewhere.  Thanks for listening.

2014-05-13 2:01 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Matt, I actually wondered the same thing about the swim course after seeing your results. I know the Rev3 in Maine has the same course with shorter buoys for the Olympic and it would be very easy to miss the turn and do the HIM course. Also, the Oly swim distance isn’t all that much shorter than the half, so maybe it was just one of those days. Your open run is off the charts right now, so just keep training and remember this was the first tri of the year.

Terry - 130 miles?? You're an endurance animal.

Jenn - PRs always rock. Great job.

Everyone else - I'll try to get a response/comment to everyone in a reasonable time. Thanks for posting and keeping us up to date. I'm probably similar to others in that even if I'm not posting I often read the updates and really enjoy watching the season unfold for everyone.

Originally posted by bswcpa

Howdy everyone!

WARREN - The Bonefrog is this weekend, right?  How's your shoulder?   Are you going to be able to do it?

Sorry I haven't been much a leader lately. Life is really getting in the way of training and getting online except for short bursts on facebook. Some serious stuff is going on around me, nothing in my immediate family but some close friends and relatives are involved in some pretty big stuff that really puts perspective on everything. As an elder statesman I've found myself serving in a different role lately in terms of helping and walking alongside some folks in need. I guess in my head I still consider myself the 25 year old irresponsible and crazy kid, but the outside world sees me differently!

Brenda thanks for asking, and yes, Bonefrog is this Saturday. My shoulder is improving but still a bit of a mess at times and to make matters MUCH worse I broke my ring finger (again) last week. I’d like to post a pic like Jeff did for his foot. I’m not sure how many of the obstacles I’ll be able to get through, but I am going for sure. It’s supposed to be about 55-60 and a monsoon, so that should make it at least more fun. Hopefully I’m still able to do the Tour de Cure ride the next day (103 miles but not a race).
2014-05-13 11:04 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by bswcpa

MATT -  Way to get a PR on your Oly bike!    You can always add Maumee Bay to your race schedule.  It's just the week before Mohigan, though, so that's not ideal.


I've been discouraged the last week as I took my bike outside for a few rides for the first time this spring and I saw my pace drop DRAMATICALLY from what I was doing inside on the trainer.   I expected a drop but not that far so I'm not in a good mental place.  I think a lot of it is my lack of confidence and comfortableness being outside - wind, traffic, POTHOLES (we have a lot of bad roads after the winter), stopping/starting, and being chased by dogs (twice now).  I've got to get over this and I guess the best way is to just get out more.     I'm doubting my ability to get through the hilly IMWI course and I want to get to the start line feeling strong and confident.   I WILL get there with God's help!  OK, I'm done being a Debbie Downer and am going to go find my joy somewhere.  Thanks for listening.

Brenda, you don't know how much I want to do maumee bay, that has always been one of my test races to see where I am at, plus it was the 1st race I ever did. I don't think the. Back to back weekends would not be much of an issue because I would only do the sprint at maumee bay and I am approaching mohican as a strong training day that has a few taper days ahead of it. But I think Sara may go off the deep end if I even suggest it, but I am waiting for a good window to ask

don't get too discouraged about the bike! I was wobbly coming out of my cave this spring also. You just need to get some confidence back and you will be ok. I also think if you find more loose dogs, that will help also. There is nothing that makes you go faster than a growling, barking dog chasing you down the road. I have come to the opinion that once may comes everyone turns their dogs loose.

Warren, good luck at bone frog this weekend sounds like it is going to be muddy mess!
2014-05-14 4:57 AM
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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Brenda, I love your summaries....
  • .keep at the bike and the transition back to the road will be much better than before....

  • John- good luck on the Olympic....
    Dirk... keep at it... stay within your limits while training and you'll be much better than you think

    TERRY - You're the poster child for endurance sports! I expect to see you signing up for a double IM one of these days. Good job on the 130 miler. Your HIM in Grand Rapids should be fun. Why'd you pick that one? A couple of my friends have done that one and they like it although they say it's hilly and has been hot. Your goal time is awesome.

    Wow... I have some crazy friends. They do a 200-400k bike ride each month. I'm working on my RUSA R-12 Award which means I'll do a 200k in 12 consecutive months. Its fantastic for IM training.

    I chose Grand rapids because it's the USAT Long Course (70.3) National Championship. You can only see how good you are if you race against the best, right? It is a pretty lofty goal time. IF I make that goal time I will have cut 1.5 hours from my best HIM time last year and about 3 hours from my first. I trust in my training plan and my somewhat limited ability to complete all of it and the modifictations I've made to it and we'll see what happens. I didn't see too many hills on the course.. but now I'm getting nervous. If I can maintain 18mph I should be ok. I'm not worried about the heat... last weekend's ride was at 96 degrees. My longer runs are all now being done during mid day to accustom myself to the heat and to practice hydration. I also have a full 140.6 on June 29.

    I have some friends doing Ultraman Florida and they have almost convinced me to register for the February 2015 race.

    Its a Three day event. Day 1: 10k swim -> 90 Mile bike. Day 2: 173 Mile Bike. Day 3: 50 Mile run. The end.

    The registration fee is about $1800.00... I'd have to make a lot of donuts to come up with that kind of dough and then convince my wife why that would be more important, than say, anything else

    keep movin' Junkies!!!

    Edited by tmoons 2014-05-14 4:58 AM

    2014-05-14 7:47 AM
    in reply to: tmoons

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    Extreme Veteran
    Racine, Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Matt, congrats on your race! As everyone said it sounds like a miss measured course for the swim.

    Warren good luck this weekend, those races are always fun so even with the shoulder issue and now a broken finger you will have a great time!!!!

    Terry those are some crazy long rides, swims, and runs good for you!! Ouch $1800

    Dirk and Jeff its good to hear things are improving, and Dirk a lot can change in 4 months, your are awesome at the swim and bike so with a little TLC right now for the knee your run will come back!

    Jeff thanks for the info on cadence and pedaling, I don't have a scientist/ engineering brain so most of it doesn't sink in lol but I guess the gist of it is to basically do what comes natural and not force it?

    Derek good luck this weekend!!

    John, not sure how you can stomach those GU's

    Brenda, don't get too discourage on your biking, a few more times outside and you will be right back to where you were

    Tony how was the trip??

    I don't know what is going on I just can't seem to get a little quite in my life right now, things are really busy, ever since the trip out easat. my oldest is graduating from Law school this weekend and it is a 2 day event, as of now I am planning on going up to bike Madison with a group on saturday but my sister is coming in to town from SC and I really hate leaving for 8 hours, so I might skip it and bike locally, I have missed my last 2 weekend long rides which is making me crazy but it is what it is... I may need to take a couple mental health days to get things back in order, and settle things down and re-organize.

    2014-05-14 10:04 AM
    in reply to: Jo63

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    I finally got a chance to catch up on all the posts and the group has been very active which is great to see. I was in Dallas since Sunday and got home last night. I was there for a leadership training session which the company does every year and I've done for the last 6 years. It was good and the time in Dallas good as well. I got to the Rangers game in Arlington on Sunday and got to see old friends and meet some new ones while I was there.

    The only thing I screwed up was Mother's Day. I totally dropped the ball when I booked the trip fortunately my wife is pretty understanding and I will make it up to her this weekend. No training for the last 3 days but I am looking forward to gettting back to it tonight. Also the OWS have begun at Wildwood Lake and I am dying to get in there this weekend. I was thinking Friday but it will be a wash out with the rain so I'm hoping Sunday afternoon for my first OWS.

    I have to say I'm impressed with the how hard everyone is training and working. It's showing up in the race results.

    Dirk glad to hear the knee is feeling better and good luck with the running this week. I hope the Hoka's help I know a lot of my friends rave about them. They were developed by ultra runners for utlra runners. Glad to see you'll sticking with IMWI not that I didn't think you wouldn't and your friend is right about the run. It's what you do that day that determines whether you run or not and to be honest we all do some strategic walking at some points in the race. I know I did and it worked well. Thoughts and prayers to your friends father as well.

    Jeff thanks for posting the info on pedaling technique. That is always interesting stuff for me and it makes sense. Seems like a higher cadence that allows to you put out max power comfortably is what we should be aiming for. I'll have plenty of time to work on that now that I'll be doing long rides on Saturday and Sunday's. Hope the foot continues to heal well.

    Terry congrats on the 200K sounds like you had a great ride and way to finish that thing out strong. Sounds like you're all set when it comes to the bike. I think you'll do great at Grand Rapids and it sounds like your training is going very well. I wouldn't put an ultra man past you or even a double anvil IM but I do agree 1800 bucks is a lot of money to lay out for any race.

    Matt congrats on the PR for the Oly. You did a great job and don't sweat the swim time. I agree it sounds like the course might have been longer then it was supposed to be either way if it's a training day then it was a good race simultated training day for you. You had a good swim, a great bike and a very solid run with something left in the tank. A great first race for the start of your season.

    Brenda don't get discouraged it is still early and you'll have plenty of time to get yourself up to par on the outdoor rides. I've only been riding outdoors on the weekend and been staying indoors during the week. I get more meaningful workouts done that way. You can still get work done on the trainer indoors and get some work done outdoors as well. Stay committed and you'll be riding strong soon enough outdoors, it will come.

    John good luck with the upcoming Oly and on your HIM. Sounds like your training is coming along well too. Now is the time to get your nutrition down as well. Try different things and don't be afraid to fail on rides or runs in training with your nutrition. It's important to get this figured out along with your pacing strategy. The sooner the better and don't leave it to chance on race day.

    Derek good luck this weekend on the HM. I think you're gonna kill it. You've also been training hard and I don't have any doubt that you'll do well at both the HM and the upcoming HIM.

    Warren sorry to hear about everything that has been going on with you. It sounds like you've been very busy and dealing with things that are far more important then endurance sports. I'm also sorry to hear about your finger as well. I hope you have a quick recovery and that your shoulder is feeling better. Hopefully it's not a deluge for the Bonefrog this weekend and that you're able to do it and do well. You've been training all off season for this race so I hope you're able to get out there and get it done this weekend.

    JoAnne sounds like you've also been really busy lately as well. I hope things settle down a bit for you and you can focus more on your training. I will look up the info on the infinit product for you today.
    2014-05-14 5:14 PM
    in reply to: strikyr

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    Extreme Veteran
    Sidney, Ohio
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    I think I identified the problem with my swim from this past weekend. I forgot to swim in April and May . 17,000yds total is not a good way to make improvements at least I know what to work in....SWIM MORE! .


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    2014-05-15 4:51 AM
    in reply to: mambos

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    Fort Wayne
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

     Darrell's father passed away near midnight, a short time after I left the house.  The family is at peace with his death and now they can grieve their loss quietly.  Hugh was from the hills of southern Kentucky and will be transported there later.  I would kindly ask for your continued prayers for all of them as they grieve and travel over the next several days.

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