BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open Rss Feed  
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2014-07-15 2:14 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Dave, that stinks! What part of you hip? Inside? Outside? Deep? Does it hurt for all three sports or just the run? How about pushing off from a flip-turn in a pool? Does it affect your sciatic nerve? More beta needed.
I'm not a PT or doctor but had a hip problem last summer when prepping for a half. My hip pain was on the outside of my left iliac crest at the highest point. It took some PT but I ran my half pain free (and PR'd!). I think you're in Michigan - not your hometown; is finding a PT or someone in the know available for a diagnosis and either treatment or advice? I'd hate to see you continue to work it and potentially do some damage. By the same token, maybe it's something that can be easily treated and get you on your way. You are so close!! Maybe the LBS has some information on a local PT they recommend? Particularly if he/she is a cyclist/triathlete. Take it a little easy for a day or two and let it rest - your body is talking to you. Maybe some of the articles on injuries here have some information that could be pertinent to what's going on with you - or ask on the site.

I am hoping for the best for you and quick healing (and good beer). Please keep us updated.
My best,

2014-07-15 2:51 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Qua17 Don't know if I had mentioned this - but I've hit my first major snag this summer in my IM training. My #!*$%ing hip is sore again. It started hurting after running 13 last week and has been coming up to full song this week. I've been icing it like it's my job and even had a backrub yesterday (which was terrible! - the woman was 60 and was more interested in relaxation (read mood music and candles) than the painful but necessary miofacial release that I needed. I took yesterday and today off and the pain has gotten a little better but it puts tomorrow's workout in jeopardy. My body needs to get with the program - I need two more weeks out of it and then it gets to enjoy it's taper. On the plus side, my friend from college gets here tomorrow so that means I can start drinking quality beer again. Oh two hearted ale by Bells - how I have missed you!


Must be an IM training thing. My knee has flared up in the last week. I can't run more than 8km without some severe pain. Not looking good for race day. I've decided that after this IM I won't be running anymore. Time to give up that evil body destroying sport once and for all. Cycling never causes me any pain, in fact it help relieve the knee pain caused by running. 

2014-07-15 2:54 PM
in reply to: podemma

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by podemma

Just got back from my second ride on my new toy!  This bike is awesome!  I built it up from a used frame and all the components I had upgraded my old cheapo roadie with.  Weighs in around 17.5lb and handles like a dream.  Too bad this is a swim focus week and I don't have another ride planned till my race on Saturday.

If I may make a suggestion, you should flip your stem and angle your handlebars down so that the hoods are nearly parallel to the ground. The Cervelo has pretty aggressive frame geometry, you'll get more out of the bike if you increase the angle of attack on the bike with a more aggressive position. It will also make you more aero and allow for better power transfer to the pedals. 

2014-07-15 3:11 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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New user
Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by podemma

Just got back from my second ride on my new toy!  This bike is awesome!  I built it up from a used frame and all the components I had upgraded my old cheapo roadie with.  Weighs in around 17.5lb and handles like a dream.  Too bad this is a swim focus week and I don't have another ride planned till my race on Saturday.

If I may make a suggestion, you should flip your stem and angle your handlebars down so that the hoods are nearly parallel to the ground. The Cervelo has pretty aggressive frame geometry, you'll get more out of the bike if you increase the angle of attack on the bike with a more aggressive position. It will also make you more aero and allow for better power transfer to the pedals. 


Thanks for the suggestion.  My current problem is related to my gut.  It gets in the way.  Hopefully as I get a little slimmer I can get in a more aggressive position.

2014-07-15 3:17 PM
in reply to: podemma

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New user
Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Thought everyone might enjoy a picture of the pool I usually swim in.  They have drained it and are currently sandblasting the bottom.  They are supposed to be patching and painting it next.  It's going to be closed for at least anther 6 weeks.  Luckily the "training" pool is still open so I can still swim it just a good bit more crowded.


Pool.JPG (133KB - 2 downloads)
2014-07-15 3:20 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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New user
Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Qua17 Don't know if I had mentioned this - but I've hit my first major snag this summer in my IM training. My #!*$%ing hip is sore again. It started hurting after running 13 last week and has been coming up to full song this week. I've been icing it like it's my job and even had a backrub yesterday (which was terrible! - the woman was 60 and was more interested in relaxation (read mood music and candles) than the painful but necessary miofacial release that I needed. I took yesterday and today off and the pain has gotten a little better but it puts tomorrow's workout in jeopardy. My body needs to get with the program - I need two more weeks out of it and then it gets to enjoy it's taper. On the plus side, my friend from college gets here tomorrow so that means I can start drinking quality beer again. Oh two hearted ale by Bells - how I have missed you!

I don't have any suggestions but wanted to send some positive vibes your way!  Hopefully you can find the right training balance to keep things on track.

2014-07-16 9:30 AM
in reply to: podemma

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St Catharines, Ontario
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by podemma

Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by podemma

Just got back from my second ride on my new toy!  This bike is awesome!  I built it up from a used frame and all the components I had upgraded my old cheapo roadie with.  Weighs in around 17.5lb and handles like a dream.  Too bad this is a swim focus week and I don't have another ride planned till my race on Saturday.

If I may make a suggestion, you should flip your stem and angle your handlebars down so that the hoods are nearly parallel to the ground. The Cervelo has pretty aggressive frame geometry, you'll get more out of the bike if you increase the angle of attack on the bike with a more aggressive position. It will also make you more aero and allow for better power transfer to the pedals. 


Thanks for the suggestion.  My current problem is related to my gut.  It gets in the way.  Hopefully as I get a little slimmer I can get in a more aggressive position.

Solidarity brother. Beer belly and riding on the drops are not compatible :-)
2014-07-16 9:43 AM
in reply to: badmo77a

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Putting my graduate student research skills to good use for IM training, I found this article in a kinesiology database about power output. I'll try to attach the PDF but the relevant information is thus:

"Second, the enormous amount of time spent by competitive cyclists using their preferred geometries probably results in architectural adaptations in the active musculature that are joint-angle specific (Herzog et al. 1991a,b). These adaptations will probably influence the efficiency with which power is produced by the musculature (Cavanagh and Kram, 1985), and thus the VO2 cost of performing a specific task." (Heil et al. 1997)  

Basically, the position you train with should also be the position you race with in order to get maximum power output and efficiency. If you ride with aerobars during a race but ride upright primarily during training, you may not be getting the most out of your output potential. Something to keep in mind especially when training for long-course triathlon where energy conservation is key. 

art%3A10.1007%2Fs004210050141.pdf (304KB - 1 downloads)
2014-07-16 12:16 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
So much going on around here. I have been on vacation and took the week off while I was gone. I'm sitting at 12/28 plus add on a swim and run tonight. Not bad since I took 5 days off. After the break I feel stronger than ever.
2014-07-16 12:24 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

I've been struggling with a knee injury for the last two weeks. Today I went out for a measly 2km run and could really feel my knee throbbing. One to Ironman and I have not built enough base for the big run. I think I'm going to have cut running out for the next month hoping that it heals and try to make up for it by pumping out big numbers on the bike. I have feeling I'm going to be running through pain during the IM run. 

2014-07-16 12:51 PM
in reply to: 0

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Alan, be careful on that knee!

15/28 today with another brick - 1600 yd swim followed immediately by a short 2.62 run at an easy 9:30 pace. Really thinking of getting new shoes now as opposed to waiting until after the race. I would not normally do this so close to a race but the distance is only a 5k and I have 1 1/2 weeks to get used to them until race day. Decisions, decisions.

Oh, to the ladies out there; I tried out a new tri jog bra today - Zoot Performance Tri Bra - like the fit in general though the sizing is off - go one size up. I like how it breathes (wore it on a run today) but holy cats is the chest strap tight!!!! (which is why I sized up and it's still crazy tight - a common complaint with this style). I'm going to take it to a seamstress to see if the loop for the hook can be let out even a 1/2 inch. Other than the chest strap I like the rest of it - doesn't do you any good though if you can't breathe...I'll let you know how it goes.


Edited by aviatrix802 2014-07-16 12:59 PM

2014-07-16 12:55 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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New user
Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. Still here . Busy with company and a new Job but doing pretty well. At 16/30 for the month.
2014-07-16 2:12 PM
in reply to: Jeakins

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Me either! Still around, just lots in translation: too busy with travelling around the world for work and training. The great thing is that just by reading this post I get enough energy to go out and run/swim/bike, whatever is available that day. Following closely your plans, your new bikes (wow!), your new beers (yes!) and your lesions (be careful, IM is a loooong race). Fortunately had time to do my first tri of this season (Sprint) in Madrid, about 3000 athletes, awful swim in an awful artificial lake, nice bike and better run, 1.35 in total. My first Oly is in 2 weeks, never done this distance in my life, but extremely happy that is just here!!!
2014-07-16 2:19 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Sitting at 16/28. On the way home I went for a ride with an elevation gain of around 2250 feet in about 8 miles...the ride down the other side was not long enough! Beautiful ride though! Rode by deer, a herd(?) of mountain sheep plus the mountains/streams/trees etc. Unforturnately I did things backwards by going to the hot springs first then biking...

2014-07-16 2:23 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
20/28 today with four days to go until race day.

A few updates. I went to the bike store and got some feedback...saddle a bit better but still not perfect. BUT....and feel free to laugh your head off here...I did find out why I've been SLOWER than ever....low tires. Yeah, I'm obviously a bike newbie. Got that fixed, and some tires with less tread for the hybrid and I've been able to bring the number up a bit. I'm still going to be way at the back of the pack for the bike portion, but I need to just focus on finishing and having a good time. If this weekend doesn't kill me, I'm considering entering another tri in a few weeks and borrowing a friend's bike to see the difference.

Did a bike/run brick this weekend at a 5K and did quite well, first in my AG (not that big a deal, it was a small race and I think there were only 4 of us in my AG), but overall a good pace for me at 9:18 in warm weather.

Most important, I have been doing a lot of OWS and think I've made a breakthrough. I started out just playing around in a local lake with another acquaintance also signed up for her first tri. Lots of tri swimmers there. It was very good practice because there was ZERO visibility and the lake was bright green. Yuck. But I was still feeling intimidated and really not able to go farther than 75 yards without stopping. So I put my big girl panties on and went out to the lake near my work on Monday and has a BIG swimming area that is patrolled but also has lots of waves/boat traffic to condition to (I discovered this at the 5K on Sunday). By last night I was easily doing my race distance without stopping. I was planning on going out again today and tomorrow, but I woke up fairly sinus-y so am going to take a break. I think I've gotten what I absolutely need to before the race this weekend, and will do one practice swim at the tri location on Friday morning. My only issue left is that I'm having a lot of trouble zipping up the wetsuit by sticks mid-back and I've not been able to get it up all the way myself since my first outing, and always need someone to zip it.

Now I just need to hope for clear skies. There have been fires in the area of the tri, and smoke tends to bug my lungs.

Got a six pack of Mirror Pond Pale Ale on Monday and fully intend on finishing it tonight. :-)

2014-07-16 4:52 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Sandi, you are so ready!! The swim is what does people in (from what I hear/read) and you have it dialed in! That's fantastic! Don't worry about the wetsuit, I'm sure there will be plenty of people there who will be more than happy to help - and may need the same in return. I look forward to reading the RR and I'll be cheering for you from the other side of the country!

As far as the 5k - my motto is "it pays to be old in a small field." ( I'm 44, don't know how young you are. LOL) I love winning socks or new race bags or whatever.

Good luck with the weather and smoke!!

2014-07-16 6:59 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Don't know if I had mentioned this - but I've hit my first major snag this summer in my IM training. My #!*$%ing hip is sore again. It started hurting after running 13 last week and has been coming up to full song this week. I've been icing it like it's my job and even had a backrub yesterday (which was terrible! - the woman was 60 and was more interested in relaxation (read mood music and candles) than the painful but necessary miofacial release that I needed. I took yesterday and today off and the pain has gotten a little better but it puts tomorrow's workout in jeopardy. My body needs to get with the program - I need two more weeks out of it and then it gets to enjoy it's taper.

On the plus side, my friend from college gets here tomorrow so that means I can start drinking quality beer again. Oh two hearted ale by Bells - how I have missed you!

Sorry about the hip. Wish I knew more and could offer advise.

As for the bells, awesome choice.

after a 1000 swim and 6.25 run i am at 15/28

2014-07-17 12:30 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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St Catharines, Ontario
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Progress this week with my riding. Took my route home up the local escarpment. Its a small climb by cycling standards but I got up the main 1km section which has a nice chunk of 14% in it. Its a climb that has defeated me several times. MapMyRide even classified it as Cat5! I didn't know categories went that low!! More than 500 ft of total gain on the ride which is much more than I ever do. Will add this climbing into my weekly rides and hopefully reap the benefits.

If all goes well I will move onto 15/28 tonight.


2014-07-17 12:34 PM
in reply to: badmo77a

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Nice job on the climb! Enjoy my favourite beer! Love the Lugtread. 

2014-07-17 3:14 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Stopping by for a check-in, life has been real busy. Today I ran the route of my next sprint tri (in just over a week) and felt Ok, but looking at my time from last year I was a bit slower. Granted race day is always a different beast than training so hopefully I will be able to kick up my pace. Next week I'll run it a few more times to get it dialed in, the big hill in the last mile is always a killer.

After reading through the last page here it sounds like there are lots of great gains being made and some perils to overcome. Stay strong and become stronger, delicious beer awaits the victors!

2014-07-17 4:02 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Juancho Me either! Still around, just lots in translation: too busy with travelling around the world for work and training. The great thing is that just by reading this post I get enough energy to go out and run/swim/bike, whatever is available that day. Following closely your plans, your new bikes (wow!), your new beers (yes!) and your lesions (be careful, IM is a loooong race). Fortunately had time to do my first tri of this season (Sprint) in Madrid, about 3000 athletes, awful swim in an awful artificial lake, nice bike and better run, 1.35 in total. My first Oly is in 2 weeks, never done this distance in my life, but extremely happy that is just here!!!

the oly will be no problem for you. enjoy the race!

2014-07-17 7:59 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Dave, that stinks! What part of you hip? Inside? Outside? Deep? Does it hurt for all three sports or just the run? How about pushing off from a flip-turn in a pool? Does it affect your sciatic nerve? More beta needed.
I'm not a PT or doctor but had a hip problem last summer when prepping for a half. My hip pain was on the outside of my left iliac crest at the highest point. It took some PT but I ran my half pain free (and PR'd!). I think you're in Michigan - not your hometown; is finding a PT or someone in the know available for a diagnosis and either treatment or advice? I'd hate to see you continue to work it and potentially do some damage. By the same token, maybe it's something that can be easily treated and get you on your way. You are so close!! Maybe the LBS has some information on a local PT they recommend? Particularly if he/she is a cyclist/triathlete. Take it a little easy for a day or two and let it rest - your body is talking to you. Maybe some of the articles on injuries here have some information that could be pertinent to what's going on with you - or ask on the site.

I am hoping for the best for you and quick healing (and good beer). Please keep us updated.
My best,

Thanks Jenn and Alan - The pain is centered in the center of the hip but when I run it radiates from the hip flexor. With no PT, my best shot is to find a better massage than the one I had earlier this week. It hurt when I was running today and kind of aches now. When I began this journey (way back in 2013) - my physician did an MRI and told me that I could run through the pain without injuring myself. So, I guess I'm gonna find out if he is right.

I'm not exactly sure where this pain came from but I have three guesses - #1 - Increased distance, #2, running on sand (up until the past month I had been running on grass), #3 not having a deep tissue massage every week. Whatever the cause - the only important thing right now is to make it to the finish line of IMMT.

Thanks for the kind wishes.

2014-07-17 8:05 PM
in reply to: podemma

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by podemma

Thought everyone might enjoy a picture of the pool I usually swim in.  They have drained it and are currently sandblasting the bottom.  They are supposed to be patching and painting it next.  It's going to be closed for at least anther 6 weeks.  Luckily the "training" pool is still open so I can still swim it just a good bit more crowded.

Just want to say - Roll Tide!
2014-07-17 8:28 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

I've been struggling with a knee injury for the last two weeks. Today I went out for a measly 2km run and could really feel my knee throbbing. One to Ironman and I have not built enough base for the big run. I think I'm going to have cut running out for the next month hoping that it heals and try to make up for it by pumping out big numbers on the bike. I have feeling I'm going to be running through pain during the IM run. 

I am going to resist the strong urge to give advice. I'm just gonna pray that the pain passes and you make it to the start line ready to reach your goal (wasn't it 10:30?). The taper will help. And I hope my prayers help too!

2014-07-17 9:03 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
17/28 today with a ride/swim brick. Three days in a row of bricks, four days in a row of workouts (and went to bed at 2 am). My body is a bit tired but stronger!
Short ride of about 11.5 miles - took it easy. Tonight another ows with a friend at a local reservoir who is also doing the tri. Swam just over the distance at a nice even, easy pace - I could have kept going for another 1/2 hour - felt effortless! After the other two not as successful ows I am soooo happy I did this tonight! The lack of visibility really didn't bother me this time. weird.

I celebrated with 2 pieces of pizza and a Harpoon Summer Beer...oh, and 2 homemade chocolate chip cookies. Talk about carb loading, geesh. Cough I had a month ago seems to be rearing its ugly head today. Lack of sleep recently will have to be remedied.

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