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2008-10-14 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I have some of the Spinervals DVDs. They are pretty good and some are quite tough. Coach Troy gets on my nerves a bit though. Not sure why. At one point last winter I started watching old movies I haven't seen in a long time and would play games. For example, I watched all the old Bond movies and whenever there was a chase scene or a scene with Bond womanizing I'd go all out. Bond intervals!

Anything to break the monotony of riding indoors.

2008-10-15 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Caius - I like the bond intervals idea!

I have a half marathon coming up this sunday. I can definately feel that I'm coming down with some kind of virus. It's been going around and my wife just got over it. I'm hoping it will be subsiding by this weekend. I guess I'll just knock training off altogether until I start feeling better. I've been stuck out of town at a training class for work all week. I'll be done tomorrow and then get to drive 4 hours home. whine, wine, whine..........
2008-10-15 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1745120

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Timmeh! - 2008-10-15 5:15 PM I can definately feel that I'm coming down with some kind of virus. It's been going around and my wife just got over it.  

 Oh man, I'm so sick of being sick! First it was a hacking persisitent cough that lasted about 2 weeks straight. I was guaranteed to get up at least once a night coughting my head off. Then I got better for 3 days and then boom! I got sick again but this time it's a regular cold with lots of congestion and yes, another nasty cough. Last night I woke up at 3:30 coughing and didn't stop until about 6. Sigh...

Like I said, I'm sick of being sick.

To make things worse, in the past month I think I've had a total of 1.5 hours of training and yup, I've probably put on 3-4 lbs.

Whine, whine, whine...

2008-10-15 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Oh man, Caius I hope you get better soon! Those coughs are just plain nasty, I hate them. Last time I had one of those coughs I had to try and sleep sitting up because lying down made it worse. Hopefully you will be back to normal soon.
2008-10-16 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon!
2008-10-16 3:21 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Caius - you're making me feel good about my current lack of effort.  I've been missing workouts left, right, and center - I've even been missing checking BT regularly.  I too have now fallen to the sick bug, but it's just a sore throat, so I really feel like I'm cheating myself a bit.  I should be out there training, but given my last run felt horrible I'm starting to miss things on purpose.  Not good, but I figure it's just a brief respite.

Anyways - after the year you had, and the amount of time you dedicated, I figure you're due for a bit of a break.  Just figure that the illnesses hit you at the right time, and when you're ready to train again you'll be healthy.  You going to the bike show Saturday?  I'm going, but I don't really have any money to spend, so it will probably be more a case of look don't touch.

Timmeh - good luck this weekend.  Hope you're feeling better, and enjoy the run!!

2008-10-17 12:39 AM
in reply to: #1748004

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

sounds like the dreaded bug has hit us all, I have been sick as well.  On the plus side my HRM came today , I have to learn how to work it now. My dear hubsand tried to help but he got it stuck on French and I dont remember it that well from my high school days. Missing work outs lately like crazy and I put on a few pnds just this week at weigh in tonight...yuk! I am off to Texas tomorrow to go see the new grandson, nice warm weather..and NO SNOW !! Yes it has snowed here already.  Caius I like your movie idea I might have to try that this winter. 

Hope everyone gets better fast ! Tim good luck in your race ! 

2008-10-17 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1748004

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Oh yeah, the bike show! I forgot all about the fall one. Oh well, it's okay that I'm not going. I have no more money left to buy anything. This sure was an expensive year. Anyway, in case you haven't heard, Simon Whitfield is going to be at the Endurosport Leaside store on Saturday from 11 am - noon for a little chat, autograph session and his Cervelo S3 will be there on display as well. I'm a HUGE Simon fan so I'm going to go to that and get an autograph. Yes...I'm star struck
2008-10-17 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Yea, I saw that he was going to be there.  It would be very cool to meet him, but I'm guessing the shop is going to be a zoo (not that the bike show won't be).  Like I said, I don't think I'll be buying anything, but.....  This sport is certainly more expensive than I'd originally figured it would be (Honey, all I need is a bike and a pair or running shoes - which when you break it all down is actually true).  But at the same time, it's cheaper than golf.


2008-10-17 3:14 PM
in reply to: #1749185

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

All you sick people, get better soon!!  I'm surprised I haven't got it yet because I take the commuter train to work every day AND my kids are both in elementary school.  I have heard that doing yoga regularly really helps you not get sick.  Weather that goes from warm to cool and back again probably doesn't help any of us either!!

Good luck in your race, Tim! 


2008-10-17 3:17 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Wow, sounds like we are all a bit run down and need of rest!

Terry, good luck and have fun tomorrow. Be sure to post some pictures of you and your son running in costume!

Have fun at the bike show everyone. I just happened to be checking the 2009 models out on line. They just don't give carbon fiber away do they!

2008-10-19 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Caius - did you get to meet Simon?  The bike show was crazy busy, as expected.  They had some really great deals on bikes.  One shop was blowing out about a dozen P2SL's for $1350 and they had some P2C's for $2000.  Which both seemed like a really great deal, but alas I did not have $2K burning a hole in my pocket.

I did pick up a pair of Shimano TR30 Tri shoes for $70.  They're entry level shoes but I figure they'll be much better than my current road shoes. 

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

2008-10-19 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Tim Good luck on you Half Mary today.

Hope everyone is finally feeling better!!

I did my 1st Metric Century on Saturday!!! It was fun and the food was so good! In the first 20 miles it was fun because we got on the tail of this fast group going 22mph!! We tried again to get on with this other fast group but I lost them on othe overpass (I really need to work on climbing). My husband stayed with me. There was 2 others in our group (Gretchen -She is my normal riding buddy & Andy - we ride with his wife). Shawn & I caught up with Andy. Then Gretchen dropped from the fast group & turned around to ride with us.

There was only 1 hill which was great for me. Mostly a fast & flat ride on a perfect day with minimal winds. On the last 20mils the 4 of us took turns leading. I lead twice then .......DIED. Gretchen took over and just flew. Shawn & I couldn't keep up with her & Andy. We cruised on back for the last 10miles. It was my farthest ride to date. Can't wait to do another! We rode 68miles in under 4hours (not including the rest stops)!

2008-10-19 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

That sounds like a GREAT ride Kristina! Well with that metric century under your belt, I say you're ready for a half Ironman! Yup, you are!

Neil, yup, I did...I will post some pics tomorrow. It was pretty cool to meet him in person. I really admire the guy. He's a top notch podium capable athlete, he changing the face of triathlon especially in Canada, he's a great spokeperson and promoter for our sport and he mentors our up and coming triathletes. To top it off he's so humble and open with his information. Yes, I'm star struck

I also got a close up look at the new P4. Man, that is one sweet and sexy bike. Apparently they will likely be taking trade ins on older Cervelos. My wife is going to kill me!

Those prices that you mentioned on the P2SL and P2C are unbelievable! I paid significantly more for my P2SL a couple of years ago. Meh, what can you do?! Good deal on the shoes. I'm hoping to pick up a pair of the LG Carbon Air at the spring show. My current LGs are getting a little musty after all the races in the rain this year.

2008-10-20 12:21 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

La!  La!  La!  I don't hear those prices on Cervelos!  {Hands over ears.}

Tim - Hope you did well on the half mary!

Kristina - Awesome job on the metric!

I pulled a 23:38 on the 5k, 6/21 in AG.  3rd place - 7th place in my AG was separated by 38 seconds.  Ouch!

Nathan (son) turned 12 Saturday and pulled a 28:58. I'm proud of the little guy.  We didn't wear costumes; he decided at the last minute he didn't want to run in a costume.  It was about 64 degrees and sunny.  I'd say 70% of the runners did wear costumes.  I have never seen so many pairs of fishnet stockings in one place!

2008-10-20 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Terry - You and your son's times were fantastic. What a great way to spend his birthday!

Kristina - Awesome ride! Caius is right, time to do a HIM!

Sounds like the new Cervelos are pretty sweet. Oh to just have a few extra thousand dollar bills laying around!

My Half Mary went well this weekend, race report is up. The best part about it was that my wife did it too! She walked the first 10 miles then ran the rest of the way. I'm so proud of her! The course looped around so we got to se each other and give each other a high five at one point, it was the best part of the race!
I had spent the entire previous week under the weather so I didn't know what to expect, but I felt pretty good after the first few miles and was so excited about my wife being part of it, that I pulled out another PR.

Some time and HR data here:
mile 1 time=9:55 avg hr=141/80%
mile 2 time=9:56 avg hr=141/80%
mile 3 time=10:01 avg hr=141/80%
mile 4 time=10:25 avg hr=143/81%
mile 5 time=10:39 avg hr=143/81%
mile 6 time=10:40 avg hr=143/81%
mile 7 time=10:24 avg hr=141/80%
mile 8 time=10:17 avg hr=143/81%
mile 9 time=10:09 avg hr=141/80%
mile 10 time=10:15 avg hr=151/86%
mile 11 time=10:07 avg hr=149/85%
mile 12 time=10:22 avg hr=150/85%
mile 13 time=9:20 avg hr=165/94%
last .1 time=:51 avg hr=172/98%

2008-10-20 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Tim -You totally negative split the 13.1miles. That is AMAZING!!! That is great you had your wife race with you, too!

Cauis - HIM will have to wait until the kids are in school so I have more time to train. Once I do the Half Marathon, I will be more confident that I could do a HIM. For now, I will climb the rankings on a Sprint & Olympic Tri!!

Neil - Great job on your 5k!! I can't wait to race with my kids and even husband. Did you wear any fishnet?

2008-10-20 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Opps --Neil - Great job on your 5k!! I can't wait to race with my kids and even husband. Did you wear any fishnet?

Opps meant Terry.
2008-10-20 7:34 PM
in reply to: #1755335

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Kinesio - 2008-10-20 7:23 PM Opps --Neil - Great job on your 5k!! I can't wait to race with my kids and even husband. Did you wear any fishnet? Opps meant Terry.

Heheheh!  No, only the ladies wore them.  Must have been a fad for the day!

Got an email today from a tri shop across town.  Now they offer one year no interest on bikes or six months same as cash.  The top brands of bikes that they sell, Felt, Quintana (did I spell that right?) and Cervelo too.  Tempting, but maybe after Christmas.

2008-10-21 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Amazing job everyone! Gosh, you've all progressed so much since the beginning of the year. That's really great. If you guys were here my daughter would give each of you a 'well done' sticker. Fantastic!

Kristina, I totally get the time comitment. It's pretty tough to balance work, home, kids and training. It's much harder than the training itself. As a side note, though I had a couple of weeks were I put in some decent hours, most of my IM training was done on an average of 8.5 hours per week. Basically, if you can do devote one 3 hr bike ride, one 1 1/2 hour run, and a 1 hour swim per week you can do a HIM. All the rest is just filler. Well, that's to complete the distance. Racing it is another story. But, don't rush it. Do it when you're ready. Being mentally ready for the time comitment involved is a huge step and your family should take first priority of course.

I'm going to be focusing on Olympic distance tri's next year myself.

Edited by caius 2008-10-21 9:29 AM
2008-10-22 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Kristina, Timmeh, Terry - congrats on all your races.  I must admit I'm a tad jealous that my racing is done for the season.  But there's always next year to focus on.  You guys all did great.  Does anyone have any races left in them for the year?

I ended up joining a gym (with multiple locations) on a family membership since my wife wanted to join one after after baby # 2.  I ended up getting a great deal and it works out to $8 every 2 weeks.  I figure I can't beat that kind of price.  I joined so I could run indoors in the winter and also have access to a pool close to home (even though it's only 20M).

I found another location not too far from work that had a 19M pool and used it a couple of times for lunch swims, but wasn't that big on it.  It wasn't in great condition, the water was cold, and it just didn't really inspire me.  But I figured I would just suck it up since I now had the membership.  Well no more - I found another location, even closer to work, with a 4 lane 25M pool, that gets plenty of natural light and is much newer, nicer, and warmer!  So this is going to be my new home for lunch hours over the winter.  Running or swimming.  I still have my fancy bike trainer at home  - that is currently causing me issues, that are yet to be solved, so I don't plan on cycling at the gym (but that may change if I can't figure this darn trainer out).

Anyway, just wanted to post this cause I'm pretty happy about the way things are shaping up for winter training.  I tried a treadmill for the first time last night - very different than running outdoors, and my legs felt all funny afterwards.

Hope everyone is having a good week.  Anyone else jumping into their plans for winter training?  (It's funny how one week changes everything since I was in the dumps about training just last week).


2008-10-23 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1759582

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
GoFaster - 2008-10-22 1:58 PM

Kristina, Timmeh, Terry - congrats on all your races.  I must admit I'm a tad jealous that my racing is done for the season.  But there's always next year to focus on.  You guys all did great.  Does anyone have any races left in them for the year?

My racing season is now over and I already am having withdrawl. Planning next years season and coming up with a training plan is keeping me motivated though.

I found another location, even closer to work, with a 4 lane 25M pool, that gets plenty of natural light and is much newer, nicer, and warmer!  So this is going to be my new home for lunch hours over the winter.  Running or swimming.  I still have my fancy bike trainer at home  - that is currently causing me issues, that are yet to be solved, so I don't plan on cycling at the gym (but that may change if I can't figure this darn trainer out).

Sounds like you found a nice gym at a great price! Being able to train over lunch is fantastic. I'd much rather swim over lunch than get up at o-dark thirty and do it before work. I can never get enough sunlight or warmth at the pool over winter time!

Anyway, just wanted to post this cause I'm pretty happy about the way things are shaping up for winter training.  I tried a treadmill for the first time last night - very different than running outdoors, and my legs felt all funny afterwards.

Interesting that you mentioned this because I was just going to post a question on here about that subject. I can run much faster and more comfortably outside than I can on a treadmill. A lot of people I talk to though find it exactly opposite, they can do more on the treadmill than outside. I'm not sure what the dynamics are.

Hope everyone is having a good week.  Anyone else jumping into their plans for winter training?  (It's funny how one week changes everything since I was in the dumps about training just last week).


I was feeling pretty burned out over the last few weeks, but doing my last race reinvigorated me. (that and the fact I've gained 5 pounds over the last few months!) I'm trying to put a plan together for winter. Basically a 20 week marathon plan with maintenance swimming and biking. Then about 3 weeks prior to the marathon I'll start the 20 week HIM plan.

2008-10-23 11:28 PM
in reply to: #1761445

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Hey everyone!

Well I am back from visiting the grandkids in Texas, I had a blast! The weather was nice and warm not like when I got home and it snowed on Tuesday ugh!! Didn't winter just get over with ??!!

Sounds like Kristina, Timmeh and Terry all had great races, congratulations to you all! My season is about over now except for the local 5K runs which I plan to do.  I feel a little lost without a goal out there yet. I need to hurry and plan my next race season. I have my mom and daughters convinced to do the half marathon in April with me and I challenged my brother to do a tri with me next year. We just have to plan which one now.

Neil good choice on the gym it sounds like, it was one of the best decisions I made to join one last spring. With our long winters and very short summers I need somewhere to train. 

I am trying to figure out a winter training plan now so I can feel more motivated about next season.

Hope you all have a great weekend ! Anyone racing at all ?

2008-10-24 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1763324

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
I've got a 10K race this Sunday - I'm going to take it easy, as I haven't been training too hard...  We haven't had any snow that's stuck to the ground yet in Calgary but it's supposed to be a little chilly on Sunday morning.
2008-10-25 8:18 PM
in reply to: #1763578

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Good Luck on your race Tracy !!


Hope the weather is not too chilly !

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