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2010-07-17 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2984259

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I love italian beef from Portillos and a good slice of Lou Malnati's!!!

2010-07-17 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2984277

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
tmoran80 - 2010-07-15 9:43 PM That is great that everyone is getting into Tri-clubs.  Its funny because I was thinking about this today becasue I have been doing most of training lately solo but it is because the guys I was training with were WAY ahead of me in their training and I think I was pushing myself too hard.  My only word of caution is to make sure that the people you will be training with are close to your level.  it is good to push yourself everyonce in a while but to push yourself EVERY workout is a recipe for injuries.

I was moving along great as far as staying injury free but then I did 1 week of tough workouts with these guys and a couple real long, hard rides and my achilles flared up.  i backed off, took a week off and am now training at my own pace and it feels great.  I plan to keep training with them but I am going to limit it a bit
That is what I am afraid of too!  I finally have the feet and achilled under control!  I don't want to risk injury by running with someone else!  Biking is one thing but not running!!
2010-07-19 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I hope everyone had a better weekend than I did!

Friday, I went out for a quick but hard bike ride.  Got to the track, and it was sprinkling rain.  Not ideal, but no big deal.  Started going, feeling pretty good, then about 20-25 minutes in, my legs decide they don't want to be there, and they just stop pushing hard.  I was apparently not in the mood to be riding, but I pushed through and did about 43 of my 45 minute scheduled workout.  Then, on the way back, it started POURING rain.  By the time I got home, I was absolutely drenched, my shoes were sloshing as I walked through my building.

Saturday, I was scheduled to do a long run and a swim.  I didn't feel like running in the morning, so I stayed in bed.  I did a bit of running around, and decided to go swimming in the early afternoon.  As soon as I get to the pool (after driving around trying to find parking for a good 15-20 minutes, and then a 15 minute walk, because I had to park so far away, and paying $9 for parking), I get to the pool, and it starts pouring AGAIN.  No big deal usually...  unless it is an outdoor pool, which this is.  I stick around for about 15 minutes to see if it was going to clear up, and it didn't look like it, so I just went home.  Walking back to the car, I again got drenched, but whatever.  It's just water!  Later that night, I was going to make up for the run that I skipped out on in the morning, but it looked very ominous out, and I wasn't in the mood.  Good thing, because there was a lot of thunder and lightning, along with more rain.  So I wouldn't have had any fun had I gone.  

Sunday was a lot better, got up, went for a good 17k run, was productive around the house...  Just very disheartening to have a weekend like that.  Back at it this week, though.  Swim and run tonight, and then I am going to go for a bike ride with the local tri club tomorrow night.  Should be a good week, get me back in the mood!  

Have a good week, everyone!  Keep digging deep! 
2010-07-19 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Good morning everyone.  How did the weekend go? 

I had my long bike on Sat.  It was a fun ride and I enjoyed riding with people again.  Pushed hard on the way out and stayed with a fast group for the first 25mi.  Met up with a buddy at the turn around and rode easy with him for a while.  He decided to stop so I pushed hard again for another 10mi or so, then I ran out of water and energy and struggled to finish.  I thought I would be more sore the next day as I was trying to decide whether to do my long run Sun or Mon.  Got up Sun morning at 630 and felt fine so went for a long run.  Felt good and ended up doing 7.7mi.  Legs are definitely feeling it today though.  Brought my swim gear so I can stop on the way home from work. 

Anything exciting going on in your neck of the woods?
2010-07-19 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Weekend was great for us!  We ended up staying home and it was nice.  We swam with the boys for a few hours Friday night and all day Saturday.  The were wiped out!  My parents took them Saturday afternoon and evening so we could go out.  We saw Inception.  Great movie!!!  I recommend you all RUN to see it.  And then we went out for dinner.  The boys slept until 7:30 Sunday morning which does not sound late but it is for them!  Logan is usually up by 6:30 at the latest.  I got an early run in and had over an hour before anyone woke up.  I took a magazine and my coffee out back and sat on my swing for an hour. 

I have two weeks until my tri and been awhile since I have hit the pool! 
2010-07-19 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I really want to see Inception and having someone recommend it makes it a must see now for sure.  I like movies that are intense and make you think.  Wife isn't big on those kinds of movies (she gets stressed out!) but I might have to treat her to her fav restaurant in return. 

2010-07-19 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2989453

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-07-19 9:36 AM I really want to see Inception and having someone recommend it makes it a must see now for sure.  I like movies that are intense and make you think.  Wife isn't big on those kinds of movies (she gets stressed out!) but I might have to treat her to her fav restaurant in return. 

And it does make you think!  Ten minutes in I was so confused and thought I was going to hate the movie! 
2010-07-19 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2989311

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I had a nice long weekend, starting out with a swim in our local lake to test out my wetsuit early in the morning, then going to see Despicable Me in the afternoon, it was a cute movie, but I is really a rental in my books.

Saturday was another trip up the grind, but was not much of a workout for me, unless you want to count mental strength, as I went with one of my bootcampers and her fiance.  She did really well, but the fiance has no cardio fitness and had to stop a lot, especially on the first half, I was worried about him for a good part of the trip, but once we got past the half, he started to get a little better becuase of the change in the trail from the pure cardio required on the first half, to the heavy reliance on leg strength on the second half.  2:15 was the final time and I don't think I've ever seen anyone as happy to see the top.  Good thing is he now realizes he needs to spend a little more time getting active and less time playing video games and has said he will start coming to spin classes with us on Mondays.  Saturday night was  a relaxing time at a friends enjoying bbq pizza, chocolate cake and a couple of drinks.

Sunday morning came early and off for our long run, I had GI issues the whole way(must have been something from dinner the night before, because a couple of us had problems) still overall was happy with the run because my calf seemed to hold up just fine and when we hit the 8KM mark of our run, I finally felt good and felt like I could go forever at that point.  The rest of sunday was comprised of lazing about, having a nap and doing laundry.

Tonight I'll be hitting the gym for some arm work and then spin class.
2010-07-19 6:55 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sounds like everyone had a good weekend.  I didn't do much either.  Had a show on saturday at a micro brew fest and like everyshow I play - drank for free.  I love beer so I probably would have just played for the beer (especially good beer - gunballhead, Stone IPA, Pride & Joy, etc...).  Anyways my diet kind of went to hell on saturday/sunday and i think I paid for that on my swim this morning.

I hit every work out last week in my IM training plan which I was pretty happy about.  This is going to be a tough 2 months trying to balance training, family, work & band.  Had to travel today to St. Louis but came prepared.  I packed more working out stuff than work clothes - haha.  Just got back from a tough hilly 40 min ride which i will extrend to 1 hr tomorrow morning.  Just gald I am able to get the workouts in on the road.

Hope everyone has a good week.  Who has some races coming up?  It's been kind of quiet lately race wise.
2010-07-19 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2989453

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
The last movie I saw in a movie theatre was Titanic.  I hate movie theatres - haha  And I don't rent movies so I will have to wait until it is "Movie of the Week" in 10 years.Laughing

chichitao - 2010-07-19 9:36 AM I really want to see Inception and having someone recommend it makes it a must see now for sure.  I like movies that are intense and make you think.  Wife isn't big on those kinds of movies (she gets stressed out!) but I might have to treat her to her fav restaurant in return. 
2010-07-20 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2991135

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I would definitely play for free beer!    Guess that is why we are on here working out so much.  I too have had some food setbacks this weekend.  I've just been totally hungry and craving crappy food all weekend.  I think it was from under eating with the big ride and run this weekend.  My body needed to "catch back up".  Good to hear you continuing the workouts on the road.  That has always been very difficult for me (one reason is just always having to pack so much more stuff) and our last trip was the first time we had ever worked out on a vacation. 

And I don't know if I would admit to Titanic!  hahaha  The main reason I go to the movies is for the popcorn, I just have to get a small bag every time I go, which is not too often.  We've become big fans of the little movie kiosks at the local grocery.  $1 per movie and it is only 1mi down the road.  Seems like for a $1 I am much more willing to watch something I wasn't so sure about.  Ended up seeing some good movies I never would've spent $10 at the theater or $5 at the rental store. 

I went swimming yesterday after work and there was a class that was going on at the same time.  Instructor let me join in and even gave me some tips and helped me correct some minor things in my stroke.  My lead hand was entering the water too close to my head and not further out in front of me.  It was good advice and felt much more natural, now I just gotta keep practicing it on my own to get used to it. 

Gonna meet a buddy after work today for a hilly 20-25mi bike ride (I guess every ride I do is a hilly ride).  He is better than me so I just hope I can keep up. 

tmoran80 - 2010-07-19 6:57 PM The last movie I saw in a movie theatre was Titanic.  I hate movie theatres - haha  And I don't rent movies so I will have to wait until it is "Movie of the Week" in 10 years.Laughing

chichitao - 2010-07-19 9:36 AM I really want to see Inception and having someone recommend it makes it a must see now for sure.  I like movies that are intense and make you think.  Wife isn't big on those kinds of movies (she gets stressed out!) but I might have to treat her to her fav restaurant in return. 

2010-07-20 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2991969

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I was having an issue with that and my left arm would be sore after workouts.  Have you tried the catchup drill where you your hands meet up in front of you before you start next stroke.  I thnk that really helped me.  Plus just being aware of the problem helps also.

Good luck on the hilly ride.  I just got back from a nice flat ride back home -haha.

I went swimming yesterday after work and there was a class that was going on at the same time.  Instructor let me join in and even gave me some tips and helped me correct some minor things in my stroke.  My lead hand was entering the water too close to my head and not further out in front of me.  It was good advice and felt much more natural, now I just gotta keep practicing it on my own to get used to it. 

Gonna meet a buddy after work today for a hilly 20-25mi bike ride (I guess every ride I do is a hilly ride).  He is better than me so I just hope I can keep up. 
2010-07-21 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Can already tell it's going to be a busy day at work today. 

Got in my ride yesterday.  It was tough and I slowed him down a bit on the long slow climbs, but overall I was pretty happy with how I did.  I mapped it out on the route manager on BT and it shows almost 3400ft of climbing.  Whew. 

Got an interval and/or hill run planned for today. 

Have a great Wed and get those workouts in!  No excuses!
2010-07-21 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2994292

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sounds like a good ride, Tim!  I much prefer going with people who are better than me (which isn't hard, since I am no good as of yet  :P )  In fact, I went for a ride with the Tri Club I'm considering joining, and the coach gave me a few pointers, and is trying to help me fix my "major" form problems before we get into fixing nuances.  I have joined for the rest of the summer, and will see how it goes for August before signing up for the rest of the year.  

I went in kinda jaded, not expecting to be very welcome, just from what I have read on here about clubs being a bit elitist and whatever, but since it's a student club, I felt it was very open and welcoming, which was awesome.  I loved it, and really think that I can get into it, as I want to get better and see how good I can get at this.  The coach last night, at least, was awesome, and very willing to help, even though I was not yet a paying member yet.  Hopefully they can reform me into a good s/b/r-er!  Seeing as this is my first year, they have a pretty clean slate to work with!

Just a side note, the Program Director for the club is Cliff English, who, according to Wikipedia, is the coach for Chrissie Wellington.  I don't know what his role is in the program, but that's a good name to be associated with! 
2010-07-22 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Any suggestions on what I should eat/drink before I run in the mornings?  I am getting up at 4:45 and on the treadmill or road at 5.  As my runs increase in miles, I will get up earlier but I don't want to get up too early to eat something first.  I feel like I am hitting a wall at mile 3 on my runs this week.  I am loving my early morning runs though!
2010-07-22 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2996954

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hmmm, banana washed down with some water seems to work best for me and doesn't bother my stomach.  I don't eat the whole thing, just a few bites up to half.  Then I can finish it off after the run.  Play with it and see how much you can eat before you get the "sloshy" stomach feeling.  Sugary stuff (gatorade, shot blocks, etc) doesn't sit well with me on an empty stomach. 

Apples, grapes, and cherries also work well for me.  I've tried oranges but the acidity bothers me.

Glad to see those morning runs working out for you!

Mrschach - 2010-07-22 8:38 AM Any suggestions on what I should eat/drink before I run in the mornings?  I am getting up at 4:45 and on the treadmill or road at 5.  As my runs increase in miles, I will get up earlier but I don't want to get up too early to eat something first.  I feel like I am hitting a wall at mile 3 on my runs this week.  I am loving my early morning runs though!

2010-07-22 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2997045

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I don't often do morning workouts, but when I do, I don't actually eat anything before them, and I have been known to do 15km runs when I wake up at 7 on weekends.  I tend to not really need much in my stomach before working out.

That said, my race morning meal this year was oatmeal, a banana and an english muffin with PB& honey.  If I were to need something before a workout, I'd probably stick with the english muffin (mostly because I like it the most...
2010-07-22 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Thanks guys!  I asked a buddy on Facebook and he says he keeps a squirt bottle next to his bed with cytomax and carbo pro (appx 300 cal.) and sips it all night and make sure its gone by morning. I will also eat some CLif Shot Chews or even a gel before I start and wash it down with water.

I really want to stay away from the chews or gels on an empty stomach. 

Tim...I am going to try the banana first and see how that works for me.  If that does not work, I may have to go the route of keeping something by the bed so it is already in my system when I start.  I just know I can't do the longer runs on an empty stomach! 

2010-07-22 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2996954

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Yea for morning runs!!!!  That is awesome.  I usually take something with me, like a gu or something.  It helps.  I am glad you are liking the mornings.  It leaves the rest of the day to do whatever you need or want to do!
2010-07-22 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2997236

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
So how does that work exactly?  Do they purposely wake up to drink?  I would think worrying about that would really interfere with your sleep and increase my bathroom breaks.  I would think you would be better off eating/drinking before your run, then carry a bottle of some diluted gatorade or something like that while running.  And eating anything before bed will be out of your system by morning anyway.

Mrschach - 2010-07-22 9:39 AM

Thanks guys!  I asked a buddy on Facebook and he says he keeps a squirt bottle next to his bed with cytomax and carbo pro (appx 300 cal.) and sips it all night and make sure its gone by morning. I will also eat some CLif Shot Chews or even a gel before I start and wash it down with water.

2010-07-22 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2997622

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I personally try to make sure I drink a fair amount before bed, so that I am not too worried about dehydrating too much overnight.  I have noticed that, if I don't drink before bed, I can lose about 1.5-2 lbs in my sleep, and that is obviously all water, and it clearly isn't the best idea.  So water before bed for me.  

I agree with Tim that I would think that waking up on purpose throughout the night would severely limit performance due to exhaustion. 

2010-07-22 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2997636

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
That's a good habit to get into.  I actually lose 3lbs every night.  It's like clockwork.  That is why I enjoy weighing myself in the mornings!   I do sip on water all evening, but try to balance between drinking too much and not enough.  I still wake up every morning between 4-5am for a bathroom break.  I rarely workout in the early mornings, but if I am not working out I now drink a full bottle of water on my drive in to work.

LockOut - 2010-07-22 11:14 AM I personally try to make sure I drink a fair amount before bed, so that I am not too worried about dehydrating too much overnight.  I have noticed that, if I don't drink before bed, I can lose about 1.5-2 lbs in my sleep, and that is obviously all water, and it clearly isn't the best idea.  So water before bed for me.  

I agree with Tim that I would think that waking up on purpose throughout the night would severely limit performance due to exhaustion. 
2010-07-22 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2997622

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-07-22 11:11 AM So how does that work exactly?  Do they purposely wake up to drink?  I would think worrying about that would really interfere with your sleep and increase my bathroom breaks.  I would think you would be better off eating/drinking before your run, then carry a bottle of some diluted gatorade or something like that while running.  And eating anything before bed will be out of your system by morning anyway.

Mrschach - 2010-07-22 9:39 AM

Thanks guys!  I asked a buddy on Facebook and he says he keeps a squirt bottle next to his bed with cytomax and carbo pro (appx 300 cal.) and sips it all night and make sure its gone by morning. I will also eat some CLif Shot Chews or even a gel before I start and wash it down with water.

Not sure how he does it!  I am somewhat awake throughout the night because of hearing Logan.  The way our upstairs is, we really can't hear him if he is crying in his room.  It is crazy because we used the monitor for Joe for 4 weeks tops and Logan is 2 and we still use it for him! 

2010-07-22 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2998316

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I eat a cliff bar and if no Cliff bar is available a banana as i am walking out the door also washed down with water.  As far as drinking the sports drink during the night that is part of my pre-race routine. I set my alarm for 3am and eat a bagel, 10-16 oz. Gatorade Endurance and some water.  Then I usually sip on water when I wake up, eat some Cheerios then I'm ready to go.  I find if I try to drink my fluids when I get up I have to go to the bathroom like 4-5 times /system more balanced?
Mrschach - 2010-07-22 2:16 PM
chichitao - 2010-07-22 11:11 AM So how does that work exactly?  Do they purposely wake up to drink?  I would think worrying about that would really interfere with your sleep and increase my bathroom breaks.  I would think you would be better off eating/drinking before your run, then carry a bottle of some diluted gatorade or something like that while running.  And eating anything before bed will be out of your system by morning anyway.

Mrschach - 2010-07-22 9:39 AM

Thanks guys!  I asked a buddy on Facebook and he says he keeps a squirt bottle next to his bed with cytomax and carbo pro (appx 300 cal.) and sips it all night and make sure its gone by morning. I will also eat some CLif Shot Chews or even a gel before I start and wash it down with water.

Not sure how he does it!  I am somewhat awake throughout the night because of hearing Logan.  The way our upstairs is, we really can't hear him if he is crying in his room.  It is crazy because we used the monitor for Joe for 4 weeks tops and Logan is 2 and we still use it for him! 

2010-07-22 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2997236

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Well since I am not an early morning workout kind of gal, I gave it a try a while back for about a month and found myself being exhausted for the rest of the day.  The closest I get is with my sunday morning long run which is usually at 8:30am and for that I get up a bit before 7am and have my bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon and a banana.  If my run is longer than an hour I make sure I take a gel with me.

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