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2013-02-26 4:33 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Carol - hope everything turns out OK with your injury.

Pam - way to go on the crunch challenge!

Ken - lousy days happen. Are you doing Raleigh 70.3 in June? Someone I work with is doing it as well.

I just returned from my run. Felt great, although I had to walk acouple of times to get around some nasty patches of black ice. Nearly broke my neck on one early in the run, and decided it was best to be cautious from then  on out. Anyway, it was my first 10k run in a LONG time, and I am so happy I did it. Felt like I could have done more, too which is a nice feeling. Now, time to get ready for work and head out. Have a great day everyone!

2013-02-26 7:09 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Ahh...yes, the crunch challenge.  Cut, paste and add your stats as usual.  Pam, you are a machine!

Pam - 56 of 56

Carol - 48 of 56 (fell off the wagon last week; plan to get back on today)


2013-02-26 7:58 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mike, great job on the 10K run!  Glad you are feeling strong AND being careful on that black ice!

Pam, yes we are long lost sisters...lifting my head too much to "see" is a swimming foible of mine too.  Sounds like an exciting season you are going to have watching your son.  What position does he play?  Sorry about the bad workouts.  They seem to come in bunches sometimes, then you have one of those days that makes it all worthwhile.'s all worthwhile...but just sometimes doesn't feel worthwhile.

Jay, that's awesome about your wife getting into field hockey.  And just think, you will have plenty of time to coach her.  Just kidding!  Don't do it!  I ran with/pushed my husband many years ago in a 5K and he has yet to let me forget it .  Praying your surgery goes super well on Thursday, and for your recovery.

Mitch, how is recovery from that virus going?  The 3 miler sounded like a good sign.

Ken, glad the good workout balanced out the bad one.  Very cool that you're coaching for the JDRF rides.  

Stu got new shoes!  How are they feeling so far?

Samantha, how goes the training, or life, or both?

Steve, did you get that 2nd opinion and I just missed it?  Hope work is setting down to something resembling normal.

Thanks for the concern on the foot issue.  I have a great podiatrist who I won't hesitate to see, but want to give inflammation a few days to die down on it's own and see how things settle out.  Hope to dust off my bike once the foot/legs are ready.  Kerry & I are planning to ride a "Tour of Dallas" bike rally in April, and also want to get things rolling on the bike group at church.  Also have a trail HM on tap for end of March, but will have to see if that is wise as it gets closer.  It's not very up and down, but supposed to be a lot like beach running due to a very sandy trail (or muddy if it's been raining).   

2013-02-26 8:19 AM
in reply to: #4637109

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Mike_D - 2013-02-26 4:33 AM

Ken - lousy days happen. Are you doing Raleigh 70.3 in June? Someone I work with is doing it as well.

Mike D - I am doing Raleigh 70.3.  It's going to be a fun race.  

2013-02-26 8:23 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hi wolves.

I've a big build week. It's a juggling act as I"m the coach for a school group that is having a big event on Saturday. I've lot's of meetings and work. Crazy.

I feel like if I can get through all my obligations for the week and get in all of my training too, I can survive almost anything.

Hope everyone his having a good beginning to their week and you are recovering well Carol. 

I'll be thinking of you Jay on Thursday, and hoping that your surgery goes well with quick recovery.


Edited by KateTri1 2013-02-26 8:26 AM
2013-02-26 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Hey Kate, you're so quiet lately I missed you, or my brain slipped a gear, or both!  Yes, if you can get through the week's juggling routine, your HIM will be a walk in the park logistically. 

2013-02-26 9:43 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Then Kate gets to go through the fun of a couple taper weeks and having to wonder what to do wtih all the time (and energy) she has

I like that we're back to normal width.

2013-02-26 12:02 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hey all.  Just a quick check in

Mike D - That black ice sounds crazy.  Careful out there.

Carol - RICE... Foot injuries scare me!

Kate - I  love the balance in life!  Sometimes it seems impossible but that's why we do it!  I want my kids to think I am superman!

I'm feeling pretty good this week.  did a 2.5 miler yesterday at a 8:30 pace or so.  2.3 miles today on the treadmill, same pace.  It feels just amazing to run again.  Feels like I'm doing it right...  I'm gonna take another 4 weeks or so with 2-4 milers then I will start to build my distance a bit.  Looking forward to signing up for something.  I'm going to have to squeeze something in before Oct 'cause the new baby going to be here.  I'm way too Vain to sign up for a 5 or 10 K soon. I want to build my speed up before that so I'm thinking I'll do some smaller Tri's this year.  Maybe cap it off with a HIM if I have it in me...

Have a great week everyone!

2013-02-26 1:13 PM
in reply to: #4637578

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hi guys and gals.  I just got back from my pre surgery meeting with my doctor.  I brought my notebook with me because I had a lot of questions.  I have to say that it went pretty well.  I asked about a lot of things that I'd consider pushing it and I was told to be careful...not no :D  That made me happy.  An example, I asked if I could do dips/pull ups after a few days and was told yes but be careful not to land on my bad foot.  I asked a lot about training and expected recovery time if all goes according to plan.  It is possible that I can do the Spartan race with my wife, a sprint tri in August, and a marathon in October.  The last one is a stretch but he said it'd be "impressive" if I could do type A determination is here with avengance!  I was also given some positive feedback to doing some swimming and water walking after I get out of my boot.

I'm still going strong on my wife's diet.  For those who have never done a keto diet or are thinking about it...its not for the feint of heart!  It isn't natural for your body to be in ketosis so when I hit it on Sunday...I felt nauseous...per my wife (don't jump on me ladies!) akin to morning sickness.  You won't be getting any weight updates from me, I'm just going to do it and let the mirror tell the story.

Thanks a lot for the well wishes.  It appears that I'll be having surgery in the assuming all goes well, I'll be home around noon EST.  Everyone train safe and happy.  I took the ability to run x miles, bike x miles, swim x distance for granted....but didn't realize it until this injury. 

2013-02-26 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Jay, I love your attitude.  I am really impressed with how positive you are remaining.  We will definitely keep you in our prayers.  
2013-02-26 2:28 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
+ a gazillion to Kens comments. Love the fact you are already making out your recovery race list! Hope all goes well tomorrow, Jay. Let us know how it went when you feel up to it, and we'll see you 'round here soon!!!

2013-02-27 8:37 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Looks like they moved Jay's surgery up!  Prayers going up for you and your doc.  We will look forward to hearing from you how it went.

Mitch, live your patience and smart approach to building back up!

Less groaning here.  Still feeling the foot, but better there too I think.  Must have been the "recovery" snack I had after dinner....frito's, bean dip, and wine.  Yeah, I need to get some endorphins going sooner rather than later!

2013-02-27 8:54 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Glad to hear things are going the right way, Carol. The snack sounds like a winner, so I'd put some stock in its recovery enhancing properties.

tough tough swim workout today. 2900 yards and it finished with a a set of 8x100's I had to hold on 1:30 pace. Ouch. I've not been this spent after a swim  in a while. Will all help in the end, though!

2013-02-27 9:30 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Good luck today Jay!
2013-02-27 10:46 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

I'm here, and caught up.  General well wishes to folks going to doctors, going under the knife and healing up.  For Samantha hang in there, at this point it is just getting through the workouts to build that stamina.  Monitor the fatigue build you have permission to take a recovery day when needed, just keep your longs in each sport each week. 

I go to the doc tomorrow, he won't tell me anything other than to give me some stretches and strengthening things to try to get recovery faster.  I'm working on increasing my patience pace doing week repeats at the moment. 

Smart training mike.  I hope to be where you are in the next couple months...

2013-02-28 5:51 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hope you get some encouragement from the doc today, Steve.

For fun, I'm doing a bike FTP test tonight. 30 min warm up, 20 min flat out test, 10 min cool down. I'll keep a bucket handy, no doubt.

Also happy to report most of the snow is gone from the recent storms up here -- makes me think about coming rides outside!

2013-02-28 6:11 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Forgot to add this -- I'm looking for good resources on nutrition, and in particular recovery nutrition. I've always been curious and clueless about what is best to eat post workout. Does the type of workout matter as to recovery eating? What balance of carbs/protein, etc should I be looking to consume? since I do most of my workouts early AM, I'm particularly curious as my first meal of the day is not only usually a recovery meal, but also getting my day off to a good start. Any thoughts or direction would be appreciated!!
2013-02-28 8:26 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Trusting that Jay is entering his first phase of recovery.

Steve, your patience muscles are getting a very nice workout.  Should be good and strong by the time you're ready to rebuild.

Mike, have "fun" with the FTP test.  Hope you don't need the bucket.  I'm not much help on recovery nutrition, so hopefully someone with more knowledge will chime in.  My recovery drink is quite often a tall sugar free vanilla latte w/ 2% milk.  Actually might not be too bad -- decent mix of carbs/protein/fat. 

Kate, hope your juggling is going well this week!

I read the BT article of the week by Scott Tinley.  He's sometimes a bit out there for me, but I'm really glad I read this one.  While I'm nowhere near the talent/ability of the more athletic person in the article, it's pretty easy for even type b me to slip over into obsessiveness that shuts other people out.  Anyway, it was a great reminder on how not to treat family and friends in my life.

Might be ready for a spin on the trainer later today.  And figure now is as good a time as any to rein the diet in. I can no longer eat like I'm training for a marathon while sitting on the couch! 

2013-02-28 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hello everyone.  Glad to see everyone is doing well.  

This week I have been a little physically down with a cold.  I have been maintaining my workout but I backed off the intensity.  Just getting my miles in.Smile  

This weekend will be my last long run before my March Marathon.  It's at the site of my first marathon so I think I should be able to do better since I know the course.  

2013-02-28 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Mike D - Chocolate Milk is my favorite recovery drink!
2013-02-28 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4640614

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mitchparadise - 2013-02-28 12:33 PM Mike D - Chocolate Milk is my favorite recovery drink!


2013-02-28 2:47 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Hi guys/gals!  I'm officially out of surgery and at home beginning the recovery process.  I guess everything went well and the doctor thinks there were some small fibers still attached to my tendon...helps the healing process I guess.  Nurse Kiley (my wife) is in full psycho mode...I can do nothing for myself dispite my pleas of not being a damn china doll!  I have every intention of coaching my little guys at our last basketball game tonight.  I hope I don't scare them being on crutches.  Not much else to report at this time.  My spirits are good; I'm glad its I have to fight myself and not be too aggressive.  Hope you all are having a great day!
2013-02-28 3:05 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Glad to hear all is going well, Jay!

Already sounds like you're fighting to get out by wanting to coach tonight. Any concerns about moving around this soon after the surgery?

Have a speedy recovery, get healthy, and come back here as often as you can!

2013-02-28 3:42 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Great news Jay!  So glad it went well that it's over.  Now LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE!

2013-02-28 3:54 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

LOL Carol.  A man can only listen to his wife so much...thems the marraige rules lol.

Mike, the only concern about coaching is not keeping my foot elevated.  I'll just have to sit on the chairs and not move around...and that's not easy for me!

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