BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-02-04 3:55 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Went on a great run today, 6 miles with some hills in the middle. Troublesome foot felt about 85% fine, I see my podiatrist tomorrow so we'll see what he says with the issue seemingly clearing itself up. Tonight is cardio-kick to help loosen up my shoulders after yesterday's swim.

2014-02-04 4:18 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Much-needed rest day yesterday, after 13 consecutive days of working out.

4/28--trainer workout and core done this afternoon. Missed run because of icy conditions here.
2014-02-04 4:32 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Today great spinning class (55 min 32k), that counts for 2/4 for this month.
Hope the injured ones get better slowly - but consistently!
2014-02-04 5:31 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
OK - I $uck! In my funk on Sunday, I didn't put up the new weekly goal sheet. I will be enjoying a warm coors light.

Here is the link:

2014-02-04 5:50 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Went for a ride on the drainer today. Nice and slow hoping that the hip wouldn't start hurting. I made it through 70 minutes with only mild soreness in the hip. Luckily - I felt pretty good, which I am psyched about it! To fight the boredom, I watched the first episode of Battlestar Galactica - the newer series. God - that's good TV.

Might have a snow day tomorrow - hoping to hit the pool at 5am to get in a quick workout before the roads get too bad.

2014-02-05 8:37 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Question: Is it possible to maintain current level of fitness on only 3 swims a week? I tried to run on Friday per my PTs advise and it was terrible. Maybe I need time off the bike as well. I am just nervous about losing fitness from only doing 3 swims in a week. Do I need to add more swims?

2014-02-05 8:37 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Got up at 4:30 am to beat the storm and went to the gym. I had never been to this gym when it opened at 5 and it was kind of amusing. So there I am at 4:50 sitting in my car waiting for the place to open. It starts to snow. At 4:52 - the first person gets out of their car followed by about a dozen other people. I waited in the car until I say the guy walking down the steps to open the door. Here's where it gets funny. The second the guy opened the door, four women rush through the door and bolted up the stairs. Full speed. No lie. I ask the guy, Does that happen every morning? Turns out - there are only two arc trainers. Love the fact that they race for them.

I had a good PT session but my pool session wasn't great. My new googles haven't arrived yet and the ones I borrowed leaded pretty good. I read somewhere that you should embrace challenged during training so that you are tougher during races - but stopping every hundred yds to drain and refit got old fast. Plus - my shoulders were sore. But with a massage on Thursday, I decided to push it a bit and managed to get in 1000. Then I came home and went for a run in the snow. Again- my knee and hip ached so I took it nice and slow. Managed to get in 3.5 which was good.

I just want to say that I apologize for my constant complaining about my hip and other aches. I have a feeling though that I am entering a period of my life where I'm just going to have to push through the pain and take what I can get. I'm doing IMMT - there is no way I can back out. So, I will try to keep the whining to a minimum - but I just need a place to vent where people get what I'm going though. I'm hoping to share the successes with you during the course of this season and I thank you in advance for the support.

2014-02-05 8:42 AM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Went on a great run today, 6 miles with some hills in the middle. Troublesome foot felt about 85% fine, I see my podiatrist tomorrow so we'll see what he says with the issue seemingly clearing itself up. Tonight is cardio-kick to help loosen up my shoulders after yesterday's swim.

Mark - I'm thrilled to hear that your foot is getting better. It's so nice when that happens. You've got to tell me what your secret is!
2014-02-05 8:54 AM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Burd

Question: Is it possible to maintain current level of fitness on only 3 swims a week? I tried to run on Friday per my PTs advise and it was terrible. Maybe I need time off the bike as well. I am just nervous about losing fitness from only doing 3 swims in a week. Do I need to add more swims?

Alex - Such a good question. My gut tells me that it would really depend on how hard you were working out during your swims. I would think that swimming 3 or 4 times each week - if you pushed it hard in the pool would keep up your cardio health. I would also really encourage you to try out aqua jogging. I would be doing it at least 1x per week if my pool was deep enough. Not only would it help you maintain your cardio fitness but you also gain some muscular benefits as well.

Its funny that you are toying with the idea of decreasing your biking as well. Last week my doc, who is a triathlete, advised me to tinker with my plan with the goal of figuring out what is causing my hip irritation. He told me to run the week following a rest week and only bike and swim to see if the pain got better. If it did - then running is part of the issue. He then told me to also try not biking following an off week to see what role my riding was playing in my hip pain. I'd be really interested to hear what your PT thinks.

Good luck my friend!
2014-02-05 8:56 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Much-needed rest day yesterday, after 13 consecutive days of working out.

4/28--trainer workout and core done this afternoon. Missed run because of icy conditions here.

Gretchen - You had a beast of a month! Keep it up!
2014-02-05 9:15 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
I want to compete in the beach to battle iron man coming up in Oct, I am hoping that actually taking it easy and letting my leg heal will allow me to complete this goal, or is this something that I should scratch for this year and try again next year? I am new to swimming and biking and just now starting distance running. I worked all winter in order to get my run up and maintain my swim. I am now working on my bike and swim due to my injury. The Dr I am seeing also sees NCSU sport teams, and the Hurricanes players so at least he is familiar with injuries to athletes. Just trying to be realistic with myself and tailor my goals.

2014-02-05 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4915725

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Swim and push up challenge done. 4/5
2014-02-05 1:04 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by b2b14

I want to compete in the beach to battle iron man coming up in Oct, I am hoping that actually taking it easy and letting my leg heal will allow me to complete this goal, or is this something that I should scratch for this year and try again next year? I am new to swimming and biking and just now starting distance running. I worked all winter in order to get my run up and maintain my swim. I am now working on my bike and swim due to my injury. The Dr I am seeing also sees NCSU sport teams, and the Hurricanes players so at least he is familiar with injuries to athletes. Just trying to be realistic with myself and tailor my goals.

Injuries suck, so get healed first.

As for B2B, I hate to be the one to say it, but discretion is the better part of valor, especially if you're just getting in to swimming and cycling. Pick a nice half distance race instead and have fun.

Can you do it? Probably. Should you do it is the better question. This year is my second season, and I'm stretching to run IMWI in September. The insanity of all this stuff set is just a bit when my coach started scheduling our long rides - how about 120 miles plus 45 minutes of running in August? That's a peak training day. Full 2.4 miles plus 100 mile bike - the next week's peak training day. What the heck did I sign up for? I also have zero dependents and pretty much zero responsibility, so jumping to 15 to 20 hours per week of training isn't going to impact my family significantly, and my wife has accepted that she and my bike will be vying for my affections this summer.

General theory is that you can train for a half in 10 to 15 hours per week; you can still have a life. Full distance training is a part-time job.

Running the Chicago Marathon last year was an eye-opener, and let me build a lot of running base. I hurt for a month afterward, no lie. A month. Respect the distance.

You can probably do the race, but the difference is the quality of your race: do you want to be smiling and happy and drinking with your friends and family and celebrating your accomplishment - then do a HIM. Do you want to be in pain and agony, chafed, sunburned, and exhausted - then run the full. For me, at least, I know my ego won't let me walk the marathon at IMWI, and without a strong base in running and cycling, that's probably what you're looking at.

That isn't to say that you can't do it - but do you want to spend the amount of time and sacrifice from family and friends to accomplish it?

There's also the money issue - I'll spend over $1,500 in race fees alone this year, plus my bike and powermeter. Our household budget has "Triathlon" as a specific line item, with $100 per month for incidentals - like tubes and gatorade. Coaching is $100 per month, plus Trainer Road and Sufferfest - I bet this year's tally would probably be close to $15,000, or more - I forgot about my fancy wishlist - Giro Air Attack helmet, carbon 90mm wheels from my racing buddy's supplier, a set of Contientnal GPS4000s tires at $70 each, a third set of Desoto bibs at $175, an X-lab hydration system . . . so probably more like $20k this year.

P.S. Nobody tell my wife what I just wrote.

TL, DR: Build base this year, run some sprints, olys, and cap your season with a nice half. Take a month off, then really learn to hate your treadmill and bike trainer, then learn the names of every single tile in your lane at the pool, then run a nice full next year and finish with a smile on your face.
2014-02-05 1:48 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by b2b14

I want to compete in the beach to battle iron man coming up in Oct, I am hoping that actually taking it easy and letting my leg heal will allow me to complete this goal, or is this something that I should scratch for this year and try again next year? I am new to swimming and biking and just now starting distance running. I worked all winter in order to get my run up and maintain my swim. I am now working on my bike and swim due to my injury. The Dr I am seeing also sees NCSU sport teams, and the Hurricanes players so at least he is familiar with injuries to athletes. Just trying to be realistic with myself and tailor my goals.

Scott - Listen to Charles - his thoughts are spot on. The only thing I will add is the injury piece... I signed up for IMMT even though my hip hurt and it is turning into an incredible challenge to rehab my injury while building up the milage. If it were me - I would sign up for a half and have a blast. Completing a half will teach you what you need to know and give you the confidence to really nail beach to battleship next year.
2014-02-05 5:08 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Originally posted by b2b14

I want to compete in the beach to battle iron man coming up in Oct, I am hoping that actually taking it easy and letting my leg heal will allow me to complete this goal, or is this something that I should scratch for this year and try again next year? I am new to swimming and biking and just now starting distance running. I worked all winter in order to get my run up and maintain my swim. I am now working on my bike and swim due to my injury. The Dr I am seeing also sees NCSU sport teams, and the Hurricanes players so at least he is familiar with injuries to athletes. Just trying to be realistic with myself and tailor my goals.

Injuries suck, so get healed first.

As for B2B, I hate to be the one to say it, but discretion is the better part of valor, especially if you're just getting in to swimming and cycling. Pick a nice half distance race instead and have fun.

Can you do it? Probably. Should you do it is the better question. This year is my second season, and I'm stretching to run IMWI in September. The insanity of all this stuff set is just a bit when my coach started scheduling our long rides - how about 120 miles plus 45 minutes of running in August? That's a peak training day. Full 2.4 miles plus 100 mile bike - the next week's peak training day. What the heck did I sign up for? I also have zero dependents and pretty much zero responsibility, so jumping to 15 to 20 hours per week of training isn't going to impact my family significantly, and my wife has accepted that she and my bike will be vying for my affections this summer.

General theory is that you can train for a half in 10 to 15 hours per week; you can still have a life. Full distance training is a part-time job.

Running the Chicago Marathon last year was an eye-opener, and let me build a lot of running base. I hurt for a month afterward, no lie. A month. Respect the distance.

You can probably do the race, but the difference is the quality of your race: do you want to be smiling and happy and drinking with your friends and family and celebrating your accomplishment - then do a HIM. Do you want to be in pain and agony, chafed, sunburned, and exhausted - then run the full. For me, at least, I know my ego won't let me walk the marathon at IMWI, and without a strong base in running and cycling, that's probably what you're looking at.

That isn't to say that you can't do it - but do you want to spend the amount of time and sacrifice from family and friends to accomplish it?

There's also the money issue - I'll spend over $1,500 in race fees alone this year, plus my bike and powermeter. Our household budget has "Triathlon" as a specific line item, with $100 per month for incidentals - like tubes and gatorade. Coaching is $100 per month, plus Trainer Road and Sufferfest - I bet this year's tally would probably be close to $15,000, or more - I forgot about my fancy wishlist - Giro Air Attack helmet, carbon 90mm wheels from my racing buddy's supplier, a set of Contientnal GPS4000s tires at $70 each, a third set of Desoto bibs at $175, an X-lab hydration system . . . so probably more like $20k this year.

P.S. Nobody tell my wife what I just wrote.

TL, DR: Build base this year, run some sprints, olys, and cap your season with a nice half. Take a month off, then really learn to hate your treadmill and bike trainer, then learn the names of every single tile in your lane at the pool, then run a nice full next year and finish with a smile on your face.

I have the time planed out (and had put it on my calender some time ago and spoken to my wife). Luckily for me I have Mondays off and have my long bikes planned then, I am also allowed to workout at work for about 2 hours on the clock so I am not concerned about the time aspect, however with the injury putting me out right now I see your point about the enjoying a HIM rather than pushing to try the full this year. Another year of training would really make the race more fun. I am concerned that I may be getting promoted at work in the next 12 months and lose my ability to workout at work which will significantly change the impact that my training will have on my family. I was leaning toward seeing how my leg heals and making a decision but your advise seems sound. Its just hard to let go of a goal that I set last July and have worked toward since then, but I also don't want to push too hard too soon and ruin my whole season. I am new to this sport and like the challenge of it. Once I run the IM I will be mostly doing sprints with the occasional oly or HIM thrown in.
2014-02-05 11:31 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Qua17

I'm in a funk. Yesterday, during my long ride, I made it through about 90 minutes of a 2 and 1/2 hour ride when my left hip started to hurt but in a slightly different way. Just a weird kind of ache - but in the same spot as where it's been hurting. So, I hopped off the bike early (which didn't make me happy because i had missed my long run on Friday - which I drank a coors for).

Well this afternoon while carrying christmas supplies down to the basement - I felt a new pain - this one about 2 inches below the left knee right on that bony pair on the side of the leg. Sharp upon impact with each stair but less when no weight was on it. Now - a few hours later, it still hurts/aches a bit. Maybe a two or three on a scale of ten. no idea why.

When you mix in the fact that I think I have a pinched nerve in my right shoulder.... grrr. I am absolutely frustrated. Just wanted to b1tch... Ready and willing to do the work - I just want my body to let me. I must have done something during the ride... so I think a call to my LBS is in order for a possible refit....

Hang tough buddy!

2014-02-05 11:59 PM
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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
5/28 today...just building my base again. Trying to get my endurance back but I am less sore each time I run.

Edited by SportzVision 2014-02-06 12:03 AM
2014-02-06 9:50 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

So here's a new one. I went down to ride my bike this morning and my tire was low.  That not a big deal since I usually need to pump them every other week. I filled the tire and then hooked the bike back up to the trainer. About 5 miles into the ride I noticed that the tire was completely flat. Upon further inspection I found a few puppy size teeth marks in the tire. Than You Dash (That's our black lab puppy) I guess I am off to the bike shop this afternoon. 

On a more positive note we raced a 50 in our Triathlon swim class on Tuesday and I was able to finish in 30.19 The coach finished in 25 so the bar has been set. 

2014-02-06 10:08 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
I am grouchy because too many meetings mean I missed a run on tuesday and today is looking sketchy. I am hitting the bike but man my butt is killing me! I can't wait for my bike fitting next week I know that it won't get rid of all the pain but I know it will help

Great news - my local tri club has confirmed a swim clinic on the 23rd. They will have 2 coaches there, underwater cameras for stroke analysis, everything I really need.

I am sitting at 5/28. Keeping on track. I am following the 2X balanced Olympic program but adding an extra run per week because I need to add base miles.
2014-02-06 11:00 AM
in reply to: 0

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by SportzVision

5/28 today...just building my base again. Trying to get my endurance back but I am less sore each time I run.

That's a sign of progress, keep it up!

Workout for today: rainy weather (what is this wet stuff from the sky??) meant indoors and a trip to the treadmill for 30 minutes... ugh, how do the rest of you do it? Tonight will be cardio-kick to balance the 1750m swim yesterday.

Edited by MOlsen 2014-02-06 3:23 PM
2014-02-06 3:39 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by MOlsen

Went on a great run today, 6 miles with some hills in the middle. Troublesome foot felt about 85% fine, I see my podiatrist tomorrow so we'll see what he says with the issue seemingly clearing itself up. Tonight is cardio-kick to help loosen up my shoulders after yesterday's swim.

Mark - I'm thrilled to hear that your foot is getting better. It's so nice when that happens. You've got to tell me what your secret is!

Foot report from my podiatrist: He gave me the green light to keep running

No sign of a stress fraction, which was my main worry. He thinks it's irritation of the tendons due to my laces being too tight and/or slight swelling of the joints due in part to the arthritis issues I've already had. Running with my laces looser has definitely been helping and I'm going to start icing my foot after runs longer than a couple miles to reduce the swelling. If there is severe pain after my next half-marathon (in a couple weeks!) he'll bring me in for x-rays to see what else may be going on.

2014-02-06 3:51 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Originally posted by SportzVision

5/28 today...just building my base again. Trying to get my endurance back but I am less sore each time I run.

That's a sign of progress, keep it up!

Workout for today: rainy weather (what is this wet stuff from the sky??) meant indoors and a trip to the treadmill for 30 minutes... ugh, how do the rest of you do it? Tonight will be cardio-kick to balance the 1750m swim yesterday.

Time is tough to find, I usually swim early mornings, and run or bike late evening - so far, windy rain is around, so spinning and indoor running is keeping me busy, but not the same.... Today easy spinning class 45' and 30' run right after.
2014-02-06 4:20 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Had an interesting meal yesterday - went to P.F. Chang's with my wife, since it was snowing, and eating a nice meal seemed more fun than sitting in traffic. Edamame appetizer, plus only half a portion of chicken lo mein. Had my first beer this year as well. That's right, I ate only half the dinner portion, kept within the norm for my daily calorie goal, and felt fine. Not full, not over-full, just sufficient full.

Also, edamame is now on my list of superfood. It isn't great, but fiber + protein in one dish = nutritional goldmine.
2014-02-06 5:47 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Had an interesting meal yesterday - went to P.F. Chang's with my wife, since it was snowing, and eating a nice meal seemed more fun than sitting in traffic. Edamame appetizer, plus only half a portion of chicken lo mein. Had my first beer this year as well. That's right, I ate only half the dinner portion, kept within the norm for my daily calorie goal, and felt fine. Not full, not over-full, just sufficient full.

Also, edamame is now on my list of superfood. It isn't great, but fiber + protein in one dish = nutritional goldmine.

My current favorite "pre race" dinner is sushi with edamame as the starter

2014-02-06 6:24 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Had an interesting meal yesterday - went to P.F. Chang's with my wife, since it was snowing, and eating a nice meal seemed more fun than sitting in traffic. Edamame appetizer, plus only half a portion of chicken lo mein. Had my first beer this year as well. That's right, I ate only half the dinner portion, kept within the norm for my daily calorie goal, and felt fine. Not full, not over-full, just sufficient full.

Also, edamame is now on my list of superfood. It isn't great, but fiber + protein in one dish = nutritional goldmine.

My current favorite "pre race" dinner is sushi with edamame as the starter

My daughter loves it,but I'm like you I think its not too bad. You can get it fresh or frozen at costco.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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