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2014-09-27 4:20 AM
in reply to: dcon

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Racing this weekend?
Originally posted by dcon

Kinda quiet in here lately.  Is anyone else racing this weekend?   I am heading out the door for my last triathlon of the year - an Oly on Sunday.  The weather forecast looks great - actually zero chance of rain according to the weather dudes.   In retrospect, I should probably not have signed up for this race as it comes too close on the heels of my full distance race.  I am planning to swim easy, bike hard (flat course) and see what is left in the tank for the run.

Good luck Dan.
I see that Japan dominated both men's & women's triathlon at the Asian games this week. The sport must be big where you are; kudos for being a part of it!
For me, my second cross-country race today.

2014-09-27 12:48 PM
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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Racing this weekend?

No races for me, but the 8K training team met up this morning.  I ran the planned distance twice, first time with the coaches in their early run and another time with the team.  

Was definitely the right call to drop back from the HM, but I do miss longer runs.


Good luck to Deb and Dan...and anyone else racing this weekend!!

Edited by QueenZipp 2014-09-27 12:48 PM
2014-09-28 5:16 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Subject: RE: Racing this weekend?
Dan how was your race? I hope it went well and weather worked out!
2014-09-29 2:19 AM
in reply to: Terps421

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Racing this weekend?

Originally posted by Terps421 Dan how was your race? I hope it went well and weather worked out!

It was a gorgeous, gorgeous day with not a cloud in the sky.  The wind calmed down just before the race start and the water was really calm.  This particular race is a fast course and I had my best Oly time here last year.   My goal was to swim easy, bike hard and then see what was left for the run.   The short story is that I beat my previous best by about 45 seconds - new PR of 2:33:15 for the Oly.  My swim and run times were slower than last year, but I made up for it on the bike.   I will share more details later.

2014-09-29 11:08 AM
in reply to: dcon

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Subject: RE: Racing this weekend?
Dan, congrats on the PR!!!!

If any of ya'll need to get out of the cold, and feel the need to run, we are having 50K and 50 mile race Dec. 14 and the 1st weekend in Feb. there is a marathon...oh yea there is a trail 1/2 marathon and marathon Jan 3rd I Just saying so ya'll have not excuses for not

Here is the site if I got the dates messed memory is going too

I hope everyone is doing good. It has gotten cold down here, no sun in a few days and the pool water is WAY to cold to get in so I have to go fight with all the others to get in the city pools that are heated...

2014-09-29 7:03 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: People can be such ArseHoles!

I posted this up in the main forum but thought since it has been so quiet in here I would post it here with a bit more detail for my friends.

I think riding on city streets is going to be the death of me. This afternoon, I was out for a short ride. When I go short, I make up for the lack of distance with higher intensity.  This particular ride is about a 4-mile flat out-n-back that I can repeat however many times strikes my fancy.  After the turnaround I have a little over a mile of it set as a segment on Strava so I always go hard when I ride this stretch.  So there I was riding along, down in aero, pushing REALLY hard - I had just peeked at my watch and I was going just over 30 MPH - when I see in my mirror a Mini-Cooper coming up really fast and in the bike lane (I use a little helmet mirror on the street for safety - thank goodness). I was on a long straight street with a 35 MPH speed limit. .  We were approaching a side street that you can turn right on. At that point I notice the Cooper's turn signal is on and she is accelerating towards the corner. I remember thinking "Seriously?  You really are going to do this?" Now mind you, this all happened in about 2 seconds time. She passes me just before the corner and darts right to turn the corner - RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!! I guess she then saw the error of her ways because she slams on her brakes and skids to a stop half way around the corner. I was HARD on the brakes trying to get whoad up. The way her car was sitting funneled me into a spot about 18" wide between her car and the curb. Unfortunately, there was a pothole I couldn't miss and I was still going fast enough when I hit it that it caused my front tire to flat. Trust me, if you have never experienced it, hearing the tire go "POP" is not a pleasant sound when you are still going 15 MPH. I managed to get stopped without going down. Then I hear the woman behind the wheel - Laughing! She spun her tires and sped away before I could get my phone out of my jersey pocket to snap a picture of her license plate.

It happened only about a 1/2 mile from the house so I walked, figured it would be easier to fix the flat at home than on the side of the street.

So much for California's new 3-foot bicycle passing law. I think this woman did what she did deliberately. She could have really messed up my day!

2014-09-29 7:06 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Racing this weekend?

Originally posted by dcon

The short story is that I beat my previous best by about 45 seconds - new PR of 2:33:15 for the Oly.

Hey Dan -

That's kind of the only story isn't it?  PR by 45 seconds is a great day in anybody's book.  Congrats!

Edited by k9car363 2014-09-29 7:06 PM
2014-09-29 7:47 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: People can be such ArseHoles!

Originally posted by k9car363

I posted this up in the main forum but thought since it has been so quiet in here I would post it here with a bit more detail for my friends.

I think riding on city streets is going to be the death of me. This afternoon, I was out for a short ride. When I go short, I make up for the lack of distance with higher intensity.  This particular ride is about a 4-mile flat out-n-back that I can repeat however many times strikes my fancy.  After the turnaround I have a little over a mile of it set as a segment on Strava so I always go hard when I ride this stretch.  So there I was riding along, down in aero, pushing REALLY hard - I had just peeked at my watch and I was going just over 30 MPH - when I see in my mirror a Mini-Cooper coming up really fast and in the bike lane (I use a little helmet mirror on the street for safety - thank goodness). I was on a long straight street with a 35 MPH speed limit. .  We were approaching a side street that you can turn right on. At that point I notice the Cooper's turn signal is on and she is accelerating towards the corner. I remember thinking "Seriously?  You really are going to do this?" Now mind you, this all happened in about 2 seconds time. She passes me just before the corner and darts right to turn the corner - RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!! I guess she then saw the error of her ways because she slams on her brakes and skids to a stop half way around the corner. I was HARD on the brakes trying to get whoad up. The way her car was sitting funneled me into a spot about 18" wide between her car and the curb. Unfortunately, there was a pothole I couldn't miss and I was still going fast enough when I hit it that it caused my front tire to flat. Trust me, if you have never experienced it, hearing the tire go "POP" is not a pleasant sound when you are still going 15 MPH. I managed to get stopped without going down. Then I hear the woman behind the wheel - Laughing! She spun her tires and sped away before I could get my phone out of my jersey pocket to snap a picture of her license plate.

It happened only about a 1/2 mile from the house so I walked, figured it would be easier to fix the flat at home than on the side of the street.

So much for California's new 3-foot bicycle passing law. I think this woman did what she did deliberately. She could have really messed up my day!

Holy crap  (or other not forum safe word) that is one scary stunt she pulled.  That person is asking to be the cause of serious injury and a lawsuit.

2014-09-29 9:20 PM
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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: People can be such ArseHoles!
Originally posted by k9car363

I posted this up in the main forum but thought since it has been so quiet in here I would post it here with a bit more detail for my friends.

I think riding on city streets is going to be the death of me. This afternoon, I was out for a short ride. When I go short, I make up for the lack of distance with higher intensity. - Laughing! She spun her tires and sped away before I could get my phone out of my jersey pocket to snap a picture of her license plate.

It happened only about a 1/2 mile from the house so I walked, figured it would be easier to fix the flat at home than on the side of the street.

So much for California's new 3-foot bicycle passing law. I think this woman did what she did deliberately. She could have really messed up my day!

Extremely frustrating and frightening. It could have had a much worse outcome, so be thankful for that! And watch for that car in the future when you're driving around...might be time to locate and get acquainted with the driver.

Stay safe!


Edited by lutzman 2014-09-29 9:20 PM
2014-09-30 6:56 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Subject: RE: People can be such ArseHoles!
Scott, there is one in every crowd, just glad you did not get hurt.
2014-09-30 5:25 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: People can be such ArseHoles!

Scary stuff Scott.  Glad to hear that you only ended up with a flat tire and a walk home.  

2014-10-01 7:53 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: People can be such ArseHoles!
Originally posted by k9car363

I think this woman did what she did deliberately. She could have really messed up my day!

I think she did really mess up your day, although fortunately not with an injury.
The experience shows the importance of always being aware of your surroundings, even when really cranking it out. I'm glad you were, and it's something for all of us to remember.
Imagine how miserable that person must be inside, to take such pleasure in hurting or threatening someone else. Sadly, she's not the only one like that out there.
2014-10-03 8:25 AM
in reply to: ok2try

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: Kinetic Revolution - 30 day challenge

I am working on phase 2 - starts with Day 7.  It took me 4 tries (= days) to be able to do the required counts on the different exercises.  Actually, the one giving me a hard time is single leg, straight leg deadlift.   The split squats were also tough.   Although I have known it for quite awhile, my right leg is weaker and I am struggling with the balance on both of those exercises.  Anyway, if I cannot make it through the listed counts for each exercise, I try again the next day, etc. until I get through it.   I figure that approach will allow me to keep running while working through the challenge.    

2014-10-08 9:31 AM
in reply to: dcon

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Kinetic Revolution - 30 day challenge
Originally posted by dcon

I am working on phase 2 - starts with Day 7.  It took me 4 tries (= days) to be able to do the required counts on the different exercises.  Actually, the one giving me a hard time is single leg, straight leg deadlift.   The split squats were also tough.   Although I have known it for quite awhile, my right leg is weaker and I am struggling with the balance on both of those exercises.  Anyway, if I cannot make it through the listed counts for each exercise, I try again the next day, etc. until I get through it.   I figure that approach will allow me to keep running while working through the challenge.    

Good for you Dan Your persistence is admirable. That program just did not work for me but we are all different.
I never wrote about my last x-c race, although I did post the full report here:
In short: my goals were :
to improve my pace by :05 over the first race (this was less hilly and at 3 miles a bit shorter. Result: improved by :03. Time was 28:26.5.
To not be dead last. Result: outran 6 others, all younger than me.
To have negative splits & give it my all in the last half mile. Results: splits decreased pace each mile & increased HR. Spent a couple of minutes in zone 5b and :55 in zone 5c, so I'd say I gave it my all. At that point in effort, I wondered if it was possible to vomit without slowing down, but it didn't come to that.
Had a unusually hard time recovering from this race; not sure if it was the effort or from disturbed sleep time. It was an evening race 2 1/2 hours from home so I didn't get to bed until late, and I'm never able to sleep in even if there's no reason to wake up. Kind of tired all week.
Next race Sunday.
Goals: maintain 9:33 pace from the 1st race. This one is longer (6k) and hillier.
Again: not be last, pace myself well, & give it my all.
2014-10-09 5:28 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Kinetic Revolution - 30 day challenge

Great job on that race Deb!

I am stuck at Day 10 on the challenge and have taken the last couple days off.  Getting Day 9 done did a number on my thigh and glute muscles.  I am now considering taking a different approach and not trying to nail the numbers that they are showing.    On the plus side, I can feel my muscles engaging differently on both the bike and the run (or maybe it is just the fact that the glutes are engaging that feels different).  

2014-10-10 7:43 PM
in reply to: #4996430


Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
hello Steve, my name is Danny and this is my story, I have been with the same woman for the last 20 years and she was a avid triathelete, marathons, and half iron man participants she is 40 yrs old and I am 63. I did not work out with her because i worked 2 jobs. I am 65 inches tall and weighed 210 pounds with elevated BP. My wife informed me on june 23rd of this year she was having an affair with another woman she worked out with, she left and has moved in with this woman and I filed for divorce. Now,.after 3 1/2 months I have lost 25 pounds and weigh.185, I have been getting on stationary bike along with fast walking
2 years ago i had hip repacement and then 3 months later had both knees repaced at the same time. Now, my question is this , do you think I'm cazy for setting my goal to do a triathlon? I am going to lose 10 more pounds and start some upper body work also. I really wished that I could ultimately do a full ironman someday..Is this crazy or should i.forget it...or do you think I coud do it....I have something to prove....thanks Danny Ratliff, Lewisville, Texas

2014-10-11 7:30 PM
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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!

That's a lot of information. You're not any more crazy than the rest of us. Talk to your doctor, make sure he's giving you the OK for any training you do. But if you're cleared, then jump in, kick butt and enjoy the traithlon lifestyle.

Work out enough and you'll never "diet" again!

Good luck~


Edited by lutzman 2014-10-11 11:16 PM
2014-10-13 10:11 AM
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Hey Danny, sorry about everything going on but tri's can maybe take your mind off of things. Congrats on the weight loss too. Enjoy the tri's, I'll never win a race, like most folks here but enjoy the experience, make friends and stay in shape.

Well I got back from another work trip (miami). I do love the cuban coffee and cuban food. I do love travelling for work but it takes it toll on my training. Hey I've got 2 weeks before my next trip and hopefully that is all for the rest of the year!!! My marathon is approaching WAY to fast!

Edited by KWDreamun 2014-10-13 10:11 AM
2014-10-13 6:02 PM
in reply to: LUVJET737

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Hey Danny,
The only thing that would be "crazy" would be to resign yourself to living the rest of your life overweight and with high BP. I am 67 and never did any competitive sports until I did my first triathlon at age 62. Nothing makes me feel more alive.
Work with your doctor and if (s)he's not sympathetic to your goals, find a new doctor.
You'll get lots of support from this group.
2014-10-13 10:50 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Originally posted by ok2try

Hey Danny,
The only thing that would be "crazy" would be to resign yourself to living the rest of your life overweight and with high BP. I am 67 and never did any competitive sports until I did my first triathlon at age 62. Nothing makes me feel more alive.
Work with your doctor and if (s)he's not sympathetic to your goals, find a new doctor.
You'll get lots of support from this group.

Deb--You're an inspiration and role model for everyone.

2014-10-15 2:57 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Originally posted by ok2try

Hey Danny,
The only thing that would be "crazy" would be to resign yourself to living the rest of your life overweight and with high BP. I am 67 and never did any competitive sports until I did my first triathlon at age 62. Nothing makes me feel more alive.
Work with your doctor and if (s)he's not sympathetic to your goals, find a new doctor.
You'll get lots of support from this group.

Deb we have a woman in my tri club who did her first one at 62. She's 65 now and gets all the age group hardware and she is so happy in life. You are inspiring like Steve said. I am 50 and I hope hope I can keep going : )

2014-10-19 8:31 PM
in reply to: Terps421

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Remember Alan Webb? Guess who's becoming a triathlete.

2014-10-20 5:46 PM
in reply to: juneapple

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Originally posted by juneapple

Remember Alan Webb? Guess who's becoming a triathlete.

He's not the only former Olympian becoming a triathlete. Here is a blog from Apolo Ohno about the Ironman Championships.

This guy seems really excited!

Scott I.
2014-10-21 9:16 AM
in reply to: EchoLkScott

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Originally posted by EchoLkScott

He's not the only former Olympian becoming a triathlete. Here is a blog from Apolo Ohno about the Ironman Championships.

This guy seems really excited!

Scott I.

Great blogpost - thanks for posting Scott! That should inspire certain members of our grey tribe for their upcoming race in 2015 :-)
2014-10-21 8:53 PM
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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!

Thanks for sharing those articles.  I remember hearing that Apollo was going to do Kona, but never went back to see his results.!

Edited by dcon 2014-10-21 8:54 PM
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