Other Resources Challenge Me! » November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's Rss Feed  
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2007-11-29 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Last chance for a practice tri run tonight before my actual tri.

3.1 miles in 27:03 (personal best by 1:12) followed by
12 mile bike in 40:22.

Ug that run took some wind out of my sales for the bike, but puts my biked for the month at 300 + miles and run over 80 miles. Oh well food time, I'm beat.

2007-11-30 5:33 AM
in reply to: #1075512

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in front of my computer duh!
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Baowolf - 2007-11-29 7:28 PM

Last chance for a practice tri run tonight before my actual tri.

3.1 miles in 27:03 (personal best by 1:12) followed by
12 mile bike in 40:22.

Ug that run took some wind out of my sales for the bike, but puts my biked for the month at 300 + miles and run over 80 miles. Oh well food time, I'm beat.

Congrats on the personal best. thats a fast 5K!
2007-11-30 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1075744

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
YEA...........I made it. OK this was my first challenge and I could have upped my goals some but I wanted to be pushed and this amount did that but not so much that I just threw in the towel....Add the holidays and a hugh dose of DRAMA at the house...and that doesn't add up to a great environment for training.

Thanks for all of the motivational inspires etc. from the great Team Hippos. I will not be getting in the pool until Jan. so I will be one of the cheerleaders for Dec. **wicked smile moment coming... Does that mean I get to wear one of those cute short skirts

Train hard but train safe

2007-11-30 8:10 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Sorry Team , I made one goal , close on the second and awful on the third. My signature is changed and "I WILL TRAIN HARDER NEXT MONTH"

I did workout 80% (24 of 30) of the days in November , just not enough time each day.

2007-11-30 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
I am the weakest link. Goodbye.

Well, I came up short by 2 runs and one swim. -- The missing runs are (I believe) justifiable-- I threw out my back last Saturday have been in off & on pain all week. Didn't think the two scheduled runs would be good for that situation. I did everything else this week, though=)

I am embarassed about the missing swim-- I was planning on going last Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, but in a fit of What Was I Thinking I got up and tried to go shopping at 3:30 AM. It was a complete and utter fiasco, and i came home and slept through what should have been my swimming time.

So, these small aberrations, combined with being sick for a week (and I still have the remnants of the cold that sidelined me over three weeks ago), have left me three workouts short of meeting my goal.

I did pretty well... my first core workouts in months.. and I learned that I will just be able to do what I can do.

Thanks for a great challenge, Hippos...
2007-11-30 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
i think everyone did awesome! pete and dave you sound like you're already so whipped and beat up by us! but i think you did great! november is a psychotic month, and even signing UP for a challenge in november is brave, (read, maybe a little crazy )
anyway. THAT being said. it's going to be a close one for me. i'm going to see what i can get done today, i did get a little bit of a workout yesterday, but i'm not sure if it'll be enough, and i haven't logged it yet, so i'm off to do that, and then out the door i go.
i'm out for december, no swimming facilities, but i'm all for being a cheerleader with reno-steve. (maybe we can BOTH wear those little skirts, i'm ALL FOR IT!! )
great job hippos, you guys ALL rock.

2007-11-30 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Grats everyone on doing more than 99 % of your colleges are doing even if you did not make your goal. A gaol is just that, a goal. The degree to which you do or do not reach it provides information that you can use to adjust your goal for the following month.

The bottom line here is that you had a goal and that you did "something" towards obtaining it. If your goal was 100 miles run and you ran 80... thats probably 80 more than you did 1 year ago if you are a newbie. If your goal was 5 miles run and you did 3 miles, that is still 3 miles more than you probably did 6 months ago.

What is the saying, the beginning of a journey starts with a first step? Life happens, gets in the way of the best laid plans of mice and men.... but, the question is, will you adjust and make a new goal or fall into the pit of dispair and give up. The difference makes all the difference.

In a sport where you can train nearly daily for 3 years before you should even attempt the long distance Tri, assuming no injury or significant illness or real life events... a few days of missed exercize in 2007 after Thanksgiving is not gona be the deciding factor. It is the process of adjusting, adjusting and refining while staying with it. The only thing you really need to accomplish is not giving up.

The challenges are a place where you can say, I did a 10 mile run for the first time ever, or a 1 mile run or a 150 meeter imersion swim or whatever and people will a) know what you are talking about and b) care and hopefully c) give ya a high 5. Our spouses are not always well enough informed or interested to give us encouragment for ditching them with the kids for 2 hours on saturday to do a 40 mile bike ride. They may notice that we have trimmed down a bit and like that, but often do not like the amount of time we put into the sport to obtain that.

That said, hats off to everyone who had the guts to get off the couch and join us this month. There are no losers, only winners at different points in their journey.
2007-11-30 10:25 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Alyssa, even if you don't do a 8 mile run today... you did 52 miles more biking this month than your total for the entire year, did 3 miles (so far) more distance running than last month and 1 hour more strength training than you did for all of the year prior to Novemenber. And you can still kick my butt in a 5k, 10k, I may weary you down by at the 10-13 mile range, we will have to see.......

Take care either way, you are doing great!

Er k so maybe you didn't start logging any distance on BT untill last month.... but I bet you are still doing more than you have typically been doing exercize wize......

Edited by Baowolf 2007-11-30 10:27 AM
2007-11-30 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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West Allis
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Well, first and foremost, I want to say that I'm sorry that I was not more of a team player this month. Its easy to come up with excuses, but without getting into too many details, it was a month..culminating in my childhood home being set on fire last night, a couple months after my mom had lost it to foreclosure. It was a controlled burn, but a burn that none of us knew about...so my plans to say goodbye to the house over christmas.....just won't happen.

I am glad to say that I have reached 100% of my goals for the month of November. It took a LONG asskicking workout this morning after working the night shift last night, but I'm done. My workout this morning was 2.5 miles walking, 5 miles biking, and 1000 yards swimming....and it was extremely difficult after the last 24 hours I have had, and working all night, but it's something I wanted to do.

So here are my monthly totals. I BARELY made 100% ...but I made it.

S: 5080.00 Yd - 1h 52m 48s
B: 60.50 Mi - 4h 34m 21s
R: 40.00 Mi - 11h 43m 39s

No swim challenge in December for me. In fact I am not making any personal goals either. I have really busted my the last couple months and I may just take the whole month off of training...we will see.

Good luck everyone.
2007-11-30 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Well I came REALLY close - But can't help but think I've let you guys down.


SWIM  570.5    95%
RUN    544.95    91%
BIKE   659.15    73%
WEIGHTS  10    100%


I actually managed to do the 10 weights sessions!  UNBELIEVEABLE!  

 I'm really annoyed at missing the cut for cycling.  There's two reasons why I didn't make it.  RAIN and My cycling buddy kept canceling.  So this is only commutes mainly.  I was planning on riding yesterday morning but woke up with a stomach bug. I ran in the afternoon still! 


SO DAMN CLOSE!  On the swimming.  SO DAMN CLOSE on the running too!  I'm a tad annoyed... The swim sessions only needed to go a few more minutes and I would have gotten it!  AND I must be getting faster on the runs!    

2007-11-30 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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in front of my computer duh!
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
well if i still have time i am going to go and run as long as i can and hope its long enough. so off i go and great is freking raining. Its southern california in november where are my 85 degree days?! oh well i got to do what i got to do.

2007-11-30 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Greenbelt, MD
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Well just squeaked by and I had 2 fantastic workouts the last 2 days. Yesterday I felt like I had a ton of energy so made sure I pushed it on my new 2.62 mile route (only 2nd time I'd done it). I jogged 8 minutes of it (including a record-tying 4 minute stretch) and made sure I walked at a good clip the rest of the way. I was still just a tad sick (definitely better than the first time I did this route on Tuesday), but still, I kicked my Tuesday time by over 6 minutes! And I just felt really great afterward. Had that nice tingly leg muscle thing going on.

Then today I finished off my swimming even though I felt horrible (let's just say a monthly issue was worse than usual...on the order of 13 ibuprofin since I woke up!) I already had decided to only swim about 30 minutes instead of my planned 45. It was all I needed for the challenge. Well after struggling through 3 laps I decided to start working on rotating my body more and it really started working. Next I did 2 intervals of 200 yards, then 1 of 250 yards. Then I just decided to go as far as I could and I ended up finishing up after 10 laps (500 yards). I was definitely feeling it but I wasn't exhausted when I was done. Probably could have done another lap or 2, but decided not to overdo. Still that's twice as far as I'd swum before! Yeah me!

And I haven't even started doing Total Immersion (although I managed to read almost 2 whole chapters while trapped in traffic on the way home today). I'm going to start drills on Sunday so I'm hoping that the swimming will really improve greatly during the December swim challenge.

My totals for November:

Run: 30.36 miles (101%)

Swim: 5h 6m (102%)

Strength: 3h 3m (102%)

Well Hippos, that's all from me. I want you all to know you guys were a great inspiration. I've had a great November and having this challenge and hearing about all your hard work was really a good way to keep me going.

Hope to see some of you in the December challenge and I'll hopefully run into y'all on the boards.

Way to go Hippos!

2007-11-30 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
WOOT! Nice finish there, especially when not feeling well.
2007-11-30 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
great job kelley!! read TI, it'll help you SO much!! yay on finishing too, you're awesome!!

ok, here's my totals for november, i came so FREAKING CLOSE!!! oh well.

bike-goal=3 hours
finishing the month with 3 hours + 10 minutes!!
run-goal=75 miles
finishing with 71.9-ah criminy!!
weight loss-goal=10 pounds
finishing with 10.5 pounds lost

another 5k and i would have had it.

good luck to everyone doing the swim challenge this month, i'll be haunting you all-mua-ha-ha-ha-ha!
2007-11-30 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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in front of my computer duh!
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
hope its in time! its 6:00pm here in CA and i just put in a 15.1 mi. run in 2:07;44 which brings my grand total to 100.54mi. that makes me .54 mi. over my goal YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-11-30 8:03 PM
in reply to: #1077401

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
joemac3 - 2007-11-30 6:01 PM

hope its in time! its 6:00pm here in CA and i just put in a 15.1 mi. run in 2:07;44 which brings my grand total to 100.54mi. that makes me .54 mi. over my goal YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY!! i can't believe you got 'em all when you're life is so crazy!!! great job!!!

2007-11-30 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1077401

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

joemac3 - 2007-12-01 1:01 PM hope its in time! its 6:00pm here in CA and i just put in a 15.1 mi. run in 2:07;44 which brings my grand total to 100.54mi. that makes me .54 mi. over my goal YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woo hoo! Awesome effort! 

2007-12-01 12:55 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

I got my totals in!!!!  I exercised 618 minutes this month.  I revised my goal to 668 minutes due to being sick.  I almost met it!!!  And I've been moving!  Not bad!  I am happy.  Because of this challenge, I'm going to shoot for 200 minutes of exercise every week.  This was good for me!  I loved being on this team.  All of you ROCK!!!!

Now for the swim challenge!

2007-12-01 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1077398

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

lyssa-gator - 2007-11-30 5:58 PM great job kelley!! read TI, it'll help you SO much!! yay on finishing too, you're awesome!! ok, here's my totals for november, i came so FREAKING CLOSE!!! oh well. bike-goal=3 hours finishing the month with 3 hours + 10 minutes!! run-goal=75 miles finishing with 71.9-ah criminy!! weight loss-goal=10 pounds finishing with 10.5 pounds lost another 5k and i would have had it. good luck to everyone doing the swim challenge this month, i'll be haunting you all-mua-ha-ha-ha-ha!

 Great job on the weight loss!!!  It's gotta feel good!

2007-12-01 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1078331

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
owl_girl - 2007-12-02 5:55 AM

I got my totals in!!!! I exercised 618 minutes this month. I revised my goal to 668 minutes due to being sick. I almost met it!!! And I've been moving! Not bad! I am happy. Because of this challenge, I'm going to shoot for 200 minutes of exercise every week. This was good for me! I loved being on this team. All of you ROCK!!!!

Now for the swim challenge!

Congratulations Tracy! Awesome effort! 

2007-12-02 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1076114

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Final Results from the November "Your Choice" Challenge!

Even though we're organized into teams, your goals for the November Challenge were really INDIVIDUAL ones. So results are listed by INDIVIDUALS. The signatures described will be displayed for the month of December. After that, it's your choice whether to leave it, or remove it.

This was also a TEAM challenge. So, in the second part of this post, you will find the rankings by TEAM.

Overachievers: The following people are not only winners, but overachievers! These people hit at least 100% of ALL their goals. These overachievers will add a signature line that says: “I am a WINNER. I won the November Challenge!”
Moscateers: Mosc11, saling4
Vigilantes: Virtus, sgoehner
Turkey Terrors: miche033, nhmorgan, lisazapato, D.Z., DMW
5forFighting: riorio, van_paulus, max, karl_hungus
Twisnibbins: HCS5QA, wemoon, tnickerson, sparco, spokes, givemashot, donto
Wild Hippos: Baowolf, AmbulanceDriver, Reno8, joemac3,
HCTC: DeputyDawg, mbmoran2, zipp1, runnerg1rl7, ACGRAY22, Betsy858

Winners: The following people are winners. Anyone who achieved more than 90% of their goals is a WINNER. Winners will add a signature line that says: “I am a WINNER. I won the November Challenge!”
Moscateers: Enders_Shadow, 1stTimeTri, ell-in-or
Vigilantes: DeannaS, Chrisrunzs26, Medusa_Ann
Turkey Terrors: Artemis, TriChica
5forFighting: naners, antti_asu, Pulch, charge4brendan, rzzqb8, bhoover1, dgillen
Twisnibbins: Yoganerd, legrand, geauxtri, D001, kns57
Wild Hippos: light_sabe_r, lyssa_gator, DTraub, owl_girl
HCTC: szbilicki

Attempters: The following people are attempters. Anyone who achieved between 80 – 90% of their goals is an Attempter. Attempters will add a signature line that says: “I did a great job on the November Challenge!”
Vigilantes: Irongirl39
Turkey Terrors: elektra, AddysDaddy, gygyhawk
5forFighting: madcat
Twisnibbins: barqhead, brynn
Wild Hippos: jasonbohn9
HCTC: TriAya

Nonwinners: The following people are nonwinners. Anyone who achieved less than 80% of their goals is a Nonwinner. Nonwinners will add a signature line that says: “I will train harder next month!”
Moscateers: MaryMosc13, Mosc57, comet_the_dog, hazmaster, 1for1, gidgetintraining, mosc26
Vigilantes: jessicacrouchrt, lawyerchick, fielding, cathyd, ScotinSeattle, Rmaldon240, somanygoals
Turkey Terrors: nccgrap, pipscweek, Atlantia
5forFighting: dcon, rkreuser, triOK
Twisnibbins: LastCall2003
Wild Hippos: kaqphin, RaytownPete, SoapQueen2, TRIFOR40, Bajapat, Nate21, JohnDeere, vida_nova
HCTC: Twins_momma, BunnyB, MrsUSMC, crabsrule, KLynne, gillyfev, SoFreshSoClean


The Teams were ranked by their number of Winners and Overachievers.
Percentage of the team that achieved at least 90% of their goals:

1. Twisnibbins: 12/15 = 80.0%
2. 5forFighting: 11/15 = 73.3%
3. Turkey Terrors: 7/13 = 53.8%
4. Wild Hippos: 8/17 = 47.1%
5. HCTC: 7/15 = 46.7%
6. Moscateers: 5/12 = 41.7%
7. Vigilantes: 5/13 = 38.5%

Therefore, the TEAM WINNER of the November Challenge for Goal Achievement (and post count) is:

Congratulations to everyone who worked hard this past month, especially those who acheived their goals. And congratulations to Twisnibbins, for taking the Team Victory.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the November Challenge! Hopefully, you found the experience both enjoyable and motivational.
- Dee

Edited by D001 2007-12-02 6:47 PM

2007-12-02 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Thanks Dee!! "I will try harder next month" (or Dee my team captain will kick my behind!)
2007-12-02 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Oh and Ya i met all my goals.
Bike goal 225 actual 300
Run 65 actual 83
Weights 5 hours actual 5.5 hours
Wt loss 4 pounds actual 6.

I'll catch ya'll on the challenges. Off to my tri next weekend.
2007-12-02 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1079646

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
kaqphin - 2007-12-02 7:52 PM

Thanks Dee!! "I will try harder next month" (or Dee my team captain will kick my behind!)

You will not "try harder." You will "DO IT."

(Hear that, Bajapat? She's doing METERS, too.)


NoWhining.jpg (14KB - 48 downloads)
2007-12-02 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1079652

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

D001 - 2007-12-03 11:56 AM
kaqphin - 2007-12-02 7:52 PM Thanks Dee!! "I will try harder next month" (or Dee my team captain will kick my behind!)
You will not "try harder." You will "DO IT." (Hear that, Bajapat? She's doing METERS, too.)

Ummm.... but yuo said I had to say WILL not DO

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