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2008-10-26 3:14 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Good luck today, Tracey!  (Your Flames beat up on my Preds the other nite!)

There are a couple of 5ks that I'll run this winter.  There is one on Thanksgiving morning, one in early December and another one in early February.  Might could find one in Jan.  I'd like to do a half mary in late April here in Nashville.

I'll start a BT 3x week swim focus plan for Nov/Dec, with some biking and running in there too.  The swim is my weakness and I want to work on it over the winter.  In later Jan or Feb, I'll start a BT 26 week intermediate sprint plan.

My 1st tri isn't until Memorial Day (late May) of next year.  I feel the "withdrawels" too!

2008-10-26 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Tracy - hope you had a great race!!

Terry - glad to see you alrady have a plan figured out + get to keep racing during the winter.  Lucky guy.

I'm leaning towards a bike intensive training plan for the next few weeks, but I also want to get back in the water, aaaaannd not lose anything I gained on the run this year.  So at the moment I'm trying to figure out to fit it all in.

2008-10-27 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

So it's official. I'm a looser!

I just came back from the gym where I was running on the treadmill. Here I am runing and listening to my iPod when I notice that the guy beside me is finished. He has a stand-up oscillating fan in front of his treadmill so I thought I'd move it so that it's in front of me. I get off the treadmill, ask him if he minds me moving the fan and move it in front of me. Awesome, now I won't be so hot.

I get back in front of the treamill and put my right foot down and zip! The belt's still running! I go flying backwards, landing on my elbows on the belt and zip! go flying again. Hahaha. Such a looser! Next time, paying attention or stopping the belt would be a good idea.


2008-10-27 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Trying to think of something to make you feel better....but I can't.  That's just funny.
2008-10-27 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1768060

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

There is nothing to make me feel better. It must have been damn funny to see. I could tell that the guy on the other side of me was torn between concern, making sure I was okay and doubling over in laughter.

I'm pretty sore now. Well, it's one for the books that's for sure

2008-10-27 3:04 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Caius - No worries! I tend to be a bit accident prone and my wife generally breaks out in laughter everytime I do something like that! You get used to it. I hate it when I come to an intersection on my bike and forget to unclip my shoes. It usually happens when I'm right next to someone!

2008-10-28 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1768146

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Here's a story for all of you, especially you Caius!  My 8 year old son got chewing gum (a little bit) stuck to the back of his neck on Saturday.  Let's just say that he will probably never be one of those people who is in to body waxing.  I had to help him get the gum off his skin.

My 10K went well - I didnt' do a full report as it turned out to be a 10.3K.  They changed the course either the day before or the day of the race.  I don't like those kinds of surprises!  It was a sunny, cool fall day and a flat course.  I enjoyed it and felt strong.  Only negative was I developed blisters almost immediately from my orthotics.  Weird, although I did change from Yankz to regular laces on Saturday night.  Not smart, I suppose.  Time was 59:12 for 10.3 km.  I'm still happy to finish under an hour, especially as it was more than 10K.  And good to know I can run 10K as it is the starting point for my marathon training in January.

Have a great day everyone! 


2008-10-29 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Nice job Tracy.  I've only had blisters develop once (that I actually felt while running) and it wasn't pleasant.  Nice job on coming in under an hour!
2008-10-29 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Way to go Tracey!

Day 4 of ye olde sinus infection.  I get them about twice a year.  This one is intense.  Left the office early yesterday and stayed home today.  Doc called in antibiotics yesterday afternoon and I should be on the mend tomorrow morning.

2008-10-29 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1772804

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
I usually get a sinus infection once a year; usually in Jan/Feb. It is a nasty horrible thing and the only way I can get rid of it is with antibiotics. Hope you feel better soon!
2008-10-30 11:58 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Tracy - Great job on the 10k! Congrats on gearing up for the marathon training. How many days a week are you planning on running? I'm trying to fine to my program right now. Not enough days in the week to get everything done that I want to do!

Terry - Hope your feeling better by now! My wife is currently laid up in bed with a nasty sinus infection as well. I guess it's that time of year. Enjoy the new Triathlete issue while your laying low.

2008-10-30 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1775886

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Timmeh! - 2008-10-30 10:58 AM Tracy - Great job on the 10k! Congrats on gearing up for the marathon training. How many days a week are you planning on running? .
  Thanks for all the praise!  For marathon training I know if I run 5 days a week I will not make it to marathon day.  My legs will not be able to take it.  I think maximum 4 days per week running with swimming, occasional cycling (trainer) and a tiny bit of yoga if I can fit it in.
2008-10-31 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
I hear what you guys are saying.  I can't figure out how to fit everything in each week.  Ideally I'd like to to 3x each discipline but that makes 9 in 7 days, and doing two a days hasn't been possible up to this point (although I did manage it once this week).
2008-10-31 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1778073

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Guys, it's the off season. By all means continue to train, maintain or build your base but don't kill yourself trying to squeeze in too much at this time of the year. Your next A race probably isn't until June of next year at the earliest which is 8 months away.

First work on doing one-a-day. Every day. Consistently, over and over. Only once you've got that down would I worry about adding in a two-a-day once or twice a week. If you've got a busy home life and work, it's not an easy thing to do. You may be able to do it sometimes, or for a short period of time but it's pretty tought to maintain on a regular basis for a long period of time without feeling stressed out due to the time comitment.

Relax. Go eat some candy and chocolates and have a good run or bike tomorrow to burn it off. Happy Halloween.

2008-10-31 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1778112

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
caius - 2008-10-31 8:25 AM

p>Relax. Go eat some candy and chocolates and have a good run or bike tomorrow to burn it off. Happy Halloween.

Thanks for helping me keep this in perspective Caius!

It's 70 deg F here today, so I'm going out to pre-run off all of the chocolate I'm going to raid out of my kids' candy tonight!!!!

Happy Halloween everyone!
2008-11-02 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I hear what you're saying Caius - it's just difficult when I think about what I want to accomplish for next year and how far I need to go to get there.


2008-11-04 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1782394

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
GoFaster - 2008-11-02 9:01 PM

I hear what you're saying Caius - it's just difficult when I think about what I want to accomplish for next year and how far I need to go to get there.


All that, plus having worked so hard to get to this point, I don't want to go backwards at all.
2008-11-05 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Yeah, I hear you guys. I feel the same way. My next strech goal (and I mean strech) is to qualify for the ITU World Championships in the Olympic (first choice) or Spring (second choice) distance.  Realistically, I think that it will likely take me 2-3 years of work to get to that point. And like you, it took me 3 years of work to get to where I am today. Right of the couch, computer geek with 0 sport experience of any sort, ever. I don't want to repeat that again so I'm very concious of looking fitness and especially gainining weight back.

I guess all I'm trying to say is that we need to keep this sport/hobby of ours in check. Yes, go for the gold, strech and push your limits, grow, but realize that this is just a hobby which means keep it fun, put your family first, enjoy the rest of life that's out there - basically, what I'm saying is moderation.

Okay, we'll I'm off to do a nice tempo run

2008-11-05 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Keep it fun - I agree totally.  But I also know myself, and how competitive I can get about things.  Doesn't mean I'm that good in them, but I'm still competitive.  A few things I want to avoid:

1)  Don't want to burn out - if I push myself too far, too fast, I know this will be a recipe for disaster.  But again, I have trouble reining myself in sometimes.

2)  Dont' beat myself up or feel guilty for missing workouts.  Again, I'm not sure how to accomplish this.  I know that to improve you need to put in some time and dedication.  So how do you also allow youself to relax as well??

3)  Becoming too serious about Triathlon.  As Caius pointed out, this is just a hobby.  None of us in this group are going to be Pros, and I know I'll probably never stand on a race podium (unlike Terry Wink), and I'm fine with that.  I want to enjoy this, but still be competitive. 

I just need to figure out where the fine line is - and so far I haven't managed to do so.  Any further tips are appreciated.


2008-11-05 2:43 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I echo your sentiments completely! That fine line is something of a mystery to me right now. I definately need to exercise moderation or I will burn out and not have fun anymore. But even though I am a BOP to MOP'er I still need to feed the competitive side of me as well.

Caius, great advise! I will try to maintain some moderation and balance. Right now I think the best way for me to do that is to come up with a realistic training plan. That way when I start getting carried away, my preplanning should help keep me in check.

So, on the subject of training plans, I'll be starting a 20 week marathon plan in december. My question is, would one session each of swimming and biking be enough for "maintenance" in those disciplines while I'm focusing on the running? I plan 4 runs per week with 1 each of swimming and biking, for 6 days a week of training with one rest day. I'll probably try to throw a session of yoga in there as well, for some good stretching and core fitness.

2008-11-05 6:15 PM
in reply to: #1789991

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Hey everyone !

Well I am back after a bad case of the flu which landed me in the hospital for dehydration . It was short stay only a day but gave us all a good scare. I am on the mend now  but not back to 100% yet. Needless to say my workout schedule has been on hold until I feel better. We woke up to snow today ! Burrrr it's hard to face winter again it seems it just got over with, however I do plan to get cross country skies this weekend so I can enjoy being outside during the winter months. 

Hope everyone is doing fine !


2008-11-05 8:11 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Neil and Tim, just by having those thoughts about balance in mind and asking the questions that you did, tells me that you are both on the right track in terms of keeping things in perspective. We may not know how to balance things perfectly all the time, but we learn month by month. Sometimes we overdo it, sometimes we short change ourselves. We learn from all of that and adapt for the next time. I think that we get better over time to find that balance, that magic line. I was better at it in my third year of triathlon than the previous years and after the massive time commitment for IMLP this year I think I learned a lot which I will apply to next year. You guys sound like you have that perspective in mind which is more than half the battle.

Gloria, nice to have you back and sorry to hear about your flu. It's been a nasty fall for flus this year.

Oh yeah, Tim, I think that your one a week swim/bike is fine for the off season but I'm not sure about doing that for 20 weeks starting Dec. That will take you to March with just one swim a week. I'm not sure where swimming sits in terms of your strength (too lazy to check your RR now) but if its on the weeker side of things you may want to swim more than once per week; or at least up the frequency to 2-3 times a week by Feb.

Edited by caius 2008-11-05 8:14 PM
2008-11-06 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Hey Gloria!  Glad you are feeling better!

Tracey - My Preds are visiting Calgary tonite!

NTR here.  Finishing up an easy 5 or 6 weeks of "offseason."  My bronze expires today here on BT.  Trying to decide whether to pay the $50 for silver or just swim 3 times a week for the next 8 or 10 weeks (lighter on the biking and running).  The BT 20-week Oly plan I was on in late winter, spring last year really helped me in the sprint races.  That'll probably work as I'll just do sprints this year.

2008-11-06 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1792424

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
orange223 - 2008-11-06 1:20 PM

Tracey - My Preds are visiting Calgary tonite!

Preds? What's that?

2008-11-06 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1792695

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
caius - 2008-11-06 1:26 PM

p>Preds? What's that?

They are what "Red Wings" eat for dinner!
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